I Fixed the Blue Sky Ranking

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blue sky is a studio that exists or you know it did I've gotten a lot of requests to take a look at this studio in particular and since they only made 13 films I figured it would be easy to make a video on them out of respect respect for the dead yeah I'm gonna be up front if you're a die-hard fan of this studio and its output I don't think this is the video for you because I have practically no reverence for Blue Sky Studios and I do not miss them now that they've been shut down by Disney as part of the fox merger it's not like I hate blue sky or anything I just don't have any strong opinions about them or anything they've made be it positive or negative except big weld the movie at the bottom of this list isn't something I vitriolically hate nor is the movie at the top of the list something I genuinely love as such I am completely indifferent to the loss of this studio the only thing I remotely feel bad about besides the loss of big weld is the fact that a group of undeniably talented animators are now out of a job I sincerely hope they can find more work and Disney can go [ __ ] themselves for firing them and don't get me wrong being indifferent to Blue Skies closure doesn't mean I actively wanted them to go out of business I mean they were harmless releasing fine but forgettable movies without much of a positive impact on pop culture besides making big welds but it wasn't an aggressively negative impact like that of Illumination they just kind of did their own thing in the corner and I just kind of ignored them for most of my adult life it's not like I had to get force-fed the mini sloths from Ice Age 2. in the same way the minions poisoned so much of what I hold dear so whatever let's talk about blue sky and their aggressively mediocre lineup that I have no strong opinions on I did this for you big weld my sweet sweet prince disappointment in The Game of Life Ice Age five do you hear me five they made five of these DreamWorks didn't even make five of any of their franchises not even Shrek how does a studio only make 13 movies and five of them are Ice Age what a sick joke you'd be hard-pressed to find any animated franchise that's nearly as creatively bankrupt as this one Despicable Me may be approaching five movies and most of them may be terrible but at least two of those are just filling in backstory and not desperately trying to prolong a story that has absolutely no business continuing whatsoever the most offensively bad thing about Ice Age 5 is not any of its content but just simply the facts that it exists at all because like there's nothing to talk about here it doesn't make me angry like your earwigs or your car's twos it's just so boring all of these movies are about the characters taking a journey somewhere making their way through dangerous set pieces and eventually getting where they need to go and saving the day yay in this one Scrat finds a [ __ ] UFO which was technically set up as a background gag in the first Ice Age movie which means they clearly planned this whole series out ahead of time oh my God great work Blue Sky thanks for tying the entire Ice Age Saga together by doing this Buck returns which is kind of nice because he's pretty epic but he also kind of drives the entire plot leading the group and coming up with a plan there's also these good dinosaur ass villains who are chasing him and trying to prevent him from preventing the apocalypse because they're stupid so the villains only have beef with him and he's basically in charge of everything so what does that mean the other characters get to do oh nothing thanks for asking Diego and his girlfriend whose name I don't know are upset the kids are scared of them there is one scene at the beginning to establish this and then it's never brought up again until the end of the movie where the kids are suddenly not scared of them because they help save the world wow what a great and well-developed plot line honestly I completely forgot the lady tiger was even in this movie until I saw her again at the end and was like oh yeah she exists cool Sid does nothing until they get to this magic place with a bunch of animals who are old but use Magic power crystals to be young and the lady sloth likes him but then he accidentally ruins the crystals and turns them all old and the voice actors don't even try to sound old they just have the exact same voices cool good job Manny is obnoxious and out of character because he doesn't like his daughter's fiance which is fun because that means we got even more cliches my favorite it truly is amazing how they do every cliche imaginable with the daughter character in these movies like I think she deserves a medal for most cliche character of all time even the scratch it is just tired and boring at this point Ice Age can go [ __ ] off they took a relatively grounded and laid-back first film and turned it into this obnoxious farce of a franchise I am so burnt out from watching these movies that I never want to see any of them again fortunately this is a franchise that has had practically zero cultural impact despite having five movies that raked in billions of dollars at the box office nobody talks about Ice Age except when they say how much they want to kill the baby for some reason no one gives a [ __ ] about these movies and I couldn't be happier about that just put these animals out of their misery already they deserve to go extinct thank you bye also don't even come at me in the comments saying I missed the buck wild movie that wasn't Blue Sky they're dead now that was some other shitty Studio I don't have to watch it [ __ ] you