Estate sale cash! what's inside?!? See what I found

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hi I'm Alex archo and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was 9 years old from basements to scrapyards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity [Music] Inc hey everybody and welcome to today's episode well I just got back from an estate sale um they had all kinds of stuff there was uh Coca-Cola Collectibles and stuff newer things like that um some jewelry which I wasn't able to purchase because they said they wanted to go through it which is fine but I did manage to pick up a bin oh you can't even see it's there it's on the seat there's a bin full of coins so we're going to go through this and see what I picked up um I kind of just took a Gamble and rolled the dice on it not knowing exactly what was inside because I could see there was some box sets and typically there's some good pieces when you have box sets usually an occasional silver coin or something so um let's dig through and see what I found today on today's episode let's go oh yeah I guess I should also say they they had this old Eaton's catalog and there was a pocket watch there anyway there's a couple other things that we kind of added in with the deal but we'll get this inside on the table and we'll sort through it so I've got my little bin set up here to go through and at the other end of the table I've got my wife who Melissa is a preschool teacher sure for those of you that didn't know and what are you working on today I always have like a chaotic mess but this is what I walked in on my I constantly walk in and the costumes are all over the floor because they're having trouble hanging them up so I'm sewing big giant Loops of elastic onto them so there's a chance I won't see this guy on the floor out on the floor so this is what's happening at the under other end of the table as I do this video here oh all right even Melissa doesn't know nobody knows what's in this bin curious okay first thing um I picked up now this says it's a 1927 eaten spring and summer catalog however um I know this is a A reproduction it's from 1971 so if you see one of these in an antique shop um it's likely not real uh however I mean it's a real catalog it's just not from the 20s but it's cool cuz it's an exact reprint so you get an idea of sort of what uh clothes and shoes and things were selling for way back when silverplated items and clocks and watches and so forth actually it's kind of interesting because there is a pocket watch in here uh which is a Burlington special which I think is made by the Illinois watch company uh and this was more of like a uh a railway Style watch where it has what they call the Arabic um numerals on it and has all these little extra uh numerals going around so you can be really precise with your timekeeping so let's see if if a Burlington special watches even in this catalog might not be something that they sold but see this would be similar to like maybe a Hamilton or something like that no they don't have a Burlington in here but probably would have been around you know $15 or so back when it was brand new being a slightly better watch and uh to give you an idea a more expensive watch $ 15 or $25 but when you see these little pocket Ben watches from West clocks which um they were considered like a farmer grade kind of watch you get them wrecked and it wouldn't really be the end of the world if they got destroyed they were only $165 which still was you know a bit of money but um you know somebody who would have had a watch like this would have been really spending a lot of cash on it um we're going to open up the back actually and see what the movement looks like on this thing okay the back unscrewed you can kind of see that nice movement that's in there this one is not currently working but it might just be that the uh oil is a little hardened in there uh you can see it's a 19 juwel and what you're looking for on this to see how many positions it's set to adjusted to temperature and positions it doesn't say how many position positions the more positions it's set to like you know five or six or whatever that that's a higher end watch it's still a nice watch though and um you know I'm sure it won't take much effort it looks like the balance staff on it's good so it shouldn't take me uh too much effort to make this thing work again I'm going to get that screwed back on and we'll set that aside and we'll start to go through some of the uh coins that we got here set the watch aside for now we'll set this catalog aside for now kind of a fun thing um the these are just paper weights somebody somewhere has taken uh in 1974 they've taken um a 1974 coin set and they've encased it in this resin um so there's a Winnipeg set including the dollar and the penny there's actually they're both Winnipeg sets so it's Winnipeg anniversary sets from 1974 not worth a whole pile um that's not there's no amount of silver in any of those coins um but as a collector piece or somebody was born in 74 they'll probably think that's cool so and look they're stackable spooky Canada the high Auto a jail hostel what I doesn't sound like a very good hostel oh the old jail is now operated as a hostel and people wake up and say that they see ghosts and stuff so they've I guess done this little creepy looking 50 cent piece with a haunted looking image on it um I don't think it's going to have silver content but it is uh it was 30 bucks brand new still has a price tag on the back of it it's kind of a cool thing for people who collect coins um this is just a Canada 125th anniversary quarter set everybody at the at that time was you know had one of these little sets I think you get them for free like at the post office and as you gathered your coins up you put them in there this uh appears to be from the Royal Canadian Mint uh and it is a uncirculated set which is a better when I was a kid I had that same set and I had to find the coins in my change and fill it up there's another one there too and we've got okay this is the I recognize this logo this is the Canada 1976 Olympics and typically these are silver coins and yes we have sterling silver here so that's good two $10 coins and two $5 coins and it's got its nice little um set you can see it's copy copyright 1972 but in fact this was for the 76 Olympics um really really neat set in its wooden case there and is there another layer no but it does have the uh certificate of authenticity in there so that's a cool little piece so that'll go in the better pile another Millennium coin set here we'll take this out of the box and look at it all right so this little set it's got the Royal Canadian Mint seal on there and it is a set of quarters that represent you know um freedom and community and all these other wonderful things in fact there's a little card in here telling you what they represent so um kind of unique not worth a whole pile probably you know retail maybe you know $40 $45 or something like that because it is specimen uncirculated that in a nice little case cool thing and there's this so really uh let's see if I can get this open here there we go all right got some more there's some loose coins up top oh there's a bill there's a couple bills there actually a little stack of I wouldn't say stack