Episode 17 - Cars Attract Dudes

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patron calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one dude I remember that man yeah was yesterday push his buttons like that man I just wasn't taking the Lord seriously yeah clearly that's what it was you know I was playing I was I was playing games with God and then I mean I kind of deserved it honestly I saw him coming I saw him just winding up with this haymaker yeah and then just he crumpled me when I crumbled just reduce you to a pile of Legos yeah yep folded you up like a lawn chair and I mean he let me what do you say let me do Lord he lent that mantle he lured me to the Lord and I learned my lesson that day I love that he sticks his finger up like he says he goes and I went over he raises his finger like now I know what you're thinking but hold on I know what you're thinking but just this is salted this man which is illegal but just wait it's not it's why does he think that's okay it's not legal to beat the [ __ ] up someone for like in God's name I can't do that like he thinks it's totally okay that he'd beat the [ __ ] out of a kid in the name of God I still like this man was playing the Lord oh well okay well that case yeah yeah yeah beat the [ __ ] out of them I still think it's Mack from It's Always Sunny just in like a suit yeah Cup and I can't believe that that's a real dude that's a real pastor like he was totally he's just like yeah you know this is I did the right thing in this scenario this kid was pushing my buttons real smart kid smart alecks my dangerous a little more dangerous because he's smart you know yeah you probably just challenged this guy's like yeah like something like some Bible verse or something they actually I don't think that's necessarily accurate and the guy that passed was like sorry I'm Ben what was that Ben yeah I just don't really agree like I just think like you know certain I just like my values are a little bit different but like you know I still respect Jesus crumple them or even even better it starts preaching better than him pastor I see your interpretation of that verse but I wanna be honest I think he got it wrong yeah here's why Matthew when he came visible violence is not the I crumpled in it I [ __ ] rolled that little piece of [ __ ] I dropped him yeah I dropped that [ __ ] that little [ __ ] I dropped him like a little [ __ ] he was he submits it to a worldstar comp like like yeah just fight compilation caster lays out youth group child pastor decimates young boys shin he also like didn't say how old this kid was like I was like a youth group like I mean the 16 year old 14 or 16 year old the kid eighth grader just this priest just lays them out just [ __ ] knees them in the brain be like that old dude falling yeah you know we got it I was thinking about like when we get the studio when we move in oh we can have video yeah or or if we use my office I might put a TV up yeah cuz we could use that and then we could film the screen and then edit the in I mean look like as we watch it and do like live reactions and she like that but that's what the ding-ding palace is for I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm gonna do the same she didn't mind oh no we gotta have the dedicated space for the dang offs now and the cast yeah listen I know you don't like leaving your house you're gradually becoming a hermit I am slowly but surely Cody is trying to have it so everything he's doing in his life is in the room next to him yeah pretty much no I'm just really stoked on this room no I feel it you know I mean now that I can just and it's cool being so basically what happened Marcus moved out right he's an SF he's doing his thing he started a company we've talked about that already yeah so I now am going to basically pay his rent and use his room as an office so I've already set up a little studio in there and I'm gonna put like a little pod casting tables I got some mic stands you got it so when insanely chill when I start [ __ ] doing episodes again which they are coming back by the way I'm getting Christine so sad I still don't go it's a Delco on it I can't never say her last name yeah it's Adele Coe yeah and I'm getting Felix Cartal the musician is gonna be on it pretty soon this is like ETM stuff oh yeah so I'm gonna do that in that room word I got some like colored LEDs and [ __ ] for my desk I like I'm really doing it cliche yeah this one's on it dude I'm pumped it sounds cool it's cool because I can like work in there until like 10:00 you know until Kelsey texts me I think that's it doesn't happen it's me yeah being lonely yeah I I just saw my carrot I need attention yeah you crawl back in a bit all back in there yeah and she's like I'm here [ __ ] scratch my head all you this is all you need a head scratch I mean I think that's the thing dude as guys are easy as far as like attention you know I mean yeah like men are just dogs just Pat their head rub the back yeah that I I honestly I honestly think I have I've had serious thoughts yeah about my previous life that I was a dog I just connect with him you know yeah yeah which is weird because I'm allergic to them right dozen really make any sense I mean maybe I'm just like maybe I'm you know somewhere along the way whoever reincarnated me Buddha or whoever the [ __ ] does that he was like you know you were a dog so now I'm gonna try and get you away from you know I mean you can you you should experience life as something else I like because I'm gonna make you allergic to dog so that you don't go near them I'm sorry okay you often say I like the way you said that whoever does the reincarnating like there's just some guy in like another dimension when someone dies he's like okay what the [ __ ] he has to figure out where to put the yeah yeah he's the coordinator for everything he's like yeah an air traffic control guy looks like a food order he's like a cat like a soul and a body rolls in he gets thing okay Cody 27 I have [ __ ] now seven previously a dog alright let's don't make him [ __ ] or something we just got to put these guys in balls there's there's just too many people coming but what species balls I think he just doesn't care at this point has been doing it for so long he looks he's like some horse nuts he's a podcaster alright let's make up some [ __ ] yeah yeah a white guy who lives in LA podcaster some cat nuts filming some cat come yeah which hey well it fully deserved yeah cuz Europe I'm not even gonna go there look man let's talk about current events okay let's get current ones a beef the youtubes Logan Paul oh god did you see the [ __ ] about him tasing animals yeah I think I think he needs to just double down and start just he needs to double down admit he likes dead things and start an extermination company yeah or taxidermy oh my god yeah he's a double down because it at this point it's not even like he it does it sound like he likes killing things it likes it's like he likes messing around with things that are already dead yeah you know I mean and the thing is he started with a you know you people he did reverse yeah usually when you have when you're like a you have urges yeah when you're like it's so crazy small Psychopaths yeah you started to start with the animals and then go yeah to human started with the big game he got that yeah he got the taste yeah how much you want to bet Logan Paul gets into hunting in like next three years I guarantee you within the next three years he'll get into hunting he's gonna get sponsored by some [ __ ] whatever he's and started taking crossbow crossbow yeah yeah yeah archery [ __ ] calm yeah and yeah he's gonna start posting those pictures with like there's like beautiful Lions like is that her dad dead and people are like this is [ __ ] up and there's other people that are like no it's actually well within his rights the hunting rules in this like there's overpopulation of lions and you're like I don't think that's right dude I think