Episode 189 - TikTok Block Party

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what's up everybody welcome to the podcast uh as you know i talked some [ __ ] about furries recently well you know i was saying it wasn't that weird but cody was the one saying that it is weird and regardless we wanted to try out some suits for ourselves and see really what it's like so here we are and honestly you know feels pretty good honestly it's a little bit weird my lips are pressed up against the mask here kind of feel like i'm getting some sort of weird i don't know something but uh it feels pretty good this [ __ ] is so gross man it is it's got to come off this is see you guys but we got you if you're watching we got you this is disgusting i don't care nema come over here i don't care what your kink or your hobbies are this is a foul behavior strictly on the the premise of it's disgusting in these suits smell this come here come here smell my mask come over here right now smell my mask come over here right now smell this you're gonna do it yeah nemo get over here and smell this mask just sat on my face dude it takes a second i think mine's not as bad because mine i can go back in but it's still still gross all right can we can we switch now yeah we can go back in this seat all right what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode ad free and an extra bonus episode you can find that right now on our [Music] patreon.com [Music] [Music] the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army malone brown you hear this hole no malone brown dick in your mouth please look at all the signs flashing your seatbelt and get ready for debate i had to expose my my bootleg island fade i didn't get to tell that story in the bonus what is it talk more about my hawaiian experience and the bonus but i'll just say this real quickly right by the way hold on before you before you say that we did do the live stream bonus episode before we did this episode yeah and we live streamed that yeah it's actually on patreon.com it is so that's yeah yeah you knew that that's where we were live streaming yeah no no it's patreon.com tinymeatgang right it is that's the url right right and so if you subscribe you can watch the live stream episodes there yeah yeah and all the other bonus episodes all the way previously done yeah oh no way every single one that's cool damn huh i'll have to check that out so i go in to this salon near our hotel because my hair is getting a little bit ugly and i gamble i say maybe they know how to do a taper fade okay you know taper i think is like the uh cosmetic school word right so i go in the lady's like hi i go hey are you able to do a taper or like a fade she goes yeah i go all right you never want anyone to respond like that yeah yeah yeah yeah cause that's more of like a sure and it just it's sent to chill down my spine but i was i was thinking ah you know let me not let me not assume she could just be wicked with you know with with the tools and we'll just see and uh we get in there we being me and she pulls out the clippers and she's searching for her number one so already i'm like it's not good you know a season someone with season with the clippers is like yeah and they're ready they got it locked and loaded yeah all right she's fumbling with it and then it's like she's not even able to put it on correctly okay now i got the social anxiety because i don't want to just cut her off and go you know what you look like you can't cut yeah let's just not do that which i should have did yeah but i didn't and so she starts to immediately [ __ ] my head up like immediately and you know bless her heart she was doing her best you know and then she takes the clippers off to try to attempt to fade and she just is like kind of haphazard just going around you can't really see it now because my hair has grown out kind of shitty but uh there was this weird like tennis ball stripe through my head for a good four or five days and after she [ __ ] my head up she goes you're you're the first person to come in here and ask for a fade a long time and i'm just sitting there like why don't you just tell me no why did you put us both through this why didn't you just tell me no because how else is she supposed to you know dust off the old uh the old taper skills yeah experiment on taurus i guess yeah exactly yeah wouldn't you do the same thing [ __ ] yeah shitty taurus comes in of course i'm gonna [ __ ] his head up yeah i can do a fade yeah yeah i'm she probably could do a fade and she's like i'm gonna [ __ ] his head yeah yeah this guy had the nerve to ask me if i could do a fade yeah at a haircutting place so yeah i walked around the hat for a handful of days it was pretty bad you know shout out to her i still tipped did you really because i'm a i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot stupid snow spine loser yeah so that tipped i [ __ ] hate myself dude limp dick loser i i that's i have that social anxiety too like tipping no matter what yeah even with the worst service ever just like all right you know what i hate the most we were at dutch bros coffee yesterday which have you ever been there yeah dutch bros and we're in the drive-through and she pulls up with a tablet and she's like and you know what they do a chick-fil-a too but they don't they they skip the tip screen at chick-fil-a at least at dutch bros she stands there and looks at you and she goes and just one last thing do you want to add a tip and i'm like yeah i i mean yeah i kind of have to you're staring me in the face you know man staring she like got her two kids there too yeah did you want to add a tip oh boy i 25 no no you have to tell her which one and then she clicks it that's the worst part nice and so i mean i did i still i went with the lowest one nice which i felt a little bit bad about i was like yeah just do the 15 and she was like okay okay huh 46 okay cool and you you said you wanted to you wanted a double spit latte or what do you say you wanted oh interesting 40 cents hmm worth that much to you okay yeah i guess you need to go i'll click that one yeah you sure probably need that 40 cents to cut all that going on in your head right you need to save up it's a big operation up there to finally cut that thing down up there that's fine it's fine you should keep it not if i keep the tip don't don't give us any tip that's fine yeah i actually got my first haircut did you right yeah i did i swear to god i went my first haircut in a year and a half or something like that i went to i wanted to went to the place and i was like uh i just said cut off the the split ends never said that in my entire life before and here you are i was like kelsey what do i do she was like just get him to cut off the split ends i was like i don't what does that mean here you are beautiful here i am and he did the sideburns which have grown out awfully and then he did the split ends which makes your hair grow faster apparently so so now just wait till next week just trying to get it to your ass as fast as possible yes you know what man um i'm just gonna formally say we all