Every Sony Animation Movie Ranked

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funding for shaperless is provided by squarespace the sponsor of today's video from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business spider versus number one you knew that before you clicked on the video it's spider-verse you're just here to see how i ranked all the other movies so sony pictures animation has quite the repertoire on the one hand they've made a couple of the most beloved animated films in recent memory and i really must emphasize that a couple because on the other hand they've made so much pure unadulterated [ __ ] that i would like to formally rescind all my criticisms of disney pixar and dreamworks as outputs how do you make so much unfiltered garbage and then out of nowhere pop out a genuine masterpiece once in a blue moon if this is like illumination where you have no interest in art at all and produce a constant steady stream of [ __ ] just for the sake of making money then i get it but god damn why can't sony just let the talented people that make their best films run things well fortunately i do think that's what the future holds for this studio and i'm excited for said future now that we've gotten a few glimpses of what they can do when they just let talented creators run wild but while the future is bright the past is mostly dark gonna be honest this is the hardest video i've ever had to make because there are so many garbage films that this studio produced and i really shot myself in the foot with my personal criteria of what counts for the purposes of this list i always go by the list of each studio's works on wikipedia which is the reason i didn't count the direct-to-dvd dreamworks film joseph king of dreams for example but the sony list on wikipedia has it all direct to dvd sequels live action films with cgi elements you name it if it's a feature film that sony produced it's on this list oh oh what's that do you hear that sound that's the sound of pure unadulterated did i make me do this whatever congratulations you guys get to watch me suffer even longer than you thought that should be fun let's just get this all over so we can talk about spider-verse again disappointment in the game of life to be perfectly honest it feels really unfair to rank surfs up to wave mania as a part of this list for one simple fact it is not a movie it is a feature length commercial and no i'm not exaggerating this isn't like other movies that are filled with excessive product placement yet at their core can still be considered feature films like space jam 2 ralph breaks the internet or even the emoji movie which i'm sure you all expected to be at the bottom of this list and now as we speak you're probably editing your smug comments that read i will bet my entire life savings at the emoji movies at the bottom of this list there has never been a more obvious bottom spot in any ranking video ever and you're editing those comments to just say oh [ __ ] you see none of you understand the soul sucking awfulness that is this commercial and yes i fully consider surfs up 2 to be nothing more than a commercial for wwe this product was conceived as a commercial when wwe approached sony regarding making a product that would help expand their brand and reach a new generation of audiences so yeah it is a textbook advertisement that they slap the surfs up ip onto because they fundamentally misunderstood everything about the original movie every single element of this commercial is wrong spoilers for later in the list but the original surfs up is pretty kino as the kids say it has an extremely unique mockumentary format like the entire movie is presented as if it's a documentary with shaky cam characters acknowledging the camera crew and just an overall vibe of authenticity it's one of the most unique animated films i've ever seen solely based on how it's presented do you think this commercial kept that framing device up or evolved the concept in some way who the [ __ ] do you think you're kidding of course not that would take effort and why put effort into a literal wwe commercial they just film it like any normal quote-unquote movie would be filmed they could only be bothered to make like 12 character models for this commercial the wwe stand-in animals are incredibly flat boring characters because we can't do anything that paints any of them in a negative light because that would go against the purpose of this advertisement but you know who work perfectly fine with painting in a negative light the [ __ ] main character cody and this is insufferable mainly because he straight up just is not the same character he's an annoying prick who's overly obsessed with winning and being famous even though the entire point in the first movie was that he learns that winning and being famous isn't important he learned all that from his idol in a really compelling way oh oh i'm sorry what idol big z never heard of him apparently this whole time contrary to everything the first film tells you cody was never inspired to be an amazing surfer like big z he was inspired by penguin john cena and his legion of super friends in this commercial big z might as well have never existed and cody's entire backstory and motivation as a character is thrown in the garbage i have never seen a more perfect example of character assassination in my life the writers of game of thrones could probably watch this commercial and say to themselves well at least we didn't [ __ ] up that badly i could tell five minutes into this ad that it was one of the worst things i've ever seen but the thing that really solidified it was later in the movie when they're sailing over lava and cody goes out of his way to try and sabotage tank which in case you've seen the first movie which these writers clearly did not is the thing that tank does to other surfers because he is the villain but let's have our protagonist do the same thing in a much more dangerous scenario in the second installment after he's already learned a lesson in the first installment and that valuable lesson he learned in the first movie was not don't attempt to murder people in order to win a competition because that's something he already [ __ ] knows [Music] as a result of this chicanery he nearly gets his best friend chicken joe killed in molten lava and doesn't seem to be concerned about joe's life he's just concerned about justifying his shitty actions to the wwe so they rightfully tell him to [ __ ] off and he does and you might as well just end this here who even cares anymore surfs up 2 makes cars 2 look like the empire strikes back and it makes earwig and the witch look like citizen kane dear evan hansen more like dear god it's so much better than this piece of [ __ ] ass i have not hated a product this much since artemis fowl which if you remember is my actual least favorite movie of all time this train wreck literally only exists so sony could suck off these wwe stars while destroying everything the original surf's up had going for it it has absolutely nothing to offer and should not be watched by anyone regardless of if they like the original film or not vince mcmahon fantasizes about drinking milk directly from a fish's udder yep disappointment in the game of life shrek iii was a more worthwhile addition to the shrek franchise than open season 3 was to the open season franchise given the choice between the two of them i would take