it's never okay to kill a lion you know that you who was that chick um that girl that used to take pictures of like the big game she should take pictures like an of her in front of like the big game that she'd shot I don't know Jenny was like elephants and like beautiful [ __ ] yeah I remember the checkers I remember her name it's like it's not illegal it's a cat but like its kind of wrong [ __ ] up yeah I mean how can you feel okay killing something that I don't know I don't know but I just think that you know Logan needs to start using the low gangers to you know kill do like animal extermination like imagine just five 12 year olds showing up to your place being like weird you have a squirrel problem and then low gang they're the locals called started calling Logan low game yeah then low gang shows up and he leads this little pack of kids to [ __ ] tase and murder [ __ ] for the vlog that's a little dark I mean little murder cult little murder no yeah I mean dude he just needs to admit he likes dead stuff it's just it's just unreal like two days into his comeback like [ __ ] ease into it man like like I get dammit it's he they make me so so [ __ ] mad I see it they make me so mad I see it nothing else makes me that mad yeah like I get mad at [ __ ] but like they they just make my [ __ ] blood boil it's unreal how [ __ ] stupid they are yeah Owen he's like his little uh his first the vlog back he when he's like he says-- like oh that yeah you know I need you guys to buy all my merch because YouTube cut my ad revenue thanks you thanks you to be punched home for that YouTube didn't do that you did that that was you you so clearly have learned nothing yeah I also not a single [ __ ] thing you can't just make a stupid documentary about suicide and donate a million bucks and go back to yeah that was my thing about the million boxes on we're not cleared of this [ __ ] now like I think that was such a clear demonstration of just being an idiot like it doesn't take a million dollars to say sorry yeah you're supposed to think he's a good person because of roughly he's like I gave you a million dollars did a million who can do that like also one of the new vlogs he goes we're still the fastest growing channel on YouTube who can say that and then like people dug up like his like meta tags and he's like tagging like suicide forest and [ __ ] yeah yeah you didn't know that no way yeah he's tagging that he's like building off the controversy god what a piece of [ __ ] yeah you're a piece of [ __ ] yeah you honestly are dude like it's believable yeah he says I mean certified piece of garbage you know it's funny is like he went on a college campus like trying to be like self-deprecating and he's like I want to interview people yeah I just thought it thumb now but I I watched like a minute of it and they're just it was really funny cuz the first dude he was like he tried to be always like you heard a Logan Paul that guy's like no and then he's like oh well he tries to play it off but I think he's like yeah really yeah sure yeah I mean the dude on Good Morning America you know so any you didn't catch that he's like no dude I don't watch breakfast shows like 50 years old also the weirdest place to interview someone for saying sorry on a suicide for it yeah dead body mom's watching that show what what did he do yeah what did he do yeah alright honey you won't believe what I saw today this morning on on my Jim äj-- Jimmy Kimmel good Jimmy kill me anything that sounds like Jimmy Kimmel anything close to Jimmy yeah this young guy he just a film the dead guy what do you seem like a nice kid apologize good guy he did we all make mistakes I mean on one hand I understand like um like you know burning hands with a magnifying glass yeah and that whole thing I don't know so what did he do he tased a dead rat like you hit it with a Taser and he's like holding it up by the string he was like you know it's alright like I just I didn't really uh I just it he's so it's just so manipulative the way that he spoke to the people watching the video in the video he goes you've missed so much yeah he was like oh man so much has happened you've missed so much yeah that's [ __ ] up yeah to make them to make the audience feel like they're it like they're missing something like it's there yeah prerogative the fact that they didn't see what happened for the know this is all your [ __ ] fault yeah and then he goes all YouTube cut my shouldn't have like this is so clearly you know a sociopaths way of looking at things yeah he's just he doesn't see yeah he's zero empathy zero whatever it is other people's fault oh you've missed so much yeah YouTube cut my [ __ ] in half yeah yeah it's [ __ ] up dude and all these kids are watching it like oh I have missed too much now I'm gonna watch every video you put out yeah because I've been missing out yeah yeah it's it's my fault it's an interesting thought and he's [ __ ] up I'd even consider like kids would interpret it that way yeah yeah this is like super super manipulative super analysis yeah kids parents get on Good Morning America is like parents need to be careful what their kids are watching I don't make content for kids necessarily you're you're just oh why again why again Logan why again little gang you just said I don't know if you're just like a villain or if you're just that dumb I don't know which one it is I had kind of hope you're just dumb honestly yeah I mean I just think he's got you know did I say no I'm a narcissist he's like super narcissistic yeah I don't know if he's quite sociopath yet for me but definitely like hyper narcissism yeah man I don't know I I go I just look at that and I'm like is he gonna be like this in like five years probably because his dad's an idiot yeah you know machan little kids and [ __ ] on video and I was like trying to fight that dude I don't like talking about this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah they're like the boxing match with ksi yeah I actually kind of like that because if if one of the Paul's gets laid out oh that's the thing that would be the one that like I think topples their brand a little bit yeah because they always put themselves in situations where they can't lose yeah I mean if they put it if they put their own dad up for a fight and he gets laid out Oh people are gonna be like dude what what even are your values yeah yeah well do these guys not gonna win a fight against this dude like boxes a young kid like just it's just a young dude you know he like fights I think like yes I yeah I think so I saw a clip of his fight with whatever the other guy was it seemed like they were like doing rows I saw I saw a sparring video and he dropped his training partner really [ __ ] late like laid him out like that kids got hands so if they're [ __ ] senior like that's not gonna win if [ __ ] daddy Paul gets dropped that's the gift that they will never live down like I think they think they're beyond that but if every time you tweet it's just a hundred gif replies of like a this is your dad getting because of you the kid this is your dad playing games with God ksi lent that man to the Lord rain pushing his buttons a little bit dude that is like YouTube is becoming WWF yeah if this we could if this becomes a trend of youtubers just fighting this will be funny as [ __ ] man yeah but they have to actually fight can't be no goofy [ __ ] can't be no rice gum [ __ ] it's got to be real real brawls I mean that last fight was real right yeah it was real what even was that I just saw like a brief thing and I was like there's a good they fit it in like a stadium there's a whole [ __ ] audience I was like ksi I think he will organize that I don't know I think I think the other dude was an actual boxer no he's the youtuber no they were both youtubers okay well whatever I think I thought the other kid was like an amateur boxer and they just did it to do it and then BAM either way I mean I'm massively uninformed on what the [ __ ] that like that