hate it on the ponytail but i go back and look at old pictures of us we look like [ __ ] man we definitely need to get we should not go back to that hair that's what i'm saying we look like [ __ ] man like i seriously this is why don't cut my hair because i keep going back and like i'll watch an old video that pops up and i'm like i look like [ __ ] that's why i didn't understand that guy's comment on the tweet oh man yeah people like grow your hair back i'm like no that hair was like corporate programming for 10 years man that's why that [ __ ] was stayed on my head that was the matrix moment for me and you and quarantine were like oh [ __ ] yeah i'm a person again yeah yeah yeah it just gives you a little edge you know like before we were just vanilla like you know like programmer oh it was corporate you could tell we got hogs yeah we did cog haircuts we bounced out of the machine yeah just click click link and there we were two little cogs making youtube videos yeah no clue that we were just like the peak cog that's why you got to do this [ __ ] that's why i dyed my hair blonde too because it just doesn't matter if it looks good doesn't [ __ ] matter yeah it just gives you that oh something new yeah you guys got to get something different you know get out the [ __ ] wheel man yeah exactly we look horrible it's crazy i look at that i'm like god bless everyone that came to see us live supported us through anything because if i saw these two guys walking down the street i would spit on them directly i would not feel any shame [ __ ] you both yeah yeah we really were like the personification of of uh you know how was your weekend do damn sure oh bro [Laughter] the fact that anyone lit even listen to any music we made with those haircuts oh [Music] [Laughter] i'm never going back that's why i still never going to yeah that's why sophia was confusing because they're like wait they don't look like little programmer back in [ __ ] boys this is confusing yeah yeah right it made people feel a certain way because they're like wait a second wait a second yeah they don't have those [ __ ] up haircuts yeah it kind of makes this a little bit listening i kind of like the music now that they don't look like two little [ __ ] you know it's just yeah it was it was bad i don't know i agree i agree i ordered a beard roller i'm trying to trying to grow this somehow yeah what's a beard roller girl same [ __ ] like it's kind of like getting rid of your split ends but on your face oh yeah you're trying to grow that out that everything i just want it to thicken out but you don't have this because i kill it i get rid of it what you get rid of this part it grows it's patchy you get it on your cheeks yeah a little bit okay but i don't want it that high you know i just want you know it's a little little neck a little coverage gotcha you know just grow up a little bit yeah yeah i feel that should i do the same thing yeah [ __ ] it should we should we do no shave november in june yeah no shave n never again that's the challenge no shave never again yeah okay no yeah i was gonna change again like november and add er at the end and realize adding er to things is risky so we're just gonna it's gonna bounce up out of there yeah it's gonna leave that one yeah that's fair totally fair [Music] hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode bud light seltzer bud light seltzer iced tea and bud light seltzer lemonade are the perfect combination for summer and memorial day is coming up yeah could not be a more perfect drink for memoria for mem day you know about bud light seltzer the delicious hard seltzer from bud light with no bud light in it now bud light seltzer is here with the perfect flavors for summer with the bud light seltzer lemonade variety pack and the brand new bud light seltzer iced tea variety pack those are two very different things okay all these seltzers are 5 abv 100 calories and gluten free that's right nice if you really want to if you really want to try them all you can get them together in the bud light seltzer iced tea and lemonade mix pack let me tell you they go great together okay it tastes really great the raspberry mixes nicely with the peach and i gotta say the the lemonade is a nice refreshing kind of icing on the arnold palmer cake yes thank you very much i appreciate it uh listen again memorial day is coming up this is the perfect drink for it so uh go ahead and get yourself some of these why don't you tell them tell them where they can where they can get it yeah remember you can get different flavors of bud light seltzer delivered at bud light.com delivery or pick it up at your local neighborhood grocery convenience or liquor store you know whatever whatever mem day activities you got on you know golfing boating beach picnics barbecues perhaps a massage you know any one of those activities maybe a podcast maybe a podcast whether you know you're going with lemon or you're doing some combination of the seltzers man this uh it's it's just the way to go it's fire chairs cheers cheers to that all the best best wishes and best luck best of luck yeah dude i um it's so hot holy jesus christ it feels like a fursuit in here what happened is this what summer's gonna be like in space yeah this is what a fursuit feels like are there seasons in space i mean there is in this in the sense that the you know we there's this gear [ __ ] up maintenance team i don't know what they're doing but it's just pumping extra hot we got a guy down in the furnace room yeah just loading coal into the furnace like what do you why do we even have a furnace room it's like oh we had to because the powder he told me it's like to the power to the main air circulation got [ __ ] up so we have to use the furnace system to keep things running for like power it's like basically a backup oh okay we have like we have like future power and then we have old-school raw power right and he has to go back to coal like a steam engine and it's just creating heat in this whole thing got you yeah got you yeah i know i feel like i'm doing this in joe rogan's song i was about to say how to say you're making fun of him i think this is just like a simulator mm-hmm maybe someone hit the sauna switch yeah there it is joe rogan sauna simulator i need this [ __ ] he's doing this makes me feel like a lizard yeah now you know what it's like to have eczema yeah stay under your perfectly temperate climate yeah so your skin doesn't break yeah dude um that joe rogan image is so goddamn funny him in just that bright red sex room he did another one though again did you see the most recent one no let me see let me pull it up here let me let me see this boy oh no maybe he didn't maybe he deleted it or something i thought he did did joey get insecure no it's down there this one he literally looks like he's in hell yeah it's this one right yeah he looks like he's in hell minute 26 jesus christ dude holy he's being pushed to the edge oh is this his uh wait what is this i [ __ ] up every part i [ __ ] up part of one bit and of course that's been haunting me every minute of every day then oh okay i