Top 10 DreamWorks Villains

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The Grimmel hot take thoroughly killed me. Drago Bludvist is such an interesting villain who plays as a great foil to Hiccup.

And then there is Grimmel...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wikihow-amialive 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This list is pretty weak tbh, a lot I disagree with on it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xoBUSox 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Grimmel belongs at the very bottom of any list like this. I don't even mean he's the lowest among the powerful, impressive villains like Shen or Pitch Black, I mean in general. Like, I would sooner praise the likes of Captain Shmek or the little old lady from Madagascar 2. At least the writers for those two achieve what they're going for. I can't say the same for Grimmel.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Someone_Who_Exists 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Am I the only one who thinks Fairy Godmother is overrated? Don't get me wrong, she's a good villain, but putting her above Ramses, and so many other infinitely more complex villains, is so silly to me. Like, I get it, she sang "I need a hero", big whoop. I would honestly put her at 10, at most.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Top-Ordinary-5268 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
funding for Schafer illness is provided by Ray Con earbuds the sponsor today's video if there's one thing I really want to accomplish with my little youtube station its the rehabilitation of DreamWorks image I don't know why I just really want to make people aware that this studio was actually way better and more inventive overall than they gave it credit for people just don't reflect on the studio as a whole quite like they do with Disney and Pixar I'd argue that DreamWorks highs are just as high as these other studios and their lows are at least more watchable than the good dinosaur so really what's the problem here DreamWorks is a studio with a ton of underrated classics on their hands many of which are filled to the brim with incredibly fun and memorable characters and one of the most underrated groups of characters this studio has would be their villains everyone loves talking about him ranking Disney Villains but if you ask someone on the street to name their favorite DreamWorks villain they probably say oh I don't know markiplier that simply won't do here are my top 10 favorite DreamWorks villains ya chumps only rule I have is that each franchise is allowed a maximum of two villains on the list cuz any more than that would just be unfair also I have not seen every DreamWorks movie ever made yet so don't complain when Eris isn't on the list I haven't watched Sinbad yet but like Eris looks cool so so there she has honorably been mentioned that should satisfy all for fans of Sinbad out there also I thought really long and hard about whether or not Ken from b-movie belongs on the list but he's not really an active antagonist for very long in the movie so I'm sorry Kenny my boy maybe in another life okay ranking time okay number 10 okay okay number 10 is the look this was a really tight list so when you get to the end of the video and you realize some of the villains I ended up cutting you're gonna be like really and you left the verminator on there yes yes I did and I'll tell you why so obviously the verminator is not them compelling or well-developed villain in dreamworks history he's not even the main villain of his movie Vincent and GLaDOS are certainly more integral to the story in conflict but damn it the verminator is the funniest character alive I already talked my head off about him am i over the hedge review and honestly I'm just glad I have a chance to continue this conversation so soon because this is a conversation we need to be having the verminator is absolutely hysterical while also serving as a legitimate threat through his wide array of traps and tools he is hell-bent on catching those animals no matter the cost I literally love every single frame he's on screen and every single line of dialogue he has gives me pure joy the voice acting plays a big role here Thomas Haden Church absolutely kills it I don't really have much else to say that I haven't said in my previous video just stand the verminator and eat your vegetables or something come on this fight goes to the only villain on the list from a movie I don't actually like but even I can't deny that captain Dubois from Madagascar 3 is actually pretty great one of the reasons Du Bois outranks the verminator is that she's much more of an active threat throughout the entire movie always chasing the animals and never letting up like a female French nemesis from re3 if we're ranking the Madagascar characters by their power level Du Bois would be very high on the list only rival by Nana and the Penguins when you combine all four of them as a unit individually she could definitely kick each penguins ass except Rico he might be too Opie because of the RNG involved with the items he can pull out of his stomach I've been advocating for Rico to be banned from tournaments to no avail even so Dubois has so many insane abilities she can track she can heal through her melodic operatic singing she