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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a brand new demo of a game called i am fish does anybody remember the scene in finding nemo where nemo and his friends or shark bait and his friends were stuck in an aquarium in a dentist office and they tried to escape before the crazy girl with gigantic braces trying to come and eat them or whatever they were gonna do that's kind of what this game is like it you have to escape from your fishbowl by going through the levels it's pretty amazing all the link in the video description if you want to try this game out on your own and let's do it okay there's a scale what is that i don't know no no i almost fell off okay do i go right or left that way is empty so we'll go this way no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we got this okay i'm gonna jump on that mattress it looks like a dirty mattress in the attic probably a bad idea oh oh well that sounded like my tank broke i don't like this okay keep on swimming keep on swimming there it is okay i got another checkpoint now i can't break what is that is that a ladder oh this is the attic axis how did we get in the attic can i just go down there no i can't that's a box can i push this ladder into the hole and let's try to push the ladder push the ladder push the ladder push it push oh it pushes nice and does it oh it opens up the attic axis i'm going down we're going oh no oh no no no no don't break don't break don't break so stop stop stop stop stop i made it i made it oh there's a trampoline okay if we can get on that roof we can roll down onto the trampoline and then we can bounce over and and live our life in that little pond is that a pond or somebody's nasty looking swimming pool i don't know okay should i go right or left um i'm gonna try to go right because that looks safer than dropping down there we go here we go good job little fish we should name him i'm gonna name him kevin he'll be my fish okay rolling over here oh that this board here has no it has no nothing no no no no no supports on the side we just got to go straight don't hit the wall don't hit the wall don't hit the wall don't hit okay everything's fine swim down a little bit oh i got a checkpoint oh great this is it this is where we jump on the trampoline are you ready okay we're going down wow okay i'm excited oh oh right in there right in the fish tank nice did i do it hey look at me nemo made it to a tank did i win the level look at me i'm so excited wait i have to get out of here oh there's a tunnel i didn't win the level we have to leave we have to go this this does remind me of finding nemo and then there's going to be crabs outside that are going to try to eat me no okay everything's okay i don't know which way i'm going anymore why is this tunnel so long wasn't there a filter oh oh oh i made it in the sewer okay i like not being in an aquarium anymore whoa maybe i don't swim up and what is that oh it's just trash gross how do i get out of here i'm kind of concerned do i have to jump over this i think i do nope that wasn't a jump try another jump oh bow i'm a dolphin i think i made it nice i'm going to be a dolphin again dumping noises that was more of seal noises i don't care i'm a sea mammal that was exciting okay as long as they're always this has a current now oh do i guys do the same thing here i think i do we're just gonna try to make it up into that nope oh no i got garbage on my face i got garbage on my head i don't like this okay i got rid of the garbage there are needles in in this water this is gross get me out of the sewage i can't swim oh i'm stuck in a i'm stuck in a pop cat thing like a soda whatever they're called ringer oh no oh no don't die on me i actually died that's terrifying okay we're gonna just try to make this across really quick yes yes i made it i don't even know where i made it but i made it can i swim up these nope oh there's another tunnel here yay wastewater treatment plant whoa go down we're going in you want to know the funny thing back when i still was an engineer and didn't do youtube full-time i worked at a water treatment plant actually that was when i was in college i wasn't even an engineer yet but now i'm in a water treatment plant in the game and it doesn't look anything like or smell anything like a real water treatment plant and in we go whoa okay we're being sucked oh i think we're outside am my outside help oh caution wet floor what am i in now oh that's so cool excuse me coming through goldfish in a mop bucket watch out for me i can hide the controls now too okay i would like to not get hit by a car i can't turn okay everything's fine we're gonna come back i can't return this thing at all imagine that guy washing his car and then looking down and there's a goldfish in a mop bucket driving away okay now we have to make sure there's no people walking their dogs in this park i think going yeah i can't go upstairs definitely can't go upstairs can i go up a ramp though i oh oh no oh you turn nugget why would you do that to me you just killed me all right we're going off-roading then we're going off-roading because that guy definitely oh he's after me run swim with make your little fins go quicker little buddy i like the chase music too we're just gonna make it we're going off-roading i don't even know where to go but i need to make it to the beach oh over the rocks help he's still after me he's still after me why can't you outrun a fish riding a mop bucket you gotta stay away from all of the rocks and just keep rolling this is so much better than the old demo that i played i love it oh bad rocks bad rocks bad rocks bad rocks keep going buddy you can make a shark bait oh no no no no no no no no no no no keep going oh there's a pool a pond i can make it to the pond as long as i can make it past these rocks i just hit another rock down the hill down the hill go go go and they're doing yoga do yoga with this can i splash them and then i go haha that was awesome could be better die less amazing okay now continue all right so we got a cool little map here i guess this one was level two i want to try out the level of flying fish because that could be exciting oh there's a flying fish literally in the scraps of garbage there okay all right this is good maybe i mean i need to get out of the cage but i don't know how let's go across this way hide the controls i bet i can fly as my special skill too so we'll jump over that box we'll go over here cool and we'll go down this way nice oh that looks good check that out okay bonk that down no no no no no no no oh really i need to fly fly little fishy fly you're not gonna fly you're gonna die so we gotta do this a little more carefully this time bonk right there stop some momentum gently come over here gentle how oh okay that was scary get up little fish get up no no no no okay i made it on the ramp yes yes yes oh i did it i'm in an aquarium i'm the happiest fish ever okay we're