thought this was some i thought he was saying something about his like [ __ ] on on his podcast where he's talking about white dudes being silenced or something like that i didn't even listen to that i just saw that title and i was like uh joe i'm fine what happened i don't know chair broke a little bit oh that was weird i think a spring broke or something like that your cake yeah i think it's from my fat cake guys cody's fat cake just ruined the chair oh i ran a half marathon yeah i saw congrats thanks yeah i watched a cliff i was like crash trained for it 40 day 40 hours hard and just went in it was it was like my dad i was like because i told my parents i'm gonna come see them and uh he was like my dad was like i'm doing the whitefish marathon if you want to join me and i was like dude it's two and a half weeks away he's like yeah come on you can get back in shape and i was like all right [ __ ] it yeah and i bought the ticket like i had to sign up it's like 100 bucks to run a half marathon yeah you pay to be in pain so i was like [ __ ] it i did it and then i did three long runs to train for it like that's it how long the first one had eight second one i did nine miles third one i did 11 miles and that was five days before the race just to be like all right this is what it's gonna feel like get back into it and it actually like i think once you're once you do a half marathon or a marathon and you stop training you can get back into that zone pretty easily does it feel almost like muscle memory yes it does like the long runs aren't as long because like i've been here before i know exactly what this feels like yeah you just gotta listen to some music and keep on pushing but um and so finish like place place-wise yeah i don't know i don't know i didn't check i didn't know if they did that like ranking i'm sure they do but i didn't really check i i got i did it in 151 i think or something like that damn and i wanted to break two hours so i was like i was happy with that there you go but um get in there louis yeah mate you're just trying to be the lewis hamilton of rap marathon running yep trying to get a ribs yep and i did pilates too the day before which is some big old man bun [ __ ] yeah yeah lottie's just some man-bun [ __ ] real man-bun behavior yeah yeah dude so next you're gonna move to monaco oh yeah just posting selfies of you smiling running down a trail hi that's sick though hour 51 doesn't seem that long like it's probably absurdly painful but it was it was bad because i was like i hadn't done a run that fast in forever yeah and it's like once the race starts and you're with all the people you get that energy you can run faster it's just like a thing do you like from the start line how do they how do they arrange the grid is it like they just stack you up it's just random it's completely random normally like with a bigger marathon it's like they have like canal uh canals not canals uh what's the word i'm looking for like where horses started corrals okay where it's like these are the fast people you like go online you sign up and you tell them what time you think you're gonna finish in wait can candice can we go out of reptile lighting yeah it's making me feel yeah oh this is what the [ __ ] is the lighting this is this is the drama lighting oh yeah let's go back to regular if we can there we go yeah that reptile lighting man that felt like uh that felt like an a24 scene it really did when you're running in the heat it feels like your brush with the [ __ ] animals [Laughter] it gets really hot what are the things that the horses start in again it's i was cold golden corral the other day they corralled humans for the rapes the big race anyway okay so they in this one they just stacked you up like a big this one is just white it's whitefish it's a small town in montana they're just like you [ __ ] if you're here yeah you're if you're here you're family so when you say you're like oh you get the energy do do you ever hi do you ever get to feel though like from the start where like do you ever spot someone out you're like i could run faster than that [ __ ] yes yes that's that was the thing that was the thing that kept me motivated it was this girl running in front of me are you picking on women bro i'm not picking on it you were running way faster than me i was like this is the i'm gonna i okay i can't let you i gotta you know and some and then like you can't let a woman beat you that's not what i'm saying unbelievable that's not what i'm saying cody saw out of all the people in the chrysler woman he's like you're not winning today unbelievable that's not what i'm saying i'm saying she was the only other person running the exact same pace that i was everyone else we were blowing past them okay like eat my [ __ ] dust right okay all right all right plus i was like i'm not gonna let a girl beat me so chad yeah exactly uh definitely losing to a girl especially white guys i'm sorry you see the man bun or what's good i did pilates yesterday um but this was like how deep in the race right off the right off the bat she was in front of me the whole time and like i'm running at a pace that i haven't ran out forever right so i'm it's hard to run much faster than that but i'm using her as i'm keeping up to her no matter what right and uh she was my like pace bunny okay so you're like kind of running in tow and you're just getting ready to stomp her dreams out at the finish line which i did at around mile seven she faded back and did you actually you cleaned her like he not dustered it you know it's real cause he remembered it he's like yeah seven lasered it's funny because like it's almost it's it's not like when you say it like that it's like she you you imagine it as dramatic as her like at mile seven like falling from exhaustion and me just cooking by her right like in a cloud of dust but really when you pass someone in a race like that it's really slow and it's really awkward it's just like because you slowly their pace starts to fade so slowly that eventually you guys are just shoulder to shoulder like trying not to look at each other from the corner got it and once you do because you always end up doing that you go hey sorry eat eat my [ __ ] dust by the way you mind if i just take the inside line here you had a little turn coming up just yeah i could tell you're fading by the way yeah look good back there but not so much anymore why don't you just back it up let me cut your nose off yeah let me in oh yeah come on stay back let me in come on come on don't make me pour it on don't make me go turbo don't make me hit the nos button right you don't want to see what that does and then awesome buttons just like slightly faster that's what it is yeah that's what it is nice yeah so like did you did you guys have awkward like yeah it was like and then i just went [Music] that's why i bucked at her actually i was running i was running by like this how you doing i feel like you should have been like tell me how it looks tell me how my fat cake looks tell me how the pony looks from back there listen i'm gonna get in front cut in front of you