Jujutsu Kaisen Is Peak Shounen Anime

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there's never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battle anime and manga and by the same token there has never been a better shonen battle anime or manga than jujutsu kaizen this is it the pinnacle peak shonen i know that's a lofty claim but if you'll give me a minute or 40 i promise you that you will be convinced to at least consider the possibility that it's true let's get the obvious praise out of the way up front this show's production values are nuclear dynamite sunghoo park's flowing amv-esque action direction was enough by itself to make god of high school a low 8 out of 10 when the rest of god of high school was like a 4 out of 10. and with karekano yuri on ice and parasite the maxim's tadashi hiramatsu handling character design and animation direction duties with a huge team of new and old animation talent providing kopius sakuga in a wide variety of styles jujutsu kaizen is somehow even more impressive to look at this is one punch man tier straight up and it sounds just as impressive thanks to wonder egg priority audio director akiko fujita not to mention an equally impressive stable of voice actors and musical talent it's not just the ops and eds that are banging every single backing and insert track in this anime is fire oh and the whole ost is up on spotify as of this week in case you're interested which i know you are speaking of the eds though if you liked the first one's little fashion show or my little video on fashion shonen you might be interested in today's sponsor otsuko.com basement some of you had very nice things to say about the yu yu hakusho tea i wore in my jojo part 6 hype video and i got that shirt from otsco long before they ever contacted me actually i just saw it at their anime expo booth two years ago and simply had to have it and i'm pretty sure once you visit their site something there is gonna have the same effect on you maybe this vegeta batman face mask look at it it's glorious and how about this remt or this father in the homunculi long sleeve and god damn just look at that mob psycho jersey or the bebop one also literally everything in the gundam and ava collections okay you got me i'm just using this ad spot to write a personal shopping list can you blame me though i don't even have any discounts to offer you guys but i'm confident these clothes will speak for themselves it's so nice not having to choose between being nerdy and being fashion if you want to thank me for pointing you in their direction just click the link in the doobly-doo or go to otsko.com basement before you start loading up your cart and a portion of your purchase will go towards supporting this channel back to what i was saying about the sound design if you're lucky enough to have a home theater set up jujutsu kaizen is a must watch anime and even if you're not i'd argue it still is because hiroshi seko's sublime adaptational script writing makes its story sing which leads to the most important point in jujutsu kaizen's favor which is of course that the manga all of this is built on is a goddamn masterpiece unto itself gege akutami ranks up there with oda togashi toriyama araki fujimoto and kenshin's hatsune miku as one of the greatest writer artists to ever grace the pages of shonen jump a true master of his medium who understands the strengths and limitations of the shonen battle manga format as well as anyone out there and uses that knowledge to tell his story with near unrivaled efficiency he's not the only mangaka with that skill set working at jump today far from it that's precisely the reason there's never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battles well that and the anime industry's recent shift to adapting these manga seasonally rather than weekly this entire genre dating back to fist of the north star and dragon ball is built on iteration dragon ball itself was just the latest and most exciting iteration in a centuries-long line of east asian writers riffing on journey to the west and of course toriyama was as influenced by earlier mangaka particularly osamu tezuka as later creators would be influenced by him contemporaries like togashi and araki almost immediately went to work refining the dragon ball and hokutono ken templates into better and better manga but things really popped off toward the end of the millennium after the ideas they'd floated into the sea of pop culture had had time to properly percolate and a new generation of artists who'd grown up figuring out what did and didn't work about those classics burst onto the scene to create the big three and after the world had another decade to digest those it spat forth one punch man and attack on titan and now the likes of gotouge fujimoto and akutami are here to build on that groundwork demon slayer is probably the purest instance of this principle in action as many have remarked before very little about its actual plot is all that remarkable but it hits the beats laid out by its predecessors with marvelous timing to create a near flawless retelling of the archetypal shown in battle legend embellishing it only slightly with gorgeously flowing artwork touchingly empathetic character writing and the perfect emote there's a reason it's the biggest name in the genre today not since kishimoto and toriyama before him has a mangaka been this good at giving the people exactly what they want and on top of that it's filler-free jujutsu kaizen is all that in a bag of existential dread except that instead of giving you what it knows you want it uses that knowledge to bait you then twists what you wanted into something horrifyingly different just to hurt you and then somehow it's always better than what you asked for in the end it moves as quickly from battle to battle as demon slayer does but instead of condensing the entire life of its hero to an improbably tight sequence of perfectly escalating boss