Everything GREAT About Deadpool!

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screams to find job opening song is the complete opposite tone from the scene is playing over which lets us know right away how this movie will go Deadpool creator drink Starbucks no one's safe from Deadpool's wrath except for the studio's consider the fourth wall broken the whole world tastes like mama June after hot yoga I'm not gonna get too deep into the pop-culture references there there we heard them they're funny I will however Defensor in specifics feel free to correct me in the comments if I'm wrong but mama Jude is already culturally irrelevant No so you either get it or you don't I never watch honey boo boo point is I still got the joke and in case you didn't dopinder didn't either if you don't get the intention of the joke by the context I can't help you people 50 years in the future I can go all day dopinder the point is it's bad good Deadpool doesn't care either way someday I'd like someone to explain Adventure Time to me oh hello I know right all right now consider your fourth wall broken and I'm so glad they did you can bet that this was one of the biggest hesitations for the studio but it was executed perfectly maximal message awesome catchphrase which is either a cue to start his music or more likely it's a statement about Deadpool as a whole he lives his life about as lazily as he can but when it comes time for revenge saving his girlfriend or doing otherwise superhero type stuff he needs talk himself up I'd say this would take maximum effort and I love it as the first superhero thing he does anybody else get an 80s beat it vibe from this part of the score reveling in a job well done and this whole car fight chasing is exhilarating and funny at the same time it's benefits the matching unitards the house that blows up every few years Mehta jokes from non Deadpool character huh remind me never to do to re did movies in a row again especially when 90% of the jokes and one of them contains things I need to censor bad Deadpool seven good Deadpool bouncing back someone's not counting I'm here I thought Archer was the only guy with that skill oh there's your hard R everyone's going to be watching for the next few years let's just talk about the care that went to this character the way the mask had to be built stopped Reynolds facial movements from really coming through so scenes where Deadpool had to emote facially they shot it twice once with the mask on and once with the mask off and the final product is astounding Deadpool has to be one of the most fun comic-book characters that we've ever seen he's willing to self deprecated and he really just enjoys life I don't have a cat then whose kitty litter did I just get in anywho I failed honoring the creator of Deadpool eating new and exciting people killing them yeah I've seen your Instagram bold move to pull lines from Deadpool's other appearance I love it the Deadpool has a veritable smorgasbord of celebrity death wishes from our two main characters - Mike Tyson Amanda Bynes Lindsay Lohan and even Bill Cosby also Reynolds is one year younger than Wade maybe about 48 minutes of whatever flipping though we just met let's have sex cliche on its head also it gives us a look at the softer dare I say redeemable side of Wade limited edition Voltron again Voltron hasn't been relevant since the 80s if it doesn't now how's it ever gonna feel dated a year-long canoodling montage is the fastest way to celebrate the holidays Oh Star Wars chugs Empire everyone loves a nerd correction but I think he was speaking of the overall saga like I made you in a computer but mores references with weird science got um I think we can all agree that just went sideways in the most colossal way well maybe not the most take that Fox might further the plot it does negasonic teenage warhead that's the coolest name ever complements I guess on a teenage warhead can we trade names hmm can we go you really got Deadpool's crazy detachment perfect I love how he continues the conversation while still messing with Ajax oh the dinosaurs feared the t-rex McAvoy or Stewart these timelines are so confusing he's not wrong when colossus and negasonic we're leaving the school i found myself wondering where we were in the timeline and why xavier school wasn't teeming with people like it is at the end of Days of Future past please don't make the supersuit green or animated take that DC so as marrow the gratuitous cameo uh torture montage is the fastest way to becoming Deadpool well so your pretty mouth shut oh I wouldn't do that if I were you yeah fire extinguisher fight that you can't say you've seen one of those before bro really throwing the last nail in the coffin on why Deadpool hears voices and talks to imaginary friends tortured montage style left in a state of just enough oxygen to stay alive for a weekend and now he's trapped with a piece of rebar through his chest to burn to death only he can't die like would she see no honesty you look like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado yeah not gently like it was hate there was something wrong with the relationship over explaining avocado coupling captain Deadpool that's like a franchise correct killing goons montage is the fastest way to finding Francis this is certainly the third montage holy crap i time i miss out the first few times through he jumps on his sword and slits that guy in half I take all my other brutal zs-- back brutal fourth wall break inside a fourth-wall break that's like sixteen walls math lessons creepiest baby hand on an adult is somehow a win I refused to explain it obligatory r-rated movies strip club scene does something