for a second let me know how the bun looks all right and try to remember it cause you won't get to stare very long because mile nine i'm leaving your ass hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode magic spoon uh we're all trying to eat better but healthy breakfast doesn't have to be boring all right magic spoon has the amazing flavors you love but without all the bad stuff yeah zero grams of sugar 13 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs each serving that's only 140 calories a serving that's keto friendly gluten free grain free soy free low carb and gmo free all right man and they got a variety pack dude four different flavors they got cocoa fruity frosted and peanut butter nothing like you know a little bit of fruity cereal in the morning exactly that's my favorite flavor right here i got the fruity ones right here let me just pop one in the gullet um and you can mix and match too that's the best part you can go oh you can go crazy fruity you can go half cocoa yeah you could be frosted and grained you do frosted grain yeah crazy um it tastes exactly like regular cereal from your childhood but it's super nutritious it's delicious but super healthy and uh it really brings joy to your mornings so just go to magicspoon.com tmg to grab a variety pack and try it out today and be sure to use our promo code tmg at checkout to save 5 off your order yeah magic spoon is so confident in their product it's backed with a 100 happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund you your money no questions asked remember get your next delicious bowl of guilt-free cereal at magicspoon.com tmg use the code tmg to save five dollars off and a big thank you to magic spoon for sponsoring this episode it's crazy though man whitefish is blowing the [ __ ] up yeah real estate prizes there have skyrocketed and this is like a small sleepy town that nobody really knows about yeah it's just like everywhere else in the states [ __ ] just random areas blowing the [ __ ] up because people are finally like oh we don't have to go into office let's just housing is move out to the trees which is beautiful it's messed up right now dude it is messed up absolutely messed it's masked some man it's mashed up dude super mashed it's super mashed up right now dude housing market's really mashed up that's that's uh your running villain she was pretty mashed up after you [ __ ] smashed her steamrolled laughing it at the beginning of race being like i'm gonna crush her because she's a girl so juvenile definitely not losing to a girl dude definitely not dude i couldn't live myself could you imagine if i lost to a girl today oh awfully see my boys would just tear into me dude just telling her that the whole time you guys are running shoulder shoulder it seemed chill but i just cannot lose to you today all right or else i'll be fighting for my life in the group chat you just don't get it you don't get it because you're a girl and like we don't allow girls in the group chat what do you guys have makeup group chats actually we have group chats where we talk about your small penises sick i'm not going to talk anymore for the rest of the round oh yeah dude well congrats thanks um thanks and i think i'm going to do a full one oh yeah i think i'm already on the training thing so i might as well just not so full is like 22 miles 26 26. i'll watch you should i'll watch you do that you should a little live stream do it oh yeah just what up guys hop on ig live for a full marathon that'd be hilarious it's so funny running with just like one of those uh selfie sticks on the waist just make it like a snorri cam yeah just bouncing on your pelvis make everyone vomit that's watching it like i can't follow his head yeah bro all right guys mile 12. really edited [ __ ] so i'm in the porta potty right now it smells like ass in here kind of weird but okay [Laughter] bro speaking of athleticism i watched this dude uh do like 200 pound like this guy was big but and he probably trained but he didn't strike me as like a he's like one of those naturally strong guys this is at the gym or the hotel you know he's like one of those naturally strong dudes i could just walk into the gym and be like i'll dead lift 200. like i'm just big and he's doing 200 205 power cleans with a mask on jesus and like just like in a shirt and like some you know athletic shorts like he didn't seem like he wakes up and he's like i'm going to work out every day he's like it's going to work out today yeah he's going in between those says that dude was like dying i wanted to walk over be like dude you don't you don't have to you don't have to do this like you're clearly powerful just save yourself the headache i [ __ ] i should have sent this tick tock i saw this tick tock yesterday i don't know why i didn't send it because it's it would have been perfect for us to watch what is this dude he's squatting i think squatting 550. he's like a college kid too but the funny part is like what his like pump up routine his friend like slaps him like four times on the thighs and on the cheeks and then he goes up and just to rip some smelling salts and like rub some under his nose and he's like whoa he's like completely red in the face already and he racks his [ __ ] 550 just one rep and then racks it and his name and he goes even harder afterwards he just pukes and vomits and comes at the same time and his knees it literally shatters that's the best part of the boys dude is how much like the gore oh you just don't see that anymore no so that's what i'm picturing right now just just kneecaps little cartilage flesh just over the wall buddy's face covered in blood oh my god i thought this lady so the gym at the hotel i was at was strangely [ __ ] awesome i couldn't believe it two racks in there tons of plates bumper plates out though wow dang yeah two squat racks two squat racks i did not see that in the hotel i was ever alone away that's great dude do some front squats um just standard just some split squats yeah yeah just a random ass question yeah that's chill man you do some front squats oh you get judgment uh yeah no yes yes good yes good those are important just making sure you're hitting all areas thanks man so after my front squats i did dead lift dead lift yeah i was i was in there squatting my little weight i felt like i felt my first feeling of being thick happened over this break i felt my thighs rubbing together in the shower action i almost poked it out a little bit let's put my hands up to my chest just poked it out i was like honey come look oh look at my honey look at my cake look at my hair come on look look at this little water come look at my thigh gap or should i say lack thereof now honey no thigh yeah look at my cake i would [Laughter] my thighs squish into each other that i think that's actually the [ __ ] when you have thick inner thighs it's that rubbing in between like sam's like sam's life yeah yeah you know that's why sam is such a little little [ __ ] because he feels like he just feels that grease building up in there he feels and he gets wet down there he feels like a little