I Brought the Most INSANE Coins to the Coin Shop for Appraisal

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I'm gonna hand you these coins here Harry bag yeah we'll see what happens here my palms are sweaty already adri buy your gold and silver online from SD bullion new customers get gold or silver at spot by visiting sdbullion.com neww hey good morning morning silver dragons how's it going Adrian good to see you good to see you Harry good to see you thank you it's a great day although the medals are down a a little bit from the highs they're struggling Gold's under 2,000 it stayed there longer than it has in the past but it still couldn't sustain that level yeah it was like over 2100 just for a few hours really on a Sunday yes yeah so it does is that count as the alltime high or not really well there's two measurements one is where it where it touches in a given day and the other where it closes M so I think this all-time high is still around 2,76 at the close yeah yeah well uh silver is down a little bit I mean it was over 25 bucks now it's under 23 I think you know there was a jobs report a couple days ago that was very favorable and the metals hate good news so it plunged the uh the metals back down again well it's good for those of us who want to Stack who want to buy some more for sure it's a buying opportunity yeah and you guys got full cases here lots of coins uh gold you got quite a bit of gold too yeah when it ran up to over 2,000 that week or so we were buying way more than we were selling on gold yeah so we're still a little bit heavy on it little Surplus little bit yeah lots of options you got a bunch of rounds bars all the cool stuff so if people want to load up with the low prices now's a good chance huh I think it's better than it's been in the last couple of weeks anyway yeah I actually noticed you had a little sale on Morgan dollars too yeah these are all 1921s which was the last year of the Morgan dollar and they made tens of millions of them and while they're the most common they're also the same design and the same amount of silver as the more expensive predecessors so we thought it'd be fun again cuz we bought a lot of these to have a special at $25 each yeah that's pretty cool and honestly I mean it's over a 100y old silver coin had to stop and think but yeah I guess it is now over 100 years you're right yeah it's kind of cool to give away to your kids or grandkids or whatever it's fun and if if you're just stacking silver dollars for the for the silver I mean it's way better value than the more collectible if you will pre 1921 yeah some of the other ones I noticed you actually have some uh Mercury dimes don't tell anybody it's kind of rare for you guys well since that one video a few months ago it's been hard to keep it in stock and I suspect now they'll be gone later today yeah someone will buy them up especially at 18 X face that's a great deal for some junk silver indeed well um I actually brought in some coins uh and uh I thought we could do a little appraisal like we've done in the past okay so I got a nice assortment I'm just going to I'm going to hand you these coins here Harry yeah we'll see what happens here palms are sweaty already adri and without Richard it could be tricky too could be tough oh yeah oh boy okay that's not good what again with this guy a little light hear the sound to and itse in the bag I'm like what's going on there literally not even out of the bag he already knows it's fake okay so where do we start with a collection like this Harry well when I empty a bag like that um I organize it by country to start with so we have looks like a 20 cent piece silver 3 cent piece got a steel scent got a commemorative uh Oregon Trail if I may I'll take it out of here yeah sure you can handle all of them pretty well circulated got a US trade dollar with chop marks uh walking liberty half dollar so you're pulling out all the US stuff over here just the way I would write this up in real life is I would organize it by us maybe by bullan and then made by by countries mhm it just helps me too when I'm looking things up not to be bouncing all over the place right so that's Philippines that's Australia Great Britain you got a nice variety of things here yeah Mexico um Nazi Germany and uh also German pieces uh from the pre-nazi era so this one was when the Nazis were in power yes um oh wow it's a five Mark piece from 1935 these books are really terrific um sometimes called the phone book but each Century has its own version and every World coin from every country that Century would be in here that would be the coin right here oh yeah and um so we would start with you know what's the silver value of that and it's uh a little over 4/10 of an ounce so not quite half an ounce of silver okay and this piece uh they had very very quite a few mints back in those days this this is a 19 uh 1935a and again I don't remember what that mint was but if we go to this it