fights jujutsu kaizen simply uses time skips to cut out all the mundane life slices between the bits we're actually here for so we're always either getting to or living through the next big important fight but the spaces between those moments don't go unused the series fills them with mysteries and off-screen schemes setting up present and future plot points so that when it's time for the plot and fights to go which is almost always they can just go and none of this feels like haphazard retconning because the seeds for what happens in those gaps are always planted in the arcs preceding them akutami has clearly studied the road maps of many all-time great shonen manga careful to note every speed bump plot hole and block they hit in their journeys as well as every perfect racing line they manage to find along the way the kyoto sister school goodwill event is a prime example of his ability to repurpose and improve upon storylines on one level it serves roughly the same function as naruto's tuning exams or the unforeseen simulation joint arc of hiroaka allowing the extended cast of nakama and future nakama to flex their fighting skills and establish their distinctive personalities first in the context of a controlled school test then an unexpected attack from a villain that pushes them past their limits and pushes the greater story along by itself that'd make for a solid if rote and predictable arc but jujutsu kaizen cleverly infuses it with backstabbing organizational politics like those of bleach's soul society putting its hero in an analog to rukia's position as a sacrificial pawn in a bigger systemic power struggle which makes the build-up to the villain's attack just as tense exciting and narratively vital as the main event akutami is equally adept at improving on individual ideas from other manga including jiu-jitsu kaizen's central gimmick lots of shonen series see their heroes possessed by a spirit who helps them fight shaman king yugioh hikaru nogo and of course naruto which seems like the most obvious inspiration for the whole sukuna situation but where kudama was ultimately little more than a glorified tragically misunderstood chakra battery the sealed demon from whom yuji draws his power is a major persistent threat who does serious damage every time he's let off the leash or even given a bit of slack in fact i'd give even odds that all of the terrifying memorable foes the series has set up so far over the course of this last anime season and the longer run of the manga are just red herrings and that sukuna will be the true final boss he's certainly scary enough to fill that role not to mention cunning and none of the main villains seem to know what to make of him even if the series doesn't go that route though the fact that it could makes him easily the most fascinating example of this trope to date where akutami's critical eye for this genre is the strongest though is in his understanding of power systems the specific narrative purposes they serve in their respective stories and the areas in which they often fall short which has allowed him to build what i would say is the strongest foundation for meaningful combat in any shonen battle series i've seen now i cannot claim to be an expert in power systems i haven't even watched hunter hunter pass the license arc and while i have seen and read more than my share of other all-time greats and cult classics in the field i'm still more of an anime generalist than a shonen bro there are youtubers and bloggers whose entire bodies of writing focus on dissecting just key hockey reiki nen stands quirks or chakra using minute details gleaned from watching re-watching reading and re-reading the biggest best and most influential teenage wizard wrestling angles ever anthologized i'll never have the kind of single-minded dedication needed to break these systems into their component atoms like that but jujutsu kinda makes me wanna try i am nerdily obsessive and analytical enough to at least recognize when a power system has the potential to be analyzed into oblivion and when i consider just the theoretical applications of nanome's seven slash three ratio technique nana slash me in japanese or owie toto's boogie woogie my brain trembles with possibilities but it's not just the tactical implications that excite me see cursed energy isn't just some atmospherically extant beam-clash-fuelling magic hoo-ha it's a psychological power system akin to stands or personas curses are born from emotions specifically powerful negative ones to curse someone or something is to wish permanent harm or even death upon them and in jujutsu kaizen's world that dark will manifests in literally monstrous ways the more people collectively hate or fear a place thing or concept and the stronger those feelings are the stronger the resulting cursed spirit becomes curse users are humans born with overwhelming levels of cursed energy and therefore naturally possessed of equally potent negative emotions despite his cheery outlook for instance yuji itadori's decision-making is fueled by a powerful sense of guilt and obligation toward those he sees as in need coupled with a near-suicidal impulse towards self-sacrifice megumi fushigoros reserved outwardly boring persona conceals as we learn toward the end of season one a churning shadow of violent anger toward those who would lord their power over others like bullies or the zenin clan then we have nobada kugisaki a borderline malignant narcissist whose power to turn an enemy's own cursed energy against them through voodoo dolls reflects her tendency to viciously attack the egos of her opponents by verbally assaulting their deepest insecurities best girl has the best trash talk of course none of these three is just emotionally unstable kugisaki is a lot less abusive toward her friends than her enemies and more playful in her insults mostly megumi keeps a tight leash on his righteous rage too tight and thus boring when we first meet