Everything GREAT About Spider-Man: Homecoming!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] anyone else feeling Elfman's spider-man score with that opening note I wouldn't put it past you keno Liz must had a front row seat than now famous painter on the Avenger shot from that film also loving Liz's first scene wasn't her in art class hell bat - it's pretty close to the chest even if you were smart enough to connect that being the head of the homecoming committee means she's probably creative kids go the future in an age of cinematic universes were the slightest continuity errors between different films with different casts and different filmmakers can get you lynched this Chitauri leviathans final location is pretty close to her Hulk and Thor landed on it in Avengers it's time we changed shortest origin story ever and I do not hate it we don't need to see the vulture soup being built get it he's a badass bad guy business is good [Music] just when you think they couldn't possibly come up with another passable spider-man theme they rework the 60s cartoon theme in a totally epic way my only complaint is that it isn't used again Queens pour over hey it's home one of the best things this film does is send Peter Parker back to high school and more than just having him actually be a sophomore starts right here with this childlike Goofy narration and here's your payoff to the little kid in Iron Man 2 wearing the Iron Man mask being Peter Parker that's it the globe from the stark Expo were they so seeing this made me go back and re-watch the airport fight for research and the best one I could come up with was telling you that it made me go back and watch it inspiring repeat viewings of other films went all spots inside common is just perfect he's a high school kid who's just stoked to be invited to the party that had to be an unscripted line producing a genuine laugh-in Robert Downey jr. is hoping to get bumped up to asset management he was for head of security hey Ford of security that was last week don't do anything I would do and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do there's a little gray area in there and that's where you offer superheroing advice and let's talk about the continuity of Tony's healing shiner from Civil War that did it it's there hug it's not a hug and just grabbing the door for you there yet of course Peter's gonna have spoons the underdog pumping into his brain he's just a kid who wants to be taken off the Avengers bench relatable and this explains why Betty doesn't end up in front of a camera the mute look I get that this is like a stem specialty school but in more let's say pandering hands we definitely have some high school cliques to observe because everyone making movies are for a certain age believes that's how high school relationships work you just fall into your designated a group for four years and can't leave it goes almost bedsheets Peter here's a gold coin I don't know how jobs work that's exactly what confirmed and sometimes they give you outdoor time to really glad to see glory I found a school hiring ex-cons okay for starters that's a really high engagement rate for 4,000 views I would know I was there for over eight months and I love that this spider-man video only has 4000 views because yeah whatever in a world where superheroes are dropped through wormholes AI robots drop cities from the sky and cap drops helicarriers onto the Triskelion some guys swinging around catching cars may also fake also I know the DVD hasn't been up for very long but you're telling me only another 5,000 people watch this video since the movie was filmed I've never seen it and let me tell you it has some twists and turns you know how I love transitions and these are so smooth you may not even notice the jumps I got a hot day with Black Widow coming up that is false what'd I tell you about using the Bell for comedic purposes no jokes I'm just impressed that this guy's bill from freaks and geeks dude has range also his buddy Sam aka John Francis Daley helped write this movie a lot of you are upset that I use the other version of mr. Aziz so as way of an apology cool even if we've departed from the Iron Man one groundedness and some other films it makes sense that a film featuring Iron Man in a suit made by Iron Man it's going to be as realistic a representation as possible and I love it changing it to tights takes time also I mean can we agree coolest Spidey suiting up to date I'll be honest that I was a little taken aback where the jerky movements at first but I'm further thought it makes sense with how jittery and excitable this Peter Parker is he's pumped to get superheroing nickname acceptance and compliments as much as I love Raimi's take this is probably a more realistic look at daily crime-fighting helping people with directions is going to come up more than black beanie Bennett's burglarizing bodegas there's gonna be a lot of hanging out which plays perfectly into his impatience for another retreat cuz I used to date er the other thing that really came into focus after watching a Civil War battle was of course he'd be super amped up for the next mission and having to only be a friendly neighborhood spider-man would get a bit boring also a spider-man being pretty ineffectual montage set to the Ramones is the fastest way to fall flat on your face got a hand at the tombs in the tinkerer for coming up with some inventive ways to use that hovering deck for Hulk Ragnarok review Honoria Spidey artists hey look it's a Dan man get it made all the 8080 purists angry again and reference that scene in Civil War in one fell swoop so anyone wondering or more accurately nitpicking why peter has bunk beds when he has no siblings I actually had bunk beds in high school and both my brothers were already out of the house how seeing that friend sleep over Tom Hollands workout routine I mean really I looked it up and I'll even give them slack on to shirt off scenes the kid worked out non-stop in his background and dance and gymnastics helped him get the role in the first place also he does freerunning for fun some house oh thanks flirting spiders dead men thank you for that John Watts also thank you for letting Ben rest in peace nothing against origin stories you know I love them but three for the same character in one decade would have been excessive although we do probably have