this is the most obnoxious thing I've ever experienced in my life one day without any prompting William randomly showed up to my house gave me the Blu-ray for epic then left I had never seen epic nor did I want to so I had practically no use for this thing though we did put it in the background of the tamatoa video as a joke well the good news is thanks to this ranking I finally have a use for this thing let's pop it in and give it a watch two hours later what the hell was that you know I've heard a ton of people say that epic gives them Studio Ghibli Vibes and you know what after watching it they're totally right this was just like Tales From Earthsea I cannot express enough how thoroughly generic and forgettable this movie was there's just so little to talk about with it the main character has no character traits and she's kind of a huge dumbass and all the other characters are really boring there's a slug and a snail who serve as cringe-worthy terrible comic relief they were never funny I don't even remember their names I don't remember anyone's names the stakes feel extremely low mainly because of how vague and poorly elaborated on the World building is they also need to protect this pod except at one point they leave it with the incompetent comic relief Slug and snail without any supervision whatsoever in the middle of this crowded party where it could easily be stolen and then it is what could be more important to this one serious dude than personally guarding the Pod that was The Last Remnant of his dead lover Beyonce what was is he thinking who gives a [ __ ] why is this movie even called epic when nothing epic happens in it I guess it's nice that blue sky tried something wildly different from their usual output like this is a lot more serious and has some pretty unique character designs and a new art style that's actually not too bad but none of these things can save the fact that this is the most generic trite they could have possibly put out once again not infuriating but an experience I got nothing out of whatsoever [ __ ] you William I'm Gonna Leave a Blu-ray copy of the good dinosaur in your mailbox when I get a chance it seems to do it all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV Ice Age 4. this is the first one of these movies that absolutely should not have been made you could argue the second and third ones shouldn't have been made as well but at least they come together with the first one to form a perfectly mediocre trilogy there is no reason to continue past the end of the third one and it shows [Music] wacky and completely necessary new adventure Scrat becomes God himself and begins terraforming the entire planet Also Manny is Jesus I think I I'm pretty sure that's what this line implies when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys when I'm dead plus three days just to make sure I'm dead his daughter is a teenager now which is cool because that means they can do literally every single teenage cliche ever in one movie they dead ass have an exchange that's just 10 different cliche lines one after the other how nice there's an inexplicable Josh Gad mole that comes out of nowhere and is considered importance by the end for some reason he does not return for the fifth movie so what does that tell you there's a bunch of pirates and I guess the Peter Dinklage monkey is like the first passable villain in the franchise like he's mildly entertaining and has a surprisingly decent villain song and kind of a cool fight towards the ends I don't know I was kind of dozing off at that point so I like when scragg gets seduced by the nuts because that was funny I like how they introduce a female tiger for Diego to be in love with because they ran out of things to do with him so they just figured oh we gotta throw him in a passionless chemistry list boring ass hetero romance why not do it hetero Sid's Grandma shows up because I guess they just wanted Wanda Sykes in the movie so they just invented a character for her to play Drake and Nicki Minaj are in this movie yeah seriously I didn't bother looking up who they played and I couldn't really tell because who gives a [ __ ] how come Nick Frost is in this one when Simon Pegg isn't I I feel like that's illegal I also feel like Manny was way too much of a jovial dumbass in this one he's so far away from his original personality at this point that it would be funny if I had any sort of investment in him as a character but I don't anymore this movie is genuinely intolerable and extremely boring at the same time I'm not even sure what else I can possibly talk about at this point it's just such a nothing installment in an increasingly nothing franchise made by a somewhat nothing Studio there aren't even nearly as many penis jokes in this one as there are in the third one so what's the point oh wait I'm getting ahead of myself sorry Holton hears domestic violence in the next apartment and doesn't call 9-1-1 you know it's weird I don't remember Horton Hears a Who being this bad everyone always calls this the best Dr Seuss film adaptation and the sad thing is that's probably true it's also like a 4 out of 10 movie dude this was kind of painful like Jim Carrey and Steve Carell both were shockingly unfunny and whatever in this they straight up invented a pointless new character for Seth Rogen to play that could have been removed from the film entirely with nothing changing this vulture villain is tasked with stealing Horton's Clover and he says he's gonna eat it but then he doesn't eat it when he has it he just dropped it in the big Cloverfield why did he not just eat it like he said he would why is there so much boring slapstick filler in both the