Episode 9 - Bruh Really Snapped TBH

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patron calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's a gentleman the debut tiny meet gang EP is out yeah on Spotify Apple music you hear that well cheering Napster it's on [ __ ] tune blitz and so on huzzah Morpheus on kazoo Morpheus it's on LimeWire it's all bear share bear share it's on [ __ ] what's jay-z's one titled untitled lunch idle for an exclusive release deal and we said now yeah because we didn't want it to be only on title who the [ __ ] use is title of the I was gonna say the the bear share copy is a little weird we couldn't fly it under our regular name so just look up xxx latina 18 year old hardcore it should be one of those yeah yeah I think I put it under yeah something like that granny knows yes I'm like yeah yeah granny granny squishy squishy granny squishy granny takes on choo-choo train you know what I think I think one moment in my life where I have laughs I won't get back to the EP sure one moment in my life where I think I can remember laughing the hardest okay was when 4chan [ __ ] up that Mountain Dew flavor survey you ever see that oh no go so it's - Mountain Dew or yeah yeah was Mountain Dew they had a competition and online competition to name their new flavor and it was like an apple flavor or something for Jam like got old the tough one was Fabul awesome the second one was Goshen granny apple oh yeah granny the fourth one was just like it was like meth or just something like ridiculous or like like concrete or just something but final one was something else ridiculous and it's like it's like let's look at the most famous case of 4chan going online and [ __ ] something up because it was so like and they they obviously had to like get out like Mountain Dew I'd like find a way out of it yeah cuz like legally yeah I'm sure they had some [ __ ] in the in the fine print that was like we can change the name right if we so choose it's just so goosh and granny apple I think that's the gushing granny that's the best they could have hoped for choices weren't like suck ass that's why I think it's so funny [ __ ] hole yeah because they weren't like Nazi cheese or whatever like an exact My look at you like yeah targets uh the Middle America with this one so anyways yeah worldwide release of tiny meet gang ep e pube EPS I can't say that I need meet gang EP bangers and ass live worldwide listen to her right the [ __ ] now stop in his podcast and go listen to it um hold on when are you done I got some get some deep notification back there [ __ ] of the whole [ __ ] sorry sorry that gap yeah go listen to it right now we worked very hard on the songwriting shout out to Diamond pistols shout out to Spock yes they produced it big thank you to Christian for risking his entire career on producing something for us yep seriously dude put your neck on the line but your neck on the line taking on by associating yourself with us just record proven record smallest smallest rappers oh man shout-out to the homie who cut that and I'm definitely running that on Facebook I don't know when but I'm gonna do it all that [ __ ] is so funny it's so good oh are you gonna run it on that like it as an actual ad yeah oh my god that's hilarious they even make it what do you mean explain what we're talking about oh oh so if you haven't seen on Twitter i retweeted a video I've got a shout out the bro in a second but he basically he did exactly what I wanted he cut together a fake now this video about our podcast being you know hosted by two of the men with the smallest penises in the world record proven record proven and we're trying to start a community what is great is he [ __ ] on texts he did exactly like in now this video and he bolds the words record proven smallest penises like those are the words that jump out for the entire two minutes and I can't wait to run that on Facebook and just have grandma trump grandmas and all kinds of people just being like what the hell is going on in this earth to men what is this just so this is what liberals have done to America future they want yeah making tiny penises famous what have we come to what hat what about men like Reagan men like Reagan and real well-endowed big-dicked man men a classic man Romney sausage Jesus Christ hey of all the senators who do you think is like hanging I don't know any senators just pick a state I'm Canadian I don't know any senators true I don't know all right which Texas you think Texas is gonna hit yeah he's got a picture I'm just packing yeah he's got skirt steak down there I know today I want to discuss business oh my god dang dinner is so goddamn just shoving today I can't do it had a hell of a time even getting into the truck stepped on it my cousin sent me a video this dude doing a pole vault and his he gets over and his dick hits the bar that's hilarious that's a problem we'll never have yeah I'll never have that problem one because we don't pull vaults and because I just if I was ever in that situation I could clear a pole ball no problem I could [ __ ] just slide right on it room to spare baby you know you remember those slides on the playground those made of like rollers looks like a conveyor belt yeah yeah I could just go stomach down on that I'd be fine I'd be so fine by the way what a weird slide yeah dude there was my like family friend's mom growing up owned like a big play place for kids like a giant like like a Discovery Zone play zone or some [ __ ] how can you even describe this just ball pits like tubes and [ __ ] it's like that should have chuck-e-cheese but like gigantic like an entire warehouse full of [ __ ] like a discovery zone no were those I would it's probably like Viet like the Canadian version yeah you gonna yeah all the kids dress in denim yeah instead everyone's apologizing to each other way too many regulations no one is [ __ ] playing now you go first it's called play zone or some [ __ ] and they had one of those it's a gigantic slide where was just made up of little rollers oh yeah and I just remember like being pinched in like the most awful places and like just blood blisters like made that legal like it was just a factory turn it like they just shut down ya know what can we do with all this all these tubes tournament of slides putting kids down [ __ ] genius genius yeah dude speaking of ball pits so remember that video I tweeted a while back that English dude being like he's like another local what he says like another story of this evening there's a what is it like local authorities are looking for a pedophile disguised as a school have you seen me and I was cracking up to myself about the idea of a pedophile disguise as a ball pit a kid falls in there any snatches him up like a Venus flytrap that's horrible P defiled disguised as a ball pit speaking speaking of kids today today I went to Kelsey like used to be a preschool teacher right yeah so we went to her old preschool cuz everything like the Christmas play or something so I met all these like tiny little kids right kids are weird yeah it's like there are people but just way smaller there's a video of a kid meowing yesterday that was the funniest [ __ ] well this is like eating cake and I licked his finger and he's like what are you doing like I know he wants to be okay he wants to be a cat but he can't sorry dude it's not gonna happen just can't not gonna happen go to work and said it's gonna suck yeah it's not just gonna be all drinking milk yeah it's not gonna be all that that's gonna be way worse a lot of [ __ ] you gotta pick car insurance probably sometimes Sunday anyway so this kid comes up to me I'm like I'm like standing off to the side cuz I don't know how to talk to adults or kids no idea how to talk to anyone that's not my girlfriend business so I camera or a camera so I walk I'm like I'm just standing there and there's like kids everywhere and this kid just runs up to me and goes who is your son because it was much parents there right all the parents were there yeah so I guess he thought I was a different