Aaron Davis his nephew Miles Morales look forward to do you late Thanks what no amazing response seriously another Brit who does an American accent better than I do can you spin oh you know Tom Hardy ducking the Captain America challenge Thank You captain pretty sure this guy's a war criminal now thankfully Wakanda doesn't have extradition and an ED interrogating Peter about spider-man montage is the fastest way to find out some things about Betty we probably didn't need to know s Thor Mary iron man and kill Hulk people self-honesty mean honesty such a different choice moment from other spider-man that explosion has nothing to do with him or anyone he knows he's not even in his town but give him the chance to up his cred or potentially save some people he makes the heroic choice finally Spidey in the burbs there isn't always something the perfect distance and hideaway to swing from even if Ned's advice was worth trying SPECT a shinto version dog attack you know because dogs and movies are generally trying to bite superheroes to be fair if you set up a movie facing the pool you shouldn't be surprised when the movie comes to life in your backyard also anyone else think it's weird that this scene was mirrored and all the trailers first real action set-pieces reminiscent of other spider-man outings not without its own unique moments but then it takes an unexpected yet welcomed turn really setting the vulture up as an unknown and adieu to be feared this is Tony trying to get the waiters attention confirmed that is not what you thought when I took on Captain America trust me kid cap when to lay you out he would have technically he did lay him out a couple times stay close to the ground talking about I think he means to avoid things like this I'm not sure he deserve that but you guys keep killing him Marissa is going to keep reluctantly saving money I just wanna thank you for letting me be poor your journey genuine gratitude maybe some of Peters tech is a little too Iron Man II but I'm not gonna look a gift tracking spider in the mouth mandibles thanks point is we've seen other versions I'm good with this new one this version of spider-man also doesn't have the embarrass splash scene while I was fine with the other versions I liked it for a couple of reasons just because Peter knows he could throw flash into the next County doesn't mean it's the right thing to do and even though he's far far far physically superior to flash he's constantly backing off I also like the flash isn't a 30 year old jock he's actually clearly smaller than Peter but size and stature aren't really what bullying is about Fort Sumter I don't agree with guilfoyle using the Bell for comedic purposes is exactly what it should be used for strontium barium vibranium was the question silvery metals that end in 'i'm treating me like a kid all the time cool he says while jumping on the bed and whining easy to overlook but this movie does a good job of reminding us of all the crazy disasters that have happened in the MCU they didn't just get their tech from the New York incident he's got crossbones gauntlet and they make guns so bold strongarm straight from sokovia was that you jumped off the sign and landed on your face astute observations from Jarvis's real-life wife but seriously Jennifer Connelly is always a win great choice you're in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard the damage controlled deep storage vault know how about Betty Ross I don't remember if I gave Ryan Reynolds enough credit for how much time he spent with his mask on but he deserved it and so does Tom Holland this is one of those times when it would be completely acceptable to take his mask off and get more face screen time but this way you can talk to Karen and he's a kid who's waiting for the bad guys to show up so he's keeping his identity safe whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can use a ti-83 for more than ten Triss man I've been to the Washington Monument I guess I just never realized quite how tall it is they do a fantastic job of showcasing its scale I mean it's still nothing compared to the Clinton monument activating reconnaissance drone aka batteries not included or the fixit's right anyone they've always said when you don't know what spidey is swinging off of just assume there's a helicopter well there's a helicopter love the attention to detail of the web fibers flattening out on the edge of the elevator shaft saving your lives this is your chance Peter kiss her yeah he's argued on that thanks to the spider-man thankfulness the other night you told that dude if you're gonna shoot somebody shoot me willingness to self-sacrifice pay off I don't want those weapons in this neighborhood I got a nephew who live here don't worry just don't stop any Oscorp spiders from biting him would you like me to activate instant kill no Karen stop with the instant kill already I mean you might be better off just getting scorpion out of the way although doesn't Gargan become venom at some point as well does this mean Tom Hardy will never be in the MCU well there's still a chance get him a Wolverine film and make a deal with Fox Marvel Studios solved it hey all that time with Karen paid off yep I mean that was all pretty sick hi spider-man I'm Anne to the rescue said a good thing it has to be right maybe it is time that I built the high altitude seal you shut up one job I finished designing that high-altitude vacuum seal I told you know the answers no forget it I do enjoy vultures consistency he's trying to stay a small-time crook cannot incur the wrath of the Avengers or even iron man now that he's on iron man's radar he might as well go all in Mason can you get that high altitude seal thing up and running in time if you even cared you to actually be here ooh polar move badass good guy this is all I have nothing without this suit if you're nothing without this shoot then you shouldn't have it you know I like this reimagine great power great responsibility line Lee ultimately the same basic premise and it's a great carryover from what Tony learned in Iron Man 3 building a Lego Death Star with your bestie is definitely a win hey learning to tie a tie and dance montage is the fastest way to justify the title of your film hot dang I did not see that coming solid twist Yeah right Pete cuz you look pale and the way this scene plays out is