a little different by throwing Stanley in there collecting guns montage you get the point go with you but I don't want oh wow that's like real honesty I got such a good hot where's your duffel bag what makes this even more epic is that the reason way it ends up leaving the ammo bag in the cab is because of budget cuts which directly led to the sword massacre we were given instead okay oh right negasonic teenage warhead isn't so bad after all yep so the guy who did the mocap for Colossus one of five actors who took to bring Colossus to life was a six nine big dude and even if I was almost seven feet tall I came I still would want to mess with Gina Carano Bob Hydra Bob wait no wrong studio Oh chivalry shattering the glass steel ceiling teamwork I'm finished I'll have to grow back here good one yeah that's good one to be fair he'd been working that burnout for quite a while hey calm enough there's nothing left of him to you I praised Man of Steel for showcasing two unbreakable aliens kicking the snot out of each other and now I'm going to give Deadpool those same props for giving us an unkillable dude vs. num dude it's super fun every blow doesn't need to be parried because number one it's our and number two they can't die yep as raw as a born fight but with superhuman reflexes and strength and throw another brutal on the barbie good enough reason is I need to believe in love as priceless and hilarious as this scene is it's also totally believable and pertinent you're someone who couldn't die had been stabbed in the brain you probably have a few auditory and visual hallucinations definitely not a shield Helicarrier Marvel Studios definitely shouldn't sue seriously don't find a way to work together guys come on can't we all just get along and share our multibillion-dollar properties with each other I mean guys come on the way the world sees us the way we generally over here at cinema wins I tend to champion hero istic actions like saving your friends showing mercy or my favorite self-sacrifice and while Colossus is Colossus Colossus Colossus his speech is moving weight has made it very clear what he is and what he isn't I'm no hero my hero word superhero tights means sparing Psychopaths and maybe I wasn't meant to wear them so you live in a house call back that's all right you're cool more compliments love Wayde would agree wham and specifically Careless Whisper is always a win and who knew Ryan Reynolds could sing gosh darn it I love this movie super fun action fight scenes main characters with fleshed out motivations and it's uproariously funny throughout a movie that almost didn't get made because how could you possibly sell an unapologetically follow mouth violence glorifying fourth wall breaking gun-for-hire exactly like this this is how Tim Miller and Ryan Reynolds did it anyone who complained about a paper-thin plot and generic villain kind of missed the point Deadpool exists in this world he didn't create it he comments on it sure but he's is responsible for the plot of this movie as he is whether or not McAvoy is bald in Apocalypse or why Tom Hardy was bald nemesis what was with that that always bugged me the simplistic plot and cookie cutter villain are entirely deliberate you think for montages was a mistake there needed to be contrast between Deadpool's wit and criticism and the typical comic book character narrative I won't be surprised that the plots are kept fairly basic going forward as well because they'll likely never be the focal point of a Deadpool film Deadpool is we watch the movie with him while he picks it apart he's the star to try to do something completely different with his origin story would have been a misstep Deadpool needs to bounce off of landmark and cliches that we can all commiserate with and the same goes for the villain again at the very least in the first film I mean he's introduced with a half-eaten Apple in his hand my converse will have plenty to say about that and as far as I'm concerned devoting the first half of the film to Wade's origin story interspersed with the bridge chase fight x-men scene was perfectly entertaining and engaging Ryan Reynolds is clearly the quintessential cast for Deadpool I bet a whole bunch of comic readers have started giving Deadpool Ryan's voice in their head when they read he's that good he was born to play this role plan ends with the wrong guy getting dismembered Morena Baccarin is the other really standout character but TJ Miller was funny as usual and both added a lot to this movie I'm psyched for the sequel I hope it does turn into a franchise sadly the one thing that Hollywood has seem to take away from it is to just make everything our hopefully that doesn't get too out of hand Wolverine always should have been are beyond that not everything needs in our rating from here on out but it is kind of nice to have the door opened like this I wouldn't expect any MCU movies to go down that path some things just don't make sense within our rating like if they decided the real problem with the good dinosaur was that it just wasn't gory enough and there just wasn't enough cursing or ha animated Dino on Dino action although you definitely bring in a completely different audience might just work yeah worth try guess who cares you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 6,349,908
Rating: 4.822917 out of 5
Keywords: Deadpool, Everything Wrong With Deadpool, eww deadpool, Everything Right With Deadpool, deadpool movie, deadpool honest trailer, Dead pool, EGA, Cinema Wins, Marvel Movies, Deadpool censored, deadpool the movie, deadpool 2016
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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