Episode 146 - Y'all Not Ready

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what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace welcome back welcome back and we'll see you later goodbye and bye that said today's episode thanks thank you guys thank you guys for listening we love you guys i really can't laugh dude ow ow so what uh explain to me why you're hurting yeah so i i drove carts yesterday i said shifter carts in the last episode i think but they're not shifter carts they were automatic which i'm glad they were not shifter carts but [ __ ] hell bro that [ __ ] is intense it's just like your whole body you basically so uh man it pretty much like the the straight line speed on that track that i was on the top was 70. and going 70 in that thing was in the cart in the cart yeah 70 miles per hour [ __ ] cart yeah and like that's fast as [ __ ] yeah the torque is instant it is wild and uh towards the end of the day i i i was finally getting the feel and i was like really like locking in and man like the the feeling of like hitting a corner like 60 and then like shooting out of it and then like setting up for the next one [ __ ] hell dude yeah i gave you a little boner yeah man it's like it's like a it's i think it's like the same thing as if you ride a motorcycle like after getting in that and then getting in a regular car i was thinking there's probably no regular car that's ever gonna feel like that oh i see yeah yeah was it kind of like you got in your car and you're just like it wasn't you were chasing the dragon almost yeah you got your car and you're like you know you're going going 20 over the speed limit it's like it's not hitting it's not i'm not like i'm not even trying to be corny but i i was just holding the pedal down and i got up to 80 on the freeway and i legitimately didn't feel like that was 80 at all i feel like i was going like 50 miles an hour like this it's boring as well yeah i couldn't i couldn't believe how just the change in perception and man i won't go on too long about it but yeah the the force on those things is so crazy they can uh you have to wear a rib protector um because uh the dude i was driving with uh jagger jones most race car guy name ever jagger jones yeah or or a porn star yeah either one man um yeah that's what i told him the first time i met him i was like you should you picked one of the two like you were either supposed to be a race car driver or [ __ ] and you picked one you picked the cleaner one jagger jones jagger julian's [ __ ] that sounds like it's from like a like you know uh ricky bobby or some [ __ ] yeah i know yeah and him and his brother man his brother's name is jace jace jones jason jagger really did yeah dude what the [ __ ] were their parents sex icons no the [ __ ] uh they're like uh they're the grandchildren of like this racing legend named ali jones yeah so it just yeah um so wait you were with him yeah i was a jagger um he kind of he kind of set the whole thing up and so showed you the rubs a little bit he i i tried to i tried to chase him but i i couldn't really keep up i just didn't have like the really the physicality i hate that word but i just i couldn't do it but he was telling me that um he broke a rib on a driving week like he had a race on like a sunday and he did carts i think like a couple days before um just for practice and he came off a curb and the the positioning was just weird and like he when the cart dropped back down just something happened and he cracked a rib wow yeah and that's that was the scary part is what so the carts are weird in that we have to give them more power and the more power you give them the more grip you have so the you know you're intuitively you want to slow down in the corner and then like kind of set it up but you want to slow down and then you want to yank the wheel and then as soon as you're pointed at the apex you want to right on throttle you want to get on it and like just that series of inputs is [ __ ] terrifying because it's not like a track or maybe the the barrier is like you know maybe 30 feet or something from where you're at like it's maybe like 15 feet yeah and like you just i don't know the depth and how close you are to like riding the edge other the other dudes on the track were just the pace was crazy and how comfortable they were pushing it like they would get so close to the barrier um but yeah thrilling probably oh yeah yeah how long did you do it all day uh i went from like 10 till 2 30. i did not have the strength to go all day did you drift at all yeah oh yeah i had i had a few uh i had a few um i had one lock up uh which you know is is i don't know what you're throwing around buzzwords i packed sorry crescendo lock up i don't know what any of this [ __ ] like just the brakes locked up and then the rear um slid so like i did a little uh a little spin little mario kart spin oh nice yeah yeah so i yeah [ __ ] spin i know what that means yeah so i spun out and and uh when you spin on those things like there's no suspension or anything so you just look like a [ __ ] ragdoll and i was like laughing to myself after it happened like and then my head is just getting thrown the [ __ ] around it's like that gif of all like that family on the boat yeah no seriously they're all standing there like [Laughter] you're a straight facial i was like that's so good i was chuckling man i like and then the other part about it that's kind of scary is because uh these dudes know the driving line so well uh you know they're they're really like leaning into it so the tires are are just they're literally shredding rubber so the dirty parts of the track are just littered in like dirty rubber but the thing that kind of [ __ ] with you is dirty rubber that's a really dirty rubber yeah it's like lit with dirty robbers mate yeah it's like it's like a street in london full of dirty rubber no just like like i hit a corner and i shred the tire and like a little chunk just goes flying in the air and i've never seen that before so i see that [ __ ] i'm like oh god like did i [ __ ] this thing up or the tire off yeah but it's you know whatever that's totally normal but to like i don't just makes it more dramatic like when you spin you kick up some of that [ __ ] and yeah whatever man it was yeah so i'm hurting so so is it like the the new hobby now you're gonna go back and do it man i wish that that [ __ ] is expensive dude really karting yeah i think one of those carts you know brand new could go like 8 to 10k oh so you got to buy it and then yeah and then you got to have the you got it it's not like it's not like a normal go-kart park where they just you know the people before you hop off and you hop in and they go go we did the you know the go-karting ride at disney world oh nice it's on a track so you don't you don't have to drive it it just drives it's got ai yep it's got no no it's got a metal track it physically cannot go off the track yeah that's what i mean it's like it's like ai