Episode 18 - I'm Sorry Mom

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what's up everybody welcome back to the podcast just wanted to jump in real quick and mention that you guys sold out all the tickets for our shows so big thank you but because of that we decided to add show times so if you want to buy ticket to the other show time for each one of the shows you can do that now if you're watching this on YouTube go ahead and check the link in the description below if you're listening to us on iTunes hit us up on Twitter either me Cody and I'm sure we got to take a link for you there and though we hope to see you at the show but otherwise enjoy this episode peace I say yo listen I'm in the hood like a clitoris bus shots and if you filling this up I just wanted to do that cuz now I feel like I'm hot 97 that was great thanks bro that was really good thanks Murph I was that was the host name again yeah it depends what time of the day what about the five fingers of death that's way yeah tell him tell him hey wake up or he looks over to the JJ yeah so I can wrap his ass off he's I know that yeah me I'm not really well-versed on the like Internet rap shows sorry not internet radio rap shows yeah I'm talking about that's serious yeah yeah I never I don't know who's like I never the only the only impression I have of charlemagne like I don't know his history I just know that he was really mean to post Malone that Charlemagne is known [ __ ] troll yeah he pushes people I mean I've always found him interesting in that way when when rappers and stuff go interview with him and watching how people deal with that but they you know he's looking to push her buttons you like Joe Budden I mean yeah I like Joe because he can rap and I think he's a I mean he always kind of sounds like the old head like when it comes to hip-hop like discussion or like when he's talking about new rappers and [ __ ] he's like overly critical about just [ __ ] I feel like he just finds [ __ ] to be frustrated with actually that's not true I mean he has valid criticism but at the end the day just kind of sounds like you uncle being like man went mumble wrappers yeah when I was doing it this is how dissing that and but I don't dislike it yeah I think it's a good thing yeah you see that you see their show together now they have a showing complex uh who Charlemagne and Joe Budden yeah no I didn't hear about that yeah that's crazy yeah I used to watch The Breakfast Club all the time like religiously really yeah wage I don't know it was four years this I would watch it on YouTube yeah that's like the like a center point for hip-hop well I what I'm saying is I've seen plenty of episodes of that and sway in the morning but like it it was it's always YouTube clips it's never like you know I'm never invested in the actual show oh yeah I watch the whole thing really yeah you know all the characters and everything yeah like characters from the hosts yeah envy Charlemagne and Angela that's power 105 and then hot 97 is Ebro goddamnit I always [ __ ] up the white dudes name I always forget his name and I forget his name hold up I feel like an [ __ ] it's just the worst because he cares he cares the most about what just hip-hop he's a longtime fan listener oh my god anyway talk about talk about the show as well look this up which are so Peter Rosenberg how do i [ __ ] that up Peter and Peter Rosenberg Rosenberg sorry about that yeah do you really never like listen to any of the like even like freestyle clips or any of that no I that's what I'm saying I I totally have okay just Clay's but not the show to me I associate that with like oh did you see his dope freestyle on that one radio show on YouTube no this is like god I should probably know these shows I know cuz they're in New York and like talk about hey Bob a lot yeah but I mean unless you go seek it out like that's the only reason I know about those shows is because like I [ __ ] dedicated time yeah but if you're on the west coast like I don't know I don't expect anyone from the west coast to really watch those shows it was never a big radio person yeah ever like I'm always just been like plugged the aux cord in and listen to music yeah or watch YouTube interviews if I wanted to know more about some of like Kelsey loves FM radio she's [ __ ] in love with Ryan Seacrest show and I'm like I wonder I'm just curious how many people watch that show in general still like who the [ __ ] when's the last time besides an uber you got in a car and some turned on FM radio and was like yeah like let's listen to this station I was just like mattress ads yeah I thought I was listening not listening my thoughts I saw some infographic in the last couple years saying that like a lot of people still discover new music through radio which is weird unless this sucks it's like the worst form yeah of listening to you like there's so many other mediums podcasts yeah that's the only one I get yeah satellite radio like there's like satellite radio is great well there's that but like if you just go on a rappers Instagram and like look who they follow just like a musician like I feel like within ten minutes you can dig up some names and people that they know and you're like I'll check this out yeah but that's how I used to find like rappers yeah there's just like new music just digging up random [ __ ] anyway it's kind of funny that way before we get into that yeah it's kind of funny that like people like you know I freaked out about HQ when I first came out right yeah every single one every single episode we did every every single episode of my podcast around that time I was freaking out about HQ I was like this is a paradigm shift in technology yeah yeah I I don't give a [ __ ] and it's just what I'm thinking right now as I'm thinking about like on-demand verse broadcasts yeah right like that's why I don't like FM radio I don't want to be at I don't want to have someone else be in control of like when I'm listening to the song I want to listen to okay that's the whole point we've had mp3 players for [ __ ] 10 years or whatever the floor yeah no wait longer than that 15 years mm-hmm like I should be able to plug in and just listen to whatever in yeah if I want to relinquish control to a playlist or something to do on a Spotify but at least I get to pick the [ __ ] playlist yeah or Pandora or whatever right yeah that's why I think FM radio is weird but yet I freaked out when HQ became a thing which is essentially just reverting back to watching jeopardy at the same time every week with your family or whatever yeah or whatever survive right you watch Survivor with my parents yeah same time every week we'd all get together as a family whatever and now like broadcasting is a little bit like is more obsolete than it was yeah you know save for big holidays like New Year's and stuff like everyone watch those and the Super Bowl whatever most [ __ ] is on demand now it's like I can watch shows whenever I want to watch them yeah so why the [ __ ] was it's such a big thing for me so that now oh wait there's live streaming now they're live streaming a game show but it's straight to my phone I think because you could actually win money yeah and that it but it's also like there's also like there is like a certain like magic and the fact that everyone's watching at the same time I think that's cool as well yeah I think that that's a great dynamic so I think moving forward live streaming that's why I live streaming is is I don't know I feel like that's still gonna have a place moving forward of course so when you listen to FM radio is that like the same thing as like being tied up in the bed like you don't have control you're giving it all it was like some fifty Shades of Grey experience for you when it's wrong because I enjoy that human side up I've never been tied up before I wasn't serious but I I'm sure I'm sure I wouldn't mind it uh no no no I think I'd have like a panic attack yeah Alina would joke about it come on let me just handcuff you buddy no just you know go easy is my first time's your tie to the bed just start slapping your dick yeah just out what the [ __ ] just go easy or she just ties you up in there just leaves then what just she's like finally yeah a free moment yeah [ __ ] read a book and she calls her new boyfriend [ __ ] Boston Dynamics if they just put a robot dogs dude if they just put a flashlight on the face it's it's a wrap I gotta be honest I