shrek the third in a heartbeat i could stop there but [ __ ] it the bear goes to a circus and his animal buddies have to bust him out but there's no urgency because he doesn't want to leave because he's horny for lady bear so there's no tension and no stakes and no reason to watch the movie they bring back the pets from the second movie for absolutely no reason because they add nothing we are three movies in and i still don't know why this deer has any friends let alone a wife and kids why does anyone put up with open season talking about it is futile it is unending misery and torment after this experience i don't know if i'll ever be whole again a part of me is forever sullied if i got anything out of watching this franchise it's a huge appreciation for the madagascar series cause at least his characters are funny and likeable even if the movies are kind of average spending time with these shitty tepid boring basic ass animals has rotted my brain so thoroughly the funniest aspect of this movie is the fact that the fourth movie completely ignores its existence just like that one good franchise every new character introduced in this third movie is just completely gone in the fourth one including the bear's new girlfriend and the dear's kids even shrek forever after kept the kids sony really just shot this out and then abandoned it in the woods and you should do that too go take your copy of open season 3 and chuck it into the woods somewhere i'm kidding obviously that's littering and you shouldn't do that what you should do is purchase a steamroller and run over your copy of opens we now return to the smurfs i cannot even begin to describe just how bad the smurfs duology is shut the smurf up i think the second one is just a little better because it's more creative through the use of gargamel's magic and it actually has a plot unlike the first one but the first one does have neil patrick harris's character acknowledging how stupid the smurfs are in general and hank azaria is good as gargamel in both movies there you go that is the summation of every good thing in the smurfs duology these movies are cynical commercialized dumpster fires that barely even qualify as feature films the smurf characters are all annoying and the first movie is literally the exact same film as enchanted if you sucked it free of all of its charm it's just the smurfs sticking around with neil patrick harris in various nyc locations while gargamel does a bunch of random [ __ ] like becoming an anti-aging cream fashion designer for like five minutes and then getting sent to prison but he escapes with magic flies and then the smurfs are sad but barney cheers them up by showing them the wonder of guitar hero and google and m m's products are cool kids purchase them now there genuinely is so little redeeming about this movie that is ridiculous i was this close to giving it a one out of ten but then i thought about it and i realized no it wasn't quite a soul-sucking awful worthless experience with incomprehensible filmmaking that destroyed something i have any emotional attachment to so i figured okay maybe the second one will break through and be the one out of ten experience but no this one was actually a little less terrible color me actually disappointed but honestly for all intents and purposes these are the same film just soulless horrific lazy experiences that are sometimes saved a little bit by hank azaria's gargamel but for the most part make me want to kill my smurf right in the smurf in parking lot the only time i felt true joy watching either of these movies was in the first film where they're going through times square for the first time and you can see a billboard for community as someone who wasn't there to watch community when it first came out i have so much trouble picturing it as a mainstream tv show that would get this kind of advertising it is so damn weird and i can't believe nbc just marketed it like it was a regular ass sitcom that's just really funny to think about so yes thank you community billboard and the smurfs movie for giving me sweet serotonin the rest of these movies can go smurf themselves one time when i was 10 i had to go see a special doctor for something all the way out in baltimore maryland it was a scary experience being so far from home waiting in the doctor's office at a pretty young age and the worst part of all of it the most negative aspect of this whole experience that i still vividly remember is the fact that they were playing open season 2 in the waiting room it was horrific at least i saw the doctor and everything was fine health-wise after that but the open season 2 related scars i received that day will never heal rewatching it all those years later i remembered just how terrible every aspect of this movie was the entire plot hinges on rescuing the wiener dog who had two lines in the first movie and was really only there as a joke now the movie is focused on the joke side character and the bear main character is now a side character and the dear main character is still a main character and you wish he was a side character cause he's somehow even less likeable than he was in the first film where he wasn't even likable what does his girlfriend see in him honestly she's better off with the patrick warburton impersonator deer why is the patrick warburton impersonator [ __ ] dear the one officiating this wedding why doesn't bear do it you can't seriously tell me this deer has a license to officiate a wedding these are animals you they clearly don't need licenses to do this anyone could do it why is it the [ __ ] dear that both the bride and groom hates oh well who cares the deer is a gigantic [ __ ] and i really want them to just kick his ass off a cliff he deserves it also the weenie dog they're trying to rescue gets saved by the porcupine halfway through the movie so now the stakes are we need to warn the team that's trying to rescue the weenie dog that he doesn't need rescuing anymore and it's a waste of time kinda like this movie i guess there's some kind of fun shenanigans at the water park and i thought crisp and glover actually did a really good job as the villain also they couldn't get ashton kutcher back to voice the deer they couldn't really get anyone back to voice any of the other characters either so the replacement they got was joel mchale and honestly this is the hardest i've ever seen him act before except for that one episode of community where he had to play the dean for that commercial every other time i've seen him he's just being himself so it's weird to see him be a character for once but yeah 10 year old me was exactly right this movie sucks so hard from the characters being shittier than they usually are to that god-awful pop song at the end that i've never even heard of before it just reeks of cheapness so much that a 10 year old picked up on how cheap that song was what's your excuse society together we can fight back against the open season menace take that steamroller you purchased and run over every copy of open season 2 on dvd don't stop until they're all crushed just like my sanity endless trash well i sure did watch the emoji movie it's definitely awful but i also didn't hate it nor did i find it ironically enjoyable instead of completely infuriating me i was just apathetic and numb throughout the entire experience i guess you could say my reaction to it was [Applause] i tried to figure out why everyone else