Everything GREAT About Kingsman: The Secret Service!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right following battle debris transforming into words is a new way to do opening credits that's an early self-sacrifice you missed it one of my favorite things about this film is the blending of more accurately blurring of towns right in the opening scene we get what seems to be building to a cheeky Bond style cold-open with spies doing cool spy stuff and then bang dead Kingsman candidate in a new Lancelot with some somber music over top welcome to Kingsman hello apparently eggsy was the comic book writer Mark Miller's school pals nickname so real name I I guess him man is Colin Firth wearing that suit or what I forgot how this movie made me want to get a whole new wardrobe and then reminded me I can't afford a bespoke wardrobe you've made a mistake I'm a university lecturer I've got no money did Luke just join the Empire with that accent still props for a believable accent and as I'm writing this script it's Mark's birthday so happy birthday Mark Hamill is a $62 mole you would that's a pretty good whiskey endorsement and now we get into Kingsman style action to call it unique would be a disservice in an understatement Matthew Vaughn created a stylistic way of moving the camera around and blending hyper fantasy with a reality like no one has before even himself from kick-ass okay that was brutal don't get comfortable that's the takeaway got it and I appreciate the consideration this glass of whisky is getting I mean literally I see one drop of blood that is me done that's why I like you I generally used laser based weapons they cauterize you know I can't kill you it's confer not just the most dashing dude you've ever seen Chechnya 2013 insurgents turned on one another Church Massacre shadowing some climate-change doomsayer something called Gaia theory above the world healing itself good luck in meeting mark Whalberg your little experiment failed no with respect respectfulness we're just honesty yeah everything out of Galahad's mouth sounds respectful corny reason if I have this film to the list of films that makes me sometimes sometimes wish I was British then I wouldn't have to google what Rizla is his skins bro warming up the tires for a breath man that's like hug mercy shadowing and on a greater scale a statement about what kind of man eggsy is willing to risk his life to spare an innocent oh she's all violent cut what foxes are vermin I think it's another one for sparing that Fox hey it's Dagmar cleft jaw again seriously I just can't help but smirk every time he's on screen someone teach me his ways looking for a novel rim boy there on the corner of Smith Street I like to think he was coming over here to lock the door anyway but the rent boy crack got them a little extra attention Nonna's make [Music] man but this is kinda the mythos of the Kingsmen or at least Galahad they're not just spies they're gentlemen and if you're going to be rude you're going to be taught some manners whether you see it coming or not it's just that simple and now our second Bond style fight scene couple of the at least half of Galahad's fighting is just redirecting their attacks into each other's faces and you've got to give it up to Colin Firth who trained for six months to be able to fight like this I'll go into more detail in the conclusion but there is a reason these fight sequences stick with you no quick cuts long takes and the camera always follows the action if a one way see through bulletproof projectile shooting umbrella isn't the wind literally nothing is sorry about that needed to let off a little steam catharsis I suggest you leave the boy alone or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authority saving eggsy's life twice in five minutes I love this obviously but I'm just curious if anyone can tell me if a proficiency in gymnastics translates to parkour skills I'm sure there's some crossover any one of my audience doing both also dizzee rascal man I am no British grime or hip-hop aficionado but no one could deny bonkers you see the film Trading Places you didn't even see the movie about Billy Ray Valentine about Nikita so by Nikita he's referring to La Femme Nikita Luc Besson's amazing film which I always get confused with don't get mad at me femme fatale from 2002 a Rebecca romaine movie however here's the fun part Colin Firth also starred in a movie called femme fatale from 1991 so super loose meta connections that keep me up at night like in my fair lady I bet eggsy would have actually said Pygmalion but the audience for that reference is so small he had to reference the film instead I still got what you were going for Kingsman Tigers clothed the world's most powerful individual you know really a tailor shop being a front for a spy agency gives a total believable background to why spies are generally so well dressed no father I have the same look on his face posted ah because even a snob can't help a crack a smile at a hangar full of toys or result in you and your next of kin being in that bag is that understood the hook of what no that's not understood you got you guys are all green what's wrong with you guys or you know appropriate reactions Tony's any making conversation right Shelly hmm I'm Digby this is Rufus sir eggy oh you Oxford or Cambridge all right guys we had some fun talking about teen Tom Riddle's ability to imitate an American accent and a bunch of you said most people in England talk like eggsy so where are all these posh boys from they seem spread out to my dulled American ears but dig