thought that [ __ ] was gonna be way more intense that video yeah when I saw that like you know [ __ ] robotic dog prance over like that I thought was like oh this thing's about to like like triple backflip into this door and just Ram it open but all I did is like call over the other one which was very scary by the way that was communicating yeah [ __ ] bizarre yeah calls it over any other ones like [Music] like just to get the door handle open it's alright well it's not scary yet what if a guy just walked up and put his dick in the hook before the door and they just the arm was like trying to crank his dick and he's like see that it's working perfectly and it just Jesus right on camera that's what I'm yeah that's that's what I'm gonna be scared as one you know a robot can either [ __ ] my wife or jerk me off yeah you know but you know it's still ya until it can prance over and do that to wherever I am well it's buddy they both do it yeah all right cuz right now is it looked like one of those you ever see those like bad machines that that one girl makes oh yeah like the bad robots I'm ready yeah they're like tries to pour the milk in the cereal glasses completely misses it's like so funny for whatever reason that to me it was like that that video I was expecting something big like a robot was gonna fly through the door like cuz it looked like it was a yeah like a poet leader or like whatever the [ __ ] you used a ram yeah battering mattering right yeah it looked like one of those I thought it was gonna propel itself against the door I'm like jam it open and then it's like [Music] like having trouble on my hand alright alright we're not quite there yet yeah I mean everyone freaks like I got two things to say one I just keep laughing at the idea if like they just put a flashlight in the face and then Boston Dynamics is like alright that's it like everyone's expecting all much more research there's like no that's it we just needed it to put its ass in the air that's all we're looking to do and so just a robot that sticks just a flashlight no but it walks over to you walks over to you you'd have to move how much is that we've done it we [ __ ] done it folks I mean dude it's got that big cavity in there you could it could just store and recycle that come probably you know reboot the air with life and clean up our atmosphere that's beautiful come driven fleshlight dog machine that's beautiful yeah absolutely beautiful clearly I've been thinking a lot of no the second thing is you see this one's a day on Twitter with this one's pretty creepy just the movement is a little creepy it's like an actual like bb-8 like Star Wars thing it's just a giant ass wheel with effectively like two eyes on the side man what happened into society and in like the last six months we're all of a sudden all of this is reality like what the [ __ ] now all like the the little flying leg to run like this yeah what you guys can't see is this thing it's just like it can roll across and it can swim basically you can go across lakes and [ __ ] but this to me is it's just like it's a better security guard you know saying like what I don't know I mean unless they put a gun on this thing I'm not really afraid of it he's so funny and if in one of these instructional or non-instructional but like one of these videos demonstration videos like they're like can go over snow it can go over sand works as a security guard and whatever and it's like it can like blow your [ __ ] face off very last clip like it can decimate your enemy like there's absolutely mowing down like six people like 600 rounds with [ __ ] amazing accuracy snow this is an decimate your enemy's dirt you're like well hold on go over soil wait wait what was that back what was that last one can go over soil no one right before that snow then you said something right after that I can swim it's really swim oh oh you jump mode estimating your enemies oh yeah absolutely just just to dust man I am I don't know I'm not that afraid of robots like who I don't know who gives a [ __ ] famous last words right there yeah yeah true yeah they're gonna play this clip when they all like are enslaving us right there right it's gonna be it's gonna be you know sailboats you know from the scene from the science fiction movies where everyone's like lined up in some giant City Square yeah video playing yeah and it's just you and yeah I don't know I'm gnarly I scare robots and it's you just standing in front of a robot they're gonna know I'm like on a stage and the robot is just like like waiting to kick the stool underneath you yeah so I died and hangs in front of everyone yeah or cut me into little pieces and feed me to my [ __ ] make my parents eat me on stage those who do not fear us will be fed to their parents oh [ __ ] you all remember Noel Miller from the tiny meat gang podcast No roll the clip yeah I don't know I'm not really as scared of robots I'm just thinking of like this is like some what's the goddamn science fiction movie with the [ __ ] Hunger Games yeah you know when they're all standing there yeah you know I don't know there's some like tyrannical like robot yeah well it's not really a robot in that sense but I think that scene where they're all like looking up this stage yeah robots are gonna make us fight to continue to be alive I don't know and that day comes I think we'll just be long dead I think we're in that great period where technology is cool and then we're gonna die right when it gets really scary yeah and then yeah I just [ __ ] everywhere well we're at the point where you watch a video and you tweet man I'm so you're like not actually that's care and that just more like otherwise you wouldn't tweet it yeah you'd be like oh yeah you'd be like moving to Oklahoma yeah exactly yeah I'm like a punk reinvesting bomb shelters yeah you know it's funny is like oh my god guys I'm so scared Pizza as well and like 50 retweets or whatever and then you're happy right we just lose it can we to marry my six but yeah yeah this is very real like if we're this is this was probably five years from now and we were like 17 I would be freaking the [ __ ] out yeah cuz you see where this is heading yeah like what hat like did we went from what 0 - all of a sudden like Star Wars drones are real yeah and like three years yep dude imagine this you buy your sexbot you bring it home you're hitting this [ __ ] from the back in a roughly it just [ __ ] goes and looks back at you it doesn't say anything like yo son what and then it's just man yeah you're like oh [ __ ] then he just reaches back and grabs your dick by the base or like it's like vagina just starts like tightening slowly you're like wait wait wait wait wait bonus thing or okay it's a little bit voice is completely different you disrespect your wife that you would cheat on her like this wait what the [ __ ] like shuffling through the manual like trying to find my tick out yeah man I don't know set a sex pot dude calling the support line hi I'm uh my sex pod has become sentient and it's right now [Laughter] I've said this is Spock a million times but like I was picturing a black mirror episode where dudes order like dude tries to order like a young sex pot like he calls it and he's like how young can they look and there 18 he's like what about they're like sure we send it to him and then he's had like heaven is fun and then it just like restrains him so you're a pedophile you're gonna [ __ ] jail how so yeah it's like that one that's the PC ending do you ever see that one which one I don't want to ruin it who's one of the black mirror epics we're [ __ ] ruining it yeah yeah the one with it the kid the kid from into the [ __ ] world I didn't ever saw that episode that's basically what it is sort of okay it's like I want to just explain it and [ __ ] ruin it because it's like I mean you ruin the job the job Johnny here on the Jon Hamm no I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna do it watch that episode because that's good it's the one with the kid in the yellow glasses did you watch the one did you watch a metalhead in the last season do we talk about that one uh what happens so talking about robots that that's a creepy one what happens it's like they hurt like these people it's like to end the [ __ ] earth there's like some post Armageddon [ __ ] where humans are battling robots and these humans try to go into a factory to get some package which is not described and then