side of things goes on I just know that yeah though Paul brothers were like fight or dead for 50k Yeah right bro he would leap at the chance to just body that old man I know well he said no he was like no I'm not gonna fight your dad oh yeah [ __ ] weird yep it's so stupid I mean and also what a [ __ ] what a cop-out I know oh dude if you're really about it fight our dad know what I'm not gonna drop your dude you know oh my god I hate those guys look look up [ __ ] Randy KOTOR that guy was like an uh he was on Ultimate Fighter yeah I used to watch that show the first time I ever came to LA with my family yeah I saw Chuck Liddell in a Starbucks and I was like so start shooting yourself yes I used to watch that reality show yeah and I was like first of all he is like three times as big in person yep you know you know the camera the camera [ __ ] you know the camera adds whatever that doesn't do it enough for chuckle away sighs from that I was like I thought he was my size that time I was like five foot four I was like oh this guy's like probably similar no no he's like he's like getting nine and a half feet tall 600 600 yes I'm like that's six 700 yeah yeah he's fought like [ __ ] Superman yeah he's like yeah yeah speaking though we're gonna say I interrupted you I don't know I just whatever speaking of that the bad side of YouTube and then switching to the good side I think we should hit on the good side a little bit I can't stop thinking about my boy my blue mark Wiens queens my boy it's dude mark queens there's a there's a still wave of this video playing on the TV right in front of us yeah and it's paused yeah this is an amateur eater yeah we talked about this guy in the live podcast right I brought him up yeah so if you want to go that's on their patreon if you want to watch that show we did yeah and we talked about this guy named mark Wiens he's an amateur eater it's it creeps me out because he doesn't blink he just dude if you guys could see this [ __ ] still frame right here I mean to the guy's credit I mean he he is entertaining I watched his videos like start to finish and I'm entertained all the way through whether intentional or not there's this a 20-minute video I mean I'm not you know I'm not glued but it's like I definitely like I'm paying attention but I'll be on my phone in and out is a four-minute experience max for everyone no do you know how I eat in and out I just go to the drive-through and just inhale that burger so I just by the time I get home I can do whatever it was I was doing previous yeah I go to the drive-thru I walk ya through the drive-through you then and I pay for it and then they bring it over and I say just put it in in my face so I don't have to touch it yeah it's unreal no juice nothing on the fingers they just jam it in they stuff it too they use both hands and why and I mean it's like you know not the most pleasant experience for them they're screaming right right and there's crying and screaming but then once I get it in swallow it one whole thing and then I can just win one swallow I guess go home and do whatever the [ __ ] you're good at the one swallows I throw up yeah good one dude whoo roasted goddamnit how many bananas do you think you could swallow [ __ ] question is that you know you got an answer that's I know you're gay I asked you that question you went three wait no no no - two and a half is like knew the answer right away to - yeah you're pretty sure about that yeah I'd only try it yeah it's - it was a point if they're plantains Florentines for you take it four and a half oh [ __ ] so just shout out to mark Wiens shadow Mario speaking of show he kind of creeps me out a little bit but I got to give him credit for making a living off eating in and out unreal that you could know his story's pretty pretty [ __ ] interesting what is this story dude just like he started a blog and like wanted to like travel and eat so he would like make videos for YouTube but he like just made a living just like writing blogs for people and writing whatever posts like oh I'm in [ __ ] Bali like do you want article on food and like yeah sure just like freelanced his way around like South Asia and now he lives in a [ __ ] five bedroom house in Bangkok so they live in Bangkok did he live in Bangkok yeah so he hits a lot of interesting spots you know who I was [ __ ] so way back when was this last year sometime I was at a restaurant in West Hollywood sitting there oh it was actually before we did stand-up one time oh when I was editing at zink it was thank you and I might have told you about this there's this family was sitting across from me having this super loud obnoxious meeting with a MCN manager oh boy so he's talking about brand deals and they're talking so [ __ ] loud about like like engagement and just like the worst [ __ ] ever the most la [ __ ] of all time numbers and engagement and charts the subscribers blah blah blah I'm like dude I've I'm just trying to join my coffee here in a place you know I mean yeah and and they're really attractive both the parents and the others like like you know really cute little girl okay and so I'm like oh they must be like sort of Family Channel yeah I found them yesterday on instagrams course one of their instagrams was like on my explorer page or whatever and I went to it they're [ __ ] huge yeah well they're like : Sadler Brant they're like getting millions and millions and millions of views they just bought a Lambo they live in this giant [ __ ] house just from like vlogging their little baby that's that's weird that's so weird I mean you guy I guess like respect the hustle for sure yeah the family [ __ ] is just a little bit weird to me I just don't know what the dynamic is I don't know I mean they probably look at us and think the same thing these two guys talking about that's why it's kind of YouTube was just weird in that way YouTube has never been like a real job even though it is oh yeah the most real job for a lot of people more than you know I'm saying yeah if someone was like like he posted this image of him in front of the Lambo and it was like this giant [ __ ] caption yeah about like dreaming of this moment since he was a child and like the meaning of success and all this stuff and I'm like dude if this was a musician I'd be taking this way more seriously it's true yeah but I was like even though you own a Lambo like this I can't take this paragraph about success seriously when all you do is vlog your daughter but it's just as much of a [ __ ] art form as anything else I don't know I don't know yeah right I don't know I think it's the whole like it was a musician or whoever like you know that their money was like when a musician gets booked or when they make an album and when they sell a song it's like people consumed their media and I think that the difference is like YouTube it's just ad Rev so it's just like a thing putting money on you and and like it's like people view your content they consume it the same way but I think there's a difference in terms of like I guess people you kind of get what I'm saying it's like you're not selling tickets to watch your videos but I think musicians and like comedians and you know they're kind of selling tickets in a way whether they're selling scripts or you know doing a tour or whatever yeah yeah I think that's what it is it's like people just kind of look at online content creators is like it's just like ad money and brands like using you like you're just a [ __ ] you're just like a vessel for you know eyes and like no one really yeah just no one respects what you do yeah it's weird in that way I don't know I feel like I'm making a stupid person no no no I think that actually is a very valid point I also think like the only like because I feel like especially with them what it comes down to is like skills yeah specific skills yeah like developing skills that other people can't or won't or don't develop right so like with music like that's obviously a very respectable skill