being Rufus sent a little excess McFarland's imitation of a posh accent and since I have no way to confirm accents feel free to make crap up Killman you know me money's not my if you you can call this list blame but isn't a speech impediment a decent and quick origin story for a villain he was likely picked on as a kid and if you also have a screw loose you may become detached enough to start Jenna sighting and then he shows us just how talented he is Lisp sure here's a 70 second uncut totally believable monologue [Music] nightmare fuel in Jack Minter izing score definitely helps it's like a horror movie rattle almost seems out of place but totally ratchets up the tare mentum rule of cool mr. Hassan + old woman lifting car off baby that is all you all forgot the most important thing teamwork Merlyn knows what's up ah that's a terrible way to know that point home users I mean none of us were super surprised that Joker's head was filled with Technicolor pudding but still gross my colleague died dude we know other British accents even a talented thespian like mace windu can't hack it we're here to enhance your skills test you to the limit which is why you're gonna pick a puppy Acuff had a little expectation subversion want to be a spy pick a puppy puppy resourcefulness although that ride looks a little rough how do I make sure I get admitted to the wheel trim your beard neckline while in a coma Hospital [Music] yeah I love XE stepping up and making a plan even when it ended up putting his life in most dangerous Oh teamwork a mighty expendable candidate no no no you don't talk to me like that you have a complaint you come here to you whisper in my ear mark strong is the man you might disagree but for me this is how to do product placement don't hide it or try to be subtle throw it up there talk about it who cares every bit of research kept pointing to the same thing the carbon emissions are a red herring and the we're past the point of no return no matter what remedial actions we take take that al gore and inconvenient burn that was a kid that was my dream job gentlemen spy unfortunately my bones are made of glass in my life went in a different direction and thank you for such a happy meal but seriously where's my toy loyalty Carly's up next wanna watch yeah all right silver linings true nobility is being superior to your former self words to live us to live by can I'm a head Harry an Oxford is any formal shoe with open lacing this additional decorative piece is called broguing gentlemen Inge lessons also holy crap is this room awesome and satisfies every desire I have for order and symmetry my life that's sick shoe knives are also always wins what at least e-electric you yo don't be ridiculous it's a hand grenade shot ah here's the Harry Potter showing all the correct levels of excitement I have trouble understanding you people sometimes y'all funny irony shoot the dog every time that horn blasts comes in it sends chills up my spine but yeah that's a win in my book mercy always wins that's terrible but still I'm not one to glorify violence or murder and everyone deserves a second chance but this little Westboro Baptist joke let's just say I'm not not condoning the hyperbolic fantasize a Shahnaz catharsis of them turning on each other in a very fire and brimstone type showdown because you know coldest fanatics like this are always about ten minutes away from eating their own anyway and this may be the best hyper violent mass destruction bloodbath fight seemed to come out of the last century like GTA come to life unleashing what might as well be the God of War on these plebs on adulterated visceral extravagance as far as the use of the Freebirds so low I can't think of every film it's in but I can comfortably say this beats Jenny almost slipping off the ledge coño I think it was a rush maybe regardless this has to be the best use of Leonard Skinner to date and it's a bunch of long takes with some expertly hidden cuts for three minutes plus just yep even the brutalist movie is often shy away from shooting women in the face since it makes people feel uneasy not Kingsman also as far as brutality goes yep brutal brutal yeah let's just cover our brutal bases just when you think you've reached Beacon sanity clearly Galahad is a badass and that was Barker's no one saw that coming especially not the Kingsmen Harry's face is perfect as the realisation over what he just did starts to come into focus very ungentlemanly Valentine actually elevated the destruction to a level he didn't even expect what kind of response well it ain't that kind of moving I know if you've seen the trailer for Golden Circle I know still this is expectation subversion even as it spelled out feels good right no no it does not feel good I am inviting you to be part of the new world I'd rather be with Harry more loyalty thanks wrong with them they probably just need some POS 51 congratulations Mycroft you just graduated from my pilot my Vallot understood eggsy Doolittle gut is my fair lady moment after all martini gin not vodka obviously stirred for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth I've heard of extra extra dry I've heard poor vermouth into a glass and then pour it out I've even heard have the bartender take a shot of her mousse and then breathe on the glass but that is by far the best way I've heard anyone order a dry martini although Gina's gross sorry I'm we bought on that one society's dead long lived society huh pretty poignant phrase when you realized that Valentine is essentially attempting to make himself King and like some dumb