when they get in there those robots that [ __ ] literally blow their [ __ ] heads apart and I didn't see that one yeah and it's just about ham the story just ends up about like just being this woman running away from this little Boston Dynamics robot and the movement and everything is so creepy and like pretty accurate that you're like mmm that's not fun we're basically we've just been talking about all scenarios in which robots could just make us bend the knee why are we making this [ __ ] I don't know that's why I'm wondering why like where is it good there's like foundations and [ __ ] now and like organizations like dedicated to like this safe safe like robot vance mints and technology because we're getting close now in AI where it's like all right yeah yeah it's like all right into the wrong hands like yeah slow it down pump the brakes a little bit let's talk about this yeah yeah no like I wanna take brother that like is Philippe well guess this could be potentially very bad alright let's just pump the brakes let's chat it's all good we need this right now it's all gonna be for war I think yeah maybe no I don't know speaking of war ksi and Jay Paul bro they are you caught up yeah no so what's the deal I really I really don't like ksi yeah as much as I don't like Jake Paul I equally don't like him like I'll watch his videos and it like he he is just like a little bit like he's like a tiny bit more aware than Jake Paul is somewhere I guess yeah but he's also just like I can have one video in the one video his first response or whatever and he's like he quotes Jake Paul about saying he's not relevant yeah and he goes on about this like on this long tirade about like how he is relevant or something that's like you're missing the [ __ ] point you shouldn't be talking about relevancy at all like yeah [ __ ] lame yeah well I'm just do just make good [ __ ] why that would like why you yeah he's still such a [ __ ] youtuber yeah you know talking about I mean that I think it's funny when you I'm always amused when youtubers try to pretend that they're not like I get on my [ __ ] videos and I'm like hey what up we should boy too old for this yeah doing my thing and you know feels awesome in that way and I just think it's funny when they get on there and they're so they got so many subscribers and they're still so insecure that's how I read it yeah they're like nah dude I'm cool that's like seventeen million [ __ ] kids think I'm cool bro I'm [ __ ] cool yeah I'm cooler than you look at the note you know that goofy [ __ ] yeah it's neither here nor there for me I think they're all like they have the same personas as like like dudes and mm-hmm like I'm not saying dudes and MMA or insecure but when it comes to like I gotta be very careful how I board this there are some people who love to do it and some people who think they love to do it okay and it's always like like watching them argue about fighting and YouTube and all that [ __ ] like it seems the same to me like when you see a fighter get it like getting an interview and they're like yeah I'm gonna get in there on December ever and i'ma kill this [ __ ] they just look at the camera super cold and they're like you have anything else to say and he's like no I'm I just this is what I do I fight the other guys like oh man I've been training for like ten years though this guy's not ready but just talking his ass off that's like what I see and like Jay Paul on them and I feel like fighting would be good for them yeah it'll it'll humble them a little bit make him shut the [ __ ] up yeah I think one gif of Jay Paul or Logan College is getting you just dropped I think that would just Arnage the brand that would tarnish the brain in ten seconds flat because there's nothing like seeing your Idol get [ __ ] knocked out it's horrible yeah a long time out you know is a huge Anderson Silva fan and even now like a lot of MMA fighters are getting popped for roids and [ __ ] it's just like my personality is dying cuz like now people are starting to speculate like I mean Nate Diaz [ __ ] dumbass like fighter he's always said like every dude in this league is on [ __ ] broads I won't fight anyone because they're all doing they're all like they're all cheating and then now these guys get popped left and right and they come back for fights and you know they got all these weird excuses like having sex with too many girls and whatever the [ __ ] so I'm like I'm definitely going on a [ __ ] tangent yeah how does this relate I mean I'm just saying like I feel like like they are as insecure as like like when I see like a dude in MMA who I know like just doesn't have it and like he wants to convince himself so badly that he does I feel like that's kind of what I see in Jake Paul and them is like even at the level that they're at they still feel this need to talk about like how cool they are how how many numbers they do because it's like they don't really feel like they've achieved it does that make sense yeah that's been entire no no no I think that gotta make sense I don't know so one way or another I think fighting will be good for them so what's like what's all like what what it what point is it at now this battle between is gonna happen okay it's not gonna happen now but no cuz because Logan and Jake wanted to be a wrestling match and I don't know they they want to do MMA that's what it doesn't want to do MMA and ksi is like not like I've never wrestled a day of my life like I'll box you which is fair right but I understand that the Paul Brothers I mean they don't they don't box either so like it's just like some goofy high school [ __ ] but I just want to see it happen yeah you know I want I like they they like to put on like the tough-guy persona like [ __ ] Logan like threatening to punch Ethan you remember that story yeah it's like they like to act tough in person they like you know and and there's there's videos of Jake calling a KSA's little brother like they're on the phone and he's like [ __ ] with him is I think you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] like I fight you right now and I'm like didn't do it then put on some gloves yeah yeah another thing I don't like about Jake Paul is this [ __ ] he uses like words like cuz and run this fade and like all these like things he learned from Twitter and they just sounds so shoehorn oh yeah like he's talking a comedyshortsgamer who's [ __ ] cares I his brother on the phone and he's like [ __ ] fight right now cuz you can run it and I'm like no one no one whatever so that no one is intimidated by that just why they're watching yeah yeah yeah mo hi oh boy yeah it's like this on bro run this fear what there's like that white kid talk to me like what are you saying man that's not you yeah that white kid on [ __ ] Instagram it was like he's like but today I today at that time cuz you remember that kid no it's like just little white kid he runs up on sand do because he's got like ten guys with him he's super small and he's like 9iu you was like talking [ __ ] on my flag like he's really trying to act like a gangbanger and he's like that I told you it to be acting cool cuz I had time on that day but today today I'd say I got time cuz he's like five four and the dude is standing with his like daughter and and I'm looking at that like bro you would get folded let that kit let that dude put his kid down and be like alright just wind up and just land him into a pile of Legos fold them up like a [ __ ] lawn chair anyway yeah I just I want to see them like you know Logan and Jake like to act like they're tough guys I just want to see if I can happen yeah I want to do a [ __ ] video essay you ever seen you but I'm like I'm basically stoned at this point if you ever seen [ __ ] you got served yes yeah I think I saw that but I was pretty young I don't remember it I mean I made it tweet about this but the dude in that movie the white dude who tries to steal all the black people dances and then use them in their own battle and went like that to me is Jake and Logan Paul like they look like this yeah you look like that [ __ ] yeah I just man I hate like seeing them 10 years later they're still dabbing yeah they say it's like damn it on him haters it's so weird nobody's doing yeah an even white pdn yeah yeah white people let it go nemesis is the goofy like it's like the shopping cart move it like a dance like you know saying and requires the least rhythm yeah that whipping