Trash Picking MILLION Dollar Tourist Town!

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all right this is exactly why I come out here on the regular and just drive around and see what I can find because I just came across not very exciting but this dog enclosure also a flag pole on the top but this dog enclosure which I think I can easily sell for $150 to $200 so basically free money just sitting right here on the side of the road [Applause] [Music] what's up everybody good morning look at this place all right so today we are in Ocean City New Jersey this is pretty much the tourism capital of the state [Music] he I figured I haven't come over here to do any treasure hunting in a long time and I last night I was thinking what is a good place to go curbside picking that I haven't gone to all year long since last year so OC just popped into my head so here we are up on the boardwalk it's about 6:00 a.m. bright and early and the sun is rising as you can see so here's my thought process going into this millions of people literally millions of people visit OC New Jersey every summer every year there's people here constantly coming and going so where there's tourism there's treasure today we have a trash day that stretches from basically two streets that way all the way to the end of the island so I'm going to jump in my truck cruise around and see what we can find right here in the roadside trash where we live is the perfect location for a modern-day treasure hunt just across the bridge are some of the richest beach towns in the country Every Spring tourists come from all over to enjoy the beaches and with them they bring the excess of American culture on garbage collection days I drive around and see what's been left at the curb this is trash picking the wealthy towns of the New Jersey coast now let's see what we can find dude no way that's SL what I said that's SL what a score all right oo okay early morning I just left my house I'm not even to the area where I'm trying to treasure hunt today and I see something that's already pequ my interest we're going to have to check this [Music] out I literally just pulled out of my street and came up across this look at this little treasure trunk couple Coes this trunk's cool girl scouts trunk all right I'm not going to waste too much time here so I might just take B gr got trunk even though it's probably worthless just taking this cuz it was the first score of the day Girl Scouts trunk [Music] [Music] [Music] all right check this out we got some chairs so basically the first street right here we have found some chairs not I don't think I'm going to take these but let's see the cushions the cushions are a plus they a go for sure but that's not going to cut it so those are good scrap value all right so here we go one of the first things I saw out here the Hoover SteamVac spin scrub this is like a commercial vacuum is it worth taking let me do a real quick Google search on this just to see how much it actually really is uh like new somebody said offer up for 50 bucks honestly this is not what I was like hoping to find today but let's just take this I might be able to sell this this isn't like a rich rich town so I'm not expecting top top ofth line stuff a little little rug cleaner who knows this is definitely one of the coolest houses uh in the town has always been always thought that was a cool one there is a lot of nice houses in this town now that's just one of the top top ones all right it looks like maybe a flat screen TV cracked and broken Samsung TV though good brand but uh definitely not worth taking all what are these looking like to be honest they look pretty Rusty that thing's a definite now I mean this one's pretty good but this the matching set's not really doing it for me uh I'm on the edge but that's pretty bad I don't think I can even sell these if they both look like this they're all good but they don't all right let's move on let just find something good here first before we get crazy the trash out might as well peep in the dumpster real quick so actually some decent Building Materials in there that piece of wood usable some other wood but nothing really that good wow this is really cool okay I like this a lot I'm definitely going to take this check out this piece right here this is like actually marble I think all right it's on I'm taking this the only problem is that it's missing the top but this is thick this is actually like a legit table what happened to the glass I guess they broke it and that's why they threw it out but yeah this is a keeper I mean I don't know about a keeper but I'm definitely picking this up for sure [Music] this is solid this is like a solid piece I'm all about that piece if it had the the top maybe I have a piece of glass I don't know I have some stuff at the house whatever we'll see that was the best thing I found so far today all right all right so this is going to be our first Alleyway that we're going to go down right here and a lot of times these are good for picking because people don't feel weird about putting a lot of stuff out to the alleyway because it's not seen in the front of their house but even just like that little container like I don't know that might actually be pretty cool for holding stuff for the auction to be honest let me see this all right now I'm seeing why they threw it out because of that is that going to be a big issue I don't know maybe I should just take it see how bad it is later and if it's terrible I'll just throw it out later for right this second we got more stuff to pick so we're just going to take it all right I saw this coming so here we go we got a a TV so this is a Sylvania TV with does it have it