Everything GREAT About Logan!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh Marvel Comics won't be one uped by Marvel Studios I do really enjoy the new X-Men themed logo though so this is where we are this is where we are in time and this is where Logan is so much neatly summed up before the title card all with a very little Exposition he's a broken down uberis driver at the end of his rope was that metal shattering against his adamm spine as you can imagine brutal winds come up pretty frequently and the beginning to this film sets the stage so brutal I will say I'm glad that this first scene separates itself from The Old Man Logan comic by not giving us Logan the pacifist so we know what to expect never gets old although the extra blood definitely makes it feel worse as I live and breathe The Wolverine one thing manold does surprisingly well is blend the somewhat lacking celebrity of the X-Men in previous films that is present in this film with the real world in which these characters exist what a confusing sentence basically I appreciate that they're known as heroes in this future whether it's all exaggerated or not I'm a fan by the way Steve Murphy may not be able to speak Spanish very well but he's got that Western draw down seriously Boyd holber and body's a sort of flippant Western villain like a champ I really love the way this film treats us like adults which you should be if you're watching this anyway but there's no heavy-handed Exposition where Pierce asks Logan what he's doing and he awkwardly explains we get a few cuts of him driving people across the border and alerted to him being on a firstname basis with a border crossing guard you make way sure I said big way the new kesal loopa from jackobo Patrick Stewart is always a win and he doesn't even care you're the man who puts me to sleep you both could use some sleep well you're both going to get some a dark look at Xavier's powers that probably wouldn't be a story focus in a PG-13 film the idea that his decaying mind still empowered with telepathy would lash out like this is seriously frightening Logan well that's not something I ever thought I'd hear I can't decide if this is ruining my memories or enhancing them let's go with altering for now there are no New Mutants understand has been a new one born in 25 years so it's 2029 that puts the last mutant being born around 2004 which is one year after the events of the original Statue of Liberty event that Xavier was talking about waiting for you at the Statue of Liberty so 12 to 16 years later in 2016 2020 they'd be noticing a drop off in New Mutants Coming of Age interestingly this gives Credence to Beast statement in Days of Future Past about the time stream correcting itself they sto The Sentinel from destroying mutant kind but right around the same time mutants are dying off you were pursuing a career as a cage fighter for instance nothing was going to keep Logan from becoming a cage fighter I gave you a family they're gone now Logan what did you do I like that subtle misdirection for those who do know the Old Man Logan story a super terrible image but another painful reality of what an aging Logan might have to deal with Wolverine version of like urinary retention the of light and specifically light beams in this film is stunning especially when you switch over to the Black and White Version which I highly recommend making him spotted dick sounds gross and apparently it is gross British fruitcake found this in your pocket Adam antium well there's Czech off's [Music] bullet this score barely belongs in a comic book movie at all but W does It capture Melancholy with a touch of understated tension superbly bad girl I told you bad girl mama's going to have to saving this lady from a painful stabbing death why you keeping the old man that'd be smart I'd like to meet him I love this Fanboy Persona that boy has adopted he's a vicious killer trying to murder kids but he's going to get a few autographs along the way if he can America's Most Wanted octogenarian I'm a nonagenarian actually age honesty and a vocab lesson you got to love that she shows no fear knowing who and what are coming for her even with the reveal of who Laura is even with this exact scene in the trailer it's still so awesome especially the look on Logan's face as he realizes what her mutation is no no and Pierce's response is totally appropriate and hilarious look at that raver's beard couple of beautiful beard wins amongst these Merks even better than tank legs and Laura is like Hannah on speed and steroids and a pure hatred for people's femoral arteries who I guess you can t kids if it's understood that they can heal brutal yep she's got a foot knife it's a foot knife everyone and let's talk about Daphne's physicality holy martial arts and gymnastics skills love that Logan just knows well if she really is very much like you then I can Ram this car into her and it'll be no big deal being dragged around while Tangled Up In Barb wi still trying to shoot your target that's some corporate loyalty it is it me or did it just get a little mad Maxi in here like in every sense of the name have to love this western style stand off after nearly dodging a