him and as yuji grows in power he learns not to let his heart bleed quite so indiscriminately jujutsu is the martial art of mastering and channeling one's individual negative emotions toward a positive purpose or at least one beneficial to the user and that concept has so many interesting implications i hardly know where to begin one of my favorite slightly sillier ones is that curse techniques become more effective after you reveal how they work this is a clever meta-narrative way of justifying one of the strategically dumbest shonen battle tropes but it's just as ingenious in a metaphysical sense given that curses are part of our collective unconscious it stands to reason that unconscious collaboration between caster and victim would enhance their effects that imagining a cursed poison coursing through your body for example would make it spread faster and that is a ton of fun to think about but not nearly as much at least for me as how jujutsu as a system supports jujutsu kaizen's grander narrative design these powers naturally select for individuals with quirky character flaws a strong desire to do good or ideologically motivated evil and a single-minded sense of purpose that propels them to pursue mastery over the worst aspects of their own nature in other words the more of a shonen hero or villain someone is on a spiritual level the more potent their jujutsu tends to be satrugojo possessed of boundless confidence that he's the strongest guy is in fact the strongest guy on a literally boundless i mean actually physically infinite level his enemies can't even touch him outside the physics-defying space of a domain because there's a barrier of infinite physical distance compressed infinitesimally tight around his body he even gets to decide if he gets rained on or not the only thing holding him back is that his omnipotence isn't paired with omniscience he can only apply his infinite power in one place at one time meaning everyone else still has a reason to fight and accomplish other things there are malevolent and self-serving sorcerers of nowhere near equal power to gojo but who seem equally intimidating from the perspective of our newbie heroes and they have equally overstated personalities and motivations but we haven't formally met the ruling families of the jujutsu world or found out what suguru ghetto's deal is at this point in the anime and i don't want to spoil all that good stuff for you of the villainous curse users we have spent time with two are just your basic silent lamb psychos and jinpei is more of a tragic figure i guess we could discuss kyoto's principle yoshinobu gakuganji who justifies trying to kill yuji by preaching the importance of upholding tradition and rule of law conveniently leaving out that those laws traditionally speaking give old [ __ ] like him a wildly disproportionate amount of power over young punks like gojo but beyond what he represents about the deeper problems with jujutsu society he's not really that interesting as a pseudo antagonist even if his hard rock and curse technique is pretty dad cool instead of evil sorcerers the first season's antagonistic focus is placed mainly on the special grade cursed spirits who've allied themselves with suguru ghetto and by their nature they're a lot more elemental and essentially monstrous than the more complex evil of their human counterparts which is typically a formula for boring forgettable anime antagonists but there are also some very human aspects to their villainy born as they are of human emotions the curses are even motivated by an ideology stated by jogo the earth spirit that they being more true to their hateful selves than duplicitous humans who pretend to be kind deserve to be earth's dominant species though that does feel more like a justification formed by working backward from their instinctual desire to hurt people than it does a coherent belief system that is pushing them toward violence autonomy the nature spirit's goal to purge the world of impure humans and give the ecosystem space to recover from the damage we've done to it does seem a bit more logical on its face but of course hanami ultimately wants to do that so that it along with its curse friends can have the pretty restored planet all to themselves kinda like how the human eco-fascists whose attitude it's echoing never considered themselves or people like them as potential necessary sacrifices for the greater good the nature of high-grade curses as beings of almost pure malice filtered only through the flimsiest of pretext makes them very fun villains for exploring elemental forms of evil like that if not particularly deep ones the one exception is the ever-changing constantly evolving malice of majito the spirit embodying humanity's fear of itself mahito is a newborn curse compared to jogo and tanami which seems weird right like humans have been hating and fearing other humans since there were enough of us to form a them and that's been the root of pretty much all human suffering that can't be chalked up to like tigers and fire but the way in which we hate each other has changed a lot in the last century and again in the last few decades i see majito as the manifestation of our information age-born tendency to invent a guy consisting of all the worst traits we can think of and project that persona onto everyone we see as bad or wrong and i do mean project a lot of the things we hate about ourselves or worry might be wrong with us end up getting mixed into that imaginary guy mahito says as much to yuji almost every time they fight that he's a dark reflection of our hero and of humanity at large and he'd know he can see touch and manipulate souls including his own in the same way that jogos volcanoes and panami's encroaching roots reflect the most dangerous aspects of the concepts they represent this power of majitos reflects the power of humanity if man can reach something with his own hands he can and usually will reshape it we