Why Shark Tale is a Cinematic Disaster

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Shark Tale is a 2004 North Korean computer animated cautionary tale about the rise of totalitarian dictators produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by mung daal yo what's up diggity dogs I just made a mess in the other room it's also one of the worst animated movies I've ever seen in my life though to be fair I don't watch a lot of those crimes against nature animated movies like ratah toying or what's up perfect China I promise to give you some I don't know maybe my brain is a little too skewed towards good animation I mean Ralph Briggs the Internet was the worst animated movie I saw Eugene and even I think it's Oscar nominations justified given its competition that I didn't bother seeing but let me tell you what's not justified Academy Award for Best Animated Feature nominee Shark Tale this movie with its 35 percent Rotten Tomatoes score a percentage of somehow lower than Cars 2 and the lowest score of any DreamWorks animated film ever this movie commonly regarded by everyone as the worst feature film DreamWorks has ever released this movie in a year when the spongebob squarepants movie and the Polar Express came out this movie was deemed exceptional enough by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences to be in the running for the most prestigious recognition an animated film can possibly receive in a year when it's fellow nominees were Shrek 2 and The Incredibles this movie is on the same level to these people as The Incredibles and Shrek 2 maybe they thought they had to nominate it cuz Martin Scorsese voice is one of the characters yes yes that Martin Scorsese one of the greatest living filmmakers of our time someone who's made some of the most iconic and influential films in history that Martin Scorsese plays a pufferfish named Sykes or as I like to call him Puff Daddy I didn't come up with that the movie did come on now who's your pup daddy how it takes care of you know I don't know why Martin Scorsese is in this movie it's not like he ever voice acted in anything before or after this well you got me by all accounts it doesn't make sense I can't solve this anomaly and no one even seems to be concerned with this bizarre fact so I guess I'll just move on I'm not gonna lie part of what made this review take so long is just how long it took me to sit through this 90-minute movie all the way at the end I had to keep getting up and taking breaks every 15 minutes or so and I had Shrek 2 on in the second tab not only to make comparisons but also because I just needed to cleanse my palate from the awful storytelling an awful animation by remembering what a real animated movie looks like what is the deal there how is Shark Tale infinitely worse than Shrek 2 from a story standpoint and an animation standpoint it's not like the animation and Shrek 2 holds up super great today but then you see how it could have looked and you're just like I don't know an animation company is capable of making two movies with its drastic of a difference in quality as Shrek 2 and Shark Tale in one year but then again Pixar made it inside out in the good dinosaur in one year so I don't know what to believe anymore whatever let's just get this over with so I can go watch something more pleasant like mother or the house that Jack built or over the head Shark Tale has maybe the most confused world I've ever seen in an animated film like I'm pretty sure the emoji movie does a better job at creating a cohesive realistic setting where you understand how everything operates it's usually a really bad sign when you're horribly confused about every single image on screen during the first three minutes of a movie it starts with the DreamWorks logo boy who's some sort of omnipotent God who can sit on the moon directly affecting the story by fishing with his worm thus confirming right off the bat that there are omnipotent gods in the shark tail universe which is a completely innocuous detail that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie but it's here anyway so that's cool then this shark is humming the jaws song and he calls it their themes why has this shark steen Jaws I mean apparently he has is it a billboard for it later in the movie how does that work is it like a documentary or is it a horror movie because like it looks to be the same movie about humans fighting a shark spoilers the shark dies why would a shark be so enthusiastic about this clearly anti shark movie I guess fish would find this movie about humans fighting the shark entertaining in the same way that we humans find a movie about fish fighting sharks entertaining entertainingly bad just look at the incredible grand tie-ins we see in this shot gah do you get it gah because it's like gap buy Guppies that's the joke hey do you want a nice refreshing glass of Coral Cola get it how about old wavy now that's a knee-slapper because waves are commonly found in the ocean and this movie takes place in get it but I think the true crown jewel here is fish king fish king because they're fish I think that's the joke but like it's not like the real world equivalent is called human king like can you imagine that oh hey honey I'm feeling pretty hungry how about we go over to human king and get some human food yes that's pretty weird right well that's the reality that these fish people live in do they serve fish there is cannibalism just the common thing in this world oh wait literally yes because