Every Buffalo Wild Wings Ever

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(upbeat rock music) - God, I am so hungry, - This always happens. - [Kimmy] I could literally eat this table. - Hey, excuse me sir. We've been waiting on our food for like 45 minutes. - Oh, here at Buffalo Wild Wings our standard wait time is an hour and a half, so don't talk to me until then, or after then. In fact, don't talk to me at all. - Could you at least refill our waters please? (water splashing) - No. - [Courtney] Every Buffalo Wild Wings Ever. - How do they expect us to eat these? - My lips hurt. - Miss, miss, can you please take these the wings away and bring us new ones? They're far too spicy. - These are mild. They don't get any less spicy, You want me to bring back naked wings? - No. - No, we want the sauce, just like less spicy. - Okay, hold on. - We're not asking too much, are we? - No, don't worry, it's okay. - Here, the sauce is water. - Thank you, perfect. - Thank you. - Oh, oh, oh. Watch out, watch out. - Oh my God, this water's too spicy! - Oh my god, did they season this with lemon? - That's like the spiciest fruit! - [Damien] Yeah, could I get the garlic butter with no garlic and no chicken? (customers talking) - Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me! Hey! Hey! - What? - Can you guys keep it down, I'm trying to have a date here. - No, you brought your date to a Buffalo Wild Wings. - Yeah, welcome to BWW, the place where everyone comes to yell! - This is on you! - Maybe next time why don't you think about what your date wants to do maybe and not just what you want to do? - Oh, no, no, no, actually I really like it here. I can't hear a word she says which is so perfect because she's super freaking hot but she also has never said an interesting thing in her life. - Do you like movies? - See? - [Courtney] Spicy wings for a spicy girl. - It's just not the same. Excuse me miss? - What do you want? - Hi, yeah, we were wondering if we could get a different table so we can be closer to the fight? - There's literally giant screens everywhere. - Oh no, not UFC. We wanted to watch two people beat the crap out of each other at the bar. - Yeah. - Oh, wait, hold on. Hey you! Yeah you with the face! You want some of this? Okay! (bottle smashes) - Oh! Oh, this is what I came here for. - Wow. - And he's got greater reach, but she's killing him. - [Damien] I didn't prepare for this, guess I'll just wing it. (Damien laughing) - Look at this guy. (loud chewing) - Oh, this is not going to go well for him. - [Shayne] Oh, no. - Should I bring him a napkin? - No, no, no, no, I want to see what happens here. Desperation kicking in. - [Jackie] Yeah, oh, oh, he's going for the table. - [Shayne] Going for the table. And oh, go for the seat, go for the seat. - There it is. - Oh buddy, be careful with the seat, 'cause there's... (dramatic tune) - [Shayne] Oh, perfect. (Ian screams) - Perfect. (phone ringing) - Yeah, he's gonna try and answer it. Oh, yup, go, come on. This is gonna be good. - Who is it, is it the wife? Oh, that's not. Oh, that's a 10. That's not good business. - Bro you got an oily nose. - Can somebody give me some napkins or at least answer my phone, it's my boss. It's very important! - This makes me so happy. - Can someone please give me some goddamn napkins! - All right, I'm gonna bring him napkins. - Oh, wait, wait, wait. Bring him the bad ones that don't work and just stick to your hands. - [Jackie] You're a genius. - [Shayne] I know. - Hey Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. Napkins, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. (Ian gasping) - Oh buddy. - So little to work with. (Ian crying) - [Courtney] Babe, let's go to B dubs. - All right it is just too loud in here man, I'm gonna say something. I really think I should... Excuse me. Excuse me! - Yeah how's it going? Hi, yeah it is just way too loud in here. Could you please turn down the music and turn the TVs off for five minutes? - Are you sure? - I'm so sure. - Oh, I don't know if you want to do that. - I absolutely want to do that. - If I turn off the music, I'm not turning it back on for five minutes, okay? - Five minutes, please. - All right. You're gonna be cool with that? - So cool. - All right, here we go. Buckle up. - [Courtney] Thank you. (loud chewing) - Oh my God. (loud chewing) - This is awful! Please turn it back on, I'm sorry! - Sorry, you said five minutes and I'm enjoying your pain. And you said that you would never I would not do it no matter what you said it, so it's the law. - I really thought I was gonna be cool with it but I'm not cool with it. I'm not cool. I'm not cool! This is not okay! This is not okay. - [Damien] I like the spice level "Send my mouth to hell." (quiet chewing) - Oh my God. These are too hard to eat. - Just use your hands. - Okay, fine. (quiet chewing) - Oh my God. You're right, that's way better! I really think- - I think we should 100% break up. - I'm sorry? - I think we should break up. - [Kimmy] I think we should eat more wings. - I don't want to be with you anymore. - I just don't know what people expect when they come here at noon. - [Jackie] I don't know. (Ian crying) (Jackie laughing) - It's hard being a server and then seeing a dirty stinky boy, just a dirty, dirty boy. (Kimmy laughing) - Don't, don't look. - Don't look over there. - Okay. Real, is that Ansel Elgort? - Oh my God, I think it is.
Channel: Smosh
Views: 3,027,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Every Buffalo Wild Wings Ever, every blank ever, smosh ebe, ebe buffalo wild wings, restaurant, chain restaurant, fast food, sports bar, sports, 2020, food and drink, chicken wings, buffalo wings
Id: F_Cxvnsd0Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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