Storage Locker Sealed 22 Years why??? What's inside?

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc home honey [Music] today's episode is brought to you by nordpass the intuitive password manager do you have multiple accounts and you have to remember the passwords for all of them and they all have to be different well sure you do we all do nordpass and their nordvpn system is the best way the highest encryption the strongest way to remember your passwords and keep them safe many people surprisingly still use one two three four five or cordy in their password did i just guess your password i might have because many many people have simple passwords that are easy to guess i think we've all had the worry about getting your 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was like oh there's an auction ending today i put a bid in and nobody else bid so i got a pretty big size unit pretty cheap it was 110 bucks i think that's pretty inexpensive so we're gonna go pay for that check it out and uh i don't know hopefully it'll be worthwhile so follow along it should be an interesting video uh let's see what happens when i buy a storage unit when i'm you know i got the tens machine all hooked up and i'm just like bidding on a storage locker so uh yeah i got to tell my wife too but that's another story let's go check out the storage unit first i have arrived it's super windy so i'm filming this part inside the truck but we just took the lock off i'm gonna go over there and open it you're probably gonna not be able to hear my voice for a second until i get this thing open but this guy was paying on this for 10 years only to uh let's see it's probably a trick to this ten years i paid for it just to have it get lost but that's why i bid on it looked really dusty use both hands here i'm gonna crack this open thing was on there so tight i actually had to kind of hammer that over a bit to get this thing open and see what we bought oh it's a big one that goes all the way back but this truth be told the reason i bought this unit um was because i saw this it's an antique uh drafters table and look at the dust on everything like nobody's been in here in ages it's a little scary or those woolly shops actually maybe that's not so scary those are western shops that could actually be worth a pile of money let me keep that aside let's see what here are these catalogs from that are in here 1985. so this stuff might have been in here a lot longer than i think [Music] and look right off the bat antique sewing toy sewing machine i'm actually uh feeling kind of confident about this lot already i'm one box in and look there's 1920s jigsaw puzzles 1950s toys oh this might be a good one nice old uh uh colander it looks like why would somebody pay for a storage unit for well they don't actually know how long he's been in here but why would somebody pay for a storage unit for potentially 30 years just to let it go yeah i don't get it um so now any personal paperwork or effects like that i'm going to uh return to these people like this little amplifier guitar amp right there well this might be a dandy i'm feeling optimal i don't usually buy storage units but i'm feeling optimistic about this one look there's a big box of toys i see a 1980s batmobile in there flipped upside down oh i'm getting excited all right first things first i'm going to just literally pull the trash out and get that out of the way first um and then we'll start going through these boxes oh super powers toys super friends oh this could be a really good year i'm i'm excited i i don't usually like i usually think that storage auctions are a bit of a bust but this might be all right maybe not that couch that's gonna be a problem um but if this isn't all furniture and there's a bunch of collectibles in here i see tools okay i got my work cut out for me for sure but i can already see a few treasures right away so let's start getting the garbage taken out i'll load in the back of the truck there and then at least i can do it one trip to the uh dump today and get rid of it gosh look at how much dust is on this stuff what year is this thing from 1990 okay we're climbing a little bit i just want to get the trash out that that's sellable so i'm going to leave that aside for now i want to get this wire rack out of here oh man look at that i mean the dust is terrible but it's also the reason why i bought this unit and also the reason why i probably went pretty cheap too so i can't complain too much see what's in this binder spawn cards from the 90s looks like the whole set put that up there whoa look there's an optimus prime it's a g1 optimus prime i wonder if the rest of it's in there like the truck part oh yeah 80s toys in my element gobot stamps gobots were like a transformer yep there they are gobot stamp pad okay some old paperwork and stuff i'm going to keep going through what i want to do is get to that box of toys over there i shouldn't be as giddy as i am but is it kind of fun to go through this stuff i've been loading up all the garbage in the back here it's a nice antique honey tin from saskatchewan the rest of this bag i think is empty don't really need that i've only got a couple days to clear this out so i'm gonna have to move fast lucky for me that's my thing is moving fast what on earth is this it looks like this person might have been a property manager at one point there's a lot of uh paraphernalia around renting and leasing from uh shopping malls what do we got here more puzzles puzzles wooden bowl of some sort ice cube tray i just want to get down to the the good stuff so some of this stuff can probably go oh thank heavens that's not a full-size couch i thought this was going to be a big long couch it's just a little armchair that could have been terrible that's actually a nice piece of uh woven art keep that aside there's