WHO KNEW THESE WERE WORTH SO MUCH?! Thrift With Me at Goodwill Las Vegas

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what are those what is this piece here oh hello L ooh ooh okay an amazing viewer just brought this little guy over to me and I thought oh he's super cute I do believe these are fits in Floyd yep there it is right there trying to feel yes you are glass you are glass with this wonderful little blue edge of fused [Music] glassess I've been a reseller for nearly 40 years and I can't imagine my life without thrifting I've learned about a lot of things over the years and I love to share my knowledge and Adventures with you so let's go be profitable and make it fun it's official we're over a 100 degrees here in Vegas and what am I doing I'm going thrifting because why not I just came from a Goodwill corporate event and learned a lot more than I already knew about their training programs and what Goodwill is really about it was it was really really cool uh the amount of good things they do in our community and how the Goodwill brand and structure works so that was in my last video so if you missed that one go back and check it out little inside peak of eBay corporate building uh and the little shind dig there that goes on but uh I I've just left there and I'm down the street at a Goodwill that I don't come to very often because I don't generally get to this side of town but here we are so let's get in there let's get shop done all right let's let get in here and find some resale goodies first things first let's grab our lucky carts and see what we can find haven't been here for a while so I had a check we're orange this week all right let's head over to the hard Goods you know I actually really kind of like these red candle holders kind of fun I'm looking at things more from like a decorator eye they're pure One Imports they probably were not cheap when they were new they are $8 each though which is a little more that we can do even if they sold for let's say $25 to $30 which is kind of a pretty average price that would be $15 invested can't do it she's kind of cool it's metal it's a metal plate a young girl reading Jean H fragonard I am sure I just butchered your name John oh wait I just realized something these are half price I know you guys were saying it weren't you you know what so it would be $8 for the pair I'm going to get them for that thank you so much for sending those vibes right through the screen I got them let's see that's a bosen figure that's a pretty significant chip in his beard ARG there's the BOS there there's the bosen's there that's wait how much is he no he doesn't have a price tag still that's that's a pretty bad ship pretty bad ship you are cute Maple North dolls dolls of Canada not like super highend or anything but she's got a nice slip to her that is very broken I get a lot of comments like why does Goodwill put the broken things onto the Shelf well sometimes they're not broken when they come to the shelf and the second thing is that a lot of broken stuff will sell so they've probably been told as long as it's you know kind of holding together go ahead are you oh let's see I really wish I could see underneath I want to see what that name is and of course hold on stand by [Music] [Music] so it's something called the patch bille bunnies which I know nothing about they remind me of the pen p pandelin p pendel pendelfin pendelfin I think that's yeah reminds me that unfortunately he's got a big chip on his hat so can't do it can't do it but Casey you just sleep tight SA age Blossom it's a pretty jar it's empty did it hold a candle maybe it's not very old I know I'm looking at this bunny back here it's quite interesting we don't know who makes you it's got little satiny ears how funny is that I don't know if that's E I don't know what that is on his mouth that does not look attractive but but uh I think we're going to leave him this is an interesting piece of pottery looks like it is from Mexico it's well painted that's a chip in the pottery oh it's Peru so it is South American it's Peru it's C morit see morit that's too bad that's not in better condition I do like the colors but too too chippy just too chippy okay is that a candle holder or what like it's got a hole right here it's pretty colors I like it little candy holders maybe yes she's well done she's not marked she got a lot of detail to her though it's trying to look like a yadro are you Disney Productions Snow White you are Walt Disney Productions Japan she's older $3.99 I know she's got a little bit of paint loss oh she's got more than that okay okay I would have picked her up with just the paint loss because that's not that big a deal to just kind of touch up that on the other hand is a deal breaker so I'm sorry Snow White about to stay here okay well let's see what we can find here he's really cute and he is on an interesting candle holder piece 1980 $6.99 you know what I see again a little bit of paint loss does not scare me away he's older I like him we're going to grab him for seven this has a really interesting look it's a shade normally I pick these up or at least I used to if there was like two or more that's just a Singleton so we will pass what are you you a little terracotta boy with a victrola that is vintage for sure I think something's missing from him though so we will leave him I'm trying to build up a little stock of small things like