Why Megamind 2 is a Cinematic Disaster

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funding for sha realis is provided by surf shark VPN tune until the end to find out about their amazing [Music] service Mega Minds versus the Doom Syndicate is a 2024 American animated superhero parody film produced by Dreamworks Animation television let me uh let me just run that by you again Dreamworks Animation television this is not a real theatrical sequel in the same sense as Kung Fu Panza 2 Puss and Boots The Last Wish shreku Etc this is following in the same vein as like the Penguins of Madagascar TV show on Nickelodeon or the King Julian Show on Netflix the How to Train Your Dragon shows the Kung Fu Panda show and so on and so forth you know those uh those TV shows aren't um aren't exactly on par with the movies they're based on you know I mean I grew up watching The Penguins of Madagascar show and I think it's pretty good and I'm sure all these other shows have their fans as well but the thing is none of these shows have ever had the burden of carrying their franchises you know they come out as a little supplement for kids to watch in between the releases of the big budget theatrical sequels the real DreamWorks movies mega mind versus the Doom Syndicate and the ensuing TV show mega mind rules are obviously following in the same vein as these TV shows you know they're meant to be just little supplements in between the franchise's big theatrical releases but there's a little problem with that isn't there you see mega mind versus the Doom Syndicate is not meant as a supplement to a theatrical sequel because there is no theatrical Sequel and what's more all those TV shows I talked about came out very shortly after their original films mega mind versus the Doom Syndicate was not advertised as a simple TV show spin-off for kids it was advertised as Mega mind's Grand's long awaited return and this was clearly an attempt to appeal to nostalgic adults who grew up watching Megamind as kids because if this show was just meant to be for kids well then why are you making a mega mind show it has been 14 years since the original came out this character does not have the same relevance among children that he would have had had this show come out in like 2011 the concept that they made this solely because they thought mega mind was a popular character for a child demographic is laughable they have done nothing with this franchise since 2010 and thus he is irrelevant to Modern children which brings us to the real reason mega mind returned only now the internet some wise guy over a DreamWorks caught wind to the fact that mega mind had amassed a huge cultural following online rivaling even that of the major franchises like Shrek or Kung Fu Panda this is something that had been brewing for years largely thanks to the fact that those kids who watched mega mind back in 2010 started growing up looking back and realizing damn that movie was really funny and it was a very subersive and smart take on superheroes morality incel behavior and a ton of other things I feel like most people I talk to appreciate Megamind more as an adult than they did as a kid as a kid it's Goofy and funny and whatnot but I don't know I feel like most kids will be more attached to the inherent awesomeness of Kung Fu Panda or the antics of those wacky Madagascar animals I mean dude those animals are so fing funny I think these are just stronger kid Centric franchises than the movie where there's a ton of relationship drama and mature self-discovery for multiple characters and also an incel I can confirm all this because as a kid yeah I liked mega mind I thought it was good but stuff like Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda appealed to me way more I guess their box office and continued franchise ability is proof of that oh and as a disclaimer I'm not saying Kung Fu Panda doesn't have mature moments I'm just saying funny epic Panda Kung Fu is easier for a child to latch on to than funny science blue guy in relationship drama I don't know so with all of this said I think it's pretty clear that this belated Revival of Megamind of all possible DreamWorks franchises that never got a sequel is a direct result of how popular and beloved it is on the internet I mean think about it they could have revived something like sharktail instead but is that really what the kids want let's say I'm a DreamWorks executive hm let me just look up if the kids are talking about sharktail what the it's a cinematic disaster well I guess no one wants that to be revived now how about mega mind wa it's a subversive Masterpiece and 17 million people agree well hot diggity dog that might be a profitable franchise to revive okay I just but in all seriousness while I think it would be foolish to say that there was a non z% chance that the popularity of a certain video on mega mind got the ball rolling on the idea of Reviving it the truth of the matter is I don't think it did wow look at me being so humble I deserve the humble award no but in all honesty a lot of people I've talked to have credited me with really sparking the conversation about mega mind and its positive reputation within the internet Community but I think those people are kind of misremembering that mega mind and the Brilliance of its writing was talked about everywhere before my video came out and if anything my video was just kind of a consolidation of all the praise everyone was already thinking I do think some of my videos got the ball rolling on certain film opinions for instance I didn't really see much praise for Shrek 4 before my video came out but I noticed a lot more people popping up to say they enjoy it nowadays with meind however sure that video must have had some influence on how some people view the film but I feel like it was more so riding the wave of Mega mind's popularity rather than starting that wave in the first place I don't think any one YouTube video can really influence the action of film studio Executives and my video was just one piece of the mega mind loving pie that the internet collectively baked over the course of the late 2010s all of that was a very roundabout way of saying I am not responsible for this my video did not will this into existence you hear me I wash my hands of you MegaMind versus the Doom Syndicate anyway I would explain why I'm so eager to do so with this new film but do I really have to if you've seen the trailer you get it this is not the Revival anyone wanted for mega mind if this had just been a 2011 Nickelodeon tie-in TV show thing I don't think anyone would have cared but they were trying to Hype us up not the children us the mega mind loving 20s something stuck in a Perpetual state of Arrested Development hey that's the name of the show the trailer proudly proclaims mega mind is back and you're welcome like we should be thanking them because this is what we wanted right a ton of people have expressed Express the sentiment that Mega M should have gotten a bunch of sequels instead of its rival at the time Despicable Me or other DreamWorks franchises like the boss baby well this is the sequel we've all been waiting for an exceptionally shitty looking movie with none of the original voice cast returning with significantly worse animation which also serves as a pilot for a TV show of similar non-existent quality yeah mega mind is back and you're welcome I considered ignoring this because maybe if I ignore it it'll go away I mean I don't see any reason to pick on the boss baby back in business or Spirit riding free or whatever DreamWorks is always going to make TV spin-offs of lesser animation quality that are even more geared towards kids than their original films and there's really no conceivable reason to get mad about those right it's obvious what they are and the