to have produce and if you can like generate songs that mass amount of people will listen to but willing with YouTube it's more all it is is growing an audience yeah you don't even have to be good at editing no you have to grow an audience which for some reason doesn't seem like that much more like that it's also a weirder skill to acquire and then flex on the audience like this guy was like Luke it might be live in this gigantic house you bought a Lambo he's posting pictures of the stuff is like look at my success and it's like the people like viewing this are directly responsible like literally yeah sounded like to me watching your videos that's the reason why you're successful you know I mean it's so weird to flex on the people that do that isn't it yeah I think so yeah he's just like hey like that's why these sorry go ahead it's it's it's imagining that moment like uploading this [ __ ] like look what you losers got me yeah I tricked all of you into me I think that's why people don't rezoning about my day that's all I'm doing you watch that I tricked you into that [ __ ] now look what I'm buying this is insane everyone in entertainment is just tricking people into thinking I think only there's probably only like actually five funny people ever and everyone else is just like tricky penis laugh track it's telling you when to laugh one day one day we just gotta like cash out yeah all the patreon money buy a Lamborghini and then write this giant post about how we tricked people into listening to dick jokes for months and months and months yeah also you know the funny part that I love to think about whenever I see a picture of a Lambo is like alright that's a great picture I want to see a picture of their face when they get the first receipt after the first great job and oil change you know how much it cost it changed the [ __ ] brakes on the Lambo as much as a Camry yeah it's like yeah I'm sure he'll be sitting there like oh wait a second he's like I could have bought a whole nother car for this [ __ ] okay I couldn't even whistle right there but just [ __ ] yeah oh man and then oh and then the hundred thousand mile chains like it just how much is it Lambo uhm easily quarter mil if not quarter nine okay yeah let's let's look it up so yeah I guess that's like Brizzy prison it's not even a word at all frizzy frizzy I guess that's like pretty attainable for someone with that amount of success on YouTube yeah right yeah I mean it is is it shouldn't you be like buying [ __ ] for your daughter also maybe now I don't know if you get an event an Aventador it's a 400 K but you know it's funny is like when you buy a Ferrari or something like that they they have like they they reserve the right they can recall the car from you if you misrepresent the brand like when you buy the car you and no way yeah they enter like you enter an agreement with them it's not like buying a Camry it's like really interesting yeah like deadmau5 he I think he had a Ferrari and he like put like a nyan cat on it oh I remember that and then Ferrari took it from him because they were like we don't want our cars looking that way so don't like cars to have memes on them yeah that should be so Lambo obvious try to take advantage by sending him a car and a with an ion yeah I'm an accountant yeah corny I'm buying a Ferrari now because of that dude that's so corny I [ __ ] want a Lambo for some reason I don't know Lambo saying I'm buying a Ferrari because they took it back get back cuz that now in cat on it yeah oh not you didn't care don't even know what the [ __ ] it's it's such like a I don't know I feel like Lamborghini specifically are like the kids dream of a left of a car like on steroids yeah it's just like a grown man's Batman car yeah like I don't ever look at that and take it dude seriously I just picked her a kid standing next to it you know the inner voice in his head is like I had to Batmobile yeah yeah yeah it's just like a Hot Wheels car blowing up or even like those [ __ ] charger Hellcats they're like neon green with 800 horsepower yeah they're [ __ ] fast and yeah taupe I know but it's just still when that big ass dude on I know it's like in testosterone gets out of the car look at my Hellcat yeah that's the only voice I hear my cool call and I bio SVO in my all my down savings I took I say a mortgage to get my cool call and now when I pull up to the white and I see a widow call [ __ ] a civics driving around town you know Santa give a little little taste you know drop the clutch they don't want it it's just like what it is is it's like every like 13 year old boys wet dream that they developed when they were first watching fast and furious I remember the moment I was sitting in the theater we had snuck into that movie because it was yeah whatever yeah I'm 14 and mature yeah no it was 14 a four federating no I hate it I think we have a rating 49 oh my god 14 uh adult I think is the most [ __ ] rating 14 a I know it's like not quite restricted is like 14 year-olds are fine but 13 year-olds hell no we say butt cheeks in this movie you have to be in at least ninth grade to watch this film you need at least two pubes your pube jokes in this film all right drop trou drop the trailer so you can see the pubes how many people you got it's a [ __ ] song they're seeing one it's a senator looking at the girls I got like an ass pube - all right that's - get on in there get your pubes on in there dude enjoy the movie two American senators with their phones oh-ho let me get a picture of those kids to make sure these are good gonna save these for later what's your name Timmy nice to me quick lick okay I know the first Fast and Furious pick any scene I guarantee you I can quote something from what about the one I'm in your face [ __ ] [ __ ] even now on you go so [ __ ] fat burger get yourself a fat deal with fried $4.99 or whatever okay I mean he was in my face I'm in your face oh my god dude when Paul Walker died my home he texted me rest in peace Brian spilner my [ __ ] heart broke wait Brian spilner is that his name is character I was like brah no rows closed pizza boy find another way home goddamn street racers what about again named what about the scene oh this might be in the second one when uh when they're on the boats the first one when they first meet Ludacris no it's definitely too fast too furious okay dude that was a great scene though when he was pushing that r34 know that opening scene where Paul Walker comes up with the r34 yeah and he's just [ __ ] purging the nitrous and sending girls skirts in there that was like every so [ __ ] sick it I do die I told my uncle after watching that movie that I wanted to soup up a car yeah I was like oh I'm gonna buy like a Honda Accord or some [ __ ] and I'm gonna soup it up that was like my goal let me tell you it's not all it's not all it's cracked up to me you actually did it oh [ __ ] yeah you actually did it yeah man dude what did you soup up I had a shitty 98 Prelude it was a fifth gen it was I wanted yes when I [ __ ] wanted I wanted a prelude slammed it to the floor had a carbon fiber hood you fat Mugen exhaust loser oh my god you're a loser then it was at fast no it's such a heavy car yeah but I just was allowed that's it not even it's like the motor is it's a bigger block for like it's it's like one of the early 2 liters by Honda the RSX though the type s that cars [ __ ] that motor is the [ __ ] so you also had an RS X no my buddy had our SX ok dude my dad use have an NSX that car is nice it's awesome yeah I love that [ __ ] give that to you to soup up unfortunately now he sold it and bought a [ __ ] defender Land Rover which was also cool but like really weird dredge yeah very much a switch and especially in the [ __ ] winter in Canada yeah like I went from like listening to Led Zeppelin full blast beautiful stereo like warm car to like driving basically through the [ __ ] tundra yeah yeah just off-roading like it was shitty you never roof on it like a like a flat top like