This Will Be THE BEST Reselling Platform One Year From Now

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was a question that somebody asked me I'm going to give you my honest opinion some people aren't going to like it Hello everybody welcome back to Commonwealth flipper I'm going to make some people angry today I have a feeling I'm going to make some people angry I'm going to tell you my prediction by the way we're getting a bunch of live shows ready to go I'm going to give you my prediction for what I think the absolute best I have no doubt absolute best reselling site one year from today and a lot of people aren't going to like what I have to say but I hope by the end of this video that you'll agree with me and I think a lot of people will so for those of you who are new to the show this is primarily a what sold show what sold on whatever platform primarily eBay we're going to talk about that today we've got tons of sales but we are going to weave this topic through and I want to get your opinions on it as we talk about it like I said the girls are out there working uh Bub's girlfriend is is in between graduating from college and getting a job so she's been helping us out a little bit more than usual but they are in charge of all the live shows and that's on whatnot or on District dibd and they've been working on those which gives me so much more time to focus on this and it's finally paying off after a terrible month of May I don't know it wasn't terrible it was down about 20% but may is usually my worst month sales have blown up because I've been able to dedicate that time I'm not going to ship out 41 things today which is what I could be doing but I don't have to most of them can go out tomorrow we're going to do maybe 15 18 20 today but I have 41 sales for just over 3,000 3,990 $3,998 so June has started off really really well for us so far I'm excited about that but I want to get to this topic it was a question that somebody asked me I'm going to give you my honest opinion some people aren't going to like it and you know if you watch my show that's perfectly fine I'm all about other people's opinions and other people's models and what they want to do and and really to resell the way that makes them happy so this was my absolute favorite find not my most profitable but my favorite find from the 100 yard 100 mile yard sale here in Virginia it is a yeti from GI Joe and it was in really bad shape and we cleaned it up and I think I paid two three bucks two bucks something like that for it it sold for 40 how much this one sell for $46 plus shipping I'm sad to see it go and we have an Eclectic group to say the least of sales today but you know when we talk about a topic like this we're going to talk about all kinds of reselling platforms throughout this video here's what I mean by eclector here is a I got these for free y'all and there was a bunch of stuff in a bin that they were just giving away to yard sale and I took them I took all of them I got crucified in the comeo Picker video they're like oh it's free and whatever I think I paid her something I I don't know what I'm not sure maybe I didn't pay her anything I bought other stuff so these Joyce Meyer CDs or dvd I don't know what they are they sold for $30 plus shipping zero buy cost and that kind of reminds me of something since we're talking about a topic that might have all kinds of different opinions today there was dispute in that video whether or not I should have taken them for free knowing I could resell them even though they were in the free box but then there was also people you know you talk about things like we're talking about today there's controversy you talk about politics there's controversy you talk about religion there's controversy and so some people were were not very happy that I was selling those things at all because apparently they don't like that person and boy you know that's not what this channel is really about we we tend to agree to disagree on this channel there are some things I'm passionate about and I voice my opinion on I'm going to voice my opinion today but at the root of all of this you really have to do not only what works for you but makes you smile and one thing that makes me smile is selling old audio stuff and this one was cool I saw it and I'm like oh my gosh I got to get this thing and it is an old boom box right here this thing is sweet but it had an issue and the guy wanted 40 bucks for it and if it was working perfectly I would have paid him 40 bucks for it but it wasn't and so I almost just totally left it there looks like I have a visitor what are you doing you want to go to the shed I need to hold this thing on my shoulder like they used to do in the old days but see this one the guy told me one of 40 bucks and he told me that the cassette player didn't work I'm like well I don't really want to pay 40 bucks I offered him 20 and we hemmed and Hau a little bit and we got a deal done and this one sold for $80 plus shipping and that doesn't work so I sold it AIS the flies have followed me in today unfortunately hopefully the Flies flying around in here there's two of them I got to get them out but I like the door open so we're going to talk about other you know obviously I've already talked about live selling sites whatnot and I sell over there and we're selling increasingly more and more as it grows on dibd as well and it's just a separate I I view it as a separate business for me because this is my true love selling things statically on different sites and the girls handle that and I make a portion of that money and I do very little of the work except for sourcing and running the show itself and it I'm I just chose not to ignore the fact that that is something that people are gravitating towards and you know I'm not very dogmatic about my reselling I know what I want to do and what I love to do but I'm not going to Blind myself to certain trends at the same time that doesn't mean people need to you know rush over and try every single new thing