Did I miss a killer deal? possible mistake antiquing!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hi everyone and welcome back to today's episode I am in the town of Florence Colorado where I have been basically non-stop shopping looking through antique shops the journey is going to continue we're going to stop in a couple more stories here and see what they have to see it's a Monday some things aren't open but most things are but I am going to go into this shop here which is the oil City merchants and we'll see what they've got let's go I recall coming through the store before and it's quite expansive it's like an old department store I think so it's a bigger shop on the street but they had neat stuff like this old um uh gas pump it doesn't have the globe on it but you could it's meant to have a globe see the top you can get replica globes that would be an amazing piece that's like an art deco style fuel pump obviously it had diesel in it out of it at one point but really really interesting piece so kind of getting a sense you're gonna have some cool stuff oh look that is a pink Gooseberry Pyrex pattern from about 1956 or seven 175 for the three Bowl set what a what a pretty set and actually quite difficult to come by that's one of the more desirable Pyrex sets very very cool let's continue walking through they've got railroad signs and Mason jars and blacksmithing stuff I see more Pyrex over there there's the old fridge containers for the primary color sets if you want to have root beer out of the container you could just get that thing and leave it on your kitchen counter giant Root Beer Dispenser or a you know a bomb because why not I don't think that they let me through the airport with some of this stuff how do you explain that in your carry-on but there is a big old trunk AJ Thompson from Fullerton Nebraska all leather trunk probably was brought here on stagecoach and now here it sits somebody's life possessions were in there where they started their life started their family and That's What I Love About Antiques it's a history you know the the stories the things you can imagine that took place or happened geez I've never seen cipril beverage nectar beverage never seen that before that's cool Colorado state prison guard outfit you get into some Mischief with that oh there's a great beer sign demand La Fiesta beer not for sale I I guess I understand it's pretty neat at a bunch of old gas tanks off of motorcycles it's really nice wide variety of stuff hey license plates are always really collectible and the older the better when you start getting into the early teens and early 1900s plates there A lot of times either painted real old ones can be leather but the most collectible are generally these porcelain enamel plates and I've not seen these Pennsylvania plates for 1912. now they've got um six plates for twelve hundred dollars it's actually not a bad price because in the right Market I'm sure in Pennsylvania those go for a lot more but I've never seen that wood grain sort of pattern that they did on that how it's kind of classy what a what a classed your car up I think if you had a wood grain looking license plate that's super cool I love seeing stuff I've never seen before and that's that's definitely one of them they got this great old wooden showcase here we've got some handy oil oil cans in there some razors some nice little padlocks this Japanese friction car so we got Spurs really just a little bit of everything oh I've I've had one of these and I did the same thing to it that's a uh you can probably tell what that is or was it was a hair dryer from a salon or likely this was a salon because it's got the industrial base I bought one of these at auction once and I did the same thing I um hollowed out the insides I put a light in as they've done I had an Edison style bulb in and somebody sold it or bought it from me and it actually went for a pretty good dollar I had mine all shined up and everything it was just a really cool piece interesting that somebody's done the same thing I guess you wouldn't really trust putting your head in that nowadays as a hair dryer so I get it yeah it's uh ceiling panels probably from old buildings around here some very 1950s looking light fixtures that must have been out of a restaurant or something but that's super mid-century modern uh and somebody's bought it but oh too bad what a cool piece that would have been for them hanging and then you've had the Lights All Around The Edge that's an amazing atomic age sort of piece oh here's a whole bunch of um these look like campaign badges yeah vote for Ike I like Ike Stevenson Sparkman students for Kennedy Roosevelt Truman there's like the history of uh campaign pin some of them look like they go back quite a few years that's pretty neat 38 of them for 130 bucks so if you're watching this video and you're interested you can phone and see if they still have it they might better yet if you're in this area you should come out and chat with them and come and see what they have in person because it's a really cool store I'm gonna walk along the back here and see that's some bigger items old stoves Pepsi coolers you can tell this one looks a little bit I like the uh I like the graphics on it with the Pepsi uh bottle cap logo on it's just so fun my brother Steve actually collects things with the Pepsi Bobble cap on it in fact when I first met my brother that's a whole other story when I first met him um I ended up going to his house and he had all these cool Antiques and I ended up getting a Pepsi bottle cap sign which is now proudly in my garage on display and every time I look at it I think of my brother Steve more license plates lots of books these great fantastic signs that looks like it was out of a maybe a I'm from Canada so my mind goes to uh um hockey arena but that's from a baseball park American National you got Cincinnati Reds Oakland so they're keeping track of the scores home runs of course that's baseball I didn't see that for those of you that'll probably point out the obvious I see it says home runs on it now so I can see what it is a dog racing poster that's kind of cool friendly mile-high candle Club Colorado 25 cents parking and admission it'd be kind of a fun afternoon go to the horse races is that old Riveter like Rosie the Riveter would have used hers is a bit bigger than that I think though I'm just having fun strolling around and see what he has of course I am on the hunt today for vintage watches or Hot Wheels and I don't see any just yet but I'm gonna keep looking because you never know when there's one around the corner here's a nice Edison amberola player it looks like the lever is not on it for the Stop start but um or they would often have like that's where your uh needle would go so it might need a little bit of TLC between this