Everything GREAT About The New Mutants!

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[Music] all right opening with a quick steadicam shot long take consider my interest peaked tough for your worst fears to kill you when you're knocked unconscious spoilers did i did i say spoilers yeah i said an f5 tornado touched down on your reservation maybe you weren't 100 sure dr reyes was fibbing a bit but you might have noticed the claw marks on the trailer that were there just in case the growling and roaring wasn't enough to confirm it something was chasing us what and dr reyes genuinely wants to know since she doesn't know what dany's powers are yet i think this may be yours but something tells me she might have a few guesses what happened to this guy did he die while waiting for the new mutants to be released so stop it even i'm tired of that joke do you know what mutants are but if there's one thing that carries over to disney as much as i love origin stories let's just keep the world in the know about mutants it's refreshing here and it's that thing i always talk about where we're all on the same page and it feels nice the man i work for has a way of recognizing new mutants the moment their condition reveals itself most of us knew wasn't going to be xavier but she plays it just coy enough that you could almost be tricked into thinking you know something no one else knows but then comic readers immediately knew it was mr sinister when they saw the name in the hospital nothing can hurt you in here daddy that's something people say who have numbered tombstones outside he asked me to show him so i changed beat me about half the days said i was a witch casual reminder that maisie williams is a phenomenal actor and while her final arcane got wasn't my biggest complaint she could have carried the finale way more than she did and she's just awesome that is all what kind of indian are you cheyenne wasn't actually asking and it's not anya taylor joy's fault that i don't believe beth harmon would be this mean but either way it does hurt to hate her and by the end she has my emotions all over the place oh this isn't the hospital pocahontas i thought racism makes hating her a little easier though so this is rain attempting to warn danny about the wall she was looking out for her right from the beginning fall from here with messi up it would kill me i mean maybe but also maybe not so as much as rain saves her life she also saves her a potentially livable but really painful and life-changing fall i'm all alone there's two people up here you call me a nobody ah the old no i'm the real victim here reverse psychology ledge talk down i mean also a girl is no one i'm also hugging he can blast off a hundred like a cannonball better than being a husker hey seed i suppose the numbers here show that magic was the first one captured then wolf spain then cannonball and sunspot must have been the last one before mirage it's a simple thing but the implication here is that this isn't reyes watching the kids look at the shape of the person standing in front of the monitors not only is she sitting but her reflection would move around the screen since she has individual monitors for each patient every time your shirt gets dirty you just throw it away here it's all yours generosity stained dirty shirt generosity with generosity nonetheless oh geez i got it can he see in the dark because he's made of sun spots look your first mistake was mining for blood and rocks but all things considered i kind of like that the worst fear or nightmare isn't always something classically scary reliving the day sam accidentally killed his dad would be terrifying and a nightmare and the pain of getting smashed around isn't the reason he's upset rayne just awkwardly watching the buffy kiss over and over and no one seems to care anymore also love shadowing 16 years old and doesn't even know her power this is therapy get your hands off me or you'll what now that she's gone pure evil beth is gone only magic remains even willing to murder her i'll see you in the morning i'll see you in hell so iliana can go to limbo and maybe lockheed can take people to hell that's our special place okay so how do they decide on whose special place to go to seriously though i think it's actually telling ileana doesn't consider teleporting out of solitary because she might even feel safer in there her real story is about trauma and trauma steals your power ah the old snow to blood black hole bear trick danny really should focus on that meditation and clearing her mind okay now we know for sure since reyes is right there but we need to do more tests to find out what it is ah so is there an it mutant gene when they first got their powers chances are they hurt someone well only rogue and cyclops and gene i guess oh and wolverine yeah becoming a mutant sucks for your loved ones that's why new mutants are dangerous well they were new four years ago what did i say about the release date he's there which i don't understand scottish preachers don't know about werewolves i mean lucky for her the brain can go either way lucky oh you like the youth are sick and there is no cure name all their albums how many girls you been with like i can even remember fine three no luck why not i get too hot so these mutants are also sort of about puberty but instead of some awkward moments you incinerate girls got it a demon bear lives inside of us and feeds off of our fear that'll help a kid sleep shut up berto no no i'm with birdo on this one and it also plays right into her power unfortunately so when you're born bear is tiny and the older you get the more afraid you