this for whatnot I am going to do a whatnot sale coming up and if you've never tried whatnot I have a little link Down Below in the description that gets you $15 to come and spend so be sure you utilize that I'll let you know when I actually schedule it I haven't scheduled it I'm trying to get all the things together first and then once I have everything together then I'm going to schedule it and it's just going to be a fun you know running things on Choice says bless your heart now I know in the South that is sometimes not a great phrase that's a can be a sarcastic phrase but I do like the dried flowers in there and it's only 9 so it's perfect these used to be selling for quite a bit this one's pretty broken okay this is like a like a reproduction piece not the genuinely old like um I want to say capam Monte but I don't think that's right but he's broken on the bananas broken on the Cherry that's too bad some of those can do really really well all right let's keep moving right along what are you little houses oh your little uh lights like Christmas Village lights looks like kind of hobest ones oh hello little Chihuahua oh you got damage can't buy a newer piece with damage you can get away with a little bit of damage on an older piece not on a newer piece like that but I bet somebody's going to find him and love him and give him a good home cuz he's super adorable wait what's this it's I don't know I still sometimes you know you look at something and you still go I don't know what it is why do I love this so much I really just want to put this on my own shelf so succulent out of ad Dona I love it I love it okay 99 I'm taking it home scented candle oh gardinia it's one of my favorite smells can't smell it can't smell it oh you know what I discovered in my backyard I mean it's been there all along but it just blossomed like crazy as a lilac tree and I am super in love with it so much you can't even imagine what are you oh you're a candle okay you're one of those candles okay you stay there candle let's see it's in the baggie here wine [Music] Stoppers nothing too fabulous although that one's pretty cool but it's like got a letter M pretty cool wine Stoppers does anybody use wine Stoppers in their wine bottles anymore like that I don't know I'm not a Wine Drinker Seymour man pansy oh my gosh look at him okay I got to set Seymour man down over here oh he's a magenta look at that huh he's in good shape four bucks I think I'll grab him let's look through the dolls nothing exciting wait what is that okay I've got my hands on it and I still can't quite figure this piece out it I I think it's art cuz it's on this base but I don't know it's not done as well as I would expect it to be and then I don't know what why that no no I think this is a this is a no for me there's little doll up there see what we've got it's a little candle holder it says Jim riggy for yeah can't do it for four nice little piggy you are the San Francisco Music Box Company piggy bank oh you're $9 okay we'll leave you for $9 but you are pretty cute this is a a pretty piece it's Amari colors and it's got a little spoon in it which makes it kind of special it is $3 I think I will put that in the cart what is this piece here oh hello L Mo for $4 I don't see anything wrong with you we shall put you in the cart okay those are some cute angels in there oh and then there's corn and then there's Bells and then nothing Rings okay n none of which we need to put in our cart today what are those okay these are quite fascinating actually I don't they got little marks on their feet stand by let's see if we can read a little Mark on their feet there's somebody it's um what does that say I something dreams SMY dreams they've got a name you know what I'm I'm intrigued and I'm fascinated and I guess they remind me of little turtles so Turtles without shells so I'm going to get them all right we are in the holiday section or you might find things that are not holiday related is there a name under there is there more Lemo under there let's see no there is no Mark whatsoever I don't know how I feel about this on one hand I feel like it might be like a little hobbyist piece but on the other hand I'm intrigued because I like the color is it $3 worthy I feel like it's worth 10 to 12 so I'd be okay picking that up and learning more about it and yes I'm going to look at the little trinket box next to it which is a treasure Trove genuine porcelain for $4 why not you are a cute little reindeer little reindeer dude no chip hobby no you're Avon 1978 a on poor little guy Christmas underglass what is Christmas underglass I guess you are coasters they're not very well done coasters I must say um creepy Rabbit doll things no those are a no what are you laying on the Shelf just a little snowman guy naughty is the new nice you know sadly sadly that's true these are not spoed because they don't have little Christmas trees up there these are probably like Libby and you're a cute pumpkin look at you and all your patch work work seven bucks though o I don't know if I like you seven bucks worth okay we'll put you back what's that you look like a nice mug can't tell what that says underneath I'm just not ready to be picking up Christmas yet I'm just not I'm not ready that was an empty box I thought it was coasters I got all excited cuz I thought it was coasters World Market oh it's made in Italy is that a squirrel it's hard to see under