Episode 84 - Discussing The Drama

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon.com slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's okay alright guys just not even skip a beat here yeah you know I know everyone wants us to talk about the drama but you know with all this focus we got a lot of people listening right now and I think we should take this opportunity to put attention on something that really matters which is okay China is using in producing a gas that destroys the ozone layer hmm and thing is it that opening the ozone layer is actually turning R Us bisexual oh okay and it's turning others straight hetero men bisexual okay the gamma rays actually are making men so horny that they're just they're opening Grindr accounts hmm they can't hold back call a Brandt actually next up as well the last person to ever try anything remotely gay would be him you know it's funny he's called Brian it's the straightest dude on the planet yeah but if even like this straightest most straight dudes like bite like you know like biker dudes yeah they're not as straight as like a really really religious dude look at him ya know none and I hear the straightest dudes on earth hyper religious men and New York gangsters mm-hmm like like a like a New York gangster to say something like suss mm-hmm but it's not even on his radar that he could sound suss because he would never ever think to do something suss yeah I'm saying like he you run up on you and be like I'm gonna squeeze the juice out you brah what'd you say I'm a squeeze the juice out you son I'm gonna juice you like an orange I'm a juice you son with two hands I'm gonna put my two hands around you a juice you bruh keep talking that talk I'm a juice you man whose hands I'm gonna wring you out two hands wrapped around you squeezing the juice out you nice and just like a pepper grinder are you finna get me I'm gonna do you like a pepper grinder son I'm a greatest uh after the races today yeah Jesus Christ you might have to talk directly on it you see how I'm like yeah what like he might have to I don't know it's weirdly it's a little bit echoey now or something with the compression maybe I just have to get used to it ya know I mean I think it sounds fine let's turn you open post anyway no the thing is yet because they'll tell they're there they don't want to be gay yeah because it's like a it's like a you know like like growing up I guess it's frowned upon or whatever right right in there like community a community right but like someone I called rent is like if I do anything gay I'll burn in hell for eternity yeah I'm gonna get tortured yeah so that's what I'm saying like cold Brant someone got to have some sweet dick to make you exactly dude I'm saying maybe that I'm just imagining a [ __ ] like okay there's this scene from [ __ ] Tom and Jerry where I forget which was the Jerry's the mouse right yeah yeah yeah Jerry's running around and there's a there's a female cat she's protecting Jerry okay cuz Tom keeps trying to get him and then the female holds Jerry to her to be like stay away from him and she kisses him she wasn't at her eyes like the start like radiating like with like psychedelic colors okay because she got a taste of him and then she's like mmm starts kissing it more so and Jerry's like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] is gonna eat me so he like slips out and he runs away and it's Tom and the girl cat chasing Jerry around so it's like she totally did a 180 like that what's well what happened to call the brand god forbid here no no no that's that's that's the [ __ ] girl the fine husband I'm sorry I feel bad I'm seeing stars dude that's how hard I left dude no way you cuz he went to the gay conversion camp oh yeah yeah thanks is that [ __ ] definitely no yeah cuz that totally worked yeah for sure that none of us could could ever get the feel that he might be alone it sucks cuz [ __ ] sweet dude every you go on one of their videos with their husbands yeah every comment is yo they're definitely gay yeah nerds what do you know that what do you think that's like for the for the girls reading that [ __ ] and yet you know I'm saying Oh bro I've look at the whole scenario I'm like you got a man on the left who is just like just trying to come just suppress it all yeah surprise he's dying inside mhm and then she's on the right trying to pretend like I'm serving God you know she knows she's that's gotta [ __ ] with you oh yeah has to [ __ ] with you yeah why just cut him loose let him go yeah just [ __ ] yeah I know find it Cola brand sad find your Cola break exactly oh I've never kissed a penis yeah definitely not you light on fire for that [ __ ] be yourself that's that's the yeah yeah be you that's the lesson here man that's the lesson here yeah those that those dudes just need to be gay yeah and let them be gay yeah let them be gay out there yeah do your thing man suck some day what the [ __ ] you saw that dude who's like the the creator or something he was like some a rigid like important person in in terms of the concept of gay conversion therapy he came out as gay did he really yeah you can use like and now what he's just gay yeah nice gay it's like not religious anymore I don't know if you I mean you can be gay in religious but I don't not that I mean if you're opening up conversion that means like you you know not to a degree you with the sin okay I see what you're saying yeah I think there's like I think there's debate about that in the Bible as well is there I mean like I think there's like some portion of the Bible they say a man will not lay next to another man but I don't know if that's true mmm mmm I'm not an expert on yeah me neither really just folk the throat throw the info on the comments that were completely butchering right yeah toss some info in the comments just Chuck us some chuck us some little Bibles God info yeah there's a little but yeah so I mean you might still go to church but you know now he's an openly gay man hmm so my breath the kingpin is saying yeah I'm gay what is they even that camp yeah all right you you're not gonna do it anymore right yeah what are you thinking about right now dicks no yeah with spray bottle it's bad it's just like sort of annoying yeah stop dude stop okay fine thinking about corn dogs there we go too close all right a Corvette still kind of gay not - you're 50 I'm thinking about boobs there we go there we go yeah that's a straight man if I'd ever seen one and I would know cuz it's the squirt bottle guy I know squirt bottle cuz I'm [ __ ] gay [Laughter] oh alright see we talked about James Charles yeah okay so here I want to like it we might as well we might as well just like everyone else just be let this be the internet drama our talk about it yeah I can't believe James Charles ran up on you and beat you up like that yeah he did came through with his new palette yeah the raccoon eyes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he it was a it was a drive-by glamming yeah beat your ass beautiful beautiful imagine that [ __ ] man James Earl's runs up with like his bodyguards and they hold me down and he just makes me look super glam DUP and then runs away and then I just got to walk around glowing all day that be safe yeah definitely don't do that to me yeah dude down do that I really don't hold me down and make me do yo so what is it we I guess we'll talk about I guess we'll talk about the my [ __ ] yeah you'll talk about James Charles and I will talk about T foo sure you know what's crazy though is so you know the coachella ferris wheel yeah it was actually Jake Paul blowing James tall that's crazy yo didn't you give James Charles no dude I definitely did I don't know I got the receipt I don't know man you see this video kinda looks like your hair it kind of looks like your hair do you see the head it a veget which dude getting dough in the Coachella fares I didn't see it that's like an EDM drop it's like didn't like it has like that sound right as the dude pulls it wasn't it Charles in there no that was a rumor oh okay that video I got you got you got you that be bold as [ __ ] yeah seven million followers like I'm a dumb this guy for so everyone yeah yeah I don't give a [ __ ] dude may win speak to speak to my publicist I'm going in pretty got some against oral sex yeah mm-hmm Oh what year is this Oh somebody doesn't like [ __ ] yeah Oh somebody's a virgin for the head of Maybelline marketing I love [ __ ] oh are you sure I love blow just seemed pretty grossed out by this one no no not at all Oh you should kind of be chase you get them all the time yeah yeah I don't think so I think you get BJ's dude I get a good bone I don't think so man let me call your wife right I know what it feels like yeah