jungle and Whoville why set up this Council in Whoville who doesn't believe the mayor that Horton exists if you don't have a scene where they realize they're wrong why is the mayor's son emo in this and why is he voiced by Jesse McCartney he has like five lines in the whole movie what was the point he doesn't even sing on the Dr Seuss Wiki I found out that for some reason it says that JoJo's singing line was delivered by Fletcher Sheridan who also played Psy the O'Hare delivery guy guy in The Lorax which is a good metaphor for how much I wish this movie was more like The Lorax just unabashedly terrible in every way instead of just being boring plus The Lorax at least had Danny DeVito and funny Tumblr sexy man and actual decent songs why did they break out into a random pop song at the end of this movie why are there so many pop culture references why is there a cringe-worthy anime sequence in the middle of this movie actually I shouldn't complain that was my favorite part of the whole thing that's what I wanted more of in this movie cringe it was the only way to salvage it because clearly Dr Seuss movies are not meant to be stretched in the 90 minute films they always gotta have terrible [ __ ] filler and pointless celebrities and ultimately be extremely boring and tedious then again maybe I should be grateful this movie isn't too cringy because if this movie was released nowadays they absolutely would have named the sour kangaroo Karen and I don't think I could inject that much pure unadulterated cringe into my veins sorry there's only one piece of value I derived from this movie and that is our Lord and save your yamo Wickersham praise be to him yeah I don't know why but a few months ago my friend group started obsessing over yamo Wickersham as a meme I I don't get it but like who am I to question memes so yes thank you yamo Wickersham for blessing us by sticking a bajillion bananas in your mouth hole thank you for having approximately the same amount of lines as Jesse McCartney yet graciously foregoing top billion in this movie because you did this for the art not the recognition thank you Dan fogler for bringing the Simeon Saint to life I would walk the length of the world to get yummo back in my life please Disney let Blue Sky come back to deliver us one final swan song The Yama Wickersham origin story we need to know the full history of this glorious magnificent creature okay guys I hope that was good now time to forget about yamo and go back to making Gargamel memes instead and his name is foreign so I heard Ferdinand was one of the better Blue Sky movies which I think was a reasonable assumption since the poster looked pretty and potentially emotional plus not that this really means much but it somehow garnered an Oscar nomination for best animated feature one of only two blue sky movies to do so alongside Ice Age one it also garnered this nomination the same year the boss baby did so yeah no this practically means nothing Ferdinand is ass it's such a generic boring children's movie filled with a ton of cliches and it never once emotionally moved me nor did it ever make me laugh Ferdinand is a clumsy big guy who screws things up cause he's clumsy and he accidentally destroys an entire town so now he's sent back to the bull ranch place that he grew up on and escaped from and then he just kind of Vibes there for an hour with these other generic annoying Bulls it takes him forever to try and escape and get home which clearly should have been the focus of the movie but nah first we gotta have an epic out of nowhere dance off with these German horses and guess what they dab hey yo best movie ever Oscar nomination Ahoy baby people were paid to animate this real live people they brought this image into this world and there's nothing as a society that we can do about it look at what you've done now the animators are gonna have to draw all this fire yeah I thought this movie really stunk for most of its run time but honestly there's this chasing in the third act that was kind of fun and kind of got me invested plus I liked the scene where he actually does bull fight it was pretty well done all things considered the china shop scene was cute too and I also think John Cena was pretty good as the titular Ferdinand Von Iger I am of the opinion that he's a surprisingly good actor actually and his vocal performance fit the character well everyone else was forgettable I'm never gonna think about this movie again but it's comforting to know that the poor poor animators who brought this Abomination into the world received ample compensation for the dark dark Deeds they were required to perform what killed the dinosaurs that is Ice Age 3 dawn of who gives a [ __ ] there are a lot of penis references in this one well like a lot it's the only joke the writers want to tell for some reason and it gets extremely tiring surprise surprise there's no better example of sheer Agony than watching the beginning of this movie and realizing holy [ __ ] I'm currently not even halfway done with this franchise I can't believe we as a species let Ice Age happen this one in particular has really bad pacing like it takes 30 minutes to get down to the dinosaur world because first Sid's got a meander around with his dinosaur kids and act like a supreme dumbass when the dinosaur mom comes to get her kids back Sid refuses to hand them over I for one love it when a main character is completely stupid and in the wrong like like not even partially correct just 100 wrong and absolutely deserving of getting kidnapped by this dinosaur at one point Diego sees the dinosaur carry off Sid and his reaction is so hilariously nonchalant like yeah it's no big