thought that's always trying to wear the shortest shorts possible to show his um bamil toe bammel toe [ __ ] [ __ ] camel toe just like you're just like god damn it god damn it bamil what am i doing here honey look at my cake hon check out the cake honey look at my fat cake honey yeah it seems like my sumo squats are building up adding some nice cake in there it's nice that little thickness in there pushes out your small dick and balls makes it look even smaller yeah yeah makes it look like a like a small animal perched between your thighs it's a small worm hanging out between your thighs yeah brother that oh like i went in that gym i did exactly that just fanning out my shirt you do front squats yeah good no that [ __ ] it it not only did it blow my mind it just made me think how much hotels kind of don't give a [ __ ] about your experience like you can see that sweat right oh yeah you got some you got a gut sweat stomach sweat that's how hot it is in here you can't yeah yeah mask might be the master definitely sorry what were you saying what's going on in tanzania it just it made me think about how like some massive hotels are the smallest gyms yeah it's like they just want to shove you full of food and give you the worst place to work out yes to make you as gluttonous as possible yeah it's like a jail cell with fluorescent lighting yeah one elliptical yeah and you're like what the [ __ ] and then the dumbbell said that goes from 5 10 to 50. yeah the in-between is missing yeah so it's like okay i either have to lift really heavy or really small what the [ __ ] and then there's five people always trying to use one bench yeah watching you work out with dumbbells yeah and then two people sharing it so true did you want a dual bicep curl yeah well yeah and they hold each other our gym here is nicer than that yeah we actually got a great gym here yeah yeah we uh i forgot all about it i was like we have a gym here yeah we got a gym we got a we got a heavy bag in there yeah we do which is nice there's a full hiking dome in there it's crazy hiking dome there is i forgot about that yeah you just like you go down one layer and it's literally an entire mountain to hike yeah in a spaceship it [ __ ] with you a bobsledding track too weirdly yeah i don't [ __ ] with that i don't really [ __ ] with that either because it just looks like no one's ever used it yeah and the bobsled itself looks definitely like it was stolen from like the russian olympic yeah team in the 80s yeah so i'll definitely use the shot put area though oh yeah and the hammer throw that's the coolest part yeah yeah yep i would javelin but like i'm so afraid because of the way it's positioned someone's going to come through the door and hey noel we're rolling in [Laughter] we're rolling [Laughter] we'll get you down we'll get you down to the hospital we'll be back down to earth we'll get to the hospital just how bad does it look squirting out of his mouth don't talk don't talk don't talk it looks fine it's like a little flesh wound i think you'll be fine i feel like it nailed it javelin's probably a lot faster hey like it's just that yeah just that second yeah oh my just it's got to be so quick man there's no way it's slow you definitely go like that's getting a hit from the server seriously imagine getting hit with a shot put oh just one of these and he's just broken bones yeah that makes me think of like civil war era like getting like hitting with a rolling cannonball yeah because after all the momentum is lost and it's just a hot ball of just takes your shin out all right hold the ah guys we want to take a quick break to thank the sponsor of today's episode liquid death you may start noticing there are strange tall boys of beer in the bottled water section of your local stores you may be thinking what the heck what the heck are those well it's not beer it's actually mountain spring water from the alps of all places and it's called liquid death why is this water called liquid death well it's because it will brutally murder your thirst and their infinitely recyclable tall boy cans are helping to bring death to plastic bottles that's right so donate 10 of their profits from every can sold to help kill plastic pollution if it's anything that needs to be brutally murdered besides your thirst it's plastic yep yep google microplastics i dare you don't do it it's gonna make you depressed did you know plastic isn't actually recyclable anymore and that most plastic youth that you throw in a recycling bin just gets sent to a landfill because it's not profitable to recycle aluminum is infinitely recyclable and actually profitable for recycling facilities yeah you know um we we drink this very often uh i i love these cans personally yes i love this [ __ ] i really do just cause i can actually measure how much water i'm drinking very easy for me to go one can two game three can we just super lazy but no but that's actually why i drink it too because it's easy and it doesn't make me feel shitty when i do that with plastic bottles i'm like oh my god i'm like destroying the world yeah but with this i'm crushing cans i'm crushing them tossing them in the recycling like [ __ ] slam dunking them in there also there's just something that feels good about drinking it out of a can yeah i think it's just something just about it so if you want to pick up some you can actually get two free koozies with your first order of any case of water liquid death dot com that's two free koozies with your first order just go to liquiddeath.com tmg speaking of um getting taken out adrian's kickback dude what a what a world 149 people arrested 149 people arrested so this all happened from tick tock right and how did the meme even start how does any [ __ ] meme start because the kid adrian like posted a like an actual ad to his cake back but people probably do that all every day all day i think it was like the text and all that it just seemed like something someone would make if they were 40 okay and to be 16 i think it was so polarizing that so many young kids were like there's no way you made that can i see the flyer uh if we have a shot of it i want to see that so then people were flying into town for it like so this thing went viral he posted this he said hey i'm having a kickback or whatever and it went totally viral a parade of beamers drove like some absurd amount of miles there's like 200 cars like a full car club drove to adrian's kickback it made me want to leave hawaii to go to the kickback i'm like i need to i know i saw the all the footage of people like lighting fireworks off on the street and stuff like that i was like this seems kind of sick i you know i i know the nilk boys were looking at that being like these [ __ ] yeah yeah we gotta do it bigger than them gotta do it bigger than adrian yeah all right guys meet up in times square this weekend yeah that's it was you know they they rolled out like uh like riot squads man to shut these kids down all right who who is this now everything that happened at the adrian kickback let's see this huntington beach too yeah such a perfect place for this