Everything GREAT About Greenland!

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[Music] based on this opening score i can tell we're in for a fun lighthearted little stroll through an apocalypse exactly what we need to unwind right now perfect i see you'd like a beautiful beard wind gerard well you earned it also i've recently learned that the man prefers to be called jerry because us yanks can't say his name properly so jerry we love your beard checking the time we're looking at the family he let down trick question it's both we find out in a bit that he wasn't supposed to show up until later and also you know the infidelity they only discovered this thing a few weeks ago that right there would be enough to terrify me a few weeks ago meaning it must have changed direction doesn't that mean it could happen again some simple visual exposition he's clearly going home but he may not be living there at the moment since he considers ringing the doorbell how long is this gonna be awkward for just gonna take some time something you have an abundance worry not but you're really a great artist bud thank you yeah compliments and being a good dad no park is a common silly not an asteroid astronomical object lessons i'm always gonna be your father all right i'm never gonna leave you except that 24-hour period before we almost die but after that i'm there that doesn't look ominous at all aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen i mean backyard yes look there's clark ah yes the most dangerous of all sounding names clark what was the name of the one that killed the dinos marvin funny story when i went to look up other gentle sounding boys names lee was number five but there was a picture of spike lee so you know you can't get mad at me clark and marvin we're in the same boat what's loud what is it even with a small city-sized ball of ice and fire hurtling towards earth the only tone we all recognize is for a missing child i have i don't know if that's sad or no yeah that that's sad hey first fragment deb's got ali's back tag yourself i'm both the appropriately worried dude and his disapproving wife what's the chunk of rug rocks don't explode okay tell that to the dinosaurs um she seems to know something they don't know extinction nadowing that's crazy the turn from fun little viewing party to knocked on your butt by a visible shockwave and mass devastation is instantaneous the impacts epicenter reported just outside tampa stretching to orlando and yeah i don't think they adequately described the impact they got it all wrong there's a ton of fragments on that thing they're saying that one of them is a planet killer the extinction nattoing paid off quick that's bush and you know it i'm sorry okay i'm sorry it's just appropriate reaction but then also a quick recovery i got some real humans in this movie just please give us a call if you find out anything when you get there you know i will have it in other words i will literally never think about you again because i'm going to spend the next two days trying to save my family bye heart wrenching funny story i was scrubbing through the movie on my pc to make sure that everything was in order and i randomly landed on this scene before watching the movie and it was this exact moment that made me realize julia probably won't enjoy this one not a fan of kids and peril sad kids any of that but if that's your jam then strap in what well so we take her to the air base and then we got standing there alone when they turn her away and even though his logic is hard to argue with he comes off cold here which is hardcore realism it's clearly the right call so good on him for having it together enough to realize that just a brief glimpse of where society is headed in this movie and i appreciate the warning that didn't take long it's not always about the prevailing will of man which unlucky time for this movie to come out ooh traffic is stressful we've all been there knowing you might miss your flight obviously impending doom adds to it but i'm assuming this is the peak of the stress for this movie peak of the damage to their car and it should just all be smooth sailing from here on out hey what did i just say i mean the constant look of terror on nathan's face is enough to make julia walk out all that to say not a wife win but a building tension win and also roger floyd is a great young actor i have one bag we have three bikes let's have one for family i wonder how accurate the warding used in the alert phone call is to what it would be in real life obviously it can be easily misinterpreted but when you don't want to alarm people and just make sure they get there without realizing how dire the situation is or spreading the terror you use vague language i can't decide if i'm criticizing the government or complimenting them thank you for life-saving manipulation no i don't that doesn't seem right it put them into this one bag and just in general talking about survival again what's the deal with disaster movies 2020 but how your priorities shift as the danger increases right now clothing still seems important they're a little perturbed that they have to consolidate to one bag that doesn't last too long he's going back to the car to get my son's man and they really hammer this kid as adults we know it's not his fault but you think a