Everything GREAT About Venom!

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everything great about venom has been sponsored by Wix [Music] [Applause] the black and white of the sony logo are kind of like venoms black and white no come on I need you just foolin shaky-cam amateur camera operator you know realism that's Jameson oh good mary jane's interim boyfriend made it out alive what never mind this symbiote is kind of a murderous jerk yeah you love the body take over effects though fixing compound fractures is a riot and any brock sizzle reel montage is the fastest way to flood my brain with Tom's accent so I get used to it and also you know establish my hard hitting journals can that could be the Mayans MC slogan are you gonna behave yourself tomorrow no least he's honest about it no one should have expected anything different at the daily clew incident I would have gotten away with it it wasn't for those meddling spider-man I can't really compliment the meaning behind this choice I mean I could make something up about the story not really being about these two and that Maddie's obsession with the story supersedes all other things but the movie let's go with that idea pretty fast and really I just think cutting the music abruptly rather than fading it out slowly is a fun aesthetic choice that may have been just that fun realistic-looking and career appropriate emails that are only on screen for a few seconds attention to detail at first I wondered why she was hobbling around since the symbiotes had fixed her leg but then it occurred to me that there are still limits to what the human body can do and if you're just walking for miles and miles eventually you're gonna need some delicious eel heads it could also be that it wasn't a perfect match for Riot so like a lot of the hosts her organs are failing so riot is like a combination of quill and spike from The Last Stand old moves sony bold move and also let's not forget hella cuz isn't her sort technically a symbiote you feel like your life is a one monumentous nope reassurance give me a dollar for a song I throw in the paper as long as the song is Amy man save me also I see Claudia's coke addiction got the best of her not even john c reilly could save her okay that's a lot of references to make sure you're with me you look beautiful complements all around G Jonah's failure of a rival Barney Bushkin I may have been one of the few people who enjoyed the movement of the symbiote in spider-man 3 but Sony up the game for this iteration seems pissed off like how have you not figured out what I'm compatible with yet are you the next volunteer you know and Monalisa Saperstein is the reasonable person in your bad guy clique that everyone else is crazy whoever you are you suck there are two instances in this movie of either a reshoot or some ADR after the trailer was released and honestly they renew my faith in the process this is the first as if the director or Hardy saw this back you suck whoever you are and thought we can do better and then did whoever you are you suck it's pretty cool all the people that he took down yeah I was one of them the new boyfriend character of Dan is he's a cliche dodge character he's just a nice dude who actually fanboys over Eddie a little Obon writers we call them symbiote and thank goodness you do call them that this is the second fix from the trailers we call them symbiosis see people sometimes your voices are heard you know what they say science never sleeps it's the perfect crime some people may say that you don't know trying to save your old friend only to get a new friend [Music] now here's some fun lateral tracking through the woods with a tension building score that makes for a solid action set piece tree removal skills this isn't gonna be the last of this kind of wind but Tom Hardy's physical acting I realized he's getting some help from wires and effects here and there but you can already tell by his performance that venom is pulling him around garbage chicken which leads to an appropriate reaction reaction let's just get this out of the way this movie is not the same movie without Tom Hardy interacting with Tom Hardy therefore Tom Hardy and let's be honest here this has been a long time coming Tom Hardy has always a win if you're wondering what riot doesn't seem to be killing its host as fast as all the hosts streak has it been using remember that it's been choosing its hosts it kills most people and then picks the best match I assume it's the same reason it's taken six months to get in an airplane just trying to find that perfect host hey guy with backpack white this is dead observations oh man this is a scene from very conscientiously considering eating Dan's head - shushing the hostess - finally finding that live snack he needed please don't call the police call an ambulance I'm a doctor this man is my only patient you know props to Danny Egan sorry I'm sure Reed Scott's done with the great things but he's always gonna be the guy who was really mean to Mike which means seeing him go out of his way for his girlfriend's ex is admirable one more improvement I'm just now deciding was an improvement from the trailer with the venom overlays rather than just the black creeping up his neck it takes a bit to get here but once you do it's worth it I'm so sorry about your friends lightness also again Tom sells the idea that he's just a marionette with venom holding the strings saving a new plushy buddy not quite as graceful as Spidey but he's got the main idea great way to introduce these two to each other and sort of allows venom to exist in physical form before he exists in physical form this is beyond anything we thought was possible seeing the bigger picture can't really knock him for it resource for us so fire does obviously hurt venom but you could also see it as a little foreshadowing that it won't necessarily kill him like he thinks doing something and it's some pretty good ingenuity having a good time also Ludwick goranson score starts to pick up and have as much fun as any here optimism with abilities to back it up pretty awesome healing factor that is unique from Wolverines and an awesome transformation into full form venom just in general one of the most impressive and comic accurate portrayals Chung and all oh yeah those milky organic looking eyes hate a man loved them touch Jimmy use my there's actually something really sweet about Eddie trying to protect Alvarez from venom what up dang it lol Venom's voice just on the surface the base E power creates this imposing image of venom in your head at all times but then the effects and the way it's mixed makes it feel like it's always surrounding you but inside your head at the same time also are we seeing this building through Eddie's fear of heights vision seems a little taller and skinnier than it probably is well [ __ ] you could have a match to go away so soon plus I have started to like you Bridget is that like a callback an instant callback really it's the first glimpses of Eddie and Venom's relationship and communication skills building I love it also badass medium Gary a visually fun fight with the added effect of the silhouette symbiote scatter away from Eddie because of the flashbacks so I really like the synth II sound effect in the score the venom and actually I think all the symbiotes get I couldn't place it at first and I finally figured out that it totally reminds me of the world engine we got each policeman having a moral code never apologized wow that's like relationship