reacted to this movie so vitriolically while i came out of it mostly just bored and i think it's because of when it came out the emoji movie was the first major hollywood film that felt entirely like an advertisement in 2017 it was an anomaly a cautionary tale about where the film industry was heading if we didn't stop studios from doing this sort of thing again but in a post ralph breaks the internet and space jam 2 world it's just kind of more of that i am completely numb to advertisement films and this movie made me feel nothing as a result i'm kind of sad honestly i wish a movie this potentially infuriating on paper could make me feel something anything but i experience nothing but emptiness throughout this entire film this movie stars tj miller and james corden two actors i can't stand in anything they're in and i was barely enraged by either of their presence james corden's character is extremely annoying and he didn't do anything to help the other main characters in fact he probably actively harms their progress more than anything that sounds infuriating right i don't know whatever man who cares who cares that the kid who owns this phone is a completely blank slate that never gets any focus or development who cares about the insane level of product placement on the same level as ralph breaks the internet and space jam too who cares how idiotic and nonsensical the premise of this movie is who even gives a [ __ ] sometimes there is a cute visual gag or a humorous visualization of an internet concept and at the end of the day it could have been a lot worse i did not hate every single solitary frame of this film as many of you probably expected me to you misunderstand me for a movie to be a 1 out of 10 it must be a completely worthless experience that i gained absolutely nothing from lion king 2019 is a 2 out of 10 because sometimes timon and pumbaa are funny in ways they weren't in the original earwig and the witch is a 2 out of 10 because sometimes i enjoy the mandrake cars [ __ ] 2 is a 2 out of 10 because i don't know i think i liked the italian car he he was kind of funny and the emoji movie sometimes is creative it is not an utterly worthless experience nor is it even anything worth getting angry over in this day and age trust me i too am disappointed that i'm not angry about this film apathy is a tragedy and boredom is a crime and all that but this is where we're at this is the state of movies at least space jam 2 when ralph breaks the internet are funny bad this movie has nothing it is nothing i am forgetting everything about it as we speak and if we're being honest so have you since we're here let's ask the lord and savior jesus christ for help would you please help us jesus christ let's do a quick thought experiment guys pretend for a minute that you had never heard of the prince of egypt pretend this movie doesn't exist okay now when i tell you that dreamworks animation made an adaptation of the biblical story of moses what kind of movie do you picture probably something terrible right something with awful 3d animation something that doesn't take the story seriously at all loaded with extremely lame comic relief delivered by a plethora of overpaid celebrities while unfortunately dreamworks didn't do that they had to go ahead and make some big epic masterpiece instead now sony on the other hand they went ahead and made the exact movie you just imagined the star has got to be the weirdest concept for a sony animation movie i've ever heard when this movie was first announced i didn't think it was real i thought this was like her prank the guys that brought you open season and hotel transylvania are now tackling the nativity story except it's not centered around jesus it's about a donkey that sounds like a complete joke and it is this movie is very bad it's basically every generic kids animal movie you've ever seen the general consensus with this one seems to be that the animal stuff sucks but they handle the mary and joseph stuff very well and maturely and respectfully and yeah that's true i guess wow amazing there's like 10 minutes of a good movie in here good work guys i genuinely want to know why the people who made this movie thought a donkey and his annoying bird friend were more interesting protagonists than the parents of jesus christ like jesus christ that's jesus christ i don't understand this movie at all and then at the end we get to see jesus and he looks like the boss baby yes i'm the baby jesus what almost everything in this movie is bad and boring and unfunny and they should have just made it about joseph and mary because they were the only good parts joel osteen is in this movie just kill me now is it osteen or austin who cares he sucks i hate movies don't make me watch anymore i'm done after this one i'm just gonna watch nothing but veggie tales for the rest of my life because veggie tales is a certified banger i must get my hands on those healthy purple berries i'm scrolling finding this [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is it oh i'm actually i'm actually i i actually hate these movies this much like this is like i'm not even scripted right now i hate the okay here it is smurfs a lot smurfs the lost village is holy [ __ ] please end my suffering i don't want to watch these god awful smurf movies this is torture okay this one isn't quite as aggressively awful as the other two but it is way more boring and generic it's one of the most boring and generic children's movies i have ever witnessed and at least the live-action smurf movies as horrendous as they were couldn't be described as boring this movie is just a worse version of trolls which is already a generic numbing fantasy adventure with nothing to talk about i guess the animation here looks good and they made the character designs a lot better than the live action version but there's a lot less character here the smurfs aren't annoying but they are flat and uninteresting and dwight schrute is not a good replacement as gargamel he's just kind of whatever there's one part where gargamel is drowning and two of the smurfs really want to save him even though he's the mortal enemy of all smurf kinds but they save him anyway and then he betrays them wow i can't believe it the whole point of this mission was to warn this other village of smurfs that gargamel was coming why not just let him drown then later they find out gargamel went the wrong way and he's trapped in the evil swamp where he'll probably die and then they send scouts to go look for him and he follows the scouts to the village of smurfs and it really just feels like you guys are causing all the problems here just leave gargamel to his own devices and you'll all be perfectly safe [Music] this movie is about smurffed feeling alone and isolated from the rest of the smurfs but there's a secret lost village of other smurfs and she saw a smurf hiding their face i wonder if that means there's a bunch of girl smurfs in this village oh look there's a bunch of girl smurfs in this village oh no smurfette sacrificed herself to kill gargamel now she's dead i wonder if they'll bring her back to life okay yeah she's back to life now okay now there's a whole village of boy smurfs and girl smurfs i wonder if they're gonna discuss the implications of these two villages coming together here at the end oh wait no they're just gonna do a dance party that oh okay i wasn't expecting that good job movie the only thing