a dad because I'm a boy he just assumed I like had a boy thing cuz he's a boy right did you came up with who is your son and I was like um and I was so awkward for me cuz I had no idea how to respond I was like I am with Miss Kelsie and he was like I don't know what that means and he just walked away I just thinking like how funny how like Old English that earlier how like Game of Thrones that phrase everything who is your son and family are you from may I inquire as to who knows good people hilarious I am Cody's son of Greg yeah right there he's like what yeah Derek but he's my friend and I thought that was his dad no doesn't like to tell the truth yeah why my life is [ __ ] up buddy we're gonna betray you and they're gonna lie to you and it's a cold dark place so this world so don't you walk over to my son and call my line piece of [ __ ] you just leave just leave do the kid [ __ ] liar it was just so funny who is just son who is your son you just didn't say it in a British accent but I just pictured that who is your son your son yeah hope my kid doesn't me out your kid's gonna be even weirder than that dude now I know my kid's gonna be doing but it's gonna be levitating no living room trying to mentally focus it I don't know I could actually see my kid he'll just be mega ad D like he's gonna have an existential crisis every 10 seconds oh yeah definitely yeah yeah he's gonna be messed up he's you're not gonna know how to eat food no he's gonna just think everything's messy all I'm saying is gonna get that from you or what everywhere yeah yeah definitely and this kid's gonna be worse well these ready try feeding that kid no way there's no chance that kid's gonna gonna get through that I'd say these days I'm actually eating actually eat the food now yeah you eat it but you still eat it in the same way where it's like pick it up and I can just tell it to burden you know like the sandwich you pick it up like from the sides and I hate it yeah it's like you're like pick it up like it's heavy yeah you know mean your wrists are draping like this he a weak little wrist little weenie [ __ ] this little girl wrists and you pick it up like this you drop in its buds with me I'm just here here it's like a curl for you yeah does that what you think about when you curl so you put chicken nuggets in your hand yeah just picture yeah yeah no that's where days I just pictured to New York cuts I'm holding them and they're raw and the bleeding on my hands and I'm just yeah I [ __ ] I prefer to uh I like to eat with a fork and knife speaking of eating with forks and knives bangers an ass okay yeah so let's talk about the the EP and no now we're going back to this so go listen to it right now right this second Spotify Apple music it's out everywhere it's five songs including supers and so four new songs new trend is an EP it's not an album so that's why it's not that long we only have two months to do this [ __ ] right yeah two more months we would have full-length feature length the grammy-nominated album 90 minute album yeah yeah would have been a movie in music yeah a side B side yeah mmm [ __ ] quadruple disc edition Edition comes with [ __ ] actual sausages precooked about precooked yeah shove them in your face so what's the first song what's your favorite song should we go through the story of each song and how we know that's kind of a good right yeah talk about how we came up with these verses why why the bill backstory yeah we should celebrate you know the remaining days of freedom on the Internet yeah yeah true true honestly did my understandings actually not that bad cuz net neutrality has only been around like a couple years okay so just go back to like Comcast throttling us and making Telemundo like $30 extra yeah but that's sucked dawdling saw it did suck that was like a big problem for a lot of people especially me because he should torn a lot of [ __ ] yeah torrent or trying to steal some [ __ ] yes what the [ __ ] yeah yeah no I feel it but the worst part is is that they just do it without telling you right yeah wouldn't it like they just see you're using up a lot of bandwidth you know they start throttling you yep and all the sudden your internet becomes super slow for no reason yep it's gonna be wack yeah so now I don't know call your repertoire to late do it is it too late I think so they repealed it today I think it's just done it's over I think no I think it still has to go through I don't know government I don't know I'm not a senator I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening on gotta go through the clergy or some [ __ ] the council has to meet about it that's what they should call it because that's who's voting for it's like all these old crusty do ya they don't even use the Internet good evening gentlemen what are we discussing this afternoon we are cool we already discuss in the issue of the internet milord [Music] Squire explain to me what is the Internet some [ __ ] millennial there's on the top of some mountain yeah and agita just over in the corner well oh I love Reese's Pieces and I shove nickels in my ass because I got my ass beat every day that dude he gives me [ __ ] kids from high school all right doing a very specific look but he reminds me that that's what all the comments are it's like this kid reminds me of the kid from high school that tried way too hard to be cool and so hopeless yeah well he reminds me of dudes who would show up to the first class with like donut like pieces on their face yeah like he reminds me of a kid that on the way to school his dad fed him yeah and then in school his he always wore polos and they were too small yep you know I'm saying okay the bottom of his stomach would come out and like his shorts were above the knee yeah I was like his dad gave him his clothes yeah he wore new balances at 14 just like way ahead of the curve just [ __ ] geek and we just would stare out the window and then you'd be like dude are you going to the dance and he's like there are only eight planets in the solar system like like all right man all right dude [ __ ] off it's [ __ ] weird yeah give him a chance but it just [ __ ] it up every time he [ __ ] the internet because someone just [ __ ] on him real hard yeah yeah someone good yeah that's definitely what it is and he's like I have the power you know I'm the head of the FCC I can't even do the it like it's just the way he talks is so you just want to just [ __ ] sock him in the face well it's it's just like he has like a like a rubbery blubbery like yeah so much like he has so much verizon jizz in his mouth that he's just like trying to hold it in while he's speaking it's like the scene in a porn before the swallow like he's just like sitting there like well I'm here to pass too many nickels in my ass David can you pull them out there's a video of him breathing mean tweets and it's just it's so it's so cringe because like you can it's just he's one of those dudes where like mean tweets actually get to him so yes so he's just trying to pretend like it's not yeah and it's just oh it's so I only watched a couple and I had to turn it off kind of like sounds like I'm either never watching this or I'm watching it for a video kind of like when we hurt Rosen's feelings yeah like that we should have done a diss track against Russ [ __ ] him on the EP what was he gonna do or like a song like making like making fun of a little bit no shots that's that's - no it's not dude it gives him too much acknowledgment no no no no we if you do it in the right way maybe you'd like the song I was thinking about where we it's all about how we did it on our own with help with help yeah you know saying that would be funny this I mean like subtle yeah a subtle jab okay well back to your question let's talk about the songs we what is your favorite song I mine I like the stinking money something yeah that's like actually I think my favorite yeah I think stinking money first track didn't we come up with that on the podcast yeah cuz I was saying like whenever Dan posts a picture with all like whenever I see