it's just yeah exactly yeah it's just thank you for the car it's all [Laughter] yeah bro i wish man i um so basically we i had to um i like paid a guy a fee it was like jagger's friend and he like grew up with him uh in karting he's like he's a little bit older and um so he brought the carts and he like builds carts for a living and he he develops uh cards and stuff for different like drivers and he um it's kind of interesting um he's just telling me how like coronavirus even hit that world but like you know the rudest way possible what do you mean he said that they like towards the beginning of the quarantine or like the whole what the hell sorry my windows defender noise just went off i don't know what happened um he said that him and all these people drove to uh new orleans for a uh for a cup or some event and he said did we get there and uh he said something like two races in or i think it was like a long it was like an event it was like four or five days long and they get two days in the event and uh the the race officials were like yeah no this this can't happen you all have to go home huh he was like like i drove all that [ __ ] way he like drove across [ __ ] america with this big ass truck it's like going on tour like he just drove there and then they were like yeah dude no show go home jesus yeah so that sucks yeah anyway um i'm gonna go to lake havasu next weekend and uh yeah they're definitely not they're not taking any precautions at lake havasu it's business as usual there i know that for a fact why because you went you had a good time and yeah i went last weekend actually yeah it was great it was crazy yeah i know that for a fact because i was there no i just i just know that they they're not they don't give a [ __ ] no one there has ever worn a mask no ever will wear a mask they're having boat parties just like it's it's last summer bro i wish uh jeep weekend and lake havasu would come together yeah somewhere like either all the jeeps go to uh lake havasu or all of lake havasu goes to balboa peninsula [Laughter] and they just have a peninsula whatever he said peninsula peninsula [Laughter] oh my god imagine imagine yeah imagine all the dudes in lake havasu with tribal tattoos and [ __ ] like that and speed boats you know cigarette boats all those guys switched they had jeeps they borrowed the people's jeeps from jeep weekend and the people from jeep weave weekend got the boats and they just got to go ape [ __ ] for like a day or two and then they swap back all the people from jeep weekend the way he said jeep weep end jeep weeping chop chief weapons got the bulbs i love jeep weeping that was me man that was me talking like a five-year-old in that cart yesterday i love the car i love the car this is so much fun yeah not getting lapped by guys who are [ __ ] 55 years old man anyway um so much [ __ ] has happened yo can we wait can we can we start with the with the uh mark zuckerberg edit oh sure yeah like we gotta watch this okay it's now recognized for fun wait do you want this full screen yeah yeah sure so he was uh zuckerberg like testified to congress i guess for not congress i don't know whatever it's like an anti-trust lawsuit or something like that right yeah yeah or anti-competition because if it's like uh acquisition of instagram i don't know but someone made this edit and it's so [ __ ] funny yeah who who made this [ __ ] um elliott etc ellie at etc thanks bro this is on twitter thank you mr cook mr zuckerberg is now recognized for five minutes hey how's it going we are live from my backyard where i am smoking a brisket and some ribs so you know the thing about about smoking meat is that it takes a long time and you just end up sitting around for a while so i figured that it would be pretty fun to smoke a bunch of stuff like a brisket it's actually pretty easy you open up the lid and you put some charcoal at the bottom and then you put some wood chips on top if you want to give it a smoky flavor and uh and you just kind of go through it perfectly i was making for dinner brisket ribs i hope delicious a sweet baby raised barbecue sauce that is going on the ribs you know the thing that really makes it good and i think half of half of the joy is that things taste better when you make them dude that his gays they taste doubly better half of the joy half of the joy he looks like he's in a gusher's commercial like permanently like his [ __ ] eyeballs are so scary man what is it i know people rip on him all the time but he really if anyone was like a secret lizard it's him yeah you know like i was listening i don't know if you heard post on rogan uh but they talked about like aliens for like an hour uh oh when opposed won a rogan win yeah yeah yesterday oh i didn't know that yeah you weren't listening to it in the cart no it wasn't yeah i wasn't blasting a podcast in the car unfortunately um they're talking about like you know aliens that are that are like living as humans right now right if anyone is that it's it's him for sure what is with billionaires tech billionaires and having big ass eyes like his yeah his eyes and jeff bezos eye yeah oh i wonder who else got a big eye um anyway yeah i don't i just want to know like was he always like this definitely even i mean i guess you kind of picture him being like this and then making the original facebook where he's like it's a website where like listen to this [ __ ] words didn't it start with you could rank women dude you you just rated them like yeah that was the first that was the most inspirated and then he ranked them based on hottest yeah like the most amount of ratings so that that i think that i think like i can't even do his [ __ ] [ __ ] i know half the joy half the joy is the barbecue sauce something like sweet baby rays let's guess half the joy of hot or not is i figured that it would be it's pretty fun to smoke his voice is like in the back of his throat it's like ha ha it's kind of like crunchy buddy can't do it nope i can't even do it yeah what the [ __ ] it's gone ladies and gentlemen we want to take a quick break and say a big thank you to one of our sponsors today which is hawthorne um y'all use we all use cologne you know what it's like to use cologne um you know when you're when you're about to get ready for a date or a gathering and you just pump that thing down to the bottom you just keep going it's like a sprinkler on your neck well maybe in the past yeah you would do yeah right because the cologne you're using is very good it's shitty or you need to use a lot of it or whatever but not with hawthorne all right hawthorne sense has fantastic cologne they got body wash they got shampoo they got a bunch of stuff face cleanser lotion it all smells 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] to his roommate must have been looking at him like oh man that's kind of [ __ ] up he's like no you don't get it all these women that have rejected me i now have the upper hand i just i picture more like he's just doesn't