i didn't predict about your plot was the fact that it ends with a relic from the shark tale era of animated films amazing i don't know there's nothing offensively bad about this movie but i think my tolerance for incredibly generic trite like this has really reached a new low and at least the trolls movies have music i like on occasion and really cool visuals and they somewhat develop their main characters which is something i can't say about this movie at all i really need to know if singing killed clumsy's grandma okay look we're not even close to halfway into this ranking but i already need a break i think i'm gonna go hire someone to capture all the smurfs so i can finally say farewell to the smurf cartel and stop watching their movies but how will i create a website beautiful enough to attract the attention of a top-notch exterminator boom you looking for squarespace because here it is i'm using squarespace squarespace is a fantastic intuitive online website builder that allows you to create beautiful websites for your business or personal hobby present your work using squarespace's professional portfolio designs display projects and customizable galleries and add password protected pages to share private work with clients you can even present your videos from youtube vimeo and animoto on your squarespace site add an image overlay to your video to improve your website's load speed by waiting to embed video players until playback starts every design automatically includes a unique mobile 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main characters in every single one not just oh we couldn't get the big celebrities from the first movie back for the direct-to-dvd sequels so we'll just find new actors that'll play them in all these sequels no they literally got new actors to play them just for open season 2 then they couldn't get those guys back so they got new actors for open season 3 who then didn't come back for open season scared silly no one wants to voice these terrible characters for more than one movie which is truly emblematic of what a haphazard utter mess of a franchise open season is and do you want to know the craziest part this one is honestly the best direct to dvd sequel out of all of them and despite the subtitle scared silly implying this is just some one-off terrible halloween special this one is actually the most like a direct sequel to the original it brings back the original villain who's genuinely really entertaining in both this and the first movie adds in a ton of references to the first film that we're lacking in two and three and generally feels like it's going in a more natural direction for this franchise than either of the previous sequels it's not as bad as either of them with that said it's still bad it's boring it's frustrating the main characters still suck but weirdly there are some things i like about it compared to two and three the animation is strangely better than all the other ones which i definitely did not expect for the third direct-to-dvd sequel i figured they'd try even less at this point but it actually looks pretty decent the villain from the first movie is still great like i said this one isn't afraid to get really weird like the weenie dog thinks he's a werewolf and he has an entire opera number about it there's a random mine cart chase over lava the villain recruits these two random canadians who look like ardman designed them and they have live-action photos of alex trebek and william shatner hanging on the restaurant walls yeah this movie is occasionally fun and if you really want to see how the story of the first open season continues this is the only follow-up installment you should watch it's still like a 3 out of 10 movie and you shouldn't watch it if you like good movies and you shouldn't watch anything from the open season franchise it's all terrible but this one was less terrible than it could have been i guess that's where we're at now congratulations sony to the wild the wild whoa open season is a movie where it's a season and they open it up i don't really know what to say about this movie it's the most generic possible thing you could put out as your studio's first feature film it's taking the big grumpy guy an annoying sidekick shtick that started with shrek and putting it in the woods wow amazing how innovative now that i think about it there's actually a scene early on in the movie where some humans mistake the deer for being a donkey so yeah they knew exactly what they were doing i thought this movie was actually perfectly fine for the first like 30 minutes i enjoyed watching this bear bond with his human mama and the deer wasn't really that annoying yet and the villain was actually pretty funny and entertaining in fact he remains that way for the entirety of the movie i'll give it that but then we get to the woods and shrek and donkey have to find their way home and now it's just a series of terrible poop humor and forgettable characters showing up with no rhyme or reason or story structure and it really blows patrick warburton showed up for two minutes and that was nice and again the villain was actually pretty solid but for the most part i really checked out with this movie during its second half it's nothing special at all the donkey character is literally responsible for all of the movie's problems and he contributes nothing during the big emotional blowout where the main character's part ways because of course that's in this movie i was actually pretty satisfied like yeah manny had every right to abandon sid here good for him but then he comes back for no reason and he helps all the fairy tale creatures even though they're all really unlikable and annoying and then the movie's over it was extremely mediocre and a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other movies i watched before it that's where we're at now i guess you're that bear that got his butt by a squirrel you play as dracula explore over three levels hotel transylvania 3 summer vacation is is that really what you're going to call this movie this that's not even a pun summer vacation where where's the funny actually that's a good summation of this movie it's not funny i had some laughs in the first two but this one is just so tired and predictable and rehashy oh no dracula's in love with the human lady who works for her evil great grandfather who tried to hunt him down but now they're in love so she'll obviously turn good in the end and save him okay there was a singing kraken that reminded me of tamatoa so i kind of like that and the characters in this franchise aren't horrible so good for them this is a much better franchise than open season but like that's not really a compliment dude what can i even say at this point i feel so empty like i said this is the hardest video i've ever had to make sony has made so many absolutely soul-crushing movies and i just need a summer vacation of my own even though it's currently december but whatever who cares just let me die okay so goosebumps 2 haunted halloween is a standalone sequel with new characters that feels like a traditional goosebumps book brought to the big screen rather than being a meta interpretation of goosebumps like the first one was this one has ken jong and he does nothing jack black's only in this one for five minutes and he also does nothing the effects are noticeably worse than the first movies the writing is noticeably worse the