all that stuff it's super mechanical so they can you know I don't know I can't imagine dude I can't imagine like being like what do you think it feels like for Logan Paul to watch his [ __ ] graph his analytics graph his revenue yeah go from probably he probably made like what like 10 to 25 grand the day before yeah to zero yeah the next day that's a [ __ ] dope yeah that is dope yeah you do which is like off yep sorry yeah you don't have an income anymore from yep your videos I you know what though I got a I got a kind of a weird feeling about that one like I feel like he's the perfect villain for them to start like turning off money what do you mean you get what I'm saying like like the dead thing and the rat [ __ ] I feel like it's a little bit of an avenue for them to just start like D monetizing like crazy and just like you know they don't like some things like oh well we're protecting the brand and like we had to do it for Logan's so we got to do it you know I'm saying it's like wow that isn't interesting yes very everyone's like championing that like oh hell yeah turn off his money like they won't do it to us to like they look at our channel they're like how you said [ __ ] you can't get money anymore like that's it it's a wrap yeah off off yet Mary I'm sorry I'm sorry oh I won't say come anymore out so oh I won't sorry oh I'm sorry youtube please please PLEASE YouTube give me the money please please not my hair YouTube is now a big robot it's 2050 if you want to upload you have to suck it off and then if you make him satisfied he'll upload your video you imagine that YouTube [ __ ] broker go to your local YouTube broker to get your video online got a [ __ ] please them in sugar head it's where we're headed folks sucking also YouTube's a physical YouTube we got some shows coming I've got we got we're doing first show is the 22nd of March is it 22nd 23rd 24th man we picked the worst time to after I said all that [ __ ] high stuff I always try to say was I think Jake is I think all these guys are insecure and they remind me of fighters who are insecure I'm like still stuck on that yeah 20 minutes later 20 minutes later it's like a basic I lost an argument in my head now that I've detailed the different types of nitrates and Delhi means oh yeah right right color insecure people are insecure basically what I did trying to sound smart dug myself in a hole you just let me suffer in there no I was interested I think we need more I think we need more discussions on this podcast yeah I feel there yeah like I think we should really get into some stuff that we know about like you're like the fighting [ __ ] yeah it's really interesting to me at this and I feel like yeah I mean it's only been what we've only been podcasting for like a year just over a year yeah and I feel I mean you want me you well I mean you the same amount sort of on and off yeah you're like active but it's like I you know I feel like I feel like a year yeah is the time where you can get from zero to doing something decently well okay yeah I feel that and I now a guy I know that I've been able to do that through programming yeah like I did that with iOS yeah with objective-c then I did it was Swift yeah then I did it with editing yeah or a vine that I did it with editing you know then I did it with you know now my plan is to hopefully do with music I think like you know you're not gonna be great you know I think you could do something like relatively well yeah after spending a year working hard on it yeah right yeah it's been a year of podcasting I still haven't [ __ ] figured this [ __ ] out and do you like what is listenable yes like what people prefer Sam to hear if people just want non-stop jokes yeah if they cuz I was no podcasts and I was listening to Joe Rogan today one of them and Joe Rogan said like two things and the other guy just spoke like just like when on this like crazy tangent for like yeah half an hour and I was so [ __ ] engaged yeah I was just I could not stop listen to this [ __ ] thing yeah I always play us back and I'm like do we just look like two tau masses like talking about [ __ ] yeah that statement right there sounded so stupid as well yeah we just look like two idiots like you know I don't know bro true yeah I always think I'm just dumber than I think I you know like at the time I say things a lot of confidence when I play it back I'm like that was well I would say actually you're good on most things except for the hand clip yeah yeah God that was a dark moment dark moment man I wish I could have seen everybody's face on the hey yeah the rails delete off my device that was like that late doesn't even like some stoner [ __ ] that was like acid you know what I mean yeah I looked into my hands on his thoughts yeah you're on DMT I put a vibrator in the middle of my plan yeah anyway I watched the case I gel well or fight oh wait let's get back to this yeah let's talk about the show since speaking of showmanship so we got four shows they are we're doing the first one in Phoenix second one in San Francisco third one in San Diego fourth one in Anaheim they're four days in a row which is gonna be [ __ ] fun gonna be awesome that's gonna be real fun for us I'm actually really looking forward to it I'm just gonna slow I don't know I've never done that many [ __ ] shows in a row I wanted to see the first one here yet yeah 22nd is Phoenix okay 23rd is San Diego or sorry San Francisco 24th is San Diego 25th is Anaheim bang where we at in Phoenix and and subsequent look like what may not only bring up the [ __ ] flyer yeah sorry I said the r-word okay I go III sunsetted B and our words get did you really yeah it's off your channel yeah just cuz you know I mean I look back at it it's just like it's poorly written I got what I was trying to do but it could have been better you know whatever anyway Phoenix were at the what the rebel lounge rebel lounge with 22nd voodoo room in San Diego that's in the House of Blues yeah SwedishAmerican hall in San Francisco that's the biggest one I think it's like a 300 persons three honey I'll got to fill that [ __ ] up honey and Anaheim we're at the parish at the House of Blues Moorish parish I don't know it'll be fun it'll be fun we're gonna do like it's gonna be like this but we're gonna be we're gonna have it more structured yeah it's really like a real show specific segments a little bit of that written material yeah oh you know I got I got I got some up stand I wanna do you yeah a little bit yeah just some some ideas yeah some floaters okay yeah just a few all right all right you want to feel any of them out right now you want to UM work it out you know give you something to look forward to I can try a little bit that stand-up packing peanuts what is the deal with what things you can't you it taste like they taste nothing like real penis oh man there's a heater I'm gonna start my set off with that one yeah you know weird thing about bananas yeah you eat one by yourself kind of weird right what you know what I've noticed but you put it in a bowl with some ice cream suddenly it's okay I know they called a splits yeah it's like what the bananas still whole I'm not splitting this with nobody [ __ ] that's one of those really bad really bad jokes you how many people you want to bet that work at a [ __ ] 31 flavors here that four times a day I get a two scoops lit I don't split the one that I the one that I love using yeah that I'll use til the day I die I love it and it gets no laughs every time yeah I'm gonna use it forever every time I go out for sushi the person for some reason the waiter always asks any allergies after you're done ordering and use I say only fish and goddamn it it gets me every time yeah it's so good you do any allergies oh no just fish oh I've used that on dates before yo thanks for listening to podcast and you and did these dates go home with you afterward I think it just like kind of well I don't I'm not gonna disclose okay gentlemen never tell us first right yeah second of all I don't know I think it's mostly just coming oh [ __ ] there's a bombs already a dad after doing that on our last cringe video I'm start doing that my vlogs whenever someone's like pontificating and just bombing I'm gonna start calling that out and we'll bring out all the alarms towards the end [ __ ] text message on screen or warning warning this bomb is huge this is not a drill this shit's dying fast I'm trying to think of a