Everything GREAT About A Quiet Place!

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[Music] there's nothing left on the shelves kena I can't I can't keep whispering it's just it's not practical there's nothing left on the shelves other than candy and plastic bags and chips because you're not gonna be eating those even in an almost completely quiet movie there's a clear distinction between the normal ambient sounds and what the inside of Reagan's head sounds like with no exposition other than a simple day count we know exactly what's going on and what the main issues are in under two and a half minutes the oldest daughter is deaf the middle son is sick which is why they're at the pharmacy in the first place based on how gingerly Evelyn's trying to pick up the pill bottle making very little sound is important and were shown the youngest boy doesn't really understand that since he's running around saving your little brother from horrific generosity also just by virtue of the family structure having a deaf daughter this family has an advantage over other people since they know sign language and don't need to speak believable reason for them to be survivors and if he didn't realize how important sound was it's nailed home in the way the entire family treats a battery operated toy like a live grenade with the pin removed when no one is talking you need to have something enjoyable to look at very little can be taken for granted and that's where John Krasinski's direction in Charlotte Bruce Kristensen cinematography both shine beautiful overhead shots creating interesting symmetry inserts revealing their bare feet walking across the sand and a flat frame pan down that's lit perfectly and again is framed with a very satisfying symmetry also people say why not wear socks or soft-soled shoes socks are slippery on wood floors which would be a good way to induce premature labor and honestly when it comes to being silent being barefoot gives you more control over how you're stepping because you can actually feel the ground also I've heard suggestions of tying towels to your soles you know so you can trip all over the place so why wasn't this kid in the front why weren't they paying attention to him why didn't he know not to do that first they've told their son a bunch of times to be quiet there's no doubt about that and even if he did understand and learn why it's only been three months that is not a lot of times I've been living like this sadly kids do dumb things because they don't understand consequences this scenario of a very distinct loud and unique sound probably doesn't come up that much they have a lot going on and unfortunately at this very moment their focus is on their sick kid because minor illnesses can be life-threatening in apocalypse situations but hot dang what a way to open this movie stakes are set no one is safe and just forewarning it comes up occasionally but it's gonna come up a lot in this film people wonder how I can win bad things happening my policy has always been if the filmmakers get the response out of me they intended whether it's squeals of Glee or shrieks of horror it's a win either way one other thing I'll say along the lines of stakes being set and a lot of you will probably disagree because don't show the shark but that lets us know right away that the literal threat is not the focus of this movie you're not gonna be sitting around waiting to see what these monsters look like because it's not what matters I think that John didn't want us to be distracted from what is actually important the family [Music] okay so Krasinski mentioned that there were scenes he had to pull the score out of because the tension of the silence or sound design worked better which just makes me notice when Marco Beltrami 'he's amazing score is kept in it's stunning and creates the atmosphere of the film even playtime is silent which actually maybe practice for the escape later corn huh so like I can only assume that Dwight gave you his blessing to switch from beets after he died from trying to argue with the aliens for anyone wondering why they weren't using this room more it wasn't done they were still paper mache the walls of soundproofing now that is a beautiful beard win woo volume of the lantern breaking which would usually be pretty innocuous and unoffensive just explodes in your brain because it's contrasted against the quiet Jamie's so stressed out now he really needs to ID as a scapegoat to unleash some of that stress this is one of those spots that a horror movie would usually pick up an eerie track but Krasinski lets the silence be terrifying well if there was ever a time that jump-scare should be exploited it's the silent movie raccoons are kind of jerks anyway did you know they steal chickens so we're Ridge '''l II I thought this was Chekhov's nail that missed the stringer underneath but the space thing isn't the same and on further inspection I think that's just a defect in the board but I'll use the excuse to talk about this tracking shot around the stairs and give this Emmett ography some more praise I realized technically they're still acting but there's something really sweet about an actual in love a married couple on screen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa does Pam know you're doing the same sharing the earbuds thing with this chick though I'm not about to knock a little love dancing to Neil Young snappy way of letting us know we won't be jumping around again and answer to how do