Every Gravity Falls Episode Ranked

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funding for shapereless is provided by surfsharkvpn the sponsor of today's video oh gravity falls it is good to be back this is a show i've never really talked about too much even though it's probably one of my top five favorite shows of all time i could go on and on about how it's one of the funniest shows i've ever seen and how lovable its characters are and how well it paces and tells its mystery elements but you already know all that still i want to do something to commemorate this iconic show's 10-year anniversary so as i started re-watching it recently with the gf and our other friends it finally hit me i'm gonna rank every episode it was worth it yeah i mean that's all there really is to it uh spoilers if you've never seen the show before and if you haven't come on it's a masterpiece do it okay let's rank them disappointment in the game of life oh roadside attraction this is commonly considered one of the absolute worst episodes of gravity falls if not the worst and like yeah the funny thing is this isn't even a bad episode by the standards of the average cartoon it's perfectly fine but when the rest of the show's episodes are on the quality level of the sistine chapel the [ __ ] macaroni art isn't gonna cut it here first let's talk about the actual content of the episode itself it's a generically typical road trip with dipper trying to find a rebound crush after wendy rejected him which is still a plot line we have to deal with i guess so he meets all these girls at different stops on the road except oh no they suddenly all appear at the same place and call him out for cheating on them i know this show is silly and you don't need to take it super seriously but this is really contrived and dumb there's not even any supernatural elements in the episode until the last third where grunkle stan gets kidnapped by a spider lady which really isn't that interesting also out of nowhere this episode just decides that candy has a crush on dipper which is not only really rushed and forced but also a weird thing to introduce six episodes after establishing a well thought out potential romantic connection between dipper and pacifica and two episodes before the multi-part series finale that doesn't even bring this crush up again speaking of which that's the real kicker that makes this episode stick out in people's minds in a bad way despite being one of the final five episodes of the show and coming after multiple plot focused episodes that all feature the new character ford in some capacity this episode adds nothing to the show no ford no plot relevance nothing it feels like a lost season one episode and it probably wouldn't have such a negative reputation if it wasn't placed at such a dramatic point in the show like the previous episode established how dangerous bill is and how we should stay safe from him inside the mystery shack so why are we now going on a road trip i don't mind the fact that we're taking a breather in between spooky plot episodes but can the breather make sense and be entertaining the jokes are still solid as usual and there's nothing actively awful here but yeah you'd be hard-pressed to find any gravity falls episode worse than this one however if this is the bottom of the barrel for this show i think that's a surefire sign that the show is pretty damn good what you need is a little help from the love monkey you ever just make a perfectly fine episode and then ruin it entirely in the last two minutes yeah that's the love god for most of its run time it's fairly enjoyable not the most memorable gravity falls episode and the love god himself is a pretty forgettable character even though john dimaggio's performance is pretty fun most of the jokes are solid and this one does contain one of my absolute favorites in the whole show with the i eat kids balloon holy [ __ ] it should be illegal for a show to be this funny this is the comedy police the joke's too funny i'm not going back to jail [ __ ] but then after mabel spent the entire episode dealing with the social consequences of forcing robbie and tambry to fall in love against their will she decided that maybe they should just keep them under the spell of the love potion what what's the message here forcing people to fall in love against their will is cool sometimes this is amazing and ethically ambiguous oh but actually the journal said that the potion isn't permanent so the fact that they stayed together means it's true love shut the [ __ ] up straw man argument i invented in my head we're talking about the actual content of the episode without any secondary material as is it's such an odd ending and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and it's not like anything else about this episode is particularly special or great outside of i eat kids so yeah easy second to last place on the list what killed the dinosaurs yes lands before swine would have to be my pick for the weakest season 1 episode not bad obviously but really not all that funny and there's some bits of characterization here that annoy me like why are we getting a storyline about dipper being fed up with soos's clumsiness in episode 18. i feel like at this point they bonded too much for this conflict to really feel justified if this was one of the first five episodes or so where they're still getting to know each other it would make a lot more sense but this far into the season it's really jarring how impatient dipper is with him oh yeah also there's a liar revealed story with grunkle stan and it's not the worst liar revealed story ever but obviously you know everything's gonna be fine at the end so whatever that's what drags this one down for me the drama of it all these characters have some really good dramatic conflicts with each other at other points in the show but in this episode the negative emotions just feel forced in order to conform to the plot still there's a couple good jokes and epic dinosaur moments so it's not the worst thing in the world just kind of weak compared to the other episodes [Music] little gift shop of horrors is the second three-part anthology special in the same vein as bottomless pit but i don't really think the