there's a sushi place right in the middle of the city this this monster is cutting his fellow fish into pieces and serving them for the public consumption $4 that's how much your life is worth this guy if you're a salmon $4 I mean let's give him the benefit of the doubt maybe he only uses already dead people in his meat doesn't that sound appetizing who wants to come with me to the human flesh store and buy some delicious human flesh at least mrs. Lovett didn't tell people there was human flesh and her meat pies seriously I don't understand how this guy hasn't been arrested and had his establishment shut down for numerous ethical and health code violations and like the ultimate irony here is that a sushi joke could have worked if it was a shark selling sushi to other sharks later on in the movie they're at a shark rest but like what if it was a sushi restaurant I don't know I'm trying to work with you movie give me a break anyway let's back up to brand integration and look at how it works in Shrek 2 you know a movie that the crew actually thought about before making it they have Burger Prince which doesn't seem amazing but like Shrek doesn't have a lot to work with they're given that it already takes place in a kingdom actually if anything it makes sense because you wouldn't want to upstage the actual king of far far away by naming your brand Burger King that would be like calling the real-world equivalent Burger prime minister or Burger president insert Trump joke here so yeah there actually was some thought put in to ensure that the Shrek 2 version of Burger King didn't sound horribly stupid enforced same with far bucks is far far away brand Starbucks it's not hard old knavery that's just funny I can't help it man lethal arrow 4 it's like yeah that that sounds like a real movie in the Shrek world but with Shark Tale the joke is fish puns that's it it's just fish puns and none of them are good look at these celebrities with their stars of Fame which first of all are the starfish the celebrities as if so why do they have names like jessica shrimpson and muscled crow when they aren't those species they are starfish the other option is that the starfish are literally being paid to sit on top of these stars all day and scream their celebrity's name what kind of job is that is that really what you wanted out of your career Cod Stuart starfish man did you expect this to be your life congratulations you're a failure and then we have a blink and you'll miss it Laurence Fishburne which doesn't even make sense his name already has fish in it how was taking the e out of his name suddenly a fish pun who thought this was even remotely okay to put in your 75 million dollar Academy Award for Best Animated Feature nominee and then there's seal who I had to look up who that was since I've never heard of him this movie is very fresh and relevant you guys but in this movie it's just a seal a disgusting poorly rendered seal it is that the joke okay okay one more thing I've saved the best for last there's a billboard in the middle of this square that reads celebrating tuna History Month tuna History Month I've this movie has a really weird can with race and I don't get it at all enough it do not snap it just oh hey don't sweat it Sykes a lot of whitefish can't do it is Oscar implying that he is a black fish because black fish are like actual fish in real life and he ain't it chief maybe the billboard joke could have worked if it said black fish History Month but also no I will give this movie credit for not being the worst Will Smith movie with questionable racial implications and also as bizarre as this billboard is it does actually give us a good indication of the time frame this movie takes place in so we see this billboard in the first two minutes of the movie meaning the movie starts in tuna History Month why am I saying this when did my life go so wrong let's assume that it's February 1st when this movie opens up Oscar has his day at the car wash the next thing he Gamble's his money away gets tortured by jellyfish and pretends to kill a shark so Oscars big shark lie happens on February second Oscar becomes famous pretty rapidly leading to his face getting plastered everywhere a bunch of brand deals and even a tie-in video game video games take a very long time to make even terrible rush licensed games my point is that all of this stuff couldn't have happened overnight even if the movie is edited to make it seem that way but later on in the movie when Oscar is buying flowers for Angie he swims by the same billboard which still says that it's tuna History Month so all of this happens in the span of a month that makes no sense but you know maybe we can give this movie the benefit of the doubt and assume that an entire year has passed and it's now tuna History Month again in which case that's even worse you expect me to believe that oscar has been the sharkslayer for an entire year and he's only publicly slayed a shark one time would he even be relevant anymore either way this is just such a gaping hole in the movies timeframe that didn't even have to happen just change the Billboard when he swims by it later in the movie or better ideas don't even have the billboard in the first place this movie has gone off the rails and almost everything I've talked about so far is just the first three minutes in the movie like people make clickbait nitpick videos about the first three minutes dear Ellen film but here it's actually true I can't think of a single other movie that loses