Every Disney Animation Movie Ranked

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funding for shafferless is provided by Squarespace the sponsor of today's video from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business well it's the holiday season so I figured it'd be good to treat you guys to a big video this month and I've gotten a lot of requests over the years to rank the pre-renaissance eras of Disney films everything from Snow White all the way up to Oliver and Company have gone completely untalked about on my channel the only problem with me doing that is that I kinda didn't care enough to dedicate an entire ranking video to movies that I just wasn't really that interested in checking out but then I thought of a solution what if I took one video to rank not only the pre-renaissance Disney films but every Disney animated film that way I could not only share my opinions on all the old movies I hadn't seen before but also definitively figure out where the films from the Renaissance onward would rank in comparison to each other I'm honestly just as curious as to how my personal ranking would pan out as you guys probably are so I figured let's do it let's make one big Mega ranking video for all 61 Disney films as of 2022 and then I'll probably throw them on a letterbox list then I'll update every time a new Disney film comes out so you don't have to ask me where the new one would rank now a couple things I should say right off the bat we're obviously going to be covering a lot of Familiar Grounds since I've already made individual ranking videos for the Disney Renaissance the 2000s Disney films and the 2010s Disney films in addition to a ton of videos about individual Disney movies as such there's gonna be a lot of segments where I just don't have that much to say about a certain movie since I already said it all in a previous video so if you'd like to hear more about a Disney movie that came out from 1989 to the present go check out my segment on it in a previous ranking vid I should also mention that a few of my opinions in those previous rankings have actually changed with some films getting better for me and others getting worse mostly it was them getting worse but yeah if the order of some of my rankings doesn't line up up with my previous ranking videos that's not a mistake it's just a reflection of my updated opinion next thing I want to mention is that this video only includes the 61 feature films released by Walt Disney Animation Studios this does not mean that I'm ranking every single animated movie that was released by the entire Disney Company the main Animation Studio didn't make the directed DVD sequels nor the Pixar movies nor any Disney Channel original movies none of that do not leave me a comment saying I forgot to rank any movie if I see any of you chuckle fox in the comments saying you forgot a goofy movie or something like that I will not be a happy camper I did not forget anything any movie that isn't on the list of Walt Disney Animation Studios films Wikipedia article does not count A Goofy Movie was not made by Walt Disney Animation Studios and I did not forget it on this list but if you're curious I would rank in the 15th Place number 15. anyway okay this will be a long one so grab some grub get comfortable and enjoy as I take you through the sometimes magical sometimes shitty wonderful ish World of Disney let's get it going disappointment in The Game of Life and the single worst Disney movie of all time is dinosaurs I'm sorry but this is one of those movies where I just legitimately cannot understand how anyone likes it outside of nostalgia every single time I see someone talking about how much they love this movie they always say something like I adored it growing up or I've always loved this movie and always will like would anyone think that way if they didn't grow up with this I'm not saying it's devoid of quality elements I mean James Newton Howard's score is excellent the opening seven minute sequence with no dialogue is really strong and some of the photo realistic backgrounds look very nice but like do you seriously consider alidor to be one of the best Disney protagonists do you consider KRON whose name I had to Google to be one of the best Disney villains do you think this story is one of the most compelling tales ever told by Walt Disney Animation Studios they're just walking it's just dinosaurs walking to a place for 80 minutes all is the most cliche characters ever go through the most cliche dialogue and arcs ever and I hate to say this because I know this animation was state of the art when it came out but God nowadays this is the single ugliest looking Disney film all the character models and a lot of the environments just look like complete [ __ ] it's so boring there's nothing interesting to look at there's no interesting characters there's no interesting story how do you make a film about dinosaurs one of the objectively coolest things to ever exist this dull and monotonous I can't even really say that I hate this movie because that implies that I have any passionate feelings about it at all and I just don't it means nothing to me and I could at least say that I have feelings about any other Disney movie so I guess that means I gotta rank them higher than something that makes me feel completely empty throughout the majority of its run time but you know what I am nothing if not tolerant to other people's opinions I don't care if you disagree with me about a piece of media I once saw someone rank Majora's Mask as the worst Zelda game of all time am I only response was that's a bit silly so you know what if you want to go ahead and write your own video essay on why dinosaurs and underrated Masterpiece and if you send it to me and I think it's well made enough I'll go ahead and promote it on my Channel's Community tab in fact this applies to any movie I speak ill of in this video because the last thing I want is for people to parent my opinions mindlessly without forming their own the only thing that annoys me more than that is the Love Monkey no one's opinion of a movie is Gospel especially not mine it's good to get different perspectives on movies and I would really love to hear some non-nostalgia related reasons why people think dinosaur is good like I'm actually genuinely curious so please enlighten me and until you do I'm gonna go back to not thinking about this movie at all because it is one of the biggest empty voids of a film I have ever seen at least James Newton Howard brought his A-game but it wasn't enough to save this travesty up next Chicken Little [ __ ] I'm gonna keep this brief because I really do want to make a full-on cinematic disaster review of this movie and I know I say that I'm gonna do a full review on a lot of movies only to end up procrastinating and never getting to them but there are very few movies I feel as passionately about as Chicken Little this movie is just so awful that it's kind of remarkable like this would have been the second or third worst movie in my illumination ranking it's that hilariously pathetic nothing about it works sometimes there's a rare funny joke or the occasional epic [ __ ] character like porcupine porcupine who's probably the greatest character in Walt Disney Animation Studios history but the film is just so morally and creatively bankrupt on every level every character is a horrible unlikable prick except for the main characters who are just fodder for cheap quote unquote jokes haha the Pig is fat let's all laugh at him for being fat haha the duckling is ugly it's funny how ugly she is isn't it funny laugh my favorite part is when stupid ass Buck basically says gee son I never realized that emotionally distancing myself from you when you needed me the most was a bad thing that's bad parenting and I should know shut the [ __ ] up how are you this dense and awful like it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that siding with the people who are publicly humiliating your son is a bad thing also I hope you like pop songs because there sure are a lot of those in this movie most of them with no Rhyme or Reason even even though the movie thinks they're a good substitute for jokes when Chicken Little tells the pig we will survive he then starts singing I Will Survive that's funny that's such a funny joke I hate this stupid ass movie every time I watch it I'm just baffled at how badly it turned out that's part of the reason why I want to do a full review on it because the story of its troubled production is just so sad almost as sad as the movie but not quite stupid ass movie that feels like it came from the studio that made Norm of the north not this one that made actual masterpieces in the past anyway I can't wait to talk about those masterpieces but first we gotta trudge through more [ __ ] so let's get moving if it's not fun why bother okay so for those of you who don't know in the 40s because of World War II Disney didn't have enough money to make full-fledged animated movies with one continuous story so they made a bunch of package films that essentially consisted of a collection of sorts that have nothing to do with each other getting slapped together and shoved in theaters it was a valid practice to help them stay afloat during this time period and raise enough money for the narrative features that they actually wanted to make these packaged films though are pretty Infamous for being not good I watched them and yep the worst one of these is fun and fancy free which is just so bad in so many ways that it's kind of ridiculous first of all there's only two stories being told and the first one is absolutely awful half the movie dedicated to the boringest [ __ ] tale of Bongo the bear it's like Bambi if it were shitty and it made me wish I was watching [ __ ] Brother Bear instead we're just following this stupid ass circus bear as he escapes and starts living in the woods and then there's a lady bear and all they are in love but oh no now there's a big bear you have to fight and there's also a song about how you should slap your significant other in order to express how much you love them I wish I was making this up I [ __ ] hate this short so my oh sorry did I say short how silly of me this banal and agonizing [ __ ] tail takes up 40 minutes I could live with this [ __ ] if it was condensed into 10 minutes but really you thought this story was worthy of taking up half a feature film I hope Bongo dies a slow and agonizing death I never want to see him again the next story of Mickey and the Beanstalk is kind of okay not particularly interesting but not the worst however it simply wouldn't be good enough for Jiminy Cricket the character who led us into the first story to do the same with a second no siree instead we have to go to this pathetic birthday party with two annoying as [ __ ] ventriloquist dummies who make dumbass unfunny remarks throughout the entirety of the Mickey story it just put me in a bad [ __ ] mood and I couldn't enjoy anything that was happening not even the funny meme scene where Mickey cuts the super thin bread this was truly agonizing and you should never watch it ever it's so bad next [Music] forever Pocahontas is so bad like it genuinely got so much worse on rewatch for me I cannot believe how boring and dull this movie is legitimately the only things going for it are the animation and the music and even then there's an asterisk on both of those points the colors and environments are pretty but the character design is just so awful it's insanely stiff and lifeless no one is allowed to have any expression except for like this one dog it's so weird the orchestral score and Colors of the Wind are both gorgeous but pretty much every other song is Bland and forgettable I at least get a little bit of ironic enjoyment out of mine mine mine even though it sucks and meanwhile I think I changed my mind about Savages it's kinda bad actually fantastic visuals and I like Pocahontas's part at the end but the lyrics are still laughably awful and the whole premise is broken I don't think I need to get into the historical issues with this film and how offensive and obnoxious it is to imply that both sides were equally terrible only to then show us hey wait all the white guys who were so gung-ho about killing Native Americans throughout the entire movie are actually pretty chill and don't want to kill them anymore the problem was just this one Bad Apple white dude get rid of him and it's a happy ending I mean sure I guess you can believe that if you never picked up a history book actually history books don't even accurately tell what happened bottom line is this movie was an awful idea that should have never been made not only is it offensive but it's agonizingly dull Pocahontas and John Smith are so boring and you never get invested in their romance there's a death scene that's supposed to be dramatic but it involves a character who only has like three lines of dialogue in the whole film it's the guy Pocahontas's father wants her to marry but she doesn't want to marry him because he's too serious that's it that's the only reason given in fact he's so serious that he doesn't even talk for most of the movie wow how riveting I'm so invested in him oh no he died right oh well the villain sucks so bad he's such a joke oh my God his only motivation is gold wow how riveting I'm so invested he barely has a relationship with John Smith and he never even meets Pocahontas why the [ __ ] should I care about him when he has practically no connection to the main characters everything sucks the stuff that isn't offensive has been done already in other Disney movies before or since legitimately all you need to do to see everything of value in this movie is just watch Colors of the Wind that's it before I wrap up I just really want to express to you all why this movie was like this why was it so self-serious and devoid of humor or good expressive character design or talking animals why was Pocahontas aged up from her real life counterpart and set up in this melodramatic romance with John Smith I'll tell you why because after Beauty and the Beast was unexpectedly nominated for Best Picture Jeffrey katzenberg wanted to repeat that success with another epic romance story that he also get nominated for Best Picture Yes you heard me right Pocahontas is so dull and boring and melodramatic because it is the first and as far as I know only Disney animated film that was explicitly designed to be Oscar Bates surprise surprise it didn't work the movie won a couple Oscars for its music but whoopty [ __ ] do Alan Menken makes great music what a shock but ultimately this insipid pipe dream from the most egotistical executive in Disney history to get a Best Picture nomination for a ridiculous offensive inaccurate boring predictable tasteless borderline unwatchable snooze Fest of a feature film ended in catastrophic failure but at least it had pretty [ __ ] colors I guess the internet is not nearly as impressive as how Sonic described it I bet you weren't expecting this one to be so high for all of its insane and fascinating faults the one thing that Ralph breaks the internet is not is boring when I watch this movie I'm always in awe of just how awful they managed to make it on so many levels like it would be one thing if this was just a cringe-worthy dystopian corporate jerk off fest with a ton of real-life Brands all over the place that implies the children that making a ton of money on the internet copying shitty viral videos is easy and you should do it too but then the movie decides that's not enough and that it should assassinate both Ralph and vanellope's characters making them both horribly unlikable and having them perform actions that directly contradict the first film without a second thought it's rare to get something that both fails as a movie and fails as a sequel in completely different ways but by golly Disney sure managed to do it believe it or not I could go on about this piece piece of [ __ ] in spite of the fact that I already made a full analysis video about it and talked about it some more in the Disney 2010s ranking for good measure plus since we still have like 50 more Disney movies to go I'll wrap this part up and just direct you to those other videos if you want my extended thoughts bottom line is this is a movie so fundamentally flawed at its core that I'm shocked it was even made and yet it still somehow manages to be the best Pocahontas movie The Studio has put out because while both of them are terrible at least this one isn't boring plus I think it has spampton in it or something I forget like a melody time Melody time I'm gonna be honest I forgot everything that happened in this package film as soon as it was over at least nothing overstayed its welcome like The Bongo short but at least I remember how much I despise that thing everything in this short is just straight up boring there were a few cute moments on the cowboy short and I kind of like the B short but nothing else really stuck with me why are you blue the tugboat short was really lame there's a weird out of nowhere three Caballeros callback with a live-action woman because apparently there wasn't enough of those and three Caballeros and also Johnny Appleseed is a punk ass [ __ ] I could probably beat him up if I wanted to I don't know why that's relevant I just have nothing else to say about the shorts collection just an incredibly unmemorable and tedious time had by all I'm pooped now you will see the sand crummies that prevent your approach to Ganon The Black Cauldron is one of the Disney movies of all time it's critical and box office failure almost tanks the entire Studio back when it first came out and it's been looked out as a Black Sheep by many Disney fans ever since one of the the funniest things about this movie