Everything Wrong With The Day After Tomorrow

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Movies kills everyone it introduces.

George R.R. Martin seal of approval!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Hexofin 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

"Do true football fans sit in front of the TV and demand players to kick the ball?"

Actually yes they do. I dont know why though, its kind of strange.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/CookieFluid 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

Excellent! Best one in a while. Emmerich movies were made for Sinning. Speaking of which...WHITE HOUSE DOWN.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/HUGEBORGCUBE 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

Here in NJ we went from 50 to less than 30 today... feels like The Day After Tomorrow.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Hexofin 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

I... liked this film

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

"Luckly _I_ speak French"

You've been typing on reddit to much haha.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Hexofin 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/werrt1234 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

You missed how there was the Statue of Liberty poking through the ice but no other buildings behind her.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/KrishaCZ 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

When I was six I saw this movie on an airplane. They should not show movies like this on an airplane

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2015 🗫︎ replies
thunder and lightning suggest something ominous cliche in this case the movie itself two and a half minutes of aerial ice credits oh man they dragged three actors I really love into this didn't they this asshole barely made it over in the first place now he suddenly can jump farther even more wait jack had no ice pick in his hands when he went over the ledge are we supposed to believe that after he fell he was able to grab it from his coat swing it into the ice and save himself all in one motion when do you think this could happen professor when I don't know maybe in a hundred years maybe in a thousand which according to the book of scientific estimations in a roland emmerich film means ten minutes but what I do know is that if we do not act soon it is our children and our grandchildren who will have to pay the price but you just said you didn't know when it would happen now you're certain it's gonna happen within two generations well the last chunk of ice that broke off was about the size of the state of Rhode Island that's the smallest state in the u.s. that's 1214 measly square miles when it's the size of Texas get back to me professor I'm here at the global warming conference in New Delhi where if you can believe your eyes it's snowing extremely strange weather projected to happen a long time from now just happens to be taking place during the freakin global warming conference the names Russ Terry Rapson professor Robson all good scientists in movies have heard of every scientist that ever approaches them has read their work and remember their fucking names absolutely we can hail a cab in India with thousands of people hailing cabs and making noise in a blizzard the ability to whistle is not an asset guy at the important science research place is sleeping on the job cliche soccer oh wait we're in Scotland early so then sin should be football also Manchester United this guy just happens to witness the only goal ever scored in this sport ever where is 4 3 1 1 ohh the location was on that very screen when you started hitting buttons but helpful map the United States gives the audience a good idea where it is I guess to true football fans in front of the TV and demand players to kick the ball that's all they can do now so we off that'll teach you for saying things excuse me I'm not the one who's away for months and months at a time awesome it is job terrible at being a dad cliche please don't be late I don't even have to take a taxi again alright okay I'll be there which inevitably means no he won't be there because he sucks why for the love of God would you aggravate the vice-president cuz my 17 year old kid knows more science than he does perhaps but your 17 year old kid does not control our budget neither does the vice president jack seventeen year old son probably has as much sway as that guy does when it comes to the budgets of government programs what I'm trying to tell you oh did you forget something Sam like your son geez Oh fathers are just terrible aren't they I got every question right on the file the only reason why mr. Spengler failed me was because I didn't write out the solutions come on four things wrong with this scenario first like it takes any time whatsoever to write out your work on a test even calculus secondly it's amazing that the teacher didn't give you a chance to write out your work to prove that you could do it third it's also amazing that a straight-a student like you wouldn't get the benefit of the doubt and finally how long have you been taking this class you don't know the rules by now oh sure I ask for a second glass of wine and get the 12-step shame look but this kid is given 32 packets of peanuts like it's no big deal also Emmy Rossum is of an indeterminate age to be my girlfriend in this scene how many get 17 but Jake Gyllenhaal is