dad joke oh wait before we get into that ticket link we never said anything in the description if you're reading this on itunes then it's probably in the description for this yeah and if not you can go to our Twitter's will post a flyer and then all the ticket links yeah well you can come see us live especially if you live in San Francisco near Haight Ashbury because I think the SwedishAmerican halls near that oh is it yeah oh nice stumble on in yeah to hang out with smoke yeah death someone isn't tree and that'll be fun it'll be a good time yeah it'll be a real good time we're selling this real good it'll be in time yeah you know how you feel about it yeah yeah it's up to you yeah no no it'll be great it'll be great we had a bunch of fun at the one we did in LA so yeah guys all I owned was a enjoy I haven't been on stage in a while we want to get back on stage yeah me too man getting time I was listening to some like comedians like kind of rant about you know state of comedy and like how clubs book these days and assist it's a brutal [ __ ] game in how so oh dude like the comedy store was a long time Booker named Tommy Morrison you know a lot of comics felt like he was racist and there's like there's stuff I can't confirm with their stories of him like talking about shows is like n-bomb shows and you know specifically cracking about Thursday's but it and and like I just like you know comedians talked about how like me you know he got fired but he just the way he booked and and he was kind of like dicey about that and run comics out that he didn't like and just it's so shitty you know like recently this dude red grant got ejected from Comedy Store and I guess he's banned and he's been like he used to do a show called blackout Tuesdays and it like that's shows been running forever it's a great [ __ ] show he's like an amazing performer and comedian and like that's just it managed didn't like him boom why I think they just kind of got into it and that happens like you hear about that like comedians get into beef with the comedy Booker's and then that's it like and all that hard work they put in all that money they brought into the club it's like doesn't mean [ __ ] bang it's gone so it's like that I that's why I appreciate these shows coming up because like not to get all like wholesome and [ __ ] but I like appreciate to the fullest that's like there's an audience that like we can connect with and like talk to because there are comedians that are like trying to do that they might not ever see that yeah like oh yeah oh yeah so it's [ __ ] yeah that's actually really true it it means something to me dawg yeah so come out for no well yeah so I don't write so I don't give a [ __ ] about yeah so he can connect with you whatever that [ __ ] means comedians don't always get this opportunity it runs like ah hey man chill out yeah the show is just like Dawg what are you doing I'm connecting with them alright so let me tell you about banana splits this shows just me trying to like hide my dick with the smallest objects possible like it's a magic show number two pencil look at that completely hidden oh [ __ ] watch this a standing ketchup packet boom it's flat you didn't think I could do it that way either did you vertically Article II razor thin and now for my final act a sheet of paper for my final act nothing smooth holy [ __ ] hottest man with no penis Noel Miller how do you drink from this record moving record proven smoothest nub I wish smooth as dick Guinness Book World Records holder smooth is dick for the smoothest dick Noel Miller it's just like a forearm yeah a freshly shaved forearm on the front with just a small hole like there's no [ __ ] like it's just one long nub that just it's got a bone in it it's so smooth the smooth is dick its bass how do you measure the smoothest dick I think you got would you possibly measure that I don't know you just like [ __ ] just like guy this guy just comes down and runs his fingers down it's like holy God that's smooth they put a single drop of water on it yes how far it roll and if it rolls to the base like with no friction just a single drop oh man that's a smooth big pal wow that's [ __ ] slip-and-slide right there point Oh three seconds it just ran right that like it's [ __ ] water-resistant yeah you ever had one of those just like throw a [ __ ] soda on it just fall straight to the floor like this doesn't seem like physics should allow this right does those things always freak me the [ __ ] out they bring your dick to the Large Hadron Collider they're putting it in there running atoms again yeah we're trying to see peak smoothness on this man's penis this guy's got like essentially no friction so we're trying to see at an atomic level do even atoms respond to the service and so far they just whizzed right over it it's amazing planes are built based on your dick am I going too far with this just Boeing yeah that was too far dude Boeing will return to my pump the brakes here Boeing word we're trying to mine his penis skin oh my god planes just look like giant skinny skinny penises why it always comes back to that day you gotta [ __ ] come on show it's gonna be a good time it's gonna be real good time actually I'm actually really pumped and we can just we can just talk about actually yeah we can talk about the process of like doing these four shows obviously you know we're not like yeah it's not like we're [ __ ] you know I don't know Bert's sexperts that was not what I was gonna say oh yeah what were you gonna say what were you gonna say like it's not like we're you know in the highest demand is there a library for performances yeah exactly yeah that's what I was yeah yeah because we're not sexperts not [ __ ] you know this mean like it's not like okay basically we had to figure out whether or not we needed a touring manager or if we're gonna do this art do it ourselves yeah and Noel and I are like too proud because we like doing everything ourselves so no [ __ ] we don't need a [ __ ] touring manager yeah so now we're gonna it's just kind of a funny like behind-the-scenes thing now we got a book all of our own flights all over all in hotels which isn't a big deal right we do this anyways yeah but like we got to bring all the merch yeah we got to bring a step-and-repeat background which I just found out wait what yeah we need like a like a this is what this is random [ __ ] we didn't really think about we gotta like go to the venue before and make sure that everything's set up and that there's like a soundcheck and all that stuff that's fine I'm just kind of funny I'm just gonna get up there and do a whole hour of material sound like hey what's it what's your name buddy Jeff cool man all right let's get crackin Jeff could you just clap I'm gonna reset I'm gonna walk out just start clapping alright the [ __ ] up Jeff I hate you your stupid hair look at that hair where'd you come from today Jeff you got your from you got your mother's breasts my little last shirt and [ __ ] things hang in bro you just go on roast them for an hour why is that good the sound come through alright he's like you got nipples like arcade buns [Music] yes how it's fine dude what the [ __ ] gravity is pulling your gravity is pulling your [ __ ] shoulders together your virginity is like a black hole in your chest it's sucking you in word you don't [ __ ] with your hips you don't [ __ ] you yeah oh what the [ __ ] is a step-and-repeat background like this [ __ ] for pictures man what yeah like a red carpet like background that says like you know tiny meat you gotta bring that we have to do that's our responsibility I mean that's fine but what is that gonna go I don't know that's that's what I don't like no idea that's just like a rant head bring a step-and-repeat background yeah for what where do you even get one of those made he's like this isn't like you remember one late was a hit to step in a repeat store remember when girl oh yeah right okay yeah oh we have plenty of stuff stars clouds more clouds red carpets green carpets remember did people do this in Canada the girls go to the mall and take pictures that like those photo studios with like the cloudy backgrounds and and whatever the [ __ ] maybe maybe feeling like I know like how long 10 15 years ago probably you don't remember know that like we're talking like that like that like you'd go to Walmart and get those pictures like take it like you get it like pictures taking on