seven-year-old can comprehend that it's not his fault and probably equally to not being able to get on the plane that would crush his mom what if this was your family my family wasn't selected well then you can definitely understand but also hmm stress level seems to be increasing this is not what i was promised maybe it'll be nice and quiet on the plane so we can figure it all out oh seriously try to explain to someone how watching a guy sit down on a plane is more stressful than most horror movie jump scares said no illnesses thank you angry stranger oh now i'm starting to get it this movie wants me to suffer mission accomplished yes confirmed it hates me but the explosion was pretty awesome even looks like jerry was really knocked back they declined your son your family's not out there thank you angry soldier okay i'll give the movie a little credit for just the sliver of breathing room happiness now that jon knows his wife and son are at least alive while we focus on one single family as everyone else prepares to go extinct go good guy thief with a heart of gold i'll take as far as knoxville but that's it something about them not showing us pam's ex-fiance roy's face immediately makes me trust him less also if someone's instinct is immediately to say no to a person with a small child that's your signal to walk away just life lessons for the apocalypse from cinema wins today if his knee-jerk reaction is no don't be surprised when he comes up with a way to trade your life for his at some point nobody in charge i was running around with the heads cut off oh what's that tim robbins from war of the worlds for all his failings he still has a beautiful beard it's crazy how the big bad of this movie is a gorgeous slow-moving thing in the sky and yet there's unrelenting tension but the main thing that greenland is making me want to do is invest in some small reliable two-way radios i haven't spoken to my family in seven years see kids don't pursue a career in social media it will lead to you not getting on a plane before the apocalypse i don't like flying god walk king batch the guy who lets muggers go comedically upstaged by the law-abiding citizen they've been tracking the military flights to greenland and that's why my first call during the comet apocalypse cometocalypse will be to my buddy from wendover productions the look of a man about to do a little kidnapping turn that boy away i mean with a face like that huge red flag number two red flags don't really mean much once you're in the car but i appreciate the warning as a viewer all right let's see those five miles from yesterday pay off let's do this no oh but fun fact marina's reaction was genuine she was supposed to stand still for the shot but she just went with it even down to flagging cars and running after them and the camera crew just had to try and keep up with her where are you from i don't know if i'm just used to jerry's accent that i forgot he has it but i could not for the life of me figure out why he was asking that i guess some people will use any flimsy excuse to be prejudiced and do terrible things matters just don't deserve that ban i'll give you the bat standing your ground look i'm a little annoyed because he knows it doesn't work anyway so just give it to him but also you're not gonna let go of any last chance you might have to get your family to safety you guys better be careful this is going to end up in a truck has fallen situation see okay we've reached peak stress right right nope and i mean i want to be sensitive here end of the world and all but comeuppance for a racist or jingoist i guess but i love that this entire fight isn't an action hero fight at all it's just pure desperation between these men and the look on jon's face says it all see what did i tell you become a structural engineer instead you'll survive for real though batch's tiny scene in this is pretty great his talent makes his notoriety way less distracting bye-bye capital of the republic planet they're not my parents is there a german word for the feeling of extreme relief mixed with extreme anxiety there must be maybe a japanese word yeah good ones too good guy child stealer or good lady child stealer for real i've got sympathy for this dude doesn't seem like the most calm a rational husband so i don't blame her as much and as she's being hauled off to apocalypse jail her last concern is that the kid gets saved t swizzle concerts are more tightly packed and lives are only slightly less on the line at those but just the number of times these people have to push to the front of crowds would be my fate sealed i would definitely have gone home by now somebody just listen please come here so the first thing learned is radios the second thing is be unhinged someone will help you if you act crazy also that's the director's wife that happened being a parent means still having an awful feeling in your stomach during this scene because you can't process what your child could have gone through yay parent torture movie even if you're not a parent just imagine what your parents would have gone through medical professionals am i right also hugging i thought they were in knoxville the yellow hue must mean we're in mexico still it's amazing what just a color temperature change can do to how we perceive the world and now that we've all seen californian