Episode 22 - Cody's Breakout HBO Role

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hey what's going on everybody welcome back to the podcast I just wanted to apologize real quick the audio on this one is a little weird we tried some new microphones and it turns out they weren't very good we swapped them out on our newest episode so if you want to check that out head over to our patreon but nonetheless enjoy this episode peace I'm losing it no that's fine good morning everybody good morning or good evening good morning yeah good morning how's everybody doing good good that was talking about no sorry I'm I'm great I wanna I want to dress me right off the bat good all right good we got we're back in the studio now we are this is the second time we've recorded here we bolt before at the episode because I was in Mexico yo did too we posted them when I was you know sipping cervesas and whatnot and [ __ ] well the card told again not to know I told Noel the [ __ ] cut that part out of the episode oh my go dude can you cut that cartel apart because it's weird and I get super weird when you start talking about it and I'm like oh yeah yeah for sure we'll do we'll do all these comments you know Cody got like mad weird like do did you cut it out [ __ ] man I'm sorry dude and in the next episode we talked about some [ __ ] with the James Franco or whatever and I was like dude you got to cut that out you like it for sure for sure for sure you're going out blow up the episodes like wait do you before you do that you got the James Franco part you're like oh [ __ ] man thanks Joe I'm glad you reminded me all right in my defense I was right I was doing a million things okay all right I had a lot going on okay by the way this this protein bar tastes like play-doh they are awful it's straight it tastes like play-doh yeah wait sorry I shouldn't be eating in the mic no this is these that brand new really powerful my except pick up everything yeah we decide the first time we use them we're gonna eat a quest bar right into it um I wanted to address before we get started so we got this new fancy set set up second time in here and the first time you reported two episodes and they posted and there's a bunch of comments about how my if you watch the video about how I have a really shitty profile and how about how this is not my angle and I have to [ __ ] agree with you I don't know what to do yeah we got to do something because I look [ __ ] bad with this angle here the front works much better for me yeah cuz it actually looks like I have a jawline then I don't at all well it's basically just sort of like a like a you know like a pancake yeah it's like a we could backlight you but then you'll just look like a dope-ass egg I'm fine with an egg yeah I find the egg as long as I don't look like you know you look at it you really see that it's like the light hits my chin or chin sorry perfectly oh my god yeah pop that one more time perfect yeah penis yeah ruin everybody's I don't want to use this pop filter I feel he's [ __ ] annoying you just got a it's huge yeah yeah I'm I think it ain't terrible yeah I get used to it so we're back we are back we're back it feels good it does I don't like bulk recording I don't either cuz it feels like there's [ __ ] every week that we want to talk about what we don't get to because or miss or whatever but like [ __ ] happened last week where I was like [ __ ] I want to talk about this in the episode yeah you know when [ __ ] feels stale everyone was geeking about that fortnight stream I didn't get to watch any of it I fell asleep this [ __ ] last night yeah so I mean I don't know I saw some funny clips again I did you yeah so funny [ __ ] happened yeah does any like an average time where you pop into a stream just mostly boring it's mostly [ __ ] boring right I don't man stream still we're gonna we're gonna turn the entire live streaming community against us I feel like because I'm just gonna talk [ __ ] about it every single time until I understand it yeah that's what I do I talk [ __ ] about something and eventually I'll take a moment to reflect on back oh actually this isn't that bad and they'll take back everything I said you know try tilting the mic up towards you a little bit miss well we're you know we're figuring that everybody okay we're gonna get professional yeah like that I got and get right along and like yes oh yeah yeah there we go there you go whisper sweet nothings what's I'm trying to get coded use to equipment that cost more than 13 dollars because that's his favorite Cody's favorite is like all right can we do this for nine cents it's so true man these mic stands are like so much heavy heavier duty than anything I would have bought I mean this is like nine pounds not moving yeah you know pushing this as hard as I can yeah mm-hmm it's like a plate yeah what was I saying okay yeah the live-streaming [ __ ] like I pop into this stream but everyone's like cool [ __ ] Drake's playing on ninjas stream yeah and in [ __ ] Travis Scott is there - and now juju Smith is there - and I'm like oh this gotta be good yeah right there's about to be real good yeah I pop in and I just see ninja never actually playing the game they're always just like talking and sort of playing I don't know they're playing or they just playing a recording of someone playing right and and I and I uh I pop in there and he's like so this question he's just first of all like blue ass hair yeah classic like this this is streaming he's a gamer this is the coolest streamer yeah that's bright blue hair and actually I should every SoundCloud rapper has yeah blue hair now so I shouldn't be judging that but no pop in there and he's like pop pop in there and he's like this question is directed towards Drake and Travis Scott what is your guys his favorite EDM bands do you do this a lot of eat and I'm like oh so what was the answer I Drake was just like I don't know if someone juju I think was like Tiesto okay like I think was just kind of like taking it they get him a little bit like saying the most generic techno artists yeah a tiesto dude I don't know I don't listen to [ __ ] like sandstorm yes I was the EDM I don't think juju Travis or Drake listen to a lot of EDM yeah I mean Travis didn't even say a word yeah the whole stream I don't think they were just high off his ass there were two there are two clips I saw they were super funny one Travis had like a he'd like picked up a brick of cash in the game so he's at some point he was like yeah check this out he's like making it rain in the game like [ __ ] like you just hear the audio right yeah you just see no no you never see him why don't you see Drake in them that is their streaming no trying to explain multi camera streaming to like try Scott and trait they're not gonna deal with all that well first you're gonna download OBS and then you're gonna hook into this and then click the record but they're not doing yeah they're like so so then what all I do all I do is click record well independent it depends what what kind of what OS are you using like you know a man on second thought I'm out of here I just gotta say Drake is my favorite cam girl now yeah so I hope you starts a cam girl site yeah just hit the [ __ ] out of it you know I tweeted this but I deleted it a while back Kim K has like the twitch streamer girl look now like she tweets about anime and eating ramen and she got that long pink hair yeah she was like a twitch streamer she's pink hair yeah yeah huh yeah so I think they're all just like eventually all hip-hop icons are just gonna become streamers that's when twitch will become cool yeah imagine Kanye making beats making what oh oh on Twitch yeah that'd be [ __ ] amazing would you so sick just hit make it does so hard to it's cool right yeah picture it Hey sitting okay yeah that's so it's kind of let's say I've never thought about that fourth yeah so I just it man like it's just so funny how this guy is the coolest streamer yep and how astronomically uncool he was