Everything GREAT About Megamind!

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Isnโ€™t it illegal to post full movies on YouTube?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PlayR489 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/_xXx_FaZe_xXx_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love that this video predicted one of Cinemasinsโ€™s sins and countered it before Cinemasins created his video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fricceroni ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 21 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] Megamind space style DreamWorks logo and a logo to movie transition to maybe even impress Edgar Wright so a couple of things here this movie is just like the king of expectations of version it's a comedy so maybe you don't have a ton of expectations but still mega man leaves his broken Kryptonian knockoff home world while missing his destiny Proclamation you are dissed while starting a rivalry with a much more super looking neighbor all while their planets are spectacularly sucked into some kind of gorgeous black hole vortex of death just for a gag generosity man warning his adoptive mother not to tickle him too much a little character building by literally building minions first suit as a young tyke I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will and setting up the check obvious gun that ever check offed he would win some almost optimism what a different villain origins story the entire idea feel so fleshed out the reminder that his entire life has been spent in prison with the murals in his cell you never get the feeling that mega mine resents his life just is he's just the bad guy you'll never change and you'll never leave your fun JK Simmons is fun that's funny never thought Metro man was the gloating type because he actually isn't continuity in this film is astounding his heart is an ocean that's inside a bigger ocean descriptiveness wind and I'll be watching you like a dingo watches a human baby hmm malicious stalker evil inside shadowing okay so this is something that I love about this film its ability to poke fun at the silliness of an invisible car not only should everyone be able to see the light refracting around it it just hit a guy and is leaving a huge wake of destruction but they still use all these silly comic book tropes as part of the narrative successfully JK Simmons is always a win while our hero is juggling babies I'd like to talk about how smart it is to use an Elvis Presley song for our good guy while every song used for Megamind is a little edgier bad-to-the-bone highway to hell crazy train back in black and of course welcome to the jungle oh and obviously loving you it's hilarious anyway but think about it when you have a literal God flying around your city for decades training your cops and pistol safety might fall by the wayside really do I look bad disgustingly horrifying sir couple months I think this makes Megamind an even scarier villain because at least few like cats don't bite a supervillain website where you get Tesla coils and blinky dials another move to make Megamind more sympathetic for all his inventions look like piecemeal garbage thrown together with whatever he could find the junkyard you can't trap justice it's an idea a belief even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over justice is a non-corrosive metal but just a whole bunch of eloquence and poetry wins could someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card you'll of all people know we discontinued that promotion I loved the jabs at the hero villain damsel dichotomy are happening in the foreground while Metro Man is failing to escape the observatory in the background and that a crazy expectation subversion was one of the coolest and most powerful looking animated explosions I think I've ever seen does that mean skeleton classy exit keeping in an animated film somehow David Cross makes slapstick work and evil deeds montage is the best way to improve the Obama poster okay so the first thing that's luck out to me in addition to all the obvious art stolen was the World Cup yeah probably steal that as well but also the Ark of the Covenant some Emmys and Oscar I think it's The Maltese Falcon yes are you ready to be a slave army what you need to know planning ahead Bernard I'll just be another minute okay then still is that a tude about not making this live-action slipped into the script that was from the time Metro Man was played by Brandon Ralph so I'm attention to detail with the mega mines piercing green eyes being different from Bernards brown eyes not to mention the same eye consistency when you switch with the warden earlier effort so many complaints over the last few years about undercutting emotional moments with comedy but this is how you do it correctly paying tribute to the original hero teacher you couldn't just remember about the Kilroy Was here tag complements so self complements another one of those blinking elicits callbacks you were right about that door being exciting this way looks exciting no it's his exit Megamind does like his sixes by six something much more powerful work kick off step user gun um how start am I saying it right this is how John Stewart I mean Hal Jordan I mean Green Lantern got his part in lego movie just casually replacing the door is if exploding the door was the plan from the beginning the lady across the hall has way better stuff than me yeah that's something a hero says and reads you've been blessed with unfathomable power what kind of power I'm fallible there's a lot done back here Brando is jor-el with that hair but also it's Godfather Brando because why not it's like a joke I'd make a training slash dating montage is the fastest way to fully establish that how is Dean first option for a hero and still a creepy stalker