to go down yeah most definitely oh no pause the pause deposit pause deposit pause it pause deposit web copywriter music it's okay it's all right no worries adrian had a kickback we're aware yeah last two times i've been to huntington beach there was a trump rally both times one of them was after he got after he didn't get elected nice yeah yeah they love trump down there oh they do yeah orange county yeah they're big big orange county [ __ ] with trump yeah they do you know like i think it's manhattan beach there's like uh i didn't realize this there's like a it's like a memorial stone i feel like for like a black-owned hotel and the family that owned it just literally just got ran out of town what yeah in manhattan beach yeah there's a lot of that weird like you know i and i guess huntington before everything supposedly it was like a like a white supremacy hangout spot like like biker gangs would chill down oh yeah yeah okay that makes sense and so yeah it it's just like it's it's it's so weird because it's such a nice place and then when you like dig into like some of the roots you're like oh that's uncomfortable yeah that's really shitty yeah it's just further you get out of la oh yeah you get more trunk flags weirdo pockets man oh yeah anyway you know you know they're they're going crazy for the no mask [ __ ] now like yeah [ __ ] i'm stoked too man june 15th june 15th they said no uh uh capacity things anymore no masks you just can't celebrate too early because then people get the wrong idea about you yeah that's true no mess [ __ ] yeah no man [ __ ] and don't mess well wait not like that man oh [ __ ] i thought she was never mind about she more like fraud jeez nice nice let's not even do that it's crazy how you get deleted from twitter and you just get like erased what do you mean i mean you know trump got forcibly logged off yeah you don't read his press releases that he really no i'm not subscribed dude but you know like i had like a burner email that i had on my instagram for a while and just you know big ups to everyone who made sure to sign me up for all trump related things 15 times the four times i've checked that thing it's just like thank you for signing up for the trump campaign i'm like cool i'm gonna delete my twitter and start putting out updates through press releases through a blog through a blog take it old school man yeah exactly see me at livejournal.com cody thinks hey guys wanna just wanted to update you guys on my thoughts on crypto no dude not again wait new main quitting social media no way is he quitting no it was it was like a bait video is this handy i guess this is my first youtube video and probably like four or five years if you don't know who i am my name is kane trujillo and um new maine on six [ __ ] um oh yeah music [ __ ] yeah who who even cares it's like at the end he's like i'm not quitting i'm never going away [Laughter] really yeah did he ever address any of the things that people were saying no like i'm wondering what his thoughts are you you know that he it's just like the ultimate double down he doesn't like really feel any but you gotta think of every person on the internet is like this is [ __ ] up some people can just roll with that yeah i guess especially gen z they don't give a [ __ ] nah they don't they've been dealing with negative comments they're that's what i noticed man so much bullying happens on tick tock kids don't care at all nah nah they don't they got thick skin yeah yeah it's like uh you would venture to say that some call of duty players would be hard-pressed to be yeah put together in the tick-tock environment yeah it's like because because the bullying on tick-tock is it's just wildly specific like someone will sit there and watch your tick tock six seven times to be like why is your left ear bigger yeah yeah exactly yeah no it's not yeah yeah it is bro look at the lighting look in the mirror yeah oh it's not bigger post a picture of yourself right now yeah a thousand comments ah big ear and then every tick tock after that big what's up big ear hey can you hear me what's up dumbo sorry you didn't catch me let me step on the left side yeah and then and then you know when like spacex rocket successfully crashes through the stratosphere creating a sonic boom there's people tagging him in that [ __ ] you heard that [ __ ] huh i bet your left ear caught that huh big ear [ __ ] that grandma uses you for a [ __ ] cable tv huh yeah so yeah yeah definitely uh the kids they just don't give a [ __ ] that's like the i think the first thing when you use tick tock you're like oh they talk [ __ ] on here oh yeah oh yeah with the amount that like body positivity and stuff like that is increasing bullying is also increasingly yeah yeah it's crazy i think adults think that tick-tock is like a safer platform i i think it's the you see some [ __ ] up [ __ ] on that who is thinking that like even even the ability to stitch and to react to people's stuff like you know what i'm saying yeah i mean like i do that i don't take talk but i mean say like people brutalize that oh yeah definitely seen some mean ones yeah it's crazy to just be like consuming that [ __ ] all day yeah you know you know like a lot of these kids just eating that out laughing like a man like hell yeah make fun of people get them yeah yeah i don't think new man cares i think he likes it i think he likes the attention yeah that's just that you know i'm not gonna diagnose anybody but there are some people who thrive on any attention hola hombres uh we're gonna take another quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode that's babel for most of us learning learning a second language in high school or college wasn't exactly a high point in our academic careers i've never been good at learning other languages but now thanks to babel the number one selling language learning app there's an addictively fun and easy way to learn a new language whether you'll be traveling abroad connecting in a deeper way with family or you just have 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god you are definitely not my kid like you don't know how to chill this is so annoying dude yeah that's that's very true god just i'm gonna [ __ ] your mom like literally the kid's like yeah yeah that's how i got that's how i got here dude i [ __ ] your mom you realize that right you realize i [ __ ] your mom right yeah go cry to your mom doesn't matter because i [ __ ] her yeah dad i got bullied at school you know you're getting bullied here too [ __ ] yeah dude it was one of the books i was in it's a weird thing to read [ __ ] like that like on a beach it's just wildly deep psychological [ __ ] on your phone and then just someone walked by you doing all right over here yeah yep yeah yes yep yeah crying yes sorry this book is just like really yeah yeah and the best part is that book is like a ton of testimonials oh yeah just reading about other people's experiences oh god that sounds heavy what's it called um children of emotionally immature parents oh okay yeah self-explanatory yeah super just yeah we'll do a pina colada i will have