concept works quite as well the second time around the framing device here is a lot more stilted and unnatural it's like pov you are a random nameless faceless customer who wandered into the mystery shack in the middle of the night and grunkle stan is telling you stories that'll get you to want to buy some merchandise i don't know it just comes across as awkward like it feels like we're playing some sort of interactive gravity falls vr game instead of watching an official episode of the show it's especially weird when he gives the first person guy a strange potion which he then immediately drinks without questioning only for him to pass out and become an attraction at the mystery shack which dipper and mabel don't question this is just so bizarre like nothing about this feels canon and i just checked the wiki and apparently this episode isn't canon what do you know the shorts themselves are okay i feel like grunkle stan losing his hands is just a less effective version of the truth teeth short for bottomless pit and the part with the witch at the end is a tad all over the place but it's whatever the smart wonders one was kind of lame and the story didn't really go anywhere and i hate neil degrasse tyson so yeah i don't care for this one that much now the last story about mabel's fear of old-timey stop-motion animation that was some great stuff it's such a specific concept that i'd be shocked if it didn't stem from alex hirsch's own life and his sister's experience the stop-motion animation being blended with 2d is super cool looking and watching this segment i honestly just kind of wish this was the entire episode i know they probably couldn't have done that because stop motion is expensive this is an impressive fight though i'm glad i'm facing towards it but in a perfect world this could have been one of the coolest episodes of the series as is it's one of the lamer ones with one of the coolest parts oh where are we did i pick the wrong hand and here we have our latest attraction the legendary cheapskate oh we were right there man now that we're mad [Music] dipper vs manliness is often touted as one of the weaker episodes of the show and while that's kind of true it's definitely not a bad one it gave us delicious pancakes and icelandic pop sensation baba after all the manators are pretty fun and i love the existence of the multibear and ultimately it's nice to see dipper reject this form of toxic masculinity and unnecessary violence the manatar subscribed to i don't think there's anything wrong with this episode's messages i just think it's weaker than the others for being a bit standard and unmemorable still the training music montage went hard dipper's mailman ranch was hilarious and beardy i love beardie so much what a delightful scrunk low hello peter i'm the boss okay so take us through a day in the life of the boss boss mabel is decent enough with grunkle stan's game show escapades being the highlight of the episode but yeah this one's a little all over the place and not particularly memorable it's weird how they resolve the biggest threat with dipper's monster two-thirds of the way through rather than having that be the climax but whatever perfectly fine likeable episode just not a go-to one for me men of farquaad stature are in short supply little dipper sure is an episode i usually find shrinking stories to be really fun and creative but i feel like that's not really the part of this episode that makes it good i more so enjoy that delightful lil scamp gideon and his hilarious interactions with stan in this one the tiny person venture dipper and mabel go on in this one is pretty standard and unmemorable and the dipper being short jokes are kind of exhausting because of how many of them there are it doesn't matter dipper will be leading the short king army in due time and then you'll all be sorry oh well decent enough episode but gideon carries a lot of it [Music] oh god what the [ __ ] oh no there's a 7-eleven right there the inconveniencing is a solid enough episode but not one that really sticks out in the grand scheme of gravity falls it kind of feels like an episode of any old cartoon and it isn't quite as funny as some of the others outside of and the rap that killed the old people homework's whack and so are rules tuck it in your shirts for fools it's nice to finally get a proper introduction to wendy though and i think this goes without saying but i don't like robbie it's almost like he's voiced by tj miller or something but considering how the character is designed to be kind of unlikable this is ultimately one of his more tolerable roles it's also the first of many dipper simping over windy episodes which is a concept that gets pretty old by the end of season one that's not this episode's fault it was the first one but there's way better episodes that follow this type of plot line later on solid stuff just not a favorite the lake knows monster the legend of the gobblewonker is a decent episode with some really top-notch jokes like the disposable camera gag and of course but her aim is getting better a couple of banger moments but not everything in the episode is super funny and even though its resolution is delightfully silly in retrospect it seems a bit contrived it's cool how they foreshadow mcgucket's skill with robotics here but in the context of this episode it kinda comes out of nowhere also i legitimately forgot mcgucket had a son until i rewatched it like do you remember that how come he never became relevant after this episode especially as mcgucket himself became more and more relevant it's weird but this is an enjoyable enough episode regardless also stan's boat in this episode is the stan of war in case you felt like crying today maybe he has no one who loves him pop pop i will shoot you with my gun not into the pit it burns i remember not really caring for bottomless pit that much but i think i just got it mixed up with little gift shop of horrors in actuality this is a much better anthology episode with a really fun framing device and some pretty enjoyable stories dipper's voice over misadventure was hilarious especially his and the soos pinball adventure was creative and funny the grunkle stan truth-telling teeth story felt a bit standard but