Everything GREAT About John Wick!

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Tbh the video should just be 1 hour and 40 minutes, just the whole film.

However, I love this channel, dude is cool.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Br1t1shNerd 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

The shining and the mist please

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] this film lets you know what you're in for without pulling any punches in the first few minutes John ostensibly dies in the opening minutes and then we cut back to a montage of his morning routine with two coffee cups two sinks and his wife stuffs still strewn about meaning this just happened or is happening live all that to say a depressing wife dying montage is the fastest way to set the tone of this film dot Dyer it's that dire it stays like today scattered among the rest you know he's something of a philosopher himself are you sure there's your basic premise can't a man find redemption and should a man be allowed redemption when his sins are so vast the boogeyman is humanized really well with some mundane cleaning up ah Daisy the puppy is always a wife win I'm so glad nothing happens to her and she's totally fine quick reminder that John isn't totally healed because of the new puppy even if it helps also potentially not live for adrenaline that he no longer has now that he's left life hey look at that Daisy the dog escaped look at her being totally fine and alive well those meanies are gonna get it now making John's dog run away to a happy home with someone else he's gonna be steaming okay so the dog is fine but the impact fulness of this scene has nothing to do with actually seeing a dog be harmed yet it's one of the most gut-wrenching animal deaths in a movie ever because of what the dog represents nailed home by Daisy crawling up to John to die near him also for anyone wondering why Yosef doesn't kill John not only is murdering humans harder I mean even serial killers start with animals but it plays right into who Yosef is he's a fake mobster he's not a hardened criminal he doesn't have the stomach for murder Plus leaving a random guy for dead is exactly what someone like Yosef would do death wouldn't be embarrassing enough he just doesn't know who John is a sloppy drift from fian compared to John's season drifting at the airport details would you get that car John Leguizamo you the way the realization of whose car it is comes across his face we all pour Alfie Allen always relegated to the second generation of a really powerful guy but is actually just a weasel himself cuz she stole John Wick's car sir and killed his dog oh the reverence John wick gets like he's the frickin Angel of Death that's all Viggo needed to hear and irelia was so scared because he just happens to be the shop where Yosef brought John's car he pulls out the peleg risa which by the way means dangerous in Spanish and prepares for John to potentially end him I don't think he was actually afraid of John it was just about respect a big theme throughout this film especially the consequences of lack of respect in the realm of punishments if you consider that he only gave him the shot of vodka so that it would burn on the way back up whoa that's the Mafia parenting yeah rest in peace Michael my quest a little motion to clean his son's face off making it clear for the audience that he does care for her son with a simple gesture makes his decisions later on speak volumes as to who John wick is to these people Viggo especially when he immediately hits him again so Mayhem's responds you've all seen splinter heads by now right I recommended it like three years ago also the very deliberate shot of Viggo grabbing a different bottle puts a whole other spin on the vodka shot I can't make out what the bottle is which means it's most likely expensive and rare something you toast with which he gives to his son and then immediately takes back now to actually drink he switches to a less expensive probably is preferred vodka to tell the tale of John wick and now John literally smashes through the foundation of his new life to resume his old life kills a man in a bar fun fact Shibumi is also about a man coming out of retirement to kill some dudes with a pencil the buddies he buried that day laid a foundation of what we are now that's no small thing it's safe to assume Vigo has John to thank for his current reign of power most likely by murdering all of his competition meaning John's hands are filthy gyeon-woo comb for you nothing ego knows how this is all gonna play out before John's even justed off his guns but you can't blame him for throwing his entire life in business and lots of goons on the John wick pyre to try to save his son in the subtext of essentially begging vo can't literally beg but he knows what he's doing John knows what he's doing and it ain't working what'd he say enough how my research has taught me that everything Russian in this film is just wrong from accents to translation right down to the way they talked about Baba Yaga but the stylized subtitles for the song are pretty sweet see this is what we do here we take it bad we find the good the world-building in this film assassins don't enter in tactical gear they come in suits son John makes his neo leather look like child's play let the insanity start and the movie proper actually begins this slow build-up with the music as if we're about to get a typical hard rock action scene and then the music completely cuts out when John starts killing because there can be no distractions to what we're about to see but even the score kicks back in it always takes a backseat to sound effects or even plays into them some of which John uses like the goons magazine falling to the ground letting him know he can attack and this isn't your Grandpa's hit man's story no mercy feels like a good time to talk about something everyone knows Keanu Reeves turned out to be a total and complete badass who trained for months to actually do 90% of everything we see him do in this film which is why cuts are few cameras are steady piano Reeves is always a win I'm just realizing this is my first Keano movie I was that possible and just some signs of an exceptionally trained killer he recognizes someone on the wall ducks knowing he'll shoot where he used to be and will still be standing tall this fantastic camera working direction could probably throw a brutal counter up there baseball bat to the head is pretty brutal as well also this bunch because you know the implications plus I needed a way to win John Leguizamo decades beyond and then staring down a gun again also this freakin lahum tape what is this movie just for the record I don't think it's so much that they have an understanding more so what does the beat cop gonna do I like the respect