doesn't have a DVD player but it looks like you can change everything on the side Let's test it you know what I'm not even going to test it because it looks like they got a new TV and this is probably thr out because it was old not because it was broken so I'm just taking this ah there we go nothing special but maybe 20 bucks for that to [Music] sell all right we got a goodie bag here it looks like it was left just for me couple of lamps and probably not the greatest thing ever but it's going in the truck this Street's actually pretty much killing it right now all right we got a little pile here little shelf that's actually pretty cool picture frame that's actually real wood uh the lamps are right it's chipped I can see that I do have some wicker right now that I pretty much can't sell so to take more wicker would kind of be pointless I don't know maybe not I might want to take these actually these look pretty cool they smell good unlike the other ones I might take these two wicker and leave the rest of this stuff not bad maybe two for 30 I'll try and post them for let's see do we have an extra oh yeah even comes with the old school Steward alarm clock as is sold [Music] together okay so this is like the perfect kind of stuff to sell the only problem is look at the arms on here the two chairs look good the the rest are kind of let's just check them out in more detail and then we'll go from there see these somebody might want these though I mean can't really say for sure these are actually decent I don't know cuz like the yeah I don't know I might come back to it actually I might come back to it if I don't fill up on something else I'm going to come back cuz those are like on the fence maybe maybe not and they could easily be scrapped it is all aluminum whoa whoa what is this or what was this a really cool looking bunk bed is what it looks like it's trashed now let's see this it's actually a pretty cool like entertainment setup it looks like it's not in that good a shape though terrible condition actually it's pretty good out here though I'm not going to lie it's big surprising it's actually amazing that that would even could even possibly be in one of these houses and these as well that is and another one oh my gosh did someone just like dump those right there I feel like they didn't even come out of the actual house that was right there his hers and kids matching luggage do I take it do I take it h I'm On the Border about this probably not take it look at this I got to get this picture don't want to be rude though there's someone over there hey can I take your SC thank you I got this old school mirror looking like a pretty big pile of stuff right here sometimes just cuz it's a pile doesn't make it good though if anything a lot of times it makes it better this is a crazy grill right here doesn't look like it's that great though couple Pap aons that was not a good pile just like I thought I did get that mirror though and I should have worn gloves cuz it had like something sticky on it I don't know it's a really cool mirror though all right I had to go back around the block just to check this out it obviously came from this house but look at this Grandma's chair the cushions are really bad like condition but is Grandma's chair savable kind of an antique although bringing this home not to sell it would suck might have to just leave this piece due to the fact that it's all scratched up from someone dog so actually I just drove around this way turned and went that way and I saw a free metal dog enclosure I don't know if it's still here where I even was before now okay here it is let's check this out this might actually be a pretty good score here right now for selling not just for scrap cuz it's a decent amount of metal in general all right let's go check freaking dog enclosure clay pen honestly probably the best thing I'm going to find for actually like sellability flag and pole so there a flag pole H I might need this this actually is all me right now all right this is exactly why I come out here on the regular and just drive around and see what I can find because I just came across not very exciting but this dog enclosure also a flag pole on the top but this dog enclosure which I think I can easily sell for $150 to $200 so basically free money just sitting right here on the side of the road free all right let's load this thing up the flag pole probably will take that but definitely going to take the dog enclosure my husband was just saying I got to go cut that up cuz the trash is't going to take it yeah well I don't think I'll use it myself but I actually I've sold some stuff like this in the past so good I think I thank you with all my heart yeah cuz like a lot of times people will move in places and they don't have a fence so they just need something at least you know we used we had a dog 17 years we called it the Stanley Hilton the Stanley Hilton the Stanley Hilton so there it goes yeah all right cool thank you I appreciate it thank you God bless Stanley Hilton's going to a new home [Music] I really truly feel like that was a winwin win for everybody the lady was so happy that I was taking it Taking It from the landfill the trash guys don't have to deal with it she was stoked and I'm going to sell it I know I'll sell that those dog en closures can run for way too much money for what they are so for someone to be able to get that for cheap you never know could be a lifesaver for those people [Music] [Music] so I just pulled down the Dead End Street right here by accident actually but it ended up coming to this beach right here so this is what the reason why a lot of people visit this area cuz look how cool this is very nice