same would apply to Mega M tier except it's just so obvious that DreamWorks wants my generation to watch this because without my generation they would have never even made it so if they're going to treat the new mega mind as a big event that people my age should pay attention to I guess it's only fair to judge it as such huh you asked for this DreamWorks why don't I take a look at just how well this holds up as a followup to mega mind and since I might as well be comprehensive so I can put this whole experience to rest and never think about it again after this I'm going to cover the Eight Episodes of the TV series as well you know at first I thought only eight episodes really like why are TV seasons so short now and then after watching 5 minutes of the first episode I thought oh dear God why is this season so long but we're getting ahead of ourselves let's start out with the one and only mega mind 2 as some people have taken to calling it hell even I did for this video's title cuz it's just shorter and that way you can see the rest of the words but don't be fooled this is not mega mind 2 I think that's going to become apparent very quickly well nothing left to do but Jump On In first and foremost this movie for making me get a peacock subscription I don't know I guess now I can finally watch that Ted show everyone was raving about back in January that sounds a lot better than this do I have to watch the movies first though is this like better call saw where it flashes forward to post Breaking Bad events so you won't have the full context for this prequel unless you watch the thing that came out first damn you know what I guess I can't do the mega mind review until I know that for sure oh well hey James good news you don't need to watch the Ted movies in order to understand the Ted prequel show great William thank you very much I guess I'm out of excuses so we see the DreamWorks logo and mega mind interrupts it in a very stilted and awkward way speaking of stilted and awkward uh this voice hello loyal viewers imposter now let's make one thing clear I don't want to see any of you clowns going out there and harassing any of the voice actors involved in this production or the writers or the animators etc etc the only people you should harass are the network Executives it's always morally correct obviously the voice actors are just doing as good a job as they can trying to fill the big shoes left by Will Ferell Tina Fay and David Cross I wouldn't say they're doing a bad job in general as imitator voices though yeah I mean surely there was someone out there they could have gotten who actually sounds like feral right somebody anyway not Mega mine says like me you probably never thought this day would come that's not his voice uh but neither is the actual voice in the show sorry I see some old friends I see new friends and if that line doesn't tip you off to who they're trying to Market this product to I don't know what will oh look we're his old friends we never thought we'd get mega Mine 2 and there's a good reason for that because we still haven't okay who's ready for the first joke Mega mine tells it's probably going to be super hilarious right I see friends who frankly should put some pants on and venture outside occasionally okay I don't exactly think I need to explain that the wit and charm of the first movie's humor is all gone it's blatantly obvious if you watch one minute of this help 15 seconds is probably all you need to get the picture mega mine next explains the plot of the first movie to us without any jokes really it's pretty much the laziest possible way to catch viewers up on the story and most of the stuff he talks about like metroman and Titan do not factor into this movie story at all you could have just not had this here stop reminding me that I could be watching a real movie instead I'm depressed enough as it is so after the title drop we meet the Go Fish gang they are a gang who wear fish outfits and they are robbing an aquarium I mean I've seen less creative things before I guess they're going to steal a fish and mega mind is going to stop them and now 3 minutes in we have our first real gu get AO to this moment so minion explains that due to a cease and desist order from the fast food chain Mr Minion's meatles he can no longer call himself minion and his name is now Chum all right let's get into this so obviously this is a Sly reference to the fact that the minions exist and pretty much took up all the mental head space associated with that word it's basically the mega mine franchise admitting defeat and acknowledging that Despicable Me won the culture War or whatever and I have to ask what are you guys fing five just call him minion who cares if the minions are a thing that exists it's a name based off of a word illumination does not own the word or wait who owns illumination again Universal yeah they don't own the word hm now that's got me curious who owns DreamWorks now what the universal owns them both now so what's wrong with calling a minion maybe they don't want to get their merchandising opportunities I mean beloved iconic strong characters mixed up the sad thing is I actually kind of like the name Chum it's a cute fish pun and a reflection that meam mine sees him as a friend now rather than just a servant but instead of having a nice moment where Megamind says that sort of thing nah let's throw in a copyright joke oopsy Poopsy don't want to step on the minions shoes now do we basically what I'm trying to say is that this is the one and only circumstance where it's okay to dead name someone he's still minion [ __ ] you anyway what happens in this scene uh the worst looking CGI shark of all time slides in and mega mine stops it with the dehydration gun he then traps the fish boys in a portable prison but oh no it malfunctions and now they're getting away man if only he had some sort of weapon that could stop them in their tracks you know like like a gun that turns you into an inanimate Cube or something oh well this is a great example right off the bat of just how horribly stilted everything is from a directorial perspective nothing in this scene is kinetic at all everything is just so slow and awkward when the prison deactivates mega mind barely reacts he just goes into this weird Idol animation and then it cuts to him being like minion this is embarrassing bro do something to stop them again if only he had a gun or something that could immobilize them so yeah he beats the fish boys with a shark and a Rick and Morty portal or something I don't know man I'm not going to recap every last bit of plot this movie has for you watching this once was Soul crushing enough I don't need to relive it all for your entertain entainment I probably will though okay so broad Strokes issues you know other than the awful unfunny writing and stilted Direction and unfitting voice acting and terrible animation and insulting existence uh here's one for some completely inexplicable reason Megamind is an unappreciative [ __ ] to minion now which is insane because as a super villain he always valued minion as a trusted partner and his only friend now he's supposed to be a good guy and he treats minions sign ific anly worse I mean I guess a lot can change in all the time it's been since the first movie you know a whole two days ago two days it's only been 2 days and all of a sudden Mega M doesn't value minions friendship at all bro you renamed him Chum why is he not your Chum anymore what is wrong with you well before we get to that we got roxan who realized in the last two days that she doesn't like her reporting job anymore since she's not accomplishing anything herself oh no but don't worry worry we got some random stupid kid to show her the magic of being a twitch streamer this is KO she got half a million followers