Everything GREAT About Love and Monsters!

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[Music] golden gate got an off-screen death this time and is it just me or does the mangled tower look like two giant praying mantises hugging agatha 616. i see the scientists who named agatha had a sense of humor in the face of apocalypse yeah it's worth a try maybe you manifest an avenger by using 616 or you know they were naming it after the 666 variation of the mark of the beast both good options cold-blooded creatures mutated and started eating us to death yeah probably the latter an asteroid heading straight for earth i know so obvious taking one of the classic world-ending events letting humans actually beat it we blew it up and it was great and then the way they beat it ends up being their demise good stuff and probably pretty realistic i'm assuming that was wall street bets doing but i love that it's just an artist's rendering since they very likely didn't get an actual shot of the ants or wait mothra no giant blue fire breathing dinosaur looking monsters to stop it huh and klaus this is just the craziest mashup of universes pretty early on julia and i said you know what would be terrifying giant crabs what makes kayla's pickles special and if it's what i think it is how can anybody be eating special pickles right now when you could be eaten by a giant ant at any time this is a universe with a unique apocalypse so they'd be allowed to be inspired by apocalypse media and looking at their weapons they are although that's just a giant pizza cutter made with a saw blade wow posters for the warriors and the xx good taste colony mates good taste giant weapons sticking out of the practice target some people play darts some people play throw the mace and there are subtle and not so subtle touches of everyone's battle wounds missing appendages face scars makes sense cold-blooded monster shows up in blue but also brutal gps tracking you can even see the blood drips heating up as it takes him away auntie was a lie is that too deep a cut for my zoomer friends honey i shrunk the kids auntie was great don't watch that movie unless you're prepared to ball your eyes out also this monster was a guy in a suit joel's been a monster all along well he's he's just being cutesy this has been the best summer of my life you had to go and say that amy doomed the whole world with your jinx i know this is like the nitpickiest of all details but every review i read got this part wrong and after tenant i just want everyone to understand the details this isn't the asteroid coming to earth this is people in the town shooting up flares for help this could be quite a while after the asteroid in fact joel and amy's super quick reaction is because they've probably been waiting for this since they've just started hearing news about the giant lizards and insects yeah i i'm good it's so good to hear your voice man i don't know if this is universal but anybody who has ever been dumped knew the sound in her voice meant she wasn't feeling it anymore long before the reveal at the end found it on the first one what are the odds crazy no i i called i called like 90. real honesty which is expectation subversion since lying about nonsense is like a staple of young adult fiction relationships you know what i uh what i wish i could like snap my fingers and be back in that car with you too bad it's uh you know impossible oh another clue yeah that's not the point amy i love you i love you too oh good thing what you say at 17 is written in stone and immutable especially any intentions you profess i'm gonna come find you about 85 miles how long seven days twelve miles a day for thomas that boy ran mazes he could easily do eighteen a day okay we're not letting lead joe you need it here come on i don't do anything you fix the radio you make the ministroni i mean fixing the radio is a pretty big deal and anyone who can make cold soup appetizing gazpacho i always get those confused either way the kid has a value little pathetic adorable hedgehog okay first hedgehogs not pathetic actually that's it but get it he's fast and small you're an [ __ ] if you get e encouragement true mostly pleasant crabs and pirates nope also nope but i will say this they thought the world out the smaller insects that are like dog size don't attack right away just their size changing wouldn't make them overly confident the giant ones however have such little trouble killing humans and also at that size you'd need to consume quite a lot of calories so you'd be a little more bold yuck and those are frog eggs saving a random stupid human julia offered to write this one for me but she said it would just be all about boy because he's the best point is boy is a wife win hey she was a my hero academia fan was just a dress oh oh oh sorry for real this simple dress gag with boy being so possessive come on with this doggo so boy's owner knew about the frog and even made a plushie of it and that might be a painting of him did she maybe think it was one of the friendly ones and even the bugs we'd call giant now have even bigger predators so silver linings this movie originally began development in 2012 and so maybe they planned on having it take place in 2014 which would make arcade fires keep the car running from 2007 one of the last hits to be recorded seven years earlier hung out on his bus man do we make a great team [Laughter] what a good boy there definitely aren't many rules i know about the monster apocalypse but i know enough to be scared of deep dark water pre-monster apocalypse so this is just confirmation that joel really is a doofus chekhov's poison berries you know like the smells the grass the trees the flowers the monster skeletons the tanks seriously though the background details in this movie are super fun overgrown jets spikes up in trees it's a rope you numbskull getting saved by young gamora and merle a survival expert what more could you ask for some kind of a noble warrior floating on the wings of love michael rooker with the lines and speaking of background details giant holes that make my skin crawl let's