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[Music] this is actually more inventive than just edge of tomorrow style credits cutting in with an emergency news broadcast immerses us immediately into the conflict of this universe and an alien invasion montage recap is the fastest way to get Tom Cruise running we fight that's what we do oh how right you are Tommy Boy also Groundhog Day shouting there's something so satisfying getting to see cage before his transformation into the God of War and ironically enough had he not tried to blackmail the general he never would have gone down the rabbit hole another thing that's interesting to think about is that the initial go to the frontlines and take pictures mission wasn't supposed to be a death sentence even though it would have been the attack were supposed to be surprised so Cade really sealed his own fate twice over a wise tortoise once that one often meets exist to me on the road he takes to lead it listen do they dress so little bees on lockdown no calls in or what a cast Bill Paxton carries himself with a perfect sense of smarmy smug arrogance that only he can pull off meeting j-squad like this is a lot to set up the relationship between them and Master Sergeant Farell even though they break the rules they respect him so much they're willing to serve their punishment even when he's no longer in sight this is real MA and at the same time it slightly introduces one of the themes of this film of controlling your own fate the pacing of this film is impeccable we're given just enough of cages first day to set up his character is questionable moral but it still made clear that one full day passes before the battles for this room to train him with Rita later and even though he does some shady stuff ultimately he's a man fallen on some pretty hard times every logical recourse he can take it's been accounted for and you can watch the comprehension wash over his face as he slowly realizes he's trapped and destined to die a Buster Sword is always a win I know it's not exactly cloud sword but it's the same idea also it's made from a helicopter tail rotor blade so there's that do censoring by gut-punch it made extremely clear that using these suits is an acquired skill and even just walking in them takes practice gives a real sense of time and effort to cages training later on I think this was their nominee to the Dead Guy a deaf joke the way they capture the absolute terror of being unprepared it's like this recurring school nightmare I have where I haven't been to class all semester and the exam is today or I completely skip pre-season I don't know anyone on my team I forgot all my gear and I'm starting and I'm making an almighty there falling out die I choose I like a reimagined future Normandy the dread of d-day is recaptured as the troops stormed the beach it is Normandy oh I guess it supposes that subtle that ass good girl we've barely even seen Rita's face yet she's the most menacing thing happening in this film and prepared for a few yups and then now yep Cage gets his first hint that something is off if the angel of Verdun could be snuffed out like a new what chance to any of them have all you need is kill nod with a Japanese control pad that's all mean as hell if it is grass dye I still choose died since lived I repeat is the basic structure of every first-person shooter game here's a little first-person shooting that looks way harder and more petrifying than any game he's ever played let's talk about how freakin creepily awesome the design and movements of the mimics are their otherworldly appendage flailing would be enough to make me go into shock totally distinct beautiful CG tentacle monsters with horror creature like white noise yelling a complaint that I keep reading is why send the alphas into battle at all just keep them at home base and kill them when stuff starts going sour it seems pretty clear from this one scene that number one the alpha only goes to areas where drones have cleared of enemy number two it's constantly surrounded by an entourage of drones for protection and number three it's clearly surveying the battle much like a strategic officer would and relaying battle conditions to the Omega this plays into my theory about how time travel the Omega and cage all function together that I'll get into later brutal also you'll notice that the drones were in a forward position compared to the Alpha since that's where the danger is coming from they fought cage was dead the Alpha is closest to the threat and clearly didn't think cage was going to kamikaze him I have to point out that up until this point this movie was an awesome war movie about aliens with a fully fleshed out enemy in future mech suits that's an awesome movie and now we get time travel open that that's the father what a little glimpse into the quippy people in our lives but more importantly in TV and movies not everyone is as quick and witty as juno macguff and Bill Paxton would have you believe it's evidenced by his entirely planned speech saving your future friend battle bunny and mortal mate that's a lot of blood he was holy and some honesty guests entering have it any of you met me before you know you're not all going to agree but for me Tom Cruise is one of those actors that can go full cruise and still pull you into whatever character he's playing the editing of this film is almost perfect once he starts to accept the groundhog Danis of his life we get to see his mistakes and how he changes things the next day we're given just enough of each previous days so it's easy to follow but we never feel like we're seeing the same boring stuff because they show us just enough to keep it entertaining and now we get into the real fun of this movie he starts to reap the rewards of knowing what's going to happen they progress the story forward with jump cuts but also how his skills are improving even those people who hate Tom Cruise should be loving this movie at this point he's died at least a dozen times by now and probably more leave it to the British to creat nightmare mimic robots that mimic dynamics to help fight mimics Yoga is good for your health this is the first time we've had this conversation China what the hell is that reader characterization is so solid first time she sees them she casually takes his battery as he's dying next time she disregards rank and treats him like an annoyance unworthy of her time now she's ready to use him like a lab rat dying every day for close to a year can change you and she always has the end game in mind Holograms can make any exposition dump more interesting also from a practical filming standpoint it allows actors to stay in frame instead of us staring at still