there's this really really good-looking one I've got my eye on currently and two once more Mike how tight superhero costumes can be get it tighten the only thing that could have made it better would've been a green suit this is kind of like villain shadowing since it's recently come out that Donkey Kong was Mario's pet and therefore Mario is actually the bad guy in Donkey Kong Clou art also loving the reflection of the clues in their eyes being mirrored as titan flies up behind her but seriously what awesome juxtaposition is if the movie itself doesn't know how terrible this interaction is thinking it's more like Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder night flight the lighting detail of the city at night sky is glorious and just as a general nod to the 74 Superman scene I enjoy the opposite outcome as if he could just go through the same motions without the heart behind it I don't know how much of an awkward super-powered being Titan is never taking the superhero pose just sort of flying in whatever position he's already in there will never be but I have powers and sort of a solidification of what's wrong with hal somewhere between nice guy syndrome where he thinks he's owed a relationship and just a street a narcissistic stalker who doesn't actually see Roxanne as anything more than property it's a great deconstruction of the nerdy guy finally finding some confidence in getting the girl you can't also be a terrible human and the cat rehydration scene was all set up earlier with the storm clouds rolling in man oh man I think DreamWorks gives Pixar a run for their money with these water effects and this was eight years ago the individual drops and how they interact with the characters the waves in the street that's a leash taking mega Minds outfit to the next level this fight in the city is really fun especially with how nonchalant Megamind is about it just thinking he's dueling a friendly rival like Metro Man when Titan is out for blood it's also beautifully rendered in a great showcase of the 3d city and Dreamworks always stellar lighting effects consider yourself held busted man sighs right I mean technically he did line a minion brainbots to the rescue made from copper you're powerless against it it's a very same metal used to defeat first into the true fate of Metro man I need you why do you need my help because you're the smartest person I know more compliments and admitting when you're wrong realization Metro man's alive some tiny details with the coverings on the bureau I mean look at the hairs and his beard being displaced by mega minds hand you can tell Megamind had minion paint the ax in the observatory this is probably my favorite sequence in the movie it plays into the ridiculousness of their rivalry and how much of it is just what they do Metro man could have killed Megamind at any time obviously he has no weaknesses it's also one of the more fun visuals also holy crap prepare to have your mind mega blown Metro man actually blips out for a single frame and appears behind mega mine in that opening scene Tyler Durden would be proud that way I could keep my logo he showed off his SuperSpeed again did you miss it he wasn't holding a guitar and that he was one of my favorite parts of BBS was when bats is punching Superman and it slowly stops having an impact and I'm starting to think they stole that for Megamind grab some ray guns hold him sideways and just go all gangsta on him that is exactly what Tina Fey would do so Hans Zimmer did this score with Lorne Balfe and there have been some decent moments here and there but this track I'm the bad guy is the first track to really stick out he doesn't even know his own name slash if he's actually taking that as his villain name that's slightly cooler wait I'm sorry you're gonna change the channel from a waterskiing squirrel on the Ocho Ron Burgundy would be disappointed I know the warden has blue eyes so minion you fantastic fish you reconciliation suit of gorillas there's no Queen of England monarchy lessons just not a suit different presentation also gravitas exhibition and showmanship the only thing this movie is missing is a magical video game and the rock you know left or right or anything not learned at the Prometheus you love retinol you know what I'd like to see you in a life-or-death situation think rationally plus in this situation going to the sides wouldn't necessarily save you considering all the destruction the sliding building is causing [Music] three things number one now that's an entrance number two with such a trap and satisfying score number three let's have a little respect for public transportation I love that Megamind knows Metro Man so well he even knows what kind of goody two-shoes quip he'd use in this situation wait goody two-shoes come from like bad guys only wear one shoe Marjorie meanwhile one shoe well equals virtuousness oh okay this has been your cinema wins bizarre phrase an apology lesson at the week you're the punk I've heard about Kerr flexing and the baby finally didn't cry this time for the record she did which means she didn't judge the Megamind book by his cover old habits die hard ingenuity it's kind of a straight mark we did it thanks to you recognition finally minions are way better minion than the minions oh what a drama queen minions alive museun with that little face yeah this whole statue unveiling is a callback to Metro man's all right put your hands in the air Hey like you can't see hey my kid can't see sorry my friend some fun visual storytelling you might notice it's the changing color of Roxanne's clothing she starts out in red the opposite of mega mine's blue in the middle as she's getting to know mega mind she's in purple a mix of red and blue and then by the end she's wearing straight-up blue statue can't and won't complain about a giant robot with a fish head