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[Music] [Applause] Van Halen's jump turns out to be a totally fitting song for one of the main themes in this film good place to start one of my few complaints is the use of narration coming up especially since they give us such easy to decipher a visual exposition with this simple fly over the stacks clearly an impoverished vertical trailer park of sorts and then we get presumably our main protagonist exiting said poor area the fiscal status is confirmed as we track past people using VR headsets for things they probably can't afford in real life like pianos trips to the ocean and well some people just want a little fantasies also the vertical layout of the trailer park while terribly dangerous looking is actually really awesome and inventive with the counterweight rope system and drone delivery people stop trying to fix problems and just try it out with them now I'll defend the narration cuz duh but also because this is a Spielberg movie that's all about the callbacks to a simpler time adapting books without voiceover narration is hard enough as it is but here it actually serves the purpose of putting you back into the 80s mindset it's a place where the limits of reality are your own imagination and so far the imaginations are killing it I want to do all of this yep that don't know how to play polo but ice must make it better Batman sounds great I know it's probably that one thing that each of you got excited about when you watch this and for me it's Battletoads yes that was my childhood yeah my avatar would also be a mashup of 90s to mid 2000s Final Fantasy heroes I said Voltron wasn't relevant anymore H is very clearly a girl masking her voice I'm sorry but we all thought it immediately to be fair at first I thought she might be the secret love interest so actually a decent red herring if it was on purpose foreshadowing for something that happens in the book but not the movie that I won't spoil in case you want to read it still a good misdirection for the book readers and just as an aside I'm gonna mostly ignore the book or try to be vague in case someone wants to read it if you want to reach under your seats you'll find that there's nothing there that's so much I want to steal it for later also that Julia if you're watching Starfleet themed flower arrangements and Spock's casket are a must at my funeral I haven't been this amped up about a car building itself from thin air since Clues slo-mo light cycle construction and then it's a DeLorean complete with flux capacitor it's what makes time travel possible quick shot of the bridge building itself is another example of the crazy amount of work that went into this movie just added flair to make everything fun to watch at all times and if you were sitting in IMAX or 3d or imax 3d you were either super duper stoked that you chose to do so or you were puking either way intended outcome achieve I think it's Artemis I've seen all the walkthroughs for twitch streams you always lose something going from book to film Artemis is build up in backstories one of those things but they actually do a great job of quickly letting us know that she's somewhat famous in a bit of a celebrity to possible you mean the sucks or a fix or a slide to make inator proud and Tetsuo jealous who performed an Tuck move with a car open the door to collect credits and then immediately turn those credits into fuel without taking his hand off the wheel also he made a reference to Back to the Future 2 by turning the wheels into flying mode did the Batmobile just skid the og Batman theme which actually brings to my attention that there is no score no music throughout this entire race really immerses you in the action with just sound effects and you couldn't have been that far from 88 then you could just jump ahead in time like 30 seconds saving that girl you think might be someone you've heard of game variant with slappers only no weapon I know it's not version only means everyone knows what slappers only is personally I was partial to license to kill song this video killed the radio star by the Buggles and one of those songs I Drive past my objective in vice city just to keep listening video was take on me by a-ha yeah he would have loved a music video where someone was sucked into an imaginary world wait wait wait wait I'm sorry did that lightning bear just take his wind this is nothing like The Hobbit deep cut I know but some of you are with me even though leaving the Oasis disintegration is slick respawn and love the juxtaposition of Wade's meek lack of confidence against his self-assured avatar parsable matriarch physically standing up to the abusive boyfriend dad's a bit of an expectation subversion usually they'd his scream in the background maybe 2 cos Artemis said it and she's hot honesty oh joy and how will you eat up my valuable such time today you're good simon pegg not that good go take some lessons from alan - it can get back to me all rendered into a three-dimensional virtual experience clearly Percival wouldn't know all this already and clearly it's for us but since it is morrow you'd want to keep up the simplistic AI facade so no one suspects it well we finished go back 10 seconds also if you're wondering why the curator doesn't close the window and parsable asks Mauro clearly wants someone like possible to win rather than I oh I uh visually this is one of the most satisfying things to watch seeing through the floor knowing he can't be touched by anything above and I love how nothing is