ES especially if it doesn't fit their own personality looks like we've got another guest in here so here's another sale this a Furby sale and the ear thing is not attached and it's still sold for $26.95 plus shipping for that one so I love selling Furbies the Market's a little bit down compared to what what it was a little while ago but they're still selling pretty good 2695 I think for that one plus shipping I know a lot of you are probably expecting me to say something silly like banana because I love to sell on Bonanza cuz there's no extra work whatsoever it's automatically cross posted Dlisted all that and we make a few sales a month over there but of course not that's not going to be it I sell on mcari as well it's not going to be marui and I really think that marari is slowly growing but I don't see it being this massive Juggernaut that ever takes over eBay or anything like that let me say one other thing actually let me pull an item and I'm going to save one other caveat before we get to it all right I had to go in and get this one as well if you've been watching the show a long time you may remember that I got this from Uncle Mark's garage sale and I knew when I bought it I'd make money on them and he did too but I also knew that I'd be holding on to them for a long time and it's been a long time this is what do they call them and and keywords are important skyscraper or what do they call them wedding cake they're they're glass All Glass so I'm a little afraid of this one I'm being gentle with it it's very art decoy if you noticed that it almost reminds me of a thumer Thunderbird but it's not it's very art decoy and it would be upside down in a church you know covering the lights or whatever and this thing is awesome and I sold two of them before and this is finally the last one I had it listed for $399 and I sold it for 300 plus shipping it's not going too far away so it won't cost me too much to ship it but it will be bubble wrapped like crazy paper a box and then another box that's padded as well cuz I'm not losing that investment the other caveat is pretty obvious to most but you know Amazon Amazon is already the the biggest reselling site in the world it will remain that way I can't imagine it changing and that's not what I'm talking about we're we're putting that aside because it's not the type of reselling that I typically talk about it's also not the kind of reselling that I enjoy but yes for you amazoner out there if you want to make that argument I totally agree with you 100% it's just not what we do here and some of you may even expect me to say something like my own District platform with dve and Cary div and the or maybe the district Marketplace as well that's not what I'm going to say although I do love that platform there are so many things over there that I just absolutely love about it and we are seeing growth but it is not a year from now going to be the best place for most people to resale I do think there is a possibility I pulled these out earlier don't think that they were at the top that it is going to be a place for a lot of people to resell and some people to resell at a very high level that's how much I believe in that site over there so we we shall see there are some steps that need to be taken and they looks like they are so I sold this Dale Junior shirt sometimes you know NASCAR stuff especially Junior um don't sell really great by themselves not really worth the time for some small shirts but I put these two together CU they were the same size and they were both Dale Jr and and they sold and they sold for $22.99 plus shipping together so that was a lot better than struggling to get a sale for you know $11 a piece or $12 a piece in my opinion and somebody got two shirts for the well not for the price of one but save money on shipping for instance and so that's a good thing so whatnot is of course the other one some folks are thinking and whatnot already for some people is already the best reselling site for them to sell on for some people who have tried it and struggled it's not even worth their time and then there's a lot of people in between it is certainly growing in market share it is a you know not a new thing anymore but it is a new idea and reselling that has taken off but I don't believe that's going to be the best place for most people to resell a year from now either but it is for some y'all I wanted to give a thank you to Joy who bought ples for the Comm picker shipping table along we're on Comm but I also the Flies were down here I was going to show you when the wind blows South around here the flies come this way cuz there's a dairy Farm up the road you're sleepy boy Poncho's brother Wallen is at the vet blid mama's with him Reagan's at practice Turner's bouncing the tennis ball outside and Sophie's upstairs sleeping and who knows where the cats are so you might think what well what's left right and there's there's two things of of course there's Poshmark there's deop there's other sites like Grail there's Facebook Marketplace there's the flea market for goodness sake or even possibly for some folks an antique booth or something like that but of course none of those are going to be the best place for most people to resell but I want to Discount those things I've heard a lot of comments lately about the demise of eBay and I've made comments of it but I've never said it's imminent I've said things like someday in the future there will be a site that will outpace it and I think that that's true I think history shows this that that's true there's always something new that eventually takes what was old and and puts it you I mean look at Sears and Toys are Us and all that stuff or even like Blockbuster for that matter had to head back into the eBay cave again and I dug this one out right here a Toshiba DVD VCR combo and here's a perfect example like I said we weren't talking about we weren't talking about Amazon that's not into the discussion but anytime you can drop ship something from one side to another