Hidden sack of cash in an abandoned house! clear out continues Part 3

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] yeah that's a silver ten dollar coin yeah solid chunk of silver right there I've got a little help today from Jason hey Jason hi um uh he's putting together some boxes for me and then we will start loading up some stuff for donation and Melissa is peeking looking at the books um we'll do a book we're on a book donation run fairly soon but one of the first things we have to do kind of today is to bag up a whole bunch of clothes into uh we'll probably use the blue recycling bags wherever they are I have a bag of bags around here somewhere oh it's right there um because we are donating these to our Ukrainian Refugee friends who uh they don't have a lot of winter clothes or clothes in general having just moved here and there's a lot of good sweaters and things that could be reused so it's kind of nice knowing the people it's going to um though I'm gonna work while you guys are boxing at boxes and Melissa's you almost sat down I saw that uh I'm gonna work on bagging up clothes found this inside one of the jackets um to Louis Vuitton I thought was it a gift card uh no it's kind of a receipt it looks like somewhere there's a Louis Vuitton wallet that he paid 845 dollars for don't know where that is but um kind of interesting to know that he was buying some high-end stuff which means we might have to have a really good look at the clothing because if he was shopping at the Louis Vuitton store maybe there's other high-end stuff in the mix here too I've been clearing clothes out of the room Jason's giving me a hand and this was underneath the pilot oh it's a box for a cassette deck like a modern one um and then I looked it up and it was Heavy it's still in there brand new so there there's a brand new pile audio cassette deck which is definitely like an audiophile kind of thing because really nobody uses cassette or hardly anybody uses cassette anymore Jason has found several bags four entire bag fulls of new and next to New clothing that actually fit him and will work um and Melissa is going through the pantry I uh brand new in the box hold on oh it's brand new yeah yeah Germ Guardian oh yeah do you want me to take that out and then uh if we get that out then because you're trying to get to the bin back there right it looks like there's a lot of reusable bags okay I'm surprised by how much stuff is brand new or or Nearly New and very usable like most of the food you said still hasn't expired right so you can use them yeah also the food bank I I can see you did not load up on the sockeye salmon Melissa hates fish um like uh oh maybe it's a oh okay like an old microwave maybe it looks like a toaster oh toaster oven okay all right well let's get this load of stuff uh back home and then we'll come back again and all load up on there's uh what is it called like the rolly dollies you know like the oh yeah four-wheel furniture dolly well good we'll probably we're gonna need those for moving the furniture out yeah cool took the garbage down with Jason and I'm starting to get a little bit more room in the closet but some of the things are cool like this 1940s it's a curling sweater pamina Curling Club that's pretty nifty and of course this old um Kenora camping core jacket which is you know probably from the 60s or 70s it was made in Winnipeg so it's not exactly new but something that I thought was neat and I saw there was a certificate on the wall saying he flew on a Concord this is a British Airways bag but if you look inside of it British Airways concord so that's got to be a pretty rare piece If you flew on a Concorde you got look there's like a a Concord tie there's all the little booklets on the Concord somebody who's into Aviation Collectibles is going to think that's really really neat I mean I'm not I like Aviation stuff I'm not super into it but I think this is really cool it's a whole bunch of paraphernalia from Concord airplane obviously uh you know not many people got to fly under Concord really really Nifty thing too bad they didn't stick with that the supersonic sort of uh flight from North America to England but they were really expensive the tickets but you get there in like a couple hours I think really great idea anyway very neat collectible piece right there some of the uh clothes in the closet are really cool like jerseys whether it's soccer or hockey he was definitely a jersey there's baseball definitely a fan of all sports I could see that this was in the mix too it's a it's he bought it at Graceland it says and it's uh Elvis Presley's Sun record shirt I would wear I would wear the polyester out of that shirt if it was my size it's a double extra large I could aspire to wear that size but it wouldn't fit me right now um this is kind of cool though this is a it's a Hawaiian shirt which you might be thinking yeah okay it's a Hawaiian shirt but look it's Jimmy Buffett um so it was a tourist shirt from 2006 not to be confused with Warren Buffett Fiverr had a chance to interview Warren Buffett I'd be like what's the deal with the parents but uh he must have gone to a Jimmy Buffett concert and you got a Hawaiian shirt which is actually kind of neat um so yeah just finding some interesting stuff in the clothing category I was uh I was as I was digging and I got to the back of the closet there's a couple things there's this little little painting of a flower back there uh but there was this and I played a game called is it a 22 or is it a pool cue um and as I discovered it was a pool cue like a professional Elite fiberglass pool cue which is good for us because we actually have a pool table at home so uh the pool cues that came with our table were pretty unspectacular so that can come to the house today and then there it is there's your hand crank Grandma phone right there the one I saw earlier getting down to the stuff I'm waiting for a part for my truck which means I've been transporting stuff in my car it is packed right up to the roof um all what I'm doing today is what I'm doing today is hauling a bunch of the good clean used clothing I'm going to a homeless