can drive her motorcycle and skate through a fish oil slick bust through walls produce a saw out of thin air and so much more honestly this woman is a complete lunatic but that lunacy makes for such an entertaining relentless antagonist this is the don't at me one and only aspect of Madagascar three that sticks out as being truly exceptional and I got to give the writers directors and Frances McDormand props for making this loony character work so well no crack for me if I can't have your money I can still bag your body yeah I love Victor Quartermaine he seems like your typical lame pompous jealous [ __ ] villain at first glance but not only is he really funny he's legit deranged and super threatening when he discovers Wallace is the way a rabbit and that he now has an excuse to murder the guy he's jealous of and he evilly glares at Gromit as if to say oh yeah I am going a serial kill Wallace and you can't stop me numbnuts he's just tremendous fun to watch and a legit threat which is my favorite combination for a villain that have I loved how much more manic he gets as the climax goes on and I love how ray Fiennes plays him it's an absolute blast many people generally consider Ian McKellen's towed from flushed away to be the pinnacle of our demands villainous creations and he's pretty good but come on man you simply cannot go wrong with Lord Victor Quartermaine the ultimate evil of the Wallace & Gromit Cinematic Universe except for that robot dog I guess that thing was horrifying I have to admit drago bludvist is a pretty good antagonist in the grand scheme of animated films but I still have problems with him and he's not good enough to make this less sorry Rimmel undoubtedly takes the cake in terms of this trilogies villains I mean I heard this guy from the Netflix shows good or something sure maybe I'll get around to watching this show after I finish tree watching the entire Total Drama Series for no other reason than me feeling like it no no until then grimille is my favorite How to Train Your Dragon antagonist his tenacity and leadership skills are unparalleled his ability to skillfully manipulate both dragons and people is frightening and he challenges the ideological perceptions of our main character in a way that Drago never did what makes grim mo so compelling is that he actually sort of wins in the end even after his death dragons and humans do have to separate because grimille is such a gigantic threat that he causes hiccup to realize that the world may never be truly safe for dragons evil humans like grimille will always be around to exploit dragon kind for their own nefarious goals and it's not worth a life of fear and terror for the dragons and their riders it's a very humbling and mature conclusion for the main characters to come to eventually they have to grow up and accept reality that their choices have negatively impact the Dragons safety and way of life and it takes a brutal run-in with an exceptionally deceptive chess master for this lesson to kick in grandma was also an excellent parallel to hiccup due to his backstory of not hesitating to kill a Night Fury Plus that scene in hiccups house is just phenomenal ultimately what holds grandma back from being amazing is that a he's not really three-dimensional in any sense and I kinda don't get his plan like it pans out in the end and he always seems to be aware of where the heroes are going but why did he have to wait for ruffnut to lead them there if he already knew they were going west that was I don't know he's kind of like Luke Skywalker and Return of the Jedi every part of his vague plan just kind of works out somehow and it's bizarre but not a big issue for me gotta give some props to the Night Fury killer who Rumpelstiltskin to the unenlightened shrek forever after is actually great and so is its villain I've talked about him at pretty sizeable lengths before but I just can't get enough of the sniveling little demon he's incredibly quirky and fun to watch yet he serves as the biggest threat the series has ever seen he rules far far away and in 24 hours shrunk will be dead because of these meddlesome contracts he made insane I feel like in terms of evil accomplishments Rumble ranks pretty darn high he isn't quite of the same stage presence or phenomenal writing as some of the other villains on this list but he certainly serves as one of the biggest threats in any DreamWorks movie but yeah I have gone into sufficient detail about him before so we shall now continue with our ranking I do declare actually before we do all that talking about shrek has gotten me hungry for good music I'm gonna take a quick break and listen to fairy godmothers cover up holding out for a hero real quick be right back twelve seconds later uh-oh I have a problem my headphones and speakers don't do this masterpiece justice I need the utmost sound quality if I'm gonna listen to fairy godmothers overpowering voice hear the anguish of mongos incredible sacrifice and also pick up on that random bowling ball sound effect they added [ __ ] kicked the gumdrop button back and not only do I need great sound quality I also need effortless portability so I can listen to I need a hero over and over on my morning jog around my backyard what could the solution to my predicament be well I'll tell you rake on earbuds baby I love the everyday II 