Everything GREAT About Tenet! (Part 1)

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hell yeah letโ€™s go

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Gr00vyRedPanda ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this video is sponsored by raycon more on that at the end [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] aha so syncope is moving backwards through time and wb is moving forward through time or at least that's what red and blue mean throughout the movie in other words tenant style opening credits also the opening notes of the score are played as a palindrome it's hard to explain but here listen to it backwards and forwards [Music] huh he ejected and then caught it kind of like later when he'll catch it by ejecting it backwards oh boy prepare your noggins but for real has there ever been a more beautiful man with a more beautiful beard or more piercing yet terrifying stare i know big words for a movie containing robert pattinson but this dude acts more with his eyes than most do with their entire heads john david washington some basic visual exposition to let us know that the protagonist is not a part of the law enforcement team arriving the russians were waiting to see who arrived first on the scene so they could pick the correct patch and blend in the first thing i loved about tennant started way back when the first teaser came out this score in fact i remember hoping the piece used in the teaser wasn't made for the trailer i was not disappointed it's edge of your seat classic nolan zimmer but done by ludwig gorence in the best way possible live in a twilight world i know i sure do who else can't stop thinking about edward i mean neil also the choice of phrase is interesting twilight is the last time you see any light before dusk and then darkness takes over so if we live in a world of dwindling light twilight you know you can't trust anyone right before complete darkness at dusk it's one of the many tenets of tennant but it's also what tenet is trying to stop chronologically in a 24-hour period twilight is right before dusk dusk being the end being death the end of the world so we're living in the time right before the end and once we come to the end there are no friends the future coming to its own dusk is willing to destroy the past to save itself keep up such a quick scene that is such a nolan location for a shootout there isn't enough room to get out of the way of bullets it's almost as if getting shot was fate some might say reality [Music] ah neil's weird inverted theme so just maybe you'll catch it later okay i may be reaching here occasionally because the general nature of our world is things coming and going but it has to be deliberate that the protagonist is framed between trains moving in opposite directions you know like the flow of forward and inverted time tasteful torture nolan we have to put it back one hour but see you don't even need to be inverted to turn back down we all believe we'd run into the burning building but until we feel that heat we can never know you do which is key to an organization that needs everyone who knows about inversion to die to prevent anyone in the future from finding out about it or in a more convoluted knoll any way people even know its true nature is to lose serving a double purpose here after being in a coma it's smart to train and get back to peak status but also we later see him passing by a similar location inverted and we know it's right around the same time since he's headed back to stahls 12 the day of the opera so keeping him out of the way is a good idea also he's doing chin-ups both times which are palindromic movements john david washington's workout routine the hive is vest and a clipboard you can get almost anywhere and i'm scared of tinnitus fingers while saying tenet wonder if it's a right or wrong one it'll open the right doors with some of the wrong ones too okay that's pretty cool even if we don't fully understand it don't try to understand it i said it was cool an inverted bullet passing through your body would be devastating vengeful shadowing wow what's what what that's what she she called her so i can't call her that where did you get them it came with the wool so we're all thinking this piece of wall is from stahls 12. yeah i have nothing to prove it i just like the idea and that's how you let us know where we are without a location card that suit that suit is a win also the way he wears it it seems you need an introduction to it so as neil sits down the score is using volume to play a palindromic chord if that makes sense it sounds exactly the same backwards and forwards which you know that's neil moving backward and forward through time interacting with the protagonist in multiple stages the score is a terrible pincher i need an audience with sanjay singh it's also just generally a beautiful piece so function meets beauty but there's something almost heartbreaking in it that goes well with the look on neil's face as if he's seeing a ghost neil is meeting his best friend for the first time without his best friend knowing or trusting him from neil's perspective when he met the protagonist for the first time in his life neil had already sacrificed himself for the protagonists so his entire demeanor would likely be different and it's not impossible to think he's still in contact with the future protagonist at this point but more likely is that when he was set off on this mission he said goodbye to him so this is the beginning of the end of their friendship i guess you could say vocal tonic uh diet coke what you never drink on the job you're well informed well i prefer soda water like that and some early hints that he knows him especially this