is that it came out in theaters in 1985 but it was such a commercial failure that Disney didn't even release it on VHS until 1997. that's embarrassing but it's also received a bit of a cult following over the years a ton of people really like it I'm not one of those people I'm sorry but I really couldn't stand this one it is so boring and lifeless in nearly every regard except the animation I really like the gothic aesthetic they went for here and there's a few fun elements like these three witches were kind of neat The Bard guy wasn't too bad I don't know that's all I got the main character in this is insufferable he's always going on and on about how he's going to be this great hero despite the fact that he never really accomplishes much over the course of the film The Princess who's just kind of boring there's not really a ton to say or enjoy about her he even calls him out for this at one point saying how his magic sword rarely did most of the work for them and he's like well actually it takes a brilliant hero to wield this sword and you're girl so you don't even know anything about swords he's so likable guys isn't he such an awesome protagonist seriously he never does anything to earn the status of being a hero he doesn't even really defeat the villain which oh my God don't even get me started on you guys actually like the horns King I thought it was a joke because that's what the horn King is aesthetically he's awesome but then he starts talking and he's the most boring generic jackass you could possibly throw into a fantasy movie oh I can't wait till my Army of the Dead is raised by The Black Cauldron oh no I stood too close to the cauldron while it's sucking stuff in and that's the way I get defeated the main character kicked me once and that's what caused me to stand too close to the cauldron you've killed me good have I mentioned yet that this movie is basically a feature-length version of the Zelda CDI cutscenes except played completely straight and not funny have I mentioned yet that the MacGuffin in this movie is a pig that can see the future that's a fun idea that the movie does nothing with the horned King wants to use the pig in order to see where the Black Cauldron is and 20 minutes into the movie he has the Pig and the main character captured but then the main character splashes some hot water in his face and manages to run out of the room that has a million of the horny King's troops in it how did he manage to get away so easily and now that I know he can get away easily from the horned King in the first 20 minutes of the movie how am I supposed to be intimidated by this villain for the rest of the movie Friendly writing tip guys maybe build up a confrontation between the main character and the villain more maybe don't have it be the first conflict he has to face and don't make it extremely easy for him to get out of it because then your movie has no tension for the rest of the run time now that we know that the horns King is a [ __ ] [ __ ] he doesn't even kill the main characters at the end he just leaves them in a room with the Black Cauldron unattended and then they easily [ __ ] up his plan oh yeah and that pig that was so important in the first half of the movie yeah they forget that was a thing too the horn King doesn't need it he just follows the main party and then they find the cauldron and then he gets it from them so all the build up about the pig was completely pointless okay who the [ __ ] wrote this movie I haven't even gotten to the comic relief who is neither comic nor a relief to see this annoying little [ __ ] only exists to be annoying and a little [ __ ] he has the most irritating voice and he accomplishes nothing throughout the movie until the end where he's supposed to have this dramatic sacrifice and I'll give the movie this it was the only time I felt any Joy watching it I cheered when that little [ __ ] stain fell into the cauldron and died and I audibly groaned when the movie brought him back at the end because of course it did nothing matters this movie [ __ ] sucks I'm sorry I guess it was slightly better than Tales From Earthsea probably because it was about half an hour shorter but is that really the bar we want to be striving for is not the most boring animated fantasy movie I've seen that much of an accomplishment at least it probably scared the [ __ ] out of little kids movies should do that more often Lookout World here Comes The Last Dragon Raya and the last stupid ass annoying as [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] Dragon I ranted about this movie at length earlier this year mainly focusing on how legitimately awful its message about blind trust is so I won't reiterate any of that here I'll mainly focus on the other things that make it bad like sisu bro thinks she Genie LMAO sisu just gets more and more annoying the more times I rewatch this movie it's impressive that they managed to pair such an annoying performer with such annoying writing resulting in a truly agonizing side character that drags the movie down so heavily and then there's the constant anachronistic quips Raya and Amari exchanged that feel like they're out of a CT or Marvel movie like holy [ __ ] it's legitimately unbearable hey there princess undercut I knew you couldn't handle rolling solo you're Nelson without your band what can I say bling is my thing up shop the plot is also stretched so thin and it's incredibly clear that this story really should have been a mini series rather than a two-hour film it never feels like we spend enough time in any of the new locations or getting to know any of the new characters that join the journey and I like the side characters The Shrimp Boy and the big tough guy are really fun and even the con baby's okay I wish we got to develop them more but instead they just feel like part of a checklist for the plot like okay we have acquired a character from each of these regions in order to bring them all together in the climax huzzah it hardly ever feels earned when these characters join the quest because we need to zoom on to the next location already so the plot can keep moving these structural issues on top of the legitimately harmful message about trust this movie portrays which again you can hear more about in my other video make it so this movie legitimately has some of the worst writing out of any Disney film I don't even know what happened here like did no one notice how much this script fundamentally did not work on so many levels I don't know man ultimate ultimately though it is at least a very well-directed movie The Action is pretty strong and the animation is gorgeous plus I do mostly really like the side characters like I said and James Newton Howard once again proves why he's one of the best composers to ever work with Disney it has some good elements and as botched as its message was it obviously had good intentions it's not a horrendous movie but it is a pretty bad one anyway let's all go back to forgetting this movie exists now that's the Fate it truly deserves but then they find out that the farm is being closed down I would like to formally apologize for implying that Home on the Range was not as bad as I expected in my previous Disney ranking I think my brain was pulling a prank on me that day because this movie [ __ ] sucks it has some good elements like the animation is fine I still think the horse is kind of funny and I like his Arc plus the villain is genuinely kind of good and I enjoy his villain song I wish he was in a better movie this movie sucks so much much ass Roseanne cow and her two other cow friends walk around for a while while they're searching for this Bandit dude and it's astounding how genuinely and thoroughly unfunny it is there were so many moments where I legitimately had to ask was that an attempt at a joke I really couldn't tell I guess it was kind of funny how bad the movie was but it's not a hilariously bad time like Chicken Little it's just something that you want to be over throughout the vast majority of its run time I don't even know what else to say about it I guess I'm sorry to all the bolts and brother bear fans that I previously declared that this movie was better than those two I'm so glad that now that I said that there's no way fans of bolt or Brother Bear will get mad at me for anything I say later in the video anyway yeah back to Home on the Range it sucks it's fake the ends please welcome Cinderella I don't really like Cinderella stories that much out of all the commonly adapted fairy tales I just find this one to be the most played out and boring the only time I liked a Cinderella adaptation was that one Fruits Basket episode everything else can go home I don't give a [ __ ] I mean there's probably other good Cinderella movies out there I haven't seen them all so I can't really say all I know is this one kind of sucks you might say oh well it was one of the first ones kind of some slack no but here's the thing I don't just dislike it because it's played out by modern standards it's also actually a pretty bad retelling of the Cinderella story they speed through everything involving her backstory and how she ended up subservient to her stepmother and stepsisters shoving that all into the opening narration in the first three minutes the prince isn't even a [ __ ] character in this he shows up for the first time like 50 minutes in and the two of them don't even have a conversation until it's midnight and she's ready to leave I don't even know your name how will I find you you what most of this movie is just mice digging around round and they're not funny or charming at all their scenes are just really tedious sometimes there's fun slapstick with Lucifer the cat it was really well animated and menacing more so than the actual human villains who are just kind of boring I guess the King has some funny moments here and there as well but overall this is a movie that just feels completely unfocused we shouldn't be spending most of the movie on wacky Tom and Jerry hijinks and the King having a pillow fight with his manservants we should be focused on giving Cinderella more character and giving the prince a character I haven't seen Cinderella 3 yet but that one clip everyone keeps posting of the prince jumping out the window has more life and personality to it than everything in this first movie The animation's pretty and some of the songs are nice but honestly this was a slog to get through I don't hate all the old Disney Princess movies as you'll see later on in this list but this one yeah I can't say I'm a fan however I did want to point out that the dog in this movie is named Bruno how come we don't talk about that also Lucifer [ __ ] dies LMAO doctor I am sad dog after seeing how many fans of Bolt there were in the comments section of the Disney 2000s ranking I started to wonder if perhaps I treated this film too harshly so I put it back on and it's even Lamer than I remember I was absolutely bored out of my mind good God what are you people see in this movie look it's fine to like it and feel nostalgic for it but even as a kid this movie left no impact on me it's easily one of the most generic and forgettable films in the entire Disney catalog I don't even have anything new to say about it that I didn't mention last time it's just a tedious lukewarm rehash of Buzz Lightyear's exact Arc except far less funny and far less emotional John Travolta's voice is so boring and pales in comparison to how funny the character would be if you got someone like Adam West the hamster is annoying the cat is annoying this movie hates cats so much and that's annoying there's a couple cute or funny moments and the opening action scene is cool but that's about all I liked here it's just so Bland and played out not awful or anything but just so disposable and lame the making of Arthur The Sword in the Stone yeah this one kind of sucked sorry essentially this is the story of King Arthur except not actually because the King Arthur stuff only happens in the opening narration and the last 10 minutes of the movie for most of it King Arthur is this bumbling uninteresting kid who meets Merlin and Merlin's all like wow kid we really need to get you an education so the rest of the movie is Merlin turning him into various animals so I guess he can learn animal stuff uh this movie is disjointed and not very well thought out or good the lessons Merlin teaches Arthur are super generic and don't really tie into their animal Misadventures that well at all sad animal Misadventures really aren't that interesting and they go on for a while the songs are hilariously unmemorable Merlin has this Talking Owl companion who's just a huge [ __ ] and not funny or likable on the slightest I guess Merlin himself is okay and there's a pretty cool wizard duel at the end with Madame MIM but that's about it the ending is unintentionally hilarious because it's here that they finally remember oh [ __ ] this is so Wants to Be a King Arthur story and they shove him pulling the sword and becoming King into the last 10 minutes of this movie did this kid really do anything to earn the ability to pull the sword are the vague barely developed lessons he learned as a squirrel and a fish really enough to justify his Divine status as the ruler of this entire land during this movie's climactic battle with Madame MIM the character we just met 10 minutes before said climactic battle Arthur doesn't even do anything he just sits back and watches his Merlin does the entire fight so really why is Arthur the king now answer me that Wolfgang rytherman director of this movie then in like the last three minutes of the movie Arthur's like man I don't want to be king I don't know how to do it I wish Merlin were here and then Merlin shows up and he's like don't worry Broski you got this you're gonna be a great king don't ask me how you're gonna do it but you're gonna be good at being King it's fine dude and that's the note that the movie ends on the [ __ ] weird ass confused is All Hell movie I'm never gonna watch it again but I guess I'm glad it exists so Merlin can be in Kingdom Hearts and give me access to the Winnie the Pooh world that's always a nice world you're going to Brazil oh the three Caballeros sure is a longer and more annoying version of saludos Amigos yeah I don't know this one didn't really work for me it starts out with a framing device being Donald just watching random movies like this random penguin short that isn't really that fun or charming then there's a flying donkey story that also isn't very good hey I could fly then the main story kicks in and it's just Donald vibing with Jose and then getting sent to Brazil where they meet Panchito and go to Mexico and learn about it and also Donald is extremely horny the entire time and will flirt with any live-action woman that he sees then there's a bunch of colorful noise on the screen and then it's over some of the animation is neat and I like Jose and Panchito plus that one bit where pinchito keeps singing and Donald and Jose try to cut him off genuinely got a really good laugh out of me but Donald's a bit annoying in this one with his insane horniness and overall it just feels like the film is constant chaos with absolutely no structure and no off switch the few moments where the film actually does slow down are genuinely jarring like after a [ __ ] ton of wacky nonsense panchito's suddenly like oh by the way okay let's all take a moment to celebrate the Journey of Mary and Joseph and the Customs we perform to commemorate them and it's like where did that serious quiet moment come from in a movie that's been nothing but chaos for the past 45 minutes I also can't really tell if this movie's culturally accurate or if it's offensive and exploitative with some Disney movies it's extremely easy to tell but with this one I'm I'm not so sure and I'd love to hear from Brazilian and Mexican people regarding how they feel about it all I know is I didn't really enjoy it all that much and I thought saludos Amigos was better even though that movie had its own shortcomings which we'll get to later one more thing I'll say about this though it's one of many older Disney movies that uses the word gay as a synonym for happy obviously this is hilarious and a big [ __ ] you to Modern homophobic Disney but its use in this movie is particularly funny because even though Donald keeps flirting with women the main characters keep singing about how their three gay Caballeros Donald Duck the buy icon we needed please sir I want some more alright you guys want to know why Oliver is my least favorite musical of all time it's because it's an entirely Hollow show that constantly prioritizes plot over character every character in the story exists to move the plot along but you never believe any of their relationships or aspirations are genuine Oliver is not a character he's a plot device for the characters around him to use never actually doing anything to affect the story himself well The Artful Dodger meets Oliver sings a catchy song about how they're friends now and then ceases to be relevant for the remainder of the story the main villain doesn't even show up till Act 2 and never develops any personal beef with Oliver the quote-unquote main protagonist the only sympathetic character in the whole show Nancy gets the most unfair and cruel fate while other morally dubious characters like fagin get away completely scot-free I [ __ ] load this musical with every fiber of my being it's such a detestable storytelling failure on nearly every level oh wait a minute this was supposed to be a segment on Oliver and Company the Disney adaptation of Oliver Twist uh it's better than the musical still not very good though a lot of the same problems reared their ugly heads Oliver never does anything in this movie that directly affects