so nerve-racking no building sinister score in the background just the tension between the characters playing off multiple emotions more normal human smiling I've seen you around even the boys in the lack of the score really starts to get under your skin as tooms starts to very realistically I might add piece it all together even when he dismisses the possibility for a split second spider-man showed up in the elevator then the base core comes in as tooms gives Peter one last chance to give himself an alibi sure you know and then the confrontation is even better the build-up to and then this moment are the best part of this film just save life nobody say thank you [Applause] Space Age love song Wow even when he's getting his butt kicked these two less time to be a goofy teenager flash I need you on your phone sometimes the back row is your best option prototype for Cap's new shield and the making the make then pours magic belt I get that these are just one-off Easter eggs but I don't care I'm happy Tony or at least the Avengers aren't D division maybe is still working on caps gear war criminal or not so I'm sure people will say how did Bulger notice had a trap for Peter when he just found out who he was well I'm sure the second Peter got out of his car he sent shocker to the school which is only a few minutes away based on how fast they got here and then assuming Shocker would probably fail he came up with this plan it's not super involved and he hadn't even had time to warm up the wingsuit yet this film does a great job in this regard anyway but what a stark reminder that Peter is just a kid even spider-man's instincts are to call for help you really feel for him in addition to being read out of the comics it's such a triumphant moment of Peter really understanding what Tony was talking about I've heard complaints that his suit in this film makes him a little too invincible but I think that was the point that's his arc it's all been leading to this moment when he has to be spider-man without the suit without Ironman without any help at all he needs to be more than the suit this final action set-pieces fun and tense and still a small-scale conflict even if it's a big plane with high stakes I'm just happy they didn't go Blue Beam to space that said they captured how powerful the speed and win on top of the plane would be and how everything is pretty much constant trying to kill you and Peter does save a ton of people by making a crash in the beach brutal doing the right thing saving your girlfriend's dad even though he tried to kill you like a bunch of times my friends call me MJ aren't these your your friends whatever just dye your hair right before the next film please or you know go get him tiger actually turns out it was the perfect or a tough love a moment that you needed right to urge you on right wouldn't you think but you think let's just say surrogate parenting win is something that bugged me at first was that although the fairy splitting in half and the plane crashing were both equal parts Peters fault and not his fault Tony takes his suit away after the first and lets him join The Avengers after the other would if the plane had crashed into a stadium and killed thousands of people is the outcome would actually matter I get that without his interference in the plane really bad things would have happened so he did save the day whereas it was just an arms deal on the ferry but I do think taking the suit away was a tough love moment to spur Peter on and in doing so he proved himself worthy and I'll introduce the world the newest official member of the Avengers spider-man dang you mean the iron spider I'd rather stay on the ground it's kind of a Springsteen II working-class hero by better day well Tony can spin anything this is a perfect moment for Peter and really honors what this film is about why don't be a high school dropout I am so far beyond high school right now it took the events of this movie for him to realize what he was missing that some of this is over his head for now and that maybe he should stay closer to the ground hey exactly the face you want your future wife to make at least her hair is getting closer to the right color also happy to officially see they've reconciled since Civil War [Music] and really glad on may finally knows for sure this time and some hand-drawn credits to once again keep us entertained waiting for the singer next time maybe try going by the seagull this is that on you it's if I knew it was alright maybe he's an alright guy or does he just realize that he's actually the first spider-man villain to not go after spider-man's girlfriends she's his daughter and that anyone who does know will go after anyone he's ever liked mm-hmm sometimes patience is the key to victory sometimes it leads to very little and it seems like it's not worth it sometimes maybe you should be in prison how many more of these okay a rickrolled however he shots oho many of these I can't even believe they got him to do it totally makes up for it the best thing happening in homecoming is the size of the story it's intimate and real and we have a Peter Parker who sees the Avengers like we do as celebrities comic spider-man has always excelled at being the neighborhood hero but in this film more so than any other of the five his challenges are well barely important enough for Iron Man's assistant and nothing epitomizes that more than the opening scene with the human side of the Chitauri invasion things most people don't really consider when watching giant aliens crash their buildings someone's gotta clean that crap up and yeah they're gonna have to have scaffolding just to take the debris apart it was such a great way to bring it down to our level especially when the conflict focuses on a blue-collar guy doing tiny crimes I've heard and read a lot of people talk about how vulture is a sympathetic character and don't really see him as a villain maybe in the beginning I'll give you that in a Walter White kind of way shocker numero uno wouldn't have been such a tough guy if he really thought toons was capable of vaporizing him but even with that he barely gives the fact that he murdered someone a thought seconds later and then by the end he's ordering people to be killed threatening his daughter's date's life shooting energy weapons into crowded fairies and purposefully crushing teenagers