yeah [ __ ] yeah no fat like fabric or whatever yeah yeah wasn't even a hardtop bro I want to go back to racing cars racing shitty cars so used to street race nah I mean we stood like do polls on like random street every time I go no hot girl now my car was so [ __ ] lying on [ __ ] [ __ ] just crush that [ __ ] yeah she's playing games with God I'm gonna burn offline no because where I live like a bunch of like suburban kids at my school like they got they're like the rich kids and they they would all get like the small like German cars that were turbo door like the Subarus so if you had like a shitty Honda these kids would always just come down from the top of like the white-people mountain you know what kind of [ __ ] car is that [ __ ] be something like you can hear the turbo you're like I'm gonna get [ __ ] rolled like those grand I know it's not even that's more Honda [ __ ] Subarus like Honda yeah yeah you really tuning cars is such a [ __ ] I used to look when you go to a car meet that is the biggest waste of time it's just a bunch of dudes being like yeah I can't afford to make my car fast me either bro what do you have on there is snicker what is a car meet its when a bunch of people pull up with like their cars and just like I like cars you like cars it's like and this is so foreign it's like Grindr for dudes with cars okay okay but dudes that are gay for their cars yeah but don't want yeah it's like guys that don't [ __ ] each other but want to be friendly with each other and rock about cars okay yeah it's it's like it's like a celibate Grindr gotcha gotcha okay make sense tag does and they were like there's an ad before the that's cringe the one we just did for an app called gay Dorado what is that it's like a dating app again Dorado Gator otter I thought that was the funniest [ __ ] name it's an awful name Gator Otto yeah just not clever at all at all definitely made by straight people yeah are we gonna make an app is for gays we're gonna call it gay Dorado Rado city of gold that's great anyway someone tagged us in that and they were like maybe you guys need to get on anyway back to car meets yeah dude the whole cartooning world is super funny cuz you got guys working at [ __ ] whatever they're lame minimum-wage job is and they will spend like like overtime money buying rims yeah and I just feel like it's something you grow out of like every time you should have but they don't you know I mean it's like it's like the next stage from Warhammer is rinse yeah yeah and like you age another like I I like completely lost interest yeah no I mean I still like obviously I have the same amount of like admiration for nice cars as any other guy our age but it was like I eventually and I feel like most guys get to the point where it's like alright I don't need to put an exhaust yeah I don't need a binder I don't need a body kid on my car unless it's like that right I mean people don't put body kits on cars anymore they don't that's like a show thing that was only like that like when Fast and Furious came out like that was like a thing you know but did it was like a misunderstood feel tool don't do that they lower them now like it depends I mean like if y'all like s2000 you might be like a hardtop on it like you know certain body kids are like gotcha whatever cool but people thought you know that dude didn't need to [ __ ] know that I was just gonna say you can tell how fast the dudes Subaru is by how hooked up his vape is the vape is a one to one of his car so if it's like kind of small but like you know big like mouthpiece probably a Civic with a big-ass exhaust now if he's holding like a [ __ ] car like a goddamn engine block yeah like a piece of the car yeah a piece of the car it looks like with a [ __ ] spool on the end of it his [ __ ] has got a blow-off valve when he smokes it then yeah you know is he's got an STI it's running like 20 pounds it's as fat dude he's got an STI yeah you know it's got an STI like a sexually trick oh oh probably also an STI on a rear human yeah no he's got a UTI from coming on himself too much jerking off into his car I just imagine that dude like like getting his paycheck at the end of the week or whatever and looking at it and like trying to figure out how much he's gonna put into his car and how much he's gonna spend on vape juice no I really want that [ __ ] vanilla frappe flavor mushu's is but it's like it's 26 bucks and I don't know there's like a really cool like vanity license plate holder that I could buy for 26 bucks that says vape man beat me up vape boy dude is this bank statement this bank statement breaks down it's just like like 40% vape 40% cars like mint.com yeah and it's just it's just splitting my graph split in half vape and cart Apia juiced car and then 0.01 bills yeah like any bank statement email in between all the ones from his landlord like a hundred bucks [ __ ] off mom he's looking at the pie graph he's looking at that 0.1% and he's like how can I spend more a car any more car or more vape yeah bro dude vape boy maybe I am bait me up vape me up doggie yeah dog we got to make that's what we're gonna make vanity license plate holders for the podcast make me up doggie I've dude my other car is an s2000 that's [ __ ] oof that is off right there my other car is an s2000 yo I saw Corvette the other day the gym sick [ __ ] awesome dude every time we see a Corvette Devin goes yo yo check that [ __ ] out and I'm like yo you know I made this Corvette the best he had three stickers on the back it said not least not financed no way not something it was basically like oh you [ __ ] yeah I bought this with cash you bought a Corvette with cash you idiot do not brag about leasing a Corvette hundred percent cuz but there's many ways to get a Corvette affordable yeah and you can get Corvettes are the dopest $12,000 dude should be bragging about god damnit and see this reckons $55,000 not financed not least cold hard cash that's right Lauren [ __ ] that's one my hash part on my boat looking to sell my boat dude you need boats are sick as you buy them for a [ __ ] don't my boats and Corvettes are similar where you buy them first [ __ ] ton of money and then you sell them for $200 sooner bucks yeah yeah now dude I mean tuning cars it depends where you live some some place is actually cool like Texas there's no there's no laws out there so you get a dude with a straight up like dragster like a thousand horsepower just like on the freeway like you know say crazy yeah just be like just look over like what's up this downshift and then you're in your [ __ ] Corvette with the two hundred shot of nos and you're like we [ __ ] love cars [Music] shipped in the seventh gear yeah and then you crash and [ __ ] each other in there in the area you're wearing seat bolts your secret way through the windshield into each other and just [ __ ] make out yeah with your [ __ ] love your car I mean my home we had a phrase called dude [ __ ] okay cars get you dude [ __ ] cars do not get girls unless you pull up in an exotic and you go to a club if you're the [ __ ] gas station four guys walk or a man what's your name yeah charger [ __ ] sick car brother do you stop rubbing my lower back please Oh what's your name massaging his shoulders kind of HP we talking on this say you know what you're not bad at this great stopping that bad part gets me 650 I saw this one on Gator otter I think I've had there are two comments that stand out in my mind when I own my Prelude one dude walks up to me if worse at a gas station just comes like out of the gas station like a brisk pace and he's like yo man could I take some pictures of your car and I'm like yeah that's weird because Honda's get stolen a lot so when he was doing it he was already had the camera out I'm like uh so he was like taking pictures and he's like going all the way around my car I'm like that's [ __ ] strange but nothing my car never got stolen huh number two I went somewhere and this dude I gotten some conversation like he was