Everything Wrong With Iron Man 2 In 6 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] Looby starts with tony's press conference from the end of the first movie but it's different in several spots a suit that conveniently appeared despite the fact that you sort they despise body right yes what news conference would cut away to a shot of all the reporters listening to Tony Stark during the middle of it all so don't quite remember there being a camera pointed away from Tony during the press conference Mickey Rourke looks older than the guy playing his sick and dying dad go toe to toe with me on subpar days I'm actually quite beatable Tony changes clothes between the stage and backstage a hush went over the crowd at Rody's alarming weight loss in substantial plastic surgery work since his last public appearance I believe that's North Korea see Transformers Iron Man knows what kind of threat North Korea is the c-span YouTube channel misspelled the word capital in the title of the video also 1.8 million views but only 10 ratings that's clearly a case of someone buying views right that view count is totally artificially inflated there's only about 11 things I really need to talk damn if she only had 990 more Starks mirror image doesn't match the real Starks movements I'm pretty sure that the Monaco Grand Prix track officials would not allow him to drive this car for any reason despite Tony being in love with her and her being the CEO and you know a woman happy still inexplicably takes pepper with him on his car trips straight to where the fighting is happening this is a pretty suicidal way to bring Tony his suit you know these guys are driving 220 miles per hour in the opposite direction right also once a guy gets on the track throwing around lightning whips don't you think these drivers would be told to stop the race so wait Ivan's plan was to use his whips at the Monaco Grand Prix because he somehow knew Tony Stark was gonna replace his driver at the last minute Vanko can hit his target when it's a race car going 200 miles an hour but not when his targets are stationary and right in front of him it's also nice of Vanko to wait patiently and not kill anyone with its whip while this portable Iron Man suit takes several seconds to attach itself to Stark well good glad the crs crew is here now wait couldn't one of them have shot this guy sooner you could double up your rotations energy through ionized plasma channels this effective sure just tell the bad guy how to kill you better next time why isn't this guard already trying to beat Ivan to a pulp right now for not being in his cell I guess no one will ask questions about where this prisoner went and why there was a dead guard in the middle of the jail when I wrap up the case of Ivan's mysterious death why didn't the dirty guards let Ivan know what the plan was before he started stupidly walking around the jail with no clue is Jarvis assisting both of these guys or just stark who does Rhodey talk to inside his suit two metal men in a boxing ring and not one Rock'em Sock'em robots reference I mean the filmmakers aren't taking this movie seriously so have they missed that [Music] Howard Stark is a madman there's a little bit of Roger Sterling in this guy I wonder if Howard Stark was also banging Joan okay I'm done no more people are relying on you to be Iron Man and you disappeared and couldn't have said it better myself we came to see Iron Man and what we get is too short action scenes one big finale and tons of masturbatory Avengers references that for almost 20 years new school well you said earlier he was cold and distant and didn't have time for you so I doubt he was ever schooling you unless you mean literally taking you to school isn't talking about a guy whose happiness day was when he shipped me off to boarding school why does this beam of unexplained makeup burn through concrete and steel but not the cables just to the left of this triangle holding thing why does Vanko keep zipping and unzipping his switcher throughout this scene Tony mutes the call with Vanko so he can talk to jarvis without Vanko hearing but then carries on talking to both of them without using the mute button anymore master now assemble the suit while you're at it together in the first movie it took five hours for a suit to be assembled even if Tony has gotten much more efficient the second movie makes it feel like he can just print out suits in mere minutes movie shrugs at shoulders about all the people who surely died from falling shards of glass couldn't roads just have said my suit his target locked on you without being coy no one gets hurt or killed when the world-class ammunition breaks through the observatory tower glass this drone manages to crash land without hitting one person in a large crowd of people Ironman takes a sweet-ass time saving this kid who might be blown to bits in a second why would Banquo take control of Rhodey suit but still leave him able to talk to Stark on the comm you're just now thinking of this car does not include driver's side lap damp drone 303 shot down here and then the tracking system indicates exactly here that it gets shot down and oh yeah drone 305 was destroyed at some point - how was this guy planning to attack Natasha was he hoping to catch her by surprise by hiding in this closed doorway and plain view how was Romanoff able to read Starks vitals from bancos computer even though Tony says the drones will arrive any second he and roads still waste 15 seconds bickering about who should stand where why doesn't Vanko just have all the drones fire all the missiles as soon as they land instead of dramatically pausing for several tense seconds couldn't Tony just have done this in the first place no I think you should lead with that next time yeah no it's a one-off yeah that's funny Tony that was the one time to use it face when you surrounded okay so the first Iron Man movie had some bad guy making his own Iron Man suit and then the climax is a big Iron Man versus Iron Man Thing the second movie has a bad guy making his own Iron Man suit and then the climax is a big Iron Man versus an Iron Man today if the Mandarin has his own Iron Man suit and Iron Man 3 they'll have the trifecta okay so any sensible person would have taken off flying the very second bancos chess piece started blinking red but instead Iron Man and Rhodey have to pause and then have a chat about it also a Vanko so smartest to set up a failsafe measure in the self-destruct thing and why is he so dumb as to set it on a 30-second delay giving Tony and Rhodes plenty of time to get away look I know the last time Tony saw pepper was right here and then the building is evacuated and then she tells this cop she's gonna stay but Tony doesn't know that so how does he know to fly to this exact place to save her at the last minute I heard dog you should get lost I was here first I was here first heard the whole thing this is a random roof in the middle of Queens if it's not the bird I mean this is it this is a gorgeous bird I like you I got you the bird hey there is Birdman I know you like the bird is that your bird you love that first actually you know what take the bird [Music] to stuff how's that make you feel [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 6,733,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man 2 movie, movie sins, cinemasins, cinema sins, iron man 2 movie sins, wave jockey job, iron man 2, everything wrong with, iron man 2 review, iron man 2 mistakes, iron man 2 sins, iron man 2 sucks, iron man 2 problems
Id: E3IzRqY2ko4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2013
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