the plot he's still just used by the people around him the movie constantly insists that short relatively uneventful scenes are the basis for deep character relationships which is just absurdly flimsy like Oliver winds up at this place where these dogs hang out and then some evil dogs that belong to Mr Sykes come so he scratches one of them and now the dogs are all like wow kid you're really one of us yay he did it he belongs in the gang now I guess whatever it's nice that they're starting to warm up to him except no somebody cranked that oven up to that Max temperature because starting to warm up is the understatement of the century the very next day they pull a heist and he gets separated from them and they're all like well we gotta save him he's one of the gangs yeah call me crazy but I don't think these guys are really the sentimental type especially not for a cat they met less than 24 hours ago but whatever they go save him from this Rich girl's house and he's like hey I want to go back there so they're all like wow how could you reject us like this I thought we had something special but like no you absolutely did not I barely believe he even has something special with the girl all they spent was one Montage together while she sang A hilariously generic song she reminds me of that girl from The Tom and Jerry movie I'd rather watch The Tom and Jerry movie than this with that said there are some elements that are done better than the Oliver musical Mr Sykes is still boring and isn't nearly as cool as he is in Shark Tale But at least he shows up earlier than halfway through the movie and he has a pretty sick death scene occasionally the dogs are funny most of the songs are pretty lame but that one song why should I worry that [ __ ] slaps for real for real I used to listen to that all the time growing up without actually having seen the full movie which is the best way to experience it but there's still changed elements that don't really amount to anything like why is it set in New York City now because I don't really feel like they use New York City to its fullest potential it just kind of feels like window dressing and you could have told me a story anywhere also there's this Bette Midler dog who was just kind of annoying and then the chish Martin chihuahua starts hitting on her and immediately you can tell that they're gonna get together in the end despite all logic and reason being thrown out the window in order for it to happen what is she seeing him all of a sudden I really don't get it I don't know it's not the worst but it's story and characters kind of blow and in my opinion that's partially because of the story it's adapting I haven't seen every Oliver Twist adaptation out there but there's gotta be a good one right they can't all be terrible right I hope she made lots of spaghetti I just finished Lady and the [ __ ] and I don't remember a single thing that happened in it outside of the spaghetti scene okay hold on let me watch it again one hour later yeah nope still nothing okay I'll watch it for a third time and this time I'll write down my points as I'm watching uh okay got it the entire first 30 minutes of this movie is so unnecessarily drawn out and it takes forever for anything interesting to get going I don't mind when a movie Vibes for a while as long as the characters are enjoy enjoyable but these ones are just really boring Aunt Sarah is a pitiful quote-unquote antagonist her racist cats only appear for one scene the torment lady and then disappear from the movie entirely which is probably a good thing the romance is practically non-existent if you take out the admittedly really good spaghetti scene with a lovely Italian stereotypes then barely anything about lady and tramp's interactions feel romantic there's not even really that strong of a contrast between ladies fancy upbringing and tramp's rugged lifestyle you'd think lady would have trouble adjusting the life outside her house and [ __ ] could help her along or they could argue about who has the more fulfilling life you know interesting things you can do with this premise but they don't do those the plot also shifts in the maximum overdrive in the last 10 minutes when a random rat we've never seen before breaks into the baby's room so [ __ ] has to save the baby but uh oh Aunt Sarah thinks he was attacking the baby so he sent to the dog pound but don't worry lady shows that oh [ __ ] it was a rat which means the other two dogs now go rest two [ __ ] and lady and her owners follow behind and then one of the dogs seems to die but then it turns out he's fine he just broke his leg and now the rich couple adopted [ __ ] and he and lady have a ton of kids and they all come together for Christmas and yeah that was all crammed into the last 10 minutes this movie meanders for so long in the first half and then it tries to make up for that Meandering at the very end with this Breakneck mad cap climax it's not good I will never remember anything about it except for the lovely Italian stereotype scene I'm sorry I really can't stand The Rescuers Down Under it got so much worse on rewatch for me I've always wondered if maybe I was a bit harsh on it in the Disney Renaissance ranking simply because it wasn't a vibrant musical like all the other films on that list but now that I've actually seen all the pre-renaissance Disney films and come to respect a lot of them it's pretty clear that no I absolutely was not being too harsh to this movie it's dull and boring nothing happens for the majority of it and the titular mice have no role in the story until the very end the villain is kind of fun and there's a few sequences a cool animation but the rest of this is just mediocre Kitty garbage it's not even worth talking about any longer since between the Renaissance ranking and this video I've devoted way more attention to this movie than it deserves Walt Disney Animation Studios make a good sequel challenge impossible I turn myself into a bear as I alluded to earlier brother bear isn't nearly as painful after you sit through the true Agony of the shitty ass Bongo the bear story it's also way better than Pocahontas and brave for what that's worth but yeah I still can't help but be saddened by how much Miss potential this film has its first 20 minutes are legitimately really good and it feels like such a profound and mature story on loss and grief and it seems like it's going to be a much more grown-up Disney movie than most but then the [ __ ] animals start talking and now it's a baby movie it's so annoying like it feels like a completely different writing team did the first 20 minutes and then handed the rest of the movie off to literal five-year-olds to finish to be fair it has some good strong dramatic moments that pique their head in during the third act and I actually did find the Moose to be kind of funny but man when the emotional climax of the film is completely inaudible because you felt the need to play a [ __ ] corny Phil Collins song over it that's how you know this needed more time in the writer's room and before you get on me for not liking the Phil Collins songs in this one I actually do love great spirits it's a legit Jam that I still listen to to this day yeah not the worst it did have legit promise and it's a great story on paper but the execution left a lot to be desired also coda's motivation throughout this movie is to get to the salmon run don't you have some place to go yeah the salmon run trust me kid you do not want to go there it is brutal oh my God I have seen some [ __ ] what else strange strange world is Disney's most recent and possibly most mid film to date no seriously I barely have anything to say about this film I'm really glad I decided not to review it last month because I'm really stretching to think of stuff to say in this short ranking blurb let alone an entire video it pretty much meets the Baseline requirements for a passable family film and not much else nothing in it was potentially bad for kids like some of the messages in Raya or Ralph breaks the reputation of Disney Animation Studios but nothing particularly grabbed me to elevate it above stuff like Big Hero 6 or Frozen 2 which I also found mid but at least they had Baymax and a couple good songs respectively the character design here is not great it reminded me a lot of Sony animation character designs and not in a good way I actually kind of liked the part at the beginning before they went on the journey to the Strange World better than the actual Journey itself it was just some Nice Slice of Life stuff that I found decently Charming but then they go to the strange world and the movie is so boring and generic and played out the creatures they encounter are fine and the characters themselves are also fine I didn't dislike any of them but none of them really grabbed to me either the conflicts between the dad and his son are fine the conflicts between the dad and his father are fine everything in this movie is [ __ ] fine what else do you want from me this video could have had a nice even 60 movies in it but no you just had to [ __ ] it up you and your generic adventuring your half-baked Concepts you just had to be another indication of Disney animation's continual collapse into comfortable mediocrity uh I think there was something else I liked in this movie but it's so forgettable it's hard to remember what oh yeah the there's a Twist in the third act that was kind of cool it's the only part of the movie that piqued my interest but it's kind of too little too late you know they really should have built on that concept throughout the entire movie instead of keeping it a secret until the very end the movie feels like it barely has any tangible Stakes until this reveal and it really could have benefited from a villain who wants to exploit and Destroy aspects of this world for their own selfish gain and they need to be stopped I don't know for a movie with a clear environmental metaphor at its heart it really could have used the greedy selfish hateable villain who wants to exploit this world rather than just a normal person who misunderstands what's going on but that won't happen because modern Disney hates villains for some inexplicable reason they have a joke in this movie or they're playing a game without a villain and the grandpa says there's no villain that's just bad storytelling well gee Disney sorry I want my movie based on the concept of Adventure cereals to have stakes and a clear threat villainous presence rather than the conflict just being a lukewarm rehash of the familial Strife that was done infinitely better in Encanto the [ __ ] ego modern Disney movies have to criticize aspects of their previous films that most people liked truly astounds me I don't know I guess I should just be happy there wasn't a Twist villain so whatever lastly the kid in this is gay and they actually talk about his Crush in three or four scenes rather than just one that's nice and probably the first instance of good solid casual representation in a Disney animated movie but it still feels pitiful compared to the representation Owl House has been putting out so whatever it's nice but not particularly noteworthy in the grand scheme of the movie story which is fine casual representation is still welcome but it's hard to see it is too big of a deal when Disney television animation has far exceeded it if this is the reason Disney barely marketed this movie then [ __ ] em boring generic animated movies with a gay character deserve to be seen by kids as much much as boring generic animated movies with all straight characters huh I guess I had a lot more to say about this movie than I thought it's lame and you're not missing much by skipping it but I almost want to recommend checking it out just despite corporate Disney for hating gay people so much plus maybe you'll like the movie more than I will maybe you'll want a plushie of the stupid blue mucus thing who knows I want to go to bed make mine music so this one is the only film in the Disney animated Canon to not be available on Disney Plus for some reason I have no idea why I mean the ones with actual racist content in them are on there but this one doesn't seem to have any plus the other package films are available there so I genuinely don't get it did they just forget they probably for Gore I just I keep having this nagging feeling that I've forgotten something hey if you forgot it it probably wasn't all that important it's a shame too because this is leagues better than fun and fancy free and Melody time I mean it's still not really that good but it's better than those two there's a few segments I legitimately enjoyed here like the one with all the teens dancing to swing music was really energetic and fun probably my favorite part of the whole film the baseball segment was fun too with its cartoony slapstick and whatnot there's a romance story about a fedora that Sims for a blue bonnet hat I am not making that up it is a musical segment about a down bad Fedora I can't even tell if it's like actually good but I certainly derived a lot of enjoyment from it so take that for what it's worth and then there's a story about a whale Who Wants to Be an opera singer that's a very funny concept and it's executed pretty well honestly so yeah plenty of enjoyable shorts but the connective tissue between them is non-existent there's no framing device and a lot of slow boring not particularly well animated segments that balance out all the inspired or fun ones couple that with the Peter and the Wolf and Martens and the koi segments just kind of being okay and you have a very mixed bag of a film some good stuff off that I recommend checking out if you can find them somewhere but it's not really worth it to watch this whole thing the fact that Disney refuses to put this on streaming but they have Mulan 2020 and Artemis Fowl there is embarrassing ah you're right that was my mistake I'm not talking about Big Hero 6 again this is up there as one of the Disney movies I've talked about the most over the years but unlike something like frozen or zootopia where there's actually a lot to say about them there actually is so little to say about Big Hero 6 that it's kind of comical how much I talked about it in the past it's whatever it's generic and lame Baymax good that was his mistake guy bad everyone else boring I don't hate this movie but I also don't like it it is the quintessential example of a perfectly average modern kids movie let's move on with the list and our lives now we're lost in the woods somewhere in New Jersey so I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to re-watch any of the Disney movies between Little Mermaid and the present with me and out of all the Disney music goals released in that time the only ones she didn't want to watch were Frozen and Frozen too I just found that funny anyway Frozen two reviewed it once watched the documentary on it realized they had no plan or time when making it and then talked about it some more for good measure in the Disney 2010s video I can certainly appreciate the film's ambition and a couple of good songs and nice moments but yeah it's kind of a [ __ ] show it's rare to find a Disney movie where it's this obvious how tortured the writing process was the number of characters they introduced and then drop the characters from the original that are given nothing to do this time the insane leaps in Logic the protagonists have to take in order to figure out what they need to do since the script didn't have time for them to naturally come to these conclusions it's frustrating because there is a good outline for a story here it just came out really Half Baked oh well it's not really a phenomenon on nearly the same level as the first film so the good news is I don't have to think about it that much let's just move on your mom is dead do an order of pizza for dinner sorry guys I didn't really like Bambi I definitely understand why a ton of people love this one it's very beautiful in this depiction of nature thanks in large part to the animation and the music and I was definitely really sucked into it during the first 15 minutes but then the novelty kinda wore off for me and I started to notice just how practically non-existent the story was and how entirely uninteresting the characters were apparently everybody cries when Bambi's mom dies but I was completely unmoved by it because I couldn't think of a single character trade Bambi or his mom had plus it's supposed to be this big sad moment but then immediately after we have this aggressively cheerful song about how lovely Springtime is and Bambi's all grown up now and appears to be completely unaffected by the death of his mom like he entirely forgot about it now it's time for him to fall in love with a girl deer that he met once during his childhood wow he's been twitterpated funny Twitter reference there's also a lot of scenes especially in the first half that are just trying aggressively hard to be cutesy but didn't really work for me at all also Thumper is kind of annoying the ending where they have to escape the fire is cool but yeah for the most part this one wasn't for me I probably would have loved it if it was just a short film but alas it wasn't meant to be also obviously it's valid to like or love this film but if you seriously try to stay with a straight face that man is one of the best Disney villains of all time I will break into your house and make you feel unsafe take I mean the bare necessities or something something Chesapeake blah blah blah blah I don't really like the Jungle Book that much but man those songs are swell my face lit up during bare necessities and I want to be like you I was singing along having a great time feeling so good overall and then the rest of the movie was kind of boring don't get me wrong I see why