a ton of money in a picture I think that smells like [ __ ] yeah so and then we just it does yeah smells like ass yep smells gross so we we we I think we talked about that on the podcast we were like let's go let's do a song called stinky money yeah and so we [ __ ] did it and we ended up doing it it did bangs bro yeah Spock the back story with that is was my birthday wasn't it yeah and you came over yeah we only had three songs done we needed one more yep at least we were gonna do another one we're gonna be like a Christmas song or like God yeah we were gonna do like oh like a song like that's corny yeah so we only had three done they came over and Spock was like I got this new beat that I made and he played it you know like this is [ __ ] fire so we came up with the hook you know right yeah like we spent like two hours it's like coming up with the hook right there and then a week later we went to Christians spock sent him all the stems and christian christian just beefed the [ __ ] out of that he made it sound like a goddamn pop record yeah and we recorded the hook on that [ __ ] and and he he I love how he always makes the like he can make a chorus like super melodic yeah I'm saying like we had we were just gonna do like this shouting kind of like stinky money he was like not a nice sing it here like sing a [ __ ] I'm like bro I don't know how to say stinky no don't make me do it don't make me do [Laughter] dude I hate it when you put me on the spot like yeah I don't know man I'm not too good at real self partisan nervous damn Ryan was like come from I forgot what we were doing I was saying I can't sing and Christian just turns to me just do it man he goes the [ __ ] are you talking about now but he pulls up super zan yeah he's like you remember you did this song right yeah go do it I'm like all right and I got dammit he's the best just like you I don't really like my verse you just [ __ ] about the verses alright you've done so much music it's just like it doesn't matter matters all right you don't know what people are gonna like so just stop just put it out the G I don't like the way I said that word and it doesn't matter yep listen the [ __ ] words it's the [ __ ] I do that people care about what you do I remember I'm making the music I know these nitpicky things he goes dude no one is gonna pay attention like he just it wasn't even a question it was like it was like when your dad you're asking your dad to take you to the movies on Sunday night like dad can't no no sorry that's not happening so we recorded the hook to that first yeah I did my verse it's fine and then you've so yeah so Cody went upstairs to write your [ __ ] so I was like hungry as [ __ ] all day couldn't just couldn't get my hunger down and so I finally I'm like alright [ __ ] this I over like $30 worth of Thai food yeah and I go upstairs and I Chawla on that [ __ ] you had your verse worked out you're like in the session deep and in my mind I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] I only had like four bars yeah then I emerge from the upstairs yeah just with six six five yeah with with six I'm like you spent you spent [ __ ] two hours running two bars I'm like I need more time yeah so it's like getting close to the time where I got a track he's like going outside yeah and I'm just moving around like a lot and then I'm like okay I got it yeah and that verse was almost one take Jake yeah was yeah yeah I got to the end and I laughed yep and when I don't know to take so you did a second time yeah second time yeah that's crazy yeah yeah this I wish someone was recording that moment when I turned around cuz the reaction from you as Spock was just it was dull for me it's really I was like dang that's what it was like yeah it would felt felt good man yeah I mean I really like how you switched it up on that one yeah yeah the the wretch oh yeah I still gotta finally get I'm not I'm still not good and I want to get good eventually I think it's something that you can learn yeah yeah you can yeah you can you definitely can so I'm gonna I'm gonna work towards that but it's the fact that you're you acknowledge that like all right I got it okay I make this listenable yeah that part this that is dumb I mean every time I you know this every time I recorded anything the first time it was like oh yes like it sounds it's not even one of those things where Christians like don't worry about it it's like okay it sounds like objectively bad it's hard it's like when you get up there it's like it's so hard not to be monotone for one thing to like there's so many different like voices you could use I think what's funny is the way you say things matters it's crazy that was the funniest to me like you'd show me some stuff that you've written and I like in my mind I'm like this isn't gonna work yeah I would just let you do it yeah too real and that was real funny when like we get in situations like why is that weird and Christian we go like it's too white what you're saying in real white yeah you know like no I'm like yeah the arse on everything I'm pronouncing them and stuff like that is you can't really do that yeah they like and if you go back and listen like when white dudes like make college campus rap videos yeah you'll see why they sound so white yeah yeah enunciate the [ __ ] it's like there's no rhythm to that want to be in the [ __ ] club listening to like a dissertation it's just like no I know exactly like me go snow that [ __ ] is dope because they don't that's what that's what I hate when people like ads mumble rap it's like that's why it's fun to listen to yeah yeah this is not a [ __ ] book report yeah it makes it dope and yeah I don't like every word flows into it yeah it's it like it slurs it's nice it plays with the B yeah this is it's just I don't know [ __ ] old people anyway by the way we know [Music] people yeah and anyways that we know that [ __ ] Eminem's revival came out today we know that Brock Hampton Hampton free got about Brock Hampton yeah we're really cool make really cool artistic music in my cool videos we make people feel insecure about their art cuz we're deaf [ __ ] good yeah I just looked the mic by accident he's gross that looked good too I just I just kissed Sam Devon and marketed myself yep I'll talk about being around a celebrity yeah and then we can get back to the EP we can we can like we can tell a story behind each song between other [ __ ] sure yeah so I was in Miami this weekend yeah and I'm I was going there because I was supposed to go to Israel and I wanted to shorten that flight and I wanted to go to Art Basel yeah because I've heard it's like a douchey art festival and is a dazzle dazzle yeah Oh baskerville art apostle alt apostle audible signal it's actually art bass hole hi welcome to the art bass hole who you here for oh I hear that drop dude that song at me right in the base of the big hole man I wanted to I wanted to go to that where does it end over [ __ ] cleaning out her bass little bit just even that man you're talking like what minus 12 DB base oh it was just so you're at the base hole yeah chilling with the boy yeah yeah chilling with Dan Fogler folk so we go to the club that night and it was crazy cuz Art Basel is oh I met like the founder of like rolling loud the decibel yeah dudes Instagram kills me what is it it's just like he's like him invented and created all like these tools for smoking weed okay and it's just really funny to see someone so professional about weed and so presentable as well like hey guys what's up here with you know anything enough I'm not thinking of rolling loud as this other dude he like like raw papers yeah okay rolling loud completely unrelated so yeah rolling loud he's like a hip-hop music festival yeah and I don't know I we went to the founder had like a pop-up art shop or something like that and listen to rap I get it and just saying so I'm pretty big into rap so whatever the [ __ ] I was sayin so you met the creator of yeah and then afterwards so this is like Art Basel we like going around to different like events or