Everything GREAT About The Dark Knight!

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Won't he get hit with a copyright complaint for posting the movie in it's entirety

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/CDuddng 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

They could have just saved the time and put the entire film

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so simple so quiet OneNote dragged across the violence string putting your teeth on edge Zimmer started something special in Batman Begins and then really outdid himself with a Joker's theme dad someone give William Fichtner his own movie that is all he's out right Archer whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger just has there ever been a better opening in a comic book movie in the history of ever we learned so much about the Joker through his heist in barely over five minutes he's a master planner who was able to keep his anonymity from all the guys he hired he's specifically routing a mob bank with a future plan in mind he fears nothing and above all just from this nonchalant no-look murder slight head tilt absolutely bizarre response and close up on his face we know he is a man to be feared and a villain to be feared above all other villains as he doesn't even subscribe to the adage honor among thieves and he's not above a simple smoke grenade fake-out gag I told you my compound would take you places I never said they'd be places you wanted to go and under use of my boy Killian for sure but I'll never complain about seeing him and good on him for showing up to give this universe continuity can't say the same for all actor isn't booked that's more like it also killing Murphy is always a win yep this has to be the cleanest Batcave ever it wouldn't leave something like that up to chance I don't I make my own luck double mug shadowing hostile ha reference to Harvey's original origin is two-faced where he gets acid thrown in his face in a similar situation you want to kill a public servant mr. Maroni I recommend you buy American Your Honor I'm not done also badass good guy for a now fancy stuff for a city cop have help with various agencies agencies did I mention Gary Oldman is always a win what about that floodlight on the top of them see you you've got problems with malfunctioning equipment I suggest you take them up my maintenance you know I think part of the story that people often forget is that while it maybe should have been easier to discover Batman's true identity he was making life easier for most cops especially Gordon who had access to all this tech and genius now so why would they go out of their way to investigate him it's one of those things they all probably chose not to think about I'm sure Gordon always had his suspicions but truly didn't want to know three buttons is a little nineties mr. Wayne I'm sure he owns quite a few in fact never know when chainsaw spray might ruin your clothing just be thankful he's not obsessed with business cards anymore want to be able to turn your head shortly I'm backing out of the driveway yeah another amazing attention to detail from Nolan most directors would just upgrade the suit in between movies and expect everyone to just play along and even the most hardcore Batman fans would just shrug their shoulders and say yeah that's what they do in superhero movies Vader suit got unexplained upgrades why not Batman but Nolan actually brings back the original suit and then has Batman request the upgrades things like this or what separate no one from the pack Rachel's told me everything about you surely hold on not even Batman is above a little ex-girlfriend snooping new boyfriend intimidating so let's put a couple tables together not sure that they'll let us oh they should I own the place you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain what a line to face shadowing his own fate while also imparting wisdom to Bruce he wouldn't truly understand it till battling the Joker oh man you thought he'd already been in trout you thought wrong no one will ever touch this bone-chilling laughs how about a magic trick Oh murder jokes Heath Ledger is always a win may he rest in peace I'm gonna make this pencil disappear also it's amazing how something as gruesome is jamming a pencil into a guy's brain through his eyeball can play for laughs but still make you terrified of the Joker and let's talk about the aesthetic of this joker he's filthy his makeup is caked on and running from sweat and you can just imagine that Hina's breath smell terrible that man has no jurisdiction truer words I'll let you have the Freak comment see a guy like me Frank but that's strike two also this is Sookie to the Joker he's not insane he comes in laughing because he's mocking Wow The Laugh is a performance to inspire fear just like his laughter when killing the fake Batman I guess he may be insane but he's totally in control and calculated at all times let's not blow this out of proportion Joker buns even in a universe where the Joker's the scariest dude alive he can make pun threatening do you think you could steal from us and just walk away yeah honesty 500 grand for this clown did strike three here's my card I'm sorry everything he does is a win love this pain around the three of them talking while Batman just stands there in silence they're sitting down there was scum like warts and Ramirez you and I never noticed how much they setup the questionable nature of Gordon's men but dent mentions it almost every time he speaks with Gordon just a great way to set up their betrayal the CIA program back in the 60s for getting their people out of hot spots called skyhook you meet Big Boss in the 60s should do fine