another pena thank you i will this is for mary god bless your soul it was uh interesting read um i feel like i'm late to the web 3.0 stuff that's the feeling i got when i was reading about that stuff i was like damn i slept on this for like years yeah i mean there's so much [ __ ] happening already have you ever looked at like the stack of like web 3.0 like how like like you know like when you think of like web stack it's like you see like the layers it's like backhand front end whatever like i was looking at some diagram that was detailed about the web 3.0 stack like where crypto falls in and where other like smart contracts and stuff fit in and it was like seven layers bitcoin was layer one and ethereum was layer two oh i see so it's like this is just trying to say in the bonus where yeah and then there's a d5 or there's a decentralized database technology that people use yeah that's like way up okay um but and then web host yeah dns there's a decentralized dns now [ __ ] is like that's the stuff that's like gets higher yeah but when i i feel like i didn't articulate this very well on the bonus so it's weird to do it now but you know to the point of people being like why you guys talk about crypto so much dude it's gonna it's gonna shift the paradigm man yeah serious cody paradigm shift co [Laughter] literally you can call me that i mean uh i'll shut the [ __ ] up about it but yeah i love talking about this [ __ ] i mean dude the concept of it's how it's the total inverse of everything now everything now it's like one person contains and owns everything and decides everything and this the idea of like tick tock a pla like a social platform being completely decentralized with like capability of an anonymous it's scary as [ __ ] as what it is yeah that's what i was talking about before it's like then how do you actually prevent because okay so there's some level to like uh there's some argument right where it's like no censorship right like whether or not you think it's good or bad that trump got taken off of twitter right whatever there's a lot of people that think that censorship that shouldn't happen and so with a design decentralized system it can't happen yeah but then how do you how do you block out the truly evil [ __ ] not to say trump isn't true truly evil but i'm saying like the crimes and oh yeah like people sharing nefarious horrible [ __ ] yeah it's gonna be like fortune imagine a decentralized 4chan i mean yeah where you can never take anything down yeah so then how do we how do you police that you need to a little bit of regulation is good that's why we have speed limits and sea balls you know what i'm saying yeah just be limited on the internet and stop all these [ __ ] pedophiles that's pretty much what it is like no yeah and i mean even like people that trade that info like i was talking about like zero knowledge protocol like yeah the fact that you could be a disgusting person and confirm that with someone else who's like about that yeah and like you guys can now anonymously share information and data yeah so wild man but yeah that that that future of privacy going from totally at risk to uh impenetrable like you can be as private and as masked as you want i was thinking of [ __ ] like imagine face filters get so good and voice filters get so good that like what if social apps are just like it's a grown man being charlie demilio yeah yeah and then he goes out in his regular life and no one has a [ __ ] clue yeah and then he works with a team to manufacture media and what if it's sharp as [ __ ] and people just believe it yeah it will be that and then you know because it'll be in vr too you could do that just yeah i was picturing like imagine some scary like private resort where it's like required at all times to like wear some like ar headset and you can never know who's actually there like imagine like going out to a restaurant and like because you have your ar on everyone's face is like muted in some way oh like they're all in like uh those like masks those like uh phantom of the opera masks type yeah basically that but like the tech version yeah that's just i don't know i don't know just the future man the future that's all i was thinking about that's right it sounds like you were relaxing yeah relaxing thinking about this stressing the [ __ ] out over there absolutely over what's gonna happen in five years paradigm shift nah just it just made me think how we you know it made me think on the way we talk about krypto and stuff i think the narrative is kind of dumb you know it's just it's all purely about the financial stuff and we sleep on the other part of it which is no do the technology that people are experimenting with on the back end oh yeah is the part that like when we talk about it made me feel that when we talk about ai and the takeover of robots and stuff that's like we think that of physical things like being replaced by machines and whatever and i look at the web 3.0 i'm like no no dude this is the weird ai world yeah that's going to take over yeah where you know transactions and data and all that stuff is being crunched and produced by obscure machines in like people's backyards and they don't even know that it's your you know what i mean like it's just that that's the bizarro world what we're going into which is why dude this is why it's so these like [ __ ] coins are so annoying because it's like there's so much incredible [ __ ] happening in the world is changing like blockchain could be the and bitcoin could be the most important invention of the last however many years you know what i'm saying yeah and yet boob coin yeah is the thing that everyone's paying attention to yeah you know the shiva inu coins yeah they get ripped off and they're like you know what [ __ ] crypto crypto's for losers man it's going away only thing that has to be fixed is the chain making changes on a blockchain whoever figures that out wasn't marcus working with some people you can't do it that's the point no but uh sorry in in relation to like dapps like decentralized apps like it's if you put out a dap like it's kind of that's what smart contracts are for right yeah but there's still a degree of like um limitation that's why dows and stuff are super experimental and they have very specific use cases because it's hard to iterate so whoever can figure out some weird middle layer there that's going to be like the what yeah but yeah okay last thing i'll say sorry the did you look at that whole [ __ ] uniswap yeah and you saw how like they forked and that whole business no i didn't all right so i read this article or someone was basically talking about how like if you consider smart contracts to be the basis of like a company or like an organization there's like a world where people could fork your company yeah oh yeah yeah like someone could wake up one day and be like draftking sucks i could do it better and fork the whole thing and then that's [ __ ] awesome imagine you're just media too oh yeah you're like i could fight better than podcasting podcasts they talk about crypto too much i'm gonna fork it better yeah