a couple of them we got box number two box number 500 wait i was just about to throw this box out and there was an old animation cell signed by the artist at the bottom of it don't know what that's from to do a little research okay rolled the chair out of the way just so i could kind of get in here even these little cupboards are stashed full of stuff paperwork where do you even start oh look there's toys oh look look look oh look at that you guys can tell what that is already right it's the ghostbusters car oh there's no doors maybe the doors are in there i see batman superpowers batman the original one from the 80s oh there's all kinds of toys in there okay i'm gonna leave that aside to look through i gotta make a stash of good stuff and bad stuff that definitely goes in the good stuff kyle well this was uh i'm already getting my money more than back on this stuff already this is a good sign already instruction manual for looks like maybe for optimus prime it's just a brochure for transformers but that's a good sign return of the jedi you got a antique box elastic bands part of a comic book see if there's any anything else cool in here okay oh my gosh i was not expecting this there's some kind of deranged looking mascot outfit in here but it looks like it's in pretty terrible shape so i'm not going to take it out of the package but mascot uniforms are very very expensive it's a shame they let that one go to waste drawers out of something [Music] i'm encouraged by the year of a lot of this stuff and the amount of dust like i said it's a little avon bottles all wrapped up so nice this has been mice in here at some point but those are old avon soap bottles or shampoo bottles they still have the actually it might be perfume still have the stuff inside of it can smell that smells like grandma's house this is a nice antique drawer just makes me wonder what it's from it might be from that uh big cabinet over there [Music] i kind of wanted to get to this but i'm you know when you kind of are sort of excited about something and you want to leave it till later that's me and this oh look there's the ghostbusters pack cap guns more cap guns oh that looks familiar i can't remember what series that's from oh there's mask in here another one of my favorite toys as a kid these convert into like little tanks and stuff and i knew this from from a mile away that's the batmobile from the 80s and there's superman oh yeah this is all good retro toys some of this looks really familiar like that'd be funny if it was like my own stuff that somebody bought at a yard sale and stashed in here okay that's a good sized box of toys right there i'm gonna come back to that one because i'm gonna my goal here is to try and get rid of as much garbage actual garbage as possible so that's the goal give me an update on how far i got so far i've tunneled a little bit in here the reason again i bought this was the drafters desk now i'm finding these antique drawers off the old office furniture and if i look in the back you see back there that wood i think there might be some really nice antique office furniture maybe some other antique furniture back there but i have to keep tunneling this is a bigger job than just for me though i will have to come back with my wife oh look look there calligraphy sets calligraphy pens okay actually some of the calligraphy pens in that i'm sure my kid could use look there's another nice antique office desk drawer but where's the furniture goes in that's what i want to find out oh look there's a mid-century modern um chandelier on top of this wicker table which unfortunately looks like it's seen better days but still is kind of neat let's see paperwork if there was sports cards in here i'd be pretty happy because a lot of this stuff looks like it's from the 80s or 90s oh check this out uh it's a compass it's uh they're not real signatures but 1990 team signed little hockey stick from the edmonton oilers so obviously they were hockey there and so i might just find some cards in here you never know yeah i've decided to climb on top of the table to get a bird's eye view of what's in here and the first thing i see is super duper cool hey well there's this little rack i don't think it's a gun rack no it's a rocket sometime but look there's a tiny little pool table isn't that fun and it's really nicely made too lamp shade oh there's an old office desk right there that might be what some of this stuff is from i like the amount of variety in here like and there's a lot of toys there's another box toys oh look there's a tie fighter you see it i see it there's a star wars box there's a star wars box over there great now i'm gonna lose sleep if i don't finish this off today i'm not gonna be able to get this finished today but i am definitely gonna lose sleep over what's in here i better go make a run to the dump and come back because uh i have a feeling i'm gonna need the space in the truck just moved that bag out of the way and i knocked over a bin of toys and look there's old hot wheels i'm gonna see if i can get over to it oh real riders hot wheel from the 80s that ben has has bit the biscuit but look there's star wars figures it's an ewok oh i'm in heaven with this lot this is probably one of the better i i've only bought actually one other storage unit before but this is a gooder this one is right here ah see if i can get this out without it spilling everywhere well i was partly successful look there's transformers oh is it getting back to some older hot wheels as an afx car duke's a hazard that's a color changing hot wheel let's say yeah rubber tires okay oh look a red line that's a sizzler that's a so there might actually be some redline hot wheels somewhere in here you never know another star wars figure there's princess leia okay a whole bunch of dump down the side here so i'm gonna have