hosting this mega mind streaming fan club which only could have happened in the two days since Mega mindes became a hero she got half a million followers in 2 days again I feel like a lot of this movie's problems not all or even most honestly would be solved if it just wasn't two days after the first movie anyway roxand is like wow half a million followers that's 10 times the number of views I get so is the movie setting roxan up to be a twitch streamer later on nah they're setting up something that's much more of a stretch can't wait to show you what that is now the stupid kid talks to mega mind and this movie begins to reveal the true form of the premise for the show it's setting up much like how the demon of Babylon disguises himself with the coat of the righteous it's about content creation and social media and streaming and influencing her generation was born techsavvy Whoopi we're so hip with the kids and whatnot I guess this whole time Mega M took place in the future instead of 2010 since 2 days after its events we're in the age of online content creation this of course is why we see so much streaming and smartphones and influencing in the original Mega mins like but we're not at the bulk of this [ __ ] yet minion first we have to have the totally earned and not at all Force scene where minion and Megamind break up again hey remember how they did that in the first movie but it made more sense because Megamind was obsessed with roxan and didn't want to be a villain anymore and Minion felt betrayed and yeah turns out they broke up again 2 days after reconciling cuz Mega Man doesn't value him at all this is also the first time he talks to roxan in this movie in a scene that's about minion and not their relationship bro I just can't do this so yeah minion reads an in Universe AI generated speech to him asks to be a sidekick and mega mine says you can't be my sidekick I'm the hero and you're the guy who gets to hang out with the hero is that not what a sidekick is was it being his minion kind of already like being his sidekick whatever they break up and mega mine doesn't care he's like oh he'll be back I'm just negotiating oh boy sometimes I miss the Simplicity of the bad old days you know earlier this week whatever man what's the next important scene I just want to make Pikmin videos instead of [Music] this oh boy now it's time to meet the Doom Syndicate they all suck and are not threatening nor funny the lava guy is just a Skylander there's a knight and he's also a night themed Knight and his name is nighty Knight whoa slow down movie you're going too hard with all these amazing billing Concepts I'm an actual night which is also super dark but is it dark what what was the joke there that doesn't make any sense so it turns out these four are Mega M's old team and I shouldn't have to tell you that the first movie made it clear that Mega mines never had a team it was him and Minion against the world we all know this that alone is grounds to claim this as non- cannon in a way I could never really do legitimately for Shrek III that was obviously always just a joke but this is actively and flagrantly not a part of the mega Min Cannon also oh no the villains are in jail how are they going to get out oh very easily actually why were they all just in regular jail and not solitary super secure cells like the one Mega mine was in in the original film well um you see the night guy says hello darkness my old friend that's a funny reference you sir just won the internet for today after they escape we then find out that mega mind is tracking roxan without her permission with a bobblehead he gave her as a gift wow what a good character he also does not know how to operate a toaster wow what a smart character isn't his whole stick is that he has a really big brain you know like he's not supposed to be one of the dumbest characters in all of fiction because he has a big brain anyway oh goodie the Doom Syndicate are here to congratulate Mega mines cuz they think he's still evil and that he tricked everyone to take over the city apparently they were just laying low in prison and waiting for a signal before escaping and joining him hey you have you know what would have made even more sense as a signal to break out and join him when he took over the city as a super villain in the first movie remember that that would have been a way more logical time to join him if you guys existed at all back then you did right the writers definitely didn't pull you out of their asses right it's crazy how they could have just made these characters exist without contradicting everything about the original film's Canon but they went the extra mile and through continuity and basic logic in the garbage just for us I'm so happy about that so now metal man gets to pretend he's still evil to these guys and also pretend he and roxan are evil married or else the evil guys are going to kill him or something I mean this feels like a movie made for preschoolers so they probably won't kill him but I kind of wish they would cuz that means no more Mega mines we can all go home and stop watching in this [ __ ] forever yay now the villains are going on a rampage and mega mind is like oh wo is me how do I stop them GE I don't know man if only you had a really convenient Gadget that could turn someone into an immobile Cube really easily then you might have a chance hey look at that it's Mr minion of the popular Mr Minion's meices chain literally what about him resembles a minion at all not that kind of Minion though if you wanted to make a joke like that you could but like he doesn't even look like an evil minion it's just a chef I can't believe sharktail isn't the DreamWorks movie with the laziest Billboards anymore okay so Mamba man also saves stupid kid from a falling thing and she's like wao mega mind you just saved Yours Truly from becoming a human vegan pancake okay wait C can someone explain this one to me so is she saying that she's a vegan so it would be a pancake made out of a vegan or like is the pancake made out of vegan ingredients aside from her so that's why it's human vegan or is she implying that she is not meat and in fact is a plant creature time to break out the Kao plant creature Theory anyway now the Goon Squad wants to rob a bank except they decide that they just want to watch Mega mine do it instead uh-oh but he's a good guy now talk about awward speaking of which why don't you all go back to treating me like you did in the bad old days but that's when you were evil I am dead serious guys I genuinely believe Madame Webb has a better screenplay than this stupid kid comes in and says don't worry guys this is just a safety drill and everyone in the back is like oh yeah okay makes sense and the villains watching from the window who didn't hear any of this are like wow he's so evil he even stops for selfies I wish I was making this up you guys this is one of the most unbearable pieces of [ __ ] I've watched in such a long time I am counting down these seconds until it is finally over so now the Doom Syndicate is throwing a rave at Mega mine's Lair for some reason it's such a wild and crazy party that this guy forgot that he was supposed to be animated oh mama what a professional feature film we've got on our hands here ooh now it's time for the wacky scenario where the Go Fish gang shows up and they're about to reveal that Mega mine's really a hero the Doom Syndicate texted them to come to Mega mine's place and they show up actively looking for Mega mines so if they wanted to reveal that he's a hero now couldn't they have just texted the Doom Syndicate back uh but then we wouldn't have the funny wacky scene where Mega Man distracts them with his sick dance moves two of them have a weightless tensionless dance battle and eventually mega mind resorts to getting