are creative inquisitive self-aware creatures capable of adapting quickly to any environment or situation it's in our nature to change ourselves to achieve our goals and the evil among us often force change on others both through subtle manipulation and overt cruelty to serve their own ends mahito has quickly cemented himself as one of my all-time favorite recurring shonen villains not just for what he symbolically represents or the almost contagious delight with which he commits heinous acts but also for how he and yuji force each other to confront their own shortcomings and grow his manipulation of junepei is some of the most pure evil [ __ ] i've seen any anime character do and the pain it causes yuji cannot be overstated but the experience also serves to solidify and refine his heroic ideals by teaching him that some people he meets as a jujutsu master will be beyond his help and in those cases no matter how it weighs on his soul it may be up to him to give them the best death possible at that moment jujutsu kaizen deals with some real [ __ ] from the bullying junepe faces of a severity that's sadly far too common in real japanese high schools to the way he responds to it and the way yuji has to respond to him it pulls no punches and that's just one example every character carries some kind of trauma with them a lot of it rooted in real world problems like the sexist pressure maki and my face to be perfect as both sorcerers and women or the soul eroding dissociation from humanity that nanome experiences living solely for money as a stockbroker these are complicated touchy subjects that the series handles with nuance intact making its points accessible to a teen audience without being preachy or obvious about them and being able to pull off that balancing act is one of the biggest differences between really really good shonen manga and truly great ones where i find the most value in this aspect of jujutsu kaizen though even as an adult is how the series deals with death and when i say that i'm not talking about how it handles death as a plot device though it does get points for that too confronting us up front with death both as anime violence and as a mundane unexpected part of real life it has to because death is the core theme that defines this entire story specifically what it means to die a proper one yugi's grandpa uses his dying breath to tell his grandson not to end up like him angry and alone to help as many people as he can and go out surrounded by smiling faces but that is ultimately just wasuke itadori's ideal of death on reflection as he's diving into unknown danger yuji remarks that he thinks his grandpa died properly and wonders what the difference is between that death and what he's facing in the school implying that the question is open-ended time and again the series will return to this point when our heroes are in mortal danger and when characters like junpei have their lives cut improperly short but let's take this immediate invitation to interpret grandpa's death was it proper because he was with a loved one and they could help each other find closure probably not yuji kinda steamrolled over the thing about his parents grandpa really wanted to say and knowing how this series is written that was probably really important let's not dwell on the problems that might have solved though i like to think wasuke's death was proper because he went out passing on wisdom to yuji doing everything he could up to the very last minute to make sure the kid he raised would turn out okay that is definitely a selfish interpretation though echoing the reassurances i made to my own dad the last time i saw him back in january he couldn't talk so i had to cover both our parts and i don't know if i could have found the necessary words in that moment if jiu-jitsu kaizen and that one re-zero episode i did a really good video about that you should watch after this one hadn't sent me down those lines of thought already what i'm saying here is that the way jujutsu kaizen handles real [ __ ] and leaves it open for its readers to think about had a real impact on how i handled the realest [ __ ] i've ever had to deal with and if that doesn't indicate that this is a peak manga i don't know what does maybe the fact that it manages to get that real without ever becoming a downer jujutsu kaizen is funny as [ __ ] and only some of that is gallows humor there are a lot of light breezy character moments sprinkled throughout this story that instill a delicate sense of humanity into yuji nobody megumi their classmates and even genetically different superhumans like satorugojo often the best parts of entire episodes are the post-credit cutaway gags even in some of the episodes with insanely good fights this series has some of the best characterization in shonen period and that is especially true of the girls and women in its cast i would honestly feel disrespectful writing a what's in a waifu about even a total cutie like miwa because none of them are waifus they're fighters who stand on even ground with their male allies in every respect hell i'd argue kugi-saki's a better rival for yuji than megumi well okay there is one jujutsu waifu whose virtues i can and absolutely will spend an entire video extolling is one of the greatest characters in all of fiction he has an iq of 53 000 self-proclaimed and blends macho posturing with poetry his body is both goals and eye candy i love everything about this man but since we're talking delicate character moments here one of the things i love most is the awkward goofiness with which he approaches his favorite idol at a handshake event it is just plain adorable and just as every character carries trauma every character gets similar moments to shine as their normal everyday selves there is a subtle beauty to this writing but on the flip side much of jujutsu kaizen's writing is the opposite of subtle i mean an integral part of the power system is that explaining how curse