to do a little excavating to get all this stuff out again but i am uh definitely encouraged by what i'm finding so far check this out okay don't know what's in that roll something let's find out maybe it's something maybe it's nothing it's like star trek posters somebody was a trekkie cool there's an old a big old antique wooden butter churn right there too looks like somebody converted into a lamp at some point i don't know if that is maybe a cot so much in here this is a very full unit i i haven't even gotten through like the first layer of stuff and i i would have been happy with what i found already the rain is coming this is what i'm standing on there and there i gotta i gotta go take that to the dump and then come back because uh pretty well filled it already see if i can get maybe a couple more things out of here before i do looks like there's more toys in this box here if i'm not mistaken that's castle grace golf yep i am not mistaken castle grayskull and i don't know what the heck that thing is avatek inc no idea what you are but i do recognize 1980s looking play platforms when i see them get those out of there maybe i'll find some he-man figures too looks like it's part of that thing yep more human stuff this is actually all prime collectibles right now and all that is super hot right now so the more i find the better oh it's a scary looking dude down there suction cup face and hands like this almost looks like it's off a car don't know what that is maybe i'll find the rest of it in here later okay let's get this box out of the way these guys had all the cool 80s toys oh there's a guy right there sorry about the grunting but this stuff is like way down there and i don't want to step on anything cool and it's really hard to know what i'm stepping on because it's all over the place you know more bits for the castle grey skull there's some lego down here another car this fun time it's like really revisiting my childhood in somebody's really messy storage units another box just like how many toys did these kids have there's optimus prime and there's another back for an optimus prime too another mascara all kinds of goodies in here i'm gonna have quite the toy collection after all this just did the first load of stuff to the uh dump keeping truckload cost me 30 bucks to dump it so i add an extra 30 when i look at the size of this bin there is gonna be some expense um with the dump fees for sure there's no way around it you know there's gonna be a lot of garbage but uh i'm more worried about the 48 hour turnaround time i've got to tomorrow and friday to empty that whole thing and it's uh it's a big one i think i'm going to switch gears now and actually start loading up my truck with the good stuff that i found so far so that tomorrow i can focus on doing garbage runs hey i'm back i just i'm gonna try and do one more load of the dump before i start loading up anything cool for the day i was looking through trying to figure out what year that's 1999 we're a little bit newer there's a big she-ra and you know a human skull thankfully not real spider contrast thompson but collectible edward leer courtship of yongi bongibo oh i'm guessing this is probably a staff for that shira figure [Music] i'm going down this side now sort of a corner cabinet there pert plus don't need that okay i can actually stand here now start dropping stuff rain's coming down but that's okay there's a nice little cap stove brass put your little butane fluid on there or fuel in there and we've got i think that's stopped beef there's some more toys in here a lot of these toys i'm just going to kind of leave aside oh there's another transformer or gobot that's a water pistol gobot i'm going to leave a lot of the toys aside for me to sort through later that's part of my keep pile what i'm trying to do right now is it make more of a garbage pile a rainbow first i thought this was maybe a blanket or sheets but it's actually a ship's flag crescent moon and stars i don't know if that's middle east or what but it's cool it's linen so it's got an age to it and it's got its original ties for going up the flagpole that's a cool piece ship's flag for some reason maybe there'll be some more nautical stuff in here as i look [Music] oh drop something there this box appears to be a lot of like little kid toys and flower pots and things like that there are some picture frames maybe from an old hotel front desk well these are old uh orange crate labels glass is broken on that one but there's a whole bunch of them in here souvenir all-star game 1982 the montreal expos cool and what are these more orange crate cool okay well separate the good from the bad i'm slowly wiggling my way over to this box that i saw the tie fighter in there it is not in the greatest shape but it's there more ghostbusters toys looks like dark side all kinds of good 80s toys in this box maybe some of them not in the best condition transformers ghostbusters yeah that's a box full of goodies right there put that in a good pile continue to dig we've got this nice little brass horseshoe which says odd bless our house i imagine there was a g there at some point um there are some old tins like this big flower tin and uh some various sorts of little tins in a day 1888 some nice old coffee tins and stuff the world's largest light switch covers what are these sheets or is this another flag oh it's another flag let's see what's this one for it's got an emblem or something on it looks like patronus nope maybe it's uh it's got a a moose on it charging moose maybe a crest of some kind that's a big one too i'll set that over there we'll go through all the the keeper stuff at the very end and i'll show you all what i think the good stuff was that came out of this unit right now i'm just digging because they're neat but have absolutely no practical use this little