your wife right now feels like good we'll go around a waterfall goddamn it I've been um drinking too much ketamine all right yeah so yeah dude I'm you already what is there even really to say well I want to know what the [ __ ] happened like the only the only so like now where we left it you told me all about the [ __ ] the this [ __ ] that went down James Charles we talked about if he's ever gonna recover all that [ __ ] yeah in the next five days theory that it totally reversed what the [ __ ] happened I don't know he posted something to receipts and now Tottie's taking time off and she'll come back and she says his video is a bunch of lies to be honest 45 minutes of just her video was already enough for me yeah my brain capacity maxed out that's where that's where she won like my brain capacity is no more like available room yeah you're like yeah so you're like short-term sure short-term memory store dislike yeah now it's like you know lastin first-out whatever yeah yeah poppin off yeah you wouldn't know it's not like there's often you were just a little little back in G small mousy little [ __ ] boy just a little tiny oh oh you're building the table over there oh yeah you building a little sequel table over there a little mongodb even a little little you little database [ __ ] a little a little data scientist your [ __ ] little data scientist aren't you you love dropping tables don't you when you're not supposed to cute little back-end [ __ ] boy over there just coding away Oh ones and zeroes yo props to him for making a back-end developer sound like it's [ __ ] moving boxes yeah exactly that had to have been the most insulting part about that whole video like even even the part where he he called me not a real man yeah that was whatever that part I was like pretty like I was like a little bit insulted by but like when he when he said a little back-end developer I was like oh you [ __ ] dude you [ __ ] [ __ ] for he'll [ __ ] [ __ ] who are you you're a goddamn high school dropout isn't he yeah yeah I had to study for [ __ ] eight goddamn years to have that career yeah work my ass off for that [ __ ] it's a great [ __ ] career Lee it was a senior iOS developer not the same as the back-end developer also what I want to do let's let's get to things right first of all these try to downplay fullscreen it's just some creator network no [ __ ] it's like a three armed like it's a massive corporation it's owned by [ __ ] Warner Brothers dude it was sold to 18t which is then passed off to Warner Brothers okay that's one two full screen like I didn't even know this until I work there they're a whole like corporate sales branch my focus lock up anyway we don't to get into then the other thing I want to get into is breath it's back in developers that gave your dumb ass a platform to be somebody software engineers who built your whole [ __ ] yeah I know you're gonna [ __ ] on software engineers they gave you the thing that makes you you so true you wouldn't be anywhere Dean you'd be your foot you'd be just be some annoying dude in [ __ ] Ohio still if the if like the internet wasn't as powerful as it was you just be a dude they're being annoying somewhere yeah if ever you owe it to every software engineer on the [ __ ] earth for who you are Mulligan so true hmm so so goddamn true that was the funniest part to me you just gonna [ __ ] on the the funny the funniest part is just how god-awful that whole video was yeah how do you how do you [ __ ] something up like that that bad I don't like and the guys the most are the most like ironic part about the whole thing is that he's like he's like trying to give me a taste of my own medicine by making the video like the same style that we do yeah but like he's refuting everything he's saying in the video by doing that yeah how does he not understand that yeah well how does he not understand that like I'm gonna sit down and cyberbully this dude about how he's a cyber bully makes no [ __ ] sense it's like now dude this removes them all of your credibility because you're doing what yours will you see are telling people not to do in the video oh I also like how he compared you to his brother which I don't even have to articulate as to why that's a what do you mean what did he say he's like he needs to face some backlash so you know like my brother went through a controversy I was like a nobody ever died on our podcast son or video son I love the way and I love the way that he talked about it like it's just like a like a thing like yeah that's just so he's gotta go through a couple of those yeah you know a couple notches on your belt dead guys that you film once you get through that stuff you're in the clear or a better person no it's just like you're not even that it's just like you're in the clear you just got to do that you don't change as a person cuz she's got to go through it yeah you know I'm sayin you gotta like learn pretend to learn whatever but then like once you're through it you're good you can keep [ __ ] you know burning cars and like oh oh I I honestly all right I think it's one of two things one is he no [ __ ] clue who you were and Jeff hit him up and then he goes Cody who which it was probably the funniest part of the whole thing that's when he was on top is when he goes Cody who mm-hmm then he sees you're talking [ __ ] and he goes like his eyes get red but he didn't really like process what any of what you've said he's like almost almost smoked dis dude cuz like he'd know he's seen he back when [ __ ] we did keep you dick fat did he watch it yes I talked to some kids that lived in the team tan house and there in each party and ya know he knows he's seen all the truth no he definitely knows who we are yeah all right definitely you but yeah so I guess that next is that it just doesn't seem like he thought through any of what he was gonna say and if he did that's [ __ ] sad mm-hmm if that was him being prepared of it what I mean it couldn't have been I don't think I don't think no I don't think there was a single sentence like a like a full sentence in that whole video no like it really no okay it that well I was like chuckling I was like holy [ __ ] this is one of the situations where you're like alright form an opinion you can't form an opinion in 17 minutes I'm gonna braise a animosity and you know you know spreading negativity and the youth some of the little more are so not animosity and moss what's the present form of anima animus is and you know it's negative and I don't actually support the spreading my thoughts and thought processes and ideas that share animosity I don't know that the whole like it just it's been a weird [ __ ] week yeah I'm sure it's been a bizarre week like just from going from zero to like then going on this show yeah ain't coming and talking about on the podcast that's their orders being like that sucked yeah and then what happened afterwards yeah like we were like drinking Saturday night and we're at Cabo Cantina and so had a margarita and then we gotten back home and just like gonna go to bed does your sponsor know you had a margarita and I texted my sponsor yes oberst Sam's response er he's like the job to dude it's fine they dude it's fine you can have another it's how we do and then I get home and I all of a sudden start getting tweets of being like check posted a video Jake posted a video what what yeah how am I supposed to this vlog and I go on and and it just so shocked to see like the whole thing was about me like yeah I don't think he ever really does that no I'm saying yeah and so we watch it and I'm like I don't want to watch I don't want to watch this because I haven't seen the footage yet I know it's gonna be [ __ ] uncomfortable yeah and we turn it on and start watching just like this is this is awesome yeah [ __ ] awesome the whole thing was so entertaining seven minutes is like you know saying yeah yeah and then yeah and then it's just been it's just been crazy [ __ ] like a bunch people I follow or subscribe to did a video about it um just cool to see all like everyone tweeting about it and everything and the [ __ ] yesterday I gained 90,000 subs just probably from like PewDiePie's video and [ __ ] like that yeah stick it I mean like it yeah I mean it's just like it's been cool like it's like what's up pretty well for me but it's like mmm I never thought I'd be in like a drama yeah you know saying yeah yeah totally that said it's all the new patreon nurse who came here just to hound us for that's cringe it's it it's probably not gonna happen yeah this has already said this is it right here yeah I mean the whole thing was just goofy I just didn't seem like I don't even in a way I don't even really think he thought it would go the way it did I think he thought