techniques work makes them stronger if the audience needs to understand an out-there metaphysical idea to follow the narrative gage akutami isn't shy about pausing for a few pages or even a couple chapters to lay that all out but once everything's been established and the story set back in motion volumes more is left to observation and inference combat strategy character growth even essential components of the power system itself are conveyed entirely in subtext and wordless art like the manga just recently delivered a game-changing plot twist simply by calling back to a particularly memorable gag to be frank pouring over the series longer exposition dumps can occasionally feel like doing homework but the payoff when all the puzzle pieces it's been pouring into your mind for weeks or months on end finally clicked together into a coherent picture satisfies like almost nothing else in jump mystery series like death note and the promised neverland are comparable but jujutsu kaizen is delivering these mind-expanding revelations while keeping up the frenetic tempo of an action manga that's not just an impressive writing technique though it's essential to the action experience that jujutsu kaizen aims to deliver the vast majority of martial arts manga dating back to dragon ball and beyond build their action escalation curves on a foundation of gradual growth via grinding training arcs and interludes some shown on the pages others time skipped over are used to justify characters becoming strong enough to tackle new threats or acquiring the new abilities that will save their asses in coming conflicts jujutsu kaizen conversely constructs its power curve which often looks more like a staircase out of explosive evolutions triggered through epiphany because jujutsu is a psychological power system how characters perceive their own abilities and those of their opponents is the most important factor in how they fight every time someone deepens their understanding of how cursed energy manifests and flows how it's applied by specific techniques or even just how they personally think about fighting they gain a potential advantage and a chance to grow sometimes this allows them to turn a seemingly unwinnable fight around in an instant others it offers an opportunity to radically reimagine their entire fighting style on the fly in either case the impetus for change generally comes from either observing a tough foe in action or being pushed into a corner and left with no options but to try something new that said jujutsu is also a martial art with an intense physical component and yuji and ko do train their butts off both on and off screen sometimes through wildly unconventional means and we do see this work bear fruit in their increased ability to deal with low level threats but this world's heavy hitters so drastically outclassed everyone around them that neither hard work nor innate talent alone are enough to overcome a special grade spirit or sorcerer when our heroes come up against a powerful enemy like that it's like hitting a wall and their options are to find a way over or die trying the first time it happens yuji literally does die and while he gets better it's at the cost of giving sukuna a massive advantage the full extent of which even the manga has yet to reveal and don't think this is like dragon ball with its revolving door to the afterlife yuji is the only character capable of that kind of comeback the series sets its stakes and threat levels sky-high from the get-go and uses that pressure to flash forge heroes as hard as diamonds yuji's battles with aoi toto and tanami during the ironically entitled goodwill event are perfect demonstrations of this philosophy in action after they have there did we just become best friends moment do you want to go do karate in the garage yup yuji swiftly begins to improve his hand-to-hand fighting technique simply by reacting to the movements of his more experienced senpai but he's still held back by the delayed energy impact of his divergent fist after toto helps to adjust his perception of cursed energy and his own body through a perfectly placed analogy though he's immediately able to fight on a whole new level and his best friend is able to hold nothing back in response fighting to kill if yuji can't keep up when hanami interrupts their bonding time though toto holds almost everything back refusing to help yuji until he achieves a black flash essentially a critical hit that occurs when cursed energy connects in frame perfect sync with a physical blow and the heat of life or death battle tempered by toto's advice to suppress his anger and yuji's own innate mind-blanking stupidity pushes him to achieve this rare feat in moments and that in turn sparks a flash of new understanding toward his own cursed energy which allows him to do it again and again and again and again until he matches the world record set by nanami which even the grade 1 sorcerer admits he only achieved through pure dumb luck though knowing him that may just be false modesty either way it's an achievement several orders of magnitude beyond what seemed possible for itadori when he first wandered into these woods earlier in the day but also one that feels completely justified given how he's risen to meet each new challenge what allows this dynamic to work and prevents our hero's victories from feeling like ichigo kurosaki pulling a bigger better blade out of his butt is the fact that it cuts both ways evil curse users and cursed spirits capable of critical thought are equally prone to mid-battle epiphanies and with cursed spirits in particular whose physical forms and limitations are directly determined by our collective perception of them a single new idea can be literally transformative like when mahito experiences the hopeless inevitability of death for the first time at yuji and anonymi's hands and uses his now complete understanding of the human condition to instantly complete his