antique serving tray oh look stained glass window more or less intact amongst all these frames and stuff well those are leaded glass windows there too you have to be careful moving that pile it's a good thing i didn't stand over there see if i can get some of this off as a basketball the kevin mchale edition this stuff moved out of the way let's see what's underneath there's bins and boxes everywhere got to the bin underneath school projects dusty i'm going to sneeze excuse me i should be wearing a respirator there was an antique leather jacket in there like a flight jacket which is pretty cool it's like a military style bomber jacket doesn't have anything on the back that'd be cool if it had like the squadron patches on and stuff but it's of that era and look what we have here original pac-man well at least there's no batteries in it this is like the most amount of old toys i've found in a long time shoes maybe some lego at the bottom oh i see a smurf and whatever that guy is i'll have to pull that out and sort it once i get it out in the open maybe i don't remember those set doors it's like an insect toy okay there might be some more treasures in this box oh look the sector sector's uh kite never been used i guess they weren't curious to see what it looked like in the wind what is this transformer walkie walkie-talkie or radio maybe it's a little transistor radio mindy walkie-talkies are a big deal i don't know what it is maybe like a little alarm 1984. it's neat though i better check my garbage more carefully i almost throw it in mint condition it doesn't look like but it's in really good shape 1927 eaton's catalog that's like 100 catalog right there especially in that kind of shape i'm gonna make sure i'm not throwing out any other gems well this might fall into the category of the most disturbing thing i found today it looks like a decapitated bunny but i think what it was was a halloween costume like ralphie would have worn on christmas story that somebody's just stuffed full of stuffing i don't need it it will haunt someone else's dreams not mine open up the flower bin and there's this set of three three sizes old lartins gainer's lard it says old coffee tin kind of a nice one too highland brand coffee nice upset it's an old crib unfortunately they're not really something you could sell as your baby's head could get stuck in them but it looks like there's a newel post off of an old railing there it's just hanging out there's a bag of old clothes and i thought you know i should go through this and see if there's anything kind of cool in there one of the first things i pulled out 1992 genesis tour concert shirt so yeah i'll be going through that lego base plates including the moon base plate another box full of toys here let's see we've got a giant foot part of probably part of the mascot costume ew dusty grossness some little books richard scary hungry hungry hippos snakes and ladders there's a spiderman board here well that's what's left of it not in the greatest shape so these toys might be a little worse for wear but i'm going to dig all the way to the bottom just to make sure there's oh yeah a whole bunch of little people books those little fisher price cat oh there's comics hang on a go box helmet yeah hungry hungry hippo in the box that was a fun game well the comics are mainly archie and katie keane there's a wonder woman in there no 6d spider-man which is what you'd be hoping to find in here keep digging though whoa check this light fixture out is that ever cool very 1960s 70s pop art that is a neato piece i like it this box appears to be mostly puzzles but at the very bottom i see i've write down one of the uh afx cars there's another one this is the set for it make sure i get all the pieces out of this box and save them nice little set right there maybe there's some other good stuff down here remote control boats i've yet to come across the stack of sports cars i'm hoping for or a guitar that matches that amplifier still having fun though no i don't i don't see what is this victory map puzzle big box of puzzles okay another box the there we go ninja turtle van and hopefully i'll be able to figure out oh yeah there's the roof for it let's say you'll figure out if i can find the roof but there it is all these boxes probably brought home and sorted because i'll figure out what what all the parts are for i also found this little fisher-price uh fuzzy pumper you put you know you put the dude on top and you crank it up and the hair comes out and the beard comes out and you shave it who didn't have one of those when they were a kid bag of stuff i'm trying to get to the uh what i call the toy department which has been back in this area because it's been paying off pretty good but i'm i'm gonna work my way around the corner found this old stereo which is really nothing but there is an rca box on the bottom maybe there's records or something who knows i'm gonna work my way around and see if i can reconnect where i was where that uh antique cabinet was this looks like a suit bag see if the suit's still inside of it whoa that's not a suit this is what's a captain rainbow that is just pure awesomeness apparently that's captain rainbow's outfit i don't know what that's from but that's pretty darn cool captain rainbow all right sort of a junk drawer they just took the whole dry out but i want to see what i can salvage out of here sprinkler head finish a coke bottle yes giant thing of dust just telling me no skeleton keys yes antique bottle opener for dog's head guinness beer yes i'll see if what i can pull out of it'll be at here a few things worthwhile found what appears to be like a an antique uh i thought it was a deck chair at first but i think it folds into a little table and maybe a crib side or something golf clubs i haven't found the queues for a little pool oh no the