it was still enjoyable overall a solidly fun collection of shorts i dig it agreed don't worry don't lose your head headhunters is a pretty standard good episode of this show without a ton to say about it wacky mystery stories are always pretty fun especially when they involve a wax figure of larry king coming to life fun mystery fun climax i cried when free pizza guy didn't get any pizza it's some good stuff toby has issues body swap episodes are usually pretty fun with a lot of comedic potential and carpet diem definitely offers that in spades with dipper and mabel trying to sabotage each other's chances of getting a cool new room it's a fun plotline to combine with body swapping plus i think there's a legitimately interesting conflict here about dipper wanting some independence from mabel while she doesn't want things to change it's good foreshadowing for later in the series plus zeus is a pig and that's pretty epic fun premise fun climax fun jokes the carpet is even experiment number 78 and that's my favorite number for some arbitrary reason so this episode gets bonus points for that what the that's a zombie scary okay is a solid reintroduction of these characters for season 2. it kind of divides its time between setting up the government agents for future plot progression and being a fun wacky zombie karaoke escapade which means the latter part of the episode isn't as fleshed out as it could have been usually my favorite part of zombie stories is seeing a group of people whittle down as they slowly get infected which we don't get here since it's just dipper mabel and stan the whole time zombie versions of other characters might have been really fun since zombie soos was a riot i love how he just acts the exact same as regular zeus just with a desire to eat brains that's comedy baby solid episode that could have used this premise better but not too bad [Music] the stan turian candidate has a very fun concept for an episode but i feel like it gets a little lost in its details like gideon possessing his dad doesn't really change the narrative all too much and the same goes for dipper and mabel controlling zeus as a new candidate when they lose grunkle stan which had absolutely no point i just feel like there was a little too much going on in this episode and it didn't really have much of an interesting use for ford either i didn't need every episode after his introduction to be ford centric but i wish he had more to do instead of just dipping out after the first act it's still a pretty solid episode i mean it did give us tad strange after all but yeah not the most memorable one the hand that rocks the mabel is the introduction to lil gideon a character i only enjoy more and more on each rewatch this delightful little gremlin is just so funny plus while i always knew he was voiced by the creator of flapjack i started to notice that he actually sounded a lot like flapjack so i looked it up and yep the creator of flapjack also voiced flapjack which explains a lot doesn't really have much to do with this episode but i thought it was cool gideon's increasingly elaborate weirdness and simplitude over the course of the episode makes for a really entertaining and effective antagonist plus the sheer power the last shot of the episode holds cannot be overstated plus plus if you were upset that padme didn't have a cameo in the kenobi show don't worry that's cause she already had a cameo here if she says no i'll die from sadness no dare challenge probability the first episode to follow up not what he seems and a tale of two stans was always going to be a little bit clunky when trying to balance the new status quo of the show with the need to tell more quirky one-off adventures so it's not a backhanded compliment at all to say that dungeons dungeons and more dungeons isn't the messiest episode out there it does as solid a job as it could taking the sudden addition of ford in his blooming relationship with dipper and putting that in a typical supernatural kooky gravity falls adventure that is to say yeah it would be nice if the fun dnd concept got a whole episode to itself rather than coming in halfway through this episode since they need the first half to set up more stuff about ford but what we got was still pretty good with weird al being a great and super fitting guest star for this episode a pretty fun time and now i kind of wish ducktective was a real show because i want to see all those crazy plot twists for birthday myself seen boys crazy near the bottom of a lot of episode rankings and i don't get that at all you guys are acting so cray-cray if you think this episode isn't hilarious i feel like a lot of people take issue with mabel selfishly hoarding the boys for herself and not setting them free but like that's the point of the episode you know she comes to the conclusion on her own that what she's doing is selfish and she does set them free plus her selfish scenes come across as more funny than legitimately irritating so i don't really see the problem here if anything i take slightly more issue with the subplot for being a bit confusing like how did robbie learn how to mind control people through songs did he intentionally do that or was that an accident i don't really get it but we do get some fun grunkle stan moments out of the subplot so yeah really solid enjoyable episode baby 2013. i'm a gnome have you ever been named there are very few shows where i can safely say the pilot episode is incredibly strong and holds up compared to the rest of the series most of them are a bit awkward as we're still trying to get to know the characters and get used to this world and that's okay pilots aren't really meant to have the characters and tone of the series perfectly nailed down immediately but that just makes it all the more impressive when one of them comes out swinging and perfectly establishes everything in the first episode case in point torus trapped it is insane how well this episode defines the characters the premise the tone and the humor that the rest of the show adheres to dipper and mabel in this episode feel like the same dipper and mabel we see in the rest of the series the jokes in this one are incredibly funny and hold up really well compared to the rest of the show