its minds this quickly and we haven't even met the main character yet who boy are you in for a treat Oscar was a villain protagonist long before I took some creative liberties of my YouTube poops this guy is one of the most unlikable protagonists I've ever seen in an animated movie which would have been great if the movie was about an average dude getting turned into a manipulative sociopathic liar who disregards everyone in his life as he gets consumed by money and success as a matter of fact it is now my headcanon that this film is what directly inspired martin scorsese to make the wolf of Wall Street nine years later the piece is here just fit together way too well but in all fairness Oscar starts out even less likable than Jordan Belfort which is quite a feat to be sure he seems ok at first because he uses the same natural charisma as his voice actor famous youtuber Will Smith but then we find out that he's a shallow [ __ ] who wants to be rich and famous and doesn't value the people in his life that he already has he says that nobody likes a nobody but almost everyone seems to like him he has friends and stuff sure people at work don't really respect him and his boss doesn't respect him but like the friends he has the movie calls him out on this later but it doesn't feel learned because it glosses over his other horrible actions and gives him no consequences whatsoever his friend gives him a pink pearl that belonged to her grandmother in order to help him pay off his debt that's so wholesome so the next day he's got a big ol envelope of money to give to mr. Sykes I know this because he literally says it out loud to nobody with no prompting whatsoever turn it big ol envelope full of money gonna give it to mr. Sykes thanks my dumb baby brain couldn't tell so Oscar overhears these random fish saying that the race is rigged and that lucky day is gonna win Thank You random fish I totally trust you I'm gonna bet the money that my best friend sold her most prized family heirloom for out of the kindness of her heart I guess the movies ok with that cuz oscar has never caught for doing this fortunately Oscars horse loses and he's tied up and tortured by jellyfish like the Menace he is but then the main plot of the movie gets started and this character stops being even remotely identifiable or like on the slightest no wait that implies that he was before never mind Oscar is being chased by a shark and the shark gets hit by a anchor and he dies instead of swimming away like a rational fish being he starts inexplicably making karate noises and punching and kicking with his eyes closed so that these idiot jellyfish can come back and think that he killed this shark from there he makes up this story about having killed the shark which everyone back at the whale wash instantly believes somehow like I have no trouble believing that the jellyfish believe Oscar story but like really think about this for a sec Oscar killed a shark with no witnesses other than these two jellyfish who saw Oscar standing on top of this corpse after the fact nobody really seems to respect Oscar or these jellyfish if he were to come to the whale wash and say hey I killed this shark all that's hot would anyone actually believe him the other tongue-scrubber guy will be like yeah right Oscar pics or it didn't happen everybody would laugh and she would tell him that he's full of [ __ ] Sykes would get mad at him all over again and that drab little crab dude would probably believe him before being honest but that's it no sane person would ever just immediately accept Oscar story without actual proof it just sounds way too fishy but yeah there's no way a UH Blue Streak cleaner wrasse would ever be able to take on a great white shark and win I think I don't know anything marine biology related what do I look like tears ooh though to be fair maybe a blue streak cleaner wrasse is able to take on a great white shark we better ask tears here just to be safe I'm glad you asked I think it's really important to consider the marine biology research that went into a movie that makes puns such as gum and fish king when considering the current meta and how astronomically the odds are stacked against the blue street-cleaner raw spilled I'd say that it's practically impossible for it to win it in a one-on-one fight when you compare the stats it becomes clear as day oh and before you ask yes a giant shiny coconut crab with mythical powers would have a much greater chance at taking on a great white shark in combat I know so yeah Oscar killing this shark despite being the most implausible thing ever with no proof whatsoever is taken seriously by everyone including the news who show up to interview him out of the blue with no prompting he's then immediately given countless brand deals and is strung across the cover of every magazine own the fish which is just that wait a minute Oh Jay shrimpson smoking sea weed what is wrong with this movie but anyway in a real movie with actual pacing Oscars assent wouldn't be this rapid he'd have to prove himself a little more by fighting more sharks he does this later with Lenny but that's 50 minutes into the movie long after he's become famous and already gotten everything he wanted in the span of one montage all for doing absolutely nothing this is like Hercules but if Hercules didn't actually fight the Hydra in front of hundreds of people he just stood on top of its corpse with no witnesses except for two stupid people and everyone still lavished him with the exact same