When you jump out of orbit

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you dunk a basketball so hard that you open up a portal to an alternate reality. It's Hoop World. I love that whoever stacked these boxes for me did it in the most unsafe manner possible. How wonderful. I got flip coins. Now, first day on the job. And not only do I get to break my neck by someone who doesn't know how to Tetris boxes correctly, but I have to jump off of a- Can I jump off of my head? Any time I see a trampoline, I need to know. Going for the head bounce. Oh, yeah. Big flip. Ow! I can catch on fire too. I do like that. I can do a belly flop, big slam and the backboard shatters. I like that. Okay. The fact that the backboard just shatters and vomits into the glass all over my floor So now- Oh, so I'm dunking across two different basketball courts now. I love how the police are just watching Vin Diesel over here do his donuts. They're like, "We don't actually want to arrest him. We just want to watch this. This is kind of amazing." Alright, we're going for the most flips, I guess. So, flip number one, off the face. Flip number two, off the feet. Oh, there's another one off the feet again. How many flips do I have to do? Ow! I'm pretty sure I broke something very important right around here because he's clutching his groin violently. In case anyone's wondering what I'm talking about. It is pelvis. Come on, people. Alright, did I go for too many flips? I really don't know. Okay. Uh huh. All right. Land on the feet. Maybe that means something. Boom! I like that you have this person, like, skidding out their car over here, and then you have a kid that is dunking 600 feet in the air . The police don't- This must be a great town to live in. What is this? Oh, I do get to open up a portal to a different dimension. *laughter* Wormhole! Oh, absolutely. Get ready. We're going in! Oh my God! *laughter* Where do you end up at? What planet is this? Oh, my character actually, like, glitching violently. This is- Oh, my God! Okay, jump. Do I have to, like, land on this? There. Oh you have to flip? Yes!!!! Ready? Yeeeeet! Big flip!!! UNGH! Where am I dunking this? Oh, I just need to land back inside the car. Okay. Feet first. Sweet. Big back flips. No, I broke my neck! Hold on, we got to try this again. I got to get this. Back into the Dunk-a-coaster. All right, let's try this again. Alright, big flip. We're gonna get all the way through this here, so I have to play a little bit easy. One, two, three. Bounce it. Big. Jump. Land. Okay. I kind of thought. I thought I was going to eat that, but it's fine. Couple of back flips. Beautiful. Landing. Biiiiiiiiig!!! I like how he just gets rid of the roller coaster thing and just let's it go. He's like, "I don't need it anymore." All right, inside. Okay, so the dunk is way behind me. Okay, that's a real quick flip around the loop. Another quick back flip. Whoa!! I almost went off the tracks there. This is like the most unsafe roller coaster anyone has ever made. Here we goooooooo!!!! Bammmmm!!!! Way to put some- Look at- By the way, look at this. The roller coaster that I jumped off of is still just like randomly poltergeist. So now I have to jump into Vin Diesel. Are there more cops here? I feel like there's more cops here than there was before. Wait, I need to know if I get run over if I lay here. *laughter* Here it comes- *laughter* Sweet. I should be honored to be- Is there no one driving that car? I just noticed there's no one in there. It's like Christine the car. There's the dunk. Okay, now he can eat my glass. *pained groaning* I love that I'm still dancing like I'm a winner. Okay, so now I'm going to dunk off of- Off of the police cars. No big deal. That was an easy one. See, after all I've been through, all I needed was two flips. All right, here we go. We're going back into the portal. We're going to- Oh my God!!! Ahhhhh!!!! It's like a bombing run from World War One. I think the best part about this is all the different pilots would be like, what is he wearing on his head? The fact that I'm just dunking on them really doesn't mean that much. Alright, so now this one looks pretty easy. Nice little flip here off the head. Big dunk. So now I have to go down a water slide. Here we go, and... Oh, let's try that again. Do I have to, like, land on my feet or- Oh I can kind of, like, lean forward. There you go. Oh, it didn't go in. I'm surprised it counted at all. I just bent the hoop- This doesn't look safe. Am I jumping into a helicopter? Because it looks like I'm jumping- I almost got scalped by the helicopter. Oh, I break the backboard and break the wood planks holding the backboard. So now we've got the double. All right, so keep flipping. Keep flipping, keep flipping. We've got fever. Oh, no. I'm rolling on my head. Okay. Fever's on land. Slam it. Oh, my God. Whenever I can't see, like, the floor. Actually, that's kind of awesome. Oh. Oh, there we go. Oh, that count is a flip. That's kind of cool. Give me the