compared to just Drake's voice yep that's it yep Drake would say anything yeah and it just sounded like this it was just sounded infinitely cooler than this guy yeah and that's no I drink um if you wouldn't mind just you know fun you get some rocket launchers or something we could probably get this flag and other than like I think it's just that like what were the funny clips that you were I know the one you want and then like Travis Scott was like hey man you got some band-aids a juju you got band-aids and then ninja being a [ __ ] nerd goes band-aids cuz I guess band-aids don't exist in the game I think Travis Scott goes I shut him yeah he's laughing it was like tongue-in-cheek there's a little bit like as a [ __ ] I'll reach through the internet and bust you on that [ __ ] goofy non-existent bottom lip dirt apparently juju Smith had a person from twitch yeah come to his house to set up his stream of course because he wanted to play with Drake and Travis like on the spot that's hilarious and the ninja guy was like yo juju is that got a twitch technician still your house and she was like yeah you just he's playing with the guy and it's like there to make sure that everything was going smoothly that's how big of a deal this was I mean bro dude they had like four mega celebs no I know I think it was probably the biggest stream with whichever so listen to what Sam said about this he goes cuz he Sam Sam has met this guy Sam used to work for MLG overture so he knows ninja I so he's like met him a couple times and like okay with him I think cool so he goes hold on one second let's wouldn't sit he goes that hold on one second yeah yeah he said hold on one sec alright so he goes oh Kim Kim calm and logic apparently we're there too yeah yeah would you put the [ __ ] is Kim calm doing four days I'm bruh escaping the law with seven hundred trillion dollars yeah is he still like in New Zealand or ever yeah I thought he got extradited okay so six hundred and fifty thousand live viewers they had okay dude you wanted to play with them but he couldn't join their game because he had a Mac so he went to Best Buy bought a PC and just came back to get back on and he had the twitch guy with him that's his dude is gonna make so much damn money ninjas your friend nah but I've met him a couple times and played with him a bunch you get ad money obviously from twitch but also get premium subs you know he's get like 4k premium subs in the last thirty minutes which in the screenshot a reddit comment yeah it says yeah if he can keep this up for even a year or two he'll be set for life can you shut the [ __ ] up I'm listening I'm listening you good yes did the [ __ ] cigarette smoke pouring through yeah yeah if you can keep this up for a year - he'll be set for life if he's even partially frugal I think he has something like a hundred and seventy thousand subs which roughly equates to 680 K a month which doesn't include donations and sponsors which I'm assuming is that at least another million or so a month oh dude it's pulling in 12 to 20 million a year oh it's sick from [ __ ] twitch streaming for tonight I guess I guess it is pretty cool to stream that's cool yeah that's cool Oh him in like was a doctor disrespect yeah I [ __ ] it up last time everyone got mad at me yeah yeah whatever doctor disrespect his wife Thursday yeah welcome to this lick daddy club that [ __ ] was making money money yeah yeah that much yeah lots of money it's crazy because I would have thought being naked on a webcam would have made more money and it turns out no not just be a skinny gamer and well with the rocket launcher like learn how to capture a flag yeah video game who would have thought that's where the money is yeah we'll say sex sells but it's no actually she virginity sells virginity absolutely so yeah that's crazy dude that I mean good for him I guess ya know it's still a funny concept I think like this is like twitch is like in those early YouTube days where people are gonna make a shitload of money and then five years the business will be like huh maybe we should have thought about that yeah and that's when we're gonna decide to get on Twitter that's exactly right when it's dying yep that's everything that's everything we've tried to do yep fine oh great oh well no see ya YouTube ten years too late yep now we're just getting into YouTube hey but your your your what you just hit eight hundred yeah I'm at like eight hundred thirteen hours you try to hit that milli I hope dude in the next couple months I hope I can [ __ ] yeah smash that yeah I'm hoping the net out on the 250 mark yeah and we be doing it out no end of the year yeah I think that's modest honestly ah we'll see we'll see anyways man did you love Mexico yeah dude Mexico was [ __ ] nuts all right let me just justice one more time I've created it I appreciate you just continuing to do cool [ __ ] sharing it with everyone on snapchat what makes me feel really good you and that blue ass water experience you had yep 100% so I'll tell you a funny story with a cartel yes real fun zany [ __ ] went down with the cartel there I just feel so bad could you look like yourself [ __ ] ghost house just like dude I don't know this y'all just killed this youtuber well he was [ __ ] with them no I know that but it's just like you know the rationality start to surface when something like that when you read something like that I don't want to be the guy that just talks about the cart like you don't know how [ __ ] savage these guys are kill anyone what would you do you're standing on the beach some dudes like a bro I heard you don't like lately pause no no I love her big fan he's like love they do that face it do the [ __ ] face oh yeah boutta blow your brains out [Laughter] so what's yeah your same just like yeah I don't want to I got it you don't know that you could say cartel yeah and these guys get it you know we got a lot of people that watch this [ __ ] right you know someone I don't you touch down in Mexico and they're like you always hear one single cartel members listening yes no that's actually pretty frightening yeah you know someone playing tiny meet gang as he's sharpening a knife hold on I like the super Zen one haha lady finish down then we'll cut this fool Jesus Christ oh that's so graphic I gots I saw that I'm sorry um funny story so we're you know [ __ ] like the tourism nice tours good mom you're good you're good again organized tours Mexicans I know I don't think real can't really care about tourist safety I don't have life's like oh yeah jet ski go for it like you don't have to get parasailing sure I think that's pretty much every what's a whole in this parish no no it's fine it's fine you know that's all we everywhere I think except America yeah actually can't get suit ya know that's actually really true it was the same thing yeah 17 million baht to ride this jet ski yeah how much is that like three dollars yeah yeah yeah we lied it's a thousand yeah anyway yeah so we my parents booked a snorkeling trip sick and I've been snorkeling before it's cool but it's like mellow usually right now go to a Bay and it's like real relaxed jump in the water and then you get that blue ass water blue enhanced water vision do some yellow ass fish yeah yeah you like swim down it's chill it's opposed to like a chill experience yeah so there's this like snorkeling tour in Cancun where we where we were it's right outside of Playa Mujeres which is an island off Cancun and it's like an underwater museum that's what they call it Oh sick and so you like boat up to this underwater museum and you and you jump in the water and like look at it yeah that's what the snorkeling experience is but it's like in the middle of the channel oh it's like an open ocean yeah it's all suddenly we pull up the boat pulls up and the guys like alright jump in uh-huh oh he's giving us life jackets first and I'm like I don't need this like I can swim no you're gonna need it and I was like alright I'll be doing it right here is it yeah