praise as they did in the movie then during zero to hero Hercules isn't actually fighting any monsters he's just soaking up the same adoration of riches for doing absolutely nothing other than lying to everyone to me Oscar me don't take it personally come on I like to everybody you wouldn't know why zero to hero such a satisfying song other than a freakin slaps because Hercules earned it he earned his success and he continues to earn it throughout the course of the song what does this montage supposed to make me feel happy contents I feel manipulated this guy's an [ __ ] I can't believe we're supposed to call him the protagonist this movie should have been him at the Martin Scorsese fish he's the only one I feel sympathy for in the end he's trying to run a business and this schlemiel keep slicing away his money and Betty did it horse races ok so I guess he learns his lesson later on or whatever but it's not like he's a nice person after that he still acts like the same annoying [ __ ] throughout the entire movie but you know what enough about Will Smith fish he's not the only character in the movie and the other characters are way better right I hate Lenny more than I can possibly express in two words he's essentially nothing more than an elaborate gay joke except instead of being in - dude fish he's a vegetarian a shark that doesn't eat meat and his father is ashamed of him for being different but the movie will not let up with the gay symbolism angles it has all the subtlety of a cannon ball to the face Lenny has a scene where he comes out to Oscar about being a vegetarian and this is funny - this dick wad somehow I should feel angry at this character but I'm more so confused much like how Oscar is voiced by famous youtuber Will Smith Lenny is voiced by famous youtuber Chaplinsky Games and the voice he uses is trying so hard to sound shrill and effeminate that it's incredibly irritating here's the thing I'm on a diet and I read an article about these shrimps they're not good for you I also don't buy the instant friendship between these two when this guy is taking credit for the murder of Jeff Lynn skis brother I can understand the business relationship since they can mutually benefit from staging Lenny's death but they act like best buddies immediately because that's what's rekted Anne Tuohy story and Monsters Inc we got to have our marketable duo so the dumb kids buy toys in them and then there's Angie played by some non youtuber I've never heard of called Zell would jure this character seems okay at first and you kind of feel for her because she's constantly getting friend-zoned by Oscar you're like my best friend she's kind of the voice of reason at times and she says the kind of things the audience is thinking I mean would you expect you just take credit for killing a shark and then everything be fine and dandy for the rest of your life uh yeah Wow you're dumb but then she starts acting obnoxiously clingy when Oscar kisses this sexy fish lady as if the two of them are actually dating and he's legit cheating on her with sexy fish like girl you didn't tell him how you feel and he's way too dumb to figure it out for himself but hey speaking of sexy fish lady wow what an amazing character when she's first introduced it becomes clear to the viewer that she is in fact a gold digger this is expressed very subtly through the music choice she only cares about rich and famous people for their money which I guess Oscar is either cool with because he's an [ __ ] or he's too stupid to realize that deep down she's really superficial even though she literally tells him that deep down I'm really superficial okay so then there's the two jellyfish who are some of the most annoying characters ever nothing they'd ever say or do is funny and I regret their inclusion in my life then there's Martin Scorsese as Puff Daddy and I'm not gonna lie he's the one character in the movie that I like on ironically his delivery and comedic timing is on point even if his dialogue usually isn't he's also not entirely hateable or a bad person like literally everyone else I just talked about okay I lied I just remembered I also like this octopus henchman guy he's actually pretty funny and like some of the sharks have good lines here and there like this guy may whoever did this died a thousand deaths may his stinking maggot Cuffy corpse rot in a fiery depths of hell I watched this movie when I was six I also liked this shrimp who has like the saddest friggin back story in the whole universe about how he was born with class bones and paper skin or whatever and the shark dad just doesn't care and tells his son to eat the shrimp alive it's honestly incredible but then the shrimp comes back later and says a pop-culture reference and I instantly lost all sympathy for him boy this movie sure does love pop-culture references doesn't it as if you couldn't tell from the brand integration remember Shrek Shrek made pop-culture references and this is a movie that so desperately wants to be Shrek so much so that half of its title is just an anagram for Shrek yeah you thought you could fool me movie but I see all so there's the humor in this movie work at all this might be a controversial statement but Shark Tale is a pretty mixed bag when it comes to humor I actually left it quite a few moments throughout the movie though I think a lot of that just comes down to the actors deliveries are you kidding me are you kidding me are you out of your I don't know man the way these characters interact and play