they have electricity solar panels my friend solar panels huh her due date was literally Tuesday of this past week compliments [Music] that makes a little sense she's the next oldest person in the family and Marcus isn't gonna be much help if the mom goes into labor not to mention if Li wasn't always gonna be around Marcus needed to get past his all-consuming fear Regan already had I think the fishing trip was less about learning to pull fish out of a trap and more about teaching Marcus that there are safe spaces and the aliens aren't all-powerful well now that's a shot and again the same piece of music a quiet life is used as if it too is whispering with light touches on the piano keys anyone who's used the framing nailer or even a finish nailer knows that nails can do some weird things when being propelled through wood especially if they come into contact with other nails I have a friend with a messed up iris to prove it long story short this nail being bent and pointing in the wrong direction is totally believable a quiet life is still my favorite track but to ignore a quiet family played on this detuned piano almost making you squirm a little when you hear it all while everyone takes the blame for Bo's death on their own shoulders so the aliens movements more into you now are terrifying I remember the doctor telling my wife that screaming actually decreases your power for pushing so ya better off nope but dang it do I give her some credit for one muffled Yelp making Harry look like a big my years of training to not have vocal responses will do that for you know how much you can do about dropping the frame no thank you when the cross between usefulness and anesthetic and tone change makes sense because like the red means bad both in and out of the movie and I'll give them some more leeway on the jump scare noise since these things would definitely be alerting their buddies that there's some fresh meat sounds thank goodness people used to have special timing devices just for eggs right who's the genius behind that and how many people tried to get potato timers and corn timers off the ground that's Emily Blunt is she's a national treasure that's right England I'm claiming her for America anyone who can make me believe she's fighting off contraction pains while trying to stay silent like this is special whoo the red lights from the warning bulbs illuminating his face Oh cheap to be sure but a welcome one finally Krasinski lets us know that he knows who the real acid is by utilizing his wife together with the sound design and cinematography she sells the absolute panic of the scene amazing and awful visualization and Oddie Asian or oral ization of how amplified their hearing is but obviously the sound is like its own character in this film so allowing us to hear what the aliens hear or what regan isn't hearing transports you into the scene i'm gonna call this up putting faith in your audience win I know you've wins for setting things up but I appreciate when they don't waste time spelling it out because labor and delivery isn't scary enough top the list most stressful situations I can imagine yeah appropriate reaction and like some crazy catharsis after this nail-biting scene again the sound design slowly building to this crescendo is so impactful also that's just a father fireworks failsafe plan Bravo another usage of it wasn't hidden but you didn't notice that the first time since you were looking at a tub that's the only cheap ish jump-scare I'll admit it but I don't think she actually pounded on the glass she just put her hand up and more importantly it works because you're so focused on John's performance bad bad kid but let's be honest he's been one step away from a dumb decision this entire movie and kids are allowed to do dumb things because they're kids and it's realistic no one is going to pretend that having a baby is a smart move so I give them credit for acknowledging that the baby is gonna cry when your world is so bad you don't have the luxury of even worrying about SIDS I won't even bother listing the insane amount of dangerous things happening though the oxygen mask would probably help some yeah I think that's why the dad keeps working on the cochlear device solution shadowing I can't hear us actually a chance to breathe even if it's immediately cut short by the fear where the kids are still a little respite don't you know better than to make a sound I can still feel the weight in my arms well this whole conversation will rip your guts out but I think it goes back to this break after hours of terror and near-death experiences and I really like that they talk about it because of course they would even though in movies it's often a point of contention that one of them is unwilling hugging oh of course they can swim underwater but again putting your biggest asset front and center see they didn't even need the waterfall followed by corn is also high up in that most terrifying can make an imagined list I mean also this saving your big sister plot hole number 281 but where did they get all the sand for the pathways from hmm I mean I personally live in a huge sand deposit the five houses around me all have sand for like a hundred feet down so it's not crazy to think I mean I just it's like people think saying must be made in a lab or something I'm sorry I've been on reddit way too much for this movie it's just so inconsequential that the filmmakers didn't need to address it but they did there's your sand they literally open