there's like five foot swells it's crazy boats [ __ ] they're going like this is a giant boat and he's like you have a snorkeling trip ends where you can see the green water over there where the reef starts like so we just drift like we jump in and the current is just gonna take us Oh our destination is yeah the boat goes around and picks you up it's like I can't [ __ ] believe this we're just gonna be drifting I'm like open ocean I might have said no dude it was not everyone did it that's fine you know most of you will there are 350 pounds obese yeah as [ __ ] you know all-inclusive American tourists yeah hell yeah and they're jumping in the water you didn't hold on to a rope and your group all got in the same area and then let go the rope and you all like drift together Wow and so half the time you're even looking in the water you're just like struggling to make sure your family members are still in the same vicinity like the most Mexican [ __ ] ever yeah and then we end and everyone's like there's just like asian chick there who I don't think has ever been outside of her apartment apparently because she's screaming oh but she was scared on the boat good and she got in the water and she's like holding on to her boyfriend like like clawing onto him he's like having trouble swimming yeah and she's screaming into her snorkel mask Oh God so it's just like it's firing up in the air and it's making everyone freaked out yeah yeah what a dumb house crazy man just as crazy so finally we're all on the boat afterwards and everyone's like that wasn't fun right yeah everyone's get it was scary just to get thrown in the water swim in the open ocean were you hearing on my cartel talk right there yeah [ __ ] this is it this is it what if that chick started screaming and dude on the boat just poco either her first nobody scream okay it's quiet it's cool are we okay and what the yeah we're good okay drift through the beach I got to stop early man it's too early for these ideas cry even doing tornado Suki yeah [ __ ] you know what you want to update oh yeah yeah no we're back in posts okay I am I'm loving it oh yeah I saw you can edit it together a little intro yeah I'm sent to me it was pretty [ __ ] dope thanks fellas yeah really though the opening sequence yeah yeah my god I said a lot got some eyes on it had people with the oh [ __ ] yeah this might be tight um you know I'm excited I think there's more editing other than then yeah I have I got you know you know week by week slow in it yeah we've been uh pretty focused on the tour I want to make sure that's good yeah so yeah we have been speaking of kurtal more tickets left exactly 10 at anaheim right oh yeah well no I know I think that show sold out its said like I think there might be some VIP tickets left okay well Ana has got a few seats if anybody's still interested yeah then I think San Francisco still or maybe not maybe I was sold out go check it out I mean go try if ya go and give it a shot yeah yeah the links or on our twitter um so a lot a lot a lot of music things have happened yeah because we were talking about that I want to bring up this dude VI seconds oh yeah pretty crazy yeah yeah Tory Lanez he got accused of stealing a beat yeah and that [ __ ] was 2,000 percent stolen yeah I mean it was definitely was yeah poor lanes I kind of learned over the past couple weeks is an absolute cornball oh yeah but VI seconds is corn on the cob you think so oh my god you've seen that guy's videos yeah yeah they were pretty I know that in probably the worst way anyone could handle the other thing oh you did that like random YouTube livestream and he was just jabbering for two hours like he's posting video he's like man I wanted to handle this like a man but um the corniest should ever he's that Tory wants to come at me like that so guess what the gloves are off oh yeah I'm gonna drop of $3 dude just no come on man take it offline yeah do it Lee you know saying I don't know yes just he said it just me watching this I'm like man you should have gotten stolen what I want to know is is that like a common sample you know I'm saying like did he cuz like dude like we we used that sample pack and then Kendrick happen to use that sample pack yeah there's something there's some story someone knows someone to the story it was like the producer of that track the I seconds had an exclusive on it or something okay and I think he Tory Lanez got the beat somehow and just used it something like that what I ended up is using it to think the beat is fine whatever same beat doesn't matter but like the fact these use like a saint cadence these are the verse with the same way this young words yep it was kind of like yeah the two days you're gonna bite some [ __ ] also I not just [ __ ] change the first few words also in that like first verse he says something like dudes complaining about me bitin their [ __ ] it's like he preemptively called it out it's like that is some yeah come on dawg and then and then do you see the [ __ ] with him and Travis Scott yeah what the [ __ ] is that all about basically you know how he had that famous tweet that was like people were like yo you're biting Travis Scott sound and he was like how can I sound like someone I wrote for ya oh he did it right for him yeah the way it happened was that he wrote ti-ti reached out to him on the song I forget T I reached out to tour him was like can you write a hook yeah oh he wrote the hook for ti yeah t I couldn't sing it so he got Travis Scott to sing as a favor okay well Travis got never asked Tory Lanez to write for him got it good you know if he knew he wrote the hook yeah yeah I forget what [ __ ] song is it the [ __ ] is here look is it that one with him TI and 2 Chainz as old as hell I don't think it's a no no no no no no no it ain't that but basically like their I think Travis like confronted him he's like don't make it sound like you love for me you didn't like I can write my own hooks you just I did as a favor for ti he starts getting all I oh we could shoot the fade right now then it's like teacher yeah it's already or four three yeah chill out man if you're Travis is like I'm not I'm not finna box No yeah little dude small yeah I mean I still like his music in his voice and stuff but it's just some more I'm watches interviews and stuff I'm just like dude you're that you're not as hot as you think you are yeah dude I'm way hotter yeah yeah but me no chin McGee over it McGee dog that's gonna I'm five foot five as 100% a solid porn name speaking of dudes and porn he said grub yeah Alina and I watched that movie call me by her name oh yeah yeah good bomb knows whatever I'm gonna spoil this [ __ ] so if you wanted to watch that movie pause it no I want to watch it you do yeah I heard it was really good now whatever no but speaking of gay shows yeah we are I oh yeah you watch that [ __ ] yes you know what I went back and I listened to that episode of the podcast yeah um we're talking about my episode of insanely show with Victor right yeah yeah you talk about queer eye on that show yeah and I totally thought I used to watch that show at the old version oh I think I watched a couple episodes of my parents okay what year was that oldest [ __ ] huh yeah old [ __ ] comm 1998 I remember when that was like a [ __ ] diss on like like I used to watch like stand-up bits on like Comedy Central and [ __ ] and like or like Dave Attell would like use that was like a roast like whatever I remember that's what the original format wasn't like the new format right that was my understanding as it was different no it was pretty similar Oh as far as I remember okay I might be wrong yeah um anyway but anyway so we started watching that in Mexico uh-huh and we just powered through the entire season in a day yeah do the first episode I wept like a baby go with the old man yeah yeah I did you were totally right yeah it's crazy like it the initial description of that show it's like 5k dues makeover or five gay dudes who call themselves the fab 5 