train nonetheless I can sort of buy this an exaggerated or mutated look at being a sewer dwelling albino these two not okay murder lessons and a parenting win I like that even though x24 ends up being a clone his body parts all laying around are a subtle reference to Albert Avalanche and bolt so maybe the events of Origins aren't exactly still Canon but you can't mention Bradley without picturing Mary oh yeah Charles we got ourselves an X-Men F this is something that could have come off as silly and ironically self- serving but it really does work in this universe contrasting the D PG-13 realities to this F-word fill one I would have loved to see flashbacks to things in those movies updated to R not really it would have taken away from the tone of this film but still it's F A Dream there aren't any more guns in the valley when you really analyze the importance of showing us this scene it's some heavy-handed for shadowing for what's to come Shane was talking about guns or Gunslingers which you could equate to Old Mutants versus New Mutants no self-promoting and Lead can stop so before he had to be talking about Cyclops right Cyclops wrote The X-Men Comics which is why he's always the leader even though in the movies he never really is and then maybe he planted these actual location coordinates as a safe haven for mutants in danger good stuff I love how they set the seizure up as probably about to happen and then right before the camera starts to move erratically leading up to a high pitched wine fading in also how the intensity increases as Logan moves closer to the source yeah he's coming for you this is one of the most creative obviously brutal and just plain awesome scenes in this film teamwork and took the lives of seven including several of the it's funny everyone was talking about how the broadcast got cut off and you don't actually hear the X-Men part and I really didn't believe it until I watched it again I could have warrn she actually said it also the embedded subtitles confirm it in case anyone is still confused it's sort of sweet that the one time Xavier uses his power purposefully in this film it's to control the horses to help this family that's your daughter uh yeah that's uh Sora and that's my dad chuck chuck he is a Chuck and another example of treating us like adults and a sort of cliche subversion in that Logan responds in stride like most people would not like movie characters usually do where they Telegraph their lying to the audience with a long pause and stutter speaking to a man who ran a school for a lot of years right Charles really amazing that in one of the most action-packed gruesomely bloody films of the year were also given one of the most nostalgic genuine and heartwarming scenes in the series for both these actors this is their last crack at these characters it's almost as if they're sincerely recounting the good times they had together as good friends do which come to find out it was mostly improvised and then we buy the Sunseeker I think we all knew there was no typical happy ending for either of them going into this film but Mangold does a good job of really setting us up for some hurt look at him look like dinosaurs with their 20 ton bodies and tiny little brains just be thankful they aren't infected with the symbiot all right Rory is a win I I can't even with this I'm not removing a win even though I really want to I know that I'm feeling exactly what Mangold wanted me to feel Eli mixed with sorrow for Xavier's perfect Knight squarely being crushed by an unceremonious death he deserved better but in Logan's Universe there is no better and it's made even more heart-wrenching and hammered even harder home when you remember Xavier said this you remember who I am now I always know who you are It's just sometimes I don't recognize you and then it's just a no holds bar jaw on the floor sequence from the Cavalier killing of the Munson family reminiscent of the Hulk gang getting bored leading up to Logan's first confrontation with his feral more powerful soulless younger self where he totally freezes then of course he freezes x24 represents everything Logan has been hiding from his whole life his weapon x pass that haunts him x24 is the literal and actual embodiment of that Beast oh the is that why don't you know it's the Hulk gang they we the light self sacrifice wrapped up in a callback burn we the light I thought Terminator versus Terminator was awesome and brutal AR ain't got nothing on Jackman's saving your new well yeah I'll just die here then this score is so freaking dark yeah that's an appropriate reaction pretty close to mine [Music] actually this is a better representation and of course he pulls away from her his worst fears were just again confirmed death follows him everywhere he goes how could he possibly open himself up to Laura does not exist no no it's a fantasy fun fact if we're allowed to have fun facts in this film yeah yeah fun fact when Daphne originally read for this part she did it the way manold wanted and then she asked if she could improvise a bit needless to say the verse that made it into the film is much closer to her improvised audition with Hugh Jackman cursing at the top of