images visual this is terrific presentation terrific complements yep hold on listen okay purity accepting your fate shoot you in the head slash on your feet maggot montage is the fastest way to become a full-on war machine and slowly detached from humanity and Sirte understand what Sisyphus went through is going through there is something so familiar seeing the slow progression of failing planning failing again and trying to get it just right I know some would say this takes the fun out of the game but a perfect run-through was so satisfying and in many deaths of Rita montage is the fastest way for cage to fall in love not necessarily romantic love but if going into battle if someone creates an unbreakable bond what does watching him die over and over do I got something on my face visual storytelling before we hear about the man she watched die over and over we see her clearly recognize the look cage is giving her since she undoubtedly made it many times it creates a connection between these two that no one can ever understand it's the first tiny crack in her steely exterior dancing lessons who can blame cage for taking a little break from dying or watching his friend die for a quick bike ride in a beer humanizing moment that also nails home the importance of the mission and folks a little fun at films that spend too long in the Y VAT all what do they want with us anyway our difference does it make they're here they're winning something is being alluded to is something that's more explicit in the novel if I remember correctly these suits have amazing capabilities but they're essentially an autopilot for the majority of the troops so they don't tear themselves in half from the sheer power of the new jacket killer Cage and Rita use them to their full potential thus the flying and sliding and otherwise awesome stuff they do and the reason Rita uses a melee weapon is because she gets tired of running out of bullets also yeah in a movie full of awfulness the score is also phenomenal and captures the gritty unrelenting tone of the battle here charger tried to activate advanced yet a green SUV it's at this point that the days start to become purposefully blurred together the way they definitely would be for caged we don't see him die for an extended period of time so part of it is merging the resets into one continuous day which Bravo for believing in your audience to understand the mechanics of the reset you've set up and knowing we can follow along but we also slowly realize that cage isn't being honest about how many times they've been here I'll look around for the key specs production a minute okay and then I'm killing me more honesty you start that engine you die as far as you go and well would I do read isn't patience and seeming lack of logic in this scene annoys some people but you have to remember that she's a very broken person it's been established that she lied about her middle name that's not my mental a potentially is a way to remind herself not to get too attached and made up a story for the same reason cage pushed a little too hard and she felt herself letting her guard down at this point relationships care her more than death when she realized that cage was trying to trick her to save her she began acting irrationally to try and snap cage as well as herself out of it I mean it's no battle axe and now we get some clear evidence of exactly what happened to Rita and what this life would do to you okay one more defense of what some have called indefensible so maybe they were easier ways to go about this it seems like they should have just stayed in the office and stabbed him in the leg and then reset right well sure as someone who knows what happens when he gets stabbed that's a fair plan but they had no clue they didn't know how long it would take to locate the Omega they didn't know if activating the transponder would alert the Omega and it would change locations after the reset they didn't even know if it would work at all maybe it would have just erased Aegis powers or instantly killed him and they would have been totally screwed escaping and going right for the Omega was the most logical plan of action I was going to sound ridiculous a person that the longer I talk the more rational I'm going to appear yeah and then he tells me my second grade teacher was always probably help I love the cages number of responses so indeterminate we're hearing him talk in a very detailed manner about all of J squad with information that we didn't actually see him learn alluding to him spending even more time without real when he was trying to save her life and it's totally rewarding to see them rally behind him after treating him like the pariah and coward he was he exudes leadership now and they've clearly shown to respond to strength double self-sacrifice did I not choose die so that's pretty amazing everything about it amazing now you've got two super soldiers who have more combined battle experience than the whole of the UDF they have the fastest reaction times almost like premonition it's the most believable set up for their near invincibility if you train with no fear of death you can push your body and find your actual limits something most humans can never do call back to cages line push I didn't know you but I deal with ironically the same undertones even though the statements are opposites and that kiss was improvised by Emily some say this is evidence that Cage lied about losing the power to read uh since the mimic tore Rita in half and only seems to be trying to bleed cage part of that theory is how he seems to be able to predict what's going to happen and also that he drowns here which is why it's a separate cut to him emerging I don't buy it I prefer a look at it as cage being a full blown soldier I mean like Kurt Russell soldier battle-hardened either way when man everybody is sacrificing themselves j-squad alive Rita is alive yes what do you want and she's as sassy as ever there's a lot going on here beyond just she's a pretty girl I'm a pretty boy you might as well make babies Rita basically told him she was more than just the angel of her done that under the exosuit she's rose someone who still yearns for a connection even if she's terrified of it she divulged her true middle name because she finally accepts cage is the only other person on the planet that can actually understand her and after seeing what he's willing to go through to save her she sent him this signal to come find her sorry I just don't hate happy endings alright I'll try to keep this brief because man oh man do I love this movie and I could talk for days about it but I want to address a lot of the complaints I've read let's start with a theory I've