the way norman's true nature is foreshadowed through what seems to be a throwaway joke is genius and the reveal is still sufficiently funny it's such a tightly written and well realized first episode that hooks you with its humor and starts getting you guessing about its many mysteries yo shinji get in the robot your dad lets you get in the robot gideon rises is a pretty good season finale it's pretty quaint compared to the threats in later episodes but for the relatively laid back season one it definitely ups the ante considerably gideon's giant robot makes for a really cool set piece with a scene where dipper jumps off the cliff straight into its eye being supremely epic and overall it's just really cathartic to finally see the season's main villain get taken down plus the payoff for the grappling hook here was hysterical it's so much funnier than if they actually had her use it throughout the season overall a really good time and holy [ __ ] i wish i was in the fandom when the ending of this episode aired i can't imagine how wild the speculation must have been london's game is a really good episode but i kind of feel like it's a bit less than the sum of its parts almost like said parts aren't really good at blending together haha get it okay enough jokes back to serious business the sioux stuff is pretty great like it's genuinely really powerful to watch a kid have to cope with a deadbeat dad who never cares about seeing him and the ultimate resolution of him deciding it's not even worth it meeting someone who doesn't care about him even if they are related yeah i have a real soft spot for stories that acknowledge that found family is stronger than blood family and i think it's really well done here there's also some cute time travel gags with dipper and mabel exploring gravity falls 10 years ago and that stuff is neat however i feel like the whole blend and revenge story and globnar battle stuff is really rushed it could have been fun if it was the focus of the episode but it's all crammed into a short montage just so we can get to the foregone conclusion of soos getting the time wish i feel like this episode needed to be longer or better paced to really make both of these storylines work together if that was the case this would probably be in my top 10 but it's still a banger nonetheless i mean infinite pizza come on that's a good time wish though my time wish would probably be to protect all my private data online and make sure it doesn't get stolen oh wait silly me i don't need a time wish to make that happen all i need is surfsharkvpn an incredible product that encrypts your data and protects you online surfsharkvpn allows you to access geo-restricted content meaning you can trick your browser into thinking you're in another country thus allowing you to access content you couldn't get otherwise that way you don't have to physically travel to another country to watch that country's exclusive netflix or disney plus content for example if the ducktective season finale is only streaming on british netflix just use surfshark to pretend you're british then when you're done you can always turn it off and unbridge yourself 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steal the declaration of independence on a conceptual and execution level i adore irrational treasure it's so fun to have mabel question her silliness but ultimately have that silliness come in handy when trying to track down the nation's silliest president also mabel without a sweater on is absolutely cursed but yeah this episode is a blast not only is the mystery itself super fun to follow but grunkle stan's frustrations with the old-timey role-playing town are hilarious blobs and durland are delightful as they get closer and closer to dressing up and traveling together over the course of the episode and of course quinton tremblay such an incredibly funny character who tragically never came back and neither did the president's key that he gave to dipper what gives how did the writers forget that dipper has the key that opens any lock in america so i'd like you to have my president's key this is worthless oh well i'll rant about this more when we get to a later episode but that's not this episode's fault it's a banger double dipper is a blast not only do we get to meet candy grenda and pacifica who by the way does anyone find it weird that pacifica appears in three episodes in a row and then never again for the rest of season one why why didn't they space her episodes out i i don't get it but yeah not only do we get important character introductions and a fun competition between mabel and beta amity but this is definitely one of the better dipper simping for windy plot lines in the show it's pretty cute to see him try and work up the nerve to talk to her overthinking it with all these crazy steps before realizing that he should just be himself oh yeah and there's also an attack of the clones the clone stuff is super funny especially the jokes about how they're all thinking the exact same thing and it's one of the rare instances of a show saying something is cliche and then actually doing that thing being pretty humorous and actually working so yeah great stuff in this one poor went out for paper jam dipper he was a real one the gulf war is so fun not only does it give us the first indication that the show's resident walking one-dimensional bleach-blind valley girl stereotype is potentially redeemable and not only is the entire concept incredibly creative and funny but this episode gave us big henry holy [ __ ] how did they get away with that this legitimate on-screen death that plays out dramatically for a full minute all in service of a joke about the golf ball taking a long time to make it out of the mine and into the hole like what this is honestly one of my favorite jokes in anything and one of the best examples of dark humor i've ever seen i laughed i cried it moved me bob did you know that matt braley creator of amphibia directed this episode and came up with this character and scene it's almost like big henry's friend in this episode was named polly or something hmm suspicious anyway yeah this is a really good funny episode always remember big henry you ever find it weird that the society of