know how to react like he doesn't even really process that it's [ __ ] up yet it's just weird you know what i mean like yeah yeah it's like mark just comes into their communal whatever and he's like you can rate women from the school okay they're like but why would we want to do that to see who is the hottest oh yeah i mean we all have like that's you know sort of we all have different opinions on on that no but wouldn't be cool if it was crowdsourced and we all knew this way we can collect the data and figure out who's the hottest in the school based on an average that i've calculated and then i can blackmail her into marrying second day this mom calls honey how's your first day how's your roommate um yeah i don't know man i don't know if it's gonna work out harvard's weird yeah i don't really i kind of just want to go to community college with my friends this is this school is [ __ ] [ __ ] up man i don't want to be here oh my god [Laughter] wouldn't that be cool if we all knew i'm just walking around at a party with a [ __ ] macbook trying to explain his stupid website yeah and no one will listen see no sadie sadie right now you're third you see who the [ __ ] is this guy i have no [ __ ] clue who he is he keeps talking to me he just moved down the fourth [Laughter] he's just chasing girls around you're on the list you're on the list lisa you're top ten can you believe it everyone okay yeah he's trying his he's trying his she's trying genuinely his hardest to not be creepy but it's just the creepiest thing ever congratulations jane you're number five i always thought that you were definitely top five hottest it's gotta be ew it's not me though it's crowdsourced it's everyone else it's not i didn't ranked it i didn't you it's not me you know you know the winklevosses only sued him because they were so mad this dude like mark got one over on them yeah like that's just like these two [ __ ] chad investors that are like i can't believe this fool [ __ ] got us out yeah this [ __ ] like picturing the original winklevosses and mark like it everyone has i feel like that image like we all laugh about mark but when we saw you know social network or whatever of course you you think of him as like jesse whatever the [ __ ] his name is army hammer no no who's the actor who played mark zuckerberg oh yeah yeah uh jesse withers witherspoon oh yeah um oh sylvester stallone when sylvester stallone was playing yeah when reese witherspoon was playing mark zuckerberg [Laughter] dude when the rock was playing mark zuckerberg when he walked in that room and he was like all right [ __ ] that sort of stone cold hot or not.com sorry i made a website and um i want to find out if the girls are hot or not and i want to know if you're in or you're in then yeah army hammer in the corner like well army hammer is the weirdest voice man yeah he does he definitely does good actor though good actor well jesse um i want to know what's in it for us for the facebook yeah that's good did you watch i've made so many call me by your name jokes that dude in that movie i could not take it seriously i haven't seen it yet i could not take his [ __ ] seriously man why this is [ __ ] voice like already so like i guess the premise of the book was that like they were a bit closer in age but when i saw like him next to timothy chalamet i'm like isn't isn't this kind of like isn't he like 40 like what are you doing yeah it kind of looks decades older than me yeah yeah like even from the preview i was like this is weird this looks [ __ ] illegal like straight up yeah but yeah i guess in the book it wasn't supposed to be that way i think that was like a common chris like criticism of the film like yeah okay the film looked good but you couldn't have maybe chose somebody like looks a little bit younger yeah i just just his voice makes me laugh i don't know why man hello timothy i would like to kiss you on the lips i'm very attracted to you yeah i want to chase you through the house and then read you a book it's just like it's like i don't know [Laughter] anyway anyway yes when the rock played mark zuckerberg i don't know i feel like the social network made mark seem like this [ __ ] you know [ __ ] yeah like ultra smart yeah [ __ ] knows that he's gonna be successful like he's kind of a dick no soon it's super dick yeah yeah like he's like oh man you're like man mark is a [ __ ] savage five years later we get i would the joy of smoking meat the joy of smoking these meats brisket maybe some chicken put some sweet baby rays on there and i actually you can rank the meats you can i have uh i've created a ranking site meetrank.com head on over to meat rank oh boy the content needs moderation that's so [ __ ] stupid i'm gonna make that i'm gonna i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna do it today i'm gonna make meat rank.com i've been itching to code a little bit you know it's weird dude somebody hit me like a family friend hit me up yesterday asking me to prototype something and i was like i really wish i could yeah yeah i feel like i've forgotten yeah totally forgot i want to make meatrank.com meatrank.com bro oh spare ribs are definitely definitely better than brisket [Laughter] my [ __ ] back dude oh wait i want to see if yo gotti ever got his hundred hundred thousand retweets uh did he i remember yeah yeah let's see that put the screenshot up first uh so yeah so uh when was this there it is it was this is a couple days ago but yo gotti he tweeted he he was he was trying to build up some hype to drop a song so in this screenshot like the the first one was was like um you know like pretty much like i'll drop this like if you're ready and then he follows up with now y'all not ready and then he goes hundred thousand retweets if you all ready and it got 1300. and that was two hours in so it wasn't looking very good it's like read the room so let so let's yeah did he ever wait he dropped it he put out the song i love i love when artists do that when they go hundred hundred thousand comments and you unlock the video it's like dude it's in the system you your label submitted it a month ago it's been coming out this date there's nothing you can do yeah that's gonna make it not come out yeah oh bro he deleted it oh he but he didn't delete his response oh man no this is so funny this is so funny some kid retweeted and said you might need help with this goal another 99 790 000 and we ready oh [ __ ] just tweet this 100 more times and add them together bro i'm doing the math i'm doing the math oh here that's 210. oh [ __ ] so he got he got more he got more he deleted it he deleted it [ __ ] hillary good man we gotta listen to that in the bonus we gotta start the bonus off with that song bro someone said 98 000 more so he only got 2 000 how are you that off dude how i mean he's got 1.8 million followers what that's a [ __ ] ton to probably purchase man the pride you know it's a conspiracy man he probably bought it that's so funny you got you got 32 