become bigger and the stronger the bear gets he made this for me so that i would always remember how small it was when i was born you can safely tell a kid this if they don't have nightmare manifesting powers but danny's going to destroy her town i mean if the bear was tiny when she was a baby and then you grow up and you get bigger and your fear gets bigger it's the same thing behind if i tell you to not think about elephants what are you gonna think about you're gonna think about a giant demon bear i'm the most powerful mutant here that checks out guys being dudes flirting and more flirting yeah who is the superior she's always talking about isn't that obvious ha in a chair and doing the temple touch thing people we feel like we've known forever are celebrities to these kids i killed my dad since siri moting from jonathan makes me want to re-watch stranger things and that's fine by me it took me a second to realize why the kids don't question the gravestone numbers in succession they don't know what numbers they are or even that they have assigned numbers oh my god rain showing danny the rain oh scary yeah you're in there so this is a short movie it's 94 minutes for myriad reasons and maybe this relationship felt a tad force to you at first you probably noticed it being played up but now on my second viewing i'm realizing that the first half of the movie has been largely about getting them together rain is the first person dany sees after ileana hazes her rain literally saves her life twice actually and then she gives her an actual tour which would be a huge deal to someone feeling all alone then they well they shower together which will well you know and then after a rough night and day for both of them danny is clearly smitten already when she goes to check on reign then they dance and sit awfully close on the couch which leads me to the most important part they're attracted to each other and rain says this never done this before with the girl with anyone and there's a very good chance that rayne never even admitted an attraction to girls before given her upbringing and even if dany had it's not like girls like rain grow on trees so danny feeling like she made her up is just confirmation that it all feels almost too good to be true not to mention the they're both mutants thing i know i can almost hear the reply to this that if you have to explain it this much it's not self-evident yeah i get that but again short movie also we've all watched one million movies where there's no chemistry between two actors and then all of a sudden they're in love in the end so this is better than that also compliments okay that's a fun but creepy reveal this less so but the crossover of x-men fans and horror fanatics probably isn't the biggest so i get keeping it mild other than this did he just evaporate half the pool or was the pool being full part of the illusion i'm going with dropping the sun into the water boiled it out of there because it's more fun the demon bear it's fine to remind us that we're in a comic book world but again like why even give it a name you're just making it more dangerous huh so danny must have seen gabriella's video too but wait wasn't part of the premise that there were no mutants left also do they know what happened to xavier i have so many questions lockheed is right which so i know lockheed is alive by the end but does he actually talk to ileana in puppet form also poor shadowcat first they give wolverine the time travel job and days of future past and now lockheed eh maybe disney will be smart and bring elliot paige back for a new x-men character it's even worse when you remember that dany asked her about the first brand when they were in the showers so would obviously be on her mind and it's like this almost too vulnerable confirmation of her fears as it is with everyone else which is why the sphere is so terrifying and i definitely destroy the universe accidentally if it were real uncool but iliana was going to choke her out and she finally gets a chance to show that she can actually control her power smile sneakily setting up what these masked guys were to her just monsters with only the smiles that's mr sinister all right weird dna steeler let's live a little longer danny moon star does saying rain's name cancel out the weirdness from when rain said hers or is she is she ripping her it's one of those did uh did we just hit the end of metal gear solid no best as yet to come vibes anybody again the same as reigns fear is coming to life now we see the way ileana remembers her abusers who are most likely just normal looking humans but the only thing that stuck in her memory was the smiles at her pain which would clearly make the smile evil to her thus this subtle reyes but i would say this is actually evidence that she believes she's doing the right thing even hoping danny will understand like a way to assuage her own guilt sometimes the most humane thing to do is put it to sleep saving your sort of buddy seems like an acquaintance i guess they mostly get along you're the most powerful mutant we've ever had i'm the most powerful mutant here oh i guess she was wrong but similar to jean grey she's just destructive until she can harness the power so i'm gonna say that soul sword wielding stepping disc teleporting puppet dragon loving eye glowy magic is currently the most powerful also she's sorcerer supreme of an entire universe or dimension i guess brutal i'm now noticing the mr sinister head symbol pin reyes is wearing that little ear twitch i like that they showed reign has the ability to change partially and use her wolf senses oh come on oh okay magic