your baby at a Walmart it's kind of like we still can do that yeah but it was it was they were usually in malls and they were like they had like goofy backgrounds and like they'd be like colored super like dreamy okay like they'd be cloudy looking like the height like the highlights really turned up okay you know whatever the move in junior high from for like for me was girls would go take that and they're like they give you a picture of that and like write some [ __ ] on the back oh damn yeah it had like a stack of a [ __ ] no way no that was everybody in junior high what yeah you just had like the visual that was like MySpace like in your hand I'm saying that was like a follow when a girl gave you one of those like I see this [ __ ] my dudes followed zero you know I'm saying we never fought back you never gave know a picture of yourself to know you never won guts imagine that a bro I gotta go take pictures yes my hand is out on Friday use that cloud back is that climbing that one you guys the one and then me like 411 could you lower the camera he looked all physical my space yeah great yeah that's a great concept that was the that was the follow yeah the messages were always like the same oh my god I love you every girl loved everyone engineer highness it is annoying put some unique it's like hey um Jennifer wanted me to give you this I'm never gonna give never gonna give them they're never gonna give you it themselves you know it's always through so now I was little so girls weren't afraid oh yeah yeah because they're usually handing them down to me they like they like my face but then like it would hit them that I was like smaller than them when they handed it off to well I knew in the balls on the way yeah no way oh yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah I'm like I love you okay small man yeah little man you little man lit little man lit yeah you know heard that man lit it's like a small dude that's like us we're like action figures okay yeah that was small yeah with just completely smooth crotches record proven smoothest nubs that's what you have a chance to see we're trying to market this tour as a meet tour anyway so step-and-repeat background we should we should just bring like a cloudy background now I know where we can get one yeah you go to a photo studio and get that [ __ ] yo leave man goddamn man when you don't look at the time it goes by way faster yeah like what words having like genuine calm this is what this [ __ ] around this is what I want if I can make this studio yeah this will be like where we just sit down set the recorder to go and we just [ __ ] yeah and just go in yeah go to [ __ ] off just cruise man I'm like I'm feeling old but now I'm getting like hella nostalgia but the picture thing that was that was way cool I mean I remember like that it's Valentine's Day arias Valentine's Days gonna be over but yeah Aires but we used to do that we'd buy like the cards remember like Simpsons themed oh yeah whatever yeah and you'd be like - so and so whatever and like people would give them out to the whole class yeah so there's like one person that didn't get one from someone yeah talking about yeah like you know like everybody's like pretty much uniformly give them out like yeah you'd give them out to your whole [ __ ] class yeah you would except for that one person you really didn't like yeah and then it became a thing go home so didn't guess that way I always got 28 instead of 29 yeah exactly yeah your teacher was the one I didn't give you one man that poof you all right now I'm good I'm just thinking like this the the level of simp just like how soft it I used to be mm-hmm [ __ ] like that man I'm cringing it's entirely a shame you never grew out of it yeah I know right it's crazy [ __ ] off man I'm cold I swear my name is Jay Paul you okay I can box man yeah yeah so you watch the fight yeah he fights super confident he like he leaves his hands low I think that fight he was just very confident cuz he had the reach but so the other dude is a youtuber right yeah and he is a boxer as well no they were just youtubers and they just trained to fight okay and like they had an actual beef I really looks like yeah like they they were fighting fighting like for real it made it dope that's awesome yeah I'm like this that's that's so but what what what's the deal with like the stadium and [ __ ] like do they have that all did they spur deuce that show themselves I mean I think they they clicked up with a boxing promotion like organization or something cuz there's like a belt and but yeah I was like live streamed and they were like a [ __ ] decent amount of people they're like it was like a big show it was like shot really well yeah it was probably like the undercard to like a turn I didn't watch the whole event so I would imagine that there was more going on when people wouldn't just show up to watch a 30-minute fight yeah but like people who knew them were like casting it so like one of the dudes like he was like oh this hurts to watch cuz Joe is my friend I'm like that's brutal you're watching your homeboy just get teed the [ __ ] off on here's the thing he lost right Joe lost Joe lost yeah I mean it was just like you know obviously a more experienced fighter would probably know what to do I'm not a fighting expert but just like from what I saw he was really stiff like he just kind of stood there and took shots like he didn't move a lot he did like get some good counters because ksi like what kind of leaned into the same hits he had this wicked uppercut that he kept landing that [ __ ] I don't know how that kids Bell wasn't wrong after the first one really if that kid was like five years older I think it would have [ __ ] him up how long was the fight dude they went like three rounds and he's like I think they were three or forming around holy [ __ ] yeah that's a long time to fight yeah and you could tell like they were both like losing gas but chaos I had more yeah the fight was over after the three rounds or did someone tap out or yeah he KS I got like a technical knockout I don't know if we counted as a technical the kid was just like he couldn't really defend he was getting walked real hard he's like yeah he was getting bombed on that's pretty [ __ ] crazy to go from I don't know if these guys had ever box before but to go from like zero to it's like training to like actually fighting like that in front of a bunch of people that's [ __ ] ballsy I think ksi like wants to box for real like I think like he kind of has that in him and he's young I mean like how young is he I'm in 18 19 I mean ksi I think oh dude he's like 25 oh is he that old I thought he was young I thought he was like super young let's see pending oh okay now yeah it's too late way too late no [ __ ] I'm just gonna drop in a social blade while we're at it oh man yeah he can uh what's up folks it's just me welcome to the fighting our um ksi yeah now it's too late for him to be a boxer for you never mind take it back I think he just wants to fight people who can't actually fight cuz he semi-decent fair enough well I don't mind it man man he was like he was getting some pretty nice hooks he kept he kept Joe back with like this jab like Joe just couldn't get past it but he just kind of stood there and like took it he got good counters but then chaos I had started teeing off on him he kept going to the body too and I knew that was crumpling him that might be why he wasn't moving I'm after watch this yes cuz chaos I shot a few to his [ __ ] stomach and I think that just like like tighten him up you ever seen that would you ever would you ever do but if they brought that to America and they did be like they did like youtuber fights in America no as you did [ __ ] no [ __ ] no man you want to do it [ __ ] you're like fighting that much like watching it and you never like considered getting the ring okay I've seen my friends fight a lot like like dumb goofy street fight [ __ ] and amateur bouts and it it would just there are so many guys with a hundred followers right now that would body me a second sweat you know I'm saying cuz they're dudes that are like like I'm probably like 145 150 that way class man there are guys like that are that weight they're probably shorter than me but their bone density is like their entire weight they put a little muscle on their [ __ ] you just gotta look at somebody's wrist I got people comment all the time I got [ __ ] ass wrists yeah you got a decent sized wrist but there's probably a guy in our weight class that was a lot of fat on there there's a dude probably like a soup can wrists like a literal soup can yeah Childress yeah showed wrists and he's [ __ ] just brolic and he'll get in there and he doesn't want to do anything but kill you and I don't have that killer instinct cuz that's the main thing people I think don't understand about fighting it's like when you step in every fighter talks about it Brendan Schaub talks about this his last fight he's like the switch just didn't come on and it's like you either it's like an instinctual thing you either want to kill someone or you don't and if you don't you usually end up losing Dan that's crazy yeah I don't have that in me I'm a gentle giant ya know that's why my buddy quit really yeah cuz he fought like like a lot and like he won a few but he he's like it's a weird thing when you're in there like you know what to do and you're trying to do it but like you just your body just doesn't spawned and so it's like I don't know it's a weird thing I mean that's like yeah that has to be the case with the vast majority it's just a mental yeah thing it's just in this particular case mmm the mental aspect is of that is oh I need to be able I need to want to kill this but in other things it's like re I need to be able to relax or focus on know like I remember like with diving it was like you know you're like meat mentality was totally different from like oh you're acting [ __ ] right like yeah you're performing like a very very like complex Oh like acrobatic maneuver and sort of like in complete silence in front of an audience full of people the same thing yeah it's like then sometimes it just doesn't [ __ ] click yep like sometimes you're too nervous or whatever sometimes you're just completely at ease and you just like you use the audience dinner I don't know and you're like I'm just gonna [ __ ] nail this yeah and you do every like after all the UFC fights I've seen whenever I see a fighter come out and he's too calm there's a difference between being loose and being calm those words are like subjective but when I see a fighter get in there and you kind of just like lazily like raises his fists up or he's like trying to pump himself up I'm like it ain't on like he's going and they usually end up losing that's why I like Conor is always like frightening to look at because when he gets in there he's [ __ ] loose but he has like the look in his eyes he's like I'm a [ __ ] destroy you and it's scary because you know it usually fighters have the nerve and they're a little stiff and they have to get out throw a few they get the rhythm and then like they're in it he's in it from [ __ ] zero like he jumps out there and his like elbows are flaring and he's like staring at you funny and he's doing the reverse kicks and [ __ ] like that's what made Anderson Silva [ __ ] great you know he could you ever watch that guy fight no I'm about to just go on a [ __ ] I'll wrap this up I'll talk about this [ __ ] forever keep on no good like you everyone I think she's watching Anderson Silva fight you know whether or not he was on steroids he would his style was like he would come out and the first round he wouldn't do anything he would just like jab jab jab getting her timing jab what are you afraid of maybe fake up you know fake uppercut then he'd do this alley [ __ ] in the second round where he start moving his hands fast like real fast and then pop pop pop spin cake pop poppin dudes would just kind of like get you know now they're trying to figure out his game front kick to the face fights over [ __ ] like that like yeah yeah he's got this really crazy elbow where he like he like jabs past a dude and he brings his elbow back and he knocks him out it's like he reaches over and boom gets the guy on the way out oh god yeah he's got some insane knockouts and he's like he likes to fight off the cage so he's got a lot of clips where he just like puts his back up against the cage he's like come on come on come on and dudes are throwing and he's ducking under it and he's and they can't hit him see is that the opposite though though like isn't that like he doesn't have that killer instinct that he's more just like sorry but the way does it hurt I mean well yes people have made that argument that like he's just an intelligent fighter but he still has it because like when he strikes there is intention to [ __ ] hurt you you know it's it's such a crazy thing like you could train forever and then you get in the ring and then like it just you give up yeah I feel like I've had weird experiences like that with stand-up like I get like too amped or like my adrenaline that's the thing they say like your adrenaline dumps then you give up I've got on stage where I'm like yeah Woo's do the show then I get up there for the seven minutes I'm like y'all like cars like I'm not splitting with nobody when they call it that [ __ ] anyway yeah fighting I don't know why I like this [ __ ] so much I think about it's such a dumb interest for me I'm never gonna do it I don't know I get it I get it yesterday was on at the gym and I'm standing there watching this guy get his [ __ ] face beat in to his skull and I'm just like so I'm smiling I'm like hell yeah this is awesome like you I'm on the Stairmaster I'm like it's not even close to doing anything any sort of the thing that's similar to that and I'm just something like yeah keep doing this that's why I was saying like you know how CTE and [ __ ] is like a big deal yeah I can yeah they just need to promote the matchups like a fight people just you know they need to be able to pick a side right now then if everyone's like oh we're on the players side get one of those guys being like I don't [ __ ] like kids with teeth okay oh yeah he needs to get you have all those people turn it around [ __ ] him up sunday the no teeth liking kid guy we gonna kill him we gonna get him that's all they need to do yeah just give them aside to pick mmm people are still getting white actually let's make him to visit yeah it's a good point that's why all these like major fighting events work people who don't watch fighting they're like I don't give a [ __ ] about boxing nothing Conor is gonna have like a [ __ ] opinion it's so good I like how they're early yet am I just like jamming no Jabbar in here he didn t you i hid Neil WA hey might well I mean I guess the last thing since I've already dragged out the UFC thing we're so long you see how like Conor and Floyd are teasing an MMA fight this year yeah that's not gonna happen didn't we already talk about this maybe okay yeah probably I think we already talked about it well one of the they posted new pictures and Floyd had someone shot him like elbowing Conor and then Conor responded by posting a pictures like this is what an actual MMA elbow looks like like yet that elbow is fantasy is it but you know dude do that in in an octagon with me and watch what the [ __ ] happens he's a little chicken legs it would be so bad you just get like what laid-out up dude Jim Norton took a [ __ ] leg kick from I think I think Fedor Emelianenko he heard of this wall that's like one of the scariest fighters ever Russian dude he would do T walk out so low like you know people walk out their team like a whole squad of people there'd be like this like Russian like folk song playing it's like really scary and he just walk out alone you just like stare at the floor and he just walked out and then he just no expression he walked right up to his opponent keep it a fair fight touch gloves he gets in there just big and boom knockout like 34 knockouts some insane number yeah I want to see this guy now yeah he took a lot of watch after this I'm gonna watch anderson silva fedor emelianenko okay just yeah just go down the list anyway I think Jim Norton took a lake kick from him he's like I was I was gonna pass out like the pain was so bad he's like I got lightheaded because you get kicked and you get lightheaded knocked out from kicked in the leg first ever knockout end to a fight from not being kicked in the head that's amazing oh [ __ ] wait oh I went down hard hard hold on I went down I went down hard [Laughter] yeah well that type of power man I think you know that's why it as a skinny person I'm very humbled by modern technology since we've been talking about technology at this episode I don't have to fight