with concrete debris I get that he wants a big contract lots and lots of business owners have invested financially in projects that fall through most of them don't build mech wing suits and start slinging alien weapons in the same streets their kids walk I get that Keaton feels like he's a decent guy fallen on hard times but really I get Peter even more credit for saving his life since to me he's just a straight-up bad guy whether it's about not letting Liz loser dad or just because he's a genuinely good person yay for Peter Parker I'm not saying tombs are Keaton is on likeable in fact I really like the character and it's fun to see bad Birdman villain it up fits really well with his later in life voice rasp makes you wonder when someone will give steve guttenberg his big MCU villain break but enough about the villain let's talk about spider-man McGuire captured Peter Parker's awkward goofy pauses but didn't have a lot to say a Spidey Garfield captured spider-man's fighting banter and one-liners but was a little too suave and not dorky enough when the mask was off others need something to stick Oh somebody I'm not trying to shoot them back in time Tom Holland kills it his bull he's shy but not to cringey cocky and sarcastic but likable Peter's uncomfortable around girls but spider-man becomes fast friends with Karen he nails the freedom and heroism of spider-man perfectly and this is one of the funnier spider-man's we've ever had and impresses me throughout he just talks non-stop you meet more handsome in person just like Falcon points it out in Civil War they've pretty much got what spider-man looks like and how he moves down to a science at this point but I'm still always giddy watching him web swinging around they added a new energy to Tom Hollands version and as far as taking a green feathered foe into live-action this is way cooler but still honors the originals and you know he's still scavenging remains like a vulture I feel like I didn't talk about the action scenes too much they're all great even if every single one of them was in the trailers I think I'm just getting a little desensitized to all done action but all the CGI was flawless explosions were fantastic and I really enjoyed the final showdown because this wasn't another origin story they were able to move beyond the things happening to Peter Parker and Peter Parker responds by being spider-man story threads and moving to him actively seeking conflict out obviously the spider bite wasn't planned but this is a Peter that's been spider-man for a little while and he's going out there trying to fix stuff it's not easy to keep reinventing this character but they're off to a good start there's a line in civil war that I didn't win but really applies to this film when you can do the things that I can but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because you lots of little details in this film to be picked out from standing in front of an American flag and holding a pen in the air to answer a question after being the spider-man that'd have to be references it's by demand - so the web's not immediately disappearing and blowing in the wind after he detaches or how much property damage he causes as a young superhero you're gonna bend some gutters and run some fences when you're running around like a madman and maybe freak some poor girls out or the fact that every single thing that's been set up as part of MCU history is subtly referenced in the spin like the principal being a Howling Commandos grandson the pictures of Howard Stark dr. Abraham and Bruce Banner there are a ton of Easter eggs I guess some people were upset about Sunday as a reveal at the end thought it was a waste and also she's the wrong ethnicity to both I say met her name isn't said the entire film yet she has some of the funniest beats and is at least around for a lot that happens even if in the background I think you were supposed to assume I know I did not obsess with him just very observant little MJ at the end was just for confirmation and like I said about addresses the whitest North Scott ever just cast the best actor and zendaya is phenomenal am I not see Thomas Greg Keaton was great Ned Jacob Fallon was an amazing guy in the chair and we got a real sense of his and Peter's friendship Marissa Tomei was also awesome I have zero qualms about a young on may at this point there's something more relatable and you get the feeling that Peter respect isn't the right word because even the older may is garner respect but they're almost like buddies like they're going through life together and it's really sweet other than that Laura Harriers Liz was a fine one and gone love interest I'm not sure would think about the timeline mess up it's possible though unlikely that it was just a typo and no one thought twice about it I mean happy says I mean carrying this since 2008 so maybe they just weren't thinking still I think if I he's better than that it's most likely because Liz being 13 or 14 years old when she drew this picture is silly so they de-aged her with a jump my real theory is that strange messed the timeline up and will find out that he was in a loop for four years or something either way whether it was deliberate or not they have to address it so good luck with that I'm sure they'll come up with something awesome alright showing my hand a little more than normal because I know some of you are at the end of your marble rope right now I'm just really excited for Ragnarok and wanted to go through all the MCU films to get ready for it so after next week we'll have a marble break and since next week should be pretty obvious here's a frame from the week after [Music] hmm sup guys forget your PIN number wow this is what happens when you try to record with your dog in the room wrong and the mailman is trying to deliver some block because mailman are evil you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 8,134,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man Homecoming, Homecoming Honest Trailer, Into The Spider Verse, EWW Homecoming, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, EGA, Spiderman Homecoming, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, CinemaSins Spiderman, Tom Holland Homecoming, Tony Stark Homecoming
Id: m8_mo76Gpqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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