off of each other is shockingly natural and can lead to some funny moments Gracie wait that's just hold but outside of these interactions the movie doesn't really have jokes it moreso has racial stereotypes and pop-culture references racial stereotypes are not funny okay moving on pop-culture references need a very specific context to actually work they are funny when used properly Shrek uses them properly sharp tail just quotes random movies and expects people to laugh even though kids have no idea why Oscar is saying random sentences that don't have any context or meaning and then there's the most iconic scene in the movie by far which I truly have no words to describe it's simply majestic but this movie's incessant need to reference pop culture every five minutes is truly nothing compared to the animation the animation is so bad that it's honestly kind of incredible probably the easiest the most common complaint leveled against this movie is the character design and like yeah I don't really have much to add there I have no idea why you would try to remake Will Smith's face on an animated fish but to be totally fair it doesn't look as bad as the genie how sad is that honestly Disney in 2019 has a worst-looking animated Will Smith then Shark Tale shark tale but yeah everyone hates in the design of the main characters and for good reason but like have you taken a look at some of these side characters look at the sturgeon what is going on with his lips why did you make this look at this seal again look at the texture how is this real one of my favorite things to do in this movie is just looking at the background characters and their beautiful faces look at this turn on the right has he been smoking seaweed why is he nodding but like this is the emotional climax of the film and he's just bopping around you don't mind me well what about being a somebody I'm nobody without you notice oh yeah going back to the main characters the scene is a really good example of just how bad and creepy the expressions are in this movie you can really tell that so as you can tell the background characters look real bad and the main characters are not only ugly but incapable of a moaning naturally they're definitely not wooden oh no quite the contrary they're way too expressive given how bad the actual design that the faces really are seeing this emotion is like watching puppies drown or Santa Claus getting shot it ruins the magic of animation and it makes me long for the sweet release of death Madagascar is another DreamWorks movie with a lot of weird expressions but the weird expressions work because they are intentionally weird for comedic effect the timing is really good and most importantly the design of the characters isn't complete ass so the weird expressions actually make the movie funnier weird expressions aren't used for comedic effect in Shark Tale that's just how the characters naturally look it sucks also why is this movie so ugly the colors are all washed out and it doesn't do the characters or the environments any favours there is not a single frame of this movie that you can say looks good it's also hideous and so poorly rendered and just so unpleasant I can keep talking about the animation but that means my eyeballs would have to be subjected to this visual diarrhea for extended periods of time so what are we just move on from that it's finally time to talk about finally we come to the end of the movie it starts out with the shark mafia kidnapping Angie so Oscar Chaplinsky and Puff Daddy you have to go save her and you gotta help us so they go this sit-down where Oscar pretends he doesn't know who angie is but oh oh sexy fish says he's bluffing Lola we meet again we meet again you just broke up with her five minutes ago what the [ __ ] so I guess sexy fish is just working with the Mafia now sure why not so then Oscar maniacally laughs cuz he's clinically insane any orders Sebastian to execute order six this leads to a shocking scene with the helicarriers from Captain America the Winter Soldier target every single shark on the planet leading to the genocide of the entire shark population just kidding I wish instead Oscar tells his pet whale shark to eat Angie now Oscar knows that Lenny hates the taste of fish and nearly vomited when he had Oscar his mouth for a few seconds so instead of leaving while he has the chance Oscar proceeds to stroke his massive ego in front of everyone which leads to Lenny vomiting up everything he ever ate I guess he finally realized he was in the movie shark tail so Don lino realizes that his son is alive and he's really pissed which like are we supposed to feel bad that he was manipulated and lied to like everyone else I hate Oscar as much as the next guy but you really expect me to side with a crime lord shark who should be thrown in prison for his crimes against fish kind hey Don lino sir listen it's not his fault this is between you and me you a people so lino chases after Oscar who being the kind compassionate intelligent person that he is leads him straight to the heavily populated carwash why not I guess it's so we can trap him in this carwash machine so sure whatever I guess so everyone is cheering for him in slow-motion with disturbing faces and I guess that's a little too spooky for him so he announces that he's not a real sharkslayer but I mean like technically he captured the head of the shark mafia so you kinda are a real sharkslayer now but yeah the truth comes out in this movie attempts to have an emotional