a lot of people love this one it's nice and laid back and the characters are very Charming Baloo and Bagheera both trying to influence Mowgli and budding heads as a fun Dynamic Shere Khan is a simple but effective antagonist even if he's just kind of a beta scar in hindsight the voice acting is good all around the environments look nice but like man there's just no story to this movie Mowgli is told he needs to go to the man Village and then he doesn't and he just walks around talking to a bunch of random animals that's the entire [ __ ] premise and it gets really old I don't know this might be Blasphemous to say but I honestly think the live-action remake as average as that was might be a little bit better than the original here despite his failings it at least had more of a story plus it had some cool visual effects with this one it's just an extremely one note and kinda tedious Trek through this jungle with characters that range from extremely Charming like Baloo and King Louis two incredibly forgettable like these elephants and vultures I just watched the movie and I don't remember anything they said or did the ending is so funny to me because Mowgli is so adamant about never wanting to leave the jungle and live in the man Village but then the moment he sees some random girl he's instantly smitten and abandons the jungle and Baloo completely just to get in her DMS I'm not gonna criticize a movie from 1967 for ending this way I just think it's hilarious that a movie that never even brought up the idea of romance prior to this point still somehow found a way to end with a hetero love interest for Mowgli like Disney sure was committed to these romances back in the old day huh yeah sorry I don't care for this one too much I feel bad because it is pretty inoffensive and harmless I just couldn't get invested in this incredibly minimal story but I have had bare necessity he's stuck in my head for the past week I fully get the hype with this song it's so fun I mean the bare necessities those [ __ ] recipes I'll keep my discussion of Dumbo pretty brief since well the movie's pretty brief it's a very weird mismatch of exceptionally great stuff exceptionally terrible stuff and a couple average elements thrown in as well the Pink Elephant scene as entirely pointless as it is is some awesome [ __ ] it's impressive 2D animation by modern standards and this movie came out in 1941. there's absolutely no reason they needed to go this hard on the scene I mean there's also no reason it had to be in the movie at all but I'm glad it is because it's the best part the mouse in this is also honestly just a better chimney Cricket like he's a lot more supportive and entertaining why can't he be the one keeping track of sora's Adventures SMH the crows are undeniably terrible racist caricatures but with that said they're at least positive characters who help and support Dumbo and they get the best song in the movie so they're bad but I guess not as bad as they could have been the way more racist [ __ ] was those faceless Carnival workers warning don't listen to their song it's Ultra racist cringe uh Dumbo is cute the grown ass elephant ladies all having beef with a literal infant is kind of funny anyway after Dumbo and the mouse get drunk and hallucinate pink elephants they wake up in a tree and the crows informed on the Dumbo Can Fly so then he flies and everyone loves him and he's famous and the conflict is immediately over he just had to notice he could fly yeah there's not a lot of plot structure in this one and there's no third act at all it's just an hour and three minutes of Dumbo getting born getting ridiculed getting drunk and then he learns he can fly at the end it's pretty mid and I'll probably only ever watch The Pink Elephant scene again but yeah not too bad when it's not being the absolute worst father when can I leave to be on my own even though I was only two movies into this Marathon I could already tell that Pinocchio is one of the weirdest things Walt Disney Animation Studios has ever made it has a lot of the same structural issues as Jungle Book it's a very and then this happened sort of movie where all the little Misadventures Pinocchio gets into don't really connect or flow together all that well but I will give Pinocchio this it's a lot more fun than Jungle Book because of how batshit insane the stuff he gets into is he gets held prisoner by this delightfully evil Italian stereotype before he gets free and then never sees him again then he goes to this island where little boys are turned into donkeys and sold into indentured servitude which is an absolutely [ __ ] insane plot point but then he escapes and those donkey boys are never seen again then he goes home but his father Geppetto isn't there only for him to read a letter that tells him that his father was eaten by a [ __ ] whale what where did that come from what's Happening this movie's insane plot structure will be totally fine if it has a strong theme tying it all together but that's kind of my biggest issue with it this is designed to be a morality story where Pinocchio's values are test it so he can potentially become a real boy in the end but the problem is he doesn't really get into these precarious situations because of his faulty morals or values it's more so because he's just naive and doesn't know how the world works so we trust this Shifty Fox man who tricks him into getting into these scenarios it's less so a failure of Pinocchio's character and more so a failure of Jiminy crickets for just being an irresponsible terrible Guardian as well as Geppetto for not just walking him to school and making sure he gets there like if you've never seen the movie you probably assume Pinocchio's nose that grows whenever he lies plays into the movie a lot it's a blatant examination of his honesty and it's what most people typically associate with the character but yeah no he only lies and causes his nose to grow in one scene he's not like a pathological liar who needs to learn over the course of the movie The Lion is wrong he's just a naive kid who is literally born yesterday who gets into bad situations because his Guardians don't even try to tell him the difference between right and wrong so the movie is very flawed as a morality story but it's definitely worth a watch to see all the batshit insane stuff that happens there's something very special about seeing a Disney icon like Pinocchio smoking a cigar as well as hearing the word jackass multiple times in a Disney film there's some weird-ass questionable clocks that japano made like this one of a mom spanking her boy's naked buttock with this red paint on it that looks like blood and then there's this Bodacious figure why why did he make either of these in one scene the cat goes up his ass and also he sleeps with a gun under his pillow which is delightful there's a song they sing that proudly proclaims an actor's life is gay haha [ __ ] you modern Disney you homophobes this is in one of your movies you can't erase this there are references to Alice in Wonderland and Little Mermaid at different points hmm intentional foreshadowing no definitely not these are just funny coincidences what is intentional foreshadowing however is the fact that this movie has the Red Lobster in this movie came out in 1940 and Red Lobster was founded in 1968. Pinocchio predicted Red Lobster this is 100 Canon and cannot be disputed thank you Pinocchio for giving us this amazing completely overpriced not really all that great Seafood Olive Garden gang for life baby have you tried their never-ending pasta bowl it never ends uh Amigos we're all amigos salutos amigos is the shortest Disney animated film and only 42 minutes it's not really an animated film it's more so half documentary short half collection of animated shorts all centered around various South American countries honestly that's a pretty cool concept and I'd love to see a modern interpretation of said Concepts made by people who actually come from the culture that's being adapted this movie would be so awesome without the blatant commodification of South American culture by U.S businessmen and it's more than a little awkward nowadays to learn about these cultures through the myopic framing of a bunch of white dudes here to condense this Rich culture into a profitable animated film for predominantly white audience chances but like that's how most Disney films are made this is the only one that just blatantly shows us that process ultimately while some aspects of it are certainly aged it's a relatively enjoyable watch Donald and Goofy get into some fun wacky Shenanigans there's a short about this little anthropomorphic plane that's better than the entire cars Trilogy and the ending bit has incredibly stunning and creative animation if nothing else you should definitely check out the ending of this quote unquote movie in terms of the whole package considering how short it is it's a pretty decent time that held my interest throughout its entire run time not too bad in spite of how obvious its shortcomings are in hindsight [ __ ] you the Aristocats is like the perfect example of an average Disney film it's a Charming little movie with a cute little story and nice animation and yeah I don't know it was perfectly Pleasant I thought these two dogs were funny and I like the slapstick they got into with Edgar who's also a pretty delightfully Petty villain even if he is a bit simplistic the dude cat had a pretty sexy voice and I liked him bonding with the family and all that stuff the song everybody likes was pretty good except when it was racist the movie was never annoying though maybe some scenes went on a bit too long and it could have been a tad shorter since there's not really a lot of story content but at the end of the day it's cute it's fun I had a decent time watching it there's just not a whole lot to say about it and I probably won't see it again it's not the new rescue helicopter The Rescuers is better than The Rescuers Down Under because the mice actually have a role in the story in this one and the kid isn't a supreme dumbass she's actually pretty smart and adorable and just overall pretty enjoyable yeah this is the best film in The Rescuer Cinematic Universe it's also just kind of okay I think the first 30 minutes or so are very charming and fun I love the idea of this rodent rescue Aid Society and I love how in the first scene Bernard is just straight up dressed like Mario I know this movie came out before Mario even existed but come on Disney clearly looked into the future to see Mario's design and then they just gave it to this mouse boy there's some fun sleuthing and fun chasing but I kind of lost interest when they got to the giant Bayou the villain is just kind of the Walmart ass version of Cruella Deville or Mata MIM and some of the side characters are just boring hell at this point you start to notice that the titular Rescuers are kind of boring too but there's some fun sequences like when the alligators are trying to catch the mice who are inside this organ plus the climax is pretty fun as well it's a perfectly decent little watch that I had a perfectly decent little time with but whoever decided that this movie deserved a theatrical sequel instead of The Great Mouse Detective should get eaten by an alligator okay maybe that's a bit too harsh [Music] actually it wasn't harsh enough Frozen Frozen Frozen I've pretty much exhausted all the topics of discussion I wanted to say with this movie over the course of the many many videos that have covered it in the past but I do think this video that delves into every Disney animated film ever made is a great place to discuss the bizarre Legacy this movie has it's hard to really say if Frozen is overrated or over hated I mean it's kind of both but also kind of neither is it worthy of being the worldwide cultural phenomenon that it is oh absolutely not it's baffling to me that this movie took off as much as it did when every other Disney musical from the same era were just so much better in nearly every way but at the same time while the movie and its characters remain popular with children to this day I feel like Most teens and adults are really dismissive of this movie and like I get why it's annoying seeing it everywhere when it's not actually good enough to justify its Omni presence in our modern culture but at the same time that's not really good enough justification to call it a bad movie because it it isn't there are some aspects of this movie that are exceptional and do live up to the hype in some ways like Let It Go really is that good Anna and Kristoff have great chemistry Olaf is actually pretty funny in this one and then never again kind of like the minions and it's honestly a really well-directed movie with good pacing and a lot of tension during the scenes that are supposed to have tension all the problems lie with the script and they are significant problems I still think the tonal Whiplash at the end of Fixer-Upper is some of the worst in any Disney movie The Rock trolls themselves still suck Hans still sucks Do You Want to Build a Snowman still sucks it's a movie where the good and bad elements are always at war with themselves and yet enough people latched onto those good elements to make this a worldwide hit because yeah those elements weren't just good they were phenomenal but the film as a whole is nonetheless wildly uneven and while I kinda like it I'm absolutely not losing sleep over the amount of people expressing how much they don't like it I can't I can't even really enjoy the good stuff like Let It Go because of how overplayed it was it's similar to how I currently feel about Hamilton sometimes too much popularity can be a detriment and make you sick of something regardless of its quality and Frozen is probably Disney's biggest example of that I think it's a perfectly fine movie with a lot of exceptional elements but I could probably go another 10 years without ever watching it again also just for funsies on this rewatch I paused the movie before Let It Go started and put on the Kingdom Hearts 3 version instead it was hilarious I really want someone to just make a cut of the movie where it's the exact same but the Kingdom Hearts 3 version of this song is inserted in that's the ideal way to watch the movie take them out Winnie the Pooh not to be confused with The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is still pretty charming and sweet after watching the original film I can really appreciate even more just how Timeless and tonally consistent this 2011 reboot is especially considering this came out the same year as [ __ ] like the Smurfs which completely its Charming Source material so it's nice that Disney didn't try and make Winnie the Pooh more hip and modern or some [ __ ] like that it's nice and cute and all that jazz but it's still just so weirdly short and I wish they would have developed it more or added more stories it doesn't really feel like a feature film and as the last 2D animated film from Disney Animation it's not the best way for that style to go out but for what it is it's pretty cute I pretty much said all I had to say about it last time though so let's move on where is the treasure on rewatch I haven't really changed my tune on Treasure Planet as much as you or I was probably hoping the steampunk aesthetic clicked with me a lot more but that's about it overall this is a movie that I just don't Vibe with that much there are a ton of legitimately strong aspects to it like the character growth exhibited by Jim Hawkins and John Silver as well as their relationship it's really beautiful and interesting and I love the concept of taking a Twist villain and revealing him early so that you can see him develop more more of a conscience as the film goes on that's fantastic stuff and I just wish these strong characters were in a better movie the first half on the ship is pretty solid but once they actually get to Treasure Planet every scene that doesn't involve Jim and Silver's relationship just kind of falls apart for me I hate the annoying [ __ ] robot who literally isn't funny ever Doppler and Amelia get practically nothing to do and the romance is hilariously underdeveloped the whole sequence where Jim returns to the ship to get the map is just kind of filler it's just I was really digging the first half too and I really wish this time I could see what everyone else sees in this movie but it's just kind of a resounding math for me to be fair the climax is actually pretty cool and again Jim and Silver's relationship is excellent especially their final scene together I don't mind if other people want to consider this one an underrated Masterpiece I just personally don't feel that way and that's totally okay you guys can all have fun enjoying it together and I'll sit over here in the corner as the only member of the Atlantis fan club okay the list is halfway over now it's time to talk about Squarespace I don't have a sponsored transition this time I'm very tired let's just go do it right now Squarespace is a fantastic intuitive online website builder that allows you to create beautiful websites for your business or personal hobby present your work using squarespace's professional portfolio designs display projects 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passions or promote your business with the rest of the world head to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.comlist to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain that's slippery little frog has ruined everything The Princess and the Frog is so frustrating because it's so close to being good Tiana is honestly one of the best Disney Princesses naveen's a ton of fun and Dr facilier is such a cool villain you know if I had a nickel for every time Keith David voiced the villain in a