new look as if he's rediscovering a long-lost friend sponge jumpable i don't think punching jumpable is a word mall words are made up this seemed like an inverted move in the trailer but really it's just spy stuff although bungee jumping especially the way they do it letting the cord pull them up and then get them down is another palindrome so this is a situation where being the decent guy pays off accidentally rather than taking the non-target person hostage like neil asked if he was willing to do would you take a child's hostage a woman he went right for the target he just lucked out that he wasn't the target oh neil the sweetie but i am the man the stopping blood splatter on my face hand is one of the most inventive threats ever violet tendency lives by tenors are important to you again they give each other the gesture it's just subtle enough that no one else would notice including probably 88 of the audience also this who's in charge switcheroo is a motif that comes back in the end when we learned that even the protagonist didn't know he was at the head of tenant even here it feels like the score probably sounds the same played forward or backward oh what's that you couldn't tell i switched it halfway through i you must have had a plan for getting out not one i love kneel flying by first ah do we need a wind counter for the suits the protagonist wears i'm not gonna do it but i could i'm mr crosby's lunch i presume you mean sir michael crosby i appreciate how little work nolan did on sir michael kane's character name dodge it without you hope you don't mind i'll catch you will you because this is where most of us started getting super confused the win here is nolan subtly acknowledging that he created a confusing setup but i'll catch up eventually how do i get to say no true her of course well you may have an inflated idea of my powers of seduction i doubt that you british don't have a monopoly on sniper you know what not a monopoly more of a controlling interest the best response to such an accusation he paid nine million dollars well they cover the cost of the holiday he just forced us on where'd you go mars i love that the protagonist being surprised by a 9 million vacation is the final nail in the coffin about what he's pretending to be he covers all right but it's too late you've got the suit the shoes of watch i think you're a little out of your depth people who've amassed fortunes like your husbands generally aren't okay with being cheated out of any of it billionaires care about nine million dollars the same way say a hundred thousand dare cares about buying a phone i'm not kidding if you had a hundred thousand dollars to your name a guy with one billion dollars spending nine million is the same as 900 to you let me go if i agreed never to see my son again nolan is a film maker i just met kat and i barely know the protagonist but through a number of things including the warm lighting and a score that guides your emotions i feel for her and understand her sadness and fear and the cinematography let's let's break it down really quick and talk about how nolan uses framing and camera movement to sell a scene we start wide with the camera tracking around them slowly as they start their battle of wits once the protagonist reveals that he's really interested in seder we bring it to a medium close-up locked off on each of them then cat goes on the offensive and accuses the protagonist of trying to blackmail her he is so she crosses her arms leans back confidently and the camera stays locked off on her but now we're slowly pushing in on the protagonist on every reverse since she's putting pressure on him and then he flips it around again exposing that he knows sader is controlling her somehow so we start slowly pushing in on cat it's at this moment that the score kicks in and we realize the cat and mouse game is over as she allows herself to be honest and vulnerable next time we cut back to cat it's in close up you can tell that everything she's saying is true and she has no worry about telling the protagonist because like she says this scene is just shot reverse shot it seems like a simple thing but not many directors can capture this on screen and i really can't say enough about the score would you share a son that's my life now you'd understand you know not got walks anyway spock on the phone you can't do that 100 dislikes tangling with local law enforcement on that level get it walking and talking are apparently off the table though i didn't betray my husband retrospect maybe i missed my chance i might just be your second chance i don't need redemption at betrayal i'm not always one for revenge you know dick two graves but that line redirection i love a good rope of dope although i'd actually credit this move to costner hood and prince of thieves brutal face grade and you have to love how casual he is about it because he's so much more skilled than them perfect timing this construction company built them i brought in the clients i know this is probably common knowledge to a lot of you by now but i hadn't really done any research when i started writing and it wasn't until i started thinking critically and also had the subtitles on that i noticed rotas so that was like third time through a repo i caught in theaters but even after learning about the seder square i missed rotas anyway yeah in case it isn't super clear sator is this guy a repo sold the fake goya to cat tenant you know opera was the first mission and rotas is the construction company that built the freeports anna says we're going to pompeii and see lava and speaking of the seder square look i'm going to cover all the ways in which neil could be maxed from the future but this is the most