the case cats we talkin Pfeifer Barrie Hathaway all different levels of felines they must be really hard to like dent and want him to succeed so you can stop batmanning but also really just want to rub your life in his face and ruin every date he goes on with your ex tightrope walk no I got these scars three strikes and you get to hear a story before you die why so serious I love that it's revealed that this famous line was really nothing more than just a way to instill more fear and create a sense of anxiously in his new goons why so serious also I mean or a bat I'm Batman you dumb Fox Batman in Hong Kong when Batman jumping off a super tall building in Hong Kong win Batman flying around Hong Kong when the music fades out and all you hear is the wind flapping in his cape when that moment when you realize that Joker was right about Batman's jurisdiction I wonder how far away mother base is from Hong Kong Gordon Hume inks is that an Eminem joke you ever wonder if Nolan said all right he just you know tone it down like just a tad and he turned to him and said and Nolan crapped his pants [Applause] also if you look up evil maniacal laughter in the dictionary it's just this sound now that's an entrance look at this face this is the face of Gotham's bright future that's half true but only for a short time until you tack them off a building I only have one question where is Harvey Dent what performance very few actors can walk into a room and own it the way he did combining intimidation with a jittery unhindered evil you know you remind me of my father compliments beautification by hair parting how this will hurt no but I don't care about the scars I stick a razor in my mouth and do this and now we get the confirmation that he was just messing with gamble as the razor blade against the violin string pitch is higher we slowly start to realize that he's really not sane and although you feel pretty safe he wouldn't just kill Rachel you're not so sure anymore and i SuperDuper appreciate that Batman's fighting is more on-screen less quick cut in this film they've definitely upped the editing you've gotta love that the Joker is excited to see Batman and can't wait to show him how his rules and Joker's lack of rules give him an advantage very poor choice of words seriously the drunker can't pass up a pawn opportunity come on Batman some men just want to watch the world bud and that's what makes this joker so special just an agent of chaos don't tell me you didn't recognize your baby out there and kicking cop cars on the evening news finally someone acknowledges the insanity of the amount of engineering and manufacturing that goes into being Batman obviously for the most part they're going to cover their tracks but even the world's greatest detective and his helper guide make mistakes sometimes and you should have known that mr. Reaves would solve the tumbler riddle oh you're thinking alright Batman's one step ahead this time he knows what's going on ah nope here comes Joker music there is I'll get into the Joker's broader plan later but this small section catches the black as well how did Joker know the Bruce would find the fingerprint and end up in that room he didn't it didn't matter to the plan sure he planted the evidence because he's crazy but even he probably thought it was a long shot the window shade is simply a distraction right before he tries to shoot the mayor Bruce didn't need to be in there for that to work and this is awesome don't get me wrong but is anyone tired of this image showing up and all those click beauty links nightclubbing sometimes he's just so batmanning it hurts you think chef Thomas he's a paranoid schizophrenic you know if he also had a disassociative identity disorder he could technically be Kurt from ant-man just with a new accent to name the first crack in his psyche is exposed Joker's plane is on schedule and juoh most away tycoon I find it interesting that even though Alfred is always the one looking to protect Bruce in this instance he's the one giving Bruce the best advice he's the only one that understands any concession to the Joker can't end well it's as if Bruce can't even comprehend where the Joker actually is because he doesn't fit into his world of motives and control Alfred gets it having dealt with his kind before I am the Batman see we know you're not the Batman because the Batman doesn't call himself the Batman oh I'm sorry did you think this was going to be a joker list prisoner transport hehehe bananas diversions the Joker likes a little wordplay fire truck yeah it's funny because the Joker loves to laugh but apparently he likes to slaughter even more and that's almost as good as having dormant nanobots in your bloodstream to restructure anatomy and turn into a bat pod do observations from the chatty guy who stole Chandler's hat everyone pretty much knows by now but it still amazes me that they actually built the bat pod and it was completely functional keep it all and speaking of practical effects Oh my personal favorite moment the Joker he just plays into his carelessness so well finger on the trigger while he's stumbling to get up after a crash he's so committed to chaos he's willing to die just to ruin Batman though he knows he won't actually kill him know what is more terrifying than an antagonist that laughs harder the more you hit them I love the way the Batpod accelerates as if it's one gear with no top rpm so let's talk about the much-maligned Joker's plan it's its own meme at this point but that's because how about he's say people like to point out every my new detail is if it was planned by the Joker really the first and biggest mistake everyone makes when judging the Joker's a ridiculously perfect