The Tragedy of Malevelon Creek - Helldivers 2

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[Music] hello do you read me I'm a hell diver marooned on Malon Creek I've seen that hell isn't a fiery pit it's a humid cess pool with trees that speak binary don't bother looking for us we've already lost I assume the Zar sector is next If you're receiving this transmission I don't ask for Aid I don't ask for reinforcements don't even mourn me or my brothers all I ask for is Rage spill oil tragedy had struck what the hell divers Community deems space Vietnam Malon Creek the universe's western frontier against the atomiton assault on Democracy gone snatched away from the hell divers across super Earth Earth but we mustn't let them win this is the fall of Malon Creek and the hell divers 2 communities Pursuit for a total [Music] Victory Freedom number [Music] in 2024 I Am shifting my channels both towards variety content a lot of you who are already subscribed were used to my destiny content before but this year we're covering games communities like the beautiful one around hell divers so tap the red button of Freedom up down right left up the like button and let's carry on to the video we all have a place that we cherish as a standout winner in our favorite game for these there's usually a mission Associated to it that was so emotionally powerful that you couldn't help but fall in love for some it was Mombasa streets in Halo 3 ODST the environment rainy and music just perfect as if you were a part of the war for others it was found in repetition of losing to a boss that you just couldn't beat but smiled while losing the fight over and over again for other Space Marines it was is the Fall Of Reach and unfortunately in our story it's the fall of another planet for the hell di Community it was and always will be Malon Creek well why is that the case Evan and the answer I will always give is simply why is that even a [Music] question realistically hell divers 2 has had many planets that are all immersive as hell with Diversified weather sometimes allowing the clear path of Serenity and Beauty to be seen and other times I cannot see I'm legally blind these planets all have their own stories which I hope to cover one day but Malon stood out as the clear winner because it's space Vietnam with Mossy Fields jungle Landscapes and the right amount of Freedom running through Players veins this place became the main stay of the hell divers all around the world however there is a deeper story going on than just an automaton Invasion that made this place so special for starters you should already know this so stop wasting time learning the enemy and start practicing your aim secondly to understand the automaton you must first remember what they took from you and where they came from a silly little idea called socialism that the cyborgs and the first hell divers practice and led to augmenting themselves in an attempt to match the the naturally stronger and smarter soldiers of federation approved democracy by the end of the first game we saw them eradicated however as we drop into the next we see a new faction named the automatons who brandished the same emblem and socialist ideals you might hear them shouting things like we have eliminated inequality in their stupid robot voices and I'm going to Upright down down down them into a million pieces misinformation has been spreading about that the Glorious federation's desire for these battles is to appropriate automaton AI to shore up our election software but all hell divers who died on those fields know otherwise why would elected super Earth officials want us to fight their Wars knowing that they would profit and fix elections to stay in power they've been in power for so long everyone just clearly loves them them this ironic humor in realization from Arrowhead and the hell divers Community spurned any who would dare say no to Malon Creek and had started such an immersive rally that you can't help but love it the beauty that we discussed with the hell divers 2 community in the previous video is at the core of the game and it's live service done right one comment really stood out to me on this topic by Jesus Christ 7833 and it was simply pure 2000's content that's right live service had made a name for itself being a chore and mostly a job but hell divers is immersing its story with the players actions the galactic War map never sleeps and neither do the hell divers who race to liberate a planet each day Malon Creek seemed to be an unwinable fight starting with this Tik Tok blowing it up to the [Music] masses Galactic War update emergency alert manes and velon 4 have come under attack yet again all available hell divers are requested to make a move to the planets and EST hello do you read me I'm a hell diver marooned on malvon Creek I've seen that hell is in a fiery pit which then started spreading throughout all of Tik Tok and channeling all social media in general the combination of super broadcast the community voice actors and the genuine roleplay The game immerses everyone at home into created the perfect place for the community to never stop fighting for however Arrowhead designed a certain Mission type that unfortunately has seen more casualties than victories while launching icbms feels vindicating Recon and scouting does a lot for our Pursuits the elimination of targets never gets old on the other hand evacuation and defense missions are the biggest losses right now if you ask any hell diver what the suicide mission is they will tell you it is defense and that's because on top of Defending a crowded area away from automatons the hostages must make a safe exit and run through the battlefield Unfortunately they don't follow proper code and are lost in the battlefield to negate the damages the federacy will duct your pay for every hostage l if you survive or die in combat which then allows even more reduced pay in the end if you die to your family and future hell divers Around The World God damn it I love democracy these missions are chaos and only harder the more the difficulty is ramped up just have a look oh yeah Rego just got spawned into a whole instant death yeah no you actually like threw him into death de now he's dead what how what this guy's a beast so for a level on Creek it was only going to be a matter of time before it fell to those dang [Music] socialists [Music] but what if I told you that at the center of it all there's a super villain in charge for the time Malon was lost articles and emergency broadcasts around superar were showcasing all of the tragedy unfolding and to be honest people were at a loss of words the group of Hell divers known as the Creek crawlers were the main Force keeping bevalon alive but quickly it fell to an event known as the massacre at Malon Creek since then everyone has tried to keep it alive and represented all the memes around this place you can't go anywhere without another hell diver knowing Malon just as you can ask someone who doesn't own hell divers 2 because they're on Xbox about it and they will still know what we're fighting for a white whale with a heart kept beating by chance of spill oil but we have found that Malon is coming back and that the fight isn't over in fact since it fell hell divers have been urgently and especially the creek crawlers have been extra antsy to get in and the question of the creek and how it fell plays into what Arrowhead have deemed the game master a super villain role at Arrowhead someone's whole job to reinforce the Socialist scum there has also been reports of traitors in Hell divers 2 but for those stories we will save them for another video thank you so much for coming to this community video on Hell divers 2 and until the next one I will see you then and we lost it again get to it hell [Music] divers [Music] bam [Music] do
Channel: evanf1997
Views: 569,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, malevelon creek, evanf1997, evanf1997 editor, the tragedy of malevelon creek, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers community, creek crawlers, helldivers 2 community story, tragedy helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers automaton lore, malevelon creek lore, evanf1997 helldivers 2, destiny killer, malevelon creek meme explained, we have lost malevelon creek, helldivers community story, helldivers 2 automaton lore, helldivers update
Id: ljF-jn7vZFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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