cubes are right there i lied i found the cube what do we have here more toys more 1980s mask toys and ghostbusters and ninja turtles and more more and more and more toys i set that one aside that goes in the keeper pile my keeper pile is actually getting pretty big look at this that's my keeper pile so far it's a navajo blanket here too is that covered hopefully there's definitely finding lots of cool old toys which is right up my alley open up this bag and see what's in here and it is oh it's a little that looks like a stereo yep that's what it is those old little stereo systems one way to get an idea when something was packed up like these cups and so forth is the look at the paper that they were packed in judging from those fashions i'm going to say 1990 somewhere around then if it's dated they're not always dated [Music] copyright trademark uh darn them oh yeah look at that 1990. i was bang on i know because i was there and i probably looked like that it's the uh this day number two um i had to drive by in a different vehicle today i'm not using this completely uh it's my first day out my old mustang i'm not gonna be using that completely uh to clear all this out but i figured since i was driving by i may as well grab a few bags i do have to go get my truck um today i want to try and get um the collectibles out which i didn't have a chance to do the other day get the furniture moved out really just try and get through the majority of this bin because it has to be done by tomorrow and i'm running out of time so without further ado let me start loading up the trunk with some collectibles and then go grab my truck look at this mess of toys i mean it's a good mess but it's a mess of toys i will sort this out later on once i get that unit empty i'm just going to leave them in my garage for now they're so dusty though it's like an old cowboy coming down the trail and you pat yourself off on your shirt and you leave a dust version of yourself behind that's what these bags and boxes are like i'll be happy to get them out of the back of the vehicle car is back in the house truck is here and i'm going to try and uh get rid of some more of the garbage too bad this antique sitting chair would make a nice little you know smoking style side chair if it was re-upholstered in nice leather but uh it's a little far gone it's busted up and broken and cats have been at it so off it goes and i've got a bit of broken furniture in here too so i'm going to start clearing out some more stuff to the dump today and uh i'm i don't know i'm a little bit worried about my time frame i've only got really today and a bit of tomorrow to try and get rid of all this still a lot of stuff in here the focus in here right now is kind of on cleaning there's still some discoveries being made though i'm just uncovering this box right here to see what's inside and it looks like we've got return of the jedi card and some e.t cards look how dirty and gross this is yuck okay let's open this up and see what's in here it's mark's tools but it doesn't mean it's schools that looks like baby stuff looks like lots of baby stuff maybe there's some other kids toys in here ah there's some tools underneath the baby stuff looks like kind of a catch-all [Applause] i have to go through that a little bit closer see what else is in there in this bag we've got the that's the gobots um this is like a carrying case i recognize this from the 80s oh there it is there i don't think it has anything in it no but the the stickers are all good though so that's good another one of these little mini hockey sticks signed and some childhood art it for the collectibles in there get rid of that with a lot of the garbage gone i can actually walk around in here and it's looking a little less daunting but i've been saving um my next step for right about now and that's all the stuff that i think can probably go to charity like the stereo system and some of the cups and saucers and that um i want to do a charity run next so i'm going to load the truck up with everything i think can uh be reused but maybe not have great monetary value to myself in the truck get that cleared out and then the fun begins of getting all the rest of this moved out of here first bag off to charity away we go saving some of these drawers as well when i feel i found the proper home for it that's gotta go like that something like that maybe the drawers aren't in the exact right spot that looks like it goes here they keep kind of going around oh it's a little bit warped but that is the right drawer i have to take it home do a little finessing but everything looks like it's going to go together so that unit should be complete there i'm back now to start loading up the sellable stuff first thing in antique dining room table i was able to piece these pieces together i think it's a little antique hall stand you can see there's a hanger on the bottom there so it probably was wall mounted at some point kind of cool and the mirror is unbroken reason i bought this thing in the first place the uh writing desk a drafters table or angled desk needs a little bit of wood glue and a lot of cleaning but it's all there and i found the drawer for it maybe that's not the drawer it fits i'll see i was keeping back all the miscellaneous drawers around just in case i found the one that was missing that one will work in a pinch but i've got a few other drawers there to try in it so we'll get this guy loaded up i finally decided to get this coffee table moved i think what it was was a like a kitchen table somebody cut down to a coffee table which is kind of cool there's a little bit of paperwork in the drawer oh look look look look if you're gonna find a hockey card that's the one to find if that dust comes off that's in pretty decent shape what year is this probably 1970 69 1969 bobby orr that's a score and