like a cashier at something and I'm like oh do you know my homie this and he's like yeah oh is that your prelude out there I'm like yeah he's like Oh bro I definitely have a picture of that in my phone and I'm like [ __ ] it's just such a weird thing like weird just breast sick to the homies yeah dude look he's got like a group called car boys horrible yo homies I saw the sickest Prelude it's like every other guy says hot girls like car boys Oh bro yes someone sends a picture of like a hot girl wrong thread Jerry dude to get it out of here on three this is the car thread well you beat me up this is the last [ __ ] time man you I'm gonna [ __ ] ban you you ready the banhammer if you send another picture of tits in the car boys threat pictures for prelude scoob's sti's six oops bro I want a coffee just pretend I do that usually I'm just trying to get like that just get the taste the scent yeah you know man I'm apologize for railroading everyone with [ __ ] car talk it's just such a it was a part such a significant part of my life there's some time how long were you a carboy little carboy yeah was I've ate me up yeah I don't know like definitely all through call definitely all through college it definitely so why four years at least but you know what dude you know it's a shitty point in time is when you have your rice rocket and then you're a grown man like you leave college yeah I mean I graduated super late but so even worse when I dropped out of college and everyone I knew was graduating and I would walk out to my car and I would start it up as a grown man and it's like I'm like oh god and then you're sorry you're driving to like real job interviews like corporate buildings and your cars is through all through the parking structure can't you can't play with a speed bump yeah say you can't go over the speed bumps because it's too [ __ ] low you're trying to get over the first one to the valet guy who's used to parking like Mercedes and beamers and you're like up hold on I got to just get it over I got a profile the car not getting this job and then the guy who's interviewing you just happens to walk those hiring managers like right there just like he's like eight limit you know what just go at him back o save you some time but you're not gonna get the job probably not going to happen so yeah so no one got my champagne Civic I got like the [ __ ] office all this one that you guys are a mall car so you sold your prelude and got a grandma with you sell it all souped up and everything yeah you get like good money for it or not not really oh that's the other thing I wanted to bring up actually put this in the chat the other day I almost [ __ ] wrecked that car really it was like super scary and it wasn't from driving yeah now did you so check this out this is the dumbest thing that I've ever done okay in life like this is right above hand Colette statement okay maybe below that was bad that was dumb as hell I have nightmares about that oh man I can imagine everyone heard that and they were like ooh yikes they're like this time Cody was right yeah podcast should have ended yeah it should have ended yeah maybe no more dude we're changing my brakes on an on my driveway at the time and it's an incline what one of us probably me like you're supposed to put the car in gear cuz obviously the shits up so the rear tires aren't good so whatever the car is out of gear for some reason I start jacking up the car there are no tires on the back like whatever like the drums they're not drums but so the car's in the air I'm jacking it up by the tow hook so you can imagine my Prelude is like ass in the air and it's just on the front wheels and it's not in gear and we're on a [ __ ] incline as I'm jacking the car up this just sounds like I'm jacking off the car as I'm jacking him up the car starts rolling down the [ __ ] driveway and it's like you know 2,100 so the cars rolling and I'm like sliding with it and I'm like holding the jack stand not the Jackson with a jack like by the the pole this is such a [ __ ] graphic this sounds like dicks it's like just dicks dicks are everywhere in this [ __ ] conversation so the car sliding I'm trying the jack is throbbing Rob anything in my hands robbing with desire to fall down and it's like bouncing around on my lips I wants to release it really wants to release but that's what's happening and I'm sliding with the car and I'm screaming I'm like oh [ __ ] and my buddy's just standing on the side like oh [ __ ] is his car is at the end of the driveway and it's like so I'm like picking up some speed my front bumper like like my car kind of goes in an angle and it like taps his wheel and his wheels were like they like protrude out a little bit so it stopped it from hitting the car but then that impact I was able to like brace the jack and not have the car completely like fall because if I was even wrong just a little bit the entire rear of the car would just hit the pavement and I would have just slaughtered like the rear bumper probably that like the cat I would just buck the car up like pretty [ __ ] hard Jesus Christ yeah and I remembered him that was a moment where I'm like I hate this like that I looked that was a growing up moment yeah what am i coming of age moment right there am i doing yeah like this is Saturday afternoon everyone that I know is at the [ __ ] beach and I'm here putting brakes on my car people just pay other people that do this no one does this on their own accord it's great yeah that's a great story that's a great coming-of-age moment right there right there why am I putting brakes on my own car yeah this is [ __ ] dumb so I did it for like three more years I had a moment similar to that with my remember this what coke with coke now I still do ton of that no cocaine use here Keep Calm I know I was this was this was like when I realized I need to be care like so the warhammer was one of the ones where I was like all right I got to be careful with money when I was like seven years old or whatever yeah then I realized it I I I guess like the first steps in like embracing patience or something yeah I might have told this story before but like I first job out of college first like decently decent paying jobs out of college right a software engineer was working for this company and got my first paycheck had some expendable income now so I was I owned by a big TV and play video games again have I told this not only no not that I remember how about a 60-inch TV which I'm sure was [ __ ] expensive at the time I was 2012 so I mean probably the same oh yeah I was like oh it was like a thousand bucks I'm pretty sure okay tbh it's a lot for like a very first paycheck sure my very first like big purchase ever thousand dollars on a TV and I got it I ordered it from Amazon probably it arrived and I lived right beside my place or sorry I worked right beside my apartment yeah so I got the text that it had arrived at lunch and I was like I'll just pop on over and see it real quick yeah and I popped over and sings like it's 60-inch TVs like that it's like not easy to [ __ ] handle by yourself so I pull the box inside and I'm like I really want to see it I really want to see it but I gotta get back to work I was like I'll just [ __ ] take the box off and put it on the TV stand though right I was like I really should have someone help me do this because the TV's so big but [ __ ] it I'm want to do this I wanna see right now so I I lift the box off of it and I turn around to put the Box down and as I turned back around the TV just starts to fall and I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] and I dropped the box and I go to try and save it and it's too late the TV lands right on my the corner of my media stand it gets shattered by the day that I [ __ ] got like I didn't even own it for for five minutes and shattered it my first big ticket purchase shattered it within five minutes of owning it and I sat there and I was like I'm such a [ __ ] idiot I knew I should have