he was just gonna say that you know maybe Ethan or somebody calls him a dummy and he just he just wave it off and then it like looks like I don't know is like he's the only phrase that comes to mind is like he's remarketing to like his existing audience right like yeah totally like he like is he's done this type of [ __ ] before yeah you know where he like you just he just wants to put a little life in his channel and so he's getting into it with everybody you know but he'd probably realize like uh me boxing isn't necessarily the way to go right I think like you can't box everyone that has a piñon about him but here's what i think i think that he got the text from Jeff mm-hmm he sees the drama going on right now and he says oh this is perfect like I can kind of capitalize off the the whole internet people are really tied up in this [ __ ] right now they want to see drama so I'm gonna confront him because it's something I've wanted to do for a little bit yeah I'll make a video about it and so that's as far as he thought he did it and then I think what happened is his editor put together that video and then and then was like hey he clearly doesn't [ __ ] upload the videos to his channel and show like that it's not him doing that it's it's someone else right yeah that's why I like the description is like his face was so priceless like that wasn't Jay Paul sitting down writing right right whoever the [ __ ] is his editor or something like that who's ever probably sent him a cut and he's like in his car so I'm shedding he watch it yeah that's fine yeah go post it yeah I can't imagine if he actually sat down and watched that video that he'd be like yeah this is like it was just edited in such a way that like yeah he would've been like okay find it a little bit more like hateful clips that to use in the thing like right calm powder yeah that's the clip you're gonna [ __ ] amuse me get one of minions it doesn't make any sense yeah you really think those things are hateful yeah where is your [ __ ] yeah what do you think hate is the cousin sane you must you must be like every single every single time you go to the comedy store you know must used to be sitting there [ __ ] angry the whole time because like that's what it is I'm not yeah you know I'm saying yeah to do oke I wanted it like and this I felt like just me stoking the fires there's no point without really funny if I made a video I was like you know I I kind of agree now and not only do I agree I think there are many people who are doing this that we need to discuss but we can't go for that we need to go for the big fish okay so let's start with Netflix okay first up the guys got bill burr okay he has three videos on Netflix three videos talking about other people he talks about the president he talks about he starves about Hillary okay he makes fun of her losing that's not nice okay she put in a very good effort that's not fun that's not funny at all is this the message we want to be sending to people make fun of people who put in presidential campaign effort he says this is what I'm saying yeah it's harvesting animosity exactly yeah and it's the youth yeah are growing up right and they're seeing this and so all of a sudden now they're it's it's it's almost in like it's harvesting like negative thoughts and did I say animosity next up on Netflix let's guy Joe Rogan I don't he's got two videos on here one of them's kind of old this one is new and I don't know how you have this much hate in your heart he uses the B word the F word they don't even put the dolphin noise over there just go through every comedy special ever row the the the I mean the best part is that when I say I mean I hate minions the only person that likes minions is my mom and then it clips back and he goes he's just a ball of hatred I know yeah making sure called says ball of hatred dude the that to me was like the editor didn't want to sit through all your videos yeah you say I'm not I'm not gonna exactly yeah exactly gonna look at the ones that say Jake Paul and try to I think if anyone were to like review the work yeah if there was just another person that chained and watch that video you would have been like to do a little bit more like this is gonna like backfire like do a little bit more I was don't take you can take clips out of context and make me seem shitty like yes didn't do it dude I was chuckling the best one would have been the Skippy video all they look at him makes fun of virgins that's people that's people's right this one would have been [ __ ] lily ponds video where I started off by saying she sucks like I'm like God she sucks ass something like that which I go back and watch I'm like that's a little bit harsh they could have taken that clip yeah you know he's listening right oh yeah next time we're gonna do the follow up yeah dude when I saw the cameraman I was laughing because in my mind I'm thinking Raj can his brother they've been training boxing and MMA this cameraman is to be I'm thinking of like they're these dudes that had like a travel vlog channel that used to come in a full screen all the time and they'd walk in there like carrying their red like they would vlog with a red and they were like some like almost like that production company buff nerds like they were like kind of like those dudes like you know rugged camera dudes I'm thinking like oh that's the type of dude this camera man is gonna be because the way you described it to me I'm thinking it's like Jake and a goon and they're like yeah you [ __ ] cyberbully I see him he's just a pissed off we me I started [ __ ] dying laughs yeah yeah yeah that doubt that's who was stink-eye me the whole time yeah dude he totally seized up in there he taught you was totally afraid like he totally like change his opinion I'm like where where did you do that what kids dude the whole thing is just like like I ought to be a to be candid I think the whole thing was sad yeah I watched that whole thing I'm like this dude is down bad but he's reaching reaching I know and then for the next video to be confronting wolves an but even that I I watched that because I'm like did he do it in the same stand it was like you know he was gonna be in little hands music video and all that and there's just like a there's like a palpable desperation in his voice like and I can't describe it there's just something off like like three months three four months ago before like the desi boxing situation like you see him and he'd be like really animated like he's palm play he's confident like yo what's up guys it's Jay Paul it's everyday bro like he's got that whole speech and he plan and then now like between the video he did on you and that little Zen video he's like he's like weirdly apologetic in the little damn video he goes I'm okay my goals for this year are of no drama stop cyberbullying it's like he read a ton of comments and is like okay I'm gonna do whatever makes you guys happy later you know I'm saying no I totally I think it's like what happens when there's like this they're just kind of like well I don't know what that there's no theme there's no like whatever like they both had their shtick before rash dick was daily vlogs mm-hmm they both had their thing being maverick Jake Paul ur dick Paul rats every day bro and that's it they repeat and it's like I'm just gonna do this every day there's a routine and we're gonna grow this [ __ ] mm-hmm now it's like what the [ __ ] is it now you know they I think they just both are in this like weird identity crisis were just like what I'm a caster I'm a I'm a I still vlog but it's not every day bro it's it's every third day yeah sometimes it's not a vlog sometimes yeah you know I'm saying and so just like what who am i anymore I don't know that and like there are at least Jake's audience for cherski was like a lot younger yeah and you know and and I don't know how much I could say I don't want to name names but somebody we work with has told us that working and that demo is tough because they age really quickly and it can even be as matter like it can just take a year or two and you'll lose like 20% of your audience because like they that's how fast kids like just evolved for like yeah change yeah you know oh it could take like just you know a few kids it like a little bit older than them to be like you like Jake Paul you're a [ __ ] cornball no no no I don't I don't like Jake yeah yeah that type of [ __ ] so yeah I definitely think and you know Jake to his credit as he tries to shield against that right like with team 10 like he's got he's got a whole [ __ ] family living in that mansion crazy yeah I just learned that and you know team tens all kids now mm-hmm but you know I felt like team ten was also kind of dependent on his success