Trashed by renters and abandoned... what did they leave behind?

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] well good morning everybody and welcome to today's episode I am headed out of town this morning gosh the sun is like right in my eyes today uh I'm headed out this morning out of town and we're going to meet with a couple who have a very full property I'm told that needs to be cleared out now normally I don't like to be involved if the people who have filled it to that state are still involved in the property um because it can be pretty emotional for them to let stuff go but in this case they really said they need their house back they got to figure things out they're not doing well so we're gonna go out and chat with them and and see what we can do to help out but uh should be an interesting Adventure um I'm not sure what to expect it's also my first uh one of my first longer trips in the Tesla that we picked up so I'm planning my my charges out like planning out very Sparks gas stations but uh once you get the hang of it's not so bad anyway hang in there for today's episode should be kind of an interesting one uh let's go see what they've got going on let's go now I know I'm supposed to be meeting some folks um but on the way I came across what looks like a dune buggy project sitting in somebody's yard and then you drive just a little bit further just a little further and look there's an Edsel an Edsel and a Santa Claus but look there's an Edsel car nearly tanked forward well I shouldn't say that it was just a big flop they put so much money into designing that car and they were unveiling its upright Grill and uh people were hugely disappointed and thought it was an ugly duckling it's not a you know retrospect it's not a terrible looking car and I guess it's not a bad car um that one might need a wheel uh he's also got a moto ski an old Skidoo there's neat stuff sitting around here but alas I'm not here to buy an edselor am I focused Alex keep focused okay I am here um I don't know if I'm gonna be allowed to film the outside of the house right now but I can see they've got a lot of stuff it's um basically over top of the lawn the garage door is open there's stuff everywhere um unfortunately kind of a typical situation when somebody collects a little too much you run out of room in a hurry but let's go meet these folks um we'll go inside and uh we'll see what we can do yeah I have been given access to they own a property across the street I just did a tour inside their place and uh they said go and check out what we have in the yard they've got this big RV sitting here there's probably a very expensive RV when it was new got the key apparently there's a shop in the backyard here I don't know let's see if the key works um no that must not be the right key for that to try another one all right success and what do we have well doesn't really look like a whole lot of Collectibles or anything in here it's too bad this is probably a nice RV you know the RV itself could be cleaned or renovated I'm sure looks like there's been mice in here almost looks like somebody's was camped out in here or living in here for a while definitely mice door is falling off still closing the closet and then a fairly big bed this thing needs a major overhaul well I mean there is no uh no expectation that this was going to be uh a mint RV but I don't really see any Collectibles inside here that are worth saving that but you know the RV itself would have some value to somebody stepped down lock this back up we'll see if we can go inside the house all right there is no actual path to get to the front door it's pretty snowed in but I'm told the door should be unlocked hopefully they don't have a whole bunch of pit bulls or anything in here [Music] yeah the door is actually just open okay looks like somebody kept a dog in here tune at the door trying to get out we're trying to get in coaches random is that actual stone no it's gonna say it looked like a stone table saw food on the shelves [Music] well I am not seeing too much beehives a lot of hives and liquor bottles and stuff okay a mattress propped up against the door one random hockey card just a bunch of uh junk more or less it wasn't much going on inside that house so I've come to the backyard which if I can get back there hmm snowed in my half I have to go around the alleyway we'll see made my way into the backyard [Applause] and there's a very snowed Open Door somebody has smashed the glass out here well let's see what looks like uh 1970s kind of coffee table there's definitely a lot of stuff in here I'll give you the full View garage is pretty packed oh I see a sewing machine down there what was sort of a retro looking clock I'm just looking for something for anything telephone insulators there was once a time when those were collectible it was probably still some people look like that stuff little figurines and stuff it's kind of neat see if I can get over to it it's like a built-in barristers bookcase it probably would have been coming right open Good Golly um it looks like it was built into uh a business at one point and uh this is what you'd put your legal books and documents in I'm trying to be somewhat careful here because there's so much stuff that's broken on the floor I don't want to cause any more damage uh This legal bookcase is kind of cool but again it was built in so it means the sides of it are unfinished so that's really meant to go inside of a a built-in wall or something like a nicer home or office would have had that's about the best thing in here that I've seen so far and I'm kind of an optimist I'm always open to uh trying to find treasure where treasure is sparse but in this scenario I'm not sure there's going to be too much Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Lassie so some older books cooler over there gosh I'm always afraid to open up coolers because there might be a chance that uh there's still food in there from the 70s or something you never know um there is a Makita drill or at least the case for one hey in the original box for the Liberty Bell the Americans are wondering where the Box went for the Liberty Bell there it is right there all right so it's a couple pieces stereo equipment and stuff overall I'm just not uh not seeing what I need to see I'll close the door and head back over here just having a little walk about in the uh garage this next to the house you got a toolbox bicycle the world's smallest lawnmower satellite dish and there are some saws and some equipment but uh it's so full I don't know when the last time the garage door was closed but hey it's fake table grapes oddly somebody would probably buy that out of all the things in here the fake table grapes are probably the thing that somebody would buy if they're all cleaned up you know back in the day when your grandma would have like rubber grapes for some reason sitting in the middle of a table does it looked like a bountiful feast with the world's biggest glass grapes okay there's a quad there and a tractor a few little things but uh I'm gonna knock on the door well after doing a uh I'll walk through the property and I didn't film the inside of their actual house it was very full very nice people um and I'd feel for the situation they've they've gathered so many things over the years and now their health has started to fail and they're unable to keep up with cleaning or to even get rid of it now that they're in the frame of mind that they want to get rid of everything they don't have the health or the mobility to do so uh nor family members that can come help either so um they are definitely stuck in a bad situation and my heart definitely goes out to them there's absolutely uh in my opinion there would be no money to be made from a business side of things from the business if I'm going to give the money for their stuff there wasn't anything I could buy sadly um the couple pieces that were there wouldn't be worth the effort or the fuel to to go and pick up oh in my heart I just want to help them and I just want to get their their property cleaned up the the other property cleaned out looked like they had people that were you know maybe squatting in there at some point so not a great situation they they need money they need to get stuff going but um I don't know that that's the right place for me to interject myself [Music] um gosh so I don't think anything in there is going to work for me this go around but I do wish them well and I did try and give some advice on on what they could do to try and get things moved along uh the RV the motorhome that was there it's trashed on the inside apparently it runs and drives fine um but you know it's going to need a tremendous amount of work um totally fixed up it's maybe worth seven to nine thousand somewhere in there on a really really good day because it's an older unit if that um so even if you got it for a couple thousand bucks you'd have to put more than that into it just to renovate the interior uh so again it wasn't really anything for me to pick up however I did hear that the uh the old car the Edsel might come available for sale because the the neighbor that owned it passed on so who knows maybe there'll be an Edsel in my future but um beyond that sadly nothing for me there today so uh I appreciate them having me out and if they're watching this episode I do truly wish you uh nothing but the best with getting your property cleared out but for me it's just not going to make sense right now uh but guys thank you very much for watching today's video uh we'll see you all soon and as always bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 93,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jmyKMCrX1Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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