all the fish guys with the dehydration gun cool hey wait so he'll use it on these guys but not the Doom syndicates oh how do I stop Four villains in once shoot them with a dehydration gun the movie never says that their superpowers are preventing them from being dehydrated and it's not like any of them have metroman or Titan super speed so shoot them with the gun right now they're distracted and dancing and everything or if not right now you can isolate each one of them at some point because they all trust you so shoot them with the gun I feel like I'm losing my godamn mind this is so [ __ ] shitty I can't take it so the next day roxan makes muffins and the joke is that the muffins are bad because she doesn't know how to make muffins but if you wanted the joke to land you could have made the muffins look a lot worse than they did cuz they look perfect if if they just taste bad then the joke doesn't um the the the the joke doesn't exactly work you can apply a similar sentiment to every joke in this movie actually I did not laugh chuckle or even smile once watching this there's one joke later on that was the kernel of a good idea for a joke it just was not delivered very well and we'll get to it later so it's revealed that Mega mine's old plan that they're doing now is to take metrocity to the Moon hey that's that's kind of like how the the other movie how how how he uh how how how he like stole the how he stole the moon in that movie remember that it's crazy how all of the Despicable Me sequels and the Minions movies are better than this oh no Mega Man is trying to stall the moon launch and the Doom Syndicate is getting sus of him he's been acting out a character since we got here thank you that's what I'm saying oh baby it's time for another one of Mega M 2's epic jokes are you ready for this it turns out the password for the launch is THX 8675309 you see this is a brilliant dual reference to the loud thing that shows up in front of old Pixar movies and the funny song about the phone number 8675309 are you laughing yet oh no mega mind is so scared because Titan was only one villain and this is a whole Syndicate of them never mind the fact that Titan was basically a God and these four are not only huge idiots but their powers are mime who hypnotizes people Knight who makes things dark Lava Monster who could probably be stopped with a big water balloon the only one I can see mildly posing a threat is weather lady and even then she hasn't used used her weather powers for anything threatening at all yet none of them have the idea that Megamind finds these guys to be an overwhelming Unstoppable force is a deeply insane premise with no plausibility whatsoever once again it cannot be a difficult task to pretend you're meeting with each of them oneon-one and then shoot them with the fing dehydration gun it is the easiest solution in the whole damn world what the [ __ ] is your problem but you don't understand that as well as the countless gadgets mega mind has built over the years is not enough he needs minion back so they derail the plot entirely to Bear witness to what clearly should have been just an episode of the TV show earlier minion got a job at this shitty Diner and now he turned it around and it's a good place that has good donuts and mega mind is like minion you got it come back and he's like no I like donuts and mega M's like okay and Minion will come back later just wait it'll happen because I've seen a movie before Mega Mine 2 is banking on the child audience that it is clearly made for to have never seen a movie in order to make this scene work oh yeah and mega mind and roxan had trouble getting in CU of the Guard lady but stupid kid showed up and helped them get in because she gave her a cockroach and then the weird thing about this scene is that everybody in line is just kind of staring at them and not complaining that they're cutting in front of them they're just okay with this it's crazy how Cars 2 is better than this movie so I didn't pick up on this the first time I watched it but the Doom Syndicate is watching a show called Crab Cake Wars crustation Devastation that's pretty random for them to reference crabs of all things could that be a reference to a certain YouTuber who made a mega mind video I genuinely kind of doubt it but I feel like I'd get a lot of comments about it if I didn't address that so there you go I feel nothing even if there was somehow a direct reference to me in this thing I would also feel nothing mega mind versus the Doom Syndicate has broken me not because it's a betrayal of everything I hold dear about the original I mean it is that but that's not the main reason the main reason is that it's one of the most [ __ ] boring and unbearable things I've ever seen you want to know where it would rank among the Disney sequel last place it is worse than Belle's magical world and Hunchback 2 because at least Hunchback 2 had serou and Belle's magical world had um whatever this is still worse than that and it's worse than any real DreamWorks movie including turbo and Shrek II it's so bad in so many ways that it's kind of Soul crushing like I genuinely do not have it in me to get that enraged about it overall it really isn't worth it and we still have 30 more minutes to get through oh my God you know a fun thing about peacock is that it will actually tell you the Rotten Tomato score something has whenever you pause it so I got to look at this glorious and prestigious 10% score every time I pause the movie to write about it and let's be honest 10% it's more than a little generous okay guess what guys Mega M finally has a plan to defeat the Doom Syndicate it took him all movie to come up with this but he's finally got one are you ready he uses the portable prison he used on the fish guys at the beginning of the movie it took him that long to come up with that that's not even a plan he had that already what is this movie's problem anyway guess what you know how the portapotty broke earlier when he tried to use it on the fish guys well it breaks now because he never got it fixed what brilliant plan to stake the entire fate of metrocity on Mega mine tries to tell them it's just a prank bro and did you think that that was just my casual nonchalant way of expressing what happen through a vintage meme quote no that's actually what he says in the goddamn movie it's a prank bro and then he sweats and the sweat trickles down all the way to his belt where the three fish guys were being stored and it rehydrates them and they are real again oh no what an overwhelming and Bleak situation Mega Man has found himself in it feels totally earned and I am experiencing a very real sense of dread from these ensuing [Music] shenan okay so uh so so so so they kill Mega mind finally woo oh my God took you long enough and weather lady says let's relocate to a better neighborhood and the lava Skylander says Mongolia once again I do not get what the joke was supposed to be there so please set send me the joke in the mail please please email me the explanation of what this joke means and I will um I I I will literally drink water if you do so thank you okay next we have to have the scene where uh the the scene where it's super sad cuz Mega M's alone and about to lose all the good things in his life but then he gets pep talks or whatever from roxan and stupid kid and Minion comes back guys I've never wanted a video to be over more in my entire life and we're not even at the TV show yet oh my God how did my life go so wrong hey remember in the the the mega m 2 at the beginning when the When when when when when when shark uh surf shark my brain is broken I can't think of transition sorry surf sharkk VPN is an incredible product that protects you online with surf shark you can trick your browser into thinking you're in another