for food I'm competitive yeah you're 2018 you're just now realizing that not just now but it's like you know when I'm ready to complain I'm like I shouldn't complain hmm people used to eat me back in the day mm-hmm that's the goddamn truth that's a goddamn sure getting deep anything else we're we yet good our yeah well yeah we got an ey I'm not so we're recording this early because I'm gonna Whistler yeah which is like one of my favorite places ever ritzy thing I've never been you saw that ritzy is it I always thought Whistler I mean it's like I don't know it's like nice-ish but it's not like you know you can get a house for cheap okay we're not paying that much so if I waited it's not like some Swiss Alps no no no not at all no no it's in Canada it's nice it's like dude this place honestly it looks like Harry Potter world the village at the bottom of the mountain but just like the adult version like it's like you go skiing you you know whatever the mountain closes like three or something yeah everybody's drinking and it's like this beautiful little village right at the bottom of the mountain everyone's [ __ ] up everyone's just like partying it's so dope so I mean what do you do the friends drinking there's only fun to me I mean I don't do it I go home I go straight to my place I would just sit on the wall and wait for someone have a nice conversation exactly split a banana split myself yeah call it a night yeah it out when you're up there I want you to try on some milk I want you try to find one dude yeah just like post it up on a wall somewhere just get a snap of it ha ha just like if he's just alone just like cuz that's the guy who's like on Twitter like lol people are stupid it's like they're [ __ ] me were the guys like at the party with like the little ugly face the 4chan face and you never seen that I don't think so people like just put like miscellaneous I always send one to my homie like who works in IT it's like like I wish I was at home working on my album to server no I'm I'm getting to that point man not it boon to servers but like I get to the point where like I go to the bar and I'm set the bar I'm like I don't I want to just be back like at home editing or making a song or something yeah yeah just feel like waste wasted time now it never used to feel like that yeah I would just feel like I need this relaxation in my life and it's like that's not relaxing anymore to me it's just like I've noticed dress phul how much I think about like the fact that I'm wasting time yeah I face cuz of getting older or something I've never had that feeling I've never gone out drinking or like whatever and been like yeah I'm relaxing yeah never I could be pissed drunk and I'm thinking about like alright this is what I have to do it eight yeah yeah cuz I'll get home and drink tons of water and be like okay I need to be set yeah totally so do be like that so Whistler uh you're staying with who you know Kelsey dude there's like 40 people going oh like of our friend group swinger party nice yeah exactly it's gonna be a giant orgy we're all doing to [ __ ] each other in the mountains no we're saying the digs you know staying in a house like me Devin his girlfriend Kelsey yeah very silly brother his brother going with his old friend group we all know and then like tons of people from Seattle are going got it so it's just like I don't know it'll just be fun in you know a little winter wonderland you're gonna be the guy on the wall with orgy yeah texting Kelsey who's [ __ ] a guy another no she'll be in there having her fun yeah and then she's looking back and you like just one more minute you're like take her time he seems like a nice guy I juggle with other night like I start thinking about it I'm like I hate thinking that so shitty it's a bad joke for me it's like it's never gonna happen so at least to me to you it might yeah exactly I'm kidding oh I tell you my mom texted me about our Elon Musk's song oh my god he's like that's like a little bit too far I had a I had like every once in a while like my parents are fully supportive of a hundred percent of the wall 99.8% of this should I do they're like that's really funny they're my biggest fans I love everything we do they watch the podcast everything but then said sometimes I'll do some [ __ ] or like I'll tweet something or whatever where like my mom will reach out and be like yeah I don't like that oh and that's the moment I got to actually reflect on whether or not this was good the first the first time it happened was after the Paris like massacre yeah the terrorist attack yeah and I and I did a vine where I was like I was like a fuck-boy and I was like pray for Paris haha yeah and she and and I thought it was fine and she she texted me she's like Dez this is really [ __ ] up you know this is awful like what happened and I was like it's not about what happened at all like I'm not making fun of the people that got there the victims or whatever I'm making fun of the people that like use stuff like this yeah to like put attention on themselves and she was like she was like you're right okay and I was like all right cool so I won that one and then a couple other times it's including this time she's like I think you should take it off Twitter and I was like Oh Alexis oh yeah that's the FBI you should listen to your mom dude those are those [ __ ] memes on Twitter so every time yeah you see the one from some like yes some artists or whatever that was like yo FBI yo was like basa yeah yeah almost done with this mix shaking my head and they have the text when the FBI said yet like I think those hats a little bit yeah or like y'all turn up that kick good bruh oh yeah she texted me about that one and she was like it's a little bit too far yeah like think about like people are gonna see that I was like it's kind of a good point man like I one time got [ __ ] oh you know I said this on Devin's podcast but like Bud Light asked me to take their brand deal like I did an image for them for a brand deal yeah it's me to take it down because I tweeted lax [ __ ] socks oh yeah yeah what do you think they would have seen who do you think they would have thought this is a good song ya know it's funny that you bring that up and because I had a similar feeling when I played it back I was like man this is a super nuanced joke that no one will really get I mean I got it I know people got it but I'm saying like anyone to like like your mom doesn't realize like I'm making fun of like redditors who like loved Elon Musk and like he can do no wrong and it's like they [ __ ] idolize him so but that's like a niche thing like all people here is put your dick in my wife so like they they don't get the time but then you know what I like I look at that and then I kind of and in one hand I want to be like a little bit maybe that was bad when I look at guys like Eric Andre well if I could like make out with a dude you're a sketch yeah yeah do the same [ __ ] for a sketch so then my other half of me is like no it's [ __ ] that I think it's not I just like how to take it off miss Carla Jessica I don't mean [ __ ] that towards you my mom it's a love you mom and I took it off my Twitter but it's staying on sound yeah it's awesome that you don't like her song you know now we won't my ability to get deals yeah yeah it's definitely gonna impede mine because it's on my youtube channel it's a [ __ ] lyric video that has a picture of me saying just woke up from a wet dream of Elon [ __ ] my wife that is the [ __ ] dumbest best picture I've ever put all right guys we got to wrap this one up yeah we do come to the show the Lynn show description' get tickets it'll be a lot of fun and we'll see you guys oh yeah and go watch all the fights and comment your favorite fight and if you don't like fighting you will learn to yeah oh also there's a we posted a bonus episode on Monday oh we did you're gonna patreon and it's funny people have been people we're getting rave reviews on it really really I mean there's no we're getting rave reviews yeah just a few comments busily this isn't love yeah we make fun of Corvettes trigger warning okay see you guys next week peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 302,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mns4nkX7EwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 57sec (4317 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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