Every CVS Ever

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What’s sad is we use (I’m a cvs employee. Oops) the same IBM cash register in this video but without the keyboard. Some of them are newer Toshibas though but they still suck because the software is a decade old. Lmao corporates 10 year old touch screen registers fucking suck πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gz2018 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ethan02135 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] okay here's your car just one second for your receipt please oh that's okay I don't need a receipt oh you're getting a receipt [Music] [Music] here you go have a good thing every CBS ever XS Merc picking up a prescription for a blake mutton blake mutton date of birth come on Blake you know your own birthday ignore the pressure and just think you've got this your birthday your birthday your birthday security we got another one CBS the home of giant t-shirts and giant cat food oh excuse me do you guys sell cigarettes oh no we stopped carrying tobacco products to help people on their path to a healthier life damn but you guys still sell candy energy drinks and disturbingly cheap off-brand beef jerky right yes good because I need something to go with this alcohol and cough syrup you got it oh also could I get four packs of nicotine gum please yeah thank you hi um I I'd like to buy some condoms condoms coming right up oh really want this lipstick round me - you should just take it so you want me to shoplift I got it's not that big of a deal it's actually kind of fun shouldn't we try to stop them from shoplifting from a drugstore is a rite of passage for bad girls don't interrupt that see I like to come here on February 15th and get all the stuff and nobody came here to buy the condoms are locked that means I don't have to wear one oh yeah we still have to work on them haha babe the box is locked that means that have to ask someone to open it that's so burying okay well this box is locked unless we use a condom [Music] Wow CBS Christmas decorations in October sure okay your totals 2474 would you like to donate $1 to cancer research or just tell me our huge piece of oh I'm a huge pieces okay okay where else can you buy meds ourself then buy diapers okay here you go and I hope you feel better soon my banks you know snow to my dogs I haven't been able to take them for a long walk and so long Oh what kind of dogs do you have oh they're just a couple of months but don't tell them that oh yeah of course let's sit while here they are mm-hmm oh oh they're so silly they're just my silly girls you know honestly I should probably go get back to us of course of course yeah get out of here yeah thanks you too I appreciate it thank you are you name and date of birth dear Claymore January 15th 1990 so how's your day going excuse me miss can you please not interrupt me while I'm trying to work okay hey I'm sorry I can ask why you talked to that guy but not to me no you can't here's medication for your weird infection Thanks thank you bye well known secret CBS sells real good leggings all right I'm off for the night Sheila what'd you do today Oh a soul cancer medication what about you sold Milk Duds oh well that's that's great you know it you don't have to do that okay thank you I don't have a CVS card of my own can I try ten of my friends numbers all right for the drain cleaner will be 43:19 that's very expensive well do you have an extra care card no you can sign up for 100 checks like a few minutes like 20 minutes hmm so much savings okay all right there you go total savings [Music] so did I like save any money on the drain cleaner oh no but you got a dollar of a wood finish take care of round CVS stands for can but someone please check up on that do denial threes make me super uncomfortable the blood pressure machine tell you anything yep turns out I have blood pressure hell yeah every consumer value store ever it's a good scent I love it yeah it helps the real doll smell more like a real person yeah actually a minute I forgot that [Applause] serve you know that's it okay cool then it is thank you thanks take care X hi sorry I need to find a specific candy really quickly for sure okay thanks so much I'd like to return all these items they were all individual different transactions using different payment methods and I'd like to spend about 30 minutes asking for clarification about the amount I'm being refunded for sure okay I understandable not a very good brand thought it was fruit punch flavor no they've only got professional strengths favor gonna use some of that blood pressure in bed tonight yeah gotta get that pressure up for when we watch our stories all right I cannot wait for the morons of pablo escobar's my favorite soap opera i'm happy that even though we haven't had sex in 13 years we're still having a good old time yep you haven't had sex what is that nothing nothing that's just an old man joke you've been working out thanks that's not a good change I think I liked about you most was yourself just now you're nothing to me so what are you gonna do with these probably mix them together and listen to Lil Wayne songs to pretend I'm like him there's a little link he's the one that's like he sounds like he's like a high-pitched yeah it makes you want to drink this alright easy guess that means that doesn't does it have to use them oh sorry oh so we need to for that empty box yeah this is an empty bottle yeah I don't know I don't know what happens this is dirt gourmet we don't sell this as Whole Foods Oh answer a question no I'm gonna have to ask you about that again in a second this is us is definitely on yeah yeah it didn't work where didn't work it just didn't fit [Music] how's the yeast infection it's still bad that's why I'm here I thought we've really crushed it keep writing random people's bikes on the beach you should it do though or at least wear some clothes when you do it I know I know but just like you loved it I mean any any chance to see your smiling face here do it again notice a key I can't go really yeah yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah if you've got more time we've got another video for you to watch is right over there that's right we don't have much time cuz we're all they're about to die but you're not so why don't you get some clothes at Smosh start store for the rest of your life and also if you want to watch our videos the rest of your life subscribe button down there clicking mouse it no no no your which is where I'll be buried
Channel: Smosh
Views: 4,070,466
Rating: 4.9164414 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Every CVS Ever, sketch comedy, every blank ever, smosh every blank ever, ebe, smosh ebe, ebe CVS, cvs drugstore, cvs receipt, pharmacy, drug store
Id: Gk_ED8kxe20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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