Greedy Vs. Wholesome Twitch Streamer

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when it comes to streamers I feel like there's two different types there's this type I don't know a whole speech about how I need subs and to get this stream going if you like the content blah blah blah how that results in zero subs there are regulars here $5.00 a month how are you have hours of time to watch me and not five dollars I don't know what are you doing with your life where you have hours of time to watch twitch and not five dollars to provide for the content that you're watching and then there's this time wait that someone gives some subs yeah he doesn't have to can I um give that money back kara is there any way I can give the money back are you to Andrew once again I'm telling you though ease don't have to sub like he's down hefty you can't watch the stuff for free like this is the best thing you can do oh Ken he's like hold on to your fellows money win the myths over lockdown use it on your family not me what we should donate butter means out don't worry about the donation but I've just come to watch thank you when they're contributed to getting us to this point an hour an hour stream if you were to choose one which would you be hopefully you'll make the right choice [Music]
Channel: Sweeneytv
Views: 5,154,444
Rating: 4.9620919 out of 5
Keywords: sweeneytv, wholesome twitch streamer, wholesome twitch, wholesome moments, broxh_, broxh, broxh wholesome moments, greedy twitch streamer, wholesome twitch streamer BROXH, broxh being broxh, who is broxh, Streamer gets laughed at in public, Greedy Streamer vs Korone, The Greediest Streamer on Twitch
Id: CGLoLyk3vV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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