i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna synthesize all voice recordings of them and build the same podcast but better but better could you imagine selling like like specific iterations of your personality like as a podcast yeah yeah so we took all our voices and now we're manufacturing a finance podcast but it's us what the [ __ ] yeah sorry so yeah you know relaxing [ __ ] i i will take another pina colada yeah you know what yes i'll have another opinion yeah uniswap was crazy man yeah that i mean that whole um basically what it was guys is uniswap was like a it was a smart contract for nft uh trading right like it would find like a buyer and a seller yeah yeah it says exchange right it it actually wasn't like a full up exchange it just like because i don't think any of the nfts lived on uniswap in the beginning gotcha it they do now okay so here's what's crazy is it started as a smart contract was kind of like a brokering system this is my understanding and then sushi swap came along they took that smart contract and they go we're gonna build a company out of this so then the people who created that smart contract for unit swap they're like nah and then they made their platforms then they launched essentially two companies like i don't know the timeline but essentially in tandem oh okay and it's just like out of a smart contract two companies were born and like they're in some way competing wow and then they are dows so they offer you can stake in the company so you can uh benefit from the profits they take from people buying and selling nfts by buying tokens by buying uniswaps so you can you can be invested in the company and be like essentially in control of it so you can vote and participate yeah by buying unit swap token right no so it's like that's the other thing is there's two instruments where if you stake you do get tokens but you can also buy tokens in the company but not be staked oh okay i see so damn yeah if that should and that that like the numbers they make they make like the double-digit millions like daily oh yeah dude the [ __ ] so i'm investing monthly sorry not daily uh i'm investing in this fund that just does crypto investments and their their first fund they invested in uniswap and it's like 38 000 return on their investment or something absurd is it just like a public fund or no it's like a it's like a private thing damn i was looking at like auto yield funds and stuff those are crazy as well but so yeah there's so much like interest [ __ ] happening right now too like staking and collecting interest on like all my friends are staking their ethan collecting interest on coinbase now or on block fi you can do it yeah it's pretty wild yeah the staking ethereum part is crazy uh so the fund is it like is it like they do cash dollars and they just like invest in crypto yeah it's like a vc fund got it yeah yeah there's i ask because uh the world of like vc and crypto is so intense i really didn't understand the scale and capacity they have it's wild man the whole it's and it's all happening under the radar yeah i feel like it's happening every day and people just ass coin crypto's a joke man yeah meanwhile there's a 16 year old getting rich off of like butt [ __ ] coin oh yeah dude whatever oh yeah anyway sorry to make the same points but it blows my mind i love it i love it yeah and i love sheba nuts too so anyways yeah um speaking of 16 year olds getting rich we should peep this call of duty land event what is this look at this kid dude maybe they took the video down this kid's thanks bro i mean he's just a shitty teenager but man literally always two and seven i'm the best on land you [ __ ] suck don't forget get the [ __ ] out of here bro who do you [ __ ] think you are dog [ __ ] retire stay [ __ ] shirt oh my god this is gonna be war in 20 years kids like just taking out like other countries robots be like let's [ __ ] go your [ __ ] dog bro holy [ __ ] you ever see that go ahead no this is just funny because like i understand the feeling of accomplishment but you just smashed some random kid on land like you know you know how that feels oh yeah i definitely know how that feels i i saw a tick tock that was kind of like this but it was like the fat dude equivalent of this where it's like it was like 12 dudes in a small one-bedroom apartment and they're playing travis scott or something like that and they're going ham these kids are like just singing the [ __ ] full blast like arm and arm like it's just a boys night you could tell yeah and you look at and you're like this is so corny but then you look at all the comments and it's like you guys just don't understand what it's like to be with your boys this i feel like it's the gamer equivalent of that like on the outside we look at this and we're like that's [ __ ] lame right but it's also we've been there and we know how good that no definitely i'm not i'm not fully hating i've definitely had moments where you [ __ ] put somebody away get [ __ ] let's go the uh the the best [ __ ] is when you smash someone in a first person shooter and they call you a hacker oh that's the best yeah you hear their i've never gotten that i can't even pretend like i've been there but sam gets that all the time you're hacking the death calms yeah when you kill him they go oh dude he's hacking and then it ends yes that's it'll make you oh you wish i was acting a little [ __ ] that makes your inner thigh sweat that makes your uh what was that your bamboo your boost knuckle yeah that makes your banal toe moisten up a little bit because you flex the inner thigh a little bit when someone says that's like yeah it gets wet yeah exactly it makes it makes your would that be your is that your thussy it could be your fussy yeah boost knuckle toe yeah oh i'm getting fuzzy flowers let's see look at my little fuzzy flowers oh [ __ ] hide shite lousy flowers bro i hate to end it abruptly but i have to go oh you gotta go i gotta beam down okay go for it bring him down dude he's just gonna hang out with the yeah i got some i got some stuff i gotta do with this yeah for sure yeah well i just gotta yeah i'm gonna beam down i'm just gonna um i'll see we'll see you guys next week yeah i'm beam down okay all right all right dude best best wishes man yeah best wishes yeah yeah leave the oh oh you're gonna take it okay lee definitely leave that no definitely leave that one i'm not done with that what do you need it for just some stuff i got some unfinished business with that that i need to finish all right okay i'll see you guys all right thanks man [Laughter] [ __ ] fine i'll just jerk off normally then
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 474,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elon, Musk, Adrian, Kickback, Kick, Back, Party, TikTok, Tik, Tok, Web, 3.0, Neumane, Uniswap, Call, Duty, LAN, Montana, Furry, Furries, Suit, Hot, Sauna, Joe, Rogan, Lewis, Hamilton, F1, Hawaii
Id: -Wgdqzysoho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 42sec (3882 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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