country thus allowing you to access exclusive Netflix Disney Plus Peacock Etc content you couldn't get otherwise that way you don't have to physically travel to metrocity to see um Crab Cake Wars crustation Devastation man that show sounds so much better than this Mega M [ __ ] not going to lie plus use it surf shark alert system to get alerts anytime your email address or password is compromised surf Shar alert scans various databases of leaked information and notifies its users if their data is found so they can take action which is an absolutely invaluable feature 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joke in the movie paying for things whoever came up with that scheme is a real Evil Genius Mega mine really said capitalism baby that'd be pretty cool if this was the real Mega mindes but it's not okay moving on the Knight is boning the fact that everything did to break the door failed and they can't get in and immediately you know the joke is going to be that he's going to hit the door one more time and then it's going to fall down that's what nearly every single joke in this movie is like whatever you think is going to happen as a comedic subversion will happen nothing is ever subverted it's all predictable and poorly timed and again only really funny to someone who has literally never seen a movie before because they are an infant also am I stupid or did the first movie end with the implication that mega mind and roxan were going to be a romantic couple cuz in this movie they just aren't and it's like ooh there's romantic tension Ooh It's Complicated I'm sorry why are we doing a will they won't they romantic plot line here can't character relationships just progress and stay progressed I mean none of this is Canon anyway obviously so I guess I don't care all the basic lore inconsistencies pretty much imply that this is a Penguins of Madagascar TV show situation cuz in that show there was clearly no point in the timeline where the Penguins and the Lemur would have been at the zoo together it's obviously just an au and that's what this is too don't worry guys it didn't really ruin the mega M timeline even though it kind of did ruin the franchise cuz like what you think they're going to make a real theatrical sequel after this [ __ ] oh well the first movie is intact and it was always better as a standalone story anyway let's leave it at that I guess before we do that though I have to finish this fing [ __ ] next Mega mind and roxan distract the Doom syndicate with tennis balls these are extremely effective against the four nefarious villains that mega mind didn't know how to defeat for days on end now it's crazy how dear Evan Hansen is a better movie than this mega mind is all like if I know minion he's cleverly slipped through the lair's defenses take a Wilding guess what it's going to cut to after he says that you'll never believe it minion didn't slip through the layers the fces that's so funny that's the funniest thing I've ever seen oh my God this movie just keeps hitting the Home Run point now it's time to Bear witness to Roxanne's totally natural and believable Arc in this movie you see earlier she met with the mayor and the mayor is an idiot who doesn't know what to do in any situation so she told him stuff he could do because he doesn't have any AIDS who could do that for him I suppose and now that the city is flying into space the mayor is once again incompetent and doesn't know how to lead in this situation so I guess it's up to roxan to lead everyone including these trained paramedics police and firefighters cuz they didn't know what to do until this random reporter lady told them meanwhile minion defeats the fish gang without his suit because they are the most incompetent characters in the movie no I can't even say that everyone's on an equal level of incompetence so he stops the city from flying into space but now it's just going to crash into the Earth this is just the climax of Age of Ultron what kind of hack fraud operation is this anyway make a Mind Tricks them into arguing about who's the leader cuz they were arguing about that the whole movie and it did not get annoying he then beats them in really underwhelming ways and then they stop the city from falling too fast to the mayor yells at them for this and roxan is like haha you're a bad mayor I can do your job better and then they immediately have an election and she's the mayor now that was her Arc she became the mayor because who else in the City could tell the trained paramedics to go help people we needed this reporter lady to tell us that Whoopi and Megamind finally learned the difference between villains and heroes bad guys look out for themselves Heroes look out for each other wa what a crazy Revelation guys I can't believe it and then a robot parakeet poops on him the end oh excuse me it's not the end we have to have a post 2 seconds of credit Stinger where the Doom Syndicate is in prison and greeted by a floating brain called Makia villain the guy who taught Megamind everything he knows about evil hey wait a second he grew up in prison and learned it all there what are youing talking about just stop and that was meind versus the Doom Syndicate again if it was just a TV movie that came out 14 years ago nobody would care we could all just ignore it and go about our way but no DreamWorks had to Hype it up and say we hear you Mega mine fans this is the sequel you deserve you're welcome it might genuinely be one of the most insulting things I've ever seen to the point where I'd say it stands pretty much toe to- Toe with Surfs Up to wave Mania in terms of being an absolutely insane bastardization of every single aspect of the original that was good I know I yelled a lot but I don't really have it in me to despise it on the level that you might have wanted from me which is pretty surprising considering just how long I talked about its awfulness nah I will truly forget everything that happens in this within a month I don't think anything in it will give me nightmares quite like the sight of Vince McMahon milking a fish's utter did I'm just glad I can officially say I talked about this and we can all move on with our lives now and what's that no no I don't I don't have to talk about the TV show do I no no you can't make me talk about the TV show under no circumstances will I ever talk about the TV show ever now you see kids this is the part where it cuts to me talking about the TV show which is funny because I just said that I wasn't going to you are now a comedy Master on the same level as the mega mind rules [Music] writers episode one of mega mind rules is perhaps even worse than the movie The only benefit it has is the fact that it's 22 minutes and not 90 you might be wondering how could it possibly be worse than the movie what could possibly follow up that fing atrocity ho you're in for a treat today kids all right first things first the show has a theme song and if I'm being honest it's not bad give it a ton of props for having lyrics something that a lot of kids shows these days don't have in their openings for some reason Adam Lambert apparently did the song and he's like a real musician wa crazy my only issue with it is the lyric a superhero that you stream online now obviously this is a double meaning since within the show people see him on streams oh wait we haven't gotten to that part yet oh oopsie sorry to spoil the big reveal my bad but yeah it makes sense within the context of the show but it's also also meant to be like hey look you're streaming his Show online they baked the fact that this is a piece of streaming garbage into the actual theme song what kind of sick twisted fing show does that anyway the episode entitled mega mind versus Dude monkey you know we're in for a real treat with a title like that so I'm not going