been teasing the zoologist theory listen cage I'm only calling it a theory because it's not explicitly stated in the film but based on how events unfold and the actions and responses of the mimics and humans this is my understanding first issue is already been addressed the alphas clearly need to be on the battlefield as they are the eyes and ears of the Omega they need to be there when they die so the Omega knows what the change in the next loop otherwise they wouldn't be I'm pretty sure it's established as such in the novel as well but really it makes sense in the film there's a misconception that the time-travel is a voluntary tool to Omega can use people couldn't understand why the Omega wasn't resetting the day when cage was about to succeed in the end it seems pretty clear that it's nothing more than an involuntary defense mechanism I think it's also fair to say that since the alphas are extensions of the Omega every time an alpha dies the Omega feels the death so the Omega isn't just shooting alphas in the head every time of mimic loses the confrontation it's a last-ditch Hail Mary we're getting slaughtered type response that can't just be triggered manually redone cage also conclude that if cage has the power the Omega does not it's hard to say whether the Omega retains memories prior to the reset but either way it works if it doesn't remember the mimics had no clue a new day was starting and after a few hours of observing cage based on its epic slaughtering I'm sure it became obvious he had the power so when he looped that he stayed alive long enough they'd eventually adapt and try to trick him and if the Omega does retain memories clearly not remembering cages only the remaining outputs so it's resetting the day but knows only that none of its alphas are triggering the response the rest of my theory runs under the assumption that the Omega does remember but has no real connection to cage we see the connection growing slowly through his recess but at first he just hijacked a mechanism of libbed I repeat whatever that may be some kind of tracker in the blood or something the Omega sent is an alpha dying but it's actually caged it has replaced that alpha on the battlefield this leaves the Omega blind to a really large section of the beach if we assume dr. Carter's estimate is even close accurate I left one in 6.1 million so that's why the mimics can't adapt a cage the last issue is about why cage wakes up in the helicopter at the end there are actually a couple explanations the first is that since he dies the night before the battle before the Alpha ever gets his blood on him he resets the Omega save point since he takes the place at the Omega the same way he initially takes the place of the Alpha and that works but it doesn't really matter to me I think that the Omega exists outside of our understanding of time as it's dying it resets the day pulling cage with it through its blood I'd go so far as to say that had cage not been in the blood the Omega maybe could have reset and been fine but since cage has now taken the place of the Omega the same way he replaced in alpha and cage can't connect to the mimics the connection to the mimics is severed and they die so since the mimics are all dead operation downfall is canceled and cage never needs to meet with the general and I think he technically wakes up at the same time waking up in the helicopter was the morning waking up at Heathrow was like late morning only a few hours later but with no operation he never gets tased outside of all the awesome time-travel mind-bending in the amazing action we got a really well-structured story and Rita is a strong protagonist I think the romance subplot is handled very well and they treat her character like a real action hero not like some fantasy trope where she inexplicably wears armor that leaves major arteries but just ignore Kimmel in that regard there's also quite a bit going on metaphorically they set up early being ma face which is pulled right from Hinduism tickets brought more into focus once the constant reincarnations begin where he starts as a elevating himself to something that looks a lot like their vana where he's at peace with its decisions he completely sheds his cowardice and sacrifices himself for all humanity and then enters his afterlife as in where he goes after he died which is pretty ideal I'd say I made the statement in my revenge of the fifth video that tonal shifts are present in quite a few films and this just so happens to be one I'm pinpointing it because it's done so well here it goes from comedic and goofy to really dark to awesomesauce to emotional all these tones complement each other and make the film more entertaining the third act did lead us down a path of personal despair and I think that's why a lot of people felt like the ending pulled the rug out from under us and shifted to a happy ending too abruptly however circling back to our Hindu symbolism as well as the character arcs set up for cage I felt that it was totally earned caged learned everything he needed to learn and reach the highest level of selflessness available in this movie fans of all you need is kill may have also been upset I won't spoil it but it's a very different ending and not nearly as happy ha Tom Tom my boy some of your finest hours just so I can nudge all of you towards the love I have for Tom Cruise did you know he threw a six-figure party for the cast and crew after this movie that he couldn't even attend because he was still filming just saying it sounds like they're moving forward with a sequel that's actually a prequel part of me wishes they leave it alone but hey if you would ask me in 1996 if doug liman the director of swingers would make one of my favorite sci-fi action films I might have laughed in your face obviously I'd have to ignore all the Bourne movies he's done but I'm nothing if not willing to stick to a stupid joke to show you that I know Doug Liman directed swingers he also directed the first two episodes of The OC so yeah quick shutter frame you guys seem to enjoy this last week and like 90% of you got it right so hopefully this one is a little bit tougher hint is that it has a loose connection to a movie coming out in the next two weeks you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 4,266,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edge of Tomorrow, Live Die Repeat, Everything Wrong With Live Die Repeat, EGA Edge of Tomorrow, All You Need Is Kill, Everything Right With, CinemaWins, CInema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, CinemaSins Edge of Tomorrow
Id: jnIe9PEao50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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