and I was so stoked to get this goddamn TV because I was like I'm a play I'm gonna get back into call of duty oh my moment for me [Laughter] shattered it and imagining your face just the jaw-dropping like hmm I was like this [ __ ] happens in TV shows doesn't happen real like five minutes of owning this TV and I destroy it and so I'm like I need to be more patient and I need to be careful and like ever since then I've been like more careful with like open ends like waiting for [ __ ] and I remember I was like well okay I'll try and I'll try and lie you know try and get this replaced it's showed up broken so I called Fry's I've already from Fry's I called them and I was like I was like I TV showed up shattered and they're like alright can you send us pictures and I sent pictures and they were like alright we're gonna have someone come out and inspect it and I was like alright it's pretty clear by looking at this dent that it's not a date it's not a shipping dent this is a this is a puncture in the screen like clear that this was dropped yeah and so the guy showed up in my house and I just like didn't answer the door and I was like I'm because I was too much of a [ __ ] but second of all I was like I need to I need to eat this cost you don't learn a lesson sure I just should have done that before I made this guy come all the way out that was a dumbass move but I was like I just like you know what I'm not gonna lie anymore I'm just gonna be honest with with myself you know just eat this and buy another TV you learn a [ __ ] lesson yeah more patient so that's that's my story yeah Wow that's that's a good one no I'm trying to think of any other like coming-of-age experiences that I'm like Carl Carl was such the big one for me because my [ __ ] half my personality was car yeah when I got rid of that you just feel part of you died like oh well I don't know who I am well what was a half Prelude I'm half pretty that's how that's I identify as has a prelude yeah then I then I fill it over the UFC that's your graph that's your life pie graph you just carve and reserve see yeah and then eventually like funny came like one didn't I don't think that ever yeah UFC not the same I don't even get to get in Oh have you seen that [ __ ] video of Mayweather trolling McGregor no saying that like there's a rematch isn't there no no he he like got in like a octagon and like filling himself and he was like 2018 Floyd Mayweather MMA what are the odds Patti what are the odds and I think Patti is just like oh like reference like an Irishman or something like a slur could be wrong about that but like it's like showing like his little legs yeah and I'm like bro like everyone is replying to him like please God don't do it don't [ __ ] do it like Floyd is teasing that he's gonna fight Connor in the Octagon yeah he's gonna do he's not there's no way he's gonna get laid out he gives legs chopped in half go look up Randy kotor verse james toney that was brutal what what happens he's a boxer and he's like I could do it man he went right to his back like just didn't even know how to defend it I want to search that right now yeah look it up we go for we got like a little fuck-around on the phone well he's doing that I want to go ahead and say we got the official dates for the live show so it's not let's not talk about this until the ticket link is ready Oh true yeah sorry no no you'll find out next week we're announcing it so yeah I don't wanna like blow it up before people can actually mind to introduce me yeah yeah cuz then it's the third auto-complete Randy Couture verse James Toney what's up everybody Oh God this one was bad edit videos America so this guy was a boxer yeah okay let's see very good boxer I mean granted they were all this [ __ ] when this fight happened so it's not when was this oh wow it was straight to the ground yeah how quick does he lose extremely fast like he oh I was just getting late Oh is he tap or what happens all right oh my God he's just punching him in the [ __ ] face yeah wow that's fast holy [ __ ] yeah he was already you already lost yeah is he a good boxer yeah a great boxer I mean this time I mean I was like towards the end of his career so it's like but even Randy Couture was old at that point - Randy Couture's retirement was so [ __ ] dude just so boss he took like a front kick to the face and lost a tooth and then like afterward they were like so Randy what are your plans like yeah I think I'm done just so casual missing a tail lose the fight yeah no definitely but he was like definitely I can't hear the word definitely without that sketch now definitely listen to how anyone says definitely hey they don't pronounce the T definitely I love when people spelled defiantly yeah when they tryin to say definitely devoutly how do you [ __ ] that up I mean defiantly I am not even here to police anyone's grammar I got the shittiest grin recently probably not now I don't follow you yeah you just muted me no I don't follow you need I have you meet it oh okay cool and just honestly bro hey that doesn't mean you sure I'm follow me I'm gonna go do it right now I want to actually hear you know what we can talk about to end the podcast yeah I there's this concept that I've been honing I've been developing yeah called Noel time basically the way it the way it goes the way I can you know I have it summarized right now is Noel time is this it's when you say something is gonna happen let's say oh we want to meet up film podcasts make some music whatever when you say 1:00 p.m. in Noel time that means first of all he's gonna leave it - yep second of all he's gonna hit you with a phone call or a text right before he leaves saying have you eaten - which you say whatever and he say oh I have antennae for the hungry so then you have to give 40 minutes of 40 to 45 minutes of leeway to eat some weird Korean chicken and and rice it's always chicken or rice chicken rice I was chicken rice he's gonna eat it really slow yep probably safe so that by this point so that now it's been an hour forty minutes you eat it which takes another yeah half an hour yep you don't I mean yeah and then so you actually end up getting in the studio three at three so all time is usually about two hours yeah I have my own black yeah my own time zone yeah yeah like I told you the other day Kanye quote I'll be there in five minutes five hours later I'll be there in five minutes that's that's me I can't like I hate I hate it I hate well no I hate I don't hate I just hate I just don't understand people being late I don't understand although actually now I kind of do because I'm late sometimes yes is it Kelsey yeah well here's my late here's my thing I go yeah let's go one and then I'm like I can go to the gym it's honestly it's just the gym and I got it I got to figure this out man cuz it's starting to I'm starting to be just a little bit of a rat in there you know I'm saying are you gym rat a little bit not like I don't hang out there for a while but it's like it's getting to a point where I'm like how much time do I have I can squeeze it in you get hungry yeah so it's like I come out I'm hungry than I'm hungry again I'm hungry again yeah it's just consumes my life you eat now like a [ __ ] yeah I can't use putting down food yeah this [ __ ] happens when you start eating your stomach [ __ ] expands yeah same thing when you stop eating shrinks yeah how's that going what I'm going through right now it's good man I really like it yeah shrinking I think oh my stomach gets smaller notice that [ __ ] that it's actually noticeable yeah start eating less start requiring less desiring less food yeah I don't know about desiring but yeah G for me I always want food but it's like yeah your body doesn't like doing no fries 2018 really zero okay I could pull a fast food and be like let me get all protein that's bold feel like so you don't want fries with that and I'm like [ __ ] I'm good you want zero fries make a couple fries in there for you Sarah that's cool once