deal he sees dinosaurs all the time apparently oh yeah Diego's sad in this movie because he wants to leave the herd because Manny and Ellie are having a baby and he doesn't feel like he should be around anymore because he's a lone wolf tiger guy but wow he learns to appreciate the group and stay with them more it's so tedious I hate it oh my God I don't give a [ __ ] I forgot they were even having a baby throughout the middle chunk of this movie honestly it's such a non-factor in the plot which is at least something Shrek the Third attempted to explore very very badly but at least there was an attempt okay this movie's not nearly as bad as Shrek the Third though I like the Simon Pegg weasel they introduced in this movie his writing isn't that great but I think the voice acting really sells it and it makes me kind of enjoy this character the climax is kind of cool and well executed at least the first one yeah this movie has two climaxes for some reason and I don't know why they could have just combined the two but whatever Scrat fights lady Scrat and I don't know it's kind of funny to see him eventually fall in love with her only to have an affair with his precious nut yeah I think that's all I liked this movie is boring it makes dinosaurs boring somehow and they should have just ended Ice Age here but of course they didn't because we were all put on this Earth to suffer nothing will stop me not even Rio won set in The Marvelous city land of sun and Heat this one's for all you Brazilian viewers out there which my channel has a ton of for whatever reason love you guys this movie makes your country look really cool and vibrant and alive and basically the exact opposite of what you guys say it's really like whenever you talk to us on the streams on Chris's Channel yeah this movie is kind of one big Love Letter to Brazil and I think that's neat there's a clear passion behind the animation and the direction here and that kind of makes up for the lack of interesting story or characters but not fully I don't know this definitely isn't the worst animated movie out there but it is really standard for the most part I think Jesse Eisenberg was a really weird choice to play this McCall like his voice acting isn't funny or charming it's just kind of Blair I don't know he's never really been able to sell me on any of his performances post social network and it's no different here plus he absolutely has no chemistry with Anne Hathaway bird which is due in equal parts to the voice acting and the writing spoiler for later in the list I guess but I saw no reason why Manny and Ellie should have hooked up in Ice Age 2 outside of the need to preserve their species and the problem is kind of exacerbated here because they mentioned the whole need to preserve their species thing even less and they make even less sense as a romantic pairing I have no idea what Mark Zuckerberg did to get Anne Hathaway to fall for him she just kind of does at some point because this is an animated movie we gotta have a hetero love gotta check off every box in the checklist thank you very much hell we actually have two hetero loves because I forgot about these humans falling in love which I guess makes more sense because they're both extreme bird lovers but that's not actually why they fall in love they fall in love because they see each other in sexy bird outfits during the last 20 minutes of the movie that's cool very well written very well developed romance thank you for that and okay let's get this one out of the way everyone always tells me oh you gotta talk about the main villain in Rio he's voiced by Jermaine Clement the Tomato Tomba guy imma be real with you Chief I don't think he's doing that good job in this movie he's serviceable most of the time but he honestly sounds kinda bored during some line deliveries like you can feel the comedic passion when he's voicing tamatoa but in this movie he doesn't really stand out and it just kind of feels like he's going through the motions and his villain song sucks hard like I'm sorry I cringed so much listening to this the singing is fine but the melody is unspecial and the lyrics are [Music] also just in general I don't remember a single other thing this villain did outside of singing the song and I just watched the movie hell I don't remember anything about the movie it was fine but forgettable which I guess I'll take over some of the other [ __ ] blue sky is spewed out if I have to talk about ice age for any longer I'm going to have a meltdown this one is fine but even as early as the second installment you can tell this franchise was running out of steam in the original Manny and Diego had somewhat complex and well-developed character arcs but in this one their stories boil down to will Diego get over his fear of water and will Manny [ __ ] this new lady Mammoth you just met who thinks she's a possum yeah she was raised by possums so she genuinely believes that she is a possum for way longer than any rational Mammoth should I think a more natural direction for the plot to have gone would be if these two annoying possum brothers were actually twist villains who brainwashed Ellie into believing she was their possum sister in order to take advantage of her protecting them I'm just joking or am I I don't know but all I know is this aspect of the plot is stupid it doesn't take up the whole movie thankfully but of course we also Gotta Have misunderstandings and arguing between them and Manny accidentally implies that he doesn't want to [ __ ] her for pleasure he's just doing it for the good of the species to avoid Extinction yeah throughout the whole movie everyone keeps talking about how mammoths are practically