retweets on his last his last tweet man yo 60 million retweets you guys on this episode of the podcast yeah that's about to say if we get a bajillion retweets on this podcast we'll drop the next one yo yo that'd be so funny tweet tweet like something serious like that yo y'all new video i'm thinking about dropping it friday if i get 60 billion retweets if literally everyone on twitter retweets this i think i'll put out my room tour youtube video but i need everyone 60 billion tweet retweets have you already damn 2 000 guess i'm not ready you can only get away with tweets and posts like that when your first like three months as an artist yeah like if like you have like a sudden pop like you're like blue face or something you can get away with that you can you can do those yeah yeah but after that you just drawn dead man [Laughter] oh that's so good i love it i absolutely love it y'all not ready i guess no one was ready man yeah which is a bummer oh he's like i'll drop it anyways only 2 000 people were ready which is this is a shame because yo gotti's not a bad artist man i actually like um i listened to his last album i really liked it you know who you know who is a really good artist and a great freestyler in particular who is uh uh those hit smoke purple oh my god man oh my god man we are late to covering this this is super late but man [Laughter] all right guys uh quick break real quick to thank daily harvest for sponsoring this episode of the podcast i don't know about you guys but sometimes i feel like i need a summer vacation from cooking when the heat rises i'm looking for ways to do less that's why lately i've been skipping out on meal prep and keeping things easy with daily harvest yeah and uh you know right now daily harvest is helping cody beat the heat uh with some refreshing smoothies and delicious scoops and some new plant-based ice cream bro why don't you tell them uh about that yeah dude scoops uh well so let me tell you about scoops first they're free of additives preservatives and fillers because they're made with whole nourishing organic ingredients like black sesame coconut cream and dragon fruit and they have four amazing flavors uh listen i [ __ ] with the cauliflower coconut cold brew cacao lion's mane ashwagandha flavor do we you smash that one a ton i smash that one it's good and uh you know it's a real lifesaver yeah they help you stock your home with clean delicious food that's built on real fruits and vegetables they're farm frozen to lock in peak nutrients and taste with daily harvest there's tons of options for any time of day from smoothies to harvest bowl flatbreads and more and the best part it's ready to enjoy in minutes yeah you know you can eat clean food with daily harvest it's easy and effortless whether you're having a night at home or need a quick bite on the go everything stays fresh in your freezer until you're ready to enjoy it uh keep it simple this summer go to dailyharvest.com enter the promo code tmg and get 25 off your first box that's promo code tmg 25 off your first box at dailyharvest.com dailyharvest.com.com i [ __ ] could not stop laughing at this are we late this happened like last week didn't it let me let me let me find out maybe it's old i think it's old man because i've seen the i've seen like that yeah this was a year ago man oh okay well let's play it but it like it it i think it like yeah it resurfaced um i've seen the the image of him um like sitting in that chair didn't this go insanely viral when it was first posted uh i don't know because i never saw it nah i don't i don't think so hold on he's probably so pissed that this got resurfaced no god damn it nobody noticed it the first time this only got a million views a year ago yeah so he's probably like [ __ ] i thought i got away with it i know this just popped off again because there's there's a lot like a lot of recent uploads trying to um uh you know capitalize on it all right here we go that's it play it it's fortnite for tonight [Music] in the moonlight in the spotlight i don't really really want limelight [ __ ] put me in the [ __ ] limelight [ __ ] put me in the [ __ ] life like you can move me under the [ __ ] limelight cause i really really really want to blow pipes like yeah yeah like yeah yeah look really good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh my god [Music] oh [ __ ] you gotta respect it honestly no that's about to say that was so bad that [ __ ] was good that's what i'm saying you have to you have to respect the fact that he just stops saying words like he's like i'm he's like i'm choking right now so i'm just gonna make this so bad that you can't not like it [Applause] just whining over the beat that [ __ ] was hard to [ __ ] watch he's so terrible but he get money so [ __ ] it dog i [ __ ] love like these comments like hey i'm an aspiring whatever like they always like the ones where it's like check out my beats just get progressively more dark it's always like i was orphaned off and my parents are died in a car crash if you listen to five of my beats right now i can have enough money to buy cereal you're like all right you're like oh all right hey please check out my beats my parents are being held hostage but if you think one of them is dope they'll get released you're like hey man i listened i gotta be honest it's it was trash yeah but my parents i know i'm just being honest i wish i liked it i wish i could for your parents but it was [ __ ] trash also this is funny how can you be an aspiring ghost writer maybe maybe you're insecure like you don't you know like you're you're good with words and you can put together ideas but it's uh it's uncomfortable for you no but what's funny is that like when you if you're an aspiring anything the way you get there is by making connections and you build you slowly build your career the whole point of being a ghost writer is not being known you have to already be known in order to get ghost writing jobs but it's funny to think about like you rising through the ranks of being a ghost writer when like no one's supposed to know who the [ __ ] you are [Laughter] dude it's the worst because you can't get referred you know what i'm saying yeah that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying he's just like he said oh man you need a writer i know this hey uh i mean i could get you something from someone yeah he could get you a verse from someone if you needed it someone like uh yeah the ghost writer is like you know he writes one for a smoke perp and he's like did you like that and smoke works like yo that this was dope this was super dope he's like thanks if you have any friends that maybe want me to write tracks for that [Laughter] no you're my you're my little secret no no no dude smokeworm ghost is ghostwriter hey bro that last [ __ ] you wrote me [ __ ] popped off bro [ __ ] was tough it's like thanks man i i appreciate that smoke perp's like yeah we got to get another it's like a blow dart in his neck