you know I don't know I think he's in a tough spot like for I was that was my first reaction well you told me that I'm like damn Jake's coming for Cody he's out of [ __ ] yeah like he's out of target I got no one left yeah you know cuz because Atlit I feel like him that's the dream you know I'm saying outside of [ __ ] even everybody like commentaries out of YouTube is like wow I hope he comes down here and [ __ ] just spits on my channel a little bit yeah that'd be that'd be beautiful that's true that's a good point because before that he was above that yeah everybody and their mom but I think that's what it was every everyone would always make a video about him and he's our hunk of a [ __ ] yeah and he showed that he gives a [ __ ] and that was just like the armor falling off yeah that's true I think that's where he really [ __ ] up yeah everyone's like oh you're a [ __ ] actually yeah wow you went to the haircut show yeah and but that's that's a really good point that's a good way of looking at just you don't say yeah cuz it started that's how I started to feel for me I'm like wow you drove all that way and you said you stood down there acting crazy and all that just to go in there like to fumble your words bro what happened to none of that was there yeah well that bravado none of that yeah so that's what it means the same thing it's the same thing he's trying to figure out what the [ __ ] to do and so he's like okay maybe I got it maybe I gotta fight negativity maybe that's the thing yep you know I'm not up here anymore kind of back down on earth so now I gotta like maybe maybe this is gonna be my thing I'll fight negativity and whatever okay I'll face these people now yeah yeah it's like yeah yeah I mean it's just is what I was saying about James Charles in the last podcast like Logan I don't know Paul Jake [ __ ] him whatever yeah they're all the same I'm he's he's a young dude and and he's figuring himself out in front of millions of people yeah that's gotta swipe a to be all dude you already know we are exactly pieces of [ __ ] Canadian pieces of [ __ ] what will me I don't put me in that category so where you from again I don't feel like we kind of have to now what I feel like we should tell him really I was gonna tell him like this yeah that was actually a blunder on my part but like I actually like misspoke I wasn't like revealing anything yeah but you might as well tell him okay what's do an ad read 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you now that I'm in a healthy happy relationship I'm much happier than when I was you know quote unquote a fuck-boy yeah I don't know if I should be insulted that it says that in the market I mean they called me a [ __ ] B let's be let's be honest I I am A ah [ __ ] penis register your old vines yeah no I know I said watch the field was like oh yeah let's talk about it thing is I'm off that [ __ ] now okay I've deleted inge because that's what makes it great it's the dating app that's designed to be deleted it's great there's icebreaker prompts that let you show off your personality that are really great it's likes you know like where do you want to travel and stuff like that it's cool it gets you lets you get to know personal like right away changes award-winning award-winning algorithm matches you with people you're most compatible with let him know how your date went so they can match you with better people in the future dates are rated respectful over 99% of the time 3 or 4 users say they want a second date which is pretty good odds it's great so I you know there's a lot of fish in the sea go fishing I just made that up that's just that's a great slogan it's the fastest-growing dating app in the US guys hit the app store download hinge you won't regret it ok find some love okay okay okay so Cody could've loved a little bit but it's fine because we were gonna say it anyway mm-hmm we can say it this way so I was born in TDOT which doesn't which doesn't say anything about what you got actually at all it just you just were born there yeah I'm technically and my parents just point there yeah okay that's all it is okay they point and they can yeah they conceived and then they birthed you yeah and how long were they living there only a couple years mmm okay and then um and then I be left to the states gotcha yeah I think there you go guys so if that's actually um you know it's pretty crazy because I haven't been to Toronto since so it was like I went back when I was five after the Northridge earthquake so lived there for like we went back for like a month or two well we're trying to find any place it's pretty cool so these homecoming shows are these shows in Toronto are gonna be your homecoming show yeah how everyone they're gonna be mine Toronto's gonna be yours and guys actually if you're from Toronto keep your eyes out for a third show announcement yeah we don't we we have two shows right now they both sold out and so yeah we're gonna probably do a third one so keep your eyes out for the announcement for that yeah and it's I mean I've said this before but when people found out that I was from Toronto like growing up it was like I was called all kinds of [ __ ] I think because the South Park didn't they then South Park Rose Canadians yeah called a gay or something I forget what the [ __ ] it was wasn't it in that movie the movie they did yeah whatever it was people oh you're from you know you were born in Canada oh it's the mouths yeah yeah that's what it was people oh you were born in Canada are you you're gay like it was all white kids they would call me all kinds of [ __ ] but the most hilarious part is damn near all them kids when we got into high school in college they all did a 180 and it became major hockey fans it was the weirdest [ __ ] they like like that was a that became their whole personality was liking the Kings hmm I was like whoa I mean I don't know [ __ ] about hockey I'm just like honorary Canadian yeah I'm saying I don't yeah yeah stark you've gone oh go ahead I just don't get like being a fan of the Kings yeah like a lot of people I follow like gute like go to the games all the time I just like I understand like if you're in like growing up in Calgary it's like cold all the [ __ ] time yeah there's people playing hockey on like frozen ponds and [ __ ] like that playing street hockey all the time it's part of the culture it's like the city's pride yeah people where like people you know flames flags out of their cars and stuff like that but the Kings never [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is into hockey here like with it who the [ __ ] goes from the beach to the hockey rink yeah and it's like sit sit until yeah that's a social thing I mean Evan took me to a game and I had a good time but it wasn't like you know I'm not like dying to go back you know I'm saying yeah yeah I'm just echoing your point like I feel like when Canadians watch hockey it's like like this is our [ __ ] yeah yeah you know like some like Scandinavian Viking [ __ ] where it's like this is yeah exactly yeah not a few on that I mean like got like basketball understanding cuz it's like it's part of LA like culture the glamour yeah I mean like the Hales whatever and it's like basketballs like riches associated with that and whatever bow hockey's just like a it's just like a you know it's amis as I go like a blue-collar sport you know yeah her support it's like you know I don't know like like Bing and like yeah yeah yeah yeah and just like isn't [ __ ] people up and just like you know I don't know yeah I had a had a homie who was like play hockey for a long time and like I had a loose interest mmm I was like guys I'm like seems like I just felt like I was trying to figure out who I was so I'm like yeah hockey sounds dope and then he like gave me some gear and then like I was like talking my dad about playing hockey my dad like chuckle he was like uh hmm let's see how you do on skates first like he took me to a rank and first out I don't know my dad had skills like that well he can skate yeah I had no idea and like we got on the ice I was like whoa what the [ __ ] and we think he's doing like triple salchow Sanjay no I mean like pulls up for it he's just like four just beautiful I just blinds on one leg and like this kids away like this I'm like oh god damn bruh I don't know yet hips like that dad hey he fogged in yeah he just like he just like but he's he busts down a lot to it yeah yeah he buzzed out that C on and I don't like we went like a few times I was like yeah I'm probably not gonna get to be where I need to be and he was like yeah I know this is in Toronto not how this is like oh okay my dad's like being everywhere he's been in so much crazy [ __ ] he like went to Russia for like