kings of the past is slaughtering the majority of his new subjects do you think this guy's gonna make your Mickey D's for you anyone else getting an n64 Goldeneye bunker vibe from this underground corridor chase scene and I hope it's deliberate we knew XE was a parkour bro but now he's killing it on all levels and we didn't see him get much hand-to-hand training with the Kingsmen however first he made it at least partway through marine boot camp which is something but more importantly rather than a traditional montage of his training sadly you have to pay attention to the length of his hair and you'll notice how much time is passed there's no need for guns I'm just a pilot yeah pilot who knows magic Merlin a shield against gunfire Oh Diana didn't have a shotgun though [Music] you know they probably won't kill eggsy but when you break rules like killing Galahad the tension that's been slowly building in this set piece gets you stressed right out and again the building score gets your blood pumping henry jackman is always a win and by proximity Matthew marks in must be good [Music] yes please politeness decapitation could make me laugh and Vaughn took an opportunity where he could have gone full heart our gore and made an enjoyable light show instead I think a lot more people might have enjoyed this business was orange miss Harris blonde also it's fantastically inventive while still reminded me of this music video from st. Lucia go watch it again you can't help but grimace chuckle at the people punching the life out of each other all around the world with dead bodies just sure and about set to literally some of the goofiest upbeat music in existence from Casey in the Sunshine Band I had completed about this showdown I give eggsy some credit for going toe-to-toe with the human blender also Sophia patellas breaking into jobs Valentine Jim metaphor is a little muddled there she's a gazelle but I did just hear a distinct mountain lion roar [Music] five slow-mo ups and a quick-thinking win for eggsy on use and check off Shuna so that's how she became the mommy it's his own Gore [Music] also comeuppance obviously with the classic spy villain horn send-off no less so that's a Robin or is it just a statement about the Yanks in general I'll take that jab walk when you think them really bad huh they saying that kind of movie buff callback burn perfect hybrid tomes on how terrible and offensive this ending is I'm just gonna let Matthew Vaughn explain it in his own words you like spy movies mr. Devere nowadays through a little serious for my taste fun book ending the film opens with dire straits over a tape deck and ends with Bryan Ferry over a tape deck app we can stand around here all day yeah they're gonna stay at our Brown baby room definitely not gonna fight I guess they found eggy only in this case I'm offering you the opportunity to become a Kingsman a Kingsman agent like a spy their swords interested yes yes I'm interested there's a reason this movie is love and it's exactly that I'm gonna throw out some numbers I just made up and they're 100% accurate ninety three point eight percent of all boys between eight and sixty-seven years old would love to become a spy or more specifically find out they're uniquely qualified to become a spy I won't throw out numbers about girls since I'm not one but it's also a high percentage so yes make me a spy although except for this part I'd fill this part hard Kingsman is by no means the first to do it in fact in this very scene they discussed similar stories since the majority of us watching this movie were not born with silver spoons in our mouths there's nothing more relatable Harry Potter might be the extreme example being an abused orphan but he doesn't really get to beat all those bullies up and kill bad guys or other things I'll be right back but that's why this works so well it's wish-fulfillment to the highest degree and sorry to disappoint I'm not touching the controversy of the princess joke with a ten-foot pole you either thought it was hilarious too crass misogyny or just not funny and I'm not gonna change your mind maybe it's all the above I will say I get that it was intended as a jab at bonds misogyny and leave it at that but speaking of James Bond that's not the only jab this film takes the drink order the suave dress the henchman with weird appendage weapons and the fact that the new spies all take on an Arthurian Knight name is a code name which could be referencing the common theory that James Bond is nothing more than a secondary code name beyond double-oh-seven as far as them being knights of the round table I almost wonder if this was a tip of the hat to well only a name really if I'm not mistaken the entire reason behind the roundtable was having no head sure King Arthur was king but when they sat at the table they were equals at least that's what first night led me to believe until Guinevere and Richard Gere messed it all up anyway I think the point was that these nights or Kingsman were not really as gentlemanly as they presented themselves Arthur had been turned and Merlin was quick to say they didn't know who they could trust and the moment the non roundtable was introduced Arthur shows his classism and how he was still prejudiced against a lower-class kid even after he gave His life to save Galahad Merlin and the other candidate who became Lancelot so by no means that all the king's men see each other as equals it leads to girls go bulls there's also something I breezed over during the church fight it can get lost and how amazing the choreography and mayhem