movie is only funny when jack black is on screen these kids think they can kill slappy by locking him in a box and then throwing that box in a river because i guess they forgot that he can teleport and then he just teleports on top of their car two minutes later cause yeah how did they not expect that one of them suggests burning slappy and then they say no let's not do that let's just throw him in a box he's definitely dead for good oops he's not dead now they play rocket league with slappy and he brings some street fighter toys to life and then one of the kids talks about how awesome bitcoin is you know bitcoins are cryptocurrency right it's not real coins it's virtual coins it's actually really really cool starts with a process called mining yeah that that that's that's real that happens that is the summary of everything of note in this movie it's it's whatever i don't care about it moving on hotel transylvania i remember this movie being okay when i was younger and yeah i think that's a fair assessment it is kind of generic and predictable with the whole overprotective father and the lion to keep someone safe tropes and the first 10 minutes of this movie absolutely do not leave a good impression they basically front loaded all the lowest common denominator fart humor into the opening but it gets better thankfully there are some emotional moments late in the film that are good in a vacuum but kinda come out of nowhere and feel a bit forced within the narrative like the characters are doing all sorts of wacky shenanigans and then dracula suddenly says haha jonathan you are going to hear about the trauma i endured after my wife was murdered like what but it's nice that they attempted dramatic moments and there's also a few jokes i laughed at i enjoy the characters and it is kind of sweet to see mavis and johnny come together adam sandler dracula is fine he's basically just a discount version of steve corrales grew but he's still totally acceptable honestly compared to the usual sony schlock this is a perfectly inoffensive and harmless film nothing special but nothing horrendous thankfully oh come on just give it a try all right maybe just a little if i can prove then i never touched my balls will you promise not to tell another soul what you saw let's roll bye felicia i am shocked and pleased to report that i actually had a lot of fun with peter rabbit i think donald gleason did a tremendously good job as the protagonist of this movie and i really enjoyed watching his attempts to take down the villain this borderline terrorist rabbit played by james corden i'm not even exaggerating by the way this movie is literally structured as if donald gleason is a cusco-like protagonist who starts out hilarious yet unlikable and learns to become a better person as the movie unfolds meanwhile peter rabbit is a god damn sociopath and thus i think casting james corden in this role was an excellent idea would the movie be better if it had a real actor in this role well yeah obviously but this part seems to be written with corden in mind so it all works out other than that yeah i don't know this is surprisingly just a really fun movie the writing's pretty decent and i liked quite a few of the jokes you can tell the director does have a knack for visual comedy and integrating the pretty good looking cg creatures into this world it's basically night and day when you compare it to the goddamn smurfs movies donut hole gleason is killing it like i said he's really good at physical and verbal comedy and i think this was still a less humiliating role for him than hux was in the last jedi it's a perfectly decent family film could have been really good if not for james corden and some of the typical sony gross out humor [ __ ] just watch paddington if you want to see this movie but actually good still not a bad time overall i just wish peter rabbit could have gotten the death sentence he so obviously deserves how the [ __ ] he knows me because it is you you're just wearing different clothes for some reason everyone really wanted me to review wish dragon oh it's so good don't listen to everyone saying it's an aladdin rip-off it's definitely not an aladdin rip-off it's an aladdin rip-off it hits every one of the same plot beats for the most part and it just got extremely tedious because i knew i could just be watching aladdin instead which is pace better and has better animation and a bunch of songs that really slap in a vacuum this is a perfectly good film without any major issues but the fact that it's as derivative as it is really sours the experience a bit now yes i'm perfectly aware that disney did not invent the aladdin story and i believe the general story structure of a poor boy who gets three wishes from a magic being did actually originate from china it's not like you can't do a story that's been done before in a movie but it has to be at least visually and tonally distinct the little mermaid and ponyo basically have the same premise of a fish girl wanting to leave the ocean behind live on dry land and be with a land boy but these are still wildly different movies not only because they go in completely different directions plot-wise by their second halves but also because of how little they resemble each other visually and tonally but like look at this man like i said it's not just story structure it's the visual language of the film the dragon zips around and talks fast just like the genie did there's so many shots in this movie that just feel like direct aladdin parallels doing a similar story structure is fine but tonally this just feels way too identical for me but you know what if you can get past that it's perfectly charming and fine i like how the dragon genie is kind of a huge [ __ ] that was pretty fun and i enjoyed his character arc plus the fact that this version of the story is set in the modern day was fun because it allowed the dragon who's used to ancient times to adapt to all this modern technology that was cute i thought some of the action was creative and fun i really liked the connection the two main characters had and i kinda liked how even after it's revealed to the girl that the guy isn't rich that's not a spoiler you've all seen aladdin the conflict doesn't stem from her being mad that he lied but rather her being afraid that she can't be around him because of her father and society's expectations i didn't expect them to go that route and i think a lot of the stuff in the third act that changed the original aladdin's narrative really made up for the blatant copying in the first two acts there's some good drama here that's unique to this movie i felt some things but overall i just felt like not enough was really changed from aladdin to really justify this movie existing as its own thing yet again i don't mind when films are derivative of others story-wise i'm one of the 10 people who really likes the force awakens but this film just followed aladdin so closely and didn't really do anything superior to the film it was copying until the unique drama in the third act so yeah a decent film could be better if it had strived to do more original things than the first two acts but it's way better than most films sony made in the old days so it's definitely another step in the right direction for them regardless of its problems so you need felony weirdly enough i prefer hotel transylvania 2 over the original and i think it's the best in the series overall i