a little bit and I forgot what it was but they were somewhere in Russia where they were taking a train from one province to another and you needed a Russian passport to be on that train m-my dad's friend living in Russia she had a friend that like kind of looked like my dad my dad's like I just gimme your passport it'll be fine he just goes on there like just holding it thinking it'll be cool and then these dudes start coming down the Train and they're checking every single person's like Passport okay like holding it up to their face and my dad doesn't [ __ ] know a word of Russian he's just like my dad's like told me you sitting there kind of like oh yeah this is gonna be [ __ ] up oh damn and he like the the dude like holds the passport and kind of looks at him and he like this is kind of not really sure my dad just plays it cool and guy just folds it hands it back to him and my dad's like I was [ __ ] myself because I found out after I think he did it just cuz like he was young and he really understand the consequence he was like if if I got caught I would have been in Russian prison for a long time hmm like some goofy [ __ ] like that Jesus carry yeah I remember this is the funny [ __ ] and this is like the first example of me being a [ __ ] in all of life he went to Russia and then it was when I was really young and he came back and he oh yeah he did that passport [ __ ] just after I was born I was like four years old and he did that too oh my god he could have been locked up like 10 years and whatever so he comes back and he had like recorded a bunch of video but there was something [ __ ] up with the like like with the VHS tape so it would play it and it would like warp the footage so it would kind of like roll it was something strange and we watched like an hour of this and I just puked from the camera movement like we were just sitting like in our living room and I didn't I was like trying to stomach it and like not show any signs and I just like booted I was you were four more years old and my dad starts laughing he's like oh [ __ ] and my mom too like he's like my footage was that though yeah man Russia was a movie my kid just straight-up booted yo man it's like oh like videos your dad at the strip club yeah like it's like well pumps Instagram story but it's your dad just like just like like dry humping a strip really that part was kind of sick honestly if you're asking me full Russia was a movie dog yo Noel good to see you homie what's good yeah your bit full you straight-up puke from the movie fool can't be my kid you've been cheating on me babe cuz this kid [ __ ] suck couldn't be me couldn't be me yeah you brought me back a Russian tank I thought that she was the dopest [ __ ] ever like a real tank yeah in the driveway drop down happy 5th birthday son no it was like a low electronic piece of [ __ ] yeah man so you know going back to Toronto crazy crazy crazy we got to go to like this there's no hockey anymore by that point but now my dad's gonna get be people the address where we live for a bit oh nice yeah let's go TP it no I'm a knock on his door I'm gonna go knock on the door yo this is my house yeah what the [ __ ] are you doing in here who the [ __ ] do you know here for get out get out get the [ __ ] out of my house fool yeah it'll be some [ __ ] the funk is Brampton Brampton yeah it's like a suburb I think is Iran Oh weird okay I think well I think my mom said like summer her family's stayed there or something hmm I don't know it's pretty close yeah yeah I don't know I don't know about the family thing about what them come are they gonna come so I wanna like watch the show I know my family I mean all my family huggers gonna come just like huh and yeah I don't know well these are like causing jokes forever yeah these are cousins I haven't seen in like 20 years yeah that's awkward so like you know what I'm gonna do like Oh what up brah good thank you like you're look you look a lot older yeah you ain't fat anymore that's crazy well the last time we hung out we were both really fat I don't I don't know I haven't seen families not that tight so whatever yeah you know what was weird to me was how how far this Jake Paul [ __ ] extended like my whole extended family text me about it independently weird actually yeah isn't that weird yeah mom all the kids in my acting class know about it everyone like that's just just from [ __ ] reading the news weekend [ __ ] like that yeah it's like what it's just how is this how does this have that much reach cuz he's a great villain from a journalistic standpoint yeah I guess great villain yeah every article that every article that was written about there's like three on Mashable and like couples week they were all like so anti Jake it was crazy yeah I mean they're just looking for it looking for any opportunity to tear this wall down yeah they they need you know whatever it's got to be exhausting being that guy who being the villain yeah getting torn down all the [ __ ] time yeah get sold got to we should talk about the tea food [ __ ] yeah honestly I was kind of I'm not really tapped in on that I mean I'm just like just from Banks's tweets that's all I really want to talk about bro you were my [ __ ] you are my family dog people eat off this [ __ ] cool yeah man it's just like I don't know man I I I've met him before he's a really nice guy Thanks he's just like the most dramatic dude ever yeah like his tweet like I don't know like to me it was like and then today he's one of his most recent tweets it was like people keep telling me to get the [ __ ] off Twitter like I'm sorry I'm so heated in blah blah blah it's like no but you should you should yeah just don't just don't and just just don't tweet about it I mean you got a multi-million dollar family you've known him for like a year just a business partner friend I get it he's a friend he's a good friend I get that you hear me back kiss him on the lips yeah kiss him on the lips yeah if he's your family yeah kiss him on the lips take a bath Nick yeah get in the pool with all the other phase brothers okay and get naked in there mhm okay I'm gonna take a picture ten years later and kiss each other on the lips yeah as well yeah I'm ready yeah yeah I love you to you baby Bubba I love you [Music] you're the best baby Bubba ever I know you'd never sue uh Steve ooh my little baby brother my not take care of you gotta kiss him on the forehead and I carry him around play days you can go to Walmart and get a family picture yeah yeah like a vlog with my new baby brother teef ooh yeah yeah the phase family vlogs yeah goddamn it bro uh-huh yeah just like so apparently apparently t food so suing them right right and for like having an overbearing contract or something like that and banks was basically like listen we've offered to change your contract like multiple times bla bla bla like missus we've only collected 60 grand from you when you've made millions here's what we offer to you all this [ __ ] and he's like yeah but like my in the beginning my contract was super overbearing and I'm just trying to protect other gamers that are coming up from signing these contracts because it's it's kind of like an industry standard now it's kind of like I guess I would see like a parallel being the music industry where someone starts popping a little bit and labels son make them sign their life away yeah then two years later when they're really popping yeah they all the labels get all the money right I think gaming is like similar sure so easy TV was like was like I'm trying to change this and I want this to be known that like this is [ __ ] up yeah that the gaming industry is the same way anyways there was a there's his brother deemed keemstar I guess and said and said teeth who wants to start his own organization that's why I he's doing all this he wants to get out so that he can start his own [ __ ] and some banks were platen was like would happen to this like looking out for the commoner and the then the Nepean home be owned oh my but to me I'm like just [ __ ] obviously he wants to start his own [ __ ] he can start his own [ __ ] and make better contracts maybe that's what he's planning on doing yeah no but tea foods like urban banks is like you what the [ __ ] happen whatever see this is this is you being two-faced man you're hiding behind your team and all this [ __ ] it's like just be a friend and and tweet me dog that's like no but like now this is another way that yeah unfortunately this is I mean I get I agree he's you call you should give you a call still be a friend you know I'm saying but like yeah but like if he wants to make moves right now while he's popping he wants to dominate the world with his own industry with his own organization yeah he's gotta [ __ ] do it man it's like that famous picture and it's super out of context it's funny people always reference this image of jay-z and Dame Dash and I forget whether interview is for but Dame is like real animated and jay-z's in the back like like just blank face and everyone uses that like that face when you buy a [ __ ] like leave Dame Dash and like go on and like kill the music industry by herself yeah and J like comments he's like actually in that moment I wasn't even thinking about anything like I was just like kind of just like zoned out but it just like the timing of it was perfect like that's because he left right after or what yeah yeah I forget the timeline but he went on to like you know do his own thing and and become who he became yeah and outgrew Dame like huge and so that's that's what I think is going on right here is banks being like and what you mean gonna leave the brand son what you mean you gonna try to be bigger than me and teef was like yeah I'm gonna do that actually huh I'm the number one [ __ ] fortnight streamer I don't need you guys to tell me I'm cool that's what I feel like I kind of feel like he's just a he's just like a little getting actual like beast you know you know he's like I feel like he there's no there's no other path for him but like being unbelievably successful yeah for some reason I just get maybe was the fact that he like moved to LA for a little bit and then like move back because he liked it like wasn't focusing do you hear what his opinion was on that I didn't watch his wrist no no no not that I mean like it was like it was like a clip stream clip that was hilarious people like why don't you live in LA he was like um yeah at least cool if you want to like party and like kind of like waste time but I need to be gaming like that's it play him he's like I need to be the best I think I need to be practicing so he's like and the internet sucks Internet's way better here so yeah it like that to me that the fact there is no like the social aspect didn't even matter yeah I'm a dear you man I hate I hate the way all this [ __ ] changes so quickly though because I know [ __ ] two days from now there's gonna be another video that that's gonna make our buzz bite our tongues and comes out as like the worst person on earth I know I want to I want to listen to his response I never said anybody never one to bring Destin I never want to get anybody get emotional because this isn't about that this is about me in this contract this contract that I signed when I didn't know any better I'm an idiot I'd never signed in the first place this three-year contract what is in this contract is so bizarre it's so [ __ ] I wish you guys could see this thing because yeah I can't even fathom it this contract basically at any point three years had just [ __ ] take all my heart all my hard work and just strip it over 49 percent over 79 percent these what isn't this contracts insane the worst parts okay hmm oh wow look at this right here for tonight competitive t fus contract the blast calm oh nice okay right on time yeah what does it say a goddamn summary in this moment that's bright this just came out or what okay the contract steaks phase will pay t food 2,000 per month as a fixed fee plus all other income including but not limited to salaries but generation in connection with the gamers services whether individually or as part of the team creator code income is 50/50 brand deals 50/50 what okay wait brand deals featuring the gamer that exists on gamer or company content creation platforms what twitch and YouTube so they're taking 50% of his YouTube and twitch income really the why the [ __ ] was Bank saying was [ __ ] if the deal is brought to the gamer by the company oh oh my god okay if he brings a brand deal to the company so he goes this person hit me up I'm gonna do this brand deal they go cool they take 50% of that if they give him a brand deal as in hey G fuel wants to work with you they get 80 he gets 20 that was that was the D that was the the [ __ ] that they collected on yeah but they said they didn't collect on any of the other [ __ ] but I think it's more its principle yeah it's the fact that they can yeah and I and like I think in T foods mind what he's doing is he's like he looked at his bank account he goes holy [ __ ] his lawyer goes yo you realize your contract they can take half of this right now yeah or 80% of it right now and he goes oh [ __ ] so he's like and he had no idea that that was the case yeah so that was like pumps first contract yeah and they he got out yeah which is crazy but he was 16 he signed his [ __ ] life away I mean what the water that what what else what what other move do you have when you're young and you got no money and you'll just want to get you making music that's why yeah you have to it's brutal that way I was actually thinking about that the other day we could we we've tracked two new tracks with the boy diamond pistols yep and yeah new music coming out soon you guys and I was thinking about that and like how much Christian and Spock both support us in terms of like knowledge experience all that [ __ ] and I was just thinking man like a little nas X's story and Co Methos een story and and all that like trying to like you hear all these horror stories of like a label right but if you're just a dude making music or a person and you're just trying to pop it's pretty like how like are you good you're [ __ ] yeah naughty is making weird it's just that's the reflex baby so a little gremlin inside you right now design that's that's the devil actually come out of my room yeah yeah we're gonna do the first audio-only exorcism yeah what what the [ __ ] what else could you do like it's such a risky feeling to be like alright do I do I take I mean this is what's is why I brought up this tweet so there's this tweet that someone sent out the other day said how LeBron grew up on welfare moved over 12 times sleeping on friend's couch no ride to school after all that he looked at Reebok exec in the eye and turned down a ten million dollar cheque as a teenager 16 years ago today he signed for 90 million Wow you gotta just know that you're the [ __ ] best mm-hmm yeah so TIFF who's having his LeBron moment exactly well now he know he would have never signed if that was true yeah he's on his pump moment oh [ __ ] yeah yeah that's pretty sick to get a lawyer and just be like [ __ ] sue him yeah I'm getting out of this [ __ ] in one way or another it's only a three year contract too but I mean that's like that's like millions of like he went from zero to [ __ ] making millions in like six months that's crazy I mean at least I barely dabble in twitch and it's it's been great for me so I can only imagine for him like how at that scale X but yo bro making easily [ __ ] 1500 km month probably but I mean there's a reason for that like his skill level is [ __ ] wild you know it like sat and watched him play for like 30 minutes no yes yeah he's amazing dudes an artist yeah he's an artist he's an artist with the drum gun yeah he paints pictures man I love watching the way he moves just incredible I've been a couple new rig do don't clapping oh yeah so tell us about the new box you box when you box yeah it tells the specs I know high seven ninety nine hundred K bro okay I don't know what the [ __ ] it rips twenty atti bro nice you know I'm saying okay smashes dude 64 gigs of RAM what do you know about it you made a face what's that face someone text someone DM me somebody um let's let's have a look see now I was nothing it ain't I'll show you I'll show you after Oh word it is it what I think it is yeah but not not as not good news oh okay yeah but damn it damn it are we out are we ass out no I'll be back to square one no no not at all he just said here's my number still a possibility though yeah okay okay guys okay I did this yesterday on stream two did one I got the info about the thing we were talking about last night you're just like oh [ __ ] yeah I can't say I'm crazy yeah yeah we did get some crazy-ass news last night we can't some crazy yes I know and say it but I want to say I know it's just gonna be I think it's gonna be a Oh like I'm all these consider I feel like it's gonna be an exciting couple months we've finished these two new songs one who's already done and others right awesome yeah we love it other ones right there mmm we've got another one that we did and writing new stuff for the shows I think like it's just gonna be I mean this is why I love just being in LA I love working yeah I mean can't work and I don't know if I don't know imma take a risk we're working on new elements for the live show that we're pretty stoked about yeah and excited too by the way we should put so what we're doing a test