act one after the prologue with Regan lying in a huge pile of sand another one that I feel like I shouldn't have to explain but when they're on top of the door it distributes the weight and creates a solid surface as the corn kernels are pushed against one another once they're under the door they're flat on their backs again distributing the weight out so that no one heavy point is penetrating the corn people do sadly get sucked down in silos pretty often usually it is because the corner grain is flowing but there are often unsettled spots that pull you in as well one more win for the score really escalating the tension with this music that puts you right on the edge of your seat creature design is pretty on point and gross can't that dive beside Reagan's mind is just about one of the most terrifying things that happens in this movie now you're gonna bring a quiet life back like this on a cool movie run cool [Music] taking his sons advice to heart and making sure that she knew doesn't matter what better solution you think you could have come up with he needed to protect his kids he felt like he failed the first time and this time he promised he'd do anything and that kills me self-sacrifice also John Krasinski is always a win I love how this is one of the rare horror films where they don't close doors because what's the point they're gonna bust right through and it's just more sound what freaking editors were allowing their writers to call these things angels there's only one angel in this movie and it's the angel of Verdun cute baby evidence of love no translation needed this is the third time the lights have gone out or flickered when an alien is approaching and it can't just be for dramatic effect in fact their interaction with electromagnetism lends to a further explanation of why the cochlear implant works against them I'll go in-depth on the conclusion do bad nails to the feet aren't their weakness appropriate shaking you even got mucus dripping but I gotta give the sound designers another win for standing on a Foley stage crunching celery and twisting cooked crab legs and nailed the sound of the aliens I gotta save her completely foreign looking alien it's very present in the scene finally it all starts to click for her even if it's heartbreaking that she couldn't have realized that like an hour earlier but this is the fourth time it worked even if she only noticed it once before [Music] badass could curl she gave birth like a few hours ago I mean come on you can scoff but deep down you're cheering for them before I get into this conclusion I want to talk about another great Halloween movie cabin in the woods specifically that a channel I love has created a video uncovering the hidden meaning in it if you don't know already my buddies at wisecrack launched a new channel for all their earthling cinema videos called aliens guide and you should check it out if you never heard of it the host garyx wormuloid is an alien from the future looking back on historical artifacts from Earth in the form of movies TV shows and pop culture he dives deep into the philosophy of films really gets to the heart of what they're trying to say and what influenced them so check out the new channel subscribe and enjoy their content links in the description and also at the end cards at the end of the video so a quiet place is kind of like a silly b-movie premise done really well it's goofy you can poke holes in the basic setup if you really wanted to but interestingly like Chronicle last week the elevator pitch is just a framework to tell a story in this case it's also a fun horror thriller with scares deep down it's a family story that said I'm gonna do something I usually try to avoid I like to spend too much time addressing plot holes it's not really my gig I mean the first 10 results on Google are variations of 78 plot holes in this movie that can't possibly be explained with you and just a little bit fought some are dumb but there are a few that get repeated and it's so out of hand with this movie I gotta tackle the big ones I said you could poke holes in the premise but I don't believe there are any substantive plot holes in the movie and I didn't want to bog the main section of the video down explaining each one though I know I touched a few still skip to the timestamp if you don't care and just want to hear my broader thoughts but stick with me if you want because I'm gonna explain some things about this movie and movies in general along the way lesson number one stay off the flicks subreddit man that was a mistake but that's just a lesson for me okay so the first big one is that everyone gives the abbot's a super duper hard time for getting pregnant and I totally get why the easy explanation is contraceptives are probably pretty hard to obtain over a year after civilization collapses especially years worth and accidents happen no matter how careful you're being it's that simple it probably goes without saying that being pro-life or pro-choice doesn't really matter in the scenario and I'll leave it at that next bigan is why didn't they move to the waterfall so many reasons personally I think this is kind of dumb and obvious but it's the title of multiple articles so first they may have been planning to we don't know we see them over the course of two days but it's likely that they didn't always know about it and have created a life in a system on their farm that's safe and works it's where their electricity is is where they grow and store