but there's an 1950s um $2 bill and a 1960s $1 bill from the Centennial it looks like it's uncirculated I don't see any creases on that at all I think this one probably has I no maybe not pretty clean though 1954 and just randomly a $1 bill we don't have in Canada we don't use $1 bills or anything like that anymore we just have coins uh let's see what do we have here so pure silver oh it's a Canada it's a maple leaf that's basically just like 1 ounce of pure silver so you know something like that would probably sell for about $40 or so as well but that goes in the better pile cuz that is solid silver anytime you have something that's made of slightly more precious materials you're going to see a better return on it um Commonwealth Games uh that is silver as well they made a lot of tokens for the Commonwealth Games so you have to be careful but this is uh actually a a silver coin anything sterling silver is going to be a little bit better hard to say with that a lot of times these coin set so that is a $203 now normally that wouldn't be silver but because it was a special set it might be we're going to check on that oh and then there's another one there Maple Leaf yeah sterling silver 1 o people would have bought that as like an investment piece this is just a little token thing from when Pope the pope visited oh but it has a somebody has stashed a$1 1984 in here but the uh token itself is is just that it's a token from the Alberta paple visit wonder if he brought his Pop mobile with them you don't ever see those on the used car market you never see an old popmobile listed for sale oh here's a here's a nice one I don't know what you do with a popmobile I guess you drive around and wave at people this is a um $20 sterling silver coin from the 1988 Olympics and um yeah that is a little bit better piece uncirculated collector set from the Olympics and there's a 1994 Canada dollar that's likely going to be a silver dollar as well so we are finding some silver dollars in here oh that looks like a Wayne Gretzky coin of some kind let's see what is it that's his number anyway Hockey Hall of Fame Wayne Gretzky well I don't know much about this let's see what does it say on the back limited to 50 ,000 that doesn't feel all that limited Canada mint that's probably about how many people would have bought that thing but it's neat another little Sterling coin in here a 50 cent piece but it's uh commemorating the uh the races okay so this is commemorating uh 1978 when a red Ferrari driven by Jill villanu roared into lead over the Finish Line the first time the Canadian had won a Formula 1 grand prix race so I guess that is actually a Ferrari on the front there with Jill villanu behind the wheel and it is sterling silver that's pretty cool for anybody who collects coins Andor Ferrari Andor racing memorabilia know what that is we have this looks like um foreign currency May from Asia I'm not 100% sure it looks oh it looks like this Egyptian actually kind of random and likely not silver anything but kind of cool these look like they're going to be tokens yeah Pope Pope paple visit melt Rundle Jasper tokens really aren't worth a whole bunch of anything actually so a lot of tokens little coin part of a coin set 1998 okay let's go through these loose coins on top I guess I'll just take them out one little trade at a time and it looks like uh many of these that's commemorating the Queen Mother Las Vegas coin what do you do with that is it just good luck entertainment capital of the world uh what we're looking for is to see if there's any kind of significant historical sort of coins um that's going to be an old Penny but it's got King George on it 1864 oh no that's Napoleon the third this is French I apologize Napoleon III and we've got some European coins Canadian cents that looks like a little silver quarter little piece of silver and the content of silver was actually pretty high um I think on like early 1900's coins this is high is like 90% but on the later coins not so much okay this is just foreign currency what is this it looks like an early what is it a replica of a Roman coin Constantino 280 to 337 so it's I believe that to be a replica of an ancient coin it's kind of neat though all right oh this one's really rare cuz it's Colonel Sanders it's a Kentucky Buck I wonder if I could still go and spend that I can go get myself something with my Kentucky Buck Pence lots of [Music] tokens uh Red Barn grocery store tokens and stuff there are token collectors I mean I I I will be able to sell this stuff there are people who will buy it it's just not tremendously valuable maybe that's why this stuff isn't in any kind of coin holders or anything well this is okay that's silver you can tell right away looking at it 1966 that's silver 50 cent piece probably worth about 15 to $20 Canadian um this looks quite old what does it say thead archid I'm not 100% sure it is dated 1780 that would be silver but that is a uh heck of an old coin I'll have to look this up online and see if I can figure out exactly where it is I'll do that right now actually and see if I can sound educated in the next second here all right well it is a 17780 Austrian trade token it is made of silver um not worth a whole pile you $40 $50 something like that but still that's a little bit more unique is the rest of this uh Indian rupee from 1903 kind of cool a shilling from Kenya and we have old Irish and British pennies going back to the 20s uh in England they use this type of penny for quite a long time so you can find them with h Queen Victoria on the back that case King George okay and the last little scoop of coins this looks like us coin quarter uh we have English Shillings so a lot of world coins obviously maybe from some trips that they had taken and kept this stuff aside so interesting little variety of stuff in here um all said though I think my favorite piece is probably the uh silver Olympic set from 1976 I think that's a good little set right there and then you've got these other little Olympic coins and stuff too so pretty interesting little collection and not bad for an estate sale you know I'm sure um with everything said and told I'll probably be able to get you know maybe maybe 700 Canadian or so out of selling all this stuff off uh on a really good day there there's no fortune to be made here but um you know I I'll probably end up making CU I paid a fair bit for the stuff cuz I I went oo coins um so yeah some interesting items some fun today and uh you know some bits of history that uh were hidden inside a box at an estate sale so always fun to find this kind of stuff so thanks for watching today's video guys uh I'm going to get this all cleaned up and put away uh if you like our videos make sure to subscribe if you haven't done that already as for me I've got to go out and buy more stuff as I got another call to go to another estate right after this and I've got to head out right now to go do that so have a wonderful day guys we'll see you all soon and as always bye for now bye guys
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 75,845
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Id: 58IAcs3Zwk4
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Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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