one and the one I saw at the flea market the other day you could have built one real good one neat piece so nice piece of early music history got a whole box full of pocket knives here those are always fun and that's your boy scout it's kind of everything knife you got your spoon your fork your knives the whole deal there need stuff here's a really cool piece this is like a 1950s ERA American Flyer train set and it's got all the original boxes with it too his price is quite there he's around 100 and a half or so is the asking price on that set with the engines in the bottom there unfortunately my bags won't allow me to bring that much stuff on gosh but if I had to pick anything in the store that I would take home I think it would have to be that gas pump because that is just a stunning piece of art art deco styling you put the glow back on that even with the patina that green paint being as it is it's just absolutely perfect what is the price of the pump by the way three grand three grand yeah that's about right that'd be a whole lot more if you fully restored it that's for sure but that's like a museum quality piece much nicer than your average sort of pump you would have seen that was that's definitely your upgraded model there what a beaut well I spent the last few minutes chatting with the fellow that owns Oil City Merchants really cool guy um so I recommend checking out his store we're gonna pop in and see a couple others before I head out of town here I see there's uh good stuff antiques across the street so that's probably our next BET right over there yeah unfortunately that one shop was closed so I decided to come in this store which is called the mezzanine and probably for obvious reasons it's called the mezzanine because they have a mezzanine up there lots of artwork on the walls when you come in uh the one thing that's nice about these buildings in Florence is that a lot of them are historic sites so you feel like the Antiques are right at home sort of in the setting they would have been way back when I see a few watches down in there so you'd be quite happy to find uh a couple good watch boxes too so we're gonna do a little Cruise about a little walk around and we'll see what there is to see always thought those were super cool that is a music disc player it has like a perforated disc that goes inside of it and as it spins it plays music kind of like a music box almost it's a predecessor of a gramophone they used to have upright versions as well from music halls or or bars not a common thing to find that one's an exceptionally good shape but I've always liked them always thought they were cool they are pricey though at three thousand seven hundred dollars it's not an inexpensive item but it's really neat and sometimes really neat things are fun to have around wind it up and show your friends how they used to listen to music way back when that's an estate jewelry and a wooden biscuit truck or wagon I should say these little um that F-16 air combat fighter from General Dynamics that's something that would have actually given a pilot um that's not for common purchase that would have been a sort of a specialty I wouldn't say salesman sample but similar to it that's kind of a neat piece I had some of those from the 1950s from uh major Jerry burry um from his estate from his collection we got to know those a bit looks like an old AC spark plug cleaner and we've got a sample spark plug and you put your plug in there and it kind of blasts it a little bit cleans the ends all off and uh it tells you what kind of shape your spark plugs in if it was working and who knows it might that'd be a handy thing to have in your shop you know if you're checking your plugs but frankly it's pretty cheap to just replace your plugs you know rather than go through all that but so kind of cool like these old radios Bakelite radios and always keeping my eyes open for a Catalan radio but those are a little trickier to come by which is why when I come by them I typically keep them we've got this old handmade wooden toolbox those are cool probably super heavy to carry that around to the job site monogram boxes and Trunks it's great old Warehouse doors I know that it's part of the building but I still think it's neat um we're going to walk through the other side and see what's around the corner and also check out the famous mezzanine of the mezzanine and see what they have up there on this side we've got a nice little collection of old toys and collectibles you know there have been occasions like I just bought and stole my hand at a Mickey Mouse wind-up toy from the store down the street I've had times where I've actually bought something at one store walked down the street and sold it for a profit it sounds stupid but some you know that's the business I'm in Little Buddy Lee Phillips 66 doll is cool if you're into a gas station memorabilia that's a neat piece okay I stopped to have a look at this because what this is is a motion lamp and an older one at that they're very popular in the 50s basically um there's a rotating piece inside that makes it look like it's flickering light so that's got sort of a cabin scene um one of the rare ones you find is actually the water skiing scene from the 1950s that being a 1930s PCA that price hit uh 110 probably about what it's worth um but a neat item and you don't see them too too often of old radios this was always a neat piece I've had a couple of these before too it's a Zenith Bakelite cabinet record player and radio in one but it's very kind of um just slightly post Art Deco with these great lines almost looks like the dashboard of a car if some of the the designs in the industrial designers that did this stuff are just so cool the work that they did and um you can see the different controls on there 1633 78 . just a really neat looking piece and there's your helicrafter CB radio set there oddly there's kitchen equipment well that was an absolutely fun trip a great shop the one thing that looking back I now kind of regret not buying is the Pyrex Bowl set he had a price at what around 140 or so um probably would have gone down to around 100 bucks online in Canadian funds anyway they're between six and seven hundred dollars so um I was worried about shipping at home and getting broken but man there are some deals out there it's worth looking I hope you enjoyed today's episode make sure to tune in for more subscribe and as for me I'm off to look for more Treasures have a wonderful day guys we'll see y'all soon and as always bye for now bye everybody
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 36,728
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Id: bCGjiV3hqfk
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Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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