food it has open spaces so you can see what's coming also can you imagine moving moving all your stuff and building a new house isn't exactly a quiet project even if you dig underground in the woods by a river where there's probably a bunch of ledge man it's not even close to a flat hole but I think the biggest thing is that while yes the loud sounds of the rushing water drown out other sounds it's not foolproof The Closer something someone is to the waterfall the more likely they can decipher different sounds and it's the people's hearing closest to the loud noise that are going to be most affected meaning they wouldn't know an alien was there until it was on top of them plus anything that loud would really quickly cause long-lasting effects on your hearing which is a bad thing in this universe plus like have you spent time next to a waterfall would you want you and your stuff to be soaked 24/7 and what should they like sleep under the waterfall in tents I just have you thought it through I can go on they either have to build or be out in the open both bad options where you have a huge farm with multiple buildings with cellars good place to make and or deliver a baby I'll give you that but again that may have been their plan her labor was kicked into high gear when she stepped on the nail you usually have some time before you have to push and also then you got to walk through the woods of the crying baby so and then I talked about where the sand came from but the second part of the plot hole is who had the time to spread it out all over the place and this one actually addresses a larger part of the story that's being ignored by some you get that like their job is survival right Jim isn't getting home from a long day flirting with the Pam at the office and then going out to spread sand he could spend 10 hours a day spreading sand and probably have every place they want to go done in a few weeks months max depending on how devoted he was even now he's doing maintenance on the paths but that's it I see post-apocalypse hierarchy of needs as follows one survive which includes food water and shelter to prepare that's the lights fireworks the baby's room and coffin crib three is improve that's the chilly warning lights learning to wash clothes super quietly spreading sand out over your most traveled areas etc even if they spent exactly four hundred and seventy two days getting everything ready and this is their first break the timeline is more than believable and none of this is like a spin or twist of things we aren't shown it's stuff that's in there if you're looking for it but leave you have to be looking so close to notice these things yeah because it doesn't actually matter to draw attention to all this stuff we'll take away from the narrative which is about family not sand or solar panels or the ridiculousness of trying to find slash build a house near waterfall next is the no coughing sneezing burping or farting issue I understand why you might get it in your brain that any sound no matter how small will alert the aliens that's just clearly not the case it may alert them so it's always about minimizing risk you never know when one is close so you take every precaution available but there's a good chance that they could have spoken a full volume for most of the day and been totally fine it's more about training yourself to do everyday thing silently in case they're near a fart wouldn't instantly draw the aliens in I mean we saw them very loudly break a glass lamp and no aliens came just jump scare raccoons it's all about proximity duration and a million other unlucky factors people act like sound is this beacon that always calls them we know there was at least one in the area when she broke the frame so he came to check it out on a normal day the baby might be able to cry all day in the basement and go totally undetected although a side note I just had a newborn a little while ago and I know constant crying is always associated with babies but it's not 24/7 they sleep a lot when they're little and their cries are tiny little cute noises babies are the best anyway it's just so easy to try to poke holes and things while pretending like the characters are these perfect beings who should always be making the best possible decisions because of course you would it's so easy in movies it's to the point that I bet you could tell a true story pretend it's a movie script and people would find plot holes and real-life events in fact I guarantee it don't someone do that like would people believe the Jonestown story if it was a movie no one could convince almost a thousand people to drink poison that's ridiculous totally ruins my suspension of disbelief Heaven's Gate what an unoriginal name huh comet who hired these hack writers okay last two but they go together they're huge complaints and they actually create an interesting paradox that's fun to see angry kids complain about in succession I will admit that the movie didn't do the best job of explaining but all it takes is little deductive reasoning so the first is that cochlear implants don't produce sound and the second is how come the military didn't figure out high frequency sound is what disorients the aliens exactly they weren't reacting to sound let me explain the first thing that's a little bit of an aside is that although there are newspapers I get the feeling this happened really fast three months two empty streets is quick the government may not had much time to mount a serious