compelling point one of the first seder squares was found in pompeii after the eruption of mount vesuvius meaning max was going to look at lava there's definitely images of the seder square there you can fill in the blanks he already had a few connections and maybe he'd have no clue about his mom's friend who started tennis especially if it's because he gave the protagonist the idea to name it that haha or it's just another cool reference to the seder square structure if this rising score which is freaking awesome by the way isn't a metaphor for the entire movie the minutia doesn't really matter the exposition this guy is exposing is interesting but it won't affect your viewing especially your first viewing of the movie i'll get into it more later but that's one of the primary charms of nolan movies especially this one and there is a 10 second hmm 10 you say our clients use us because we have no priorities above their property what are we saying about billionaires oh right fantastic from their private planes i find it hard to believe that both neil and the protagonist would make this mistake but it's a fun reminder that they're a little out of your depth hard to constantly think like a billionaire when you're not one another of those this is just the actual real world reaching type wins but nolan chose to shoot them walking here and there are moving walkways moving in opposite directions with our protagonist in the middle again oh boy so you're gonna talk about the cinematography again yes sir in real life people stand around in a circle and talk all the time it's an effective way to communicate but not always the most interesting to look at so what does nolan do he chooses a totally unnecessary truck around the conversation for a 44 second lock take space in the center of the pentagon is too big there's something there i think part of the reason this movie is so confusing at times is because of moments like this okay so you know that goya is there and you told neil it's plutonium but really you have no clue what you're even looking for and a line about the center of the pentagon being too big doesn't explain what's going on even though in hindsight it makes sense that by that's where they want to get to because it's not marked don't think you could distract me from these inception bois with bizarro matthew lillard oh my gosh she actually drove a plane into this building this is so clearly real and it's nolan so duh tight lock picking hiding spot really kicking myself for not starting that suit counter and of course the first door they have to get through is number ten halfway is five and we can assume the vault is zero it's him he's hearing himself pushing cat's stretcher inverted and in forward time he's rolling backwards out to wait for the ghost sign from the uninverted protagonist yeah i understand why people get confused the hand actually is huh i guess he's good with the locks wonder if that will be important later neil and the protagonists go in the opposite side doors this time and it makes perfect sense we're trying to keep that the masked man is the inverted protagonist for starters his one-hand slide detachment is something set up about him in the beginning but it's happening in reverse and it's also the first time we've seen anyone move inverted so we don't really understand the mechanics of it all yet [Music] also this is a fun detail for me whichever version of the protagonist is currently winning the fight at a given time makes sense from both perspectives the end of the inverted protagonist's fight is the beginning of the forward protagonists fight so by the end of the fight in normal time the way we're seeing it right now forward protagonist has caught on how to fight an inverted foe and again in forward time we're moving back to the beginning of the fight for the inverted protagonist when he hasn't figured out how to fight inverted yet so forward foe gets this sweet take down in on him make sense i i genuinely hope this isn't all gobbledygook and i'm sure a lot of people figured it out but there are some serious giveaways them trying the same foot sweep on each other for instance well when we're done they'll kill you why don't you have to do that anyway you look cute nolan good with fists for a diplomat kenneth branagh the guy you know you recognized and you're pretty sure he's not vaguely eastern european but you can't know for sure and that's partly because he sells it so well just tell me if you've slept with my wife yet uh no not yet apparently he's got time for jokes going to take you there cut your throat then we take your balls and we stuff them in the cut lock the windpipe points for originality [Music] do you like opera love the pause before the question always exuding confidence [Music] you know what i haven't talked about yet this score the one that conveys old school high society full contact sailing give nolan a bond film you say give nolan a bond film yeah so if you're wondering why today why this sailing trip did cat finally snap and decide to murder old seder and it's specifically because she laid it all on the line that morning only to have her last bit of hope crushed while also counting on the protagonist coming through like a double whammy ah but cat it's blue therefore it can go against the current or it should it should be should be already wait more points for creativity yeesh nolan what's inside that head of yours if can't have you no one else can cliche andre but goodness there are no bad beards in this film beautiful beard seder this ignorance is our only protection i have some bad news for you although at least you're learning obviously the oslo plane crash made it into the news so staying off radar is the only