shelter we're gonna drop this off there's really good down filled winter parkas there's pads pretty much everything a person would need so we'll give a big donation of clothing there must be hundreds and hundreds of items of clothing here be able to help a lot of folks that are living rough out there this year parka maybe not for summer but uh will certainly come in handy come winter time well I'm off to a homeless shelter to drop off clothes and I'll get back to sorting and cleaning I just dropped off my donation at the shelter they were grateful for it which is great because they can use it but they were shocked they actually brought people out they said how did you fit all this in your car because it was an absolute Mountain an absolute mountain of clothing that I dropped off they couldn't believe that it all fit in a car it was like uh probably one of my normal pickup truckloads their clothes are squishy and I'm on a mission today I'm gonna go back start loading up some of the books and the DVDs and things and bring them back because apparently they take that kind of stuff too so more donations today I have started getting the books packed up and it's a pretty diverse selection of stuff there's cookbooks in the cooking section there's antique uh fiction books uh there's even a book all about auctions ironically it might get auctioned off there's the magic of the tarot book about John Deere tractors all kinds of neat and wonderful things so I'm trying to separate the the books out that I think would sell and then we've got you know the I auto autobiography of A.A Milne be nice if it was signed by him of course the author of Winnie the Pooh but 1939 is it early pressing of that so basically just kind of going through everything and trying to figure out where stuff should end up whether it's going to go to auction whether it's going to go to charity and the things that are going to charity um we took a big load already today to the homeless shelter all the books are going to uh another charitable organization that helps uh House people who have recently been homeless they will give them books and furniture and stuff as they're donated so we'll give them a nice little library of books over there too um so starting to get stuff like that shelf cleared out but there's still so much more to do um I'm gonna pack up a few more boxes and kind of get the stuff ready to go so when uh we're gonna have a the charity is going to come here and pick the furniture up this time uh so I have to make sure the shelves are all cleared off and ready to go but it doesn't look like it but I've already hauled probably several truckloads of stuff out of here this uh little condo is a lot more full than I expected I also love that he had a sense of humor look at this table reserved of this bar for a grumpy old men at two or better yet this one reserved for 3 P.M for Lincoln Roosevelt in Washington I wonder if the server knew what they were on to you'd hope so but that makes me smile just getting to know this gentleman oh getting the kitchen cleaned up I found a piece of bread it's a little bit solidified but it does tell us pretty much an exact date of unfortunately when this gentleman passed away sometime around February 16th with the last groceries and when that corner of the cob which I've since thrown out has been gone you know clearing out a house like this you eventually just paint the portrait of a person's life and ultimately their end uh it's just the way things go but we're gonna get cleaned up I'm gonna go through the kitchen get garbage thrown away and um hopefully make a little bit of a dent in here I think it's also time for the Christmas Village to come down one last look at how we had it set up at the Town Hall little shops the cafe and all the little winter snow here and it looks like everything was lit up very cute little display and obviously he loved Christmas we're gonna get this packed up so we can start getting the uh well basically everything's got to move out so time to get packed up I have been amongst all this stuff for so long that I can't even really tell what I've done I mean Christmas Village is gone the bookcases are almost emptied out any books for donation and I'm starting to make a pile there for the charity that's going to be coming um let's see what have I done in the other rooms let's go have a look cleaned up the bathtub got all the old clothes and stuff out of there cleaned up the counter a little bit uh in the office been cleaning out some of the uh personal papers they told me to toss them they didn't want them so those are going to go any antique sort of law books I'll probably be able to sell uh so really just kind of going through and getting things cleaned up there's still so much um this feels like almost as big of a job as a very very full house I guess it is a pretty full house um and I have not done much in the bedroom yet at all what I'm doing right now um I've taken as much garbage as I probably should for today and I'm kind of gathering things and putting them in my car that Melissa mentioned she might want me to bring home such as this little duck set don't ask me why she said that's awesome I feel like we need that in our lives and so this silly thing is coming home she also like these lamps she said it looked like a big palm leaf kind of around the bottom she thought they looked good um I might bring those home today at some point this uh Dyson fan is going to come home but honestly it's 40 degrees Celsius in here um so I might leave that on for a little while Melissa didn't ask for it but she's she likes gnomes because it reminds her of her German grandfather who used to have gnomes in the garden that might make sort of a fun Christmas ornament I'll probably bring that home to her as a seasonal decoration um as for the plants look they're actually starting you see they're starting to stand up a little bit that one maybe not so much but these two are perking up they're not completely dead um so I gave them a little plant food gave them some more water today I'm going to keep on watering them and see if we can save those things um you know several