fully rendered until it goes into the visible space as soon as I took the key all the coins just appear to my Ken he actually got the hundred thousand credits and he took first place 20 staff to the Holy Hand Grenade that's a steal what good is it without the book of armaments to be honest I have kind of a neck thing it's like a carpal tunnel okay whatever your opinion on TJ Miller the fact that the character artists are modelers meshed his voice with one of the most visually intimidating avatars is pretty impressive steampunk Pirate King I knew him well Sorento and it would be I rock who would use the Shakespeare quote to sound intelligent but like so many others miss called the line even shows avatars a little younger looking plus in Mandarin the show character spelled a little differently means long life which is another hint at him being young I mean shouldn't the comparison be Wozniak I guess they switch roles in this future and I like the change-up of the engineer pushing the marketer slash businessman out rather than the other way around Mortal Kombat plus alien even his win is a brief moment where the curator seems to be emotionally processing that his wife was only mentioned by his best friend once she could be more like a lesbian black girl herbs something totally different that this scene makes me want to watch San Junipero again so I will good job movie you know it's cats like this that create unrealistic body expectations for kitties around the world wait that's not when at all although also for furries there now it's a wait I mean it's still complimenting her taste in what she chooses to look like I love that everyone in the background is staring at Artemis impossible like they're celebrities since they are it's a detail that some filmmakers would miss after the initial selfie attention that's a pretty stellar visualization it really makes me feel like this tech is within reach the microfiber crunching I mean we've seen this date before but never full CGI weightless disco dancing to the BG's where the girl is wearing a dress made of red vapor and it's not too often that a first date turns into a zero-g firefight with aliens pulse rifles and lawgivers I just bought this [Music] whoa that Back to the Future musical cue was like a hit of pure uncut nostalgia whereas my plan which was cool because I rock rule critical voila which is French for and then I found out bridge lessons you want the ship from defender yes you want the Millennium Falcon yes am I the only one that secretly routes were the good guys to just take the deal or the money for once and for all the work out alright I crack open the tab I put on some Duran Duran I play Robotron that's why I love the Oasis that could sell power gloves to an amputee I'm really hoping you'd say no because if anyone's gonna win this competition it's me you really switched gears there I'm fairly reasonable to maniacal Overlord yeah but he does it so well I don't want to hear your voice ever again what is x1 suit hey at least Jim Raider got a solid one-liner in there also this isn't nearly as dramatic but this whole scene has a very plate collapsing on sector 7 feel to it which I'm always up for a Final Fantasy 7 reference I'm not disappointed I mean seriously you're wearing a Joy Division shirt how could anyone care so our options for that week are the flyer you make superior remake well this is something else the war game scene in the book was fine but for a visual medium this the grainy film stock the accurately creepy lighting the matched shot angles from Kubrick's original and of course the score I've never seen the shine is a Dutch tilt to accentuate the ridiculousness of that question and another perfect recreation from the movie that gets taken to the next level even having the camera underwater as if the original scene was just extended mm-hmm a tub seems taller but they downplayed the gratuitous and up to the gross Ness and then took the original maze even further to the next level this entire sequence is fantastic paying tribute to the classic while adding their own surreal spin that I remember also a little cabin in the woods first the key first yeah in the age of studios tattooing look how progressive we are in their foreheads I'm kind of surprised they downplayed the real reason that Helen a gay black female chose a male non black character for her avatar I wouldn't really call H white in the movie I get that it may have felt a little too pandering for the movie um they were in immediate danger there wasn't a lot of time for her heart-to-heart but it's a bit of a missed opportunity as it would have resonated with a lot of the gamers that share some of or all of Helens attributes but they hinted her sexuality a little in the shining puzzle and then I actually don't hate that she's confident not worried to have her best friend see her true self because he might feel betrayed for a split second but not because she's gay black or female just because she misrepresented herself that actually speaks more to their friendship that they move on quickly somebody read the book did his face just glitch hint that they're still dreaming I mean inside the matrix I mean still on the holodeck no no I mean still on the ship in a simulation inside a simulation inside a give up you had that coming bossman 69 hey there's a beautiful beard win I don't know why you're destroying a warehouse but clearly the Iron Giant is just a big old e up in the name of Artemis in the name of H the name of Dido and show you left John bender out