way to go it's just generally cool that the inverted driver is out there already though the way he blinks seems not inverted but for context in about 10 minutes he'll watch an inverted seder pushing forward cat into the car and they'll head to the end of the heist actually first they'll blow saab all while driving in reverse from cat's point of view so it's just everything is 10 huh or net you know say what you will about logic and science or backstory even the occasional unintelligible dialogue to be in a nolan movie is to be in a cool movie and to be cool in a movie what is this score what is this heist that's about to happen isn't even the most interesting thing to happen in the next 10 minutes okay but it's a genius heist because they wouldn't suspect anything is wrong like the forgettable part is this set piece where john david washington climbs out on a fire truck ladder over four other huge vehicles crushing three other vehicles all while driving down the highway to steal a piece of temporal magic it's just rule of cool all over the place this is not one of them that's what he's after neil gives the protagonist confirmation without giving anything away i can't understand this you said you spoke estonian it's not a stone one it's backwards it is and if you can understand backwards you know exactly what's going to happen as a result of the protagonist inverting i saw a lot of people asking how seder ended up with the 241 at the end of the chase and this is the answer he told his forward goons to go get it in forward time they'd be watching the protagonist back out of the car and go back into the report and the piece of the algorithm is just in the backseat [Music] so freaking that's some resourcefulness definitely one of the most confusing scenes of all mostly because we follow sader's point of view when he inverts and then cut back to forward time after he leaves the blue room and when we follow him we realize he's essentially playing along with the protagonist since technically his forward interrogation in the red room happened first in his brain but there's a giant football field size asterix there since this entire movie is a paradox that creates paradoxes all over the paradox bootstrap paradox is one of the biggest ones and this is a perfect example of it where did the idea that 241 is in the bmw originate i've told you that tell me now is it really in the bmw which vehicle did you leave it in i need to know before i go out there i already told you it's not the truth and seder asks the protagonist about it before the protagonist tells him in forward time so there's no solution it's a causal loop but also to help with the logic of tad this wasn't sader's original plan he only continued the interrogation inverted because ives and co showed up he even seems a little surprised that he had to do the inverted interrogation answer before question style by the way that's the sob before it gets inverted to be outside of the report for the protagonist to use our facilities inside an airport security premier it's impregnable it wasn't last week you guys are everywhere aren't you so this is not the halfway point of the movie but fun fact maybe odd fact if you haven't given it much thought but other than the prologue the moment they enter the turn style is the furthest into the future we go in this movie from here on it's just moving backwards for long stretches and then forward for shorter stretches the movie ends in the past and it feels like a good spot to end part one because holy cow is this movie dense but if you're like me and you're doing a lot of inverted things lately that are still loud you might want to consider today's sponsor raycon and their wireless earbuds i know some people like to remove the snow from their driveways but when i have my raycon earbuds in it all sounds the same sounds like my music and if you haven't heard of raycon they're making premium wireless earbuds and a bunch of fun colors and patterns for half the price mike tyson farah abraham jake liverport no kidding jake livermore they all love them and obviously you know i do don't be fooled usually i have to snowblow all alone and earbuds have made even the most boring tasks enjoyable because i can listen to audiobooks or a playlist or just the tenant soundtrack on repeat backwards and you can too click my link at the top of the description below by raycon.com cinemawins and you can even get 15 off your order seamless bluetooth pairing more bass 6 hours of play time all with a super comfortable noise isolating fit and they have a 45 day free return policy so they're pretty confident you'll love them so check out my link in the description to save 15 on your recon purchase by the way this is not the video i was working on last week that was another dense one because i thought punishing my brain at the beginning of the year was a good idea next week part two of tenet where i hopefully explain some stuff you're confused about feel free to ask questions in the comments bye at this point i feel like i have a pretty good handle on the movie after literally hand drawing out timelines and matching up forward and reverse scenes you know just normal stuff but the week after next week a new one and then actually the week after that a new one and then two weeks from then will be the one that i was working on last week but next week tenant part two
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 480,331
Rating: 4.9534774 out of 5
Keywords: Tenet, Everything Wrong With Tenet, EWW Tenet, ERW Tenet, EGA Tenet, Tennet, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: wDbiTLLZVz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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