was Berlin so the mint marks here will'll tell you ABC Etc wow it's minted in Berlin in Berlin 30s wow okay so a 1935a would retail and this I'd call that probably XF would retail for about $20 and we'd probably be buying that about $12 12 bucks for that coin yeah so that's something that you guys would actually buy in resell here at the shop yeah I'll I'll tell you something I I was very uh reluctant to do so when I first opened the coin shop and this ought to get this ought to stimulate the comp section but my brother-in-law is a rabbi okay and I asked him about that and he said go ahead and sell him you know they heard us enough why not profit off their coins and uh I can just imagine the comments going to come after that but nonetheless I thought you know what it's a dark piece of history but it is history and and why not yeah the only thing that makes me nervous about these coins isn't the coins themselves cuz they're an inanimate object but it's when people like these I always wonder why do you like them I'm more I'm more concerned about those who like this sort of thing than the coin itself yeah if someone comes in and they're asking for that specifically yeah and and In fairness to everybody most people just want a piece of History dark as it is but there's been one or two who I thought was a little were a little too enthusiastic about these coins so sure I'm still a little squeamish about them to be honest yeah and honestly I don't even remember where I got them from I I think it was in like a batch of world silver coins they come in in collections not something that's out of the ordinary yeah for sure these next couple of pieces or half mark pieces from the German Empire so this would be after Germany came together as a United Country but before the the troubles after World War I in the Weimar Republic so this is a half mark piece and it's a little less than uh a tenth of an ounce of silver probably pay a dollar or so each for these and sell them for about three okay and probably they would end up in our uh silver foreign melt tray oh yeah there you go that we've discussed in Prior videos yeah it's it's pretty cool thing so for all of these German coins maybe like 15 bucks or something like that you pay me yeah I think that would be about right do you guys have that uh magnet that really strong magnet absolutely yeah I'm really curious what it does with this particular coin do you see that I do now this is a really interesting one and I want to get your guys' opinion on it I knew it was attracted to the magnet it's plated it looks like yeah so what what do you think is it a real coin or um it shouldn't be that magnetic it should not be attracted to a magnet no no but if someone coated it with something let's see if there's if it's also 90% silver yeah it could be the best of all worlds so yeah so this is a 90% legitim at half dollar that somebody has messed with weird huh probably to give it that shine I'm thinking they coated it with uh looks like well something Fair something very magnetic yeah either maybe nickel yeah nickel could nickel yeah so as far as I know this was some type of jewelry piece and I think it was in a bezel at one point you can kind of see it's like damaged but um it's just weird that it's a real coin real silver coin and magnetic yes very it probably wouldn't be attracted to a normal magnet but this is a rare earth magnet and it's massively powerful yeah what do you think about the uh the trade dollar I saw you testing that one not good but um what that bullion coin yeah I'm impressed Adrian cuz I have no idea why you said that well the just the raise and the way it looks like it just looks off that's a fake coin right there yes do we double check Adrian all due respect well he's good look at that wow that that box is outside the brackets yeah interesting um Canada put those Rays on the coin to help prevent counterfeiting and the rays are bigger on this aren't they yeah yeah the the rays are much finer on the genuine one which is right here but I have to tell you what's impressive you see this security feature with a there's a maple leaf there the micro engraving yes and inside that Maple Leaf is the last two digits of the date and the counterfitters got the 22 inside that Maple Leaf so hats off to their to their skill but they they certainly didn't get the Rays right yeah you see so many of these things that you you know what they're supposed to look like right yeah you picked it up pretty quick you guys are pulling out all my fakes obviously I'm not selling these for real it's just for the video but it's kind of fun to do what do you think about that one with the chop marks I don't know I mean it looks right and everything and the chop marks yeah probably a good idea to weigh it I mean it looks like it's actual silver but I would say more than half of the trade dollars that come through our door are not real at least it's 27.1 G so it's weighing right and you