whatever and was kind of cool and then we go to the club it was like whatever just like a Miami Club did you look at any art at Art Basel I shot like one or two hour pieces it's in it's in and around Winwood which is like the area in Miami where every single wall is covered in dope ass graffiti oh well so then it like so there's pieces like everywhere yeah so okay so it's like mostly like it's clothes it's like everything's everything though so we go to the club and it's just like a club like it has you know I don't know anyone it's just kind of like loud music and whatever all of a sudden two hints like alright we're leaving we're going to pee daddy's house that's like what's it like his like what do you what do you mean yeah it was like a theme party we're going P Diddy's house right he's got a homie named P Diddy like some fresh exactly no that's our do to Paul but we just call him he did it his parents [ __ ] left we got his [ __ ] lake house it's fire dog some weed the studio yeah so we get there and it's straight up P Diddy's house we walk in the bouncer digs like a bouncer they're having a giant party I walk in beside [ __ ] Kyle the rapper yeah and which it was like I just I don't know Danny's friends with him or some [ __ ] just weird to see him like just walking up beside he's walking smoke her passes me we get to the thing dance like yo si Brock he's sitting right there and also and he's sitting right there and then [ __ ] Drake walks in starts tap Davin people up I just could it just didn't feel real you know I'm saying this is just one of those moments was like what the I shouldn't be here so was it just like things going on around you and no one gave a [ __ ] that you just didn't know anybody or like were you yeah I think there was other like there was enough people there where we like it didn't matter I didn't like I didn't look out of place yeah I mean it okay standing there's like ya headlights just looking around because when you texted me I thought like you were just that like a kickback with like eight famous people Dan and then just just like me yeah like hey guys you're like who's your weird [ __ ] friend he hasn't said a thing all night I'm a I'm I'm I was just leaving yeah I I play with cameras sometimes I'm gonna get out of here I'm gonna get out of here my name's Corbin see ya it's just I don't know it was [ __ ] I mean the party was like decently fun yeah it was fun it was a fun party you just like a I don't know you just felt cool you just named Rob tell her that's dope yeah that's all that's all that story is just being able to say I was in the same vicinity as those people right extreme drake in real life in a normal social situation is is very weird because he's so Drake yeah like he's walking up to people like laughing way too loud a people up like way too exaggerated yeah I mean yeah like just being super emotional got it but like positive yeah you know like bruh bruh that's like one of these like oh these dudes a shake and they go and he'd like lock eyes with you and the way yeah bro it's that [ __ ] you doing look at my [ __ ] face that [ __ ] you doing right man Jesus what get rowdy I'm proud of me I had a couple homies like that yeah they're super like when it's your friend like you you know you don't think anything of it from the outside is definitely like you don't let him go like two minutes like that's what dr. Drake and I lost circulation my shoulder just aggressively positive dude you're doing great man love what you're doing dude yeah I'm [ __ ] okay alright it's happening my left side of my face isn't working so you got some uh here's the segue pick up some cloth this weekend then didn't you know oh oh the song I shot that down hard what I didn't know so that's a programmer but no no we were talking about that last well yes and now we came in yes sir last night after eating I totally know I'm like my Elena CDs or tapes she's like what like CDs or tapes she's like they're both out of date what are you asking man I'm like no [ __ ] CDs or tapes the joke right yeah and she's like what with which one I don't know what do you want me to say about them like she's like yeah I might just pick one she's like CDs I didn't want to do the CDs nothing around so I just like says something really not funny and then she was like what was that yeah and then Spock was like what would you have said I'm like tape these nuts in your mouth and then whatever we have a bad laugh and then she's like what I'm like you've never heard that joke she's like no I'm like what I'm like you nervous CD or tape and then so I was talking about the first time I got hit with that joke and I was so [ __ ] angry yeah and Spock like nailed it he was like yeah you were probably like well if you're like you try to pick between the two like fidelity and this and that like that's exactly what happened yeah I go home as like a fool you see these are tapes like well it depends what are you trying to do like just pick one dawg I'm like I don't know see do you see that's in your mouth [Laughter] I'm gonna punch you through the internet [ __ ] you man I was so mad what do you call nuts on the wall I don't know walnuts what he called nuts on your chest chestnuts we call nuts on your chin my dick in your mouth hey now but so is it chin nuts or are you [ __ ] imbecile or gin nuts from you absolute dunce [ __ ] done you called me a dolt that one day that was the dadís diss don't be such a dolt but dee dee a diss deadness you know the Dee Dee's these cloud talk about [ __ ] jokes Drake Drake fart on you did you just get a million dollars out of it now usually after this fart in a [ __ ] glass can Oh some yes I showed on that some girls some girls he walks in some girl is that's like in our crew whatever it's like trying to take pictures of them any seas and he comes over yes hey don't do that here passive-aggressive nice that's good isn't it such a Drake thing to do that yeah hey does smiling way too hard don't do that here alright okay he's like Degrassi moment straight out of acting somewhere which is like it's also like yeah why you don't do that's the last thing you should do in that scenario yeah whip out your phone yeah people don't get that yeah when it comes to celebrities you just don't do it yeah they offer now don't [ __ ] do it yeah just you know be decent be juicing you know so anyways yeah you pick up some clout what do you get that is that like a like a vegetable hopefully a disease actually oh oh the cloud yeah I got some of the cloud yeah I got the clout that was the original idea for the song was to rap about clout like it was getting herpes yeah this [ __ ] disease I have my foot right now didn't stop [ __ ] itching my foot [ __ ] I've done some cool athlete's foot it's the worst goddamn thing ever that's great that's disgusting yeah sorry yeah so the story behind clout what is the story so that's also one that Spock made yeah the story behind that is actually um that beat was supposed to go to some people very much cooler than us yeah and didn't end up be in that way so Spock is so nice as to be like yo do you want this and we're like oh look yeah hell yeah I'll [ __ ] ruin this beat [ __ ] all over this bro and then you wrote 64 bars and I thought we did 62 alone yeah yeah we went over to his place we wrote that [ __ ] and then Kristin recorded it and now is that basically that that was just about people like who cared too much about clout yeah us like we said yeah you guys got the preview yeah you've seen it in my vlog oh yeah right right I forgot one five people have seen it the a vlog you know it's funny as I always get comments and [ __ ] like oh my god I'm just finding out now you had a channel I always watch on Cody's Channel I'm like it's only in the description it's like how the [ __ ] do you not like suspect they I think they just maybe they think I just never used the Internet yeah so that's why you have to put my name in the title and [ __ ] like yeah exactly that's what it is for sure oh it says non-internet he just done yeah that just does other