probably 23 so he can't have her either chance of a plane going down because of turbulence is less than what one in a billion I can't remember yeah shut up only black guy I know can I have my hand back nope just because the turbulence is over no one on the plane freaks out about these masks dropping movie really rips off Armageddon and thinks we won't notice excuse me sir we're really late I don't understand the mentality this is what the traffic looks like where do you think he can go this is what you get for stealing scenes from speed and arguably being the best thing about showgirls you get the day after tomorrow birds fly away to signify danger cliche animals are always the first to know or think I think it's because of the consumerism - uma was in Mexico academic Bowl I'll bet he's really rich - shut up yeah shut up only black guy I know one of our Nomad boys registered a 13 degree drop surface temperature the other day absolutely sent you an email despite the fact that he's an amazing scientist who keeps up with everything he's somehow missed an email from another important scientist and if this happened the other day why didn't Rapson call him that movie rips off the wind indicates something ominous thing from twister should you be monitoring the weather or something this is a lay point weather I don't blame you for trying to ignore everything to get laid but dude they've been talking about this hurricane for days all the way back in the scene when we found out jack was a bad father yeah let's just fly a helicopter in the middle of three tornadoes that's something I would do if I were getting that sweet chopper reporter money dickhead newly-formed la tornado immediately starts taking out iconic landmarks ok this footage is coming from a camera presumably hand held inside a helicopter that is literally like 50 yards away how is the image this stable and there are people down there taking pictures people just worry yep cellphones are still working fine during apocalyptic multi tornado storms from hell we are going live to downtown Los Angeles right now Tommy look this motherfucker was literally just by LAX and not only is that too far away from downtown LA for him to be there now he was also dodging flying cars and other debris like a soon-to-be dead man first the weather guy on the street driving the Porsche then the newscaster then this guy back at the weather office who was talking to the Porsche guy on the phone movie keeps killing everyone it introduces mr. president Los Angeles has been devastated by a series of tornadoes I am somehow the first person telling you of this news came to for two planes that were brought down by severe turbulence so much for one in a billion yeah shut up only black guy I know give me the mainframe let me prove it no you have 48 hours well Jack did make a convincing point with that frustrated face here's where we truly get into Emmerich Vil there are some major catastrophes happening we need to care about all the people like in the world or else this movie that I paid two thousand for movie ticket prices to see terribly wicked mass destruction would feel a bit hollow also how many other disaster movies have a main female character that is a doctor or a nurse at a hospital I bet it's easily over 65 percent 16 months I can't be because it's a lot shorter than you think probably take it Janet that timescale is it in months it's in weeks you better be sure about this Jack my ass is on the line I saw the model I hope to god it's wrong you just said that you Opie was right because your ass is on the line remember it was found perfectly preserved in the Siberian tundra stupid kids who bombed this movie down managed to provide some over-the-top foreshadow just starting to fray yep I thought it was about time for the random people in helicopters get caught up in a storm and crash cliche it's my dad's place and he's kind of never around so so he's just like all dads that according to this directors point of view whoops they're gone oh no the Wolves still probably only show up again once it's convenient for the plot in accesible do we this asshole talks we just go back to departments yeah what are you King higher up to the library boys rich preppy dudes penthouse apartment not high enough you were all groaning about taking the stairs so I can only assume it was pretty high up right why would a library have more floors than a rich person's apartment building anyway I am confused well luckily I speak French this is basically Independence Day revisit only the aliens are now huge tidal waves overly altruistic girl who heard people in need of help speaking French in this commotion and then went back to help is now going back yet again to fetch a freaking purse now see this library only looks to be five or six storeys tall while all these surrounding buildings many of which have penthouse apartments on the top floor are five times as tall why the did they come here and do no their projected fine yes our previous estimates of six to eight weeks weren't even close and seven to actually strike that it'll be six to eight minutes wait six to eight seconds no scratch that we're fucking dead I am now communicating to you in the spirit world Jack something's happened in New York is that what the vague bastard on the other end of the line said are you being a vague bastard for dramatic purposes oh sure now all circuits are busy listen thanks for coming back from me it was really brave yeah well it's a good thing you look like I'm you're