the tape no I don't think it's a squirrel on top oh chip chip alert all right that is a candle okay it's a new cart of goodies oh look at how fun this is oh that's so fun it's cherries it's just plastic Sun Squad Sun Squad serving bowl for $2.99 that is I just like it okay don't judge me it's cheerful why are cherries so cheerful I don't know but they are right it's not just me that thinks that right she has a contemplative look on her face another Target a lot of stuff comes from Target a lot of stuff come from Target and hoods oh HomeGoods and Target yeah you're right you would know too you see it all work for it more than you hope for it for Target Homewood sometimes when old older people they donate the best that's pretty I like that I like that for $8 it is really pretty actually I love that one did you price that one I see I I process this this section thank you thank you for a good price ooh that's really cool look at that's a like a desk or or a magazine magazine rack that's what it is oh that was the sign the sign yeah it's like they they put this little tin sheet on top of wood yeah that's a nice piece $10 big and heavy for shipping I don't have a space yet if I did I'd pick that up it's really really beautiful okay I think I found my first employee that I'm going to go put in and let Goodwill know that they were very pleasant and helpful and friendly what are you just a kind of a cheap little souvenir thing puzzle box these are cute they're not like expensive or anything but they're kind of adorable little wood box another little cute oh that's really cool big basket you know I have a thing for the fake food and this has pickles I don't how many pick are they zucchinis I mean they might be zucchinis and then there's a pepper tomato like it's unusual veggies it is $6 though I don't think I can justify $6 for it as much as I would like to cuz I like it it's a cute little basket it's in really rough shape though that's too bad because that's that's a nice basket just kind of sitting there calling to somebody to buy it all right we are in I guess this is okay I get it I get it we're going into the medals we just had a few like tumbler type things first ooh ooh little paint loss feel like these are the ston is the brand that makes these metal pieces and I like that they're not like fighting roosters okay maybe maybe he is trying to push some buttons you know try to scuffle a little bit but it's not like the the obvious fighting roosters like you see a lot I don't know that's a lot of paint wear and they're $8 each so I think we have to leave them but they are pretty cool all right metal metal metal it all looks the same here on this black shelf so I won't spend too much time lingering cuz you can't see it oh look at that are you metal you are that's kind of a fun okay what kind of car is that I'm sure it represents something it's like a fancy car I don't know what kind of a fancy car it is though it's eight bucks it's really cool I do like it I think I shall put that in the cart little copper oh wait why do you have that oh for like a lamp right for like a little oil lamp kind of thing would sit in there I think oh look at that necklace holder that would hold a lot of necklaces wait how much were you five bucks I feel like that would look good sitting behind me at uh when I do my shows on the knit Shopping Network cuz I do sell a lot of necklaces and it's really hard to display them all sometimes so I think I will pick that up there are some nice copper Lids back here o I see this from the other side it's like some s sort of exotic wood and I don't know is that meant to be like a a stand or what it says something it says something it says curvy Cactus crafts but what I mean could you just stand like a oh wait do I have an example of something I could stand up on it I don't know I like it I'm going to get it and figure it out later all right let's see what else we got here oh I don't know it's Chrome oh who remembers polishing the Chrome on their bicycle I remember there being something very soothing about that I know color me crazy I remember really enjoying seeing the transformation from my hard work polishing polishing polishing who else come on share with me all right let's look through through the glass here these are old shades for lights ceiling ceiling lights older houses all have those not anymore and that's why they end up in the Goodwill and that's why we got to come up with something else to do with them because nobody's buying them to put in houses anymore so they need a new purpose in life o this is the new Otani kaimana Beach Hotel so this is a tiki mug that could actually have some value it's a Daga Hawaii for two bucks I'll pick it up something like that I just don't spend the time to look up because it's it's a $2 investment so my time is valuable enough that I'll just I'll look it up when I get home and the worst case scenario is I'll have to try to get my 2 bucks back out or I red donate it someplace you know but I'm pretty sure it's worth at least 10 to 12 this is weird look at that what is that material it's like not concrete what am I trying to think of it's cool but it's super heavy for what it is so I am going to leave it what is this guy not as cool as I thought when I first saw it what is that say produced for design pack ink no and then you are also a newer piece all right keep going kind of a nice piece does that say