things outside of the content is a good job and wears t-shirts and that used to be true yeah do you have a job I used to have a job now it's this chef a tional professional podcaster podcasters amateur professional podcasters so yeah that was that song and then what was next on the on the EP next song is deadbeat deadbeat yeah or I [ __ ] your [ __ ] which one that's deadbeat you sure okay let's go look he's [ __ ] with deadbeat too I saw some tweets they love it because it's uh it's finger it's very rooted in reality yeah yeah that'd be is they be teased about basically having like a rich girlfriend and being a deadbeat and I think didn't I I felt like a [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] that day I think like I don't know some [ __ ] happen I just like felt like a bad person or something and Jesus I don't remember I would just like down I don't know I was just like I was a shitty move ya mood yeah I fell I gosh I felt like a deadbeat okay and so I think that's why I initially pitched or did you put she ideally or not yeah cuz I say we should do something about being deadbeat boyfriends oh yeah because it was like I just because I was going through the whole thing with Elena where I needed to get domestic partnership yeah right yeah right so that's where the yeah yeah partnership is domestic so then we wrote that that song and that was fine we did really fast yeah that one just just came he wrote it mm-hmm you wrote I wrote it and that one was like a it was like the chorus like wasn't great and then the last session that we had Christian like pumped it up pumped it up and it tight yeah it turned out to be a pretty [ __ ] it turned out to be pretty damn hype if I do say so myself you know I'm gonna say it bruh snapped Diddy I think he snapped yeah bruh snapped a little mm-hmm homeboy snapped he went off and then last song I [ __ ] your [ __ ] yeah cousin I think I'm most proud of ya harness my Meek Mill shut up ya know it's just like dynamically great oh it's perfect like the conversational rap yep yep you like changing your voice in the middle of the verse everything I think that's where we need to be yes like being funny with it yeah we need more conversational [ __ ] yeah or by that calstrs couldn't believe that we could like have a conversation like on beat it is like it's not hard but it's like decently cool I think it what what makes it cool to me is like writing that was pretty interesting yeah cuz you're just writing like [ __ ] like a scene almost yeah yeah so I think that [ __ ] is fun yeah yeah so anyways let's price should stop I'm sucking dicks with this this is the story of these like just assuming you guys care about this everyone's like we don't like you know EP was trash and so I don't give a [ __ ] how you saw him about eNOS it's not the base holder that was some [ __ ] bass hole right there that's the title of this episode yes another demonetized episode baby no we're gonna know I think we could trick that one bass hole a basil I'll do like like bas s ya bas s space basement hole now bass hole holes with a zero to make we're gonna get your gamertag yeah bass hole what the [ __ ] was I yeah I just wanted to go to our our talking points talking points okay so did you see the guy did you see the [ __ ] guy who got arrested in the UK for burning his initials he was a surgeon he burned his initials into two of his patients organs like his their livers for why did he got like arrested or he got charged for assault for what I like as a tag he like tank like he was like oh I like you know I search surgeons here this is not Instagram dawg it's not content like you can't know what the [ __ ] I know it's so absurd he tagged himself in there that's such a funny thing he must have been like on hella coke like yeah I just pulled this off bro [ __ ] no one's gonna [ __ ] everyone's gonna remember who did this bad [ __ ] hey B was it even a dope tag like did he tag it up tight yeah it was like a little graffiti like like calligraphy yeah like 3d text yeah yeah like I actually used real paint to let bass like yo just do tatted up your [ __ ] liver was it fire yeah yeah it's pretty [ __ ] honestly breast snap oh snap dude he goes into the the [ __ ] victim goes to court they like show the screen like the [ __ ] scan the judge is like fresh snap yeah honestly bruh snap snap honestly bro plaintiff went in dismiss summary emotional that [ __ ] motion for summary judgment help me get at plaintiff dude that's dumb hi duh my wife walks to market walks up to the plaintiff brah dude you and bro you an inbred defendant don't really know you're mad about don't ever come back in my courtroom fan yeah [ __ ] is hella high bruh I've always wondered a stab in a case where a judge like he gets like the facts and already he's like yeah you just can't do that gotta sit there and listen to the [ __ ] crying shame yeah the defendant you just can you shut the [ __ ] up all right you can't do it just can't do it and so everything you're saying right now I'm just hearing this one so ten years yeah you killed you killed somebody yeah that's um that's called molesting someone you can't do that next hit next ten years dude I think liver tats are gonna be a thing not for this yeah would you ever get your liver down I'll get a liver tat well can I think those it's like inner lip tats you know I can it affect me negatively in any way like I don't know if you ever get a job where they see like an x-ray of your liver before you start maybe having ink in your liver is probably not a good idea yeah probably that yeah but hell yeah I'm gonna get a goddamn and get away side on it yeah yeah I get the kool-aid man what's the next dumb tattoo you're gonna get I don't know man I don't really have that desire to get the dumb ones anymore or well no I think I'm still probably gonna get dumb ones because I think it's just like at this point I just have bad taste is what it is I just don't have a desire to get a tattoo right now sure gotta got it my buddy was like I do this thing he's like I whenever I want a new tattoo he's like I'm mark it on the calendar and if a year goes by and I still want the Ted I'll get it got it and I'm like that's not me at all every time I want when I just go and get it like right away and I regret it two weeks later so are you gonna keep it the pirate pirate [ __ ] pirate ship theme are you gonna switch it up I don't know what do you have some words or something yeah I should probably honestly start on my upper body although you know I was thinking would be [ __ ] sick for merch Oh sweatpants okay with my tattoos on them Oh for you yeah yeah no not for me yeah for somebody else and I mean it would be sick all right that's a good way you know who will buy it tattoo shops will buy that and be like all right before you get this tattoo just put these on and imagine these are your legs you know by Von Dutch will order them in bulk yeah to sell them yeah her [ __ ] I see a bunch of Armenians wearing their tattoos I will be [ __ ] pissed yeah brought these best pants bro this is a pirate ship pants from bondage best pants bro I'm just gonna [ __ ] start my own brand called bass hole basically dude I can't wait I want to launch my merch but it's all gonna be ugly bitmap images of me shout out my bro forget his name you got to do the Stacy's one too that's right oh yeah I would drop the Stacy shirt but like I want to do hella just ugly yeah 4-bit means yeah you got it like your Twitter profile picture yeah you got it that's hilarious but the Stacy's one is like actually that's super fur it's it's fire and it's like wearable ya know saying not to say ugly pictures of you aren't ya alright wearable I mean more wearable than real pictures of you jesus [ __ ] christ yeah I mean but I'm the stasis one is actually like you know yeah yes I to a function he's paid you could it's a functionable shirt yeah such a BuzzFeed phrase make sure your clothes are functionable as in you can wear them to the function that's why I got New Balance yeah I actually have New Balance shoes now they