to recap the plot for all these episodes I'm just going to cover the major beats and the low lights basically there's a new crime fighter in town and his name is dude monkey he's an influencer he streams all the crime fighting escapades and stuff if you guys played the Miles Morales game you might remember that fing annoying as [ __ ] villain lady who was streaming all the time yeah he's like that but a hero wow I'm so excited so Mega M goes to roxan and she throws a monitor at him which causes him to fall forward into her office instead of backwards that makes sense is here we get to see the absolutely abysmal fing state of the Rox ofine [ __ ] is that what it's called I have no idea mega mind gets into a little tiff with Rox San's assistant Christina and to break it up roxan is like kids stop fighting and they're all like I will when you admit I'm the favorite so basically roxan just sees mega mind as her petulant annoying child now and not a love interest which like given the way he acts in this [ __ ] show yeah I guess I can see why there's character assassination and then there's what happened to the blue man he's just an unbearable obnoxious idiot now and it hurts my soul anyway how is Mega m going to stop dude monkey simple really he just has to become an influencer himself thank God stupid kid is here to do that for him I don't know if I made this clear but I hate this character so much such a bland and annoying insert for all the kids at home to relate to she's cool and she knows how to internet and stuff she teaches mega mind about the internet and he doesn't know anything not even what trolling is minion is laughing at a really old meme he even references Chocolate Rain how do you do fellow kids I would play for you some of the cringiest moments where Mega M tries to be hip but I don't want this to potentially get copyright struck and I also don't want to subject even my worst enemy to that sort of thing so the climax of the episode takes place at the aquarium a location we already saw in the movie and the villain who's trying to steal the fish is nighty Knight a character we already saw in the movie because if the animation quality wasn't enough to tip you off that this is one of the cheapest DreamWorks adjacent Productions of all time the frequent reuse of locations and characters certainly will nighty Knight wipes the floor with dude monkey and it turns out he was just faking all of those heisty stopped for views you really think someone would do that just go on the internet and tell lies anyway Mega M stops nighty Knight extremely easily and then minion makes him into an epic meme I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me but oh no turns out nighty Knight was actually after a starfish that can regenerate for the brain guy yeah [ __ ] we got an ongoing story arc up in this show isn't that great all right I really want to get through these quicker so for this next one I'm really just going to hit the low lights it's just so hard when basically everything about these episodes are absolutely abysmal in so many any [Music] ways episode 2 is not as bad as the [ __ ] that directly preceded it you know it's like a solid three out of 10 experience I guess uh so Mega M goes to the donut shop Chum revitalized you know the location they reused from the movie and this episode is about Mr donut you know the guy they reused from the movie mega mind acts like a toddler who can't resist eating a donut when he's told not to so mommy has to scold him and the resulting scuffle gets Mr donut accidentally thrown into this vat of poorly rendered goop Mega mine saves him and he whispers I'll pay you back for this and uh-oh wacky misunderstanding Time mega mine thinks he's created a super villain he even streams about it even though how did he get the footage of Mr donut saying this who was recording does this show care nope so I guess it will will be silly of me too so meind and Minion try and prevent him from being evil but oh no everything they do makes him look more evil cuz Megamind is a fuing idiot eventually the guy gets hit on the head and loses his memory and oh no the Go Fish gang is here you know the guys they reused from the movie they're huge fans of Mr donut ever since they thought he robbed that bank a thing that happened like 5 minutes ago in Universe they've been huge fans ever since do these writers know know how time works and have I mentioned how annoying Mr Donut's voice is Who Am I who are you and what's going on it's like listening to a soulless clown who's trying to sound goofy but in actuality he's dead inside and maybe we all are if this is the sort of thing a streaming service believes will be a tantalizing reason for us to subscribe well to be fair peacock does have the Ted show I guess man that's looking so good right now okay focus this is a cute premise I suppose but the fact that they wait until the episode is halfway over for Mr donut to lose his memory and for the fish boys to be introduced makes it so this concept has no real time to breathe it just happens I guess it's noise anyway he tricks Megamind but his wife and kids show up and snap him out of it the kids definitely do not look like horrid CGI Abominations and mega mind makes a pun at the end then says I stepped on the nice moments didn't I awward well that just happens he's right behind me isn't he IR what the scallop so let me get this straight I'm in this place that I wouldn't call metrocity in this episode John wants to watch his first porno so he and Ted make fake IDs and rent a whole bunch of them unfortunately one of the tapes gets stuck in the VCR so they have to wait a minute what am I doing the video on again oh yeah Mega mines oh Lord why did you have to make it this bad so this episode starts in an incredibly humorous way where mega mind is live streaming but he thought it was live screaming so he's screaming everything he says this show oh mama the comedy police better come quell this Riot anyway we get to see the stupid kid eating and leaving her trash everywhere and mega mind is like minion clean it all up I thought his entire in the movie was not Trea minion like garbage but he's doing it anyway what a beautiful and not at all mind-numbing exercise in futility watching this show is so in this episode minion and stupid kid are beefing the girls are fighting oh no but they have to put aside their differences and save mega mind because minion accidentally sprayed a roach with super intelligence so the roach is super smart and is going to take over the world wasn't this a plotline in Fairly op parents or something anyway there was like one joke that I think was kind of funny I should shed my exos skeleton and deposited in his shoe oh yeah well we'll buy him new feet huh this is pretty much the okayest episode so far it's like think of a generic kids show episode it's that minion and stupid kid learn to get over their differences and get along Mega M learns to get over his fear of roaches Hooray at least this episode introduces a new character that wasn't just copy pasted from the movie it was fine this was the first mega mind show experience that did not make me feel pain I mean how upset can I really get over an episode that gave us this you want to know why I'm afraid of [ __ ] okay apparently this next one is a body swap episode I actually really like body swap stories I think they're fun opportunities for characters to pretend to be each other and deal with the problems in each other's lives and this one features mega mind and rock sand switching body well that could be kind of hot I guess so does it happen from some sort of science accident or something nope Mega M just kind of does it intentionally without asking just because I I guess he wanted to show it off or something even though he says it doesn't