makeover a straight guy and you're like what what is this what a reality trash yeah but that show has the most heart of any show I've watched a long time yeah it's crazy it's such a genuine reality really is and every guy at the end is so thankful you know these dudes yeah and like you know opening that surprise to them taking care of himself stand-up comic yeah dude yeah you know he'll book spots book spots that [ __ ] but he was and he's like no he's like leans in for the kiss of that girl yeah it's like oh she's so excuse them for the camera yeah you know there's got dumped as soon as the freaking as soon as the DP hit record and like turned off the tape she walked the [ __ ] out she was like all right don't ever text me suddenly feeling very sick I believe God is now watch that show Queer Eye for the straight no it's not even call for the straight guy anymore queer eye on Netflix just watch that [ __ ] that's the first like reboot yeah that is actually work that's right yeah this is 1:30 boots for our house who was even watching that [ __ ] Bob Saget he's just like being like does he just like break character and be overly sexual hey I'm Bob Saget actually want to [ __ ] everyone in this house the first time I saw Bob Saget stand up yeah like after watching full house growing up yeah oh my oh no he's like a really bad dude yeah he's like in a funny way but like he's a scumbag yeah no idea playing this like to me he's always been [ __ ] Danny Tanner or whatever right huh dad's name yeah yeah dude fuller house with pervy Bob Saget [Laughter] [Music] yeah oh god dad's here did they all send twins how old you guys you know it's legal in some states oh Jesus I never even watched full house was either dad yeah these are dad yeah that's [ __ ] up yeah I can't I can't get down like that dude out we were talking about the Olsen twins the other day and I was like I said what the [ __ ] are they doing now yeah I looked it up one of the Olsen twins net worth is like two billion dollars or some [ __ ] what fashion Oh word yeah this also might be totally incorrect but like Google told me like one of the one of the one of their fashion empires is worth two billion or something like that okay it's like one of these famous birthday things what do you mean like you ever look like you ever Viners on yes yes yeah like kotico net worth 17 trillion yeah yeah yeah except it says but I think it says 17 dollars yeah on mine and has actually accurate bro oh [ __ ] was I thinking about oh [ __ ] I started watching a Kurt Cobain documentary oh yeah you know that kid as a baby super just aware really yeah I just think speaking of like young people who grow up to do like weird [ __ ] huh yeah so uh also I watched him interviewing with like kill themselves is that I mean no I mean just like I think like it's it's kind of it was kind of crazy to see him like so young and like genuine cuz he just he seems like I don't know you're never gonna predict that your kid is gonna be like this megastar whatever I even with the wholesome twins like I I was thinking about that like man they must everyone wants to look to them like wow what young great actors you're gonna have such a wonderful future and then who would have thought they turned out the way they did like Olsen twins what they look like they did [ __ ] tons of drugs yeah I know at a point I know they really do yeah and it would be a sad thing if they didn't yeah what do you mean mostly because like that's been like the thing you're a long time is it wow the Olsen twins look like they did meth yeah 10 years straight what if they didn't what if they were just like oh we never actually did drugs we've had like a real great life we just like to have aged kind of poorly oh [ __ ] were just you know yeah yeah yeah some people just aged bad on aging bad permanent bags under my eyes now yeah it's true like every time I post a selfie or something now people go you look tired I feel great that's it [ __ ] feel [ __ ] great every time I go to the barber I look like I got out of a boxing match like the lighting and there's [ __ ] terrible like my bags are AG sets until like the [ __ ] 14th degree yeah I'd that's what sitting in the barber's chair is the moment once a week or I look in my face and I see death yeah just like damn I look [ __ ] up as to what the lights are like it just hits like right on the brow yeah and then like it kind of you know plays into the bag also don't appreciate the iPhone X selfie camera that [ __ ] makes your face look like a like the surface of Mars yeah like the detail is oh yeah yeah unnecessary detail so yeah yeah I'm like you'll not need to be HD like you look at this camp oh now you know what let me go iPhone 5 yeah I'm good I'm going on the 4s actually I'm gonna go down to the one that doesn't even have a front camera first time they start taking selfies like this again yeah guessing oh that [ __ ] is terrible yeah [ __ ] what people still did that up until like the selfie camera got good cuz the front face like the rear camera was bad oh really yeah I never [ __ ] sees it you see this new rule of deke video no I haven't watched it I it's it's pretty [ __ ] great okay I like it alright alright I was recently yeah it's one of those ones where I watch I was like yo this is dope and then I read the reddit comments about it and they're all like this sucks and I'm like yeah yeah it just sucks I'm like later no it's okay to have my own [ __ ] opinion this is a good video yeah Jimmy's in it oh yes yeah and at the start they're like it's basically him at a restaurant little Dicky is sitting there and they like it's like a Chinese restaurant and Jimmy walks up he's a Keo you're a little Dicky yeah he's like this might be a rapper to that girl he's with and the girls like he's a rapper he's it won't mean like it not like a real rapper he's aggressive of small snake kids and some of that he's like a funny guy or whatever and they walk away and they'll think he's like looking at the TV and Chris Brown is on the TV and he's like an Hannah I wish I could [ __ ] it why I like it why is everyone in hip-hop cooler than me yeah I mean he's like he said something and the Chinese waiter like does a Freaky Friday hands up and Chris Brown's body the whole song is it's called Freaky Friday it's Chris Brown like dancing like dancing is like talking about big as dick is now and you like facetimes Kanye and stuff it's like but you know it's well-written it's really well shot sure it's like oh really it's like a DJ mustard he type because like real catchy DJ mustard and the [ __ ] edge sheer and Kendall Jenner is are all in the video oh it's crazy yeah okay oh I'll go home [ __ ] is a little big he haven't much pull we're gonna get the biggest artists in the world this is a [ __ ] video speak you things relate to relate to the tiny dick rat for a bit yeah I always wonder if someone from his team is like seeing us and been like these months like we've done this yeah we've been on a little dick game I hate when people tag us and supreme paddy [ __ ] I know I don't care I now don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a little dick gang I don't give a [ __ ] about the pretty daddy don't smoke weed in public more yeah what up got another deal with raw rolling paper yeah you check it out we're gonna go give we do a homeless guy how fuel is issues Oh [ __ ] depraved of weed are you like that you will go I think that you're so sitting waiting for supreme Paddy's notification like he's putting weed somewhere yeah yeah the weed has never looked like that sure he hides away yeah yeah going in a bush for weed how do you not feel bad at 16 I would have been like I'm not diving in a bush for some [ __ ] weed that is [ __ ] pathetic dawg those are dudes who like run their mom's credit card for supreme [ __ ] yeah like yo they go to school the next morning yo dude got that supreme paddy weed everyone's like supreme what what did David stop stop cheating off my test I know what you're doing yeah turn