the blind eye never went after dipper mabel and zeus and they're just allowed to keep all their memories of the whole summer what's up with that anyway society the blind eye is really good i love me an episode with some titillating and genuinely surprising plot information it's a really great singular mystery focused episode in a show filled to the brim with intriguing mysteries and it's wild to see old man mcgucket get plot relevance and the backstory that actually makes sense of his mastery of robotics said backstory is kind of just a weaker version of the ice kings from adventure time but it still works pretty well here it's also nice to have wendy around for another adventure even though the writers are so allergic to giving her interesting character conflicts that the reason she thinks about using the mind eraser gun is to get a song out of her head it'd be funny how underwritten she is if it wasn't kind of sad but yeah cool last episode in junk and my blanching going blanchett i live up in a mansion halloween in january what a great idea gravity falls and halloween are a match made in heaven which is why i'm so glad they rode around the whole halloween isn't a summer holiday [ __ ] the media keeps feeding us it's all lies halloween is a summer thing every day can be halloween except it you cowards and then you will finally know inner peace anyway yes summerween is a great episode and you know that already funny jokes a super creative villain a nice little arc for dipper gordy gets eaten alive and traumatized what more could you ask for maybe a few more scares i guess for being the halloween episode this pales in comparison to some of the legitimately horrific [ __ ] this show gets away with in season 2 but it's still great i ate a man alive my tonight look it has been disintegrated the last maple corn was never quite a favorite of mine in the past because while i love its two plot lines individually i feel like they just don't mesh that well together and yeah they still don't but you know what that's not that big of a deal especially when compared to something like blenden's game where the two plot lines were required to intersect and one took away screen time from the other this episode may be ever so slightly less than the sum of its parts but i still find both parts immensely entertaining and well fleshed out mabel's quest to get the approval of the snooty bitch-ass unicorn is pretty fun and i know you can say how did they get away with this for something in just about every gravity falls episode but honestly how did they get away with the fairy dust butterfly drug deal scene that's just amazing my only problem with this side of the episode is that we didn't get to see the epic fight between the girls and the unicorns but i guess they did need plenty of time for the legitimately unnerving story revelations involving ford and bill the cold open of this episode is fantastic as is the scene where dipper thinks ford is possessed and the crucial backstory that ford conveniently forgot to mention in a tale of two stands which finally gets filled in here a great episode overall though i do just wish its dual plot lines were a bit more tonally cohesive yeah so i kind of have this weird thing where i have to lick every controller that i see donkey kong i really like fight fighters it's fun as [ __ ] the parody's the street fighter donkey kong pac-man uh there might have been a gex character in there i don't remember uh these are all super fun you can tell all the jokes involving rumble mcskirmish and the silly gaminisms associated with him come from a place of passion in other words the writers are real ass gamers and i'm proud of them for it as great as this episode is though i wouldn't quite call it an all-time favorite the dipper and robbie rivalry really gets on my nerves like it's fine when he's got a cute little crush he's pursuing but actually trying to compete with robbie implies that he's got an actual chance with wendy which no and the mabel and grunkle stan subplot is just really forgettable they had a better subplot together in dipper vs manliness which is otherwise a much weaker episode and it takes a while for the fun video game shenanigans to really get going here but once they do they're [ __ ] hilarious definitely an iconic episode for a number of reasons weirdmagen1 is a great introduction to this apocalyptic arc everything's gone to [ __ ] and bill's full potential has been unleashed with ford kidnapped and the journals burned almost immediately the stakes feel incredibly high and they remain that way throughout the entire episode there's a lot of fun stuff to be had here like the mad max references and the weirdness bubble scenes and the get in my mouth head and bill is an absolute delight as ever i love when he kills time baby and just has a shocked expression on his face like even he didn't expect his power to be that strong power i really do wish we got the cut villain song that was planned to be in this episode plus as fun as gideon is here i wish his redemption got more time it makes sense that he would come to the conclusion he does but the speed at which he came to that conclusion felt a little too quick finally and i told you we would get back to this honestly this might be my biggest problem with gravity falls as a whole but dipper clearly should have used the president's key to open mabel's bubble he has this universal key that he literally never used ever since it was introduced and this was the perfect time for him to use it what the [ __ ] zero out of ten great episode though you turned into it we're going back in time to the first thanksgiving to get waddles off the menu okay so first off i really love the time travelers pig it's a very fun time travel episode with a very unique time machine and the introduction of the very enjoyable side character blendin get get it because because he blends in i literally just got that on this rewatch what the hell is wrong with me it's got incredibly funny jokes it serves as a great introduction to waddles and overall i love re-watching it but actually i really just want to point out how many solutions there were to dipper's problem that he just didn't take first of all the only thing mabel needed to do