show like a warm-up show when it's June like first week of June first week it's next not not the next Tuesday but the next one after that yeah okay two Tuesday's from now okay yeah and we're gonna be trying new stuff and it'll be like a thing a mix like kind of podcast e / new material yeah I was thinking you tell me you tell me okay we got all that leftover merch if we just get some of it away yeah I'm fine with that like whoever shows up five bucks five bucks a pop yeah that's fine yeah just make it cheap I got so much [ __ ] much that I want I know I want to wear my own name anymore so just like I was even thinking from like the the last tour yeah yeah oh oh you mean this [ __ ] at killer yeah yeah I guess we could do that too yeah I mean bro yeah yeah well the likelihood of us yeah I'm saying yeah anyway yeah we could talk about that later yeah that's that's what I'm thinking so we'll keep you guys posted on that cheap-ass merch but yeah test show coming up also you get to hear some new [ __ ] before we take it out and we're we yet are we over no we else happen this week I mean a lot you know what I just watched that I watched two things that I'm late to when I'm finally on with the dawn wall and free solo how crazy is the dawn wall dude if you watch free solo yeah not yet but I will mother right well watch I know that why now I've heard that one is like just [ __ ] you can't like you're just like this the whole time I wouldn't even say that I think what's more a spectacle is how that dudes brain works yeah yeah yeah I don't know if you know it like heard about this but basically he like the amygdala like in his brain like has it's like things that would like stimulate us like like they're showing him like images of like [ __ ] ships sinking and [ __ ] like that like in our brain it's like oh [ __ ] in his brain it's like almost no activity mmm that's pretty fascinating it is like that to me though like that the reason why I like I am NOT that compelled to watch sad movies because that [ __ ] scares me what that concept of him like not registering like fear the same as we do because I just not like one day he's just gonna [ __ ] slit so they're just gonna happen eventually they talk about that if you can't [ __ ] climb perfectly for the rest of your life you can't no you heard the guy so Tom Caldwell in Don wall he in that film so this is like definitely a lease a couple years later right they're having a candid discussion and he's like you know I've had in my lifetime like you know 30 40 like friends slash acquaintances like die from climbing and I was like that's like way more than I thought yeah I would think in in your as a professional climber maybe you know a couple of your friends died mhmmm 30 to 40 that's crazy ratio of think about that you use the pros you know two climbers who have died at least one to two a year yeah a factor that every six months it [ __ ] hell dude that's crazy yeah but that's what I mean like for for that movie is more about like this dude's insane and he's obviously it's an incredible feat that he's doing mm-hmm but it's more about like his brain and what drives him rather than just the dawn wall which to me which is like utterly about the water survey yeah participate perseverance Jesus [ __ ] God preservation no just utter like perseverance OD animosity and animosity and harvesting negative thoughts and mom and the animals it's to me it's just like dedication and these [ __ ] guys spending years and years and years perfecting their guns EFT which he did too but like these guys have a rope on you know and it's like yeah like if we fall whatever no but we're gonna get back up and keep going but this guy Falls we can get back up there so yeah I almost say too much more I don't want to spoil it anything for you but the thing that still that tripped me out about Tom Mirta called was it his [ __ ] name Tommy how he just like a psychopath mapped El Cap like how so if you guys if you haven't seen this [ __ ] basically there's this mountain peak in Yosemite it's called El Capitan you might know it from a little thing called the Mac OS f you have a MacBook Pro you know exactly what I'm talking about okay if you're an iOS developer or perhaps a senior back-end developer you know exactly if you're a little little if you're decided a little tiny little little [ __ ] boy a little [ __ ] ass back in developers your tiny little terminal boy a little terminal little [ __ ] boy a little little console boy little terminal pay peg you know we're talking about so this dude he was like a young climber and he I forget his exact story but he just starts like you know smashing through climbs and then he gets to El Cap that's the climber climber term I wouldn't expect you guys to know it we do yeah hello kal-el calf mm-hmm so I don't think only like a few people had ever climbed it and he was like nah and he just laid he like made was it like five or six climbs by himself mm-hmm that's [ __ ] crazy just like yeah I'm gonna go to the top rappel down and figure out where you can climb yeah that's got a skew your perception of the mountain too he was the first one to do those climbs yeah that's [ __ ] crazy everyone and in the dawn wall you talk about the dawn wall right yeah yeah the dawn wall was always said to be like on climate ball that was a thing it was this one piece of rock or this one like wall on El Cap that was like basically like there's not enough holds and she liked that so he liked maps spent years mapping figuring out a route up the mountain up the dawn wall which basically is just trial and error for years and years and years climbing this [ __ ] thing over and over and over and over again to the point where they have to jump yeah it's one part yeah or like go around the long way and it take took them like months to well I'm not gonna ruin it but the craziest part about that [ __ ] movie was his story of when they went like climbing in the goose Becca Stan or whatever yeah yeah and they got kidnapped yeah I like the rebels there yeah and they he killed the guy mm-hmm that [ __ ] was pushed him off a [ __ ] mountain cause it can escape it was go time that [ __ ] was watching it like what yeah yeah if the rest of the story is not insane enough this little just yeah piece of this little separate story right just plugged right in the middle of that are you killed a dude and Uzbekistan or some [ __ ] like this movie is crazy yeah climbing is like such a different thing for him yeah it made me chuckle watching all this I'm like oh yeah dude to go to climbing gyms like wannabe these guys but mmm these fools are like really about it you find climbing like a little bit like nerd like creepy sounds creepy how how invested people get the do you know what I mean no like listen if someone starts climbing it's like if you lose them there's super tality yeah it's a whole yeah it's just they're sucked in and now all they give a [ __ ] about is climbing oh yeah man you know you could go to the gym but have you ever climbed it before you're like no [ __ ] I don't want to I think that deep I just want to like look sexy they're like yeah but it's not a lot of functional strength I mean it's not even you should get is not even that like because I I agree climbing is it's really fun climbing is a great exercise but you ever done it with a noise in the hot Sun no but it's more about like conquering nature and like being a part of yeah with your boys conquering these faces and ya know it's not a social thing I don't think no no it's you're conquering this earth with your boys yeah you win all five of you at the top with no shirts yes ready mm-hmm that's the best part I love grabbing rocks yeah with my boys yeah yeah you know what I'm saying yeah I love gripping rocks that's we're gonna help me the boys are gonna go grip rocks later you wanna come through now climbing give you I got a homie who's like Stella at climbing like in a scary way mm-hmm he'd just go climbing free solo by himself or he'll go bouldering yeah he like all like oh sorry man yeah was balled around like five six hours a word were you there with this me yeah that's that's a linking what about RK dude yeah you've been there in a while yeah what about a you know there's climbing games you can play what about a sandwich you ever try one of those is a [ __ ] dope yes that's what I mean though his climbing seems to like I feel like there's a there's a threshold where there's just the people who want to wear the shoes and look cool on Instagram and then there's like the next level dudes that are like not want to do this [ __ ] for real like this is what truly makes me happy right yeah yeah and they which is like a little bit oh it's creepy to find happiness like oh I think like there's