25-year buds they fit so comfortably in my ear and the sound quality they offer is just excellent I've started using them in place of headphones on a daily basis and I'm so happy I made the switch because wires are the absolute worst and with this machine we don't need wires the everyday e25 earbuds offer six continuous hours of playtime simple bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit and look at the colors they got come on look how stylish that is rake on your buds started about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market which is crazy given the level of sound quality they offer their incredibly budget-friendly yet they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know want to get some for yourself I don't blame you all you gotta do is go to buy rake on Comm /a for a list to get 15% off your order click the link in the description box below again that's buy rake on Comm /a furless check them out it's honestly astounding what they were able to accomplish with titan a movie for kids managed to debunk toxic nerd masculinity and accurately portray what would happen if one of these are / nice guys managed to get superpowers it blows my mind how ahead of its time this movie was especially with this guy in particular Titan is more or less everything you could want in a super villain despite being the opposite of what people would expect out of a super villain he's just some creepy geek who lusts for roxanna and would do anything to get with her including inviting her to his place to have fun in the bouncy castle I didn't realize what he meant by that in my original mega mind video but I'm very happy you all destroyed my innocence by informing me thanks for that regardless once this dude accidentally gets infected with Metro Man's godlike powers he only wants to use them for his own personal gain being a hero in the true sense of being selfless and actually heroic isn't on his agenda he just wants the girl and the popularity and all that as without putting in the effort to be a good person and it is through his extreme villainy that we finally get to see Megamind develop into a good person the contrast between the two of them is incredibly strong one of them eventually rises up and becomes a hero in spite of his unfortunate circumstances and the other becomes a villain after getting all the power he could ever want it's really poetic and interesting also Howell is super funny so yeah this dude is basically just a one-liner machine however his most famous line was actually a falsehood there is an Easter Bunny and tooth fairy because I watched rides of the Guardians last week and they were right there jury's still out on the Queen of England though also also before I get any comments about this rise of the Guardians was really good but the villain sucks ass look at your face it looks like a car ran over tomorrow Kung Fu Panda is a series with some ruthless compelling immensely intimidating villains and also Kai out of the trilogy the fan favorite definitely seems to be Lord Shen this maniacal peacock is responsible for the genocide of the entire panda species save for a handful of survivors Poe's mother is sadly killed during order 66 and po is taken in by best dad aka mr. the goose but PO never fully recovers from the trauma of losing his mother at such a young age so while he has to physically grapple with Lord Shen and his big-ass canon of doom he must also conquer the emotional scars Shen left all those years ago it's a really profound story amplified by the fact that Shen is without a doubt the most evil creature dreamworks has ever created his hasty mass genocide of an entire species brought about by paranoia surrounding a prophecy that he had no reason to even believe is sickeningly vile his devious voice and unique design contribute to an intensely memorable and worthy foe that emotionally and physically wrecks po more than anyone else and yet post scars heal no they don't or I guess his wounds heal and the scars fade or something what scholars do now Lord Shen is an obvious contender for number one on lists like bees so what's he doing here well truth be told I don't like some of the comedy bits with him the funny lines that he says aren't the problem it's the way he's rendered a bit pathetic now and then by some of his minions or the soothsayer I see and I'm honestly not quite as intimidated by him as I am with some of the other villains still he's honestly a near-perfect villain I mean I run shiny at number four on my villain song list so clearly I have a tremendous amount of respect for the number four spot and it's nothing to sneeze at so yeah don't ask me about this know my power Lord Shen may be the fan favorite amongst the Kung Fu Panda villains and he certainly is the most evil but in my mind he'll always be eclipsed by Tai Lung finally while Shen is the most cunning antagonist Tai Lung is the most actively threatening in fact he might be the scariest Dreamworks antagonist simply due to his insane physical ability and ferocious nature his prison escape scene alone is one of the most enthralling sequences I've ever seen in an animated film on account of how he makes a seemingly impossible task feel effortless and the bridge scene solidifies just how insane his abilities are however by the end he's rendered more pathetic and desperate