Germany I think it does say Germany that one is really cool for $9 I think I shall get it okay an amazing viewer just brought this little guy over to me and I thought oh he's super cute his little scarecrow he's Linux look at that Linux for $5.99 I will put him in my cart okay that's really kind of cool I don't think it's that old it's recycled glass yep from Spain and it's got this um it's got a name I forget the name it's not a scavo scavo is more dense and like bumpy I showed that in in a recent video um yeah I don't know what you call it it's like this texture put on it it's cool but that's like a big heavy piece that doesn't have enough resale value to Warrant the uh hustle factor and shipping there's so many things that go into the decisions it's really I try to explain them all but uh don't always have the ability to like get you inside my head as to like why I leave something why I keep something but really it's a process on each individual item and how hard it'll be to ship and how much it will sell for all right now we're truly in the Plastics but sometimes the Plastics can reveal some interesting things okay who knew this came in plastic we're used to seeing these in glass and this is a little plastic replica which I kind of I'm kind of digging it for $1.99 I'm going to get it and if you're ever wondering what this stuff is worth I do a recap at the end of every video after I've done all the research after I've looked up sold comps so uh stay tuned for that because I do that in each and every video so if you're a reseller you can see if that's the same margins you would be happy with I do pick up Duds from time to time I reveal it all I show you what it's worth and what I paid so overall though I'm pretty pretty happy with my choices all right plates bowls not super enticing but I always look through the Section because you just never know if there's going to be kind of something hidden in here that is worth picking up that looks like newer Goofus glass those are cute and sometimes I just like to look and see who makes a pattern GMT company hey don't know them see if we got anything exciting Wild Oats by Stonehedge M midwinter very midcentury huh the Florida aquarium just went there it was a very nice experience saw some fun things I've been putting a lot of that stuff over on Tik Tok actually which is like my fun place to create content I am not the niche lady over there I am the daniac is how you find me over on Tik Tok I usually put some of my animals and just you know funny little stuff you know like going to the aquarium if you want to follow me over there I sometimes do opinion pieces too all right glass wear is just like the plates and bowls I have to look through it because there could be something super special but it's generally not something I'm picking up right now unless it's really special but I like to look at things too like that's that's kind of a fun little design I like that with the brass handle on it there's only one though shot glasses really don't do shot glasses oh we have another cart of goodies or is this I think this is a different one or maybe it's the same one and she's adding stuff to it I think she's adding stuff to it there is an employee that's working extremely hard straightening up all the shelves Boston Warehouse this would have had a lid of some sort it might have had a mouse on it even it's kind of a cool little container for $1.99 I feel like I could do something with that I know this is how my brain works like when am I going to run into another one for $1.99 yes I still fully intend to work on my project pieces it's on my list of things I really want to do I'm just now right now I'm catching up from the trip but then I'm hoping after I'm caught up that I can carve out some time I lead a very very full life those are fun I really these remind me like of an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor is what they do I don't know who makes these those are so fun can you imagine those filled with goodies on your shelves in your kitchen on your shelves on your counter in your kitchen I love those I'm not going to get them but I love those we've got jars is canning season over seems like an awful lot of jars showing up now large bowls what are you oh olives and that's an interesting candle holder that's not very nice okay this caught my eye o 5.99 horses kind of a like a hunting scene it is older 5.99 oh wait it does have a mark see that little oh it's an arnell's so this was like a Hobbies piece it's still super cool I'm going to grab it I do believe these are fits and and Floyd yep there it is right there I've had a pair very similar unfortunately they're priced separately so it would be $6 for the set and oh yep that's a no look at just that simple pretty blue dish for $1.99 I am going to grab that these look very mid-century it also looks like that Stonehenge pattern of dishes just it's just got the speckies on it $4 I think I'm going to leave them but those are cool what's the Little Onion are you an onion it's $3 I mean technically you could put the onion and the arch choke together right these remind me of bower Pottery it's one of their colors it's missing a stopper they taped it up I'm going to leave those cuz I have not been able to sell my other Bower pieces and we look at the lettuce you are Boston Warehouse Boston Warehouse lettuce dish fun but I can't really use that trying to feel yes