awesome or you'd have died also your makeup looks incredible by the way for someone who was just out in all that rain for so damn long Sam just tell her how you feel suppose that preppy girlfriend stealing Jurek becomes sudden best buddy did you reach your little brother yet no there's still no service damn cell phones yeah they're so unreliable during ice ages older payphones draw their power directly from the telephone line okay but didn't New York get flooded by huge tidal waves that likely not power lines and telephone lines down massive flooding accounts for something doesn't it and how is the phone drawing power from anywhere without shorting out or giving him a shock and all this water it's still electricity right movie spends an awful lot of time trying to make us think Sam didn't survive this for you in the library while I'd love to give the movie points for the clever library lost-and-found is the source for dry clothes I can't because no lost-and-found would have this many clothes in it besides who takes off their pants or shirt at the library and then forgets about it I'm using my body heat to warm me luckiest hypothermia ever if we let the blood from their arms and legs rush back to your heart too quickly well don't worry about that because most of the blood is in his penis right now okay this is where these fuckers are and I'm calling 100% bullshit on any boat let alone a boat this big managing make its way here through the water streets went on smashing into a building and getting stuck how did I even get through the obviously narrower street it appears to just come through evacuate everyone south of that line even if that's the most scientific answer that's fucking ludicrous and impossible and I'm not sure how this smart professor thinks this would be remotely possible their best chance is to stay inside try to ride it out pray but after the storm didn't you say it was gonna be an ice age will be staying inside and praying still help then give the order for the National Guard to evacuate this stage the are we gonna tell him to go Mexico should we tell Mexico to expect 150 million people in the next 12 hours and won't that create a bottleneck at the border gentlemen to England yep too bad you weren't American scientists you could have survived this you'll kill an Indian guy much the same way in 2012 you know we already did 2012 but it's amazing how ever copied himself no fur note with that movie he hasn't been able to reach Peters parents oh no not Peter that kid was more important than everyone else at this hospital if you were going to get into a truck anyway what was all that bullshit or about you walking the whole distance you can't make it to New York Jack I've walked that far before in the snow just half an hour ago Mexican officials closed the border in the line of so many US refugees who are fleeing south tyranny and now dramatic reversal of illegal immigration oh my god he did not just say that about also once the president gave the go-ahead for the southern states to evacuate why didn't he speak with a Mexican president to make sure it was okay you can't hope to displace millions of people and expect them all to go what were the choices taxes parts of Florida that aren't flooded Mexico I mean you need Mexico in this scenario you can't find Boggs dean koontz l ron Hubbard Dan Brown Sidney Sheldon those kind of books are pretty much expendable and hey I don't hate Stephen King but you could throw a fire starter in there just for the irony not gonna last very long on M&Ms and potato chips what about the garbage cans it's only something to eat in the garbage uh-huh he's homeless this is only possible because the president was able to negotiate a deal to forgive all Latin American dead Mexico offered a deal with the United States forgave all Latin American debt you realize that Latin America encompasses way more than Mexico right how does Mexico speak for every latin-american country this raises way more questions than it answers was there only one patient in the entire hospital whose family couldn't get there to pick him up and she's the only nurse doctor whatever staying behind in the entire Hospital a Gutenberg Bible I was in the rare books room I think God's gonna save you can this dialog have gone to the main actors in the movie or even better not written at all and how do you know looks can be good for something other than burning oh you you make it sound like everyone in this room was part of Fahrenheit 451 s book burning gang as if it wasn't done for survival but because it was a pleasure to burn septicemia she could go into septic shock I've seen that before that can get bad thanks doctor homeless guy she needs a massive dose of penicillin or a broad-spectrum antibiotic immediately or what she turns into a zombie and one of you will have to figure out who kills her because she won't be Laura anymore you got me door to a frozen a ship in the middle of an historic new Ice Age opens like it's nothing we had a piddling ice storm a couple weeks ago and I couldn't even get my car door open oh no the wolves they only came at the most convenient moment for the plot also movie expects me to remember something that happened 45 minutes ago and movie time if it weren't for the fact that I'm a smartass it took note of the wolves I would have completely forgotten and been like what whoa hey I'm kidding me movie somehow simultaneously rips off under siege and inspires the gray all in one fell swoop hey guys I found it how do you know