skies on fire we know this is pretty tame thanks for covering just the best and most encouraging stuff possible media we're just trying to keep up kevin in the back of our head that tomorrow is all gonna be for nothing bleak [Music] a little bit more reality here jerry has killed lots of people in movies but now that he's just playing a structural engineer killing someone even in self-defense even accidentally doesn't just go away just catching a glimpse of himself covered in blood after a brief calm down would snap him back to that moment and i applaud the director for not flashing back to the scene you know like like i am but they don't we stay with him and there's no doubt to me that's what's playing in his head right now good guy car thief leaving notes don't you think technology would work in emergencies you just need the right technology i suggest watching san andreas there johnny boy take some notes from the rock or even alexander d'addario if you have to now there's a man you can tell is just barely holding it together hugging i know it's okay there really is nothing like impending doom to bring a couple back together montgomery wick always the most reassuring face i know i know like six of you will get the vertical limit reference but alan shepard just doesn't matter as much to me as the old guy who saves you when you're already dead pancakes pancakes syrup yes [Applause] i will say that getting all the absolutely banana stuff out of the way in the first two acts makes this field while still stressful a little less and since i've only been on edge you could convince me they might actually make it somehow even though i have no idea specifically they are in greenland you know remember that backflip though guy him it was really weird to just see him he's dead now is it some storm you can write out i don't fool when things get rough i know you guys marriage was on the rocks don't mean you get to jump into another woman's bed i love that stick jumps right over what john is talking about and starts doling out life lessons about john's relationship with his daughter not to mention that he's not your typical angry movie father-in-law he actually cares about john and clearly wants them together i'm gonna be right here in this place too yeah you sure about that you couldn't convince me that's not an extinction-level storm even without the big one coming really pretty though my friend teddy says your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die i think it would be better if it did that while you lived that way you could see all the good memories and be happy words of wisdom from our children i crossed the lane you didn't i'm right where i want to be love i don't know what it is about disaster movies and on the rocks marriages but at least they've agreed to put it all behind them before the big finale this time small molten debris expected to fall in upstate new york isn't that where we are you know what bring it we've been through it you can't stop us now oh brutal maybe you can stop her but not us what was i saying about stress although i'd take small molten debris hitting my truck over crowds bum-rushing planes any day as long as that thing that happens in the beginning of volcano is rare hey come on wake up ironically something you could get sued for you know sans apocalypse good samaritan laws should cover him but you never know so saving a random stranger even though the world is ending finally all it takes is a planet killing comet to free travel into good old free healthcare canada and 900 degrees surface winds traveling faster than the speed of sound i started looking up nuclear blasts for comparison and there's just a lot of variance depending on lots of variables but it's just about the most terrifying sounding thing ever and we'll leave it at that sometimes you have to play chicken with a plane honey sorry actually dude how much do you weigh uh 180 185 come on rule five maybe two honesty you should redress that good guy bill tench and see if your son hadn't said what he said about your good memories making you happy while you're alive you'd probably be freaking out right now green line is still stunning huh you probably think being pretty far away from explosions like this would be totally fine but that's just absolutely bonkers speaking of things no one wants to experience but it'd be a cool story if you live to tell it gliding in an engine-less plane just seems so peaceful until it's not i don't want to fly anymore smart kid he'll be just like his dad which was a weird character detail you probably forgot about the two fake planes let's go the big one's gonna hit any second so you might be asking but hey wait a minute this super secret super exclusive military base that was turning a child away because of an insulin pump is now just letting anyone in yeah i mean these planes were screening from hundreds of millions of people we literally saw multiple planes and lottery winners blow up and die and now that we're down to the last minutes before extinction yeah they're pulling random goats off the hills inside at this point the illness restrictions were when they could be choosy it allows them to not put undue strain on their colony and supplies but it's not like they wouldn't have stocked insulin any random person can develop type 1 diabetes at any