plan is thinking it was his only one just because the plan we see happens doesn't mean it was his first or even preferred plan and it was simple he knows Harvey's not the Batman so he's going to attack his convoy knowing the real Batman will show up best case he actually gets Harvey and then moves on to blowing him or Rachel up second place he gets captured and has foam bomb guys his escape plan clearly he had getting captured as an option was totally cool with it or third as that Batman breaks his one rule and kills him which he's also cool with because chaos he has loyal goons throughout the city ready to do one thing if he's captured or another if he succeeded I know there would still be comments about that my new shove his plan before you comment ask yourself was it necessary to his plan if it wasn't then it wasn't necessarily part of his plan man what a misdirection at this point anyone who's ever heard of two-face knows Harvey's going to be two-face so the assumption would be that they rescue Rachel and dent just barely escapes with half his face and then we get Silence of the Lambs and then no last words harsh noise you think this is Logan and while Rachel's death is going to sting either way the fact that the no one's were able to make her a pivotal parts the plot has a large part of the force working against the mob and love interest for both Harvey and Bruce makes it sting all the more than if she was just an ancillary girlfriend and never has there been a more realistic and appropriate reason for Harvey to become two-face but as your friend I'm sorry oh man Batman you thought you were doing something good but you just built his hopes up only to be smashed into oblivion really cementing that identity and this silent sorrow turning into full-blown rages so intense there is all you care about fully committing to the watch the world burn identity your plan do I really look like a guy with a plan see what I mean I mean he's mostly manipulating dent here but there is truth to that his plan is usually just to create disorder I'm not a schemer what is so amazing about this character is how much and at the same time how little we know about him especially given how much he actually says in this film we're giving just enough information about the Joker to always feel uneasy and unsure of what he might do the hilarious and nonchalant way he shows that he's let down by this little explosion not going off in succession do you have any idea how much whiskey would hurt in those open wounds dudes crossed a mental line is if he actually revels in the pain now as long as this machines that Wayne Enterprises I won't be commitment to your principles you choose I may not be quite so noble hey Bolton made him what an awesome way of setting up the geography of the building and showing us the immediate threats to Batman how about the hospital evacuation created a super typical cliche doctor hostage and clown villain video game scenario saving cops from themselves you have to love the Joker's just adopted the dogs as his own and obviously they're loyal to their new Alpha it also nails home the metaphor of what the Joker is one of the few wounds we see Bruce sustained in the series other than you know a broken back and some knee trouble is the dog bitey stitching in the beginning then the Joker goes out of his way to parallel himself with a dog like enjoying the wind on his fur I'm a dog chasing cars I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught him and he clearly convinces dent the joke was just a mad dog one who ever let him off the leash so it's set up right away that he could make Batman bleed I mean come on potential self-sacrifice phone to his death still laughing maniacally this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object what a line what a character what an actor and what awesome camera movements is the camera spins around to change the Joker's orientation to right-side up I think you and I forever and we would have watched you do this forever now truly I took Gotham's White Knight and I brought him down the craziest thing about this entire movie is that the Joker's portion of this film ends with him winning not a rebuttal clearly but he won the war he destroyed dent and turned Batman into a murderous villain in the eyes of Gotham whoa chance unbiased unprejudiced I know I already talked about two phases creation being almost spotless but diving even deeper chance a flip of a coin is what determine whether Rachael lived or died so of course this is who he becomes gary oldman takes a backseat and prays for this film because of Ledger but man was he amazing as well especially his desperation and how he feels that he failed that earlier and now his terror at the thought of losing his son it's going to be all right like I live and I know I've praise Zimmer for his part of the score but James Newton Howard actually composed this building scene holy cow does it always put me on edge amazing I killed those people that's what I can image self-sacrifice or how Gordon famously puts it because he's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now he's a silent Guardian a watchful protector but knock night yep I get two comments on this channel more than any other comment they are I expected to see a ten minute video of a blank screen with the word nothing or why didn't you just upload the entire movie both top-notch jokes don't get me wrong however this was the first time while writing my script that I actually felt like I was time stamping literally every scene every scene from this movie is iconic it's an actual masterpiece and I bet you can guess what I'm going to give a lot of credit for that classification every single time