he's like ghost rider's like i was like what is he doing did he just spit on his hand or what was that ghost rider catches him he's looking in the face he's like i'm sorry smoke you have to stay here now and you can't go anywhere and he just puts him in a basement with a ton of other rappers and they're all in they're all like no they don't have cell phones and they're all just you know they're muzzled off they can't speak and this ghostwriter just lives in a mansion he's just collecting rappers and he can't let his [ __ ] secret out oh i see i thought i thought you said you mean it's the opposite no the ghost writer is the one no he's making all these hits and and these rappers can never talk about it because they're never allowed outside oh i see that's why rappers fall off and stop making music and [ __ ] cause uh they you know did once they get the one the ghost writer you know he can't let him lose so the ghost rider is the one that running everything yeah kingpin it's like it's like mid-summer yeah yeah exactly [Laughter] it's so funny being in a room you know who wrote this song and the rapper is sitting with the ghost writer and the ghost riders looking at him with there's just an illuminati of ghost riders [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up um my brother the ghost writer like wins is a little more like it's like that's too close to him like my brother's friend's brother that's why this freestyle was so trash because he was like he went to the ghost he's like i got to do this radio show he's like no you have something for me and the ghost player is like no i'm writing selena gomez is the next thing what are you talking about he's like oh [ __ ] all right i think i can manage this by myself moonlight moonlight moonlight what an unfortunate line to come to your head all i want to do is blow pipe like ow man they're not gonna let you have that one man i'm sorry you said it i gotta print it i know i know you're talking about a gun but i'm sorry man no bro come on tim west would i set it by accident can you not can you not print it nice it's it's already out dude we printed it sorry not a smoke perp no here's his crazy he went to the ghost writer and this is the verse the ghost writer gave him the smoke's like i can't say this [ __ ] he's like yeah you can and you're gonna say it you're going to say it he's like he's reading it on paper and the last little picture says m-m-m-m what's this last part oh you just gotta go it's like this is gr it just says groan and parenthesis i'm laughing because someone is listening to this podcast um that's pretty funny is that people listen to this no wait someone who listen to this is like insecure right now because that's how they sound in bed yeah [Music] all i want to do is blowpipe is it bad faster [Music] are you okay does it hurt i played again i can't like i have to play the whole [ __ ] thing let's do it again oh god rip it again one more time play it like it's for tonight yeah i can't man one more time play it okay you know here here i got it right here i got it right here [ __ ] hell bro oh 38 minutes get the [ __ ] out yeah dude also it's it's longer like this they started it late oh so you know maybe maybe he had some decent lines up top and then he just ran out of you know no i meant like they started the bad part earlier like the fortnight line he has like a couple more right before that that are like just like nonsensical oh word okay moonlight spotlight i don't even really want a spotlight but they really put me in the limelight he really said no no no that is so dope he just doesn't even care just no no i [ __ ] love it i think it's so dope like he you know he left this interview and didn't feel any different about himself or his career or anything no he's just like he was like [ __ ] it i just was a little off whatever doesn't matter [Music] i bust the nut sounds like that [Applause] [Music] hard ass line bro literally like you're hard during the line [Music] speaking of people listening to the podcast and relating i want to shout out this boy ethan yeah we'll explain because this is this is bonus this was bonus episode [ __ ] so you got to explain what we were talking about oh yeah so basically um cuddly's telling us about somebody you know who knows a ghost writer who um sits in cakes on only fans yes literally gentlemen a gentleman that sits in cakes and puddings he just sits on him and then like just will sit like he'll like bounce bounce on them it's hard to describe honestly it's really hard to describe but i did see a video of him doing this and he has an only fans where he makes tons of money every month just by sitting on cakes so we talked about this for about 20 minutes and then i laughed thinking that there i know there's someone because we get all kinds of people listening to the podcast i was like i know there's someone stocking cakes right now listening to the copies of copious amounts of cash that they could be making sitting on these [ __ ] cakes that they're having to put on the shelves in the store and i want to shout out this boy ethan he said literally stocking cake while listening to the pod and it's boxes of cheese danish coffee cake this is wild man every time we say some [ __ ] about like oh if you're listening to the podcast and doing this and then we get 20 tweets within 10 minutes of people doing that thing listening to the podcast it blows my [ __ ] mind we had another dude's stocking pies which i would rec i almost feel like a pie fits better on an ass cheek like yeah too you gotta wait for the fall though yeah true yeah pumpkin and sweet potato pies and yeah pies it's not really like a year-round thing you want to see but a cake cake's always good well i'm just saying what kind of pies are you sitting in now in the summer key lime yeah maybe you could sit in a key lime pie yeah but i feel like you know the the pumpkin sort of puree consistency is much better for your cheek you know whereas key lime is kind of kind of gummy it's kind of you know slimy i've never eaten a key lime pie in my entire life so i will never what no it ain't happening and that's just the bottom line i mean i just that just makes me sad for you that's all it is is that as my friend i want you to have had that experience and the fact that you don't even want to let me look at wikileaks makes me sad let me see if i can get motivated genuinely makes me sad uh it's they're you know what i used to be on your page i i see where you're coming from because i used to be there i used to think i used to think i don't like sharp citrus flavors with my dessert you know but i ate it one time i think i was at some i think i was in the keys in florida and i had a key lime pie just because it's when you're there it's where it's from i think right that's why it's called that yeah and i had it and it changed my life bro this looks like raw pizza dough i can't even i like no part of my body is appetized looking at this i mean you just don't