Disney product about frogs I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that happened twice right anyway every time I watch this movie it's so good for the first 30 minutes or so and I'm so invested and then Tiana's a frog okay I guess this is just a lame talking animal slapstick comedy movie for a while now there are still nice moments like when the two of them dance together during the Evangeline song and I like characters like Lewis and Mama Odie and okay I didn't dislike Rey as much on my most recent viewing but I still don't like him but yeah overall the quality really takes a nosedive once it becomes clear that the entire middle chunk of this movie is just a cringe-ass swamp journey and the third Act is awful but it's just kinda got too many moving Parts all at once to really flow that well couple that with an incredibly mixed bag of songs some of them are great While others I completely forget the existence of every time I'm not watching the movie and you got something that doesn't quite hit the highs of the Disney Renaissance that it so desperately wants to stand alongside it had all the right ingredients it just made something a little too froggy for my tastes not the worst I mean the great characters do save a lot of the film but I'd rather be watching these characters in a movie with a completely different story I really wasn't expecting much from The Fox and the Hound but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it it's just a very sweet little story of two friends torn apart by circumstances out of their control and I was actually really invested in whether or not their friendship would be okay in the future though perhaps not as much as I could have been because the whole portion that showcases their friendship as kids is really rushed it's like they meet each other and then immediately after that a song starts playing in the background that's all like oh yeah they're the best of friends like what they just met what are you talking about ultimately I was still invested in their friendship and the unfortunate turn it took and I was really sad to see them torn apart I was also sad to see that they devoted time to giving the fox a female love interest who only showed up in the last 20 minutes of the movie and only exists to be the female love interest that was not a baller move another thing that I found kind of weird at first was the fact that nobody dies in this movie like this one hunting dog gets hit by a train and he comes out of it with just a broken leg it's kind of bizarre because he doesn't do anything in the narrative after this accident so they totally could have just killed him off to raise some Stakes I was also sure that the villainous Hunter would have died in some sort of accident while chasing the fox at the end or maybe the fox would die or maybe his girlfriend would die I don't know there's a [ __ ] bear attack and everyone survives it somehow rather than dying for his hubris and chasing the fox the hunter survives and decides to let the fox get away when the how and tries to protect him it felt weird at first but ultimately I kind of appreciate the fact that everything worked out and we could just have this nice story where people grow and everyone ends up on good terms at the end yeah you could definitely argue that some of the decisions this movie makes were a bit toothless but I nonetheless thought they all amounted to a pretty nice movie nothing amazing but still pretty good and investing and underrated and from that day forward anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a zoo honestly I keep flip-flopping on how I feel about zootopia I was expecting my opinion of it to go down because I feel like the race metaphor they were going for is just gonna age worse and worse as time goes on and it takes up a lot of the movie considering how almost every conversation any character has ties back to what species they are in some way which often feels forced and unnatural also I still hate the nudist colony scene why is this a thing but on the other hand Nick and Judy have really good chemistry and I enjoy watching them untangle this mystery together there's a ton of funny moments and The Godfather and Breaking Bad references are cute and yeah overall is a solid time I just kind of think this movie bites off more than it can chew by trying to say something really important and ultimately make it an ass out of itself when you think about the questionable allegories it's going for but hey the main characters are still incredibly likable and I love following them around plus it's really nice that they don't get into a romance I don't know I feel like that would only end badly nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy plus there are plenty of powerful moments that legitimately do speak to the evils of prejudice and stereotyping a rather uneven film I suppose but I still like it and think it's pretty fun in spite of its faults not a masterpiece but still solid oh Merry men ah I remember my first exposure to Disney's Robin Hood it was in the year of Our Lord 2022. it was this year when I watched hour of poops YTP Masterpiece Friars rubbing wood fall of Nottingham it's legitimately one of the funniest and most well edited YouTube poops I've ever seen and I kind of assumed that when I got to the actual Robin Hood movie it would be a disappointment in comparison and yeah obviously that's true but I was actually surprised at how good of a movie it really was it's gotten incredibly endearing cast of characters from the heroes to the villains and I surprisingly really liked how laid back and chill it was I assumed Robin Hood would have some sort of epic adventure to go on but it's more about him scamming Prince Jon and trying to get back with his lady friend and it's pretty fun stuff not gonna lie I think it would have been cooler if these characters were used for some sort of heist movie in the vein of mail you got mail wow in the vein of something like say Lupine III and we do get kind of a heist at the end but it's not really anything substantial or elaborate speaking of the ending that [ __ ] is dumb everyone is suffering because of Prince John being a terrible greedy King so Robin Hood's clearly gonna unseed him somehow right no actually the real King comes back from the war off screen in the last three minutes of the movie and then he takes over again don't worry about it everything's fine now Disney whenever one its protagonists to overthrow a monarchy don't be silly anyway I also think the romance and Maid Marion's character in general is kind of weak plus yeah the notorious recycled animation in this movie does really stick out even though I do understand that it was necessary for budgetary restrictions it's weird because it almost Blends in pretty well but your brain notices it more because they got the exact same voice actor as Baloo to voice Little John who already looks exactly like Baloo so since you're already thinking about how this bear is literally just Baloo again you're more prone to notice that he dances in the exact exact same manner as blue in this one scene why they have to use the same actor and why did they give the snake hypnosis eyes in the first scene he doesn't even use them later in the movie it's just an awkwardly placed Jungle Book callback that reeks a recycled animation that they didn't need to recycle so okay yeah there are problems and weird little things but honestly this movie is just really fun overall fun characters good slapstick Immaculate Vibes I really do like it even if the YouTube poop was better I mean it has Jango Fett that automatically makes it better come on give it up for Snow White I was not expecting to enjoy Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs respect it sure I mean how can you not respect the first feature-length animated film ever made but on top of that I actually liked it I can't believe it it's just such a simple Charming film with stunning animation like this [ __ ] came out in 1937 and it still looks this vibrant and Alive almost a century later I'm Blown Away by what they were able to accomplish back then just the way these characters is move the way their little noses pop up on the bed in that iconic shot a lot of this movie's charm relies on the physical comedy with the dwarves working and holy moly it doesn't just work it soars the dwarves are definitely the best part of this not only are they well animated but it's just so fun to watch their interactions and their Mischief unfold I enjoy the delightful unabashed evilness of the queen as well and like yeah Snow White is kind of a boring and very dated protag but she's still a lovely and sweet person not one of the best Disney Princesses but not really a terrible one everyone loves to rag on this film's ending with the prince and yeah it's complete nonsense it could have worked if they established an actual romance between them earlier in the film before Snow White had to flee from the queen but no actually the entire ending is kind of weird because the conflict really only gets started in the last 10 minutes like everything from the evil queen visiting Snow White and poisoning her to the happily ever after with the prince who kissed her while she was in a coma is just crammed into those 10 minutes that's kind of bizarre especially considering how some of the sequences earlier in the movie like Snow White cleaning the dwarves house or the dwarves dancing with her do go on a bit too long like the run time for this film feels like it perfectly suits the amount of story content on paper but they didn't quite even out the amount of time each part of the story should get but in spite of some parts feeling too slow or too rushed or too hilariously dated it's still such a nice film the songs are incredibly Pleasant and evoke early musical theater really well the animation is delightful and somewhat evocative of the fly shark cartoons of that era it's just overall still a good movie and a must watch for animation and Disney fans just to see how this whole Disney Animation thing got rolling though I must say I do have to question the Queen's logic of making a potion that turns people ugly and then using it on herself instead of Snow White just so she has a disguise to feed Snow White a poison apple with why not just force her to drink the ugly potion and skip the poison apple step entirely SMH Works smarter not harder Queen [Music] Sleeping Beauty is the best of the three classic Disney Princess movies because it has Maleficent and Maleficent is cool as [ __ ] now that I've seen this movie I finally get the hype around her yeah she's not complex or layered or anything she's pretty one-dimensional and her motivation is just she didn't get invited to the party oh no but I don't know that's what's so cool about her she's just this Petty bad [ __ ] who's evil and she loves it and she delivers the rawest line in Andy Disney movie you deal with me oh Prince and all the powers of hell like hell yeah [ __ ] him up you're doing great sweetie the entire last 15 minutes of this movie are such an incredible and surprisingly tense spectacle with such potent's Gothic imagery and amazing colors so yeah great villain and also the rest of it's not bad either you can tell Disney learned from the mistakes of Snow White and Cinderella and they're starting to make progress with the central romance like the prince and princess here spend a bit of time together plus the prince has some personality and a couple funny lines he acts a little bit creepy in the woods but it's not too bad ultimately he's a step up from the last two boring ass princes Aurora is kind of boring but honestly she's not really the main character it's more about the three fairies raising her who are pretty charming and occasionally funny as well and so are the kings of the two kingdoms where the prince and princess are from honestly I'm just surprised at how Charming nearly all of the characters were and not only that but the backgrounds and shot compositions in this movie are just so richly cinematic this movie has one of the best visual styles of any classic Disney film and I really wanted to highlight how good it looks especially for its time I also appreciate the logic present in the plot going into this movie I thought the whole Aurora pricking her finger on a spinning wheel thing was gonna be really dumb because that's how it sounds LMAO why don't they just get rid of all the spinning wheels so that's not an option oh oh that's actually what they did in the movie and not only that but they hide her away and change her name some Maleficent can't find her huh it's nice to have a movie with smart characters for a change even if the fairies kind of grab onto the idiot ball towards the end and leaf are unattended like I know she's sad but you should probably stay with her to make sure she doesn't die since Maleficent said she was gonna die on her 16th birthday but okay not only that but the pacing does kind of drag this one down a bit since even though most of the characters are Charming their charm starts to wear thin when you realize there hasn't really been much forward momentum in the plot for the first 40 minutes or so but ultimately it's a very good movie I like liked it and stuff we'll have a little nausea for a few hours that'll be fine The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is cute and charming and sweet and I like it honestly I don't really know what else to say about it it's good and I enjoyed it it's not my favorite Slice of Life chill Vibe movie out there it's just kind of a nice little Anthology film with a bunch of shorts about Winnie the Pooh and Friends pasted together well pasted together sounds a bit harsh but I don't really know how else to describe it lovingly pasted together I don't know I guess that works it's a perfectly Pleasant and enjoyable time and even though I prefer the Disney movies with a little more substance to them I can definitely appreciate what this one goes for some of my favorite scenes include the Heffalumps and woozle song the part where Pooh gets his fat ass stuck in rabbit's house and rabbit tries to decorate it for some reason all the parts with Tigger because tigger's pretty epic and I like the ending where the narrator says Christopher Robin has to go to school to learn about Brazil that's real that actually happens very good movie better than the 2011 one because it actually felt like a complete package and not like they took some of the stories out plus the old voice actors generally sound better so yeah I like it we're going back in time that's right we're going back in time Meet the Robinsons is a flawed but fun little time travel movie that I already dedicated an entire video to praising so if you'd like to hear my thoughts on the film you can check that out since this video is extremely long and I've pretty much said all I want to say on the movie there it may not be as epic as Freebirds but to be fair nothing is except bowler hat guy he is the only true Challenger to freebird's throne don't worry don't lose your head I made a few bad decisions and ended up totaling my Scion tC at 100 miles an hour The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad a movie consisting of two short films that couldn't be more different in terms of tone plot and presentation sandwiching these two together into one film was certainly an odd choice and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy one of these significantly more than the other the Mr Toad story is fine it's whatever I just don't really care about the characters in this one Mr Toad is kind of annoyingly energetic and his friends are just kind of typical wet blankets there to reel him in I kind of like how this took a turn into a courtroom comedy But ultimately I don't think this short really found its footing until the ending the final madcap battle here is filled with such delightful comedic slapstick that it definitely made the ho-hum build up worth it in the end it's a decent little short now the Headless Horseman story that's the real meat and potatoes of this compilation first of all it's narrated by Bing Crosby who also performs the songs and that's epic I love me a good Bing Crosby song that's some good [ __ ] but also I find the animation in this one a lot more expressive and some of my favorite in all of classic Disney the shenanigans that Ichabod Crane and beta Gaston get into trying to woo this lady are really funny and of course the crown jewel of this short is the actual Headless Horseman stuff the song is catchy as hell and it's honestly one of the few older Disney songs that hold up really well compared to their modern music and the actual confrontation with the horsemen is so deliciously dark I love it maybe if you parts of the beginning and the middle are paced a bit too slow but for the most part this short is great it definitely makes up for the rather uneven Mr Toad short and makes this a pretty good package overall I'd say it's worth checking out especially compared to fun and fancy free which deserves to rot in a ditch somewhere oh monkey okay I think I've kind of sort of come around on Tarzan a little bit it's a good movie and I could look past a lot of my problems with it this time to really recognize all the good stuff like the animation in this one is insane the action and Swinging scenes are so well choreographed and well realized that it puts a lot of other Disney films to shame Tarzan and Jane are very likable and while Clayton isn't all that interesting he still serves as an effective and threatening antagonist with a death scene that I still can't believe they went for and got away with holy [ __ ] and I'm gonna be honest I kinda just sort of like the Phil Collins songs a lot more now they're all bangers when you remove them