the [ __ ] around yeah anyway it's kind of win a little dude no no chump in a bush for some [ __ ] weed that's [ __ ] that is sad cash maybe cash maybe yeah maybe weed hell no I didn't Logan Paul to that like I'd cash somewhere yeah I think so yeah I to me that's just such a shitty thing to do you're [ __ ] poor yeah we're gonna distill you down to the [ __ ] animals you are I fight for it fight for it he's two weeks old humans it's just laid up in a bush for this take out the [ __ ] money on his body he wants his 5 grand dude I saw him and he's just holding up his [ __ ] French come on you can't say [ __ ] anymore dawg oh really yeah it's a slur oh really really yeah sorry my bad I saw that on Twitter [ __ ] is a slur okay so little person yes okay person sorry my bad I'll apologize for that right now I didn't know that but now I know I didn't know as a slur either yeah I'm sorry dude wait this is actually what I wanted to bring up about like young child actress so you heard of this dude Dana gia Chet oh no dude this is crazy um he was a stockbroker this is like some vice video okay the real wolf of Wall Street and basically the inspiration for Leo's character was this dude because they were like good friends and a lot of the scenes in the film kind of paralleled like their real life the studio is to have like a top floor penthouse in New York he was like 8,000 square feet it had a rooftop it was crazy he was like like in this video he's like showing a bunch of pictures of celebs he used to kick it with and [ __ ] like that and like he was doing great a list celebs would give him like money to manage and then it like he got caught like you like just missing ten million dollars yeah so he like lost all his clients they went to jail but in the video he's like denying that like he's in bet like took any of the money he's like well no you see I put it in smaller ventures and things went bad it was like this it totally looked like he was in denial it was crazy and this is a documentary yeah likewise yeah it's like the new isn't mini dockets it's pretty new I think huh within the last year I'll watch that yeah and [ __ ] like he should be boys with Leo like that was his homie really yeah and like you know it's like leo is super young like 18 19 looking and like they're just partying like him and this old man managing is funny like partying up and it wasn't old but this look like a 10-year age gap minimum yeah it's just crazy to think like like there was some bodyguard that heard Leo's old bodyguard they're like so like wolf of wallstreet like how close was that to lik your real life he's like yeah that was that was pretty close you know ecstasy escorts drugs gay look they look like the wolf of Wall Street I'm like yo that's [ __ ] nuts holy [ __ ] and imagine being a party like that I know 28 naked people and just tons of blow like I've done that have you may have more than once ya know your wish our rockstar vine life's yeah so it was man vine and yet the golden days dude oh my god those vine parties man those were the days you know Samsung used to show up and say whoever wants to lick my balls gets a brain deal that's how we got our brain deals we did coke off Samsung balls I don't even know the guys name I just know he was from Samsung he felt like Joey Diaz is any any other cool stories from from Mexico yeah I feel like I'm steam rolling you with [ __ ] yeah the only the only [ __ ] the only that's the only time we left the resort yeah the other eight day or seven days wherever we were just sitting like in this like the resort has like nine restaurants in or some [ __ ] okay and it was a different theme yeah and there's like every morning you get a schedule yeah of [ __ ] to do I kind of felt like eventually like I was almost like in sort of some dystopian future where like robots are designating what we're doing yeah to make us feel like we're free you know saying like I'm stuck in this resort but there's like a [ __ ] chess game and I get noon there's a class on how to make a coconut I've never liked to doing it all I was like I'm gonna [ __ ] get into this [ __ ] if I'm here that's hilarious it was fun but eventually like I haven't left this like you know uh area vicinity for days three days yep yep and I was just eating and drinking so goddamn much dude when it's all free it's just like that's crazy it's insane there's no reason why you shouldn't always be eating something yeah and besides your health of course but yeah again this summer don't go to Cabo don't do that dumb [ __ ] just go to an all-inclusive resort with your friends I think you [ __ ] I don't know I think the experience is way better oh it's all I was awesome yeah people are like genuinely so relaxed yo like people just likes it there's people out there that are out there 6 a.m. yeah they just lie there all [ __ ] day yeah and everyone in the pool is drinking all the bartender's are like you know no one's worried about like getting there the bang for their buck or whatever everyone's just like just genuinely relaxing money is like not an issue because it's already paid for yeah you know yeah you've already dealt with that you've already paid the bill you might as well just [ __ ] enjoy it now yeah as much as you can yeah it's kind of a cool I don't know yeah cool vibe and then all the all the moms go or although the 40 year olds go to the only club at the resort and then try to get the real bang for their buck actually bang yeah I mean my home ec but we went to some resort I don't know how long ago it was and there was like a club in there had maybe 25 people another dancing and like we very visibly see like these five Cougars like not even Cougars are just like this soccer moms you get tell us is the first time they've all gone out like ever like since they got married yeah they're turning the [ __ ] up yeah you're like dancing with people yeah people are kind of you know like when you look around the bar and you see someone else raising their eyebrows that the person you're looking around yeah I'd like is anyone else seeing this yeah yeah they're good they get pretty [ __ ] sauced and then at some point their husbands come in and the body language shift was so goddamn funny like they all just kind of shut down it's like mmm fun's over lady oh my god boys are here we dancing I don't know see what also said one time he he would sit next to a couple and they're at like having a steak dinner and he's like they're not talking and like he you know he's not really paying attention at first then he looks up dude is reading a book oh man from this is [ __ ] white would be better than being on Instagram and like yeah I always feel like I hate seeing that yeah he's some old last couple who's just like run out of things to talk about and then both on their phones and it's like I know I'm gonna be that it just sauce I even go out to eat I don't know like yeah that's also the thing about an all-inclusive like that is you really get to see like just that state of a relationship for sure in detail yeah because everyone there was a couple and they're all middle-aged they're all getting to the point where the next sort of hate each other they're still like vacationing together it yeah pretending like everything's cool yeah and there's like people well there's there's actually also people getting married there too yeah so we ran into a bunch people that were like you know they're like I don't know like mid-30s probably like I may be close to 40 yeah hammered yeah [ __ ] up yeah just like way more drunk than we were like just the two of them yeah and it's like I what do you do yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like no I'm gonna be that but I just it's weird it's like you know to me we're at the bar me and Kelsey and it's like couple leans over and they're like where he is from I was like what weight is from like worried for my leg oh you wanted to go cobble like you know families there's nothing I can [ __ ] there's nothing just you can go