as successfully as people do DVD VCR combos it ought to tell you the power of one side over the other and Amazon is king of course but I hate it that's an understatement no offense to the people who sell over there I get it 100% this one right here sold to a repeat buyer but not a viewer and this one sold for $100 plus shipping the reason I know it's not a viewer is because of who bought it this person's bought from me many times actually in order to drop ship this more than likely on Amazon to somebody else and make a cut so hey I don't care it's one good thing about definitely testing every single DVR DVD VCR combo VCRs all that stuff because if you can prove yourself a Dependable person shipping out good stuff then those drop shippers hit you up and it happens all the time we list these things and they sell I got all but one of the flies out of here so I shut the door I'll take one up there he is right there sold some VHS and I actually bought these off of DD believe it or not on a live auction over there along with a ton of other stuff so I could uh either sell it later or keep it for my 80s cave or whatever but these I decided to put on eBay I think we list them for 15 bucks they're not sealed or anything like that and these will go in Lots really not worth the time to sell them individually but those sold right there sold for 15 bucks plus shipping I've also done videos before where I said the future of reselling is probably in Cross listing and I think that that's probably still the case and more and more people do it all the time but that's not the answer to this question either sold a camera and I used don't like to sell cameras that are lower than $30 is a Vivitar lowend camera and the reason I don't well there's multiple one is that you know after the time you you buy the thing you test the thing there's a failure rate on some of the testing it's a Vivitar easy motor I don't know what it is um and then there's a slightly higher than normal return rate on cameras it just isn't really worth it and this one I bought because the guy like a dollar camera I just scooped up a ton of cameras cuz it was a no-brainer and it did sell it only sold for $1 199.95 plus shipping and we did tested make sure it's working and all that but you know I don't know you tell me what would you pick up a camera for I try not to if it's lower than 30 bucks for shipping some of you may remember a video I did a week two weeks ago or so where I was K kicked off of the eBay partner Network which is their affiliate program I didn't make a huge big deal of it I I didn't respond to an email time but boy there are so many people out there that are fed up with eBay and disgusted by it and all you know all this stuff and they say I'm going to quit or I did quit or I whatever and maybe all that's true I don't know but that that video had a bunch of comments and people jump at the opportunity to slam eBay and I hey I'm critical of eBay from time to time as well but I try to look at the whole picture and here's one comment right here it said eBay is toast you're one of oh I like see I I don't agree with this but you're one of the Nic I agree with this part you're one of the nicest most reasonable sellers on their platform this just shows what kind of company they are it's time for me to delete eBay there are other platforms now and that is true there's no doubt there's choices and I always advocate for choices and that's why I don't ever just tear down these other places because somebody doesn't think it's the best thing for them you know it might be the best thing for somebody else so but my point here by the way I tell my wife whenever I get a nice comment about me I screenshot it and I send it to her and whenever there's a negative comment about about about me she screenshots it and sends it to me it's kind of a fun little game we play I'm trying to convince her I'm a nice guy any R back to the topic so some of you have already sniffed this out for me not just for me I think for the majority of resellers who sell like we do right garage sellers thrifters you know sourcing different ways but not m massive scale not Amazon type stuff um and not that you have to massively scale to do Amazon you don't but for most regular resellers I guess full-time part-time you know retired whatever it is Hobby the best place to sell a year from now is the best place to sell right now it's eBay it's eBay and it's probably going to remain eBay for quite some time having said that they're losing in my opinion here well not even in my opinion they're slowly losing market share and they're still growing but they're slowly losing market share so to just put the blinders on to these other opportunities I think is a mistake at least a mistake for younger Folks at least you know I mean obviously if you're just retired or something and you want something to do in your part you know and you're just going to sell on eBay that's fine you don't need to deal with some of these other things and live selling and all that totally get that 100% but if you're looking into the future thinking hey I want to ramp this up or I want to continue to do this forever and looking into other things other platforms other you know whether it's cross listing whatever it is I think those are things that even if you're not ready to do them now you shouldn't just dismiss them forever I guess I never said anything about Poshmark too much either and no I I don't think poshmark's going to overtake eBay for the now I will say that there are a lot of people that the best place for them to sell especially if you're a clothing seller is Poshmark right now for some for some folks but not for me I don't even sell over there I I used to occasionally and now right now in this point where we're doing so many different things I've chosen not to and I still sew clothes but this is tupperware y'all how exciting I love Tupperware but you got to find it cheap and you got to find the right stuff that sells this little stack sold for $30 plus shipping all