months of not being watered and neglect not great for a plant but it's surprising that they survived as they did what I feel like I have to keep them alive somehow I'm going to work on it I'm going to try for now though I gotta go load up my car for stuff to take home it's getting some of the garbage thrown out from in the pantry I mean I'm just doing little rounds here and there and I thought I saw at the top a little familiar face stirring back at me see if I can reach him dude oh this is up there too what is that cooking fuel there we go Mr Peanut Mr Peanut who is a contest back in the I think it was the 1930s that a child actually came up with the idea of the Mr Peanut character it was a promotional tool and then they have having peanut mobiles that drove all around so they just recently retired they looked on the road for 70 years but that's a cool little Mr Peanut I don't oh I think the peanuts are still in there this came out quite some time ago but it's cool it's a little Mr Peanut cookie jar or peanut jar and a collectible ceramic piece still wrapped up in the plastic nice little find for on top of the pantry filled up more bags with garbage my donation pile is getting big I'm actually going to give this chair to Patrick I gotta dust it off a little bit but he said I want a comfy chair and I said I got a remote control one that you can have so my friend Patrick's gonna get that uh move the TV downstairs uh got that out of the way I am going to take um this soapstone is one of the better pieces on site there's an alarm clock up there that is one of the better pieces so I do want to get that out of here fairly soon and moving the table and the carpet and stuff out of the way gave me access to this corner where I see there's an antique stained glass window but it's been so warm in here that the lead has gone soft from it leaning and has taken on sort of a warped look so I might be able to lay it flat it might straighten itself out what we have here some sort of cloth bags oh that one's heavy sounds like money yep I found the secret money stash one bag of money two bags of money that's an antique dish being used to store coins in I guess we've got pennies a little convertible top of one and those die-cast cars and well it's not small change I mean well I mean it's literally small changes dimes quarters nickels silvery stuff okay I wonder if there's anything else hidden back here well we've got a whole pile I would probably say like a few hundred dollars worth of coins in this one corner at least anyway more rolling to do but it's always fun to find stuff like that well I'm sure this holy cow I'm sure that won't look conspicuous me walking down the street towards my car holy shankies that is a heavy sack of cash um I can honestly say this the first time I've legitimately found a money bag full of cash in a house a bit of a surprise there I mean I've been in this house for like almost a week now didn't even look in that corner and we have this I'm gonna I am Gonna Keep peaking this corner though because this might be where the good stuff was hidden we'll find out great I've got to walk down through the Parkade in the elevator with this thing and try not to draw attention to myself oh boy okay well there is a box full of something oh I see look look look look these are all uh proof and mint sets we've got one we've got two there's a big box of them guys a big box I don't know if it's all coins but I might have just hit the mother lode here holy cow Churchill Tobacco card set these are all silver it's all coins it is an entire coin collection silver dollars boxed coin sets a hockey puck with a coin in it why not uh and then we've got fancy Royal Canadian Mint okay let's see what's in here and then you've got these little coin books and they're full I found coin collection yeah silver uh specimen set whoa that is a nice find for today that's a very nice find okay got the coins emptied out of the box don't think I see anything oh yeah there was another one in there is but is there anything behind it like in that there's a hole okay well there's another cupboard over here I don't know if I looked in it that actually just has CDs in it okay I'm gonna have to check very carefully around here now to note that there's little stashes of money kind of hidden I just came up here for the carvings to take these home ended up finding a big bag of money not so bad so shelf which I'm going to take over to Patrick in a little while moved it out of the way and behind the Shelf was this it's a porcelain enamel John Deere advertising sign now it is a replica but still it's made in the old-fashioned way with sort of that glass porcelain enameled image on the the steel and it's in great shape so nice little find also where is it you can see my piles of stuffer well frankly piling up again I saw this over here oof and I have a feeling that this was intended to be oh I'm going to go through the kitchen with the Shelf only I started cleaning the stove this is don't worry it's not 80d showing I'm just showing you as I go start cleaning the top had to actually use like a razor blade and stuff to clean the front well that's another story I'll get to that in a bit there we go while I'm walking here so this I think was probably picked up to be a replacement for that but obviously it's not the right size you can see someone has bent out all the little flange is trying to make it work this is an aladdin style lamp and it would have had a much taller chimney on it uh than that which is just your traditional sort of uh Lantern glass but um you know somebody can do something with that it's a Vegas statement of the day but it's true all right bags of garbage piling up pretty much everywhere but I better get this uh shelf taken down here before too long I should do that right now let me go put that in the in the vehicle I've got Melissa's car today so I've got a little bit more room [Music] good [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 173,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rT_4J5eftgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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