to cabo this is real Mexico this is a real Mexico right here so Cancun is real Mexico and then yeah this is my wife yeah this is my wife Cheyenne fake teeth and fake lips deep like veneers like you know you always [ __ ] tell you know veneers are the worst [ __ ] veneers are worse than having like shitty teeth I know guy now veneers you look like that arcade machine where you shoot down the seven teeth and you get nine tickets yeah I'm talking about they look bad yeah just don't get oh that's so true don't get yeah ya know when a rapper start smiling veneers Doug that's that's when you know we're gonna that we've made it guys even the ones like with good teeth they still get in and they just cheese after that in every picture man you look like a horse with veneers no I know yeah yes girl this big-ass veneers and these fake lips and hey it's just like like what the end they were leaving you know like yeah we're about to head to the airport holy [ __ ] you're already blacked out how are you gonna get through [ __ ] night you on yeah yeah they just both puke in their laps on the [ __ ] plane yeah yeah man I mean resorts are tight but you definitely see you see some depressing [ __ ] yeah you just kind of gotta like honestly just like relax and just get into it I feel like yeah it's like I'm a tourist I'm just so you know right now I'm just a I'm just a cattle yeah I'm just yeah yeah they're just as yielded into this like resort and I'm just here now existing with these people that I don't know yeah but I'm gonna you know sitting to pull them and cheers with other cows from Michigan yeah exactly yeah yeah I'm just going in yeah dog people at resorts get it's like boo boo boo burnt oh my god dude lobster read so many people get cancer that was one of the things there was a group of four people yeah when I said that's that there was someone out there at 6:00 a.m. every day already lying by the pool yeah it was just group before people one of them the one of the woman one of the woman one of the one of the women she looked her skin tone she white yeah her skin tone looked like she jumped in like a pool full of chocolate yeah and got out dark chocolate to night and milk chocolate dark chocolate she was [ __ ] bronze you know she straight-up looked like she was another race that's crazy but she looked like she was Indian or something that's crazy it was in an insane hurry it looked like you could skin her and make a purse out of it out of her skin I saw a girl like that in Venice like a year ago I would I mean boy Eric we're walking out on the Venice pier and this girl walks up and I'm like yo son she got to go to the [ __ ] chemo yeah whatever like right now like she has to go away go to the chemo lab yeah you got a good chemo job you gotta get chemo right now honestly I think she could have walked up to a doctor and he you to me like you're here for it I am said if the first point you just get right past it just start chopping off her moles like let's just get these things off right now any words it just eyeballs hurt yeah you got about I don't know six months Oh feel free to head to keep the chemo spot my chemo guy he's good name's Eric did great chemo yeah he does a great team love job I got a great chemo guy is that the [ __ ] out of you Doug like you could see people's moles growing at the resort like on day one you both land at the same time you're like oh I guess hey we're skint oh and then by the end you see the mall is like evolved it's like this whole back we should almost show people is just curling it right now yeah I know the guy was just like why why why sit in the Sun that much yeah and every day same thing no umbrella no nothing just sit there all day little white sunglasses on she wouldn't do [ __ ] to a drink nothing sure just sit there and just face can the bask in the Sun no you can't do that without water you ever like laid out and kind of and like you're lightheaded yes like hot yeah straight up melted resin laying in the Sun is really exhausting it is it's like the most relaxing thing ever yeah and it's so exhausting cuz it fries all the water in your body yeah and cut up looking like a limp ass chili or some I'm trying to make my chin like this raining your neck yeah I think that's what I'm gonna start doing oh man what's up guys welcome back to the podcast [ __ ] chin implant John you're gonna get a job big ass yeah I need like a good square off right here you know any like lipo on my neck oh no real get that just like this that's what I do yeah when people get work done they look so shitty man I know they just look like they're breathing through saran wrap they'd never look good I know I know I know everyone at Gold's Gym looks like that yeah I think when you get plastic surgery like you just join another like race of human yeah like the plastic people you all have the same voice kind of the same interests yeah ambitions and for lack thereof I yes I like their man I saw this dude getting Botox implants he's like a famous divorce lawyer okay that [ __ ] looks so foul what just dropping the needle into his forehead and then just like squeezing a bunch of [ __ ] in there I'm like fam it's like [ __ ] up right synthol in your dome just in your face like just it's so unnatural you're poisoning your face essentially well not really yeah dawg I want like a bicep like on top of my eyebrows give you just like amp that [ __ ] just give me a six-pack right here yeah just right on the [ __ ] right eyebrow I don't get it dude [ __ ] I had something I wanted to just talk about goddamn it oh oh fun thing to do okay so we tell him about the gym the gym location on this is my [ __ ] is there a board sitting around yeah and you're like god I wonder who is tagging pictures of this gym right now yeah I'll just go even if you don't work out just go to a local gym and look at the insta story for that gym I promise you it is a good hour of entertain it's so [ __ ] funny you could just dip in and just look at all the posts and the [ __ ] people say it's just so [ __ ] funny yeah it's truly amazing it really is I want to start doing is like I'm gonna just start like taking pictures of me like hello warped and Photoshop and tagging every every gym I'm at every gym in [ __ ] Southern California right start a separate account ya know I want to start make it like name it like big Noel or something gonna call it iron City but I was gonna call like iron Sittler the governor of iron City or say just [ __ ] warp the [ __ ] out you floored be floored yeah be floored the floor to underscore Westside and just just hit all the jins' on the Westside [ __ ] make posts about my car yeah all my orange chicken meals yeah yeah yeah I can finally like do that bit ya can just take a picture of all orange chicken the hot [ __ ] that'd be hilarious 27 grams of protein oh damn that's making me hungry more chicken right now that's what you know rappers [ __ ] of a chick we [ __ ] up some orange juice chicken yeah man I did yeah it's right it's gettin it's gettin better I'm learning how to fill it out I'm learning how to make it sound more like professionally shits fire we're gonna rap on that one first yeah actually I thought I might actually put it in my video today oh no - still yeah and I still work to do on its own treasures don't you yeah yeah I say the damn yeah okay word um what the [ __ ] oh man we had a lot of like we dumped hell of [ __ ] and we just we got we got new songs coming up working on new music we're just yeah we cut like really like on the verge of finishing everything we have like a lot of beats and ideas so like something's gonna come together I think like after the shows are over yeah and we can stop worrying about that yeah we're gonna actually like focus on making some new music again you know and music videos - yep plenty of those because we got like four or five tracks kind of like half half in the can yeah it's like they're written for and like the concept so yeah we just got this has been [ __ ] busy man yes so much [ __ ] going on you know so in addition tomorrow for what one wine a gay dude oh yeah no dude it's ridiculous I got the email and I was like oh sick an audition for an HBO thing okay and I'm like this is great and I read the character character description and I'm like okay cool I can play gay dude for sure yeah and I read the sides and it's like four words why do I even like going it's like hey Izzie that's like the line I'm gonna walk into the audition room right and whenever you're ready Gamzee great thank you gay dude number three cody KO maan i don't know i don't know it's funny about every time i get like a character description for someone who's good-looking yeah I'm like did you [ __ ] get the right guy you really I have no chin you realize that look at my profile from the side you got the wrong guy Doug if you get casted if you get if your first role is gay dude number three don't be busting up flat that's gonna be my breakout breakout was gay dude three yeah you got to change your Twitter handle to that yeah recognized from the Fab five yeah not from the Fab five I am the third gay dude in the HBO series Game of Thrones I am one of three gay nights in fact no character none of our characters are explicitly named as gay no where in the script does it mention that we're gay it's just the description yeah the writer just let us know hey you guys are gay are you calling me gay or you're saying I'm my characters no it's your character he's a he just walks away all right gay guys we're not even actually in there's no actual film footage of us it's just all ADR yes all right can we punch in could we get the gay guys out of frame thanks well what the [ __ ] well this will just record you guys saying something after and you can just get might say fabulous fabulous mmm you know this guy didn't walk them all set I'm not really feeling brah so I mean are you stoked to go in there and deliver this line yeah I think I'm gonna kill it yeah I've done one audition the one you convinced me to do oh yeah I don't want to do that role yeah but it was so good that you went in to have it it is definitely good then she sent me the same casting director sent me another script and like it was for the character was a fourteen-year-old kid wife who was like a nerd who was like it was like some goofy series where it was like some nerd and some cool kid oh no it was like two nerds and one of them became a cool kid and now he's into surfing and he won't chill with the nerd anymore and she wanted me to be the [ __ ] geek I'm like this is crazy oh wow as a grown man I would cast for a role as myself in high school this is [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] that I like oh yeah you look like a [ __ ] yeah I mean used to be a [ __ ] right yeah yeah yeah oh you'd be great for this role yeah go ahead I revert back to your old [ __ ] days yeah something you can you can get that back how did you build this care that I left that behind well I just thought about all the times I was called a [ __ ] and that held me for him propelled through this role anyway so yeah I'm gonna kill I'm gonna go in there and deliver this line I guess as gaily as I can yeah yeah yeah this practice right now how you gonna do it like I don't know I don't know are you gonna sell me I don't know because I don't know how if this guy I don't know how gay he is you know he isn't I don't know go in there and be like and that probably shouldn't actually affect the way he says any right I don't know is that ignorant of me does this matter no you just said [ __ ] this time this episode I think what you're saying is like how you got to know like there are different types of gays like there's different types of straight men you know are you a little more flamboyant about it or a little more you know reserved or you like one of like this like the straight gay dudes like Aram oh yeah yeah yeah yeah hey bro what am I like what's the long-haired guy oh forget that to his name he's very flammable that dude is a woman in a man's body yeah yeah I'd like no not women aren't even that flamboyant no but I like I feel almost bad in the sense that like he has all the makings of a woman in DI mind yeah it's like just they just switch one gene the craziest [ __ ] is he to me at the very beginning of the show was just like doing just way too much just like trying to just you know keep to me was like trying to capture like that we're talking about queer I yeah one of the guys on the show is like super flamboyant very animated yeah but he like he's the type of good yes every five seconds and like clean all that stuff and it's like really like to me he was just doing that stuff because there was nothing else to say sure and like that's his way of being funny it's just by going yeah yeah yeah that's which isn't actually being funny that's just saying gas all the time yeah and throughout the show the season of the show he ends up like being one of my favorite characters because he's so [ __ ] good at what he does yeah now he's the [ __ ] he knows exactly what the [ __ ] he's doing when it comes he's probably the most like talented one yeah like all that like the like little comments he would say about hair and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I know you want to trim that because it makes your face look like this yeah if you do that and I was like oh hold up I got out of my notes and I started writing I was like yes yes Queen yes Queen yes Queen yes oh so you should walk in there and be like alright what like you know where where is what's do what's gauge numbers three threes name I don't know yeah what where's number three yet in life yeah yeah okay you know mmm it is he like on an ecstasy bender and every weekend you know is he like kind of past that and he was like you know I had my fun mm-hmm now it's time to find a man yeah yeah settle down settle down yeah yeah yeah motivate you to go in there and be like hey is he later like oh wow damn we're gonna go get that we got to get you to read for gay guy number one and the line for that is yeah as you go up in the ranking you get less lines just stand there look pretty yep okay guy number zero that's all I gotta do I just look really yeah yeah how do you look like a sexy guy you know like a like very gay Sexy's not pull the Lele pons face that's funny but now we're going for a very good [ __ ] doc I'm uh I'm gonna I want to see what roles I can get casted for like in the summer yeah like what I want oh you're wait you're gonna audition what I want to do is I want to get like four looks and I would like one of them I want to grow all my facial hair out yeah okay and then just have the comb-over yeah and then I want to get one cuts like that yeah then I want to get one clean and then honey get one bald-headed with the mustache and see if I can get a [ __ ] cholo roll that would be so funny if I could just get on the [ __ ] pot and I'm like amen I'm I did it I'm in the Fast and Furious reboot as the Honda Accord driver hey will salt I heard you need a turbo fool I got you right here is the Subaru dog me and the homeys I helped you put it on for a little price Oh fast and furious damn I felt like I was really watching the movie yeah thanks bro that was incredible I I would have cast you yes for sure yeah as a Honda Accord Onan not even the name yeah Honda Accord on an owner three tiny meet gang come to the stage tiny meet gang known for their breakout roles as gay dude number three and Honda Accord driver number one and gay Honda Accord driver number five which one is that one I think it's both of them I think they only accord together it's in the Accord yeah then we just come out yes Queen yes Queen yeah hey would you say that in the Joe Hey yeah asking a fool God queen y'all queen ya fool dude I was talking about this [ __ ] all starting with cash you ever you ever got like a thug compliment I was sitting in probably this kid in [ __ ] high school Jaime he was like dude were like hey Dom not to be like weird or