tested the silver on it so yeah I like it you like it the chop marks were an interesting part of uh coin history if I may just as a side note in the uh in in the era where these circulated in the 19th century Chinese Merchants were required to test the authenticity of a coin before pass ing it on in Commerce and once they verified that it was what it was supposed to be they would actually put their Mark so each Merchant had their own mark on these coins not sure how effective that law was or or how how you could know who saw it last but it was an attempt at holding the merchants accountable for passing on good coins and not fake ones yeah I guess if the uh if the coin ended up being fake they could track which Merchants had stamped it as good and and maybe they get in trouble or something yeah hard to trace but and the other thing about the chop marks is the grading services in the past consider these coins damaged because of the chop marks but I think the trend in more recent years has been to consider them you know uh a normal part of the coins uh travels through history and uh do you do you know that to be the case that they're not markting they're not being body bagged anymore exactly so it'll have it'll have the grade and then it'll say chop Mark yeah so some people actually prefer them oh yeah I I kind of like it I do too yeah awesome well if you uh if you were to authenticate this coin um you know I I certainly hope it's real because I paid a lot of money for it but um obviously if I sent it in for grading they could tell me for sure but how much would you guys pay for a coin like that uh today I mean at least a couple hundred really I mean just just without looking it up or anything wow few hundred bucks all right well we got uh these ones are for sure fake this one uh we're going to put that in the winter pile along with some of these other ones we already got a a price on but we do have uh quite a few coins here and I'm kind of curious like for the Ike dollar and steel penny I'm sure people bring these in all the time thinking they're worth big bucks yeah sometimes people bring these in and call them silver pennies but they're not they're steel and they were a one-year experiment when the US government was low on copper due to the war effort the copper was being used in Munitions and so they made these coins out of steel coated with zinc do you guys pay any sort of a premium for them at the shop unless they're uncirculated no we pay I mean yes the premium it's double the face value which is all of 2 cents and we sell them for 4 cents so okay they're they made a lot of them and they're interesting to talk about but they're anything but rare yeah well so not a lot of money there I mean literally 2 cents that's for two cents right what about the uh the Ike dollar it's not silver I don't believe no it's not the only silver ones came in the government uh packaging like what we call Brown Ikes which are proof Ike dollars they were 40% silver yes so none of these 40ers ever were intended to circulate and it was in a brown box so it was a brown Ike yes and there's also blue IES these were the uncirculated 40ers and there we go there we go so we got the blue IE and the brown Ike Bicentennial St and the bicentennial which is also silver yeah yes three of them are silver and it's the it's the only set that includes a 40% quarter too oh wow 40 only 40% quarter ever made yep so it comes in an uncirculated and an appr proof okay so there are some that are silver but most of them are not right like what you brought there is is just a clad a circulating piece we buy these at face value and we have quite a few customers who come in time to time and buy them again at face value just for fun okay so you don't see them in circulation anymore but they just at most you might see them in a premium for sale for you know a dollar and a quarter or something okay but they're they're just fun to to have so it's worth a buck in my view if I took it to the bank though they would take it for a buck absolutely all right well there you go what about about some of these other pieces in here this Oregon Trail is more worn than than I've seen it actually traveled through Commerce yeah it's just a nice circulated piece it's a half dollar yep commemorative part of the commemorative series that ran from 1892 to the late 1950s so does it carry a premium over the other half dollars like the kennedies and stuff like that oh for sure yeah because especially here in Oregon because that's that's the Oregon piece but these we can never keep these in stock even in this condition it would go very very fast price guides don't tend to go down to the condition that one's in cuz most of them did not circulate but we'd be probably at $50 or $60 on that coin that's how much you'd pay me for it yeah W yeah because it's it's definitely more than just a piece of silver like maybe that would be yeah so this one here is like eight bucks or something