going both ways but you know someone complains about the dragon burning stuff in his cave he just say have a good night thanks for not burning me in the rest of the city I'll even be there it's the contract exclusive know it so consider it done in hindsight notice Marcus takes the job because it's open so he can help John also probably so he can use his awesome gun safe hideaway again [Music] John walks in with his own music playing in his head because he's not here to have a drink he's here on business or pleasure business pleasure you dip so much as a pinkie back into this pond every time I identify Ian McShane as Al Swearengen I get corrected but no one could deliver such a silly line like Al Swearengen I never really disliked suiting up scenes but John wick adds a whole new level knowing he's going to use every one of those weapons on someone so he actually says 20 kilograms but the translation is 60 pounds which would be roughly 28 kilograms and guess how many guys are inside of a John to kill warrant you take the moon off I'd our monk Yves he's not just on a rampage he still has something of a code real men don't even need one-liners they just kill you wait he leaves his arm there holy brutal but the old I'm ripping your soul out with my eyes stare he is the angel of death outlook always the incapacitate shots followed by the let's just make sure headshot no one ever said John didn't make mistakes it's his adaptability and I'm always gonna win a movie for introducing me to a new song slash band in this case kalida I really don't think he's missing here he's leading yosef but the glass is just stopping or deflecting the bullets too much the camera on Yosef is shaky confused lost zooming in and out while it's smooth and controlled on John's face apparently Russian henchmen don't watch enough Star Trek wearing those red shirts there's no movie magic his actions aren't exaggerated he releases the magazine reloads chambers of Braun and shoots the guy point-blank the lack of Hollywood beauty somehow makes it all the more beautiful and I haven't even mentioned his mix of martial arts a little judo jujitsu here and there and that little spin was a little like you to wish okay first finally someone used that beautiful beard as a weapon against him and second I can't believe teint went down so easy he was like the penultimate boss with the equalizer also I get that mission impossible in John Waqar different movies we don't need to see Bing Reims writhing on the ground in agony but John wick treats it a little more realistically and while bethe boss boy here is a pretty decent fighter getting shot is good enough reason for John to lose this fight not to mention John's been killing his way through this Club for quite a while and this dude is fresh so I think it's fair to say John's more than only human I remember this guy Oh Goods your laundry I'm sorry to say that no one's that good this whole interchange nothing major hasn't seen new Blanton's I'm a single malt scotch guy myself but when in Kentucky or when bleeding from a bottle stab wound actually no you probably shouldn't have - pretty sure it thins your blood and makes it bleed out take two of these beforehand red pills from the key-maker no less you may start to question your very existence but you'll know gun foo then on edge about Marcus the whole movie and that could have been a mistake it wasn't but first time through you're still unsure eighth time through you realize the reason he didn't kill Perkins is that he didn't want to break the Continentals rules Bobby uses that strap on her jacket as a garrote the old G joke only is that a no look back walking away from a fire in slow-mo scene but the fact that he doesn't even take a dollar for himself he doesn't want leverage he doesn't want to bargain he just wants vengeance I'll just never stop being amazed by Kiana's tactical training at this point he handles a CA for 15 like he's been using one for years I've never known anyone soaps that's what that shots in that moment I received some semblance for an opportunity to grieve alone I really enjoyed this break and explanation of why this is all so important you know contract killer with a heart of gold isn't anything new but it's not about the dog Perseids what the dog represented constantly shaking up the fighting styles this time with Brazilian Jujitsu while handcuffed always making sugar living from Michael is kept in a safe house Brooklyn and now you know who John is - Viggo got some matrix pants long take dolly back with a badass I don't know puppy Avenger badass puppy Avenger walking towards his target no hesitation doesn't even give him his last words also this entire assault is so much more a cakewalk for John he's never out of control I'm not really a car guy but even I recognize a Mustang a Chevelle and a charger making sure our all-american hitman gets a ride in each all-american classic he will vote is always a win you've got my suit I'm just realizing the slow but absolute unraveling of ego most of the time we see him he's consuming some kind of mind-altering substance shots with his son kicks the whole thing off he drinks almost an entire bottle of eighteen-year-old Glenlivet during his men's first assault on John that he knows is the beginning of the end then he rejects vegetable juice because why would he bother worrying about the future on the net he knows his son's going to die he tries to get as high as he can to numb the pain and now he's just wasted asking for his cigarettes like a basic bro and giggling about his impending doom if I didn't mention Mayhem's little commentary throughout this chase he's always been the odd one out like the American who thinks he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time that's probably anti storm framers a no-look kill let's call it both I know he didn't really shoot the guy but that was both done in camera come on with this movie I think he was just pleased he was so close oMG the drivetrain disintegrated we've all agreed that final boss battles in the rain are always a win especially where one man throws his gun away in order to drink his opponents blood from a boot even though Viggo is our final boss I appreciate that John kicks the snot out of him and Viggo has to cheat and pull a knife to prolong what's left of his life and that's a brutal way to gain the upper hand imagine using a knife leveraged against your abs to break someone's arm dizzying dumb polite professionalism to the bitter end oh you saved that pooches life I started to discuss this film's themes but something I really loved is that the main question asked only gets the beginning of an answer John is our protagonist so we connect with him we sympathize with him he'll the movie has to kill a puppy to make sure we're on the right side when the choice is