definitely like like a serial killer element to how they add like the relationship they have with climbing like it's very like there's nothing else yes yes yes that's what it is that's what it is I want to know if you guys feel the same way because I'd like there's just feeling I get when it when someone like a girl like most beautiful woman on earth could be like I want to take you in this room and do 12 lines of blow and [ __ ] you to death and they go I got this important climb tomorrow yeah hmm you ever bollard before yeah I want to I want to grab your Boulder right now mm you what are you your rock hard right now probably aren't you tell you about a hard rock yeah yes emiti El Cap that's what we call it yeah there's a dome last year under the dome last year that's this most sus part of that whole [ __ ] full that pool climbs the dome full it's 2,000 feet that's the biggest dome yeah but doesn't that mean he got dome no fool he went on top of the dome he's hauling up the dome and then he sits on the sat on that ship full that's us dude you took a see on the biggest dome on earth full what are you man [ __ ] I'm gonna go to a Cola brand dude don't suck [ __ ] over here on that no yeah we now we're done you got to get that guy get up out here yeah where we had on extra time we're fight know where five min is over or plus five yeah we're plus five all right Messi's got to take another lap around them I don't know when our podcast became an hour and a half no no it's not it's just between the reeds that additional time and no but it's a soccer match it's fun it's fun [ __ ] hungry you know it's this [ __ ] dude this so I mean fast yeah so like around around 11:00 a.m. it I got him on a subject I'm about to squeeze another six minutes out of it okay go ahead intermittent fasting go ahead yeah I actually meant to talk about this earlier oh okay here read that oh hell yeah dude so it's it so I've been like obviously some of you do this too but I've been on you know I've been on this workout grind recently and it's been three three three weeks in a day or something like that that I've been going to the gym like every single day I've been intermittent fasting and it's great I've lost like six pounds already or something like that and I'm starting to get muscle back and [ __ ] like that but yeah yeah I know right I know but what the [ __ ] was I even saying yeah yeah but but around 11 a.m. as 12 is when I start eating and around 11 a.m. is when I start becoming like off yes looking at the clock every five seconds Oh so yeah bro let's let's check health real quick cuz actually I do get this question a lot from dying okay about my classroom yeah so I dropped dese there's actually better than I thought like I finally got my old number so I'm better right but it wasn't like as dramatic as I wanted it to be and granted tour I I've been eating a [ __ ] ton of red meat there's that no it's just it was mainly more about like I was going way over like when I was lifting when I was lifting and eating crazy I would get like that bottom shelf like beef patty like those four beef patties from Trader Joe's I would throw three of those in a pan and that would be my breakfast that and eggs and rice and like hell of butter and oil I would just like that was meal one and I was putting down you know 2500 3000 calories a day it was like [ __ ] calories so that's what spiked it so now I've just been eating a [ __ ] ton a red meat and all that but I cap it at a hundred percent daily value for cholesterol mmm so it's like capping it works because it's no cap you know nice when I was lifting before was no cab now yes cat now you're capping yeah so I'm like on a calf lift right now so whatever so that's cool so now I suppose to get an MRI this morning I'm just trying to make sure I don't have like nerve damage mmm and if I'm gonna get back in it and I'm like stoked but yeah I woke up too late so it's been [ __ ] awesome besides just that feeling you get like two weeks in when you're finally [ __ ] in it yeah and all you want to do is go to the gym Italy that's all you got to do is get through that [ __ ] first week or two or you're like lethargic and you're gonna make yourself go but then after that it's like [ __ ] I look forward to it I feel pumped to go to the [ __ ] gym I love seeing all the people that I see there yeah I love I love seeing the results and [ __ ] like that's awesome do you through that [ __ ] do you feel like lifting sometimes makes you less funny mmm did we get that feel it's hard for me to get less funny not like that like you think about funny [ __ ] less cuz I know I think more when I'm at the gym do you I find when I'm lifting I get on thing about food so no I don't ever think about funny [ __ ] it's like the shower for me word okay yeah no I don't get I'm trying to counter figure that part out if I got it like meal prep or some other [ __ ] so it's just out of my hair that's something not fine so I'm on me I might start meal prepping I also [ __ ] weed you know I talk about to that first two weeks and stuff like that but like for me that now moving forward the the it's gonna the issue for me is gonna have to like how you're gonna have to be how I like make it a lifestyle thing mm-hmm like how I continue this and like I want to be in shape for like a year yeah not go through this [ __ ] there's someone someone commented on my show one time they're like your weight fluctuates worse than something funny I forget what it was but I'm like Dido totally does cuz I just I'm just mmm you know I don't know what it is maybe it's like the addictive personality or something but it's like I go through these waves where I'm like totally off and then I'm [ __ ] on yeah I'm sticking to my [ __ ] and I get in shape real good for like a month and then I'm off and then whatever I don't know how to [ __ ] you know I'm just flat toe and just stay in shape I'm just pissed though like the first time in ever where I'm like solid and like happy with like how I look and [ __ ] I trigger all these terrible things like why [ __ ] [ __ ] on my cholesterol and somehow [ __ ] up my neck dude the shooting pains I get are insane really yeah like it's debilitating still still yeah oh that's why did you skip the MRI then I just wasn't gonna make it in time okay like the other day I worked out I try to like get back on it and I and I I do like a mixed workouts like some light chest and shoulders stuff and I worked out like I was afraid to do shoulder work but I like did a little bit and it was cool and then like two days after I just have shooting pains like down my triceps and I can't sleep and and it's it's just advil isn't doing a [ __ ] no no it's like worse doubts and it does nothing so I got to see what's up but it I'm like jealous dude I want to get back in it I might just start doing a little cardio just to feel like I'm yeah yeah that's great man you should definitely try to stick to it until we go on the road and that all goes out there working yeah yeah and then it's [ __ ] it cuz we're in Canada poutine baby everyday bro went when I see people working out on tour now I'm like and per hats off dude yeah I know that's commitment yeah even the few times that we did it like in the last one it was like later on on stage I was like god damn I'm pretty tired yeah you tell you used all my energy earlier because you're not going to get the calories in that probably takes a lot of [ __ ] practice working out and then performing mm-hmm well takes a lot of like performance well even even the way Tom will [ __ ] unload a shitload of equipment do all that go run shower and then stand then yes and yeah so whatever all right guys tiny meat or calm tickets be on the lookout TMG pod calm shirts one meatspin calm spinning spinning yes spinning me yeah what if we just with reddit.com don't go there don't go there yet never been on this has never been on it so I don't even know what it is youtube.com/scishow Tuco we should take all our tour income and buy meat spin like instead of like investing in something smart we should just take the one bit of fortune we have after like three years and so what you guys do with all that money we bought meets pence or now the proud owners it's just our heads and dick traffic tanks what if we do tiny meets bin it's like it's what like a it's just as small as a smaller version of the gif the original gift but it's just smaller and then it's our faces on the nutsack I like that alright alright guys see you next week please love you
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 931,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 80min 36sec (4836 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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