offensive and sound is everywhere especially large groups like military bases but of course they tried supersonic pulse waves right maybe but like I just said cochlear implants don't produce sound so it wasn't sound waves that save the day then we know that the aliens have an effect on electricity which at the very least suggests that they give off or absorb electromagnetic waves of some kind in fact further proving that is knowing that the sound designers used to slow down taser to create the aliens auditory sounds and something you might miss is that when they're near her implant she actually hears for a brief time after meaning they're affecting it probably by increasing the electrical output that creates that feedback loop other than the aliens Reagan is the only one that hears this sound and when it's projected over the PA no one hears it so although it's represented to us is a high-pitched whine because you kind of have something so we know what's going on it's not actually sound at all it's some kind of electromagnetic reverb cochlear implants output electrical signals in the same way that the cochlea does in a properly functioning ear sorry if I'm butchering this explanation people who know so much more than me but the point is the aliens were reacting to whatever interaction they have with the electromagnetic field and the electric signal produced by the modified device probably not the first thing anyone would try when all you know is that the aliens are attracted to sound these aren't high frequency sound waves they're electrical signals they tried to make it clear by showing the bulbs flicker but expectedly a lot of people missed it I know people have complaints about the various rules but for creating atmosphere and giving you an idea about the laws of the universe they keep a pretty solid continuity like I said earlier the general rule is minimize risk some sounds can't be avoided but anything that can be silent monopoly pieces loading your shotgun under a blanket plates made of leaves using sign language a washcloth to catch water droplets as you wash your magnificent beard and chiseled face these are the things you can control and from a narrative standpoint they're the things that accentuate the fear in the film but speaking of beards it's interesting that for as much as we learn about these characters we don't actually learn their names in the movie Palau may be the first to say well done on making the ruggish ly good-looking bearded man's man named Lee just some solid character creation right there I'm clearly not at all insecure about my name so beyond all that jazz the aliens were awesome setting mostly alien interactions at night made the CGI pretty much spotless the locations in photography of those locations are teller even if you hate the movie I think it's hard to deny its beauty and then there's what makes the movie really work the performances obviously I've given both Emily Blunt and John Krasinski a ton of praise but Noah Juke plays his age and really conveys the terror a young kid would be going through perfectly to stand out as one half of the emotional center of this movie Millicent Simmons is amazing John said from the beginning that he wanted a deaf actress and he really struck gold with Millicent they're moments at the end really get to me but their relationship is palpable throughout and as much as this is a scary movie about aliens that's not really the fear that I was left with Krasinski opens the movie capitalizing on that fear by having their youngest taken right in front of them that's the fear that stuck with me losing a child not feeling like you can protect them and we don't even need sound aliens to be afraid of sometimes I want to lock Jude in a soundproof room and shelter him from the world anyway even worse the fear of your children not knowing how much you love them I'm not trying to alienate non parents but I personally didn't truly understand how my parents felt about me until I had Jude there's no lengths to which a parent wouldn't go there's nothing I wouldn't give for Jude John Krasinski captured that feeling on the page behind the camera and in front of it like very few I've ever seen and honestly without having a daughter yet maybe I probably can't even truly understand the father-daughter relationship the same way but I see it on his face maybe he didn't need to die but he didn't take a second thought about it and that means something it wasn't a cheap ploy to get you to cry it was an expression of how people feel about their family and as much as it stings I'm not left sad because I see that love and hope to live up to it for my own children it's hard to get all deep in melancholy on you this movie is just so much more than a horror flick to me sometimes I apologize for not being cynical enough but not this time thank you John and Emily for sharing something that is so clearly deeply personal to you I may not remember what the aliens looked like in 10 years but I think that I will always be able to picture this moment [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,658,505
Rating: 4.9450293 out of 5
Keywords: A Quiet Place, EWW Quiet Place, Everything Wrong With A Quiet Place, CinemaSins Quiet Place, EGA Quite Place, A Queit Place, Quite Place Plot Holes, John Krasinski, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, everything great about
Id: 6qvAAxeevbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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