whatever but you got some nice ass fool like yeah those eyes like crazy and they're like looking at my eyes talking about the look of my eyes God and I'm like this is a [ __ ] supplement thug complem yeah this is correct like thanks like hey not like that yeah there's the discomfort and watching them trying to like pour like like put sand over it like no no it's not it's not like that it was just so awkward man you know it's not like I'm saying you know I wanna whatever I know but I'm just saying whatever your eyes kind of like captivating your [ __ ] like I look at you and I like see something not like a future but it's like you know I see something not our future but the eyes are cool yeah I don't know I feel like I'd either get cast for that or like 13 year old racially ambiguous kid yeah yeah yeah yeah you could pull that off pretty well hey what's up dude you want to come to my Japanese Mexican heritage feast yeah no I can't all right scene experience you can go out for [ __ ] you think start yeah this audition a little bit yeah yeah [ __ ] it why not everyone's doing it I know it feels that way doing it and then I get 9 years we'll get our break like Dax Shepard yeah exactly crazy I did that's what that's the trajectory I'm on right now let me get you for nine years it's been about two yeah I've gotten a couple things but you know you've been auditioning pretty steady yeah yeah some will have it eventually I think this something like you eventually want to focus on or are you more like alright they have I'll do it um like to be an actor uh no I definitely I definitely do want to do it and I think like eventually when I have more time I'll actually like get back into like doing classes and [ __ ] yeah um because right now I'm like I don't know it just feels like it's not a good use of my time now with YouTube and everything at this yeah it's like this is this is what's going well yeah yeah I don't want to take focus away from that [ __ ] right now ya know you know I'm doing the music thing which right now no I feel like we've I don't know like between Christian and and other people basically it's like this I feel like if it wasn't worth our time one of these people would have been like well they would have made like a subtle comment like oh so like you guys trying to be rapper yeah is this just like a joke you haven't got that comment yet yeah when we get that comment that's when we know we got a tap yeah you know I mean I think it's agree but I think it's also just like right now like making all this is the solution yeah just covering the top yes camera yeah just hoping the big as a lollipop on your face so yeah I think what's important is just keep making our own [ __ ] right now yeah field and you know not focusing just whatever music yes I I think even if it's shitty music it's funny yeah so yeah true true I like the thing I worry about is is making our sound different but yeah that's for another time mhm well I got to go to a hospital right now well yeah yeah your your you just said what your uncle now yeah yeah [ __ ] uncle I'll technically be an uncle Olli [ __ ] yeah uncle Knoll yeah I'm Kunal uncle Knoll that's got a [ __ ] bad wrinkle Noel's coming over mol the creepy one yeah yeah I got away what's up guys you guys you guys hope hope you're investing in Bitcoin uncle Knoll here how are you kids doing here I got you a new cardigan there's Christmas oh there's two things I wish I could go back and do invest in Bitcoin and my high school crush Thank you Thank You uncle Noel's trying to be a stand-up comic he's been doing this for 20 years thank you there's two things that get stuffed on Thanksgiving the turkey and my wife's ass thank you so much uncle no you're you're single you don't have a wife I'm sorry you don't have a wife that full-blown dementia yeah man what's with the rotisserie chicken at Ralph's you know I'm saying it's like a foot soak a full-on chicken that's what I'm working on it's just the premise yeah I'll shut the [ __ ] up uncle mole get out of here brah hey the the family now our family Eagle uncle mole the guy shows up early for family dinners yeah like he shows up at 3:30 to Christmas dinner I'm like what because he just has nothing else to do they come over and cut Tomatoes we don't need tomatoes for anything [ __ ] out of here I'm gonna call the bar two hours before he's like I was just there actually for two hours did a lot of alcohol there I don't really like that stuff I just looking more just play darts yeah that would be me trying to play games and play servants drinking you ladies want to play some darts no how about some foosball now I used to be killer at foosball I think we're just gonna hang out and drink you want to join no I think I want to play some games yeah sound like too much fun sure barkeep a virgin Shirley Temple please thank you so much so what are you ladies names we gotta go we gotta go that's an that's a new one oh god there's a bad joke right there I met a girl you keep trying to meet ladies it's crazy all the same name they all go by we got a go I don't have a lot of single people in the audience tonight I made is just seems like all they know how to say is know a little creepy here's one all my homies got a fix for everything the karmic I reflected oh wow yeah yeah [ __ ] off uncle Noah yeah all my Mexican friends seem to have this one-stop-shop place for fixes car service air cuts it's all named I forgot I think I have a slipped disc or something yeah oh god damn it I gotta head straight to yoga at this work that [ __ ] out yoga laughs aw I forgot yeah it's a cult I forgot I forgot damn fool I forgot my Mexican friends just like this cardigan just Tony ass white guy all my Mexican friends oh yeah this one's gonna be a zinger man let it rip all right wrap it up I guess so I hope it was funny I'm worried the first day I was like boring as [ __ ] did you're always worried about that and now I'm a big ol fan now uncle Knoll oh [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] you snapped on that [ __ ] there thanks bro absolute snap absolute snap absolute snaps absolute snap done snap to the absolute power the absolute snapper got it right snapping off yeah oh yeah yeah we got it you know what that dude you know it's funny I I want to I want that dude to just assess my hair and facial situation and I just want to feel the roast like I could just see him like mmm you don't really know how to shave and I like to use a straight razor [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey he's the best by the way the Wardrobe guy oh yeah he said he's a man oh yeah yeah yeah yeah great dude yeah watch queer I check the ticket links if you want to come out next week we're gonna do this live yep six times and eight times actual times and uh it won't be all from the hip it's gonna be uh we got some we got some heat yeah some sound written scripted heat yes we do baby ooh coming at you live gay dude number three Honda Accord driver number one and together they're gay Honda Accord driver number five number five all right that's the show yeah it's the show guys that was this week's thanks to everyone that contributes on patreon a big shout outs big shout just that you've seen we got a routine yeah we hit 14,000 which is dope we got a bonus episode coming up this week with Marcus or man I guess right I wasn't there for it Marcus Marcus's I stopped in a town yeah and we had a chitchat about what he's doing it's a little more serious but it's cool because I know we're like what your top you're listening to uh technically an executive yeah owner of his own MCT el sitio yeah chief titty officer so stay tuned for that okay cousin yeah peace love you peace gang
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 272,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, satire
Id: QHDfXsCYzfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 44sec (4244 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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