wear off for days mega mind is kind of the worst in this show you know somebody on Twitter said I owe Ralph breaks the internet an apology because of how bad this mega mind [ __ ] is I don't by the way that's not how that works but I will say this I do feel a little bad for for saying Ralph was the most assassinated character I've ever seen between an original and a sequel because there is practically nothing to like about Megamind in this show he's unfunny he's a complete [ __ ] he's a bigger [ __ ] to minion than he ever was when he was a villain and he just does things like this with no thoughts of the consequences I hate him so much minion and roxan in the show are just Bland unfunny imitations of their former selves but mega mind is just the absolute worst of the original characters that is I think I still hate the Doom Syndicate and stupid kid more all right what happens in this episode Mega Ms up the entire city as the mayor cuz he's an idiot and roxan fights the weather lady with minion and stupid K but she's not good at it oh no yeah kind of exactly what you'd expect from this plot line with no real surprises though one actually fun aspect of it I really liked is the fact that they don't switch voices meaning we get to hear the voice actors do impressions of each other's characters and you know what that's fun I like hearing Mega mind's VA speak uncharacteristically casually while Roxanne's VA really hams it up as Mega mins that's actually good stuff good job Keith Ferguson and Laura post you guys did really good oh my God roxan this show has the same voice actress as Kumi Persona and yaka Fire Emblem haa papaya indeed meanwhile Keith Ferguson is the voice of Blue from Fosters this is a clever reference to how like blue Mega mines is also an annoying piece of [ __ ] in the show yeah there really isn't much to talk about with this one but we're halfway done with the show oh my God halfway only halfway are you [ __ ] kidding me episode 5 was okay I actually kind of had fun with some of it I don't know based on the setup it sounds like it's going to be some frustrating [ __ ] oh boy roxan reunites with a childhood friend and mega mind is super Je great I guess we're in for a frustrating story about him sabotaging their friendship and then she gets mad at him blah blah blah you know the drill thankfully it doesn't really go down that route instead mega mind tries to make them Jealous by stealing stupid kid science project robot and pretending their best friends but the robot gets too clingy and obsessive and starts trying to replace mega mind with other random objects and people and when it finds out they're not mega mind it just kind of yeets them away that's cute I thought that was kind of of funny the robot is like the only character in this show I like and Minion spends the whole episode getting high off of electricity that's kind of funny too overall a decent little episode I didn't feel like I was in a coma while watching this one that's honestly one of the biggest compliments I've ever given in my life relative to what I was expecting out of something dare I say this episode is all whole ass six out of 10 congratulations mega mind Rules season 1 episode 5 extra credit you exceeded every and all expectations I [Music] had oh boy we're back to boring [ __ ] in this episode mega mind is really tired from fighting the Doom Syndicate and the obvious solution is that they should let him sleep but he doesn't want to so instead of hitting him with the forget me stick to knock him out minion instead decides to clone himself so the Clone can take care of him while he goes out to buy concert tickets I I don't know man at least in this episode mega mind has an excuse to act stupid cuz he's sleep deprived or whatever he doesn't really act too different from how he normally is though anyway the minion clone clones himself five more times are they going to turn evil and take over the city no silly the show is more subversive than that instead the minion clones combine together and form big minion who starts attacking the city because Mega Min grog said this city will be the death of me so minion needs to destroy the city before it can kill Mega mines I'm really tired you guys make it stop overall this is another whatever boring episode not awful but at this point I really started to notice a pattern with this Show's conflicts all of them so far aside from the first one with dude monkey are caused by mega mind and Minion in some way episode 2 mega mind accidentally turns Mr donut into a super villain and they need to stop him episode three minion accidentally sprays a roach with super intelligence and they need to stop her episode 4 mega mind purposely switches his and Rox San's body and is directly responsible for all the chaos that ensues episode five mega mind accidentally makes a murder throwing robot while trying to make roxan jealous episode 6 minion clones himself and the Clones go crazy and [ __ ] it's really cool and not at all repetitive or frustrating that nearly every conflict in each episode is directly caused by our main characters and they always need to clean it up can the next episode be flat out awful again so I can at least feel something okay I mean I guess that one was pretty bad ultimately I don't think anything went to the same low as the dude bro influencer episode because honestly the whole mega mind being an influencer thing barely factors into the show which don't get me wrong I'm happy about that but like I thought that was supposed to be the main premise or something I guess it's hard to establish that when you only have eight episodes but whatever I'm glad there weren't more anyway we have a stupid kid focused episode today isn't that great it's her birthday and she uses Mega min's disguise watch to infiltrate the Doom Syndicate pretending to be nighty night she just wants to prove that she can be a hero guys oh no so the Doom Syndicate is hiding out in this office and for some reason the former mayor is there too it is never explained why I'm going to be losing sleep thinking about the reasoning behind this for the rest of my life meanwhile mega mind is baking a cake for KO hey that's the name of the episode there's this joke that was so close to being funny like it had all the right ingredients but it was just undercooked or under baked damn it why didn't I say that so they bake a cake that looks perfect except it turns out to be alive and attacks minion so Megamind has to put it out of its misery this is a great idea for a joke but like if the cake was animated in a less stilted way and if it had a mouth or something similar to that Patty Mr Krabs ate that went bad that would have been really funny and the joke especially would have landed if Mega M's okay expression when shooting it was sadder with a tear or a quivering lip or something they were so damn close with this joke it makes me depressed just thinking about it back at the dumbass squad's layer we learned that none of them know how to type mega mine thought these guys were a bigger threat than Titan they big boss take down Mega mine uh-oh the real nighty Knight is here and the others can't tell which one is the impostor so the evil brain guy comes in and immediately says it's probably the one not wearing Mega min's disguise generator yeah none of them saw that I am consistently surprised by how many levels of stupid they are operating on stupid kid pretends she wants want to be evil so Mamba number five tasks her with stealing Mega mind's Binky remember that it was in the first movie and it's a source of ultimate power or something she steals it but she has the old mayor make a fake version to give to the Doom Syndicate then she tells them it's a fake and that she's holding the real one instead of just sneaking out and not getting them