Enshrouded - Ultimate Ranger Guide and Build. Updated for the new patch

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hello and welcome back to broadside Gaming With Me Zug so the first major patch has dropped and it has somewhat nerfed the healing aura that we pretty much ran on every character so with that Nerf it's time to take another look at the Ranger and see how we can get around it and how we can build from there so let's jump in so I'm going to do this kind of how you want to do it as you're leveling um I will give some other options if you've already leveled up but I I'll go through this as if you were leveling from scratch so to start off with we're going to be jumping into the ranger tree because that is what we are to start uh we're taking dexterity into Marksman into Sharpshooter into skill shot which is head shot damage multi-shot and into Ranger this Ranger node here is one of the most important ones we can pick up because not only does it give us plus two to urance and dexterity plus five stamina recharge it gives us us five crit chance and five crit damage 5% I should say and that isn't just ranged that works towards our melee as well so this is a very powerful node so once we've grabbed this uh I should also add though with multi-shot it does use your reservoir of arrows in your bag the extra shots are not free so just make sure you carry more arrows than you think you'll need so after the ranger tree we're going to jump in to the Assassin tree you're going to grab dexterity into Airborne into endurance into sniper this is going to give us an increased 10% crit chance of our ranged weapon we're going to grab blessed Arrow we don't want this point but we do want the dexterity behind it we're going to grab Vitality surge because we want the stamina back we are going to need a lot of stamina and then we grabbing the dexterity node behind that as well so that's pretty much what we're starting off and I would suggest if you are leveling and following this build you grab these next four nodes before moving on to anything else which would be strength jump attack double jump and jump attack two you mostly want this with jump attack early on uh double jump sorry early on because double jump is an extremely powerful ability to help you navigate around the world as most things you're going to need to get above to drop down to and so on but if you don't want to do that you don't have to uh after this we're going to be moving into the warrior tree and the Barbarian tree we're going to grab power Parry which increases the enemy stun bar gain on Parry attacks so while equipped with a shield you press the right Mouse button to block what a well time block will Parry the attack now generally I use an ethereal Shield you can use a physical one if you want to but I just prefer using the these because they give you uh 10% shroud damage resistance which helps a lot later on in the end game and also they look really cool then we're grabing merc's attack perform a merc's attack by pressing e to deal massive damage to an enemy you've overpowered overpower to overpower an enemy fill their stun bar by attacking while they're blocked or by parrying their attacks you're just trading blows at that point and uh merc's attack is just a free lump of damage especially later on where things have a lot of block or massive Shields then we'll be grabbing Constitution and shiny plates evasion attack and battle heal battle heal is very important to get as soon as you can because it will heal you for 5% of your maximum health when you deal critical damage with a melee weapon I should say this doesn't work with a bow although I have seen it work with a bow that is probably just a bug so don't expected to work with ranged attacks and then we're going to come over here into the warrior tree this is going to be where we get all of our melee damage from Constitution into the Warrior's path into strength into slasher into butcher into veteran then we're going to get Swift blade and then into Constitution and grabbing both these nodes here Constitution and strength then from there we just start filling up in the Barbarian tree into strength heavy-handed strength Constitution breach and shock wve so when we overpower an enemy it triggers a shock wave and this is the same sort of thing we do with mercus attack and over here on athlete we've already grabbed these so we're going to be grabbing strength vigorous deflection to give us 30 stamina when we Parry Constitution and strength and then last but not least we're going to be finishing off in the Survivor tree with Runner endurance wonderlust good metabolism and rebound rebound is incredibly powerful because it increases our base stamina regeneration by 50% we are not very tough so we are going to need to dodge a lot and speaking of Dodge I saved this for last but you shouldn't sorry I didn't plan that out very well but grab this when you can we are going to grab three magical nodes Arcane deflection we don't care about this this is just getting us to where we want to go blink we're going to be taking blink and emergency blink as soon as you come down here to get evasion attack you'll be grabbing these three skills this now changes your Dodge to the Mage Blink from World of Warcraft and not only does that the emergency blink allows us to dodge out of the way while we're stunned this is incredibly powerful and also looks really cool and with all of the athlete and Survivor tree skills we have we have the ability to dodge around an awful lot and you can see there the speed at which we regen uh regen our stamina so we're going to go over weapons armor and whatnot now so let's just get down to the basement that's not the basement and I shall show you a few armor sets and a few other bits and pieces you can use to help beef out this build so first of all the bow if you can