a half right there there's any other hockey cards in here nope but i'm going to check and see if anything fell down the back no hey well if i'm going to find one hockey card may as well be a bobby orr i am back at the dump again making what is i don't know my fifth or sixth run so far i've invested about 200 in uh garbage removal that's the unfortunate thing sometimes you just can't help but throw some of these things out made it home i've got to go back tomorrow to get the last load of garbage out of the unit and then get my deposit back this is the variety of stuff that i brought back thinking it was cool so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to start sorting and i'm actually excited to sort through some of the toys in that i'm going to start sorting and then start grouping things basically into transformers and gobots and gi jones whatever else get them all in their respectful categories and then see what i've got well i know from your perspective at home probably doesn't look like a lot has happened and this probably looks like a really big mess mainly because it is but i've been sorting ninja turtles gi joe super powers um he-man stuff mask which there wasn't as much of as i would i would hope that there was still some uh star wars gobots and miscellaneous accessories oh and ghostbusters stuff there i did find the doors for the ghostbusters car and the uh little uh section the chair that goes on the roof there words are hard right now but uh i had oh man i was looking through the cards like oh my goodness look there's some old baseball cards and i got all excited and then i thought okay well wait a minute these can't be real flip it over nope eddie plank yep so it's a replica it's still cool though um i'm gonna now basically uh start putting pieces back together whatever kid had this stuff was uh not a fan of keeping his toys together so everything is mismatched or slightly taken apart luckily i think that can all be mended if i take my time and put all the arms and heads and legs on the proper people like there's his leg i just have to assemble everything hopefully i can get it all back together again i'll try my best and uh sort everything into buckets i'm going to actually reuse the bins that came out of the storage unit i just washed them off they're drying over there right now and i rinsed off a few of the toys too like the ninja turtle volkswagen bus so i'm going to start assembling things here and i'll show you i guess my top finds from today i've pieced together what i could with the he-man stuff unfortunately these have little elastic bands that will need to be replaced before he-man and skeletor get put back together again but there are some that are assembled i'll put this all together as a lot in one of the buckets and send it off to auction i nearly had a heart attack going through some of the stuff that thought i'd found some really rare baseball cards but of course you know the minute you see an onus wagner card like that you know you're dealing with a replica and that's what they are they're replicas probably from the 1980s and disappointingly this bobby or card which isn't particularly rare i looked at it closer and look it says outstanding player card promo original didn't say that if you look at the very top it says replicards1991 so unfortunately that wasn't the great card that i thought was gonna be but i did get the dust off of it would have been a good find either way these are neat cards and i'll put them through the auction um as replicas as they are but um you know if you wanted to have a you know impress your friends and make them think you've got a original bonus wagner card um you could so i'm gonna get these guys uh sorted ready and bagged up and ready to go trying to find all the little accessories that go with these things it's taking forever but most of jabba's place has putting them all back in their box that they're meant to be in when he was obviously still a kid we've got all these star wars figures and everything's going to go up for auction no reserve so i guess i really won't know how i'm going to do until until auction day but i feel um i feel like we're gonna do all right on this batch well it's the end of the day and i've got stuff pretty much piled up in their boxes so the box of assorted star wars the box of ninja turtles and the box of gi joe and transformers and yes i'm putting a lot of this stuff out by the way and i will be separating out a couple of the better transformers but most of the stuff is going by the box full i am expecting to make probably around even after because it was 110 to buy the unit um plus 200 for garbage disposal so we're for 300 bucks roughly plus my time um but i think that there's probably about i'm not kidding probably 2500 profit out of this unit maybe a little bit better even some of these toys can go crazy people get bidding on especially star wars and that they could go you know box even like that even though it's not a huge box it's got some good stuff and a lot of figures could go for you know three four five hundred dollars on its own on a good day i don't know what stuff's going to go for but i would expect 2 300 to 2500 profit not bad for a day's work i hope you enjoyed watching today's video i hope you enjoyed the adventure uh stay tuned for more i'm gonna go to bed because it's late and i'm tired and that was a long day we'll see you guys soon and oh subscribe if you haven't already we go on adventures like this every so often and uh we have kind of a neat channel if you haven't subscribed yet you should do that alright guys we'll see you soon and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 974,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UHDaUXjrmk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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