is but I think the whole thing is also supposed to make you uneasy I joked but no one and I do mean no one deserves this and even if Galahad dislikes these people and tells them off so hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon or better this was nothing he would ever condone if you remember he was being shot at giving him every right to retaliate in kind and instead he just knocked the kid out he doesn't believe in senseless killing and when you really pay attention it's clear how completely out of their league he is might as well be killing kittens I think it destroys him so much that he wouldn't even try to defend himself at this point so the question is how desensitized are we it's as if Vaughan used his own mind controlling us with the complexity and the adrenaline of the sequence that we were pumping our fists and cheering Galahad on and then after he gives us the proper amount of time for reflection what just happened something to think about also it's just a goofy movie so don't think too long as far as this film's message I always have to chuckle when I read how this movie is propaganda of one political party and then someone else will say it's an indictment of said political party I don't really think it's either Obama's head exploding aside I see the super elite Kingsman Taylor's is a statement about how neither is perfect about the politicians they're all gonna say that undermine integrity by organizations great idealism we've established that your government-run spy organization is bad and unless you don't know it exists Oh freaky how there's no recognizable name for the Chinese secret service but your privately run spy agency was taken over by environmentalist fanatics so the message if there is one is to quote Barney Stinson suit up and fix it yourself and if I have any politics it's that don't murder in the one but it's up to you to make things change moving on and one of his recent obsessive pop culture disorder videos the smartest man to ever grace YouTube with his presence Daniel O'Brien called Kingsman enough said movie I don't agree with everything he says but Kingsman definitely is a nuff said movie clearly I rarely hit enough said but he's totally right and a large part of that in my opinion has to do with what Matthew Vaughn contributed to action movies through this film powerful fast punchy action that you never get lost in I'm not an expert but the best way I can describe the action scenes is that they're perfectly intelligible shaky-cam based on going through it frame by frame because it seems like a good use of my time to go through each fight scene frame by frame I'm fairly certain most of its done with the Edit as in the camera is mostly stationary during filming still handheld occasionally but very minimal practical shake the shake in zooms seemed to be primarily done in the edit which gives every fight this awesome effect and he removes frames right before impact making them feel faster and stronger occasionally it's almost like they used a Snorri cam on a particular object where the camera is pinned to the subject and like I mentioned earlier no quick cutting and jerking the camera around it's mostly long takes where you can see exactly what's going down it's amazing it's snap zooms slow-mo and ramping done in a new and easy to follow away beyond the action everything is so clean and crisp right out of a magazine wide scenery shots are generally symmetrical pristine smooth and almost manufactured looking then when we get into the human drama on conflict the camera picks up speed and shows the flaws and dirt they use a shallow focus on people's faces and often a pinata focus on mid and wide shots where you'll notice people shoes are blurry or even a fisheye and the prisoned added the feeling of confinement it's just a beautiful film to watch at all times that either pulls you in or makes you step back and awe and this film was surprisingly yet perfectly cast I didn't expect Colin Firth to get quite as much but as he did while still looking debonair but he did and as a surrogate father to eggsy you believe their relationship and feel the full weight of his death and as far as a rags to riches story about a kid from the projects Taron Egerton sells it for a kid who hadn't done a whole lot into this film he carries the story really well and has just his origin story I'm excited too see him get more to do in golden circle Michael Caine and samuel l.jackson can pretty much do no wrong and the rest of the supporting cast all held their own one of the bigger standouts was Mark Strong especially with just a background his character so it looks like Golden Circle isn't getting the love The Secret Service guy I haven't seen it yet but I've read enough of those doesn't capture groundbreaking wonder of the first yada-yada reviews I guaranteed it for Deadpool 2 to at least ignore a lot of the disappoint you know I like the dirt movies for myself I'd really like to get to it in theaters but I'd off to see if Jude's up for it he doesn't like Julianne Moore so we'll have to see how that conversation goes next week and on a movie but if either to give me a next joke and a secret search it's definitely Sanders [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 5,009,537
Rating: 4.9253559 out of 5
Keywords: Kingsman, Kingsman 2, Everything Wrong With Golden Circle, EWW Kingsman, EGA, Kingsman Secret Service, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins
Id: 5A-tZvV589U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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