extinct and Manny and Ellie might be the last ones but then out of nowhere at the very end a herd of Mammoth show up which means Manny and Ellie no longer have any moral obligation to [ __ ] each other but Manny still wants to be with her which is weird I didn't really feel like they had Much Chemistry over the course of the movie and I feel like they'd be better off as friends but this is a 2000s animated movie so we gotta have romance uh SMH whatever I just like how after Manny confesses his love to Ellie all the other mammoths essentially clap for them by tooting their horns that's a terrible cliche I never get tired of at one point Sid gets kidnapped by a tribe of mini sloths and at the age of eight I distinctly remember feeling marketed to by this scene like this was definitely a prototype minion situation it has no bearing on the plot and could be removed without anything changing and was clearly just here to push these mini sloths as a potential mascot but I don't know the scene went in an unexpected direction that I thought was kind of funny so whatever the vultures sing Food Glorious Food from Oliver for some reason I don't know I didn't hate that surprisingly even though I hate Oliver with a burning passion Scrat is pretty good in this one actually the slapstick is solid and he impacts the plot in a few ways but not in stupid over-the-top [ __ ] ways like in the later movies but yeah overall I'm not really feeling this one it just kind of feels like a watered down version of the first movie get it except the animation and the scale of the story in Climax the movie genuinely looks really good for 2006 and the apocalyptic threat is definitely felt but the new characters are kind of lame and annoying the old characters don't have nearly as much emotional weight to their story lines the jokes are less good the writing in general is less good oh well at least it's not Ice Age 3 dawn of the Dinosaurs or Ice Age 4 continental Drift or ice age five [Music] yeah robots whoa big well hell yeah get up off of that thing and maybe you'll feel better robots is such a strange [ __ ] movie to talk about because it feels like it should simultaneously be better and worse than it actually is I'm not even really sure what I think about it because it has so many unbelievably amazing elements mixed in with typical generic kids movie stuff like this movie has this tremendously profound commentary on how the rich will do anything in their power to make basic human rights like healthcare unobtainable to the lower class and will allow the poor to die out in the street and then it also has an armpit fart contest I think with some fine tuning and further development of the story's anti-capitalist messages this could have been like the magnum opus of Blue Sky Studios they're one truly great movie but like as is the messages are there they're compelling but the story doesn't really do anything with them Rodney becomes this icon helping the poor and dismantling the oppressive establishment they all live in but then the movie drops that because he's gotta go find big well then they gonna do wacky hijinks at this party and then there's a chase scene and like it's fine but a little all over the place they also definitely should have had Cappy meet Rodney way sooner because as is it feels like you could tweak the story a bit and remove her entirely Robin Williams is fenders surprisingly isn't that great or memorable he has some funny lines and moments but overall this is probably one of his weaker roles okay that's enough complaining about robots there's other good stuff like [ __ ] talking big world you know how I was kind of like meme praising Yama Wickersham earlier well that but unironically that's how I feel about big weld it's big weld he's so thick he's voiced by Mel Brooks now watching this as a seven-year-old I didn't know who that was but I could tell he was a big deal and I could also tell the voice acting was really good this is maybe the funniest joke in all of Blue Sky history I'm going in with you hey hey the Dame with the sweet keister but why I don't know I'm a big guy and I like women with a lot no no no like dude that's so good the misunderstanding elements the voice acting from both of them the fact that big wild is so upfront about his preference for big booty [ __ ] that's comedy baby how [ __ ] cool is that Domino scene for real in fact how [ __ ] cool is this world in general like look at it it's so imaginative and creative and Whimsical and it looks nothing like our own world it looks like a place robots would live in and they actually put some thought into how robots age for them needing new parts and new voice boxes and it's so cool let's be [ __ ] honest with ourselves for a second here robots put way more thought into its World building and how the world affected the story then cars did and it's just a better movie in general like with cars you just have so many questions about how these car people work and the world literally just looks like our world but sometimes car themed you could do the story of the first Cars movie with humans and it wouldn't make much of a difference meanwhile with robots you actually understand how they work and the story actually ties into them being robots and wouldn't make sense if they weren't robots just can we finally acknowledge that Pixar really shot the bed with cars and it's only this popular and semi-respected because it has the Pixar name attached to it Blue Sky dead ass outdid Pixar in this respect plain and simple oh yeah and the climax is so cool when all the out modes show up Avengers endgame style to fight Madame gasket ooh and Madam gasket oh man what a dastardly