for his perfect throw was lift this one water pipe up he couldn't have just propped that up with something then mabel would be perfectly free to go get the waddles even or if she really needed to be there to prop the pipe up why not go back in time a little farther so she can get waddles sooner and then be there for the pipe dipper my dude i don't think you fully grasped the limitless potential of time travel also i doubt mabel was actually banging her head against the totem pole for an entire month she probably stealthily set that up to guilt dipper i'm on to her little scheme oh well the good news is all of this plot hole nonsense doesn't affect my enjoyment of the episode that would be kind of sad if it did i just thought it would be funny to mention this episode's really really really good also the deadass just dropped ford's first appearance in the show here huh it's an incredibly clever detail that you gotta give them props for mermaid man and barnacle boy you might i could very well be the only person in the world with this opinion but i'm just gonna say it anyway my favorite episode of gravity falls season one that doesn't have daddy bill in it is the deep end you guys are seriously sleeping on this one it is genuinely one of the funniest episodes of the show there are so many incredible gags in this one from burn the child to sue sneaking in at night and probably getting told to go home to all of mr pool jack's antics to the flashback of myrmondo's hilarious failed escape to the kid that wound up in solitary what the [ __ ] did he do i don't know man but holy [ __ ] it's one of the best gags in the whole show i like how gideon can be supremely sinister in some episodes and then in this one he's just competing with stan over who can sit in the chair first i really like when a show can do that with its villain plus mirando is the rare actually likable mabel love interest and you're on board with her quest to get him home even if it interferes with dipper's quality windy time honestly there's very little i actually dislike about this episode it's not only hysterical but a really fun one to vibe with with all of its delightful summertime pool shenanigans yeah it's one of my favorite episodes keep scrolling one side is fantasy the other reality i don't know what the general consensus is on weirdmagen 2. i assume to all the mabel haters this episode is torture because it's arguably maple at her most selfish plus it's a bright and cheery detour in the middle of this otherwise creepy weird magnet arc anyway i obviously don't think that way i love mabel so obviously i love spending time in her fantasy world where everything is delightfully goofy in spite of the darkness that's hiding under the surface as for mabel's selfishness i honestly think it's perfectly realistic for a 12 year old to act like this it's okay that she's not quite as emotionally mature as her brother is not that he's the most emotionally mature guy in the world but i think he exceeds the level that an average 12 year old would be at i feel like by comparison mabel is more true to her age and more scared of the uncertain future ahead of her in reality so i totally believe the idea that she thinks this fantasy realm is the best place for everyone more than anything i think the emotional resolution between dipper and mabel is incredibly strong here they need to fix things between them before dealing with bill and i'm so glad we got a whole episode dedicated to that it's a rare instance of the whole main characters breaking apart and then coming together before the climax thing that really works mainly because of how genuine both the conflict and the resolution feel and besides this episode has zyler and kraz and the introduction of dippy fresh who's the coolest character ever and you guys are just jealous here we are in the future and it's wrong dipper and mabel versus the future is a really tense omen for all the drama that's to come in weirdmageddon dipper's so focused on helping ford repair the dimensional rift that he doesn't even notice the rift that's growing between him and mabel dipper's insanely tough quest to rescue ford from this robot is tense and really impressive ford sums it up perfectly when he asks how many other 12 year olds do you think are capable of doing what you've just done it's incredible yet it's so sad to see dipper's successes contrasted with mabel getting a hard dose of reality and seeing her potential future slowly fall apart it's tough for her and i'd say pretty tough for the audience to hear that things change and summer ends because man you just don't want this show to end but it's pretty clear the end game is in sight by the time you reach this episode's chilling conclusion a fantastic lead-in to the three-part finale dream dream forget the ding-dang dream dreamscaperers is the best season one episode because it has bill the end honestly though it's kind of funny this is probably the episode where bill is at his weakest his voice wasn't fully defined yet and he sounds a bit different in this one compared to season two and in general the sheer insanity of the character isn't fully shown or fleshed out here but here's the thing bill is honestly such an incredible villain that his weakest outing is better than all the rest of season 1. we were all thrilled to get to this episode on rewatch because oh my god this dorito man is so entertaining and if he wasn't enough we also get xyler and craz who are basically just several times but better they're such a funny addition to the episode and it's hilarious that they just stick around the entire time after bill conjures them up the art direction of this episode is also super neat with stan's mind being the coolest location in the show so far honestly everything about this episode is so great except of course that misunderstanding dipper has where he doesn't hear all of what stan said oh yeah that's what they all said about me come on the show is better than that tiny little blemish of what's otherwise a supremely entertaining episode oh hello hello who's quite for sticker [Music] into the bunker is the first episode of the show to give us some truly horrific [ __ ] and it's so welcome between some of the delightfully disturbing