from the context of the film and listen to them on their own and even within the film I think the two worlds one family and Son of Man sequences are great the songs are an excellent fit for those scenes and I love their role in the film as is it's not unprecedented for an omniscient narrator to be singing a Disney song just look at something like circle of life or parts of Can You Feel the Love Tonight those songs work in the context of the musical film that is The Lion King but I think the reason they work is because they stand alongside other musical numbers sung by the actual characters which Tarzan of course does not have kala starts singing You'll Be in my Heart and it seems like it's going to be a beautiful emotional musical number but then after one verse it just cuts to Phil Collins singing why how is that more emotionally effective than the actual [ __ ] character singing the song same goes for strangers like me it would have been so much more effective if Tarzan was the one singing it that's what's so frustrating the songs are great as written and still fit the story perfectly but they just didn't let the characters sing and because of that they feel awkward and samey because you're just hearing the same dude belt them out they were so close to something amazing here but they just blew it there's also the scene where Tarzan gets dressed up in his drip and he says goodbye to kala and you hear an instrumental version of You'll Be in my Heart hell kala tells Tarzan he'll always be in her heart why the [ __ ] was this not a reprise of You'll Be in my Heart it would have been like one of the most emotionally effective scenes in any Disney movie but instead I forgot about it until this rewatch God this movie was so [ __ ] close to being excellent I just can't take it okay okay I have other problems too like Rosie O'Donnell as Turk is still so annoying bro thinks she Timon LMAO and I still really can't stand kerchak suddenly turning around and saying Tarzan was his son the whole time on his deathbed based on everything we've seen in the film he should be angrier and less accepting of Tarzan Than Ever After Clayton literally killed him and almost captured the others kerchak was a horrible quote-unquote father and rather than shoehorned in an emotional reconciliation Tarzan should have come to terms with the fact that the approval of his father isn't worth [ __ ] to anyone who claims the emotional reconciliation between Mirabelle and Alma was rushed and unrealistic I seriously dare you to defend it in this movie it's so bad that it's not even comparable hell the [ __ ] Buck cluck reconciliation was better than this [ __ ] so yeah a good movie I can see the appeal of it but I still think it falls short of the greatness of the rest of the Disney Renaissance it's not Phil Collins fault but it is the fault of whoever decided his disembodied voice would convey the character's emotions better than the voices of the characters themselves 101 doll martians is a pretty good movie out of all the classic Disney films focusing on common household pets like dogs or cats I think this one is pretty handily the best one for a couple of reasons first the art style is Incredible God I would love to live in this gorgeous sketchy World Plus while the opening of this movie is the delightful lighthearted meat cute that's really fun to vibe to the actual plot about the Dalmatians getting kidnapped and having to be rescued is super entertaining as well honestly I would love it if someone made a stealth video game similar to that game stray everyone was talking about a few months ago where you play as one of these Dalmatians and you have to escape the watchful eye of Cruella and yeah honestly I was kind of seeing how long I could go in the segment without talking about Cruella which it turns out is not very long and for good reason she's easily the most entertaining part of the movie and I love her delicious malice if anything though I kind of wish she was in the movie A lot more she's shockingly underused given how entertaining she is and how iconic she came to be if only there was an entire movie dedicated to her or something too bad no such movie exists anyway while the beginning and ending in this movie are both pretty great the middle is a bit eh the focus shifts away from the main characters for a little too long as we instead focus on random other animals we've never met and they're fine but I just think their scenes going a bit too long and take Focus away from the main characters speaking of which while the Dalmatians get to be plot relevant in the final act as they save their children the human protagonists are sidelined really hard and don't get to do anything which is kind of lame lastly there's this shot towards the very end with all the new puppies and they say there must be a hundred of them but [ __ ] that [ __ ] man I actually counted and there's way more than 100 puppies in the shot I mean I don't know exactly how many because I kind of stopped counting when I hit 100 but trust me there's more 101 Dalmatians my ass I'm on to you animators from the 1960s who put too many puppies in this shot don't [ __ ] with me I always win the county Mini-Game in Mario party so I know what I'm talking about when I say that this is some [ __ ] but yeah other than that really good movie watching Mulan with my pudding Mulan is kind of like the Disney equivalent of Finding Nemo for me in the sense that I've always considered it to be good from a very young age until now and my opinion on it has never really changed don't get me wrong I do have a newfound appreciation for this movie after the live-action remake which is so awful and shitty and worthless that it makes this film look like the greatest artistic achievement known to man by comparison it's probably Disney's most effective feminist film to date with all of mulan's accomplishments and victories over the men around her feeling authentic and earned rather than coming across as Disney cynically checking off demographic boxes and shoving down your throat what an epic Flawless girl boss she's supposed to be I love how this movie takes a compelling character who is flawed and clumsy at first and builds her up as the hero who saves all of China after a ton of hard work and determination to get her there I don't know that just seems like a much better message to leave little girls with then just be born already perfect and 100 capable of doing literally anything seriously I cannot stress enough how Mulan 2020 is one of the worst films I've ever seen in my entire life anyway yeah the real Mulan movie is cool but not everything about it well for me as the main character 's Journey does the side characters aren't my favorites the villain's a bit weak and Mushu can be kind of hit or miss with his jokes I still find it weird that the movie just stops having songs halfway through like I get why they want to establish a more serious tone after the village is burned down but it's not like they maintain that more serious tone throughout the entire second half of the movie so they could have easily had another song Somewhere during the third act or at least at the very end where everything's peaceful again the fact that the movie ends so abruptly with some random pop song playing over the credits has always struck me as really odd especially when almost every other Renaissance film ended with a reprise of an earlier song which made way more sense but ultimately this film's still really cool and definitely worth watching not an all-time favorite of mine but still a really good one now that I've seen the original Fantasia I can safely say that Fantasia 2000s isn't really too far off from it quality wise yeah most of the celebrities really blow it in fact it kind of feels like you're watching the Oscars at some points which is a really bad sign and not every short here is a winner but for the most part this really keeps the spirit of the original Fantasia alive and I really wish they would make more of these hell next year is the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney Animation Studios right that would be a perfect time for a new Fantasia but oh well the two we got are really strong with the highlights in this one definitely being Rhapsody In Blue and the ending sequence I talked about all the shorts in the Disney 2000s Rank and if you want to hear more about them all but yeah overall a very nice film I wish it could have been a bit longer like at least 90 minutes rather than just 75 but I guess it's nice that nothing overstays its welcome here really really good and stuff I don't really know where to start with Peter Pan do I discuss the big glaring horribly racist elephant in the room first or do I express the fact that with a huge exception of said horribly racist elephant this is probably one of the most charming and Timeless Disney films to this day like legit this was so close to being the best of the classic Disney films in my opinion but man it's portrayal of Native Americans is just well I don't need to get into it you know how Disney was back then you know it's terrible and it really sucks because that couple with a bit of sexism they added in for good measure are really the only issues I have with this movie everything else is so charming and Whimsical and filled with life evoking such powerful feelings of childlike wonder that suit the nature of the story incredibly well it's fun to follow Peter Pan and see all the wacky Shenanigans he gets into and windy is very likable and enjoyable as well I also honestly love the fact that Tinkerbell is legitimately evil in this movie constantly trying to murder Wendy out of jealousy this is the character that Disney has turned into one of their Premier mascots and she's also a sociopath with a long history of violence that's amazing alright but enough about these jumps you all know which characters make this movie Captain Hook and schmee are so delightful every scene with them is comedic gold from the writing to the voice acting to the animation I really can't get enough of them and I fully get the hype behind Captain Hook as a villain such an extra little [ __ ] oh don't worry I promise not to lay a hands nor hook on Peter Pan and I would never break that promise so instead I just sent him a pipe bomb truly incredible and the crocodile with a ticking alarm clock like dude that's fun as [ __ ] there's epic sword fights and a ton of jokes that still hold up really well of this day and overall there's just very little about this film that's boring it's just boatloads of fun it's just so unfortunate that parts of it have to be so awful and dated but that's just how Disney was back then I suppose it'd be cool if they did a non-problematic remake of this oh God no that's not what I meant I'm in an animated remake oh god what the [ __ ] you know it's me you you're just wearing different clothes I'm gonna be honest Aladdin really loses a lot of its luster after you've seen Twisted 20 times like by comparison the only things the original movie has going for it are the music and animation while Twisted is just straight up way funnier and more emotionally moving and just generally has a lot more to say I also completely subscribed to the idea that Twisted is 100 Canon and the original Aladdin is a sleazy dishonest retelling which makes me hate Aladdin even more for slandering Jafar this badly in his false account of the story's events anyway I'll stop comparing this movie to the clearly Superior version and just look at it as is it's pretty great and I don't really have a whole lot else to add that I didn't already say three years ago well actually I do have something new and this might be insanely sacrilegious or something but oh well here goes I didn't really find the genie that funny this time around oh Squidward now Robin Williams Performance that's Top Notch so energized and enjoyable and an absolute blast to experience but while the performance is fun a lot of the jokes and pop culture references didn't really do it for me I was laughing a lot less at him that I was with other comic relief characters like Timon or Kronk in fact within this movie I think the funniest character is actually Iago not just Gilbert Gottfried's excellent performance but the writing of this Machiavellian little [ __ ] of a parrot just took me out it was so funny aside from that yeah I mean you know what's good about Aladdin likable characters a fun villain an excellent climax amazing songs I have an entire analysis video on why a whole new world is the best song in the entire Disney Canon so you can check that out if you want to uh whenever a boo makes little noises the vaguely sound like human words that's the most adorable thing in the whole world and Ahmed was the best character I'm so glad he was in the movie so much so yeah really great movie but not quite funny enough to justify its super goofy tone especially in comparison to the next chronological muster and Clemens joint which we'll get to later not an all-time favorite for me like it is for other people but I still dig it I can do anything I'm the devil did you forget that I'm the devil like from Bible Fantasia is really really really really really good I didn't quite see it as the Flawless Masterpiece a lot of people were telling me it was and that's because I didn't quite get as into some of the segments towards the middle but the parts of this that hit really [ __ ] hit I could do a ranking of all the segments like I did for Fantasia 2000 in my Disney 2000 video but I honestly can't decide between some of these absolutely magnificent breathtaking pieces of Animation so I'll just go in order real quick and give my thoughts on each segment the opening was a great way to ease the audience into this concept transitioning beautifully from striking silhouettes of the orchestra members to creative visualizations of the musical instruments to the gorgeous abstract imagery we all know and love Fantasia for it's magnificent as is the next segment featuring fish that reminded me of Lola Shark Tale as well as a gorgeous depiction of the changing seasons it truly transfixed me the sorcerer's apprentices The Sorcerer's Apprentice very creative and charming and fun a certified Hood classic and then the dinosaur one this one admittedly started to lose me a bit while it had great visuals I don't think the song they used was quite as gripping and it didn't enhance the story that much plus this one just went on way too long for my tastes still it tells the story of dinosaur better than dinosaur did the Centaur story has a bit of the same problem it's not the most compelling marriage of music and visuals and it also goes on a bit too long but it was still fairly charming and I like the counter designs and colors some of it felt a little too traditional disney-ish and a bit out of place within a film of this magnitude but it wasn't too bad the one with the hippo started off slow but I really came to enjoy it by the time the kremlings showed up it was pretty delightful and made good use of the music and like do I even need to talk about Night on Bald Mountain and Ave Maria such strike imagery such powerful animation such a strong realization of the music's potential truly an amazing ending to an amazing visual concert I also really love the narrator and how refined and elegant he was I don't know there was something about his voice and the way he described the segments that just elevated the entire experience even further [Music] audio duel my name is deems Taylor how do you do my name is deems Taylor foreign overall yeah I love this film but I'll admit that I was only truly mesmerized by the beginning segments and the ending one the two middle segments were just decent in my opinion which sucks because they take up about 50 minutes of the two hour run time if it were cut down I think I'd enjoy this a lot more but I can still safely say that parts of this were an incredible experience this might just be one of the most timeless films I've ever seen based on the quality of the animation and the way everything is presented it is unfathomable to think that this movie came out in 1940. it's genuinely impossible to tell the only part where I ever thought oh this is an ancient ass movie is when the narrator said the dinosaurs likely died out due to a dust bowl like huh this movie predates the theory about the meteor wiping the dinosaurs out oh yeah it's 82 years old I forgore because it's so gorgeous and expressive and Timeless and oh my God you need to watch it and Disney could you make more of these pretty please you don't have to worry about the box office failure or the first two because you have Disney plus now come on do it it'll be really really good hopefully also I went to college in Philadelphia and I've been to the Academy of Music where they recorded the audio for this movie so that's pretty cool is something burning my spinach pus oh yeah it's all coming together The Emperor's New Groove sure is a comedic classic I covered it all in its own dedicated video with the help of 24 frames of Nick and then again in the Disney 2000s ranking so I'll keep this super brief fun ass movie with some of the best comic energy out of Disney's entire catalog though it falls just short of being one of my all-time favorites since it undercuts a lot of potentially good emotional moments and lack of songs is a real shame because they would have fit the tone very well and it feels a bit empty without them but in addition to Great humor the characters are all fantastic and Cusco has the single best character Arc out of every Disney protagonist I'm not kidding he essentially goes from a Villain at the beginning of this movie to someone with genuine care for others by the end it's absurd how good his Arc is and yeezman Cronk you're