right now it would be about seven bucks seven yes so seven for that half doll which was the weird magnetic one but this one 60 bucks that's super cool all right very popular series this is a Mexican Peso from the end of the era when there's any silver at all in these they're 10% silver 10% yeah and and in troy ounces it's 500s of an ounce so it's very debased and they it's it's hard to find a pretty one this isn't that bad but there just wasn't much silver in these and um we typically pay about about 50 c to a dollar if they're really nice but there's just not much silver in them and there's lots of Mount there okay so maybe a buck on that one at the most yeah what about uh what about the Australian ones I mean these are kind of cool I think they only made them for one year yeah the 80% silver let's see this is about uh a third of an ounce so we'd probably be about uh five or $6 on that they're not rare but they they are silver and again probably end up in a tray like this so for most of the world silver coins kind of goes with melt value yes we' be back of melt because we're selling them right around melt depending on the coin in a tray like this unless it's really nice and we might put it in a tray with a you know designation of a date and a any little history about it um probably not something this recent yeah so like the um I think this one was Great Britain and those are Philippines and this one actually I think oh that's another that's another Australia pie AUST same one but these ones you probably be right around melt on those too probably a little back of melt on those but they are silver and these are from the Philippines from the area the era just after World War II when we had recaptured it from the Japanese Army so are they considered United States Coins they're in the red book so they were they're part of the US History I'd say so I mean made by the US Mint right yes and they say United States of America so I suppose after the war they were considered a territory for a brief time but they were granted their independence rather quickly yeah well those are kind of cool definitely probably someone who um you know has a a grandfather that fought in World War II or something would be really interested in those for sure definely my dad was there in the Navy in World War II wow imagine he would have been interested in those yeah what about the um this bboa uh coin Panama yeah Panama this is a um this is a medo bboa which half and uh you know what that is yeah this is right this is a I think this the same silver content as a US half doll if I'm not mistaken so would it be similar to this one which was like $7 yeah it would and I have to say maybe it's just me but it's one of my favorite foreign silver coins I just I just like the the B Bo Motif the the Conquistador uh bust on there and they do sell pretty well here Yankee stacking gave me this particular coin and uh he got it from his grandfather so his grandfather collected coins and uh and so that's a really special one I'll never get rid of that one but I thought it'd be fun to bring it in so the price is priceless it's literally Priceless yeah that's right this is a Victorian half crown from 1898 and that's a situation where I would definitely go to the books Queen Victoria tends to be a popular subject she was Queen the longest until Queen Elizabeth II so this piece is from uh 1898 so it's a half crown a coin like this probably in very fine condition I mean this book is not it tends to be high I it says $67 value retail i' I'd probably be at half of that at retail yeah so probably be you know somewhere in the 20s $24 range or so wow 24 bucks that's more than an ounce of silver that's a really nice it's really nice uh nice example of a circulated piece that's super cool all right so that one beat out uh spot price for sure yeah this one this one is from Sweden it's a it's a croner it's from 1960 this again would be straight up go to the Melt tray yeah it's it's not a particularly beautiful coin but it's it's probably $3 worth of silver in there if memory serves me okay and then the last piece here is gold it's from Argentina yeah I have a lot of family there perhaps they held this at one time I don't know I think it's kind of an older one too and was this a family heirloom of yours no this one I actually bought off of Brandon okay the security guard here no kidding yeah so it made its way back to the shop so it's from 1886 yeah this one is uh it's five pesos I'm betting it's it's about the amount of gold a sovereign has when I'm doing that off the top of my head let's look it up that's the proper thing to do when we're not sure or we could ask Brandon maybe he would know do you remember um the weight like was it the same as a sovereign or a 20 Frank it was close I think it was uh 234 a little less than a/4 ounce yeah so you found it online Adrian it's a 2334 of an ounce so it's kind of a weird size it is like there's not really other