reconciliation between shark daddy and his son and between Oscar and Angie again I can't stress enough how adorable this is when you try and compare a district to a movie that earned both of its emotional reconciliations from King Harold giving Shrek his blessing to fiona reaffirming her love for the ogre she married here it's not earned because these characters are not likable or relatable but it's believable because they are idiots angie takes Oscar back because she's an idiot and he's an idiot they deserve each other the sharp reconciliation is fine though but what comes after it's quite possibly the dumbest thing that happens in the entire movie and that is saying so much Oscar asks of the reef is safe and if they're cool and Don Leno says good we're cool um how exactly are they cool yeah yeah it's nice that the dude who profiteer it off the death of your one son just helped you reconcile with your other son but what does this have to do with the natural ecosystem and order of things is the Mafia just shut down now what are the Sharks supposed to eat that they're all cool with not eating fish anymore every single one of them no one thinks that you've gone soft and is gonna try and usurp the Mafia that's what happens in guardians too which is a movie with thought and effort put into the script but ya know every single shark is just cool with this and perfectly adjust the coexisting in fish society they even high-five Oscars they go by I'm sorry that's the fakest [ __ ] I've ever seen Shrek the third had a more believable resolution Shrek the third I think what's even worse however is the fact that no one is mad at Oscar whatsoever for lying to them for however long it's been a month a year who even knows anymore everyone just cheers for him when he kisses Angie no one is mad that he manipulated every single fish in this entire city he should never be allowed to eat lunch in this town again he should go to jail for violating all the contracts and brand deals he signed Donnelly no should go to jail all the Sharks should go to jail for screenwriters should go to jail someone put me out of my misery I can't take this any dancing this is like a thing they wanted to do in 2004 have a big dance scene at the end and then do a montage of previous scenes in the movie with the actors names Shrek - did it let's just do it again and this movie killed it this movie killed this trend of the big dance party because it was so bad here this is actually the worst scene in the movie two movies in and this thing died because this movie was so terrible because it did this oh but don't worry it's back again at about time - I love when animated movies do this don't you oh oh it's over cool so you may be wondering which movie is worse Shark Tale or struck the third well I thought about it and in terms of which movie I'd rather sit through again compared to the movie I never even want to think about ever again I prefer Shark Tale hands down there's a lot more that's wrong with this movie and I mean a lot more but Shark Tale is ultimately a much more interesting experience it fails in spectacular ways and as a result it's a joy to sit through pick apart and ultimately think about there's a reason this movie has been an Entegra cornerstone of my channel for the better part of two years now long before I started reviewing movies Shark Tale is just fun to talk about and riff on and point out the incompetent season Shrek the third meanwhile is bland and tepid it offers nothing of substance or worth outside of a two minute scene and it actively tramples on a franchise I hold very dear to my heart for my money Shrek the third is the most hate about DreamWorks film Shark Tale is probably the worst but I honestly can't bring myself to hate this movie even after everything I've talked about here today it's just such a delight of a bad movie as a kid I thought it was terrible but I liked it anyway because it was just funny to me it was funny that it tried to be like Shrek and failed it was funny that it tried to be like Finding Nemo and failed and parts of it were just kind of legitimately funny and still are to this day I would way sooner revisit this movie over any of the trash that illumination pumps out on a regular basis what's there to enjoy here nothing okay then what's there to make fun of here oh also nothing it's just a safe corporate product with no personality whatsoever Shark Tale is oozing with personality ugly conceded horribly dated personality but that's something I remember my friends and I tried to watch the nutjob once we thought it would be funny to make fun of such an infamous and hated animated film and we shut it off 45 minutes in it was just too bland too safe to basic and competent from a storytelling perspective to offer any ironic entertainment Shark Tale is anything but competent it's an absolute disaster of a film and I loved it it made me feel angry bewildered and ultimately in barest for the filmmakers and wouldn't you rather have that over an animated movie that makes you feel nothing at all so yeah that's my thoughts on Shark Tale hopefully the sharkslayer for my YouTube hoops doesn't get mad at me I mean I like the movie right yeah hopefully he hasn't kill me for saying bad stuff about it right I'm doing myself [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 10,811,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Shark Tale, DreamWorks, Shrek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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