just so delightful and I love Pacha and his family did you know his wife was voiced by Wendy Malik I just found that out on this re-watch wild anyway this movie is really really great and it's mind-blowing just how great it is when it's insanely troubled history is taken into account it's miraculously good it's super funny it's The Emperor's New Groove boom baby indeed hey there hey there welcome to the hair Tangled is such an easy film to love it's one of the simplest Disney Princess films but I don't think that's a detriment it's a refreshing blast from the past and really the last true romance-centric Disney film we ever got I do really miss them but this was an amazing one to go out with you really buy Rapunzel and Eugene's love for each other especially in both I see the light and the climax plus they're both Great Entertaining characters on their own gotho is a great villain too essentially a more actively evil version of Lady Tremaine with a bit of frollo tossed in there for good measure or bad measure I guess I should say maximus is incredible obviously the pub thugs are a ton of fun it's funny it's emotional it's just all around a great time maybe it takes a bit too long for the adventure to get started I wish some of the songs were more memorable and like horrible as it is to say I think I'd like it better if it was 2D animated the animation hasn't aged all that poorly but it's just not nearly as vibrant as say the princess in the frog that came out the year before and I feel like Disney only really hit their stride with 3D animation with frozen onward its environments and art design are still gorgeous to this day whereas Tangled looks a little washed out in comparison I don't know this is basically the only Disney princess film that isn't really a looker animation wise outside of some beautiful sequences like I See the Light plus I feel like this problem is more prominent because of how used to the art style of Tangled the series I got I think that art style is just inherently nicer looking even though it wasn't even meant for a theatrical movie but none of this really matters all that much Tangled is still great and well worth your time I know it's not a competition but it makes Frozen look like a joke in comparison LMAO seriously why did people not latch onto this one as much when it's so much better I don't get it no you're not a gamer no no no no no you are not a gamer it's honestly really cool how good Wreck-It Ralph is like we did it Gamers our favorite hobby and all these video game characters as we grew up loving are now part of a really strong Disney movie that doesn't rely on these cameos and references as the main appeal since it just so happens to have a clever story awesome world and endearing characters it's nice that Bowser got to appear in one of the best Disney movies and also probably one of the best illumination movies thanks Satan I mean it's not exactly a high bar to clear so I would hope that it's at least a 7 out of 10 but I digress I really love Wreck-It Ralph and it's amazing just how timeless it still proves to be even after 10 years it's like Disney's version of Toy Story developing such a cool Hidden World for video game characters to exist in and putting a lot of thought into how these video game Concepts translate into an excellent story everything flows really well and you get invested in the emotions of these characters not just the spectacle of a bunch of video game characters coming together imagine if this movie relied on Justine popular brands and shoving popular characters down your throat with no Rhyme or Reason and not putting any thought into how the man main characters should act yeah that would really suck right good thing that never happened to the Wreck-It Ralph franchise anyway yeah great protagonists strong emotion the last good Disney villain who appears in the movie for longer than 10 minutes it's a great time that continues to offer tons of replayability to this day I hope they never make a sequel out of all the old ass Disney movies the one that I consider to be the best by far is Alice in Wonderland it brings the original story to life beautifully with unbridled creativity in the animation and it's just a wonderfully fun and chaotic Journey throughout Alice is such a likable protagonist to view this world through the lens of her voice acting is incredibly expressive and complements her animation and writing very nicely but obviously the main appeal of the film is the seemingly never-ending gaggle of wacky Side characters she comes across the Mad Hatter the March hair the Queen of Hearts the Cheshire Cat the [ __ ] Cheshire hat come on bang your character I might be biased because I played him in the stage version of this show during my youth but I mean he's awesome what can I say yeah the film is very episodic and not everything flows together that naturally but like that's kind of the point right it suits the literal dreamlike nature of the film to just have all this chaotic seemingly disconnected stuff happen one after the other this legitimately feels like a wild and crazy dream the kind that you never want to wake up from because you just want to see what nonsensical [ __ ] is gonna happen next I guess some parts go on a bit too long and conversely there are some characters that I wanted to see even more of like the Cheshire Cat but those are my only real complaints overall a banger film that you should definitely check out if you haven't already I mean the walrus and the carpenter segment alone is better than some entire Disney films and that's just a side story in this magnificently Charming wacky iconic off-the-wall film I am an ace detective a celebrity I always heard that the Great Mouse Detective was good but damn this good honestly how come none of y'all never told me I adore just about everything in this film the protagonist basil is so much fun he's incredibly smart and witty but he's also kind of an [ __ ] to this little girl he's helping which is genuinely hilarious the mouse World they showcase here is super creative and well developed the songs are delightful the pacing is great the action is well choreographed the story is pretty intriguing I'm just stalling at this point I need to talk about the greatest thing about this movie already and that's Radigan I cannot stress enough how this [ __ ] is one of the greatest Disney villains of all time voice to Perfection by Vincent Price while also toadian incredibly expressive animation and equally impeccable writing this sleazy gay rat dude is one of the most delightful Creations to ever come out of the studio he's so extra that not only did he set up the most delightfully excessive death trap ever conceived for Basil but he set it up to only activate when a record is done on playing and what song is playing on that record you may ask it's a personalized diss track that he recorded for Basil intended to be the last thing basil hears before his death that's genuinely one of the funniest things any Disney villain has ever done I just can't get enough of this dude I was already sold on him before the ending climax but then that final battle of the clock tower went so unnecessarily hard and it's like damn how is no one talking about this movie it's just tremendously entertaining from beginning to end there was never a dull moment and it just makes perfect use of its tight 74 minute run time musker and Clements really Came Out Swinging in their directorial debut illustrating yet another reason why they're the best storytellers to ever come out of Walt Disney Animation Studios I love this movie it's easily the best pre-renaissance Disney film and you really owe it to yourself to check it out if you haven't already he [ __ ] a fish he wanted to [ __ ] The Little Mermaid is my second favorite Disney movie where the best character in it is a talking crab it's crazy how this is like the most influential film in the entire Disney catalog outside of obviously Snow White like it's a little bit quaint in comparison to how Grand and mature and epic a lot of the other Disney Renaissance films are but it's also important to remember that we wouldn't have those films without the runaway success of The Little Mermaid that could it was such a bold choice at the time to essentially make an animated Broadway musical and yet now that's the exact kind of film that most people associate the name Disney with yeah previous Disney films had songs obviously but nothing quite on the same level as this they never before relied on their songs so heavily in order to tell the story and support the structure of the film and I'm just still in awe of how their first attempt at such a grand musical resulted in something so fully formed and magical right out of the gate when you listen to Part of Your World you can feel the culmination of Decades of musical theater that Alan Macon and Howard Ashman were inspired by and pulled from resulting in a moment more gorgeous and show-stopping than nearly everything that came before it in previous Disney films and it doesn't stop there Poor Unfortunate Souls is such an immensely satisfying villain song Under the Sea is a Bop that did not need to go so hard considering how little it actually affects the story kiss the girl is absolutely Stellar not only musically but visually that one shot where the camera splashes out of the water and slowly steadies itself like oh so good it's just such an impeccable well-realized well-paced well-directed film one that still manages to hold up and remains consistently entertaining throughout its entire run time in the Renaissance ranking video I already offered my defenses of the perceived story and character issues a lot of people have with this film so check that out if you want to hear more about them but we got a lot more films to get to so I won't reiterate them here bottom line is this film's amazing amazing and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it anyway can't wait to see realistic ugly fish singing Under the Sea next year thanks Disney you're the best hi guys [Music] I might just be the biggest defender of this movie out there but that's okay I'll Stand Alone in my belief that Atlantis the Lost Empire is one of Disney's greatest artistic achievements it's just so solid with a compelling mystery Incredible characters a mature tone multiple sequences that feel abstract in avant-garde in their execution while also suiting The Narrative this is just a really really strong pulpy Adventure film brought to life with Gorgeous unique expressive animation I love how diverse The Eccentric Supporting Cast is not just in terms of their ethnicities but their ages and personalities and aspirations they actually take time for character work in this movie and flesh these peeps out and explain how they all got here and it's just so cool it makes the universe of this film feel lived in and authentic plus the villain has realistic motivations for why he's such an [ __ ] yeah boils down to him just doing it for money but like mercenary I prefer the term Adventure capitalist think about it if you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum you'd be left with an empty building damn okay Disney I see you keep in mind that this movie came out in 2001 so corporate Disney wasn't even doing this to get woke points the creative team behind this movie just wanted to play it real with this guy and give him the sort of Nefarious self-serving motivations you'd see in the real world also keep in mind that they're the same creative team behind Beauty and the Beast and Hunchback two movies that also had strikingly realistic villains in comparison to Disney's other work God I miss Gary and Kirk so much it's just not fair anyway yeah Rourke is a banger twist villain basically Radcliffe from Pocahontas but done correctly I also love Milo and kita's interactions in chemistry plus the action is fantastic and the comic book style the animation has is so cool and I can seriously go on about this movie maybe we'll throw this on the list of Disney films and make a full video about by like 2027 or something yeah it's a banger what can I say please watch it if you haven't already I will sit here patiently and wait for you all to be enlightened by its greatness alien hunting alien hunting Lilo and Stitch is kind of miraculously good like you just look at the poster and the early trailers which show all the other Disney characters being annoyed by Stitch and it just screams uh oh this ain't your granddad's Disney film this one's gonna be way naughtier and edgier and cooler and all that radishes nowadays watching these official crossover teaser trailers is kind of cool but as a way to Market a movie I was too young to remember these ads but I feel like even baby me would have thought these were lame and trying too hard the promotional materials didn't make this look great and then you actually watch the movie and it's one of the most heartfelt and Powerful things Disney has ever made what the [ __ ] I can't believe just how emotionally effective this movie is like you'd think the alien stuff would be a huge detriment and detract from the touch story about two sisters trying to cope with the loss of their parents and having no one but each other but no the alien stuff surprisingly fits in really well they subtly show you the parallels between Lilo and Stitch like how they both bite someone who then asks if their bite is infected both Lilo and Stitch are chaotic and out of control and yet they understand each other when Lilo asks Stitch if he also lost family since she hears him cry at night and that she knows that's why he acts out and wrecks things like dude that's such a profound understanding for such a young character to come to and yet it feels authentic everything about Lilo feels so authentic she's probably one of the most well-realized and realistic child characters I've ever seen and her relationships with both Stitch and Nani are filled with such raw emotion and they're so heartwarming yet heartbreaking at the same time throw this one on the pile of movies I want to make a full video on as well there's just so much to say about Lilo and Stitch and what makes it so magnificent it's funny it's beautifully animated it's got great characters it's easily one of Disney's all-time greatest films The Hunchback of Notre Dame remains as flawed as ever on rewatch tonally it's a disaster with so much of the slapstick and Goofy sound effects played up to insanely excessive amounts in what seems to be the filmmaker's way of compensating for how rich an adult other parts of the film are it's a little underwhelming coming back to this film after watching Studios like Ghibli make films that despite the Studio's cutesy reputation explicitly catered to teens and adults while leaving younger children in the dust entirely it's evident that Disney never really had the courage to lean as far into the adult audience as they wanted to with this film because how could they make something that wasn't marketable to young kids nah we gotta add painfully unfunny jokes for the George Costanza gargoyle to say and this horrible cringe tone killing song with some of the worst lyrics ever that that isn't even catchy [ __ ] hell this movie tries my patience so much and yet for all of its flaws and cringe-worthy elements it's incredibly evident watching it that no Disney movie has ever before or will ever again go as hard as this one you really get the sense that the studio artistically peaked with some of the sequences in this film from the stunning bells of Notre Dame which I believe to be the best opening to a Disney film even outdoing Circle of Life to Hellfire which easily remains my pick for the greatest villain song in all of fiction to the moment Quasimodo rescues Esmeralda and declares Sanctuary the Glorious chanting the sweeping camera angles the deep colors the incredible melding of 2D and 3D animation I can't believe this is real how do they make something so profound and mature and striking with this much to say about the kind of evil that legitimately exists in the real world all under the restrictive umbrella of corporate Disney me this is the kind of movie I can never see the studio making again for obvious reasons but I'm so glad it exists the music is Stellar mostly the animation is insane the protagonists are incredibly sympathetic frollo stands as the most evil character in the entire Disney Canon by a landslide putting most other Disney villains to shame it's a movie that just has to be seen to be believed not just in the sense of how did they get away with this but also how is this so phenomenal is it perfect obviously not and I do think the musical adaptation is a technically better and more consistent piece of art but man there's some aspects of this original movie that just can't be topped I can stomach his flaws because even in spite of those it Still Remains one of Disney's greatest artistic achievements but what the [ __ ] is going on with the capitalization on the Disney plus subtitles my girlfriend and I tried watching this movie there and it's insane how bad a job the subtitle Department did there's so many words that shouldn't be capitalized but are and so many names that should be capitalized but aren't none of the other Disney movies we watched on Disney plus had this problem so seriously what the [ __ ] happened here oh well good ass movie so here's this giant enemy crab now it actually took me a few days of self-reflection before I could write this part but now I'm finally ready to say that I don't think Moana is quite my favorite Disney movie anymore watch it in a quick succession to some of the Disney Renaissance movies made me realize that this is a pretty standard one in terms of its story and World which is ordinarily what I like about it in comparison