to the rescue also badass good girl also great details with the soul sword having cut the wire cage and the walls leaving glowing blue streaks that was so hot character continuity alright so i was off about the reflection because it's in all of them i'm guessing it's just light hitting the outside curvature of the crt glass or something from whatever image they keyed into the monitors but uh hey it's his forehead symbol again brutal but the mildest way to do a death scene ever to show her force field is disappearing [Music] soul sword is pretty dope that thing will kill you he's right it's magic so am i she is but with a k i appreciate that they kept ileana's stepping desk teleporting system accurate since she always has to go through limbo to get where or when she's going lockheed's alive real now based on how that tooth is smoking i would say that's some necessary and free dental work now that's an entrance speedy thing goes in speedy thing comes out days of future pass was the only other time i used that for blink so i think it's fair to use it here but ah see you didn't do the superhero landing which is why you got hurt and that would make deadpool sad and also your brother obviously because colossus wouldn't want deadpool to be sad encouragement would you call this benchmarking that's really more of a pew is this pew research now i swear someone's messing with my puns this week i'm in charge control hey just like the evil doctor taught her control but this does not define you this is not who you are thank you thanks all of you for saving me you saved us i mean technically if you had just let the bear kill danny you would have been all set but i get what you're saying let's just agree you all saved each other and did the right thing on everyone is letting go of their past ileana slashes up some smiley bros danny with her necklace and with his coal and birdo with his doctor's bloody boot also his clothes that were always too dirty for him one bear is all things good the other is all things evil fear shame and self-destruction you freak out talking to puppets but whatever the new mutants isn't my favorite x-men movie it's not my least favorite either i think the biggest compliment i can give it is that it tried something different and with a little more time to work on it i think it could have been really great even logan great if they'd lean more into the horror genre and let the script breathe a little the thing is josh boone wanted to do reshoots but after pushing the movie off 89 times all the actors had aged way too much it just wasn't gonna work if i had complaints from the first viewing the accents were initially off-putting although i got used to them the pace is steady but fast even after defending their relationship rain and dany could have used like one more day together and although the complete absence of any other people or staff in the hospital adds to the creep factor and more intimate story it's also hard to believe and makes it feel low budget at times i'm mostly disappointed because the cast and crew just kept getting hit with bad luck even if this movie isn't exactly what it could have been i still would like to see boone's two sequels he had in mind with this cast because i really enjoy the chemistry of this cast the only character that wasn't developed all that much was berto but even he was consistent throughout i'm gonna marry that girl although i do love how angry he gets whenever he son spots it up sam wasn't fully fleshed out either but it was easier to commiserate with him and understand why he punishes himself a lot of that is thanks to charlie heaton anya taylor joy is excellent she kind of rides that line between sympathetic villain and hero and i think that's one thing this movie and it's now never gonna happen sequels could have done exceptionally well better than suicide squad could have where you have kids pushed down the wrong path and what that looks like as they grow up this movie gave us the reasons why they'd be scared of their powers the only one who really isn't is ileana because her powers actually saved her but that's also why she's a little more twisted than the rest maisie williams is also outstanding her accent didn't bother me i'm sure some actual scots might have something different to say and then blue hunt plays a teenager very well for a woman in her 20s again i think she would have benefited from some reshoots or a few extra takes here and there i got the feeling that the tone shifted throughout production and sometimes it just doesn't work correctly but she's still really great her monologue is awesome and the way she interacts with maisy feels genuine but i'd love to see them all back together at disney so do that disney it's unlikely but either way i'm excited to see what disney does since we have no other option at this point alright so i have three more movies planned for the year but depending on how it goes two of them might be a part one in part two because it's one of my favorite movies in the last five years and i can't even show a teaser without giving it away [Music] what is the most resilient parasite a virus an idea resilient highly contagious once an idea has taken hold in the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate my question is what happens when you start messing with the physics of it
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 312,944
Rating: 4.9386501 out of 5
Keywords: The New Mutants, Everything Wrong With New Mutants, EWW New Mutants, ERW New Mutants, X-Men, X-Men 2020, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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