this is a beach that actually we could come to for sure we took fin to the beach uh the other day two days ago whoa wait a second what is [Music] this something brand new might have to take that I actually don't even know what it is but I guess it's nothing just paper but what is this all about bird house without the top we got some stuff here a couple benches not really that great this house is getting cleaned out looks like they had these streets are hard to maneuver so here's one of the main reason I've been asked this before a decent amount of times why don't I take my trailer when I go out you could never maneuver in these beach towns with that big trailer and successfully get everything that you want to get so that's why look at these streets like I can hardly even pull down this street with just the truck I mean that's an exaggeration it's not that tight with the trailer not worth it this is fancy they got like cobblestones right there just a tiny bit of the street but still I didn't didn't even know they had that all right let's see there's like a table or something over here nothing so yeah more cobblestones cobblestone street in OC never even knew it new construction for sale all right this might be like the last pile we're going to check out check this out though these chairs are actually decent h no nothing of interest it's actually basically just scrap this might be the final pile of the day just cuz I pretty much went through everywhere I wanted to go but this is looking pretty good let's see let me just see first the bed frame looks good oh here it is broken I spoke too soon these are cool this looks good actually this is not [Applause] bad that's actually really nice not nice nice yeah I'll take this piece this thing is incredibly light I feel like it's is going to fall apart all right so that's probably be the last piece of the day there of the morning pick perhaps I spoke too soon saying that was my last pick I got this bike right here and it's a vintage kids bike but the vintage ones are always better way better uh quality the Murray malibo this thing's epic but I did just want to show you guys this spot here since we're in Ocean City I'm going to go to my favorite doughnut shop ever in the whole world it's called Browns and I'm going to show you guys the donuts here so little travel Vlog in the in the trash picking video let's see how many people are here though probably so many [Music] look they say Almost Famous Donuts I think they are definitely famous it's not a secret spot that's for sure just be one second yeah all good all good thank you since you ask here here's the the channel name right there if you want to check it out yeah all right I got them I might just have to wait till I get home to eat these cuz that there was like sticky weird stuff on the mirror and there's a possibility some of it could still be on my hands I can show you guys real quick what it looks like though here we go without touching them wow how's that real I will say it's been in emotional ride this whole business life in general and I do go back and forth is this sustainable is this going to work out am I going to be able to do this which I'm sure a lot of people do in life no matter what you do not just people that are self-employed and yesterday it was hitting me hard and I was just like stressing over everything and honestly our business is doing probably the best now with every different thing we got going on with the YouTube videos with the auctions Facebook selling and with like just the product endorsements and stuff like that on our Channel everything's been working really well this year financially it's just like how do you get the next step up in life to give yourself some type of more security and being self-employed owning your own business is always a risk so I might be in the wrong business to even try to have this type of security but it's like like I feel like as soon as I get any money it's spent right away and do other people feel this way I'm sure they do but it's just like what you really have to do is just take it day by day and that's like the only way that you can do life because today I had a really good morning and I was just skating down the street with my donuts and in hand like thinking you know it's only 8:00 right now 8:00 a.m. in the morning I've already done a ton of work I filmed a whole YouTube video which I thought was a good video I was able to get like a few hundred worth of stuff I can sell and I'm skating down the street in one of the nicest towns I've ever been in holding my favorite Donuts about to go get some coffee and go back to see my wife and my daughter and it's like that guy was scrapping actually fully had some of the stuff in the back of his truck that I passed what a legend and it's like how can life actually get any better than this it probably can't but it's still just like it's hard it's hard out there for everyone so keep pushing everybody take it day by day I think that's all we can do [Music] [Music] R so here's the treasure that we got 's actually some pretty good stuff today so what I did when I was on the street earlier was I took a picture of these two wicker uh pieces and I posted it to Facebook Marketplace for 30 bucks and some lady messaged me almost pretty much immediately after so I met I said come and get them at at 12: cuz actually I had to go out and do some stuff well we went to go on a walk as a family and spend some family time so so 30 bucks hopefully we make this sale within just a few hours of uh picking these up for 30 bucks I think it's a good deal um I think what I'm doing wrong with the other wicker that I have is I'm posting it as a lot and people