to some of the overly complex 2010s Disney movies that think they're smarter than they are by the standards of 2010's Disney it's a miraculous throwback but when weighed against Disney's entire output I don't think I can quite say this is my absolute favorite some of the jokes just aren't funny some of the attempts to be meta aren't Frozen levels of lame but are still kind of lame Maui coming back for no on-screen reason after the typical cliche third act breakup is kind of dumb even if said Third x breakup wasn't the worst use of this Trope in the world him getting his hook back after giving one of the most pitiful apologies ever is a little silly I don't know I guess that's all my bad stuff I still adore this movie in spite of its problems it's tremendously catchy and memorable songs it's genuinely great action scenes it's gorgeous visuals plus if I'm being honest Moana is not only my favorite Disney princess but my favorite Disney protagonist I know I said Kuzco is the protagonist with the best Arc but Moana is nonetheless my favorite witty entertaining likable with a legitimately amazing journey of self-discovery along the way the fact that she starts out so incapable at sailing before growing into a legitimate wave-finding hero who wins the day through her unwavering compassion man is it so good and Maui's Arc and grow throughout the story are so strong and the chicken is funny and also the crab is pretty epic I don't know if you could tell but I actually really like the crab in this movie I may or may not have made the crab my entire personality and then done a feature length analysis video on him he honestly really gotta respect musker and Clemens for saying oh our movie doesn't have a traditional villain one [ __ ] we're putting a villain song in anyway great stuff I really love Moana and I don't think that's ever gonna change sure it's a bit standard and a bit flawed but any issues I have with it are absolutely decimated by its strengths like you guys don't understand I really [ __ ] love the crab in this movie what the hell is wrong with you we're a family hey guys I know this might sound crazy but I think Encanto might be a good movie you know how I just said I took a ton of self-reflection before I could write the Moana part the same applies to this movie I really had to dig down deep and ask myself if I could admit this given how much I've propped Moana up as modern Disney's greatest achievement to date but I've come to a new conclusion and I really can't believe I'm saying this but Encanto is better you'd think after an entire year with this movie The Hype would wear down and I consider it more flawed than I previously did but no honestly I just love this movie more and more the more times I watch it yes it is indeed flawed I constantly think about tweeting if encanto's so good why is Bruno's rap part so bad before stopping myself from tweeting that since some people might not think it's a joke and that I don't like the movie but seriously though not only is Bruno's rat part bad but like why does nobody apologize to him why the [ __ ] did Dolores not say anything about him still being there and also maybe some of the characters could be better fleshed out like you could explore Isabella more have more negative interactions between Alma and Mirabelle to strengthen the main conflict of the story I don't know parts of it could be better sure but honestly I don't even care I don't care this movie is just so legitimately excellent in so many ways the songs are consistently fantastic except for the opening one I don't really care for that one that much still but the others are so good not just incredibly catchy and effective musically but they Advance the story and characters and they easily have the most creative presentation out of any of the 3D Disney musicals Moana started to get there with your welcome and shiny before Encanto ran wild with the creativity of how it animated and presented its songs absolutely incredible it's also consistently funny with a ton of memorable characters both inside the family and out I swear to God fish lady has more personality than every single character in Pokemon honest and the way the story is more so an excuse for character Revelation for me we're about to discover the cracks in her family and how to fix them to me that's so much more interesting than having her go on some physical Grand Journey it's strikingly different for a Disney film but it makes for such an effective and nuanced conflict Alma isn't some nefarious villain but she is legitimately harmful to her family's well-being and the film acknowledges that her reconciliation with Mirabelle is so powerful and one of my favorite scenes in any Disney film again I have an analysis video on why it works and why the reconciliation in Raya doesn't and all speaking of which I have spoken in the past on wanting to make a ton of analysis videos on this film or perhaps just making one big one in the same vein as my Ratatouille video however I kinda lost motivation for it in the wake of corporate Disney's Blyton homophobia in early 2022 much like Dana Terrace said in a tweet I wasn't really in the mood to make Disney look good plus the way the best animated feature Oscar felt so so rigged and encanto's favor didn't really encourage me to want to Heap further Praise on it but I think I think the idea of giving this movie and its beautiful themes messages and characters the long ass analysis vid they deserve I don't know it still might take me a while because my first huge project the next year should probably be the long-awaited autopsy on the dear Evan Hansen movie I keep putting off so I will talk about Encanto more later plus I've already talked about it in the past if you want to watch those videos bottom line is my third eye is opened and I accept how thoroughly this movie slaps feel free to call it mid konto all you want but my opinion will not change this is genuinely the best Disney film since the Disney Renaissance and I hope we get more like it in the future so clearly this dethrones Moana is my new favorite Disney film right nah actually my number three pick did it the top two movies are the ones I critically consider to be the best Disney films but number three is my all-time personal favorite let's get into it [Music] I will not apologize for how obscenely high I have ranked Hercules I cannot think of any logical justifications for ranking it above many of the movies I ranked it above all I know is out of all 61 Disney movies this is the one I have the most fun watching and the one I'm least likely to get tired of even if I were to watch it every single day yes it has so many plot holes and things that don't add up if you think about them for longer than a minute and I could rattle some of them off here to give the illusion that I'm giving this movie a fair critical Shake but I'm not gonna do that this is my list and I say Hercules is too consistently fun the whole way through for any plot holes to dampen my enjoyment of it the animation style brought To Us by Gerald Scarface is so unique and expressive and it really sticks out compared to other Disney movies the voice cast is uniformly excellent across the board one of the most solid in Disney history Danny DeVito was utilized at his fullest potential Susan Egan is so delightfully snarky and they even got actual Satan to play Hades look Disney all I'm saying is if you ever want to recast James Woods when you bring Hades back for Kingdom Hearts 7 billion over negative zero final ending mix 69.420 all you have to do is cast Bob Odenkirk like seriously it's a match made in heaven or hell I guess aging Dr Phil my turned him in I'm like a god and jump from my fingertips the music oh my God the music Imagine coming out of this movie not thinking the songs are top tier come on Go the Distance Zero to Hero I Won't Say I'm in Love the Danny DeVito song everything in this movie's a Bop and I have no idea how anyone could think otherwise I feel like not enough people give this movie credit for its overall direction and all the little details that are added in as both jokes and compliments to both the story and characters like when Meg gets pricked by a statue of Cupid's arrow when on a date with Hercules or when Hades visits her by melting and splitting apart a statue of two lovers and that Oedipus joke woof that slays me every time plus I think the anachronistic jokes really enhance the screwball comedy at play here it's like musker and Clements took the Genie's modern references and pop culture jokes and said what if we apply that to the entire universe of the film and weirdly enough it works the goofy tone complements the witty voice acting and the slightly off-kilter art design to make for a Disney film unlike any other like yeah it's got a traditional Disney story and songs and all that it's still very Disney but it nonetheless manages to stick out amongst its contemporaries thanks in no small part to how much it commits to its delightful zany tone while executing said tone absolutely perfectly this might be another one to throw on the pile of potential subjects of a full video later in the future because I really could go on about how [ __ ] amazing this film is yes its dramatic elements do ultimately suffer a bit as a result of how much it plays up The Comedy but I still think it never really loses sight of its emotional core which is the most important thing at the end of the day like as dumb as I think Hercules contribution to the final fight against the Titans is I don't really care because I still find myself in awe of him finally proving himself a true hero as well as still getting choked up when I hear that's Phil's boy in the end I'm sorry I adore this film and I'm never gonna stop adoring it it's just god-like I like the lion what the hell are you doing in my car I don't even know where to start man The Lion King is just miraculously good they nailed everything here gorgeous animation that I'd argue is noticeably better and more breathtaking than the rest of the already incredibly animated Disney Renaissance a perfect tone that straddles the line between great comedy and intense drama insanely well some of the most lovable and iconic characters in the entire Disney Pantheon some of the greatest songs that Disney has ever put out the single greatest musical score of the entire studio and maybe my favorite film score of all time I don't think I've ever seen an animated movie as confident in what it is as this one right from the iconic first shot of the sun all the way to the dramatic thud of the title drop you already get the sense from this opening alone that this is one of the great defining pieces of art to come out of the medium of Animation if you're recommending Disney movies to someone who's inexplicably never seen any I almost wouldn't recommend this as their first one because every subsequent Disney movie they watch afterwards is just gonna feel lame by comparison and this was the film that the artists working on didn't have confidence in they thought Pocahontas was gonna be the Timeless revered work of art between these two movies what a sick joke if this is where Disney Animation was headed County out there's so many more things I could talk about like how scar is one of the great film villains not only because he actually accomplishes his plan but because he has a banger villain song and every line delivery and facial expression of his just oozes personality or I could talk about how Rafiki has Echoes of Yoda in the way he brilliantly uses silliness to teach profound life-altering lessons or how Timon has all the makings of a Tumblr sexy man and I'm surprised that hasn't happened already like he would seriously be a perfect fit for that but you either know all that already or were in the case of that last thing you're just now considering it and are furious with how right I am so I should probably wrap this up this movie is magnificent and undeniably the magnum opus of Walt Disney Animation Studios easily their most significant and revered work in the entire Century of their existence however you all know that there's one movie that I think is just a little more perfect yeah I mean it was kind of inevitable in my mind nothing will ever unseat Beauty and the Beast as the absolute peak of the Disney brand it's just everything amazing about Disney films wrapped up in this absolutely perfect package I adore everything about it and I have no real issues with it in fact I'd like to take that a step further and talk about the Stockholm syndrome [ __ ] that everybody claims is in this movie oh it's terrible that she falls in love with her Captor her uh did you guys miss the part where she left the castle in the middle nobody in this movie was taking this whole Bell being a prisoner thing seriously not the Beast not the servants not even her she wasn't locked up no one was guarding her she described staying at the castle as a promise she made rather than an imprisonment sentence and when the Beast saves her life from the wolves and then collapses she could have left him to die and continued escaping but no she willingly chose to go back in order to save his life because he saved hers which is what causes them to grow to care for each other which eventually results in him officially giving her his Blessing to leave what about this are you not getting go pick on something actually problematic like Pocahontas instead of trying to contort this movie's story to fit your poorly thought out BuzzFeed clickbait critiques anyway yeah I adore just about everything in this movie the story is incredibly well paced and beautiful the animation is so crisp and vibrant and gorgeous the characters are lovable and endearing including the greatest bisexual sentient candle ever included in a film plus this movie has Gaston who's all kinds of Epic I love how he starts out as a haha goofy joke villain you enjoy laughing at Until you realize as the movie goes on that wait someone this boneheaded and backwards thinking having influence over an entire town is actually a really scary and menacing concept just a perfect villain for this story thematically and then there's the songs which are genuinely perfect not a single bad track as long as you're not watching the shitty human again version of the movie Belle is the sort of incredible opening number that every musical should Aspire towards establishing the setting the main character and the villain all in one gorgeous five minute song Gaston is an absolutely delightful comedic villain song Be Our Guest is insanely energetic and fun The Mob Song is really chilling and sad especially when you consider the world Howard Ashman was living in when he wrote it and then there's the title song which I don't think any Disney film has topped in terms of sheer View Duty it's not my favorite Disney song but I think it might be the most magical breathtaking moment in any of their films from the vocals to that camera pan to the angels looking down from all high like I said before whenever I watch this scene I sort of forget I'm watching a movie I don't know man I just love Beauty and the Beast with all my heart and that's never gonna change it always felt special to me from a very young age but even if I were to remove Nostalgia from the equation entirely it still holds up as the single greatest achievement of Walt Disney Animation Studios so that's the ranking and overall I had a pretty good time with it yeah the studio doesn't have the most amazing track record on average but their lows aren't the lowest things in the world and their Highs are absolutely magnificent they reminded me why exactly I loved the studio for so much of my life and why I'll continue to love it in spite of everything as much as I despise Disney the corporation and how flagrantly anti-art they proved to be again and again I'll always admire Disney The Animation Studio the place where artists go to tell incredible stories that'll stand the test of time and be remembered for generations to come their movies meant the world to me growing up and will continue to do so even as I grow older especially since despite having their fair share of Misses modern Disney is still capable of putting out hits that'll likely go on to be as Timeless as the masterpieces of their past so yeah in spite of everything in spite of all the sentences of my field towards their corporate overlords that operate under a similar name game and even in spite of all the terrible movies this ranking forced me to trudge through for the billionth time in some cases I will always love Walt Disney Animation Studios their highs really are the stuff dreams are made of and I didn't talk about about pay tribute to what I consider to be their finest film to date so I'm a I'm a blue Nintendo Direct and leave you all off with one last announcement something I've been working on for over a year now with the help of dozens of amazingly talented artists let me just ask you guys one question you didn't think I was gonna stop at shiny reanimated did you we invite you to relax let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents [Music] [Applause] good night tri-state area [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 6,489,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Disney, Hercules, Mulan, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid, Frozen, Tangled, Moana, Encanto, The Princess and the Frog, Dumbo, Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Winnie the Pooh, Tarzan, Wreck-It Ralph, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians, Cinderella, Chicken Little, The Emperor's New Groove, Fantasia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 4sec (8044 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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