his lungs at her and she punched him right in the face I like that for the most part there isn't a whole lot of advanced Tech even though we're in the future reavers have robotic arms sure but even their enhancements are downplayed other than a few interactive screens and fancy Billboards it's pretty post-apocalyptic another scene of Logan being raised up but this time towards the light instead of towards the pain again the awe in their faces upon meeting their hero for the first time now I keep it to uh actually why I uh I was thinking of shooting myself a some honesty that's really a first step in Logan accepting Laura as an equal and not just a kid that culminates in the end when he relies on her for his plan Wolverine not funny that is not funny your Asylum approved that's where we will be safe not that it really matters but we're all leaning towards Alpha flight right the Canadian superheroes why else would rice say we need to reach them before they get to the Border not like they'd respect National boundaries right talk about a cold forearm didn't know I needed to be afraid of pine needles thanks movies oh man do I love this Forest Slaughter Logan's last Beast run where he's the baddest badass good guy the look on Laura's face when she realizes he really is coming to rescue her and the mere fact that Logan is switched back into hero mode to protect his daughter get behind me maybe it's not the most edifying fatherdaughter team up but come on fatherdaughter teamwork to distribute gene therapy discreetly through everything from sweet drinks to breakfast cereal and it worked random muty went the way of polio so this film is a character study drama at its core but this news about the Coran Sy comes as something of a revelation what impresses me is the number of s cane wood and corn syrup and the energy drinks come up and how they've been dropping hints throughout the movie at the true cause of the mutant Extinction dangerous times James you can't oh I love that as if the writers and movie of Logan's life itself was trying to go down a typical monologuing moment and Logan said nah to quote Valentine this ain't that kind of movie in the deeper subtext of how Laura would know the signal Laura you L one is even more fun other than yeah killing that dude earlier Logan says I don't like guns we know that to be true of him as a character so Laura who also knows him as a character would understand and this is also the culmination of his trust in her as he finally sees her as an equal I mean you had to come in bro go go go I love that Logan knows yeah that wouldn't have stopped me in my Prime this is what it feels like and again so many meanings so many feelings earlier Charles told Logan you should take a moment and feel it people love each other safe place to be loved to have a family and for one brief moment he did he's also finally getting his wish to die after a long long life of torment and loss and not being able to die and for the first time someone he cares about someone who has pushed their way into his heart didn't die and bringing it full circle back to the Wolverine yukio's prophecy came true after all since he is holding his heart in his hand because what is the one thing that Logan is truly afraid of what is the one thing that always ends up in heartache and pain for him love opening himself up to his daughter was a bigger antagonist than any giant robot or swarm of robots or guy in a robot suit a beautiful meaningful and sacrificial death if there ever was one gun with the death of Logan and Charles as far as Laura is concerned there are no more older original mutants left and recounting the quote from Shane is her way of honoring them got your ex in there and for this universe for the things that Logan believed in Charles the X-Men it really is appropriate talk about a tone shift from last week's Spider-Man if there were two opposite ends of the spectrum I think these are it Logan is a western meets Road film meets comic book movie meets family drama not genres you'd think you could mix and match but by collie Mangold did it well to be fair Jackman Stewart Holbrook and dapne Keen helped quite a bit but I have to be honest I still have mixed feelings about this movie I woke up the morning after feeling just down like waking up the morning after a pet had run away or found out a friend was upset with you or well after watching the Red Wedding I think the best way for me to enjoy this movie which I did I do would be to sort of quarantine it from the X-Men films in my mind and much like Old Man Logan allowed to exist in an alternate universe I can say I didn't know I was signing up to see Professor X dealing with Dementia and the guilt of murdering a bunch of X-Men to then be murdered by who he thought was the last person he had in the world I've just felt off and still do after watching it again the initial sting is gone but the impact this film has on my mind is a testament to itself and probably more importantly Jackman and Art's legacies in this series and I don't need my movie going experience to always be happy chipper kittens and bunnies escapism but it's not too often that two characters you've loved for almost two