CreepShow Art Has ALWAYS Been This Way...
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Emily Artful
Views: 3,777,749
Rating: 4.9589152 out of 5
Keywords: art, art video, creative, illustration, watercolor, acrylic, colored pencils, artwork, artist, graphic design, painting, winsor and newton, golden, qor, holbein, gouache, sennelier, white nights, comedy, funny, laugh, jokes, emily artful, tattoo art, gothic art, goth, creepshow art, creepshow, art drama
Id: Y3xHC4GwNrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 52sec (7552 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Holy crap, I am so disgusted that I gave Shannon my time and views. What a terrible human being to have done that to one woman for that many years. My heart aches for Emily and how she was treated.
I'm also impressed that she had SO much proof. So smart of her to make this video, it really put a final nail in Shannon's coffin. She's such a liar and a fraud and I pity whoever spend real money on her pathetic self.
My jaw dropped when I found out creep lied about being homeless, choosing van life isnβt the same as not having a choice and being destitute
Jesus christ Shannon. The bitch is certifiably insane. Imagine going to such lengths to terrorize the woman your incel husband is still clearly obsessed with.
Ya know I used to watch Creeps videos and near the tail end a few months back I stopped watching because something just felt off. The more she talked it felt like there was something *ugly underneath all this UwU niceness.
I feel so bad for Emily. Her Ex and Shannon need some legal repercussions for a decades worth stalking, harassment and threats. Its so damn disgusting.
I am shocked. I don't know who to talk to about this. I almost feel like i need emotional support, this whole thing has been upsetting me the past few days. I feel so stupid for being so impacted by this but i REALLY THOUGHT she was good. 100%. I can't believe i was so naive. Who else is faking everything? Who knows.
It's a long one, so get some snacks before you start. We're almost an hour and a half in and only in 2017ish.
it should be noted that during the stream the chat had to be turned off because Shannon was botting it with increasingly more disgusting named sock accounts that spammed "SHANNON DID NOTHING WRONG" every 5 seconds. she did the same thing to John's Peanut Gallery too, that was actually where i saw the comments from Emily's chat because it was already disabled by the time i joined the stream. Peanut's latest stream has proof of the comments, some folks managed to get screen grabs
Anthony's messages to Emily about how he disliked her channel were so disgusting. He has such a supirerioty complex and thinks he's an intellectual when he's done nothing with his life except be a complete waste of oxygen. I can't even imagine reading messages from someone who thinks they are that important. I got bad really bad narcissist vibes from CSA a while back and I should have trusted that feeling. What a disaster.
About to start it in a few minutes. I got my snacks and sounds set up and everything. These two hours gonna have my full attention better than school ever did. Will update when I finish.
Edit: Finished watching. It was a shitshow. I hope Shannon and her husband face consequences.