pretend like their asteroid fragment impacts sights but also the dead giant monsters all around cause i'm not her dad my dad got killed along with elliot uh who's elliot my son you could say he may have been her father but he wasn't her daddy that's not fair i don't actually know him he may have been fine evidence points to him not being a giant planet god but who wouldn't want yondu as your papi honestly i just like you because you have a really cute dog yeah that sentiment is shared by most everyone watching the movie have i mentioned the sound design in this movie is phenomenal it's a lot of classic monster sounds but with new variations thrown in that rattle your bones thank you mr bulger snail thank you mr boulder snail thankfulness i was 16 when it did see he was a year younger the monster attacks didn't happen right away you get a hot meal or a good night's sleep not both i didn't do either i can't tell you everything man keep up life lessons in action nope lesson three don't take shortcuts boy i already knew that one not both come on joel not both i'm super tired and a learning new stuff with your new friends and never sleeping montage is the fastest way to see another nope nope nope the insect looking one's got no peripheral vision joel's been a monster all along you know because he lacks peripheral vision oh it's just a reminder that he's goofy the amphibian looking ones like the high lurian eat your hulk yeah that did seem to be the frog's plan following every single sound and vibration you make so it's a graboid is this a tremors prequel where the queen sand gobbler just took over and ate everything else to death and then kevin bacon saves us besides think we'd make a good team i kept waiting for merle to turn on him and to be honest i'm here for good guy merle here for it what if i have uh terrible instincts you'll die especially his honesty dogs do love for us to all stay together just ask my clawed legs when we're in separate kayaks we can't break up the pack joel oh i'm okay i'm just gonna i'm good generosity what a good boy man i don't care that it's huge is this how normal size centipedes or silverfish things act never walking on the ground ever again i love you brutal but also some irony and being squashed like a bug by bug anti-storm trooper aim also saving such a good boy we're monster killers no that was a different 20 20 movie oddly enough no no not that one no not that one either nope yeah that one you guys are supposed to be like the next amazing thing such great world building that these robots are just sort of background filler but then provides one of the more emotionally impactful scenes in the movie because i tell her i'm okay i miss you guys so much i mean it would be insane not to shovel piles of praise unto dylan o'brien as well as he keeps proving why he's the best thing to come out of teen wolf but you you know what i'm saying yeah i'm alive i'm good i'm okay i i can't believe you're actually doing this i mean really everything in her voice gives it away take notes people in rocky relationships perhaps you will have learned valuable lessons along the way he does there are so many ways you could perish there are even humans sky jellies are beautiful and a fun idea and you say they're harmless but why would they become less dangerous now that they can land on your head i don't think you know what you're talking about mavis with the one i was bitten in half by something i did not get a chance to name i'll give you a cool-headedness win for naming it being your concern though it's my dog he's delightful he is thanks and following along with our theme nothing good can stay in this world sometimes you should pay attention to graffiti shadowing it's crazy that while this scene is super tense and nail-biting the level of fear we have for them now is much less than earlier julia just about got up and walked out during this scene also just a general bravo to creature design look at the detail on the teeth i mean i mean don't it's gross but also wowzers and another time julia yelled at the movie so intended effect also i love that every character has agency in this movie even boy he's not just joel's dog that he found along the way he's boy whose owner died and he carries this red dress of sentimentality and even makes poor decisions based on it to the same degree clyde and minow aren't just a survivor father daughter duo break in the mold and never a part of a colony no her dad died his son died so they left their colony and decided to head for a safer place yep oh i feel like you can only say that if the grenade and monster were real i'm not sure i felt unimpeded devotion to realism ha lookit boy still standing by me i mean joel appropriate reaction dear amy it's not looking good and by it i don't remember what i was talking about have an anti-venom include a pinch for snakes saving joel's life even after they separated i won't begrudge ms john hughes moment two very different bunkers but apparently everyone kept their chandeliers huh is that like a thing you're supposed to do when the world ends i'll keep it in mind i think it's the most romantic thing anyone's ever done you do okay compliments i'm not the same person that i used to be you know last year i lost someone and he meant a lot to me but that's about as realistic as it gets joel was unlucky that there were no single ladies in his colony but that doesn't mean the same would be true for amy and waiting seven years during an apocalypse yeah you could die at any moment man i really miss you guys and they really aren't coy about this throughout the movie we're not trying to make you feel bad y'all we love you joel believe in you joel love you buddy joel always knew how much he loved his colony but it took being away from them to realize how important they were to him me my colony were really close like family hey clyde was right look like this could save so much life out here giant lizard two stories high i was the first person to see it coming over the wall the lizard-looking ones can't climb son honestly it's a pretty great pirate plan you come in all sweet