domain expansion domains are kinda the ultimate expression of this idea external projections of inner worlds which can only be manifested by those with a rock-solid sense of themselves and their powers conceptual spaces where the host makes the rules and their abilities always work exactly as they're supposed to physics be damned in a domain battle martial arts tactics all but fly out the window and the person who's best mapped out their own inner world almost always automatically wins except of course when someone figures out how to exploit one of the rules governing domains but even those victories are also a result of creative inspiration in combat naturally pairing personal growth so directly to power-ups also does a great deal to support jujutsu kaizen's drive toward narrative efficiency because it ensures the action never has to stop moving while the characters catch up mirroring the first and last missions of the anime's first season to have all three members of the main squad square off mono a monster against creatures equal to the finger bearer that kicked all of their asses at the start is a really clever way of bookending their character progression but akutami isn't satisfied with just that one layer of ingeniously efficient character development when megumi stands his ground against the thing he once ran from leaving yuji to die and uses that do-or-die pressure to push himself out of shikigami's shadow puppet orthodoxy and into improvising his own incomplete domain it's both a mark of how far he's come as a fighter so far and another revelatory turning point in his character arc in and of itself when yuji kills the older death painting brother after seeing him cry over kechizu he's making an active choice to harden his resolve in real time and prioritize not just the present but future safety of his friends himself and to random truck drivers over the life of a thinking feeling person something he wasn't capable of literally moments before when he let esso get away the first time likewise kugisaki defeating the younger brother and defusing their decay technique by driving nails into her own arm symbolically represents how she's grown to be more willing to put her friend's safety ahead of her own which is big for a borderline malignant narcissist whom i should be clear is actually as great as she thinks she is and therefore completely justified in her complex that arc is just three episodes long but there is so much to unpack in it and in every part of this story because akutami is constantly building on his predecessor's work and using the shown in battle format to its absolute fullest that's what i mean when i say jujutsu kaizen is peak shown in battle but it's not like it's the only peak shown in battle series dragon ball especially dbz through the cell saga was the peak of its time and still stands unassailably tall today then yuyu hakusho refined many of its ideas to near perfection while putting its own spin on a lot of them and telling a much more focused personal story and it still contains the best tournament arc ever written one piece is absolutely peak shonen as well as peak epic fantasy and considering that oda has structured his whole life around writing it and is vocally willing to die for it probably peak human artistic achievement too and of course peaks can be found outside the pages of jump fma and attack on titan both radically redefined what shonen battle series could be while exploring dark and fascinating thematic ground and mob psycho 100 has some of the best character arcs in anything i've ever read art is not a leaderboard it's a whole mountain range the foundation of which every artist helps to build up while a select few end up raising their specific areas of focus to staggering new heights and we're seeing that happen now not just with jujutsu kaizen but also demon slayer which has the formula down to doctorate level science and chainsaw man which i lied it is a leaderboard and chainsaw man is at the top not of shown in battles or even shown in miscellaneous but of fiction period jujutsu kaizen is pretty damn close to its level though and even exceeds it as an expression of this specific genre if not as a groundbreaking work of genre blending literature the true brilliance of which it will take us centuries to fully appreciate sorry i know i'm supposed to be gassing up jujutsu kaizen here but i've been rereading chainsaw man for that video i promised a year ago and it's just got a way of seeping into your mind at the most inopportune times i cannot look at pictures of happy dogs anymore i think it's ultimately fine though because those achievements don't take away one iota from what jujutsu kaizen accomplishes and i cannot wait to see what the kids growing up on it now will accomplish using akutami's epiphanies as a foundation for their own black flashes of inspiration there has never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battle anime and manga but assuming the industry doesn't collapse under the weight of its own abusive practices in the next few years jujutsu kaizen only increases my confidence that there will be i'm jeff though professional [ __ ] bag signing out from my mother's basement
Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 1,069,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mother's Basement, Anime, Anime Analysis, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen anime, demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen review, one piece, jujutsu kaisen gojo, sorcery fight, shonen jump, my hero academia, yuji itadori, jujutsu kaisen explained, hunter x hunter, attack on titan, satoru gojo, mahito, gege akutami, shounen battle anime, naruto, dragon ball z, bleach, anime essay, anime essayukuna, peak anime, jujutsu kaisen fight scene, aoi todo, nobara kugisaki, peak shounen anime
Id: usW1hqVjZLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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