designs that the creature morphs into as well as dipper ramming and axe into shapeshifter wendy's stomach good luck sleeping tonight not only is it awesome to see the alarming imagery ramped up since you know [ __ ] them kids but this episode provides a really intriguing mystery where you think for a second they've actually found the author only for his true identity to swoop in and ruin all that and i am so grateful for the fact that this episode resolved the dipper wendy crush plotline rather than keeping it going for the rest of the show it's really sweet to see them finally have a heart to heart about it and see dipper come to terms with the fact that they're just great friends windy in general was a great addition to the gang in this episode and i really wish the show used her more it's nice to have a more grounded and normal person to round out the main gang of eyeballs overall a great introduction to the tone of season two keeping the delightful humor intact while ramping up the disturbing mysteries it's sako hey sock opera is a great episode because it has bill obviously when will you guys learn that putting bill in an episode automatically makes it top tier anyway yeah bipper is delightful in this taking bill's usual insanity and cranking it up to the max by giving him a person body by the way and this might sound incredibly stupid but it's kind of a thought i've always had but i kind of wish bill had a mouth like as amazing as he already is i feel like it'd be infinitely more funny and threatening if we could see a mouth moving as he talks i don't know i think this episode is kind of a good indication of how neat that would be but then again i'm probably really stupid for winning that i mean look at bill he's already perfect anyway yeah this episode rocks maple sock opera is genuinely one of the funniest things in the whole show the tension is ramped up thanks to bill's presence and i think it's nice to see mabel give something up in service of dipper at the end considering how many times dipper gives stuff up for mabel in season one this season showed right away that it was interested in addressing some of the character issues in season one between dipper's endless aimless windy crush being resolved and now this though honestly dipper kinda needed to chill in this episode the laptop wasn't going anywhere and he still had plenty of time to crack it after helping mabel but they could both be irrational kids at times what are you gonna do overall a great episode uh the animatronic characters here do get a bit clunky at night soos and the real girl is good because it managed to predict both doki doki literature club and five nights at freddy's well i mean technically this episode aired a month after the first fnaf game came out but it was definitely being written and storyboarded before fnaf was unleashed upon the world so it still counts in addition to how neat this episode is in the context of modern internet culture it's just incredibly fun with a great premise and hilarious jokes all in service of strengthening a character that definitely should have had his own episode by now soups it's so nice to see soos meet a like-minded person he can connect with and i really wish they used melody in the rest of the season more the parody of dating sims is also top-notch and hysterical and giffany is such a delightfully entertaining yet sinister antagonist the way she appears on various screens and the overall pixely animation surrounding her is so cool and she's an incredibly memorable character despite only appearing in this episode there's also too many great jokes to count in this one but i think my favorite is when sue says the dipper and mabel will protect melody and she responds with seuss these are children like oh yeah we keep forgetting how weird it is that 12 year olds are so capable in a fight that's funny overall an absolutely top-tier episode that i love re-watching again and again i know you won't disappoint me and mom northwest mansion mystery is an episode so amazing that it almost feels too good for this show and this show is already one of the best i've ever seen so you know that some pretty monumentally high praise this episode stealthily usurps into the bunker status as the most disturbing episode of gravity falls with so much delightfully devilish imagery that i can't fathom the higher-ups of disney being comfortable with it but that's good [ __ ] them and like i said earlier [ __ ] them kids on top of the excellent horror elements this episode serves as a really interesting depiction of class warfare the ghost of a lower class lumberjack who is used for his labor and then tossed aside by the ultra rich northwests is initially defeated by dipper who then realizes he was similarly tricked and used by these rich [ __ ] and when the ghost breaks free to terrorize the manor he isn't defeated or vanquished rather pacifica breaks free of her status as a link in the world's worst chain and gives the ghost exactly what he wanted for the townspeople to be invited to the party it's such a satisfying resolution to the episode which also served as an amazing conclusion to pacifica's redemption arc that started in the gulf war i really love stories where children break away from their parents indoctrination and shitty morals and it's so compelling to see pacifica overcome the rotten ideals of her parents oh and i ship dipsifica obviously it's crazy how this episode single-handedly convinced me that they should get together romantically but yep i sure am convinced masterpiece that i just can't get enough of hey wait a minute he thinks there's romantic everything is not what it seems yeah yeah not what he seems is a phenomenal episode it honestly took a while for this one to click with me to the same extent as the rest of the fan base i always thought it was really good but i never understood the claims that it was the best episode in the whole show i also knew about ford's existence and that grunkle stan wasn't evil going into my first viewing of this so that's probably why i didn't realize how monumentally earth-shattering this episode was for everyone watching it when it first aired i tried getting into the mindset of someone who didn't know what was gonna happen