world gold coins that size they're calling it an Argentino that's why but it is five pesos okay 2334 so it's just a hair under the sovereign gold weight from Great Britain the nickname of that coin is an Argentino Argentino Argentino five P artino all right kind of a neat coin now because with the new presidential elect candidate for Argentina what's with his hair good hair I don't know depends on your opinion for this type of a coin would you guys be paying around melt or is this go over melt probably just a hair back of melt on because we probably I mean it's a cool coin but honestly we don't get a lot of people coming in saying I need Argentine gold so we would end up having to sell it for maybe just above melt yeah so at 023 I don't know what would you call it maybe $450 off the top of my head 450 yeah all right that's not bad I mean that's the most expensive piece I brought in today this is a this looks like a quarter but it's actually a 20 cent piece from 1875 this one was minted in San Francisco and these were very unpopular really for the same reason that the Susan B Anthony was unpopular 100 years later because that coin looked like a quarter m i mean if you hold a seated quarter next to it it's just a little bit bigger in diameter but in in a rush uh commercial transaction you'd never know yeah so people are trying to pass it off as a oh probably very successfully here's a quarter yeah but it's just 20 cents but that's that's that's an expensive piece because they were made so few for just a couple of years um 1875 and 1876 were the years really that these were available uh for uh circulation and this one's it's a good and uh 1875s would retail in good at about $253 so this is one of your more valuable coins in the set here no kidding for sure how much would you guys buy it for probably probably about $80 to $90 80 to9 $90 for 20 talk about inflation huh well again a very a very a very short series there two years wow I had no idea I mean I don't I don't remember how much I paid paid for it but I I don't think it was anywhere close to that this is another interesting coin this is a 3 Cent silver piece there was also 3 Cent nickels and there was a few years where those pieces overlapped the government came out with those to make it simpler to buy postage stamps which were 3 cents each at the time wow 3 cents for a postage St it was it's such a small piece it's kind of like a British um 3 Pence you know it's just so thin and small I imagine lots of these were lost out of people's pockets yeah and what what's thee on 18 uh let me zoom in all the way here 1862 I think okay 1862 and probably no better than good in that but that would retail for about $4 to $42 no way and so yeah we'd probably be know high 20s maybe $30 for a coin like that because it's a scarce piece and it's it's a kind of coin like the 20 cent piece where gee I didn't know we made those kinds of coins you know two cent pieces half cents um obsolete coinage is very popular with type collectors that's the kind of stuff kind of like the Oregon um half they just don't last too long in the case right people come and hey do you have any 20 cent pieces or any another they call it trime oh okay yeah those are really cool coins yeah well we went through I think all of them except one there's just one left here and uh we'll see who wants to take a stab at that one what is it 10th o Platinum yeah okay 10 ooun platinum coin 10 oun Platinum yeah little platty little brania yeah what do you guys do like spot we would just look at the board honestly and be like at $92 $93 on that coin 3 bucks yeah all right so almost 100 bucks for a little platty you know I think I actually paid like 90 bucks for it so that's about right that's a good deal you got yeah all right well this was fun I mean we got to learn new things go over a bunch of new coins I really enjoyed this I enjoy it too it's a challenge yeah well you guys did good I mean you gave me a price on everything you weeded out the fakes really quickly so uh yeah well done thank you thank you yeah very much yeah we'll have to bring some more fun coins in next time huh yeah we'll stump Richard we'll get him in here next time yeah all right good to see you good to see you yep good to see you Brandon Adrian thank you yep
Channel: Silver Dragons
Views: 348,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coin shop, coin dealer, coin store, coin appraisal, getting coins appraised, investing in silver, investing in gold, fake coins, fake silver coins, silver price, silver stacking, silver investing, buying silver, coin shop owner, bullion dealer, local coin shop, silver coins, coin shop video, harry's coin shop, silver, gold, world coins, coins, coins getting appraised, coin appraisal process, what are my coins worth, crazy coins, ridiculous coins, coin, silver and gold
Id: yeZNE2Mz76E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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