villain and ratchet's so funny too the part where Fender kills them all to the Britney Spears song man it's so funny ooh in the camera pan ah ah so great and then the ending man the get up off of that thing oh it's like a fusion of jazz and Funk it's called Junk comedy gold this is so epic okay uh I changed my mind you know how I said I don't feel passionately about any blue sky movies well this is the one this is the only one that I feel passionately about it has its structural problems and many immature jokes and it drops some of its most compelling story elements halfway through but man it's just got so much good [ __ ] in it that I love it genuinely stuck with me over the years this is a movie with some real love and care behind it and you can feel that I can't realistically rank it higher because of its problems I think the top three are just fundamentally stronger movies but come on it's robots it's kind of like how Tick Tick boom was only number eight on my best of 2021 list but it's probably the movie I feel the most passionate about from last year imagine not feeling passionate about the movie that gave us big weld are you even alive if you don't like big weld come on if necessary I will fight Carson runquist for the title of number one robots enjoyer our battle will be legendary actually nah he can have it I'll stick with number one yellow wickerstrom enjoyer anyway let's talk about three movies that are better than robots but I don't care about as much as robots [Music] friends I have talked a lot of [ __ ] about Ice Age today can you blame me it's an absolutely asinine franchise that poisons our water supply burned our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses but with that said honestly the first one's kind of good like yeah the animation is ugly it definitely has that Studio's first CG movie syndrome and there's your usual poop and pee jokes that suck as usual but I think as a whole get it this is a movie with some pretty smart character arcs and an engaging enough story Manny and Sid in this are just blatantly Shrek and Donkey but without the Nuance that made that relationship so compelling and special but Sid in this is perfectly fine and Manny is actually kind of interesting in this one really powerful scene they explain without words that he lost his family to Hunters and it becomes evident that he sees Ice Age baby as someone he needs to protect in order to make up for his loss I really like the wordless storytelling here he never even mentions his family by name but his pain and remorse is still made explicitly here it's really neat the start of the show here however is surprisingly enough Diego I say surprisingly enough because he never has any compelling characterization in any of the four sequels that followed this movie but here he legitimately goes from a villain trying to lead Manny Sid an Ice Age baby to their death to someone who genuinely learns to care for them and ends up saving their lives it's incredibly well paced and believable plus when he reveals he was lying to them they don't mope about it and kick him out of the herd they end up believing that he wants to help since he has nothing to gain from admitting to them that he lied it's a pretty refreshing subversion of the liar reveal Trope made all the more potent by the fact that he legitimately went from a villain to a hero over the course of the film The Other villainous saber-toothed tigers are just kind of whatever as is the climax which is a little awkwardly staged for some reason but I really like the other set pieces in this movie the sliding scene is fun and the dodo bird encounter is really funny which is not something I could say about almost every other scene in the other Ice Age movies I don't know man this one's kind of neat not amazing but honestly a pretty good first movie first Studio to make oh also I never got why everyone hated the Ice Age baby a couple years back but uh yeah [ __ ] that baby am I right I want peanuts yeah I mean it's kind of hard to hate the Peanuts movie this is consistently ranked as one of blue skies best if not the best film from them and it's easy to see why I think this film mostly deserves credit not for what it does but for what it doesn't do it doesn't try to modernize it or throw these peeps into the real world it doesn't cast terrible overpaid celebrities as iconic beloved characters completely bastardizing them in the process it doesn't turn this property into a weird superhero crossover thing that has nothing to do with the original story seriously what the [ __ ] was scoob it dead ass just is a classic feeling peanut story brought to life with 3D animation I don't know why it's so hard for Studios to understand and adapt the appeal of classic properties but this is an actual example of that sort of thing done right I really like this movie but I feel like its praise can be a bit overblown sometimes mainly because the rest of blue skies tepid filmography makes it look a [ __ ] ton better by comparison like I saw a comment once that said that this is Blue Sky eyes spiderverse has that person even seen spider verse like what this is a very sweet and cozy film but it's definitely not perfect they do sneak in one weird out of place pop song during the movie which really took me out of what otherwise felt like an authentic peanut story I did want more of some characters like Peppermint Patty and Marcy even lioness get Sidelines pretty hard which is surprising and imma keep it real with you Chief I could not give less of a [ __ ] about Snoopy's Red Baron dream sequences they start off cute but they just go on and there's so many of them during the second half that it's ridiculous