gave me shoes oh [ __ ] they're [ __ ] sick awesome man no but they're like they don't look like old people shoes they don't they're like they're trendy okay you know I mean they beefed up I think they got bought by Skechers or some [ __ ] oh that makes them way better that makes them really good so drive by the schedules factory yeah so you can shape up your ass while shooting up the school [Music] classes now yet just just non-stop with the school shooter jokes not man I can't you can eat pretty easily not do that okay you're right but it's just it's too easy it's too easy man oh speaking of school and people who dropped out let's talk about create Tyler Tyler yeah boy crea title so I realize his name's Tyler he just goes white like create Tyler yeah I didn't I didn't like I thought his first name was Korea no it's a weird you're a hippie baby the Korean Tyler Korea Korea Korea Korea my first name is North yeah as in Korea what's up what's up YouTube family it's your boy Korea Tyler here with a fresh hot vid from the border from the DMZ bro first of all this kid is like a scammer his name's create Tyler Korea Tyler he's I guess he's like a known scammer right he's like a 21 I don't even know straight run 21 creating wealth yeah for himself for himself out of people's Mars money well first of all if you're not familiar with a Korea [ __ ] bag he's this [ __ ] trust fund kid from like Boston or something okay and he makes travel videos or whatever so he made this video about dropping out of college and needing a crew to go on it's like he's like one of people that inspires inspires this lifestyle of like not working and like not having any any money anymore mean any responsibilities all the money and like traveling and which by the way isn't that [ __ ] sick honestly no it's not I did the traveling thing for a year because I was in that you know I was young and I was like oh it's wanderlust you mean like I see all these Instagram pictures of J Alvarez like masturbating in a [ __ ] blue sea and Fiji or some [ __ ] and I wanted to live that life why should I be tied down to the nine-to-five not for me at all yeah yeah then you get oh yeah I'm almost like I love when people say oh I'm just not not made for a nine-to-five you know who else isn't everyone yeah nobody nobody is made for a nine-to-five when's the last person though awesome you heard anyone say yeah like I don't know I just like I feel at home at a desk yeah I think this is for me yeah in a cubicle this is uh you know my environment my people you know I love break room conversations yeah I love the highlight of my day I love chatting about news yeah I love chatting about the Grammys every year mm-hmm first thing Monday morning right after the Grammys you never know know if that was a work conversation that would be funny it has never happened true it's like yeah how was your weekend but too short right I wish someone would just break down like that off a simple ass joke that'd be a great one minute bit would be fantastic and it would be it would have to be that question that is I had the amount of [ __ ] times I've heard that in the workplace we should do that just do a schedule we should how's the week enough really snap bro really snapped [ __ ] there goes bro really sad oh really snapped on that wrote literally snapped I think that's how cops talk about it when they show up to like some brutal murder scene they're like dang bro went off is the gear I think we were going somewhere with that oh yeah Korea Tyler yeah this [ __ ] stain yeah he advertises like the free [ __ ] he's like a new place every picture and every video he's like he talks about how he doesn't like and so he did this video about him dropping out of college cuz it wasn't for him yeah again and he recorded a video of him for anyone telling was that the administration lady he's like I just don't think college is for me right now and he cuts it and I really wish I heard her response after that because I think that would have been [ __ ] hilarious if she was just like wait a minute you filming no just being like yeah that's that's fine so when was the last time you went to class I just have to put it on the paper I don't give a [ __ ] what your inhibitions are just this is for me this is my job yeah and so yeah you think it's you think this is you're in the majority of people yeah yeah oh what a genius he thought there you know what Korea Tyler is he's the human he's the human version of someone replying with that gif of wakka saying okay on Twitter yeah I'm saying like he's just that in that college dropout video he's like you know I got hit up by like for like a TV deal and like cut like he's like I just was the busiest moment of my life I didn't have enough time to work on my projects we're just like a generic term somebody uses when they're not working on anything nothing yeah when they're when they're working on their scams I guess yeah what what project seems like I was working on to production studios one of which in the TV world and then I thought well TV is over alright the Internet is taking over the Internet is the future the future yeah it's like wow Oh congratulations seventeen years later he's figured it out yeah damn what is 98 Internet is the future couldn't possibly take over the television there's no way yeah what I also love about that is that there are enough dumb people that actually saw that and we're like bro really snap this guy is on my wavelength you know he's saying the truth yeah yeah everyone go look up scammed by Korea Tyler and look at these dudes talk about getting scammed it's so funny that [ __ ] is hilarious sorry just thinking about the next thing but that that like he like I don't want to be mean but that kid the kid that got scammed by Korea Tyler oh yeah this whole video about how he like Phil for great Tyler's great time I like a monthly subscription to join his club whatever that is a scream [ __ ] scam right away yeah no there's no cloud like a you know not like a five dollar a month pause her name well no it was $50 to text him yeah yeah that's what it was that's a [ __ ] phone sucks a month to like yep it was just advertise his club or whatever yeah and it was like his [ __ ] chat with him or some [ __ ] I don't really weird he probably just like hired some Indian dudes to like be him yeah definitely he was like I can't believe I got and when he replied I was like whoa this guy's really replying and then now he hasn't responded and the bank keeps charging my card for 50 bucks a month and it's just stuck there and now I'm getting charged every month and all the comments like dude just call your bank and cancel it it's like you can you can get out of these things imaginary just get tricked into a monthly charge dude and it just never ends he just grows up to 45 charges every year like Korea Tyler I just I don't know it's just create Thailand like it sound like herpes man you can get rid of it he's just in a bar well you really have another no not until you Tyler has been satiated blast blast damn you create Tyler then his [ __ ] you can't feed his family his kids crying he's like that's it grreat Tyler I'm coming for you this goes on a vengeance kill for Korea Tyler but he can't find him because he's in all these different countries all the Keanu Reeves then he has to start his own scam to go find Korea ty yeah and the [ __ ] cycle continues there we go screenplay right here if yo you work for like like a studio and like the TV although you know what I always say about TV no it's dying dude you think yeah did you know what's gonna you know it's gonna kill it no internet dude internet killed the TV brows stars Oh true yeah we're never watching the yep well you just mmm it's like hard to explain really but like what I think my future predictions in the future yeah what will happen upcoming right for sure in like like you know follow time for it it'll be basically more eyeballs on internet because the way I see it trending right now in the future is is up [ __ ] man yeah look a scientist well yes amateur