you take what you want right but the once you put that one frappe your ass I'm not gonna put my ass I'm gonna put it in your bag huh well it's one salty fries so really I'm what goes on there I'm okay come on look at it there's a salt glistening I'm okay I'm okay look at this you could see it little little crystals little crisp little pleasure crystals on there look at that just one fry perfectly cooked perfectly crispy perfectly soft so it is like so hungry right now no one has ever described fries as sexually that I just did is glistening Jess you made a sound fries had abs little pleasure sticks with little pleasure a pleasure stick I'm using that one yeah yeah that's fries doesn't doesn't refer to anything else I'm gonna get a pair of boxers with pleasure sticks on the front bra that's like a magic stick that's right should I call it a magic stick that's like in wedding crashers when the dude says you want to play tummy sticks yeah I know that [ __ ] that is like what mostly are in [ __ ] phrases tummy sticks yeah in no ones don't even know what it's just like leave so much for the imagination to [ __ ] decide that's such an aggressive phrase yeah I don't I don't think anyone ever wants to be told let's plate tummy thanks yeah no no matter no girlfriend no wife oh my god you're a husband you just leaned over to your wife hey baby tummy sticks Michael mo the [ __ ] lon thanks how we played that game [ __ ] lon then we can play tummy whatever hey should we talk about [ __ ] Kim or Kylie Jenner's baby store me yes stormy stormy Scott isn't it did you watch that video I watched the the one hurt her video to my child wherever yeah - pretty good honestly dude we're watching that in bed and I the video ends and Kelsey's bawling yeah I was like I couldn't not laugh at the video I was just something goofy about it to me really sorry well done I mean it definitely was goofy but I thought like for what it was was a goofy thing her friends just didn't like I get they're trying to make it sentimental but the way her friends were talking about it I didn't feel sentiment or like emotion at all - they're like on December whatever they cuts her friend like Kylie is like gonna like be a mom she's gonna and like the best mom - the best mom ever she's really good we like I feel like all they've done is probably get drunk together yeah yeah if I if I know one thing about Kylie man she can [ __ ] down surak's it's gonna be great mom it just shows her perseverance she always cleans up her own throw up she's such a good mom she's so good at throwing up on herself and then cleaning it up I just know she's gonna do well with a baby yeah that's the one babies do that but that's the one thing that freaks me out about a baby it's like they just like puke yeah but he just be holding them when they're cute like oh I get it my directly and like just projectile bro oh yeah yakked into my aunts mouth when I was a baby she was like lying down with oh my god like no no well so cute god she's like who is this [ __ ] demon child why do babies just throw up it's like their systems just aren't even yeah it's like well I don't need that right now just chillin yeah we don't need that and I love a babies expression when I puke because there's just nothing yeah like they're just mouth is open it's like yeah it doesn't even care it's like an automated thing just purchase yeah I'm just gonna get some time to go be so funny if baby so [ __ ] funny dude if babies just like vomited like a broken the hose just like sprinklers one cylinder of liquid like the [ __ ] Fountains at Universal you know I like it the Bellagio my always baby and he was like amen don't let him feeling like you're gonna puke on you now cuz you're holding them like just cuz you're gonna cuz he know he doesn't knew I'd be a [ __ ] about it and when someone puts that idea in your head you don't to be like Oh the baby out of my cuz like that's [ __ ] rude yeah you know women just drop it right I actually I didn't feel anything it's weird like especially when you're holding your friend's kid it's like you're kind of like yeah go ahead bro puke on me like it's the homie but it was anyone else's baby and someone was like yeah he might be okay but oh here we go and here have this back please God turning it there you go bro what's happening yeah do you want kids do I want kids eventually yeah definitely I don't know do I feel I definitely want a couple of critters I'm start with a dog yeah yeah yeah me too probably yeah eventually you can put that I am a dog so yeah yeah you definitely follow your nose yeah yeah if you all want to know what it's like to be Cody's friend he just follows his nose anything you don't want to eat just leave it out in his general vicinity that's what I mean I'll eat the scrap it out whatever is leftover I'll just eat off the floor you drop something the funniest amount the funniest thing about that is this is your thing you go ooh what is this grab can I have some bite the ultimate dick move yeah hey look at me taking your food look at and watch me eat this it's not even mine that's how I won the game for me challenge oh just we do oh you haven't won it's I mean it was 60 days and from that day well yeah okay yes yeah yes you might be right but now I'm back on it back on the wagon and I'm in it yeah you are no you are yeah promise my friends yeah yeah so let's extend was let's give it a 30-day extension from now from now [ __ ] off I have to win I just I need to win something here [ __ ] you bro you got the [ __ ] athlete's dad are the most the best I have is a athlete's grandpa what does your grandpa do Oh [ __ ] was just built really like just yeah just built six to six foot down to the built grandpa's yeah swam like eight miles a day for years just crush it just crush a lake that's like so in shape yeah swimmer in shape is [ __ ] it's okay dude that's the manly [ __ ] get up at 6:00 a.m. honey where you going I'm just go pound through this lake I'll be back yeah just in just in underwear yeah in like in like negative 30 days yeah yeah I mean it's like one of those dudes that's just like mentally yeah has trained himself not to feel cold yeah just doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah just frozen lake I'm gonna go just conquer this like every morning in Chicago through the winter he just comes out there with a [ __ ] just like a shovel and just puts a crack in yeah swims underwater under the like a [ __ ] shark seal then uppercuts through the other side then they go there's buff grandpa there he goes again yeah so that's that's the best I got so I mean that's pretty good it is good to have ya buff grandpa yeah buff grandpa that swims frozen lakes and that's impressive sorry I gotta go man I need some [ __ ] food yeah I could do that - speaking of well thanks for listening guys yeah look out for the tour announcements - announcer next week new music on the way yes we're on three songs right now yep the race today Chinese music video done but you know things come up wait when do we post that you won't [ __ ] my wife uh-oh last week yeah that [ __ ] has a hundred thousand plays on Soundcloud now yeah over a hundred thousand play comment if you're up for [ __ ] step we're gonna we're gonna yeah we're gonna we're gonna give ourselves some accolades in the corner of the [ __ ] step market we invented that [ __ ] invented cuts that bro to everyone who is thoroughly turned on by the Car Talk I just want to say it's okay it's okay to be half Honda and be turned on by cars it's alright I'm not shaming you for that what I am saying is you're 27 and maybe it's time to stop saying you're gonna finish school at the Community College and just maybe get a job yep that's all I'm saying
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 267,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, noel miller, thats cringe, comedy
Id: zSjSKtb-jzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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