aah grunts elites and Spartans fighting together Batgirl Joker's spawn flash and is that stripe he-man fighting together let's just say a bunch of teamwork this is pretty epic so epic you should just make an entire movie about a pop culture icon battle royale I mean I realize he's just an avatar suit but wait it's totally misunderstand everything about the Iron Giant more importantly I feel like if the Iron Giant was cloned from his movie with all his weapons like I mean he is a weapon I think he would have been unstoppable thus he's just a big robot with a few of the correct weapons yeah that's fair appropriate reaction I can't not win Mechagodzilla I just can't well that's also up serenity dropping off B Gundam saving your buddy and not dying the wave effect of the dying redshirt Sixers I'll sacrifice yeah owning that very mild sort of just makes you cuter disfigurement it's sarcasm but I actually do like it marks Lancer owned the glaive some things just never change whether you're made of iron or love for Edward Furlong Superman am i right no you'll forgive me for this I promise wait mercy kill her like IRL love kill actually it's sort of a super unique self-sacrifice since he's killing her avatar to save her in the real world yeah it was a callback either way forgive me there's a promise her name yes finally works more like you'd expect it to although I have no idea how because he didn't count to five I mean three like that's a camp remove blow TJ even for you a little street fighting between the two mains also brutal I know it's a game but that's a lot of death also more comeuppance who gave it to you Scott Pilgrim Wow I'll say reorganising the way the contest was played and skipping over some of the sections like Dungeons and Dragons that just wouldn't have translated well ending here with the first ever game containing Easter Egg works totally perfectly and I loved that even the team dedicated to working against the Gunter's is still totally stoked to have completed holidays contests because they're true believers well finale you could say that that's your end hey I won't make the same mistake you did so this is a little confusing because he does need to sign a contract at some point but it's more symbolic than anything else the contest was about getting the egg but you see how little Holliday actually cares about it since he can't remember where he left it that was never the point to him he wanted someone to take over who would understand his biggest regrets and share his ideals I know it's a little on a TS of all these people to just move out of the way everyone can sit there and say you would have mobbed him and yes the mob would clearly succeed in subduing him but the odds that some people would get shot or hi so are you willing to get shot it doesn't matter what a mob can do it matters what you would do I'm still saying that I would because otherwise he was gonna shoot some kids but not everyone maybe not even me could make that decision in the heat of the moment there are a few options here as to why Sorento decided not to shoot Wade but ultimately I think it's just a moment of clarity and joyous reminder of Halladay and no matter how powerful you are you can't just execute a kid in front of a crowd of people and get away with it now that the contest is officially over the crazy race to the finish can stop and ordering people to be blown up from afar is a lot different than pulling the trigger like finale tried to point out to him do your job and I'll do mine unless you want to take this and go you're not an avatar are you know it's Holliday really did yes are you ready player to the rise of AI I'm taking love the raising one light cliche for the VR generation fourth time through and I'm just noticing the bat'leth and I just can't go back to see if anyone fights with one so you guys let me know win for the bat'leth on display like a katana though since this movie is basically one big Easter egg reference call-out I won't bother talking about them all I covered most of my favorites but a few more that were fun or were a little more hidden were sonic tapping his foot waiting in line mad max's interceptor Lara Croft I mean the frickin title treatment is in maze itself with an Easter Egg at the end I also love how actual game achievements like a triple kill bonus show up on a chess hut I'm sure you could study this film for days and still not find every reference or Easter Egg I don't recognise every character some you can't even make out but you better believe that they were all placed deliberately and that speaks to how much time Cline and Spielberg spent trying to make this a true representation of 70s 80s 90s pop culture nostalgia worship and it's fun to comb through beyond the pop culture is one of the more conceive video game movies ever made the MMO component is well thought out for the most part you could start poking holes and things like if coders can just create their own gear what's stopping someone from making unlimited ammo headbands or invincibility vests especially when the Creator seems to be against making more rules also he may have severely underestimated how much gamers enjoy just killing to kill having your name on top of the leaderboard would be less a selfie more cool type situation that's said it seems like there are enough rules to keep everyone limited in things they can do in create and the us-versus-them mentality created by ioy helps now regard each building iron giant as a commission means she must get some kind of permission or