of blue guy with a giant head and a girl with a Tina Fey head dancing to Michael Jackson because MJ is always a win I appreciate that they didn't go full-on love story with these two it's realistic that she'd be hesitant but still acknowledges the relationship they built this is been the worst day of my entire life oh I mean I recall something with the zipper wait what Justin Theroux wrote Metro Man song oh hi so from being honest it was probably a mistake to do Megamind because I'll most likely be eliminating one of my most prolific commenters good old best nickname ever looks like his first comment was about eight months ago and since then he's requested Mega Man with some pretty decent frequency though to be fair he wasn't actually the first to request it just the most consistent looks like the first was on March 11th 2016 and then a few since then but I'm just kidding I always want to do the movies you guys request because that's the whole point of my channel every movie with very little exception is someone's favorite I like to find out why but it's easy to see why someone would like Megamind it did alright at the box office but two main things heard it first was costing way too much to make almost double its biggest competitor and second was being second chronologically to that competitor Despicable Me I couldn't find evidence of it but I suspect that both movies are based on the same spec script the writers claim they started this script in 2003 with the basic premise of what if the villain wins but the fact that they both had one-eyed helpers who speak broken English and both kept minion as the name for the villains helper and minions seems to be pretty clear evidence could be a coincidence but it's pure insanity to claim that Megamind somehow ripped off Despicable Me in five months something similar actually happens quite a lot probably more than you realize and often one will launch a franchise while the other will sadly fall to obscurity except in the hearts of the fans for viewers it most likely comes down to which you saw first I saw mega mine first so I'll always prefer it I love Steve Carell and minions are a thing that happened in is still happening but I love Megamind the superhero parody isn't anything new but they managed to blend in a satire and some fun ways I mentioned a few times how they poke fun at though Tropes while still incorporating them into the movie in a relevant way it's one of my favorite things about Megamind overall it's such a surprisingly well-constructed movie that's that's the best way I can say it most everything that a setup pays off they do a great job of endearing us to megabind right off the bat with that cute face and his idea of intimidation using Ozzy Osbourne and ac/dc as part of a stage presence is inspired like a kid stuck in what was edgy in the 80s and then it goes out of its way to subvert cliches while sometimes still leaning into others hard the crazy meta movie about how we create villains and heroes I mean mega Minds Schewel for the gift it is next to the criminally gifted prison and it looks like the warden runs the school and Metro Man Megamind seem to be the only real gifted kids there they were destined and it kind of seems like designed to be rivals their belief that heroes need to be made not born as proven to work both ways since titan becomes the ultimate baddie still not super though and Megamind wants to be the hero in the beginning but is pushed towards the villainy by his peers it isn't until there's a hero void that he ends up being made into the hero if there's bad good will rise up against it ultimately I like the message that you don't have to be what you were born to be or even what society tries to make you how failed in that regard no amount of superpowers is going to make you a hero or help you get the girl and no amount of dodge balls in a giant blue head is gonna keep mega mine from fulfilling his destiny to redefine what it is to be a hero you judge them based on their actions well that seems kind of Betty don't you think there is a very Truman Show feel to the whole thing though they know their roles and they enjoy them until they don't which is why Metro Man leaves but everyone is sort of in on the joke and it gives the whole universe a unique feel I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Ed Harris is sitting in the control room somewhere calling the shots but what a cast Will Farrell really has no limits you can always pretty much identify that it's him but he consistently impresses me pulling on emotions even in a comedy and the close second best performance is from David Cross that never knew that he is his particular type of humor translates through to an animated character like few do everyone else was great too Tina Fey wasn't given quite enough comedic moments but still she does damsel in distress really well and nails the dramatic stuff and Jonah Hill really was born to play a villain he's really unlikable right from the beginning then the details are again insane the consistency of spikes on everything Megamind owns or makes just everything in his lair the fun stuff going on in the background like Titan floating away here and a tiny Titan in the background flying away the wrinkles created on Metro man's shirt from a star sticker let's just called this a motif a [Music] well-thought-out film that deserves a sequel sadly I wouldn't say hold your breath next week a newer movie that didn't do so hot [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,326,392
Rating: 4.9325018 out of 5
Keywords: Megamind, EWW Megamind, EGA Megamind, Everything Wrong With Megamind, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins, EGA, EWW Infinity War, everything great about
Id: 8g25pr9jrnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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