and helpful do the humble hero act get people drunk on your home brew and then pirate all their stuff and really joel should feel honored he was getting the poison treatment since cap saw him as a threat granted this is a bad this is a bad vibe eh seems all right to me he's a food stealer you're right everybody has been warning joel about that you stole food didn't you he's a food stealer did you steal food you get caught stealing food no i didn't why is that such a thing she gets crazy in the apocalypse also this guy sucks obviously but he's not immediately all mustache twirly this is just what they do i think i can stop three ass you get the crap yeah fair tradeoff not a huge surprise for those of us who saw colleen take down bakuto and davos and danny rayne for that matter ha joel did know his way around the barbecue after all and i don't blame them for using jessica henwick's skills boy boy solo [ __ ] the dog all right i'm still not taking back my mustache twirly comment but giving and obeying that order is how you lose all our sympathy i'm sorry sincere apology [Music] jule's been a monster all along he's working with the monsters oh he's just having mercy on this one because it itself is a victim and he knew by taking minnows advice to just look at their eyes i guess it's time to put the old jewels of monster theory to rest although i i don't know i've yet to meet a nice crap we're gonna die we're dying clairvoyance and comeuppance hugging seriously you don't gotta be immediate soul mates to kiss i'll come find you you better oh they said the things i'm gonna come find you better and it's not just oh it's fixed she loves him again it's real he came here seven years later expecting them to pick up where they left off and that's bananas but that doesn't mean they can't build a relationship and that maybe they won't end up together good grounded message thank you mr balder and even though he's a seasoned monster killer sometimes you still gotta run away more hugging snow spiders will probably get him that's not a good way to go they will tear him apart a love and monsters series please clyde and minnow's survival guide and joel took the lesson about some monsters being good to heart he even labels some as friends hey we finally got to see what the chumbler looks like it's awful loving monsters is a movie about being stuck inside while scary things rampage outside i'm the first person to make this connection feel free to applaud me no but actually what's interesting is that when you go back through the deleted scenes you get the feeling they weren't sure exactly how serious they wanted the film to be especially the opening all the post conor's death stuff has drawn out letting us really feel the weight of the loss the idea was clearly to set up that love is all that matters but it ends up being a bummer and part of me thinks that may have been a response to real world events pivoting to a more lighthearted rope works exceptionally well especially with dylan as your lead okay i'll see ya at the same time the movie does kill someone first thing and sets up that there is death and this world is brutal it was the best way to establish stakes and genuine fear from you know insects that aren't ordinarily scary again see auntie and when the movie convinces you that the dog is in danger they've done an excellent job of world building and ultimately maybe it's not exactly what we were all expecting from a movie called love and monsters though leads don't officially end up together in the end but i love it that's pretty played out as it is and as we talk about on this channel a lot there are way more types of love than just romantic love i mean even the love between joel and amy at the end the you'll always be a part of me type love more importantly joel loved his new family but here's the part i love joel learned to love himself it's a coming-of-age story that's about way more than learning to fight and not freeze or shoot a crossbow under pressure joel set off on his journey entirely unsure of himself feeling useless among his colony mates and while there's a little bit of the battle-hardened hero returneth in the end cause that's super fun wish fulfillment joel had been carrying the message he needed to learn with him all along that map that conveyed his value was more than his meritocratic value to his colony and in the post-apocalypse where just plain survival is like 90 of maslow's hierarchy of needs that's a great message but it took a journey of self-actualization and almost losing it all for joel to realize what he had and to understand what he already meant to his colony and dylan is fantastic between him and hero dodge the two dogs that played a boy they make the film and fun fact the dog trainer on the film claims she'd never seen such a strong bond between an actor and a dog as dylan and hiro even off camera and then you throw michael rooker on top not to be outshined by his outspoken sidekick ariana greenblatt and you've got astounding talent on screen at all times as i said the biggest problem was not enough glide in minnow but the movie is gorgeous the monsters are unique and don't overstay their welcome and even the villain wasn't a one-dimensional goon i'd watch a sequel for sure but man who knows what 2020 and kova 19 meant for movie sequels i have no idea the losses that a film like this took shouldn't be thrown in the movie who knows maybe it makes sense to do a theater re-release right before a sequel comes out you know when things are normal again so that's love and monsters next week another disastery movie and since i know only a handful of you saw it here's a super obvious teaser frame until next week [Music] oh oh oh sorry okay just my backpack you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 617,282
Rating: 4.9744191 out of 5
Keywords: Love and Monsters, Everything Wrong With Love and Monsters, Love and Monsters Analysis, EWW Love n Monsters, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: 1fdZ1VDMDbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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