fire. Give me the fire. Give me the fire. Give me the fire. I just. Oh, I fell through the planet. I took out some old lady's plants, and I fell through the planet. All right, here we go. I want that. I want that fire. I'm going to go ahead and eat that count. Never mind. I got extra flips there. One, two. Okay, there we go! Boom! Now, this poor lady has to clean up, and I can't let go, otherwise I'll break my legs. But now the poor lady down here has to clean up all this broken glass in front of her house. What do I do now? I don't know. What is this? Just want to close it. I got a job. Oh, I have to go through them. Okay. I was like, What am I jumping off of? Come on, we've got to get the fever. Owww.... The sounds of my bones breaking just kind of sounds Don't ask me why that just- That's just what it reminds me of, okay? Is this a double portal? He's still down there. How does he have any gas left? All right, so first portal? Oh, my God! There's, like, jellyfish! What a cool dimension. Okay. I'm going for all the flips. Oh, yeah. Oh, 14, 15. Grrrr!!!! Almost rips my arms off my body. Oh, you needed 13 flips to pass that level, too. That was serious. Okay, so now there's another portal way over there. So we're going to do big jump, multiple flips. Am I gonna- Am I gonna, like- Oh, I was going to say I was wondering if I was going to land inside of a different time period. I've gone way back in the past and need to go way into the future now. All right. This one I like how it you know, it keeps you grounded. So this one's really. Oh, never mind. It's not so easy. I am climbing a building. I thought it was just going to be one single trampoline. Okay, there. That's all the flips I need. And through the hole in the- Through the hole in the fire escape. Why would anyone put that there? That's got to be like a grievous violation of fire safety. All right. We're going to get our 13 and then. Oh, hold on. I got to- How did that miss it? Oh, yeah. Oh, this is looking like a good run. Mmmmm... Got to make sure those neck muscles are taught. Otherwise- Otherwise you kind of break your neck on the way down. There's the dunk!!! Again, my arms almost glitched off of my body. All right, so we're going into another wormhole here. It looks like possibly a double. Annnnnnd don't get killed by Vin Diesel. Over the helicopter! I'm inside!!! Does that count? It counted. Yeah. I have injured very important parts of my body right now. I love that my headphones are still on. Also, did you notice that the basketball vomits out confetti? Okay. Oh, they. They're finally towing away the police car. What did the police car break down before Vin Diesel's car did? Huh? I'm so used to having such an incredible like dunk-a-thon To just only do one dunk feels really weird. All right, level 20. Oh, yeah. Here we go. I love slide boards. There's, like, sweet rave parties going on below me. Why? Okay, four, five, six. Come on, baby, I need 14. I am doing this all over the planet. Yeahhhhhh!!!! I'm going for more. Oh, come on. My head is in the ground. It is actually inside of the concrete. This game has now just become me trying to find out odd and unusual ways to hurt myself. Okay. Four flips. Five flips. So you need 14 to even be allowed to pass to 11. 12. Come on, there's my 14. Oh, I'm not even close. I have to get more distance. I am really good at burying my head into this asphalt. All right. How am I going to get more space? I need, like, more speed or something. Okay. That looks. Nine, ten, eleven. Ungh! THere. No. Look at that. All right, I got to go on my back to front. Off the feet. There we go. That's way extra height. Yeahhhhh!!! On the feet. That's how you get that extra height. The old don't get murdered by the helicopter challenge. No problem. Feet. We need 14 flips for this. Feet. Okay, so far so- Oh, my God! Talk about timing. Oh, no! Noooo.... I didn't land good enough. I love that. I'm just laying in the middle of the- Of the road, too. Like, no one tries to help me. Pick me up, maybe. Really anything. AIright, get a good amount of height and you want this on your feet. That was kind of my knees, but still counts. See, there was these benches were put up here specifically to watch me destroy backboards, although no one felt it was interesting enough to actually be here and sit down. Okay, so this is only two dunks because the backboard is just sitting on the back of a helicopter. Oh, the helicopter is going down with me in it. Ahhhh!!! Help! I just crashed like a multimillion dollar piece of equipment. All right, so we've got at least ten flips, and we have a portal, which is good. Go ahead. Banked this forward and where we come- Oh, wow. Big slide from the top rope. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Nothing but- Ow! Nothing but pain. I think I lost most of my teeth. Right. Good speed. There we go. You want enough distance for this and lean into it. You figure with all these coins, I might be able to finally, like, buy myself another shirt or something. Now, this is interesting. This is how we play basketball in Florida. See, all of the actual basketball course is just made out of water. Easy, I say, as I completely missed the- I totally didn't dunk it and the game's like, "Eh, it's good enough." Okay, so now it's a little bit higher. Oh, it's only one flip I need. Okay, so- How did you not get enough distance there? There we go. Okay, so now... Jump. Land it and eat it. Go ahead and scorpion my back, Final Destination style. There's the two flips. Okay. So now there is a trampoline into the- Oh, and you destroy the backboard, but it blows up because it's wooden. That's right down here in Florida, all of our backboards are made of wood, which would be a terrible idea because they would just get mildewed all the time. All right. Get a little higher. Gotta do four, now. Uh-huh. Easy explosion dunk. The game doesn't even want me to bury the ball anymore. It just wants me to blow up the backboard. Okay, so now two portals. Okay, first portal. Oh, what did that do? I don't even know where that portal went. Did it just, like, bring me backwards? Now from the- From the light fixture. Boom. Okay, off the back, like, literally off of my back. Ahhhhh! Ah! Ah! It's got a mind of its own! Oh, God. This must be an Australian basketball hoop, huh? It's a- it's a vicious beast. I love that. Eventually it gets to the point where the basketball hoops literally have minds of their own. Ahhhh! No, the car is leaving! Oh, I love bananas. All right, so this one looks easy. It's just a simple, simple jump. Simple flip. And I just ostrich-ed Buried my head in the sand. Although by, like, burying my head, I also, you know, paralyzed myself. Oh, I'm on the kids playground. That was kind of awesome. All right, straight into a portal. Looking good. Okay. Wow. Okay. That you raise, like, terminal velocity. All right, so jump. One, two, three. Oh, okay. So we've got to lean super far forward. There it is. 11 flips. One. Well, you know, five. But the first trampoline, I should say, oh, you can just barely get 11, too. There we go. Am I, like flipping into a yacht yet? 12 flips?!? Oh! Whoa! Oh, my God. Okay, the- The- The- water slides are getting kind of insane here. Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm going for all the flips. Ohhhhhh!!! Alright, we're going to land. Stomach first. Big speed. Okay. Going to do it again. Stomach first, big speed. Many, many flips. And bring it on down. There it is. I have dunked from the four corners of the world. Oh, I'm now dunking from a beach ball. That's actually kind of cool. I love how there's just like a random castle on this island. Oh, yeah, triple prop. There it is. Now he can clean glass out of the- Are we going to drive right up into the... Yep, just right onto the beach. I love that we just burned like 40 gallons of gas going 30 feet. And easy dunk- Is that a dead body??? Is that what happened to the last person that tried to make this dunk? I'm standing on a palm frond. In case anyone's wondering, palm fronds are not strong enough to just hold an entire human body like it's no big deal. That is not how palm frond physics works. All right, so we've got four. Oh, wow. Oh, it like it changes my trajectory. I wasn't ready for that. Okay, so jump. One, two, three, four. Got it. Okay. And now I'm stuck up here. I don't really know how to get down. Big slide, big slide. Stomach first. Always go stomach first if you can. And the ramp over the palm tree. I'm actually surprised nothing's getting set on fire. Like there's a lot of wood here and that's a flaming basketball. But all the palm trees and stuff, I don't know, maybe they're waterlogged. I can actually see where this portal goes. You jump through here, onto here and then- Okay, so easy. One, two, and the third one, and I get my chest full of gold doubloons. All right? Apparently, now I'm just leaving Earth a raft, here. I am. Yep. I'm just leaving. I'm outta here! Later guys! I'm on the raft! Ah, yes, dunking in nature. Look at how serene... Is that vomit on the ground? It looks like vomit on the ground. Who's been vomiting inside of nature? What has been going on here? I'm not gonna lie, nature's just kind of a violent place. Nature's also very glitchy. Oh, God. Nature just does whatever it wants. Into nature's portal. Oh, I'm in, like, the Alps or something. Whoa! Oh, I can still do flips on this thing. That's actually kind of cool- Oh, I fell off it! I just got ejected- There's a bear down here! I have to dunk on a grizzly bear?!? That's metal! I love that you can also go flying off of the the actual part of the, uh, the ramp there. Okay, fever and dunk on the bear. Suck on that yogi! Man, how many- How, like, how many more places do I have to dunk in? This is incredible! Alright, I'm going to go back first. Okay, back first. I don't know if this is enough distance- Totally enough distance. Now I'm actually putting wood on the fire. I'm putting that basketball on the