through his obsessive aspiration to learn the secrets of the Dragon scroll a secret that Poe has already come to terms with it unlike Shen Tai Lung is only funny towards the end since he treats Poe like a joke and then gets those tables turned on him I like how his quest for powers absolutely consumed him even at the cost of his relationship with his former master and father figure their confrontation is absolutely excellent from the flat-out insane action to the sorrowful dialog from the way he appears in a flash of lightning to his ferocious flaming claws to the moment where she foo briefly touches his heart by apologizing filling his head with unfulfilled dreams this movie is a legit cinematic masterpiece and this villain plays a key role in get there he's absolutely incredible I think it's fairly evident at this point that there will never be another animated film quite on the same level as the Prince of Egypt this masterful retelling of the Moses story endures as a cult classic due to its divine soundtrack striking animation and rich characters nowhere is this richness more evident than with Ramses as Moses's brother the to quarrel fairly often yet always find a way to reconcile in the end but when Moses comes to terms with the horrifying actions of his family actions that he never quite considered the repercussions of he leaves his brother and home behind and while Moses is able to become a nobleman by fleeing his home Ramses instead follows in his father's footsteps and makes everything worse for the enslaved Jewish people Rameses has had a chip on his shoulder ever since his father chastised him for potentially being the weak link in the dynasty and Rameses has worked every day since then to ensure that his father's legacy of slavery and bloodshed is carried out even long after his father is gone so when Moses finally returns and asks for the Hebrews to be set free Rameses unfortunately becomes the ruthless villain he had always been groomed to be Bray finds in his second vocal performance on this list sells every single line whether it be one of intense anger or profound sadness the conflict between him and his brother is raw and genuine and you're constantly hoping for Moses to change his heart even though you know that's not how the story goes in the end Rameses is left with nothing and in spite of how evil he is you can't help but feel incredibly bad for him he didn't need to become this monster he could have walked the same path as Moses if he had only chosen to maybe God left him alive as an act of divine mercy for him to reflect on his life and how he should change or maybe God simply left him alive for Moses sake since Moses always held hoped that his brother was not truly gone either way Ramsey stands out as perhaps the most well-written exceptionally compelling tagging is in any animated film there's so much discussed with this character and I would love to do so at a later date until then just know that the Prince of Egypt is absolutely exceptional and Ramses is an unforgettable antagonist but you know exactly who number one is I [Music] know it seems like I only put fairy godmother in the number one spot because of I need a hero and that's true but I'm sorry for once in my lists I just had to rank my absolute favorite choice over the one that's probably the best honestly though it just blows my mind how well-written and organically woven into the storyline this villain really is fairy godmother is behind everything Fiona's imprisonment the attempts to get rid of Shrek the plot to take over Far Far Away all of it her deeply rooted manipulations impacts in the early every aspect of Shrek to his plot and through it all she manages to be intimidating and hilarious I dieted bruit I hope you're happy she always has the upper hand in every exchange with every character and yet she's so hysterical throughout all of it her two-faced persona depending on who she's talking to makes for a villain it's hateable and likable at the same time really the best kind of villain there is i also obviously love the way she subtly manipulates track by identifying his insecurities and convincing him to give up she managed to adapt a Shrek's plan of becoming handsome and formulate her own counter plan after like five seconds that's some queenship right there Jennifer Saunders kills every single aspect of this character from her comedy to her sinister nature to her insane vocals and everything obviously culminates in the scene that taught six-year-old me what cinema could truly accomplish her vocal performance of I need a hero to find a generation and to this day stands out as the greatest most well integrated musical performance ever put into a film I will not compromise on that front everything about her plan checks out she manages to be hilarious and intimidating at the same time she delivers us a god-like sequence oh my god she's just the best DreamWorks villain delete your account if you disagree goodnight tri-state area [Music]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 3,085,781
Rating: 4.9463472 out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, DreamWorks, Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, Megamind, The Prince of Egypt
Id: gyK32l5gQUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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