while watching this again and uh yeah based on how overwhelmingly guilty stan looks as well as everything else we know about his morals from the rest of the series yeah i mean it kinda does look like he's building a doomsday device doesn't it even on re-watch this episode is still super tense as you slowly see dipper and mabel start to doubt their grunkle and question their faith in him and the dramatic lighting that permeates so many of the scenes in this episode is an incredible touch that adds so much weight to what's going on i don't think this episode is perfect in particular a lot of the comedy here while still good in a vacuum does kind of distract from the otherwise serious tone of the story but man it's all worth it for that absolutely stellar final act that got me just a bit misty-eyed yeah it's weird that stan doesn't actually explain what the machine is for in this scene but i can overlook that because the drama here is just so palpable this show has been building to this moment since the very first episode and it was absolutely worth the wait especially when we suddenly and finally get to meet the author of the journals who we learned more about in you were my brother i loved you a tale of two stans an episode that i've always adored and considered to be top tier gravity falls i'm honestly a sucker for well done emotional backstory episodes that flesh out a side character because i love how they expand the universe of the series and show how there's so much more than the dogmatic narrow view of the main characters this episode is really special and the creative team knows it opting for a 30 minute episode rather than the standard 22 minutes in order to tell this absolutely captivating story of two brothers tragically growing apart without rushing any aspect of it it perfectly establishes ford's entire character and history while also serving as an amazing backstory for stan and how he came in possession of the shack every aspect of the story is riveting from the brother's childhood bond to stan's initial unfortunate screw-up to the part that's bound to make any gravity false fans squeal as much as dipper did ford's creation of the journals and the mystery shack it's all incredible stuff but then the episode hits you with the scene that's even more tense and tragic than the climax of not what he seems stan and ford's fight that ends with ford accidentally being sucked into the portal a monumental screw-up that stan dedicates the next 30 years to trying to undo he's not a super smart guy but he learned how to get this high-tech portal back online just for the sake of getting his brother back like that's incredible dedication honestly this entire episode is just such a potent tragedy a tale of two brothers torn apart by unfortunate circumstances that ends with them still on bad terms even after one of them risked everything to save the other it's an incredible episode that was extremely close to topping my list but there's just one other that i couldn't deny giving the top spot to [Music] weirdmagen3 take back the falls disney plus lists this as two different episodes for some reason but that's [ __ ] and we all know the truth this is the enthralling exciting double lane finale that the whole series has been building towards i'll admit that it's not flawless in particular i really think grunkle stan either shouldn't have gotten his memory back or it should have taken a lot longer than just a week oh but actually the tie-in book says your memory can come back if you're quickly reminded of things shut up put that in the episode or it doesn't count yeah i mean there's that and stan probably should have been more reasonable when they were trying to get the zodiac to work and then like that's it that's all my problems everything else about this episode is just phenomenal [ __ ] and baltimore bill is more dangerous unhinged and entertaining than ever and the gang's quest to defeat him with the shacktron is just so cool i love it when all the characters you've grown attached to over the course of a series band together in the finale to fight the main villain and this is a perfect example of that mcgucket even learns about anime i mean what more could you ask for not only is the climactic fight and eventual defeat of bill so strong but the way this episode concludes each character's story lines is just so powerful they don't rush through the epilogue at all and they give each character's ending all the time they deserve i think my favorite little detail is how dipper and windy switch hats to remember each other by like changing up their designs as an emotionally resonant way to signify that this is the last we'll see of these characters is just really touching and like if you somehow don't cry as the bus is driving away i feel like you're definitely going to cry when you read the words stan of war 2. [Music] [Applause] overall this is simply the best episode of gravity falls and the one that stuck in my mind the most since my first viewing of the show the ending is the most important thing to get right in any story because the place these characters you've been following for a while end up in more often than not is how you're gonna remember them and fortunately this episode didn't just stick the landing it soared in its conclusion out of all the disney channel show endings i am a slightly bigger fan of the way amphibia concluded in terms of where it left its characters in the end but in terms of the actual episode taking the epic final showdown with bill into account as well as the emotional send-off yeah weirdmagen3 is still the best disney channel finale episode overall and my personal pick for the best episode of gravity falls oh yeah i didn't rank all the shorts but they're all good and my favorites are fixing it with zeus because of the intentionally bad editing and green screen that was pretty epic okay that's it good night gravity falls [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 2,030,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Gravity Falls, Dipper, Mabel, Grunkle Stan, Soos, Wendy, Bill Cipher, Ford, Disney, Disney Channel
Id: PX6sO_cTi8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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