decades die in one film with no hope for a future at least with nextgen's all good things we were left with some hope so in removing this from the X-Men franchise in my brain or applying the alternate reality framework like the comic I'm able to appreciate the beauty of this film and the beauty of Logan's death Logan mentioned that they both could do some sleep and that's the truth they've been through enough while Xavier's unceremonious death leaves me wanting a little there wasn't much happiness left for him in his State and Logan's death capped off a desperate life with meaning and first and foremost that's what this film is about family and love one thing I will say for the depressing outcome of this film is that all stories need to come to an end specifically Logan's story was ending one way or another in the very real sense that Hugh Jackman is done with the character but also the truth that an aging Wolverine was losing his healing Factor how much longer could he lug around an adamantium skeleton while his body could no longer protect him from adamantium poison in so in a very fitting and satisfying way he goes out saving his daughter and passing the torch and although he hopes she doesn't have to fight anymore he did everything he could to make that her reality where Fox takes her story from here is up to them obviously I doubt they'll let her stay out of the fight completely but I'd appreciate them choosing to honor Logan's sacrifice at least for a little while although in the spirit of the tragedy that this film is to continue Logan's torment even into death would be quite fitting while I'm not a huge Gore and viscera fan in general mostly making this movie PG-13 would have been the biggest mistake ever the uneasy feeling you get throughout this film is completely deliberate it's a visual way of allowing us to experience the tortured existence of Wolverine and make no mistake his life is torture even when he's not X-Men he's been cursed to be ripped off and beaten another part of marketing this film to adults is the ability to keep the plot simple and tell a character story you don't need to constantly make sure the kids are engaged and when you have a film that uses long scenes in between the action especially for a comic book movie you need to be able to rely on your actors that was my favorite and Logan does that the last thing that Steven Merchant did to impress me was wheatle he channels a whole different Persona in this film and man does he deliver I've raved over Boyd HRI quite a bit already but he slides right into a western villain role so perfectly he made me want to go rewatch Naros to pay closer attention to him and what's great about his performance is how jovial he is he's not a bad guy he's just doing what he thinks and has been told his best I'm still heartbroken that this is Patrick Stewart send off to Xavier not because it wasn't good enough or he wasn't honored enough I'm just sad that he only got one glimmer of hope and happiness in an otherwise miserable existence at the end but Stuart will always be one of my favorite actors and he reminded me why in this film Logan's response to his death feels totally real to me as well and it might be one of few Jackman's best acted moments as Wolverine he truly had no words and I mean if there was ever someone deserving of an Oscar nod in a comic book movie Jackman left it all on the screen in this film I really am blown away by his performance and given how amazing he was makes Daphne's believability even more impressive she had to hang with some seasoned doctors who've been doing this for a long time and she did it can't wait to see what she does next but I know what you came here for I know what you want Logan is nothing if not the Full Tilt Showcase of Wolverine and Friends [Music] [Applause] brutality [Applause] yeah [Music] the new kesal loopa from T Bell hey friends thanks for watching if you enjoy my videos and love positivity and optimism when it comes to movies games TV and more you need to do yourself a favor and check out my new friends at crack I've been watching their content for years and I'm always entertained seriously they're one of the few channels I get excited about when I see a new video posted and if you want to learn more about Logan they actually let me know they have their own video about Logan right around the corner so subscribe to them and turn on notifications so you don't miss it and if you're from the future like the host of EarthLink Cinema Garrick wormuloid click the link to go there now or check out their video un covering the hidden meaning in Prometheus and let them know Cinema wind sent you me tell them I sent you more links to their channel in the [Music] description oh
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 3,684,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logan, Everything Wrong With Logan, Everything Right With Logan, EWW Logan, EGA, Wolverine 3, Old Man Logan Movie, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, Hugh Jackman Logan, Logan Honest Trailer, Hugh Jackman, Deadpool 3
Id: 9kApOusvOm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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