our hit man who's really good at his job and freakin theon greyjoy who killed a puppy but the cracks are there no one ever claimed john had a special code during his hitman days where he only killed bad guys we don't know I mean he did try to steal this pen and his house and clothing in car or some clear evidence that he profited from it all his skills and willingness to use them to bury bodies also allowed him to exit that life to be with his wife we briefly get both sides of the argument in the first conversation in the film between John and Markus look John wick movie and man are awesome I'm just a prequel to this movie could potentially alter our sympathies even the crime boss knows that your sins can come back to haunt you like karma sorting it all out if that were true John would probably die by the end but maybe his punishment is a little more Sisyphus achill yeah it's a word I made it up all words are made up tracks meaning he's doomed to roll the murder boulder up a hill only to have to roll it back up while while collecting dead bodies I joked about the dog being okay a lot and he is but I get it I get why the movie needed to kill John Wick's Dog for starters the murdered wife has just been done to death and John would have looked pretty petty if he needed to go murder 833 people because they stole his property he was only 77 but it felt like a lot more didn't it but most importantly we'd be much less likely to connect with him instead they killed his dog so kill him all but I find interesting is that this movie reeks of a man going out in one last blaze of glory nothing to lose just rampage but it's really not it's a scorned man calmly writing some wrongs the scene where he explains why the dog was actually important and why he's been unleashed on Viggo is just about the only emotion he shows in the film and his overall attitude as part of a larger reason why John wick works so well a lot of people agree that this is the best American action film in years because of long takes and realistic fighting and gunplay and I don't disagree but we've had movies like that before however when you blend that with a heightened comic book graphic novel reality that's when you change cinema this film is first and foremost a peace of heart Mikey Newman of movies with Mikey Fame goes deep into the Greek mythology in the movie among a bunch of other awesome stuff go watch his video but I had an additional take on one character in particular the hotel manager named careened yes the ferryman from Greek mythology Jon literally pays gold coins to send his victims to the underworld logistical filming reasons aside I love that Karen is just stuck behind the desk collecting gold coins to offer safe passage to people who bring him the dead but it's even more than that there's something so out of time about the John wick universe yet it also feels like our universe now I mean I can buy the hitmen are paying each other with pirate treasure and that everyone wears suits because it just looks better and II get executed for breaking the Continentals labor laws but we all know by now the gunfights and martial arts are about as real as they can be it feels visceral because everything John wick does is done by Keanu Reeves who was trained at Terran tactical to do so our hero reloads and when he's mid reload in matters when he's out of magazines he fights with his hands when he's trying to rest he's in boxers he switches between weapons realistically depending on the situation he thought of Reeves is a badass and when you want stuff to look real you use all the best stunt men in the business they actually got so many in this movie that there was nothing for Keanu Reeves stunt double from the matrix to two so they just let him direct I'm kidding obviously having stuntmen at the helm is what makes this movie look the way it does thank you Chad's to hell ski and david leitch for knocking it out of the park sidenote leach is only uncredited because of stupid Hollywood bureaucracy he was just as involved in important as to how ski they along the screenwriter Derek Kolstad created an astonishing universe for these characters there's something so neat and orderly about the entire Hitman assassin underworld that makes it so believable just under the surface from the very matter-of-fact execution of Perkins to the one cleanup crew that removes your bodies to help alight the hotel manager it's regardless of the situation and you want to talk about art how about the color palette in this movie usually pretty straightforward John gets blues and greens when he's winning Vigo and his men get reds and yellows you can actually predict what's going to happen based on lighting color this dude leaves his red light and enters John's blue light of death now John leaves his blue and gets into trouble in the goons red light when he gets shot the blue and red mix to bathe him in purple with his future uncertain Marcus is usually wearing or backdropped in golden light as is Daisy as his hell in representing John's new life away from all the killing you hit a scene like the Hitman nightclub and every color is represented since every type of person is represented a couple of other things after I finished and recorded the first part of the script I found a few other cool resources first as Aaron site fancy as f comm all these links are in the description by the way where he more or less chronicles vigoss descent into madness in a much more detailed way than I did all around his alcohol choices also this reddit infographic about all John wick skills when how many and with what weapon and obviously movies with Mikey's episode on John wick it's one of my favorites I actually have to credit Mikey for anything of mine that sounds like it's from his piece just assume it is because while I felt like I was coming up with stuff on the spot organically I watched his video years ago and his stuff gets stuck in my brain also for a much better explanation of how John wick is art and visual storytelling Kievan wrote an awesome breakdown for medium you really gets into the color changes as well so there's John wick much requested blood I got to do it and spoiler alert I'm looking forward to number two but next week we're going to a different universe as well as a little announcement about the channel see you next week [Music] good to see you yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 6,571,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Wick, EGA John Wick, EWW John Wick, john wick 3, John Wick 3 Parabellum, Parabellum, Everything Wrong With John Wick, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, keanu reeves, Film Wins, everything great about, john wick: chapter 3
Id: NlvxLailT6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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