authorization anyway off track point was that the weapon armor and vehicle storage all seems really intuitive combined with like a second life social aspect of the whole thing we can all see the value and how easily it would be to get sucked into the oasis especially when there are basically no limits on the things you can obtain in there power levels once you get through that there's still a movie to talk about there's a slight tonal dissonance between the real-world sequences that were very clearly directed by spielberg and inside the oasis that she doesn't always feel like it is he's still in there directors usually have as much or as little control as they'd like when it comes to full CGI sequences but the constant spinning camera and maximum screen real estate used to do at all times isn't really a style even his futuristic sci-fi movies like Minority Report or AI have a totally different aesthetic to the Oasis you definitely feeling that some of the racing battle sequences parts are definitely Spielberg action and I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing anyway it's the entire point the Oasis is an escape from reality especially for those living in poverty it changes how everyone interacts with the world and its inhabitants parsable is confident even when he's being goofy and lame but by everything in this world is hyper cool hyper motion hyper real Sorrento's avatar is just like him if he lifted weights and had color-changing contacts not to mention dark Superman er Clark Kent with no glasses but speaking of Sorento I feel like I've used this explanation a few times for less developed villains but I don't understand why no one ever comes to this conclusion like I said in the opening with the narration this is intended as a throwback movie to make Nolan Sorento any more complex than he was would have been a mistake in fact his avatar is deliberate evidence of how one-dimensional he is even his ultra fantasy is just a guy in a suit and no matter how mustache truly ben mendelsohn gets he always comes at villains differently he'll problem never surpassed Annie Rayburn but I always like seeing him chew up the walls Tye Sheridan was totally fine he plays each of his characters distinctly enough to give you that unique feeling to each world he even seems more confident as his avatar giving the same speech the name of James Halliday himself same goes for Olivia Cooke and the rest of the side characters I said my piece about Lena waits apart but her performance was great regardless of the decisions made for her character the standout was obviously Mark Rylance I just realized he's mr. Dawson from Dunkirk the civilian with the boat and that blows my mind the way he captures awkward hyper-intelligent possibly on the spectrum Garth type billionaire was astounding he single-handedly brought the mystery of the story in the contest to life and thanks to him the Groucho Marx message is pretty clear as terrifying and painful as reality can be the only place you can get a decent meal the real world is what matters don't spend your life staring at screens which was a fine message though it's not lost on me that the way in which Halliday conveyed said message was by forcing a generation of gamers to obsess over pop culture icons and in the process actually elevated himself to pop culture icon status it could be some sort of like see I told you that you wasted your life winning my trillion dollar company in the girl of your dreams and yeah there's no winning the girl I get it it's the 80s it's far less offensive than say Revenge of the Nerds but come on I'll say the movie version managed to give Artemis more agency than her book counterpart and made weight a little less stalkery in defense of the indefensible their kids he clearly worshipped her and she was likely the first female to show him interest and they had a lot in common I'm not excusing the cringy stuff just saying I understand why they were drawn the way they were and then further defensive Holliday would be that it's totally possible he learned all that stuff while creating the contest and thought going through it the way he did would help the final winner come to the same conclusions he did and ultimately I'm willing to let all that go because I appreciated the message in the barrage of pop-culture references was fun even seeing the Iron Giant through the expressed opposite of what the Iron Giant would want to do was entertaining because you know what as much as Brad Bird made an anti-war anti-gun film he also created a crazy giant robot that would be amazing in Smash Brothers and we'll all use the Iron Giant as an avatar in VR battle without thinking twice about the implications I know I was a little all over the place in this one but I a lot of feelings some were ultimately problems with the book which I actually liked less than the movie in the end I really liked the movie even if I rolled my eyes occasionally it was a great realisation of this idea and getting to see some things I've loved forever come to life in different ways will always be fun I'm written for a sequel next week another newish one [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,982,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ready Player One, EWW Ready Player One, Everything Wrong With Ready Player One, Cinemasins Ready Player One, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, Ready Player 1
Id: jZSNjLH-hc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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