I know this is an imaginary story guys there's no tension here could we cut back to Charlie Brown that's the part I'm actually interested in but yeah the Charlie Brown story is good and really compelling you just really want him to catch a break and impress the little red hair girl and while it's sad to see all his missteps it's nice that most of them happen because he does the right thing and helps his friends Charlie Brown is just such an honest pure character and this movie really gets that like there's a scene where everyone's praising Charlie Brown at this assembly because he got a perfect score on his test but it turns out he accidentally put his name on the wrong one and this is actually Peppermint Patties so what does he do he comes clean about it right then and there when he realizes it whereas every other shitty ass kids movie would have him lie because he likes the attention and then eventually the liar will be revealed and everyone will hate him and then he'll realize he was wrong no none of that [ __ ] him peanuts thankfully this isn't dear Evan Hansen yeah I mean it's the Peanuts movie what else is there to say it's cute it's sweet it's wholesome as heck I loved all the little references to other peanut stories they put in there it's just a very nice movie The Story does feel a bit stretched out and not all of it works but the stuff that does is very Charming definitely worth a watch [Music] oh [Music] yeah I know right what the [ __ ] please forgive me Lord for I have sinned but I just really liked the Will Smith pigeon movie I remember when the trailer for this thing dropped and everyone was so blown away by how cool the spy stuff looked myself included and then he turns himself into a pigeon funniest [ __ ] I've ever seen yeah I talked about a movie that looked like it had so much potential only to flush all that down the drain with such a dumb premise so I didn't check it out until I had to make this list and I am deeply Beyond shocked to report that this was kind of good actually obviously the best part is the very beginning when it does feel like a legit spy film like this [ __ ] is really well animated and choreographed and exciting it feels nothing like anything blue skies ever made before and it's pretty wild tonally like did you ever expect to hear the Yakuza mentioned in a kids film because they sure do mention them here this [ __ ] is actually great and Will Smith is a pretty charismatic spy guy then of course we gotta get to the pigeon [ __ ] and this is where I expected the movie to go downhill hard but I don't know no man it's not nearly as good but it's still pretty fun like the dynamic between Will Smith and Tom Holland is charming and I like how they have to rely on each other while also trying to come together and understand each other's perspectives how Tom Holland is a pacifist who likes to rely on goofy weapons while Will Smith just wants to kill people yeah this movie has no problem killing people and mentioning how many people Will Smith killed it's kind of cool actually we do have typical poop and pee and [ __ ] and gross jokes because of course we do and those suck as always but I feel like it could have been way worse like there's these pigeons who bond with Will Smith pigeon and help him out and thankfully they don't talk I feel like this was the perfect opportunity for Blue Sky to add in more shitty annoying celebrities but I guess they just figured the two Charming ones they had were enough so these sidebirds are completely silent which is perfect Silence Is Bliss shut the [ __ ] up slug from epic you're so annoying oh my God the villain isn't great Unfortunately they definitely could have developed his backstory a little bit more and the ideological comp like he presents doesn't really feel earned also he frequently disguises himself as Will Smith which um is that [ __ ] blackface dude I also feel like while the action set pieces are mostly pretty great throughout the whole movie The Last One during the climax is a little muddled and all over the place but it's not bad aside from the terrible lowest common denominator humor a lot of the jokes in this were actually kind of funny and made me laugh Tom Holland's character is kind of a big screw-up but he's not frustrating to watch they actually execute that archetype in an engaging way that makes you kind of feel for him that whole pigeon stick isn't too bad honestly and they resolve it before the third act so we actually get to see Will Smith as a human again that's pretty nice yeah I can't believe I'm saying this but spies in Disguise is indeed a good movie in spite of its faults and I extremely can't believe I'm saying this but I consider it to be the best Blue Sky movie it's a 7 out of 10. huh you know that doesn't sound right there's got to be something even better than funny Will Smith pigeon movie right oh yeah of course I completely forgot the true greatest Blue Sky movie of all time Rio 2 is the greatest film I've ever seen in my life and I didn't even like it the first time I watched it but to be honest it was only after you guys left so many passionate comments about it that I started to reconsider my position on it I mean you guys really have strong feelings on this movie and you know what you successfully changed my heart I now consider Rio 2 to be the best movie of all time when I saw Puss in Boots the last wish this is the movie I thought I was gonna get so let's talk about the absolute best aspect of the film The Story Will Smith bird is a lion but then they find out that the rainforest is being closed down so the Lions figure that if they bring Germaine Clement bird to Justice and get the reward money