gonna try to fly out of here yeah really you can't you're a flying fish you're supposed to fly whoa dirty oh no oh no that was the worst flight ever flying fish you're terrible at flying roll buddy roll you can make it to the water you're gonna die because you're terrible at flying go little buddy yes yes oh no oh no oh no get back over there get back over there to the water to the water little dude to the water to the water ah breathe my friend he can breathe oh he can breathe yes okay not very well but he can breathe yes oh that is amazing okay do it again wow okay really i gotta learn i gotta learn my wings here ah yeah in the pond in the pond yes oh that's so cool okay where do i go now i'm just in this empty flooded hay field okay that way i don't know don't don't this reminds me of a game called i don't even remember the name anymore ah feeding girl fish oh this is bad this is bad okay get back down in here i gotta get up oh there we go i figured it out now you can glide it's not really flying obviously i feel so dumb right now that's okay and ready for this up we go oh that was really a bad jump i was gonna fly but the fish forgot how to that time there nice okay over this way and then we're gonna get out of the fence here swim down swim down swim up and fly i'm flying look at me go i'm a fish okay i want to get over that yeah i mean why swim if we have wings right are they wings oh i'm drowning oh i'm air oh oh that's why you swim because you can't breathe in there because you're a fish obviously all right so let's try this little adventure again we'll go down we'll go forward go straight sprint mode up in oh that didn't work come on come on fly fishy fly ah that's not flying why did my fish forget how to fly all of a sudden you're supposed to be a flying fish all you do is fly and try to fish okay ready up and pow oh well i just needed myself over the wall that worked that wasn't quite the cool flight that i had last time but whatever okay let's try this again no that was that's straight up a wall i guess we'll just go around yeah checkpoint man that whole gliding thing for ages was so much cooler oh this is easier there's just a little hole i can swim around let's do it let's do it good job good job keep on swimming keep on swimming swimming swimming i made it out i made it out i made it out okay ready we're gonna fly again we are gonna fly again we're gonna try to fly yep no that didn't fly oh no we're not going to make it we're going to drown we're going to drown my poor fish nice they finally made it up here again we're doing it oh i actually have to fly into these individual things to breathe no no no no no okay we're just going we're just going we're just going i can make it down there i cannot make i can't make it down there so we'll fly down to the bottom of the water it will go up we'll hit the space bar to jump well and then why didn't you make your wings go out i'm supposed to press both buttons at the same time you know at a certain point i don't even care like i don't even care that you want to drown there we go yes yes okay we're just gonna go down into this swamp down here i really should just go for the checkpoint but there is no way that'll survive because i'm almost dead now ah nice hey we'll try this again can i get back-to-back flight attacks yes we're going straight for the checkpoint how cool is this though i'm amazing look at me fly oh i'm gonna drown i made it you can't tell me what to do you're not my real dad and one more time really why isn't he doing the wing thing it's so weird there we go i should have flown through the mist okay remember that time i said i'm gonna fly through the mist hopefully i get a breath here hopefully i get a breath i feel like i breathed i feel like oh i'm right in the tank nice this was cool and then we will go and this away too oh no oh packer all right i made it to that pond i'm it's right up there it wasn't too exciting just a lot of falling and failing now i don't even know where to go probably take the nemo treatment go right in the pipe that sounds fun and then that spits me out in another tank very nice okay so if i just jump right over here i can land in this one does that make this can i push this forward oh that would have been so cool to make the water wheel turn but it doesn't hmm where do i go now though i can't go over to that side because there's no water there i can go back down to where i was i don't think i can make it that way so i just figured it out i just figured out you have to fly from over there to on top of that blue thing there's water up there and i literally just made it into the hole beautiful okay now where do i go do i have to fly oh there's another blue one okay so much for the flying fish hello friendly people let me glide into your hearts no pick me up please don't step on me okay i made it i made it a little bit further i don't know how many of these things i have to go through but i just can't oh finally i just fell into this bucket i'm just kidding there's a button called skip checkpoint because it is painfully dumb to go through all of those but now i'm in a bucket again and nobody knows where i am how do i get out of here this is so much easier than trying to fly when the game doesn't want me to hopefully there's no grumpy person trying to tip me over again ow oh i can just go under that table i knew that hey yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no so we're just gonna go sonic speed okay ready oh okay flick me ow it drove over my face how come i can't do this you know what let's skip down there i know i'm just i just need to get to that checkpoint right there get just checkpoint me checkpoint me it actually worked like i got the checkpoint i didn't have to skip ahead what do i do now i kind of want to just go down here although that's a bad idea why would i why would i consider that as a good idea maybe i can fly of course i can't fly but i think that's what i have to do i think i have to fly right into that well come on buddy you can make it in there there's got to be water in a well right and it's connected to the aquifer now come on bud you can make it in there you can make it in there oh i made it in there yes yeah i did it by dying nine times and cheating a whole bunch of times too wow all right guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of i am fish i hope you enjoyed it fun little game cool little demo check it out on your own and thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and rau and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 487,178
Rating: 4.9304695 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, i am fish download, i am fish steam, i am fish game, i am fish meme, fish game, steam fish game, funny fish game, bossa presents, bossa studios, bossa studios games, boss studios presents, bossa studios i am fish
Id: iOMUEaLiKtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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