anyway so this so create Tyler he did it so he didn't okay so most of this video back to college scan to watch people right and then he just didn't post for like eight months and then he comes back last week or the week before Korea Tyler quit YouTube with this video called create Tyler quit YouTube and it's like it's like this six minute like edited compilation of him traveling and all stuff and it's like this this voice-over that comes out it's ham and he he goes eight months ago I quit YouTube and haven't posted on social media since Wow like why guy on a boat guy on a boat ocean hot girls hot girl guy in a boat yacht yacht yacht house house and just like that all could have been stock footage yeah it was all so corny and then the best part is he goes update will be posted on December 6th brah its its [ __ ] it is December 14th and you don't have [ __ ] for you know video from create Tyler the best part about this is I idea because robes Minh was the one that with what's on it tweeted the video initially it was like the best youtubers back with another video so I watched it and ID Ambrose and I was like dude this is [ __ ] hilarious and he goes you have no idea how far this rabbit hole goes he's like I've like been researching this kid the bit my favorite [ __ ] ever is when he said he was gonna daily vlog and then he the next day he didn't post for like four weeks gang kind of sounds like me that's your channel yeah I'll be back with another video [ __ ] so on 18 bro did not snap bro did not snap not snapped very little yeah a lot of snapping going on sorry everybody keep looking back at the time because we got a surprise music videos today oh yeah that dude there's a music video out today for real clout go hopefully I'll be [ __ ] finish this right now we'll get it done we'll get it done should we like begin to wrap things up um no I mean like we got we got like another 5 or 10 comes always is always a case right here no no it's not even let short up oh yeah by the way okay so posters will go on the new year and pins in the new year people asking about this and people are canceling their $15 pledges which that's fine if you choose to do that thank you even if you have pledged so absolutely none what it is is we we went through very many designs yeah many designs and we finally settled on one yeah cuz we wanted we want it you know want it to be delft yeah because I was even printed and gonna send them all out yeah but it was like this last week working on the EP and she like that's been really busy yeah we just got [ __ ] railroaded with work and Sookie is taking a lot of my time and yeah just just so much but in the two-hour episode and a three hour episode we're gonna do those as well yeah maybe maybe maybe one will come on for Christmas Oh to Christmas drop a little eggnog add your noggin handsome that could be fun little festive hell yeah wear some sweaters yeah should we should we oh you know we should I well what about Marcus okay let's talk about why we can't do the episode of the Marcus just yet okay yeah well let's talk about it I don't know how much he wants the the people to know well I think we can just safely say our boy is on a glow up yep yeah Marcus is just open some new doors so we can't speak on it yet you know we want him to do it we want him to come out with but let's just tell y'all Marcus is on his glow yeah it's done something actually that is very [ __ ] cool and I'm really happy that he pulled that off oh yeah hundred percent because deserves it more than Han yeah because everyone knows Marcus is a great dude but also a [ __ ] great programmer yeah really has the [ __ ] passion yep always so he's put this passion is paying off it's looking like and it's not I'm not gonna say exactly where what's happening but he's probably not gonna be in LA for the for the future so yep which is sad yeah I'm sad but very sad but also very happy if I'm happy said I have realized the last time we were driving and it was just kind of hit me yeah damn good moving yeah it's moving it's like uh it's like when your bra is about a snap yeah yeah you got to let him but then he snaps in another location yep and you're not there to see him snap right you know right like his hand is like up high and his hands about it go in yeah and you're like bro yeah I'm on FaceTime or some [ __ ] I gotta let you go yeah oh yeah I said we're Santa's snap bro yeah if you love someone let them snap yeah you just gotta let him go and let your brother app just let him snap bro don't make it about you make it about the brush I want to be there wait what's he gonna do when he snaps and I'm not there to say brush snap we just got it we got to find out bro we gotta let him do that takes you when you snap down he's a bad snap del so shadow shadow Marky Mark Marky Marcus $16 coffee care to explain that one Oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ I talked about this my own podcast I went to Blue Bottle the other day yeah I go hey can I have the California and she's like sure that'll be $16 wait a second for a [ __ ] drip coffee sixteen dollars I was like what 16 and she was like oh yeah it's just what most coffee is growing close to the equator and you know somehow you know we've we've bought some with from some local growers they've actually found our way to grow it in California I don't give a [ __ ] I've never cared about something as little as care about this I'm not paying 16 bucks for coffee those grown down the [ __ ] Street you know what I'm gonna say no [ __ ] where it's grown yeah like if you're foreign and you're from like a place near the equator you should just charge more hourly for your work then yeah if that works on plants like you should be able to go to a company be like well you see I was actually grown in Ecuador but I was moved here yeah and I found a way to exist here so now my rate sorry is triple yeah and then they walk down office like oh we got this new Ecuadorian yeah very closely equator normally yeah engineer like that you can't have those here hold it off I just could I couldn't even I think this is so unreasonable for a book who the [ __ ] pace at Queen Queen yeah yeah holy [ __ ] I totally forgot Queen is there that's child - the weekend edition that was a long time ago he's just a ghost yeah that's definitely that's five degrees north yep that's that's a great that's great that's a great latitude right there great body on that like it's like not what you know it's not wine it doesn't taste that that's it drastically different I don't know I mean I guess I maybe it does maybe it would blow my [ __ ] mind it's like low-key steroids and we're just like talking [ __ ] about it and Blue Bottle is just like wandering with likes low-key selling drugs yeah just just just see how many bodybuilders go in there yeah yeah can I get a two of those do thank you to the D ball California's dude I was I just went I i goin up the bundy ball you're doing it roads are finally telling if I'm on the juice now yeah you're on the truth yeah no but I'm [ __ ] off the wagon in terms of the gay for me challenge yeah I'm really just letting it go I'm sucks sucks I'm feeling alright I know your [ __ ] back you're just you're in it I'm in it yeah and I just fallen off yeah a little upset with my session today grip at least you had a session grip to close on the bar bench started working out the the biceps a little too tight whatever dude at least you were in the [ __ ] gym as long as you're doing something as it matters actually I figured out that the morning because I'm all like yeah morning productive it's actually the worst time because it's when all the body builders are in there okay like there's so much there's so much theatrics that go into like what they do like this dude is like he's got a homie there who's ripped as well massaging him every part of him cuz I got ya what's what's up Jimmy yeah yeah you know just warming up yeah just you know we got David here just cutting me loose nice and loose for the lift yeah okay they're doing that flick 15 minutes then finds that