time and without insulin they'd just die plus if they look at themselves as humanity 2.0 the reboot having every kind of medicine imaginable is crucial oh right i almost forgot everything needs to be an anxiety riddled race of the death shockwave will reach us in one minute 20. what that's like five seconds from now stop it dead explosion though where are the flashes the flashes before we die the flashes hey one last stab to the heart from the kids and more love yeah if the main piece was hitting around europe it makes sense that france would have some big craters from pieces falling with clark well that's a happy ending i i guess we didn't go extinct yay destroy most of europe upon impact and nasa finally got something right in this movie it took me a while to realize what was going on but this is italy so france spain and looks like all of the uk are just gone or underwater but wait a minute also tijuana is gone and a section of california is disconnected is this an escape from la prequel greenland is a movie about a select few finding safety while the world burns and billions die i'm the first person to make this connection feel free to applaud me eh more on that later i think the biggest compliment i can give greenland is that i hated watching it the first time so yeah thanks i hate it maybe it's because the wife and son story hits a little too close to home but as you've probably gathered from this video i never stopped being on edge which is weird because at no time was i really scared for their lives but death isn't always the worst thing and thinking about my son getting taken away like this yeah no thank you in terms of disaster movies green lane will make you feel claustrophobic on your own planet which again my compliments to the chef i think back to 2012 is a pretty campy movie but the death count was also bananas it had a personal story as well but there's a realism to greenland that rattles me differently the biggest reason is that we follow jon throughout the movie the information we get about the disaster is through him and his family rather than cutting to jeff goldblum taking a phone call from the president or even the astronomers running around throwing charts at their laid-back boss william hurt or whomever or the poor astronaut eating a sandwich on the international space station casually looking out the window as the comet obliterates the entire thing leaving him just enough time for a lighthearted in fact we barely get any money shot wide explosions it's mostly from the family's perspective we're even in the dark for the first impact and that ratchets up the tension similar to how cloverfield did the terror of never having the whole picture gets under your skin it's real because if it was happening to us we wouldn't see what happened in japan we'd be lucky to just catch this the number of missing is up to a million after the tokyo impact earlier today so it's a unique disaster movie in that way and yes obviously the timing was unfortunate but to be fair to the filmmakers the film was locked before covid began so they weren't trying to like piggyback tragedy or anything and what i'm about to say next really is no fault of the filmmakers it's just something that's changed for me and i'm curious if others feel the same way i just don't know if i'll ever look at movies like this the same way after watching way too many people put their own self-interest above others in the face of catastrophe in the face of a pandemic and sadly not for something as serious as avoiding comets stupid stuff like not liking being told what to do to wear masks or stand six feet away from others or not going to parties and eating indoors and i remember when i saw the trailer i had the same gut reaction a movie about this guy saving his family while billions are doomed to die so this movie hits a new way because seeing these cars arriving too late to a plane that was already too full even though there's nothing we can do to save everyone when a comet is headed here there were things we could have done to save lives and some just weren't willing some still aren't and it wasn't just a failure of people who didn't like masks it was also a failure of our leadership whose one job is to take care of people when something like this happens that's a weird place to be and it's an even weirder place to end this video uh so i won't remember she had me try to do the highland fling like i don't know the eye on this thing the excuses i can make for it would be that the movie's major push is this husband who has failed trying to atone the irony is that he should have sacrificed himself but obviously i'm super glad he didn't because i don't like when protagonists die so we land somewhere between hopeful and just totally depressed if you think about it too much the movie was real so it sent me there maybe i'll feel better about the next disaster movie that story's made of farts okay next week a movie about the world ending [Music] this is
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 224,049
Rating: 4.8988028 out of 5
Keywords: Greenland, Greenland Analysis, Everything Wrong With Greenland, EWW Grenland, ERW Greenland, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: ovwtGEkLMNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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