know what you're missing maybe not man maybe not but i think i'm good i wouldn't sit in it i wouldn't sit in one personally but i would eat it if i were you anyway yeah so shout out to ethan um let us know when you start your cake sitting account we want to see you sit in those danishes well just quick question um have you ever watched the office if you have you probably know it's based on a uk series also called the office but what if i told you there are nine other countries with their own versions of the office and you've never seen them well you probably didn't know about them because they're not usually available in your country but i genuinely did not know that's crazy but you can access content available 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bussie dude how funny is this car yeah the e-bussy e-bussy it's called they knew what they were doing man did they i i don't know electric brands were they based where they based it japanese car maybe or did i just make that up i think you just made that up uh let's see electric electric brands company all right electric brands what the [ __ ] kind of brand name is that yeah actually electric brands electric what the [ __ ] you can drop ship cars now this is [ __ ] yeah exactly you know what you know what let's let's let's let's go to alibaba right now car can you drop ship a car no okay okay you can okay that was the car that was the car you were driving right that second one bro are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me you can't drop ship these we could do an online car dealership no oh bro this [ __ ] is just you can just oh no no no i've heard of this i've heard of this oh these are [ __ ] crazy they're bootleg cars what's a bootleg car like it's literally a bootleg car like it doesn't have a no no no it's like it's drives it just looks like a bugatti yeah yeah yeah it's like based off of uh oh seven thousand thousand dollars god bro dude this would be a [ __ ] awesome video someone already did it someone already did it this car guy already did it god damn it um [ __ ] bro this is someone's done every good idea god damn [ __ ] funny oh my god bro i love how they're like almost almost the design like that lamborghini one and the bugatti one it's almost there it's just like the picture looks yeah compressed or something then you realize the design is just like off it's like yeah we gotta pretty much almost we got it almost there no [ __ ] way man yeah i think you can get these on ebay um hold up bootleg bugatti man that's so funny i forgot i swear oh my god um i want to get one of these things i don't even know if they're [ __ ] street legal i mean this is basically probably not like a kit car yeah um dude i want to buy one of these and then do a video like taking one of these to a track just being like all right let's see how [ __ ] fast this thing really is yeah [ __ ] annihilated or or buy one and then do a car tour like like like you legitimately think it's a real bugatti and you're like yo just got the new veyron i got like a crazy deal on it [Laughter] this thing looks like a [ __ ] fisher-price garment i know it just looks like it's plastic you would definitely die driving this thing yeah it would just fall apart there's no way this is safe i mean what's the cost to ship this thing seven thousand dollars you guys you can buy a fake bugatti for seven grand you can drive ship a car you can do the [ __ ] oh my god what is that is that a particle yeah yeah oh my god i hate those yeah with the where you all sit there drinking and and going around some is there any worse thing than that um i think particle probably getting kicked in the nuts no i would rather be kicked in the nuts than be invited to a barcicle and have to go yeah it's gonna be cool man we're all gonna like exercise around the city while we drink bro i'm gonna i'm gonna figure out something with one of these bootleg cars i'm gonna figure some [ __ ] out you just wait you're just so funny oh my god dude some of these are dope i know they kind of have like an interesting look you could if it wasn't so expensive you could buy like a ton of these and do like some weird [ __ ] music video oh [ __ ] damn that's actually good that's a good idea yeah just a bunch of weird bunch of fake fake like almost car like almost cool cars and you put them in some weird world where just everything feels off as [ __ ] and you're like well okay we could get like prosthetics that would make us look a little bit off too yeah like a little bit taller yeah like i could have like a bad jawline and you know like yes shitty features instead of like a chiseled one and great yeah yeah bro now you could like get these and shoot it with like a tilt shift lens and make it look like you're like on like some [ __ ] like like like you're in a snow globe or like some little like toy set or something get crazy is that a bronco this is and no no that's one of the new broncos this is an electrician retro retro mobile electric retromobile nice car what is that it's an electrician metro mobile oh oh my god dude that's the [ __ ] battery bro this looks like the inside of a [ __ ] leap frog i'd be so scared driving this it would just blow the [ __ ] up yeah the inside of your car should not look like it's like uh the battery pack for a [ __ ] um like a a little bounce house for for a birthday party man i love this tangent we just got on electrici retromobile yeah that's this new bronco right there dream car anyway um what the [ __ ] were we saying drop ship in a car the e-bussy yeah we were talking about um i'm trying to find out where they're faced but this car is crazy it it it's like a transformer isn't it um it can mold it can mold it it has like i don't know it has like 150 different configurations or something like that it can mold into i don't know maybe i just made that up but that's what i thought i saw oh is this supposed to be 10 10 not 150 10. okay eboost 10 different body styles here we go it's a one minute video debussy the e-bussy the the blazing sleek alternative to regular [ __ ] you have two chassis a city e-bussy and off-road [ __ ] 10 body types of ebussy modular ebussy 10 body types top bottom top bottom ultra top ultra bottom ultra top bottom super top super top bottom super bottom safe this is this is a [ __ ] scam if i've ever seen one functional i honestly feel like news corporations just hire like 3d artists to create like fake ass technology to be like uh we're out of stories uh can you make like a bus that can like you know do a backflip or something or like looks like it's in rocket league and they're like yeah sure what do you want it to do that's a conspiracy i like that a lot i like that bro like what is this yeah like it's not like this this will never be real this thing this [ __ ] ikea car 17 drawers that's what i'm saying like the last frame is going to be like literally it's it's going to say literal transformer [ __ ] optimus prime standing there with two giant