you are glass you are glass with this wonderful little blue edge of fused glassess for $2.99 we'll grab you and then we're in the cooking section so what how do you use that it's got strainer and like what do you catch what do you do how do what is this function okay I spotted this book and it just makes me want to be a kid again and do this fun stuff cuz like why not why shouldn't I why shouldn't I get some stick her book stuff and just have fun secret codes it's got like paper doll things in here this is a cool cool little book for $3.99 you know what I'm going to be silly I'm going to get it there's so many household things that you can find at Goodwill so I always look through the Section for things we might need at the house and things for resale I don't find too much resale stuff in all of this but sometimes I find really useful things for the house for the garden for the dogs now I don't buy use dog toys but that one's kind of fun actually see if there's anything in the little bathroom section sometimes sometimes there is that is a bill organizer why doesn't chocolate pile up like bills right right I don't think anybody gets paper bills Much Anymore It's All Digital they've got us all saying we don't need a bill in paper form all right like a little bit through their Furniture I don't know why I look through the furniture I'm not going to buy any furniture although my mom is looking for a chair and I'm trying to remember what kind of chair she's looking for I'm taking her thrifting tomorrow we're going to go find her a chair what the heck is that are you a toy I don't oh you're some kind of a oh you're like a bank that keeps track of how much is in there okay kind of fun but you're not our thing all right let's peek through the lamps what do we have nothing too exciting NightLight what are you little chip little terracotta little uh Adobe adobe houses is that what you call that toy blows it's cute who uses a nightlight I have a freestanding NightLight not like a plugin to the wall one let me know who does a nightlight still okay what are you are you a speaker you're just a speaker a sloth speaker all right we've made our way to the art let's see if anything calls to us it's kind of nice very Hotel Arty no and bigger art oh bigger art these Buffalo kind of cool a Marilyn okay I don't see anything calling us in the art given a quick once over in the pillows oh those are interesting very very well used all right all right I don't see any standouts here today I love looking through the miscellaneous Linens cuz it's kind of the catchall place for things you are a teail fall Todo list Porter Lane home for $1.99 but they're Autumn themed so I'd have to hold on to those for a while Mom's favorite after school snicker doodles well that one could be good that could be good with a little recipe on it that's really cute I don't know $1.99 though these are probably maybe 8 to 10 at the most I'm going to say so we'll be leaving them lots of fall themed stuff okay going through the pillow cases I scored pretty good for some pillowcases the other day I don't see anything quite as outstanding today that's okay tablecloths let's see looks like they put some drapes in here with the table well those okay curtains and tablecloths are on the same row okay all right I was going to say just for a minute but there it is all right let's see if their jewelry case has any surprises lots of orange tag oh that's a cool little kitty frame I can't see what the price is but we're going to check that out and let's see anything else that we're going to check out no nothing too exciting but I will check out the kitty cat frame if the price is right I will grab it let's look at the necklaces all right Yellow Tag stuff is their newer stuff I generally don't look at that all right these poison a for $3.99 and this little pin is a JJ for $3.99 okay that does it for the shopping trip I'm heading to the checkout I will do a recap of everything I bought how much I paid and how much it's worth coming up right now [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] super enjoyable trip to the Goodwill got to talk to lots of nice people and interact with employees and I really want to do that new thing where you do go to a website and you give a shout out to a certain employee but I couldn't find the thing anywhere there supposed to be a QR code I asked a couple employees they didn't know so I will reach out to my contact and say needs to be much more prominent yes so that we can find it so that we can do it you have to make things easy for people I mean that's the bottom line um but yeah good trip at the Goodwill all right with that you go be profitable and make it fun we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: The NICHE Lady
Views: 31,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrift with me, thrifting, thrift vlog, reseller, Ebay reseller, nich lady, Crazy Lamp Lady, thrift flip, how to sell on Ebay, selling on Ebay, how to thrift, ebay seller, come thrifting with me, Goodwill, Goodwill thrifting, nich, nichlady, Thrifting Vegas, Goodwill shopping, Let's Go Thrifting, Picker, Flip for a profit, Danni Ackerman, Danny Ackerman, Thenichelady, the nich lady, Danni the Niche Lady, Danny the Niche Lady, thriftingvegas, las vegas, the nitch lady, whatnot
Id: jrihRFQPi1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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