still think it's just okay but it has a lot more good jokes than the first one and i kinda like its plot as well i think it's neat to see dracula try and cope with the fact that his grandson might not be a vampire or be into monster things it's nice to see mavis try and fit in with human society as well as her unbridled enthusiasm towards all their things and the addition of mel brooks as dracula's human hating father was a delightful touch hey who's the dame with the sweet keister i wish he was in the movie more and i guess i wish he didn't so easily change his mind about hating humans but honestly i don't really care the plot in this movie doesn't really matter and it's more of an excuse to vibe with these characters and again i kind of enjoy them they're not amazing but they're kind of fun and they're especially funny in this one compared to the other movies and like that's about it i guess it's it's hotel transylvania too i mean what else is there saying moving on bunger bunger kinda buggin kinda snack try to catch them in your trap bug snacks the movie ladies and gentlemen before doing this video i had never seen the second cloudy with a chance of meatballs because i heard from a lot of people that it was extremely not good especially in comparison to the original well i'm here to tell you boulder dash this is still a really fun good movie just nowhere near as good as the original but that's okay i do have problems with it for instance the side characters from the first film are kind of completely useless in this one they don't really add anything to the story and they're just there and it's pretty absurd how flint turns on them to the degree that he does it's semi-believable because he's being manipulated by someone he idolized his whole life but it still felt a little out of character and yeah the movie is not nearly as funny as the first one and it also lacks the emotional core that the first film had you can definitely feel the loss of lord of miller in the screenplay department but i still think the direction is solid and the overall animation is really strong this movie presents such a visually stimulating food-filled wonderland and it seems like it has an endless supply of creativity at its disposal i was never bored i always wanted to see what crazy foods would show up or what wacky shenanigans would occur next the villain has a predictable story arc where he betrays the heroes but it works because the movie lets us know he's evil at the start and the characters in this movie pick up on it pretty quickly except for flynn but that makes sense because he's blinded by his hero worship and honestly the villain is just super fun better than the mayor in the original i was initially skeptical about this norm of the north ass animation of his super noodly limbs but it ended up winning me over he's just a blast to watch i like the scene where flint's dad teaches the pickles how to fish that was very wholesome and yeah i don't know overall i had a good time with this movie if you loved the first one and haven't checked it out yet i'd recommend it as long as you don't expect something that'll live up to the first one it's pretty good and i immediately started playing bug snacks again after it was over bug snacks is a [ __ ] banger you guys have no idea pardon me are you aaron sir i already reviewed vevo a couple months back so i'll keep this brief i think it's sweet and enjoyable and definitely underrated it's got a super strong beginning and ending with kind of a ho-hum forgettable middle like i completely forgot these birds were in the movie and they definitely spend way too much time in this swamp in general i still don't like lin-manuel miranda's voice in this and i don't think the kinkajou should have talked at all see look at that character development i know vivo isn't a monkey anymore i did it guys the songs are perfectly decent except for that one terrible one the girl sings there's a couple really good recurring jokes that i wished recurred and got built on a little more like the girl scouts shaming this one guy for doing bad stuff to the environment or this bus driver that everyone applauds for whenever he does anything i like these jokes but both of them only come up twice and they could have gone further i'm probably just rambling at this point i said basically everything that needs to be said about this movie already it's good i like it moving on boo haunted house i'm honestly really shocked that i liked the first goosebumps movie as much as i did like it's honestly really fun and it does what it sets out to do perfectly much like detective pikachu it's another movie from mr sharktail director that i'm surprised i enjoyed i mean i did grow up reading goosebumps books but not many of those stories actually factor into the plot of this movie this is more of a meta take on the existence of the goosebumps books themselves where some kids find the stories that goosebumps author oral stein wrote and they end up coming to life so they have to team up with stein himself played by jack black and yeah he's obviously the best part of the movie i think his delivery and a ton of his jokes are hilarious in fact this movie in general just has a lot of shockingly good jokes i laughed at numerous occasions not just the jack black scenes surround sound i didn't know being an audiophile was a crime what a file and there's none of that lowest common denominator sony humor either i don't remember any fart or poop jokes there are your typical cliche plot points and reveals and pseudo-dramatic stuff that isn't anything special but isn't really annoying just kinda there overall a solid spooky well-paced fun time the difference between this and the live-action smurf movies is astounding this feels like it has a lot of passion behind it and everyone making it is having fun those feel like a colonoscopy it's truly admirable that sony animation looked at those movies and said what if we made another animation live-action hybrid based on a beloved nostalgic franchise but didn't make it terrible this time well that's what they did character development hell yeah hey you guys are watching bird up the worst show on television okay so the angry birds movie 2 is listed as a sony film but i guess the first one wasn't made by sony pictures animation it was just released by them so for the purposes of this ranking i'm not required to watch the first film only the second one i've never seen the first angry birds film before but that's okay because i heard it was really bad anyway and i don't know if you guys are ready to hear this but the angry birds movie 2 is actually really good like genuinely a really good fun entertaining movie it was directed by the guy who made flapjack and i think his flair for zany humor really came through in this movie there's a ton of genuinely funny visual gags plus the actual jokes they wrote are mostly pretty strong i actually laughed quite a bit during this movie it just kept a wacky inventive humor coming maybe it got a little too structureless and random xd during the third act of this movie and while i can excuse most hip trend things like dabbing i absolutely must draw the line at baby shark which had absolutely no business being in this film like what the actual [ __ ] it's got quite a few pointless characters as well plus the main character is pretty obnoxiously arrogant for a good portion of the film it feels like his only motivation