fire, too. Getting kind of cold out here. Got to do eight flips. like dunking on top of some penguins soon or something? All right. We've got a bigger slide now, because why wouldn't you? Uh huh. Three, four, five. Okay, I need nine. So I got to get all my flips here. All my flips got enough of them. This is how I keep myself warm by setting every basketball hoop I come across on fire. Now we're actually going to be dunking on, like, icebergs. Oh, there is penguins. I am going to dunk on penguins. Oh, there's a killer whale there, too! Oh, yeah! Oh, we're dunking on Mother Nature. Mother Nature is getting dunked on big time. Mother Nature. I love that all of these penguins are, like, happy feeding together. Look at them, dance and sing. It's all in unison. They're doing the dancing and the singing because they actually can't leave their little icebergs. Because if they do, they're going to get eaten. All right. Dunking across the entire Arctic Circle now. I don't- Is there- Is there- Are jellyfish in the frozen water? Oh, there's a very violent shark down there, too, just eating everything. Eh, this looks safe. Am I dunking underwater? Oh, I am! I'm dunking underwater! It's super slow. Even the starfish is like, what is going on? All right, five flips. Got a little portal? No, no big deal. Not a big portal. Juuuuuust a little portal. There we go. You can just ease that dunk in there. I was bowled 16 flips. Okay, six. Like there doesn't look like there's a lot of space. The penguin land is right there. It's not very far away. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, we're going to get it. We're going to get it big time Annnnnnnd dunk on the penguins!!! The penguins are like, "Yay! We've been dunked on! We're so happy!" That's a giant penguin. Like, I know there's emperor penguins or whatever, but this penguin is like eight foot tall. This penguin could dunk without jumping 100%. I could teach this penguin how to play basketball. We would both be millionaires. Alright, six flips. So off the feet. And we are- We are now dunking at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, no, there's a cave. Well, I thought we were on the bottom of, like, the Mariana Trench or something like that, but, no. Just- Just a normal cave. No big deal. No big deal. Ah! Oh! Whoa! Spiders almost tried to rip my legs off. You can't have my legs, spiders! I'm using those. Like, literally, I am using those. I didn't think I would get that dunk- I broke the stalactite off of- Oh wait, stalagtite... Stalagmite Still, I might know select tight weight. Wait, do you- Do you- Might you stub your toe or is it stalactite you stub your toe? I don't remember. Oh, wow, I forgot. Is that a drag. It, it. Oh, I'm dunking on dragons! Which is... This, like, went straight D&D up in here. It doesn't make any sense anymore. Dunk on the dragon! All right, now I am dunking on the Dragons treasure trove. Eeeeeexcellent. There. Now you've got something- Oh, he's- He's annoyed. He's burning me alive. But it doesn't matter. I'm like part- I'm like 3/5 fire because I burn everything I touch. Like all these different backboards, all of the- Oh, we're leaving. We're leaving the dragon's lair. All the backboards, all the basketballs. They're always on fire, baby. Oh, my God! Here we go. Oh, we're going, like, backwards! Whooooooaaaaaa!!! Luckily, my guy knew to kind of tuck and curl there. Alright, and on the top of a giant castle! It would be amazing if this is all, like, gunpowder barrels. Like, they all just explode when I'm up here. Dunking from the top of the castle!!! Oh, it opened up the front gate. Now the enemy forces can siege this place. God, another portal. Oh, there's a snowmobile. That looks sweet. Okay, onto the stomach. I kind of want to see if I can get- Hold on. Let me see if I can get another flip here. Oh, I don't want to- I can fly off every once in a while, too. Oh, it's on the snowmobile. Yeahhhhh! Go snowmobile!!! With a jump. *laughter* Sorry Frosty! Frosty's like, "I hope you got insurance." Okay, so now we're gonna- Now we're dunking on a ski lift. There we go. Am I in like a Ren Faire now? I think I've gone back in time even further than I had previously. Like, those are trebuchets, or whatever they are. Mangonels or... Can't really remember exactly what they're called. Hello, milords. Don't mind me. I have a tendency to go through history dunking. Am I, like, eventually going to get the princess or something, or.... I do appreciate that they went through the trouble of setting up hoops- Whoa!!! Oh, I do like that they went to the trouble of setting up the hoops for me all through history. All right. Through the portal and, oh, into the top of the siege tower. Alright, portal. Is that a dead dude? Like, just below us? I'm pretty sure there was a dead body laying on the ground with a bunch of arrows in it. See this right here? Even in medieval times, they had giant water slides. Sweet! I've already got the fever. So now I'm going to set your whole