get your hands on this bow this is the best in slot Vi at the moment and it's best in slot because it's plus three Pips to fire damage that's an extra 15% uh 15 fire damage head shot restore five stamina and it increases your health regeneration by one doesn't sound like a lot but it is very good if you can't get your hand hands on an ignited bow try to get yourself a Wildwood short bow so this isn't as good but it is still pretty good because it's got piercing damage plus 10 shroud magic damage increases your critical hit Chance by 5% but what we don't want is the on hit leech 5% damage as Mana that doesn't really help us but it is still a very very good bow I mean the the difference between these two is minimal so don't think if you can't get an ignited bow it's all over use a Wildwood short bow they're very good and the reason we are using these as your main weapons as you can see here the 0.6c draw speed that is what is going to keep you alive while you're doing the end game content because monsters and scavengers and all that sort of thing are incredible L fast they will run you down while you're trying to run away and shoot so as you can see the circle filling up that is us a full draw even then it's a bit slow fighting against most of the enemies in the game but what you do want to carry with you as well if you can get one is a wolf snow Longbow now this has a more or less doubled draw speed it has a stamina cost for drawing and it has a slightly slower well I say slightly a lot slower Arrow speed but it does do a hell of a lot more damage the Longbow is for when you can get yourself in a nice position out of the way where you can't get hit where they can't retaliate and you can just snipe that's when you want to pull out the long bow and as you can see here it does increased fire damage and increased crit chance and crit hit damage it's a very good bow it's just not very good for when you have to run and Gun because you will not have time to draw this and it will drain your stamina so you can dodge less which isn't great but you should carry both of them for the two different situations now Mallet wise I like to carry an ice blade as my main weapon because it has increased ice magic damage increased cutting damage and then 15% increased crit this is a very rare weapon or at least it is for me I've only ever found one and I have done a lot of farming I've opened over 1,200 chests at end game and this is the only one I've found um another weapon you can use that I quite like sword of Radiance which is just pure crit all the way down the board or a wolf pack axe they're quite good although they are awful in the fact that it just gives Ambush damage Ambush does not work very well in this game yet so this is not something we want to look for um we can have a quick look at some other weapons that are quite good and then we'll move on to the armor uh right so there are other bows in the game but you don't really want to be using them too much like Shadow Bane because of the back stad damage and the Shroud magic damage doesn't work incredibly well at the moment so it's not a terrible bow if you have one definitely use it but it's definitely not the most powerful bow you can get your hands on but other sort of uh melee weapons you can use as long as it's cutting we've gone down to The Cutting tree so the no Nova is quite good white wolf sword's pretty decent across the board Noble sword is also very good and there are lots of other bows and things you can try out if you can't get your hands on the ignited or the the worldwood short bow now rings I would highly suggest using the Ring of endless Life along with a ring of stamina just to make sure that you can keep dodging as long as you can and as for the armor you can go for this uh well clown cupboard look that I've gone for with the de stalker Hood with Critical Strike damage and range Critical Strike chance the chest is the solders chest uh plate for the increased stamina and health then we've got the Eagle Eye gloves which give more range damage eag eye trousers for stamina and Sprint speed and the eag ey boots for stamina regeneration and stamina regeneration delay as for the shield I'm using the Ethereal plane but if you really wanted to you could go for uh the entire uh Eagle set you'll get less Health on the chest but you'll get more stamina as for arrows this is um quite an important thing when you are trying to make arrows at end game do not make iron arrows do not make bronze arrows do not make fossilized bone arrows are an absolute pain in the whole to grind for you will end up using more arrows trying to grind them then you will getting from them so just stick with copper arrows the damage is minimal so stick with copper for now until they change the uh drop rate on feathers because it's it's pointless at this at this point in time so there you go that's the new setup for the ranger assassin you will be doing a lot of range you'll be doing a lot of melee but hopefully you won't be getting hit CU remember we can blink so I hope you enjoyed the video folks if you have please like subscribe bring that little bell for notifications it really does help us out and uh until the next one thanks very much for watching and take it easy and see you later
Channel: Broadside Gaming
Views: 2,530
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Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, legendary bow weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded archer build, enshrouded best archer build, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded best melee build, archer build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, bow, best build, build, assassin, endgame archer, best bow, enshrouded best builds
Id: Q_bcyn9u3BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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