is wanting to be loved by everyone rather than saving their lives that's not likable boo but overall i'm just shocked at how funny this movie is and i feel like more people will be talking about it if it was anything other than a sequel to the angry birds movie it doesn't even really resemble the games anymore you can just view it as a heist movie in a universe filled with birds and pigs because that's all it really is it's relationship to the actual games is extremely tenuous here and while that means it's not exactly a good video game adaptation it is nonetheless a good movie that happens to be adapted from a video game and i'm tired of pretending it's not this is leaps and bounds ahead of sony's usual output and i would highly recommend checking it out you don't even need to watch the first movie to enjoy it i certainly didn't it's pretty good even if i did have to take off points for baby shark surfing on this sand here surfing in a circle i have never seen an animated film with a more unique premise than surf's up a mockumentary all about surfing penguins at a worldwide sports competition is an awesome idea that this movie just rolls with the slight shaky cam the talking head interviews the way everything's presented it all just comes together beautifully it makes the story and characters way more engaging and funny i don't know who came up with this idea but honestly bravo and that's not even the only good element about this film the soundtrack is loaded with bangers the animation holds up really well and showcases how awesome surfing looks the characters are endearing there's a strong emotional core i love chicken joe's misadventures with a random tribe of penguins or how the villain wants to have sexual intercourse with his trophies big z is a really interesting and cool character and his story reminded me a lot of luke and last jedi except done better don't at me sometimes the film can be a little slow during these training sessions with cody and big z and sometimes there's some poop and pee jokes that are not good as you'd expect with a sony animation film time to take a piss but for the most part this film is great and it honestly doesn't even feel like sony i don't mean that in the sense that oh sony makes bad movies and this movie is good so it doesn't feel like they made it because there's tons of really great movies that feel like sony in terms of their humor and animation style like cloudy with a chance of meatballs or mitchells versus the machines i just mean that this movie gives off a way different vibe and tone compared to anything else sony animation has made in fact it doesn't really feel like any other animated movie i've ever seen i can't imagine dreamworks pixar disney etc making anything quite like this film and it doesn't even really fit in with the rest of sony's catalog either and i think that's really awesome it showcases how even at their very inception sony pictures animation was interested in pushing the envelope in terms of what an animated film could be they just had some talented filmmakers make a really cool movie based on a really cool idea regardless of whether anything like it had been done before which is definitely something you can also say about the best sony animation movie so maybe this was kind of a precursor to that in a weird way i'm kind of just rambling at this point bottom line is surf's up is a banger and well worth checking out especially compared to that piece of [ __ ] happy feet i can't believe i liked both of those movies equally as a kid what the hell was i on i'm blind beard the pirate the pirates band of misfits oh wait no i mean the pirates in an adventure with science oh wait no i mean the pirates who don't do anything yeah there we go that's the right title anyway this movie's a banger i am shocked that nobody talks about this movie outside of that one meme line which by the way isn't even in this movie i was excited to see the actual context behind well yes but actually no going into the movie but it's like the film itself told me well yes but actually no because it doesn't actually appear in the film you just got coconut mold i feel robbed and betrayed in that one regard but otherwise the movie's awesome aardman is kinda hit or miss for me their features are always stunning visually but i never really connected with any of them outside of anything wallace and gromit related but i think this movie is definitely one of their hits it's a wacky adventure about a kooky group of pirates who pretend to be scientists in order to get money because they didn't realize their pet parrot was actually a dodo bird they needed to learn that from charles darwin who is the biggest incel i've ever seen in a children's film also queen victoria is a maniac and she really wants to get their bird for reasons i won't spoil i really love how unconventional and wacky this movie's plot is and the same applies to the characters as well i love the fact that they don't have any actual names they're just pirate captain and pirate with a scarf and surprisingly curvaceous pirate which is also so funny i love that one of these pirates is very obviously a woman in disguise and yet that never actually gets addressed within the plot it's just there as a kooky side gag bro the monkey with his different flip cards that he uses to communicate bro come on how are you not watching this movie right now i guess if i had any problems i feel like maybe the pirate captain doesn't quite learn his lesson and never really grows out of his self-centered nature and maybe the movie could have been a little funnier and had maybe one more action sequence considering how great the two that they had were but yeah overall banger movie even if it feels 100 like ardman's handiwork and barely anything like sony's depending on who you are that might be a good thing also the pirates in an adventure with scientists is a much better title what is this band of misfits thing that could be the title to any movie why did you do this america you tell arthur reid that he'll never eat lunch in this town again arthur christmas is the only kids movie i've ever seen that references the cube and missile crisis and that's how you know it's good this might just be my favorite aardman film out of all of them it's a really creative funny and heartwarming take on santa claus lore i think it's really neat how this movie establishes that the title of santa is passed down from father to son over generations starting with the original saint nick i like how the different santas have conflicts over tradition versus new technology and what the best way to deliver presents is i love how the current santa isn't portrayed as perfect they don't shy away from his character flaws and it's great to see him overcome them i really really love how the brother in this movie seems poised to be a twist villain who wants to forcibly take the role of santa for himself that was and then he isn't that he's just a real person with a real internal conflict who goes through a character arc and realizes he doesn't deserve the title he aspired to get for so long as much as arthur does wait a minute that's literally just what i said prince charming's ark should have been in shrek iii like they're both named arthur what what huh wow i guess ardman do what dreamworks don't ironic overall this is a really strong touching clever holiday film it's got good emotional moments well-realized characters