church on fire, I guess. Whatever this is with the, uh... With the bell, maybe it's town square or, like, a town hall, I should say. 17 flips. I have to dodge cannon fire! Are you kidding me?!? I never thought that basketball would be so violent. Okay. Yeah, your son didn't make it. He got hit by a cannonball while playing basketball. My mom would probably be like, yeah, they both have ball in the title. It makes sense. Alright. Let's portal this. And a big jump. Whoa! Another portal. Top of the castle. King Arthur set this up for us- Noooooo!!! That was like a big set up from the leige. The leige of the city. Huh, you have to dunk very- Okay. So I think what I have to do is kind of dunk at an angle kind of backwards because I lean forward into the dunk and it just ends up breaking my arms. So how about if we dunk from, like, here? Nope. All right. I'm going to try a new- A new thing here. We're going to do the full, lean dunk. Full, lean! Nope! All right. How about if I..... Okay. I was right there. I'm so close. This one's actually kind of hard. All right, I'm going to land on my head off of this. This way, we don't get as much like height. I just flipped through the entire planet. I fell through the- I fell through the board. Yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Yea- What is going on? What is happening??? Ahhh! The backboard's trying to eat me! After all this time, the basketball hoops are fighting back, finally. Trying to devour my soul!!! when Mel Bay. Jam. It is actually a windmill this time, too. I don't know if I'll have enough distance for this. Nope. Totally have enough distance. Sorry for breaking your gigantic statue. Are we doing a backwards? Oh, Al, I feel like leaving your study outside of the castle. Like, wouldn't the weather just destroy all the books and stuff? Well, now we are sliding through a portal back- Oh no! Oh no! Oh No! Not through the planet again! Let's try that again. Only this time without falling through the plane of reality. Nope. Fell through the plane of reality. I mean, I know I said I would leave reality, but I didn't expect to leave it quite so easily. All right. And big jump. Got to get our- Got to get our fever. There it is. Perfect. Now we're back. Flipping off of the entirety of the castle. Right on the feet. Oh, into a front flip. That was- That's actually a little bit harder because you have to do it backwards. So lean. Landed on the feet. Then we're going to- Right about here. Yeahhhhhh!!! Oh, yeah. 11 flips. No big deal. Therrrrre it is. I'm on fire. I'm eating the wood grain planks. All right, let's try and hit this directly on our feet. Right. Like that. That's what you want to see. What is this???? Oh my God! It was just the limitless- Whooooaaaaa!!!!! I was going to say, it's just limitless trampolines. That is not how gravity works. I lost all my momentum and the game was like, here, have some momentum for freeeee! Whooooaaaaaa!!! Ow! Ahhhhh!!!! Let's try that again. Ohhhhhh!!! My lower back. There it is. I was going to say that is all about timing. Through the portal to the top of the bell tower. Through the glass!!! That's what I think of your stained glass window. My God, this is like an animal's worst nightmare. They're just all over the walls. I never thought I would travel this far. I just went through a trapdoor. I am- I am now dunking inside of the royal dungeon at this point. Because you know what? Why not? Am I going to unlock, like, an advanced class? Am I going to become a Paladin dunker or something? I don't know what that is, but it's pretty big. I love that even- Oh, I'm going into its mouth! Sweet! Yesss! Through the dragon's digestive tract. Boom! Shakalaka. Gotta kill all the orcs and the goblins and the bugbears and all there have you now. Because I guess that's where I am. I'm, like, in their encampment. Whoa!!! All right, another portal. Okay, onto a- Onto a trampoline and onto a slide and do a couple flips here. We're already at nine. That's pretty good. I get all ten. 11. Easy jump. Smash it home. Scrolls, along with King Arthur's crown. Now we're backflipping through another portal. Whoa! Where am I now? Am I still in medieval times? I can't tell. All right, another portal. This is a ten flipper here. Yeah, we're going around the flag of the empire. Biiiiiiiiiiiig jump. Okay, land on the back. Then through the bell tower. More gigantic air. Oh, it is at the stable. It is at the steeple! The tower!!! And finally, we have gone back to the beginning. Well, I didn't dunk one reality. I dunked like 50 realities. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Hoop World. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love!
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,107,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, hoop world, new mobile game, mobile game, when you jump out of orbit, jumping game, new
Id: ldpadKCuEEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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