to immediately chase her so everyone in this episode is stupid all right at least Makia villain is confident because he immediately knew the binky was a fake and secretly swapped it out for the real one which stupid kid had in her backpack you see he needed it to regenerate his body and he's about to ooh it's the Cliffhanger building up the finale [Music] it's it's like 2: a.m. as I'm typing this I am genuinely so tired right now and this shitty ass show is just exacerbating that why couldn't I have just done a five minute review man what was I thinking I feel like I've been drained of every ounce of Joy I ever had and what you see before you is a lifeless husk going through the motions of life with no concrete future to Aspire towards and it'll happen to you if you watch this garbage don't be like me kids save yourselves before it's too late okay home stretch we can do this time to finally see what Makia villain looks like oh god what the is that ew get it away from me so yeah somehow his design is even worse than all the Doom syndicates it was very much worth all that buildup was there a point to all of these I ask myself that every day mime guy oh look Makia villain and Megamind are doing a repre of the microwave warranty conversation from the original movie it's uh significantly less funny both from a writing and timing perspective am I shocked obviously not so Makia villain's big plan is for Mega M to play a little game show I thought this was incredibly stupid and underwhelming at first but it honestly goes somewhere and comes together as a pretty good plan I can't believe I'm saying that I think this show is giving me brain damage Mega Man minion and stupid kid go to various locations and fight Doom Syndicate members yada yada yada and the whole time stupid kid is guilty because she gave Mak a villain the binky cuz she's a [ __ ] [ __ ] what else is new she reveals this to Megamind and he's honestly completely chill about it which is nice cuz I don't think my heart could take a third act breakup cliche though maybe they only didn't do it cuz they ran out of time in the show otherwise they would have mega mind also reveals that he never actually defeated Makia villain he just accidentally burned his layer down while microwaving a burrito and I guess that burned all of his body off and just left him as a brain I I think that's what the lore is trying to tell me anyway while Mega M's distract Ed Makia villain breaks into his lair and reprograms all the brain Bots to run a Muk so Mega mine tries to blast the control tower something with his space laser but oh no again Makia villain reprogrammed it so it blasts a nearby Comet which causes it to crash into atrocity Mega mine can't stop it but when all hope is lost Makia villain saves the day he's a bigger hero than mega mind ever was and he even uses outof context footage of mega mind fighting the Doom Syndicate and knocking the comet out of orbit to make Mega mine look like a super villain again honestly this is a pretty good plan and I think what makes it even more effective is the fact that in this show mega mind is a legit Menace who causes so many problems for this city through his incompetence like yeah I'd believe he's evil again 100% or I would if not for one teeny tiny little flaw with this guy's plan his name is Makia villain hello Mak a villain is your new hero are these people [ __ ] stupid is he [ __ ] stupid just name yourself anything else come on oh well with all of this overwhelming evidence against Megamind roxan sides with Makia a villain and declares Megamind's Public Enemy Number One I would feel incredibly betrayed by this but like Mega mine doesn't seem to be so whatever if we feel the weight of betrayals in this show the 5-year-olds will get sad we can't have that I mean I'm sure roxan still believes in him or whatever and is just pretending to side with the public but we won't know for sure until season 2 oh my God I really hope this doesn't get renewed for season 2 not just because well obviously but because ending on a dramatic Cliffhanger that never gets resolved would be the funniest conclusion ever for this Dopey ass show oh and don't worry Mega Minds rules has one last ghetto Lo to this moment up its sleeve the hook for season 2 is Mega mine telling his friends that in order to stop Mak a villain they need to find metroman bro please do not drag him into this this is genuinely the most desperate thing the show has pulled thus far and I truly cannot think of a better Capper to this entire mess well that was a practically worthless experience that I got absolutely nothing out of at least the show opened with its worst episode I guess and then we just slid into comfortable boring Badness but I capped off this entire experience with rewatching the original Mega mind and wow to say that mega mind versus the Doom Syndicate and mega mind's rules capture in Iota of the original film's wit heart and entertainment value would be an extremely generous assessment this [ __ ] stinks and making it was a complete waste of time on the part of everyone involved once again though they all just did their jobs as admirably as they could based on the pitiful budget DreamWorks Shackled them to but once again I must question was it worth it what was the point of making a show that's so clearly for children and no one else based on a cult classic film with a huge audience of 20s somethings do you really think they're going to tune in to Peacock kids and watch Caillou ads in between episodes just to get a chance to see an annoying unlikable character who looks and vaguely sounds like mega mind I mean yeah I did that but that's just because I kind of had to someone had to take the bullet and warn you all to stay far far away from this movie and show it's not hilariously bad or a great hate watch with friends it's just boring Kitty garbage kids have so many better things they who would be watching and if you're an adult who wants a continuation to something from your childhood that actually acknowledges that you grew the [ __ ] up watch the Fiona and Cake miniseries do you want to see a cool original animated series geared towards adults watch Bluey samurai or get caught up on Invincible hell just watch my 2023 TV show video because every single show on that list is better than mega mind rules every single show come I don't even know what to say about this anymore just just an absolute Fiasco that I'm probably going to forget about entirely now that this video is over I'm serious it's not going to be a goto punching bag I frequently bring up in my videos it's just too depressing to do that for let's all forget it ever happened and move on with our lives now unless season 2 actually gets green lit in which case sure I'll talk about it I guess why not this is my life now but for the moment we're done talking about subpar DreamWork [ __ ] the March Madness is over over April baby that'll be my month I'm going to review hundreds of beavers a piece of peak Cinema that you need to see I'm going to put out my Christopher Nolan ranking finally I ordered my hot sauce an hour ago and maybe I'll even have my big ass Pikmin 4 video I'm super passionate about finished as well though that may have to wait until May we'll see woo I'm just glad my mind is no longer a sunless place now that I'm free of mega mind hell I forgot that my job is actually fun when I like making videos on something anyway see you guys when we get to that actually good stuff good night [Music] [Applause] metrocity
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 3,146,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Megamind, Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate
Id: KF3yw0GI17Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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