yeah shut the fuck up only but oh you found it good job we should find some food while we're here but we don't have time I don't one of you go deliver the penicillin and the other to get food it's not like you need each other to walk to the library and you don't know about the Wolves yet this won't broke off from the pack somehow didn't attract any of the other wolves during this commotion and now the heroes are safe goddammit it should be over New York by now satellite readings are showing a temperature drop of 10 degrees per second I know they mean the eye of the storm but ten degrees per second doesn't that mean that it's getting cold and it extremely rapid rate even if you're not in the eye at that rate anywhere near the eye the temperature should be dropping as a speed that would kill anyone who even looked outside including our heroes in the shit okay get back right now it's 10 below no 20 I mean damn it's 30 below it's 40 below let's run already all right I beat the holes it's only negative 1,200 degrees and now he's frozen oh my god I just realized this movie is tolerable if you view it as a prequel to Snow piercer can I interest you in a frosty Jack is a dick to his unconscious fellow scientists movie is literally trying to create tension through a race against coal because cold is notorious for being unable to penetrate doors also look there in a room with Windows are you telling me that the insane cold can't make it through glass that stuff should be breaking right now does the cold only follow the paths laid out by the library Staten Island what do you thinks gonna happen to us what do you mean I mean us civilization of course you did it was so clear by how you freeze the question how are you alive right now sure you're in a tent but don't you need massive amounts of fire and heat for seven to ten days like the movie said earlier how are you not cliche sickles at this point I mean if the movie even tried to explain how the freezing temperatures and death conditions worked even once I might not have so many questions here at the end mankind survived the last ice age we're certainly capable surviving this one all depends on whether or not we're able to learn from our mistakes after what you just said it sounds like ice ages happened with or without our mistakes Jackie no Sam they're pretty slim I know because he's inside a stone building with a fire and we've got this thin tent and a light affirmative point you're looking at Fink Italy that is a hundred percent Europe you space dicks it's finally clearing earth is listening to the humans collective consciousness to stop depending on fossil fuels it took mercy on us we're over Europe right now exactly then why did you answer affirmative about North America what will really blow your mind is that that's the ship from 2012 in 2004 it's a total mind of derivative nests of course they're all asleep there has to be some suspense I guess for the dad then his son might be dead despite the raging fire in the background also why didn't Jack yell when he got in here like Oh son are you awake and if you think schools are closed today you've got another thing coming because this is some pussy honest no yes my father cheese / Lou consuming our planet's natural resources without consequence we were wrong movie that has spent two hours scolding you for global warming wraps up with one final scolding about global warming also why is the president giving this address on the Weather Channel again all the weather that happened but not one single person in the US would watch a presidential address on the Weather Channel only a few hours ago I received word that a small group of people survived in New York City sorry mom it was Donald Trump in the cast of The Apprentice and Derek Jeter so worst case scenario this unlikely couple got married shortly after this helicopter ride they divorced five hours later Laura wait how did these assholes survive did they all have fireplaces in these buildings I don't see any jimmies on the rooftops I bet their stories were better than this one to this unlikely couple got married jack is smiling because one day Sam will have kids with Laura and he too will be a horrible dad yes in the air so Claire the three mega storms must have wiped out all the human produced evil on the planet IC wiener I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions it was a jump to conclusions Matt you see it would be this Matt admit one thing can't beat the view so what do you like about being up here looky here Buddha these people and their cars and their exhaust everybody got agents I'm afraid that my conditioners left me cold to your pleas of mercy seem looks just like a hurricane and then one day he was shooting at something moving up through the ground come above them okay so do you need such a miracle guns lots of I feel happy I feel happy then let me ask you something if she chooses me would you try to kill me that's an intriguing idea but no I couldn't hurt it like that so you just turn her into a blood sucking demon like you I don't want that
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 9,797,239
Rating: 4.8274956 out of 5
Keywords: cinema sins day after tomorrow, everything wrong with the day after tomorrow, review, movie review, eww, cinema sins, cinemasins, everything wrong with, wave jockey job, The Day After Tomorrow (Film), day after tomorrow review
Id: CUpNcBSG-lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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