of vintage single stitch bulls look at that it still has the logo on it shirt unfortunately this was a kid size and so it would have sold for a lot more but still sold for $28.65 plus shipping so tell me what you think about what I said in the comments tell me what you think the answer is a year from now what will be the best place to resell I do I will say this though there is a space for a reselling site that because you obviously you have to have buyers there's no doubt about it and so for eBay to always side with the buyers and all the stuff you hear I get some of that what really gets me is in the the the obvious cases um you don't always see that support but I so I think that there's a space this is one of the reasons I'm over on District it's it's because I've been given control over my marketplace with Dave and Cary in order to try to do those kind of things but you know it is like I said it is growing it's slower growth but I just I wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to have a possible role in shaping something and so I'm excited about it but at the same time it's it's still not going to be the number one place to resell but if you can find these other places you know somebody talked you know I talked about losing eBay partner Network well I was about a year ago at this time I was scared to death I was going to lose my eBay and couldn't get any information out of them and so to ignore you know the other things that are out there as possibilities was a mistake for me but at the same time to completely dismiss where most of the money is coming from would have been a mistake as well so tell me down below in the comments what you think if you've seen me on the comol Picker channel the picking Channel over there you know I don't this is it I thought it was on top let me find it no I'm not a fan of paying up for clothing but man I'll pay up for clothing if it's still in the package it's Cabella's I like yeah absolutely and I I think I paid five bucks so which is not much for this and that's not really even paying up for something like this sold for $30 plus shipping fairly quickly I'm just noticing here in these sales there's no obvious viewer sales out there although there may be a few don't get me wrong I love viewer sales you guys are incredibly kind but for my credibility sometimes welloh this is going to fall and I have a day where I don't have a ton of viewer sales it's like hey see I can sell this is some more stuff from Joyce Meyer this one didn't sell for very much but you know like I said it was free $15 plus you it and I thought looking at it that maybe both of them sold but they didn't this one did not sell so that one sold for 15 plus shipping and this one is still available put that back Turner still in his pajamas P he do say pajamas what do you say pajamas and no dog in here today he just left and Wallen just came home from the vet so he looks a little pathetic we have to give him a nap but you got a dog joke for us little comeo comedy what do you got how do dog catchers get paid how do dog catchers get paid I don't know how by the pound by by I sold some jeans which I don't mind selling for $20 plus shipping because they're super easy especially if they're already clean and don't have any issues these are 527 3330s paid a buck sold for 20 plus shipping actually I take it back it sold for $24.95 plus shipping and that one was to a repeat buyer I probably should since I said that stuff about no viewer sales Jodie it's a repeat by I don't know if you're a viewer or not Joey but thank you Jody thank you and sold a watch that I picked up for next to nothing if I can find it it is a Coleman watch which is not high-end At All by any stretch of imagination but it was new took me a minute to find that one it was in Chris old school Pickers drawer and he's not putting out content anymore buddy but I hope you're listening and I hope you're doing well Coleman watch right there $24.95 plus shipping speaking of dived it people have asked about certain items that they see and they don't see listed on eBay and it's usually because I like I hear Reagan coming in come on in baby I like to sell uh some things that I don't necessarily want to leave this leave the shed over there on dibit but check these out these are 1986 I think Hello Kitty erasers I picked up for 50 cents the other day I want to put those over on dibit and these ET wind ups and the pal Peralta sticker and I think I'm going to put this one lunch box over there as well and that's kind of what I'm going to do as soon as I turn the camera off but Reagan is here and let me get your list all right Reagan is here and she's the first person in the family to own a pair of hocas I totally do not support this at all why that's so expensive for a pair of shoes they were kids and they fit your mama so you guys and I got them a half size bigger and I've been running in the same shoes for three years all right I I'll that's fine I need to know your size I'll look for some out there I can't can't pay for the full price but I'm glad you like them thank you all right go ahead Jody got a CW cwp sticker and Leslie got a trash cash bag okay trash the cash bags are continuing to sell and a cwp sticker we're getting a little low on these actually oh the Q3 sticker is just around the corner y'all and we are going to do those wrestling stickers we're only going to do two more total so there'll be two series of four but that's coming out in a couple of weeks so thank you rean bye and don't forget to get your stickers at Commonwealth [Music] well if I home in Virginia just to go and run the trails found myself missing you more times than I can't count rolling on just like a stone nobody could tell me where the boundaries in my life stoping now could be [Music] free nobody could tell me
Channel: Commonwealth Flipper
Views: 13,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k1Xml7r-wRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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