guns that's its last form oh wait wait the only thing truck the only chance the giant killing machine bro it's a dutch company so maybe it's real it is dutch it is dutch or oh no no no no it's deutsch so it's uh german german german okay the ebussy comes 2021 really that quick okay so the previous vehicles that they've made are scooters yeah and then and now they just want to go to a full-on car i mean dude if it's ever a reality i would probably buy anybody bussy man i mean i kind of believe you could do anything in this thing i kind of believe it now because to make a car thanks to like tesla tesla already there's like already like a a company that's trying to compete with tesla um yeah it's called um uh it's called like sybian or something no um karma karma is one of the companies yeah you know that one um i'm this isn't like a dick joke i'm just this is literally a brand of car called karma that is electric cars they started with like electric super cars and then i think they're oh yeah yeah yeah they made the fist model yeah yeah i thought they oh i thought they uh i thought they [ __ ] went bankrupt they come back no they're still yeah they're still they're still around i see him sometimes well this is what i didn't see him around l.a i i thought these guys went belly up man no they're still killing it no this but this isn't what i'm thinking of um they make uh trucks what is the name of this damn company now dude i feel like everything i talk about is just i've been manipulated into buying into someone's marketing and i'm just promoting companies all the time rivian yeah but that's just that's just life that's just life yeah rivian r-i-v-i-o what the [ __ ] that looks sick yeah yeah so no it doesn't actually no it doesn't i've seen this before i think cold my buddy sent this out yeah but yeah no no i mean they're wondering why don't they make these things look crazier like that just i don't know that just looks like that that's what i'm saying though is like i feel like now automotive [ __ ] is gonna be weird because it's gonna all be tech companies because it's all just going to be like oh electric cars because that's just that's just [ __ ] laptop batteries you know what i mean like it's not it's not like heart like meticulous engineering in the way of [ __ ] building hard components to like come together and make an engine you know what i mean yeah yeah like if it's just a battery that is just you know creating energy that sort of spins an axle i feel like even the most basic engineer could kind of figure that out like there was a guy who took an old like alfa romeo car and he was just like a electrical engineer and he figured out how to use batteries instead of a motor and he took it to a track and he was just dusting like thousand horsepower cars because he figured out oh yeah the batteries were literally like just taped to the inside of the engine bay and he's just like some dude he's like yeah i've i figured this out it took me about a year i put it together and uh now's the fastest car and that's what i'm saying it's gonna be all uh you know mark zuckerberg design cars yeah yeah it's just all gonna look like meat smokers bro they're just pulling out a nine-year-old drawing of their car just like this is what i imagine the best car to look like and it's just a [ __ ] triangle with four wheels the best feature is that in the front where the engine normally would go in a gas-powered car in this car you can smoke meats in the front compartment you can put some cedar wood in there or any type of meat and smoke smoked meat this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] ridiculous man um but yeah but some these cars it's like they could look crazier they could like it's almost like we got to make it look like a normal car and then we'll put little vertical headlights on it to so people know it's different but it's like just make it the cyber truck you know make it [ __ ] wildly different i don't think people like that though yeah but they do i mean yeah maybe i don't know they don't they don't because these people think that they don't but then look at the cyber truck look at how many people [ __ ] bought that or yeah pre-ordered it or whatever you know that's like the and that car is like wild looking in terms of what's marketable and what what these companies think man let me let me just blow your mind real quick what uh i think it was in the 80s let me just blow your mind real quick cyber truck can take a [ __ ] hike because citroen did it first in the 80s [ __ ] this is sick yeah this is like a single-seater cockroach looking car this is awesome yeah yeah so cyber truck more like cyber theft nice [ __ ] dude these things are so flat insane bro this is the flattest car i've ever seen it does look like a cyber truck this is mark zuckerberg's car it's a [ __ ] triangle look at this [ __ ] steering wheel bro this [ __ ] is so tough man look at this [ __ ] it's pretty dope look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] man i like it it's god damn is that like a is that a telephone number pad on them in the middle no bro those are the settings you use to go to space this is i love it this is a spaceship with wheels man can you buy one of these or was it like a concept car no i think it was just like a concept car damn yeah yeah what a shame yeah bro uh so you know they've been around it's just history repeats itself man but what's crazy is now uh i feel like cars this is what they're going to be like they're going to be like the e-bussy like modular and weird and you know it's like because there's there doesn't have to be an engine and you just got to stick a battery in it yeah and now it's just like they're going to you could actually have a mobile meat smoker yeah you can have like literally this thing will probably have a meat smoker in it which is kind of sick that's what i'm saying it's it's you could go camping and smoke some meats out in the forest i want a i want a car like this but i want it to be like a swiss army knife but like actual construction you know what i'm saying like i want a car yeah that is a big ass [ __ ] drill that can let me excavate dirt i want like a buzz saw in it you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah so you could just pull up and do mobile construction yeah i just want to pull up and decimate a forest like real quick just yeah you imagine i said oh yeah man i got the i got the [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] you just hit a switch in a big ass [ __ ] drill just [Laughter] you know any friends that need demolition services just hit me up i'm good man fam i'm there just like oh wait wait wait sun roof comes back and a wrecking ball is just lifting out of the center holy [ __ ] where'd that come from dude it's my e-bussy dude you wouldn't believe the [ __ ] that's packed in this thing oh dude you're not even [ __ ] ready bro just this [ __ ] giant turret yeah gun comes out of the top yo check this [ __ ] out [ __ ] wood chipper careful don't let the kids get too close to this [ __ ] hell bro holy [ __ ] yeah so ebola you know it would be cool if you could get you know something like this for whatever is five grand seven grand i'm guessing yeah and you could do you could run a food truck out of this like instantly yeah yeah yeah and then you don't need a a big ass you know uh old kitchen ass bus yeah i mean it makes sense it's kind of cool i might actually buy an e-bussy you've just been sold yeah i've just been sold that's this is by this 3d marketing video that someone had paid someone else 200 bucks to do an in [ __ ] uh five years sketch or whatever the [ __ ] yo make me a make me a car and fiber okay cool um dude i think we should end the episode with the the tweet of that dude yelling into the car oh oh of course it's very classic you know we had 5 000 people uh tag us in this and then i watched it and i realized why it's it's very us yeah the road aren't you get out of the truck get out of the truck little lady no i'm good see because you know you lose how do i lose because i will beat your [ __ ] dick into the ground all day long the way he gets choked up on the word long all day long i will beat your dick into the ground all day he knows what he said too you can tell his face right there he's smiling because he's like a [ __ ] but then he's also like doubling down all day long follow-up is just so good i will beat your dick dude i will beat your dick dude pop out i like how about if you want to get sucked off i like to imagine that that's the juxtaposition here that this kid doesn't get that this dude is actually offering he's offering like get out of the truck i'm gonna beat you i will [ __ ] your dick around i will beat your [ __ ] dick into the ground all day long get out of the truck little lady no i'm good see because you know you lose how do i lose because i will beat your [ __ ] dick into the ground all day long all day long all day long what possesses him to make a threat like that it's also like it's so funny he's in the middle of the suburbs bro bro like where is how could you possibly get into an altercation on this empty ass suburban this is some road rage [ __ ] he definitely like followed this kid down bro that [ __ ] eating grin on his face is so funny i'll slap your junk around buster i'm gonna [ __ ] put my two hands on your dick and [ __ ] grind it all day long get out of this car if you want to get sucked down on all day long all day that's kind of gay isn't it i will beat your dick dude dude how about the full clip is so funny it's so good it's like it seems like a sketch doesn't it seems like it's oh yeah no it doesn't seem like real life at all it's so good get out of the truck little lady come on little lady man man i will beat your [ __ ] i've never been so angry that i i wanted to threaten to like beat somebody's genitals there's like a specific level of anger like you're so pissed you want to [ __ ] just like yeah beat your dick into the ground and plies like he just wants to like hammer fist his nuts like just [ __ ] just put him on the ground just [ __ ] spread eagle just hammer fist [ __ ] junk dude just just [ __ ] a sledgehammer right into his junk into the cement i'll beat your dick into the ground all day long all day long dude i'll slap your tits off dude that dude got home sat down with his family he was like huh this [ __ ] guy today he's so lucky i almost [ __ ] beat his dick clean off i almost [ __ ] his dick completely off and in his house dude there's just like glass cases of other guys dicks that he's just beaten literally off their body like he sucked their penis clean off their body oh man like you know that's so funny like you know they're just punching a dick and it flies off like you know someone gets upper cutting a dick yeah like when a tooth goes flying it's the same [ __ ] like he just he drops down on one knee and he uppercuts the dick and it just goes if you like in smash bros when you die it's a clean break yeah dude is smooth there this just balls and smooth no penis blood no nothing nothing's just a clean break just no his balls pop off too and then he looks like a ken doll and there's just like maybe a little bit of scarring yeah it's like a slight scar but that's it it's like instant like wolverine heal shit's [ __ ] bow and then this dude just grabs your dick and balls and he walks away with it he's like ah that's why he's so confident laughing in his face oh yeah he's just beating you you're gonna that's why he's so confident that's why that's why he's like i will beat you dude dude that's why he's so confident because he knows if you don't want this smoke he's like he's like it's fine like that he doesn't care he's like that's fine stay in the truck man you're better off because i'm telling you you come out right here right now your penis is coming off you are going to be missing a dick like i'm gonna beat it into the [ __ ] ground you imagine that [ __ ] just you're in a you're in a street fight you're squared out with a dude he drops down to one knee uppercuts your dick and it just goes flying off through your shorts you're like what the [ __ ] [Music] like like he hits your dick and you feel yourself get instant wood you're like what's happening here and then the dick is gone you're like what how did you no no he's like i told you i told you you shouldn't have gotten out of the car no dude little lady first he uppercuts it and as you're freaking out he just he takes exactly five steps back and just holds his hand out and your dick and ball is collecting his hand like magneto just [ __ ] yeah he sucks them down from the sky oh yeah just they fill in his mouth and he spits them into his hand i told you like kirby i told you when he slaps you in the face with it [ __ ] the [ __ ] that's really good the road aren't you get out of the truck he's pissed just get out come on man get out of the [ __ ] get out of the [ __ ] truck come on [Laughter] god damn bro well all right we gotta move yeah we're going on the bonus episode where what the [ __ ] man we got so much [ __ ] we got uh we got one percent we got another one percent video what the [ __ ] is this stream strip tennis i don't even want to see this [ __ ] i'm playing stripped it's it's brutal it really is just like it's it's crazy it's just crazy we can just we can just scrub through that it's wild and then we got chili barking some more and then we have matthew mcconaughey wrote a book and he did a uh advertisement for it yeah he wrote and it comes with a vibrator that bluetooth to his voice yeah exactly yeah i think this is the start of the butt okay we're in it now man yeah all right let me just get a drink real quick i'll be back i'll get a drink
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 394,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 2sec (4502 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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