they can use that to save the Jewish people all throughout this introduction I was shouting brilliant brilliant brilliant this is a fantastic setup and on top of that they'll set up for the rest of the story is actually pretty good too Jermaine Clement has a deal with the underworld so that he can take control of Rio but Lord Big Boss the ruler of the underworld not to be confused with the guy from Metal Gear Solid that's just actually the name of the villain from Rio 2. trust me Kojima wishes he could write something as good as Rio 2. stupid hack anyway big boss has a particular interest in wiping out all the trees why because the prophecy foretold that a tree is the only thing that can destroy him so he sends his soldiers to perform Mass genocide but one family wants their tree baby to live puts him in a basket and sends him floating down the river where oddly enough the basket comes across the comic relief birds from the first movie they tell him that it's okay to run away from your problems and shut up and eat his garbage years later Mark Zuckerberg as a bird grow goes up and realizes that the rainforest is being closed down he leaves his family behind and makes a deal with Will Smith bird they'll make it look like Will Smith bird kills Chris Rock zebra and thus he can disguise himself as Shrek and start a new life over but that doesn't last for long as God himself played by Bruno Mars yeah was not fitting casting comes down and tells will smithford that he is to be the deliverer of the Jews so the journey is on to fight off tree frogs soccer birds and rescue Anne Hathaway bird played by Eddie Murphy let's talk about the good stuff cause honestly there's a lot let's talk about what everybody remembers the Epic musical number in the middle of the film as you can see they used real lions and animals to film the movie but the environments are all CG so the movie was literally made with lions and birds and [ __ ] plopped into a big green screen room amazingly this did not affect the Lion's ability to act because Will Smith is a professional thank you very much anyway the musical number here is completely original and it even won the Oscar for best original song it's honestly so good that I'm just gonna sing it to you here's my epic cover okay so that's Will Smith Lyon he's voiced by me and that's Jesse Eisenberg also voiced by me and finally we have Anne Hathaway lion bird played by Eddie Murphy in the movie but for the purposes of this cover she's voiced by Diana DeGarmo also I'm only going to use the highest quality mic for this cover a hem all right here we go baby also I'm recovering from a cold while I record this so it's it's gonna sound amazing the Will Smith bird I mean no Jesse Eisenberg I'm Will Smith uh all that's hot you suck I'm not going to Rio you can't make me you gotta go to Brazil you gotta come with me no I don't want to go to Brazil because I'm Will Smith oh it's hot keep my Lion's name out of your mouth hey I'm Jesse Eisenberg and I say uh this is Facebook I'm gonna be a mighty king of Rio too because it's based well I've never seen the king of Rio 2 because it's a good movie I'm gonna be the main event and in Rio three I'm brushing up on Rio one I'm working on Rio four thus far a rather [ __ ] terrible thing oh I just can't wait for Rio 12. well we can't even get to that yet we gotta make 303 first no one's saying do this now when I said that no I say be there not zebras now you're saying hey wait there's no zebras in the rainforest see here now see here Frida right around all day today we're free to do it oh no way all right shut up I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart to heart [ __ ] you Kings don't need advice from stupid [ __ ] idiots if this is where the real franchise is headed County out out of service out of Rio five I can't even be in Rio six because my character got killed off in Rio for oh I just can't wait for Rio more more Rio I oh God I love Rio oh my God Rio 2 is the best movie [Music] yeah oh wait no I don't think it's the time for that yet um hey it's uh the giraffes everybody look at the giraffes and drafts light and Will Smith I'm real no Jesse Eisenberg I'm Jesse Eisenberg haha and I'm Heisenberg yeah Jesse wait Jesse Heisenberg oh how has nobody made that joke before holy [ __ ] okay everybody look left everybody look right everywhere you look I'm staying at the spotlight [ __ ] you let every creature go For Broke and sing oh wait a minute no no okay yeah okay now let every creature go to dance and sing last year on the wing is gonna be king Cooper's fine this fling oh I just can't wait for the crossover between Rio and sing Oh I just can't wait for the epic thing oh I just can't wait for Rio two the Snyder cut okay I think that was good that's my cover thank you for coming did you notice how the last shot of the song is of a blue sky mic drop well I think I made my points Rio 2 is the greatest movie of all time and I want to thank every single one of its fans for helping me realize this I never would have thought about this movie again if you guys didn't leave all those comments about it I previously had no strong opinions on it whatsoever but you know what you guys are right I should have passionate feelings about Rio 2 and now I do so thank you all for helping me realize that it's the most perfect sequel ever made and I for one can't wait for Rio 47.
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 1,433,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Rio, Rio 2, Blue Sky, Robots, Ice Age, Epic, Peanuts, Spies in Disguise
Id: me0f6M-Z0lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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