probably don't want all of it as a lot so maybe I should just repost the dresser and the table separately and then see what happens because like yeah these are cool but they're not really that useful so like somebody who might want this dresser might just come through and pick it up uh for like 20 30 bucks instead of trying to get whatever amount for everything I think I have the whole set posted for 90 and then another post for 40 for everything so I'm just trying to move it at this point I did a Google reverse lens lookup on this and this this is what they're calling a fabric dresser so this sells for like less than 100 bucks brand new although it's out of stock on uh Amazon so this is a very cheaply made in not very permanent must have been somebody who had a rental property or they rented a property and bought this just for the time being this condition this is 30 bucks uh it's very lightweight and just like what I said if somebody just needs for a little bit you could definitely put like a TV or something on here it's not totally totally useless and it definitely can hold a lot of clothes or whatever but uh it's just crazy how something can sell for so cheap even brand new okay here we go this person actually fully showed up for the the T balls how are you good how are you good do you like quicker or just trying to so yeah I would do the dresser and the mirror for 20 bucks if you wanted all right let me make a phone call I show my husband because he's actually The Decorator got me so give me one St so here's the dog kennel cage I don't know what to call it enclosure I guess it's what it is a fence enclosure so probably the most valuable item I got today it's 8x6 with the gate it's obviously Rusty right here on the bottom but other than that put a piece of wood or something in there and fix that I think these sell around 375 bucks I think I saw it for 370 bucks anywhere to $350 to $400 so if I post this for 100 bucks I think I'll sell it quite easily I'm pretty sure it has all the hardware to put it together and if not I'm sure somebody can figure figure it out but score for sure definitely for a small dog always something to think about so this is a good item to pick up because it's probably very usable for a lot of people uh it's an easy sell I think and you can leave it outside I don't have to do anything I'll just set it right here and hopefully it sells in the next day or two and if it get rained on if it gets wet whatever it's meant to be outside I also have received already a message about the dresser that I just posted about an hour ago and I only posted it for 25 bucks because it's a fabric dresser but uh she said she's probably going to pick it up and that's pretty easy to sell some good stuff stuff today really all right welcome back so another morning out here in beautiful day so this dresser the fabric dresser is pending pickup the dog enclosure is also pending pickup so I believe that at least those two other items from yesterday's Pick will sell I just wanted to do a quick announcement here for this Friday's auction Friday starting at 300 p.m. usually usually runs till like 6 or 7 last week we ran until like past 8:00 at night so it was like a 5 hour auction and sold so much cool stuff and I did just want to do a few shout outs to people that are from our YouTube channel but also have been supporting heavily in the auction so Mary Beth snowy Aloo on drip bought like so much stuff in the last three auctions so really really appreciate it thank you shout out to you she also has gifted items to people um which is just so cool like bought items for other people Amy Florida lizard also bought a ton of stuff in the last auction so thank you so much shout out to her Matt Cordova has been a heavy buyer in almost every auction he buys a ton of comic books shout out to you dude I really appreciate it for real crystal and Rich uh taz's girl and satiric Saint on the drip app they've been supporting every single auction I believe they've been there bought stuff won giveaway shout out to both of you appreciate it Steve Adams bought a whole bunch of stuff in the last auction you're the man for that and I appreciate all the bids and all the buys Raptor F22 bought a decent amount of stuff bird on the auction bought a lot of stuff as well and sea which is name his name on drip is smok bought the two biggest lots of the night last Friday so shout out to you as well and everybody else who's ever bought anything I appreciate it I didn't want to leave anybody out but those were like the biggest buyers from the last auction and I just wanted to do shout outs so hope you guys enjoyed the trash picking video we have another trash well today's video hope you enjoyed it and then we're just going to have a bunch more like this throughout the whole summer into the fall and then really in winter time is the only time where these aren't possible these types of videos but you know we always come up with something keep pushing everybody and we'll see you in the next video so let's get down to the shipping now it's going to be a long day of shipping [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 37,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash, picking, million, dollar, tourist, town, trash picking, treasure, found, hunting, picker, pick, money, hustle, side hustle, how to, garbage, tourism, treasure hunting, finding, selling, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, new jersey, ocean city, nj, fun, laugh, laughing, vlog, morning, skateboard, donut, life, lifestyle, sold, family, vlogging
Id: 5IxLI6vQ2iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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