the Joker is on screen is perfection he never misses a beat Jay Jonah is still the best cast of a comic-book character because he 3 invented huh I mean invented a character others will come along and do fine maybe even great you know I like letõs take but nothing will ever even come close to this performance it's devastatingly sad that we lost him and whatever part his mental health and preparation for this role played in that but he deserved the posthumous Oscar and I thank him for leaving us with this masterful showcase of talent and devotion to a character high he'll have you probably heard this theory nonetheless it warrants mentioning since I had a similar thought the theory is that the Joker is actually some kind of war veteran suffering from PTSD this statement or a truckload of soldiers will be blowing up is sort of out of nowhere sure you could say it's a good example of society's desensitization to the normal horrors of our world but it's oddly specific and his other two examples happen in this film plenty of gangbangers are killed and people freak out when he threatens the mayor's life so it's totally plausible that his scars are from being on a truck that exploded maybe he was the only one left alive and just couldn't cope so we came back to destroy the establishment and introduced chaos to right the wrongs he suffered he also seems very comfortable in the honor guard so comfortable that no one even notices it he's also proficient with a bunch of different weapons and explosives is clearly an amazing strategize er and says this never start with the head the victim gets all fuzzy getting credence to the idea that he's been on one side of the other of some serious interrogation beyond just cops and perps it's compelling and I don't put a pass Nolan but I really really appreciate it's not explained any further in the story the Joker's empty history lack of a name it makes him that villain he is the fact that the true story of his scars is unknown makes him so much more terrifying because what real event could be scarier than how our minds fill in the gaps I sort of view the Joker as existing in a vacuum I assume he inflicted the scars on himself and his self creation was a response to number one the lack of proper villains in Gotham and number two the superiority of the hero that his Batman nature finds balance the Joker was that balance the way I see it the Dark Knight is about choice versus chance or control versus chaos while Batman tries to control every situation and desires to understand his enemies so that he can make the right choice The Joker strives to introduce chaos to make every choice seem meaningless Batman chooses to save Rachel but the Joker tricked him rendering his choice irrelevant I actually also think there's a fairly good chance that each boat actually had their own detonators or worse since the Joker had only one each detonator controlled both boats bombs the unstoppable force that is the Joker forces people to choose to expose something about their humanity or in his fantasy lack of humanity what every single one of his victims doesn't realize is that their choices are meaningless he will always win even when he loses the only way to stand up to him is to not play his game but even Mac and then in near-death I keep throwing the word chaos around so much that it's sort of lost its meaning the point is that he has no ultimate plan his plan just goes on and on there's no end game with no goal in mind how do you stop him in fact just to nail that idea home once he'd won by every criminal sense of the word he boned a forest out that's what makes him so terrifying nothing Batman can ever do will not play into the Joker's hand because his goals can shift on a dime everything about this film is amazing the cinematography the writing every performance it's a movie I will keep coming back to for years to come even though it has some depressing subject matter what's amazing about this film is that I just talked a lot about the Joker and while I think he's the best thing to come out of this film that's really saying something because this film is so well put together Nolan made a four act not feel bloated I know not everyone loved this interpretation of to face and felt a little cheated but for me to face was in the entire movie just not in his final form he's constantly torn between Batman's order and justice and the chaos and disorder that Joker is pushing him towards Harvey Dent lost everything by making the right choices indeed the sacrificial choices there are actually some more hidden meetings in this film but my friends at wisecrack to a great job of tackling them they dive deep into the duality and symbolism represented in this film so check that out if you haven't already and if you're one of my super duper hyper intelligent fans who caught the Rick and Morty reference in this video and want to hear more they have a whole awesome playlist linked at the end of this video everything from get schwifty to Szechuan sauce to how genius is Dan Harmon and Justin roiland min should tell the best stories ever and all done in a really entertaining way more links in the description anyway this is about as hard as I can make this teaser frame good luck [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 4,159,436
Rating: 4.9454708 out of 5
Keywords: The Dark Knight, Batman Begins 2, Everything Wrong With Dark Knight, Wonder Woman, EWW Dark Knight, Dark Knight, TDK, Everything Right With Dark Knight, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, everything great about, everything great about batman
Id: EwANrUwJ9-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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