with strong arcs a pretty good animation style is very distinct from aardman's other works and a ton of incredibly strong jokes that really caught me off guard not every joke in this lands but the ones that do really land this is a great underrated movie that you should definitely check out this holiday season what are you really going to get out of a 37th rewatch of rudolph when you got gems like this going completely unnoticed check it out baby most projects that lord and miller have had a heavy hand in from clone high to the lego movie have gone down as instant classics that constantly get talked about but weirdly enough i don't think the same thing has quite happened with cloudy with a chance of meatballs their first ever feature film it's very well liked no doubt and it's not like it's been forgotten or anything it's still fairly talked about just not nearly talked about enough when you consider it's the feature film debut of two of the most respected and beloved writer directors in the animation industry this is a really great movie it's constantly hilarious visually inventive and tons of fun every time i rewatch it there's always some new detail i never noticed before and there's so many jokes that i still laugh out loud at even after my fifth or sixth viewing my personal favorite the one that my brother and i quote all the time has to be this it's your choice choice joy choice choice like look at the mayor's face man this movie is top tier in the comedy department and it's also really strong emotionally how are you not going to feel for flint growing increasingly disappointed that nothing he does seems to get his father's approval or sam being forced to hide her interest in science in order to fit in still if she really didn't want to wear glasses but still wanted to see she could have gotten a contact lens which represents you and my eye represents my eye i've got my eye on you this movie is so [ __ ] quotable oh my god i don't love everything about this movie like i think the climax drags out a bit too long and i was kind of ready for it to start wrapping up 15 minutes before it actually did i don't really like steve he kind of seems like a byproduct of random xd 2009 humor and that's the only thing that really dates this movie i really like flint for the most part but there were a few moments where he acted a bit douchey especially towards sam and that was weird and i could complain about the character design being not the best but then again look at flint's father look at him this is peak character design right here overall a great movie and a more than worthy adaptation of the book yes i actually read the book as a kid before this movie came out and i loved both of them go figure i would highly recommend this one if you've skipped out on it even though flint makes it rain ice cream which is basically just acid rain for people who are lactose intolerant hugh flint lockwood for not taking food allergies seriously god i love the mitchells versus the machines if anything i think i like it a little better on rewatch than i did initially it's just got so much great attention to detail and the characters are also likable and entertaining that it's an absolute blast from start to finish this movie has such a strong grasp on how complex and messy family dynamics can be and you can so easily understand where both katie and her dad are coming from rick's actions can be pretty insufferable at times but you know they're coming from a place of genuine care and concern and a desire to connect with katie even though he has no idea how it's so easy to identify with katie and her desire to get away from such a stifling environment but it's also incredibly satisfying to see her discover how her father's heart is in the right place even if he can go a bit far when showing this it's such a great central dynamic to anchor the film on and it blends surprisingly well with a robot apocalypse storyline which is consistently exciting and very funny the big ass furby still makes me laugh out loud it's just too good i still have all those same problems with it that i mentioned in my initial review like some of the humor being a little cringe and dated as well as the climax just going on a little too long but those issues didn't really bother me as much on a second viewing and the good stuff stuck out to me even more this is undoubtedly the funniest sony movie and it's a close second for having the best animation style and most distinct character design there's so much visual flair that they didn't need to add but went ahead and did anyway it's so unbelievably welcome i could go on about this movie even though i've already reviewed it but it's just so great sony really knocked this one out of the park and i can't wait for the academy to not give it a best animated feature oscar and instead give it to something stupid like ryan the last dragon or something i really hope that sentence ages poorly but even if it doesn't this is still the best animated feature in my heart speaking of which well i knew this was coming it really wasn't even close mitchells is a high 8 out of 10 bordering on a 9 and spider-man into the spider-verse is a solid 12 out of 10 bordering on 13. this movie is everything it's the single best superhero movie to come out of the 2010s it's got the coolest 3d animation style out of every movie i've ever seen the jokes consistently get a laugh out of me even after my 20th viewing the action is insanely fluid exciting and visceral the characters feel so real through their emotional baggage and their little quirks the background details in this movie keep piling up to an insane degree the score sells everything the danger the heroism the sheer euphoria of it all i mean [ __ ] man he took a bagel what else is there to say movies like this just don't happen a film where every possible element is cranked up to 12 on the quality scale and they all manage to blend together perfectly into something greater than the sum of its already excellent parts and it's a [ __ ] spider-man movie not some obscure indie art house film where the creator could tell the story they wanted to free of a huge studio's influence no man this came from sony the studio that brought you the emoji movie and the conglomerate that's probably extremely protective of the spider-man brand it's not always about the money spider-man and they just let some talented people go off and weave this absolutely phenomenal tale free of all the usual tropes and trappings that bog sony's other films down it all just seems way too good to be true and yet here it is an instant classic that we're still going to be talking about 50 years from now the undisputed magnum opus of sony pictures animation if this is an indication of what the future holds for the studio then i for one can't wait to see more seriously though please don't [ __ ] up the sequel goodnight tri-state spider-verse [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 7,728,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Sony, Sony Pictures Animation, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, Spider-Man, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, The Smurfs, Smurfs, Gargamel, The Emoji Movie, Peter Rabbit, Arthur Christmas, The Pirates, Angry Birds, Goosebumps, Open Season, Surf's Up, The Star
Id: Aruxxtr6OhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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