go how many hit to set alright man good to see you picks up two dumbbells he's just doing like the Arnold press brothers shoulders man like it's so weird of the gym it's like a social thing yeah I can't like it's weird I can't get behind that yeah there's dudes like that spent all day at Gold's because they're just like it's there that's their [ __ ] because they just like to talk to people and they hang out there that's so weird man it's bizarre and so I get now I get in this weird [ __ ] black hole of bodybuilders [ __ ] on Instagram oh yeah like I'll be scrolling on my explore page and it's some dude that's just like looks like three dudes with one head yeah and you're like what the [ __ ] so you can click and there's like more and more of these dudes that are just like so on sixteen dollar coffee of people yeah but just so unnaturally inflated Hulk [ __ ] that you're just like you how are you even alive should be dead the other day I was I was on this one dudes page and it was like he's like 300 pounds over 300 pounds of muscle shouting out it posted this screenshot of some bodybuilder one of his friends that had just died like choking on food or something I don't know this is like one of those things where it's like yeah that's true then but it's one of those things I read it and I was like I made I don't know who do people die just choking on food maybe when you're a bodybuilder yeah you ever seen a you know Ronnie Coleman it yeah your scenes documentary no first of all hilarious yeah well if I would wake up and just eat like a Tupperware of steak oh really for breakfast bro no actually I think he did grits and some other [ __ ] that full my buddy Ringo the guy I mentioned before he's actually I worked out with Ronnie Coleman really yeah like Ringo was pretty uh he's like classic bodybuilder I was hittin him I was telling him like I'm too embarrassed to do squats yeah I finally did him but he was like you get under that [ __ ] bar [ __ ] yeah I don't care if it's just the bar you get a squat ain't nothing like the squat you can't trick it you can't use the dumbbell just get in there squat like even not bench even I squat the bars like what just to [ __ ] have some fun yeah get out of here exactly but you're just jumping up and doing 360 360 squat with the bar jumping through the second-story coming back squats with another rack with weight on it putting racking it and then catching the bar yeah no Ronnie Coleman's his [ __ ] lightweight baby yeah yeah like I used to watch the videos that dude it's so funny yeah we just have him benching like 7,000 pounds Oh James bar is just curling around his neck yo James Henderson yours now I used to quote him all the time my friends just [ __ ] cry laughing [ __ ] this is this old YouTube video he's like what's up everybody my name is James Henderson I'm the bench wonder of the world on my own and here we go he like lies down and he's [ __ ] he he like puts in his hands and I'm exaggerating a little bit but like you know he lies down on the bench he's ready to go he's like locked in and he's lived in this heavy ass weight he struggles for a second he gets it up he gets up he's like yeah your thoughts going dry you sit on the way up so from that point for my boys I say that [ __ ] locked in give it to me dog did it also was like 450 pounds [Applause] eight hundred pounds eight hundred [ __ ] pounds on the leg press Ronnie Coleman is a character Rowe his documentary there's a shot of him just like driving his car dude he's steering with one finger really this big tumor one finger loud-ass Tupac how much how much does he weigh brah probably like I don't know [ __ ] 350 she's like Christ dude is huge I gotta look up a picture this guy right now Ronnie Coleman I know I know I used to like watch his videos : is the man but anyways like why I was saying that was like I was like I was looking at these this guy's Instagram page and I'm just like are these are his friends dying from steroids and he's probably they're still yeah so many guys that's not a fair claim all right it's not fair claim sure yeah I don't know why this guy died maybe you did choke on food I'm just saying that was my gotta be careful now because this vegan [ __ ] is freaking me out sure I mentioned vegans again in my last podcast got a little like this where I was like hey I'm sorry about mentioning vegans it's just a thing and people all you say the word yeah you gotta promise me a [ __ ] bleep this out when you edit it bleep out vegan yeah but it's like you know it's one of those things where I'm like I'm looking at it and I'm like this guy is like unnaturally huge he had to have some sort of heart issue yeah like I know you can't yeah like it's funny he's weirdest guys like a rest and peace dude and he's like I'm gonna hit the gym shout out rich Piana bro who's that rich Fiona died from steroids did he I think had a heart attack is kind of sad man but he was active like steroid user okay yeah he didn't I was watching this interview he was like well I can't I can't say I'm not an advocate for them but I'm not gonna tell you to do them it was like just the funniest like thing to say okay music saying yeah I'm open about it that he did steroids I was rich Piana you want to talk about bodybuilder black hole I'm like I'm like now looking at after pictures of Ronnie Coleman you know 53 year old still looked in some heavy hassle hey Sam yes wait baby it looks like dude oh dude Ronnie Coleman is [ __ ] uh for a long time I didn't even like exercise that much and I was just deep on body builder drama deep on it why it's just funny like they all like diss each other and like dude yeah just going walk bro Advani Butler dramas hilarious because although these beefed out dudes having these arguments about like how much they lift it's like such a pissing competition it's so funny no funny dude yeah man you're using fake weights there's no way you hit a 380 max on that it's like who cares yeah bro you did not snap don't even lie there's no way you snapped on that bro it's all relative though man I think you get in a vicious cycle with that cuz I was saying this the other day like working out like every dude can always turn to the right and see a dude bigger than him yeah like it just goes like there's some 7-foot [ __ ] massive human in like Scandinavia that can curl [ __ ] VW bugs yeah and he'll still not feel like he's good enough for the strongman competition and so I yeah I feel a little bad yeah I think some dudes like it's a mental thing yeah you know they just get in their head they're too small always well it's also like a weird addiction yo like I think once you start yeah I definitely see how it's like all right now I want to get bigger yeah a little bigger and you're like well now I want to push even further it's like now this is my life yes all I think about yeah and it's fun you know to get bigger you're like lifts and all that [ __ ] so it's like all right bro the day I can bench like [ __ ] 200 I'm done yeah if I can get two 45s on each side yeah I'm chilling man that's it if anyone tells me you know you could be I'm a smack I'm right in the [ __ ] face yeah I can be this I'm good just right here we got I can take that after nice nice well should we wrap it up yeah we have to go do some work for ya we got a [ __ ] headed this video bangers an ass EP out right now Spotify Apple music iTunes actually by the you know iTunes yeah support yes report us cuz now we got to give half this [ __ ] away to our producer that's support so we're gonna make zero money on this so it look good it's just for you guys to enjoy listening to yeah we're making zero on this and I'd say bruh snapped oh snap okay good yeah see ya gang love you guys posters and pins going out earlier please don't be mad
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 333,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JiT8Gomz-Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 30sec (4290 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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