advice from black goo that eats people's heads okay so the movie does something here that I like to call respecting your audience nine million movies before this one was similar premises and similar scenes have had this similar character in disbelief until well far beyond all reason not only does she quickly realize venom is in the dog she also talks to venom you're using him no even tries to reason with venom when she finds out he's killing Eddie you're killing Andy I guess and he learned a few things from venomous cool but still some expectations subversion he's just a reporter without venom really made you change your mind I actually really like the relationship between Eddie and venom what can I say Tom Hardy knows how to build the friendship with themselves yeah trailer or not that's still brutal use God you have never seen what are our chances in general a wisecracking venom who knows his place is much more enjoyable to watch than the alternative it's not the best of the best CGI we've seen in the past few years but it's fun to watch it's over the top and you get a real sense of the power and speed of the symbiotes and they're able to be pretty brutal sans blood that's actually a pretty big deal as the first time Eddie consciously chooses to reconnect with venom and this is a pretty awesome CGI pan around super symbiote now the humans throwing real-time slow-motion punches comparatively feels perfectly appropriate to late this is the next stage the cliche dodge no monologuing for you Drake hit another having our hero through the torso [Music] callback goodbye that's some self-sacrifice he's still working on that he's relationships don't give up on her either of you Stan Lee is always a win we miss you Stan also appreciate the confirmation that he knows Venom's in there solidifying that supernatural status going down the street I think it was this joke that alerted people to the tone of this film and I think that was the right call no sense expecting an r-rated gorefest when it's really a buddy cop action movie and I'm just got way too meta for me still when I appreciate that they throw hints out for the uber fans talking about bodies hey red so you could most likely figure out who it is you shouldn't beat carnucci but then even the most uninitiated of us have at least heard of Venom's nemesis so the stinger becomes more than just for the select few I like it and also this little teaser cannot wait to get to this bad boy so yeah just go see this if you haven't already I hate to complain about the movie not delivering on what the trailer promised because that's pretty much par for the course at this point trailers aren't meant to show you what the movie is about they're meant to get you to go to the movie which is why I love trailers because they're the best version of every movie but this line wait I see it we can do whatever we want would be more towards the beginning of the movie I was expecting to see might seem like a minor difference but the relationship alluded to between venom and Eddie at the end is where I expected or maybe just hope they'd be by the middle I thought we'd see more of them working together buddy buddy it just reminds me of the infamous amazing spider-man 2 trailer and that thing we all know happened the relationship between trailer houses producers and filmmakers is just getting worse as the people with the money decide the movie that was actually made will sell better if they pay someone else to convince us that it's a different movie you know oh well I'm still pretty happy with the movie we got I'm probably not the first to realize they're even say this spot letting venom have an origin story outside of spider-man opens up his world in a way that couldn't have happened if he was just Eddie Brock the guy trying to get revenge on Peter Barker his comic writers realized something similar when they moved him 3,000 miles away from Spidey so that was the right call that said I do get why critics had problems with this film even if I still believe the ratings are lower than they should be the biggest issue I see is pacing although it didn't bother me my wife Julia isn't the biggest comic book movie fan she mostly just entertains me and that is occasionally surprised by how good one is but the one exception to that rule is always origin stories she loves origin stories so then I'm slightly drawn out prologue and set up didn't really bother either of us they probably could have combined the cold-open with everything before the 6-month jump but ultimately it sets up Eddie Brock's downfall and gives him some time to spiral I've read a bunch of reviews that complain that venom can't decide on tone if you've watched my Revenge of the Sith video you know how I feel about mixing tones and personally I really like the blend of comedic dramatic and the occasional horror terror elements venom as a character is sort of goofy oh that's vital the heads off bottom part of the bodies it takes him a bit to reveal that but I really enjoyed it I've seen enough t2 homages now that it was refreshing to see venom be different like oh he's not just funny because he saw out of touch he's funny because he's funny and he admits to being a loser and somehow that shared loserdom makes their relationship and venom sacrifice more impactful he's more real we probably have Deadpool success for our antihero not taking himself too seriously either of them I want to go home choose myself round a little play hard to get but like I mentioned in the main section it would be silly to not sing Tom Hardy's praises we all knew he'd kill it but back I was still impressed walky dialog that no man could sell popped up here and there but all in all just a solid character Tom sells Eddy is a real person going through some weird crap even if he isn't the most fleshed out character but hey what can you ever really know about us YouTube weirdos but since Eddie really wants to get back into the written word the best way for him to get those words out there would be to create a custom professional website using today's sponsor Wix even with Eddie's part-time bad guy editing job he'd have no trouble building a site with Wix is all inclusive editor they do all the background heavy lifting you just plug and play it's super intuitive and the results always speak for themselves so many different themes and templates to choose from and each is customizable one great thing is that if Eddie gets sick of writing he can always fall back on his video style reporting and embed those videos right into the site with a click of a button it really is this easy to create a pro site Eddie and more importantly you can create anything you want whether you're a novice a business owner or a professional website builder so check out the URL on screen or click the link in the description to sign up and start building your site for your next project today you thought I'd forget about the teaser frame this is what I've been looking forward to for a long time everyone who's seen the movie will probably recognize it immediately and the rest of you should read the comments so you can watch before next week we are there no all usually made-up names um I'm spider-man then [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,851,181
Rating: 4.9489708 out of 5
Keywords: Venom, EWW Venom, Everything Wrong With Venom, EGA Venom, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: n-9AmU8wzy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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