Best Enshrouded Base Building Location For Starter Base Locations In Enshrouded

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this is my pick for the best starting location to build your first base in enshrouded the main reason for this which is this room that you can see right here it actually starts almost like this it starts less tidy and I'll show you how to tidy it in a second using this extra room that we get but one of the main reasons is all you need to do is put a fireplace in there and you are going to be immediately on Comfort level 19 without even adding any decorations of your own that's because this place will at the very beginning of the game contain things like the bathroom it will be a broken bathroom what looks as nice as this one it has lots of things already within the base that you will not have access to until you unlock the carpenter in addition to that rather large Advantage it also comes with several buildings that are ready for you to use it just requires a little bit of tidying up to find this spot all you need to do is get to the ancient Spire come to the top of it and we're going to head as you can see straight out to the West it is very much as simple as Gliding Over even with the very first glider you get in the the game it is extremely simple to reach this Zone we'll go on a quick tour on where I put all of my stuff just in case you guys want something like this a lot of people do ask for tours of these buildings which I find very interesting as we can see the first room here I've dedicated to the carpenter being is he's going to be giving us all of the house building type stuff I put this door in obviously in the back room this is where I'm going to put all of my storage lockers we can extend it out this way if we wish to but for now we are just going to have stories there I actually put a secret door on this part this usually doesn't have a door maybe I'll find a little bit better fitting later on but thought that would be kind of cool cuz underneath we're going to have The Alchemist back out front then I'm going to dedicate this one to the hunter this out house here which has the low looking roof on it I'm actually going to dedicate this to the blacksmith but I'm in general going to have all of my heated stuff out here I'll probably build like a chimney or stff or something into the hole cuz it just makes sense to me right now and then we'll have this be the Hot Stuff area I guess that's what we'll call it cuz we'll have the kill and the forge and everything and lastly we'll come to this ouse where we will place the farmer that's because this leads out to towards the farming area which is a huge part as to why this is such a handy area to have early on so as you can see I have placed my flame altar above the bridge and that's because if we go all the way down to the end of the road here I'll be able to show you that we actually get to Encompass the whole of the farm from that spot and we actually get quite a lot of the Hill there is in fact Flint on top of that Hill as well which is just outside of the borders which is pretty handy this is the maximum level flame alter and I wanted to do that just to make sure that we had pretty good space in addition to all of this we also get a good amount of this flattened area so if you wanted to flatten some of this out and build maybe some of your own land you could do that and if you guys are aware of what happens with the rake we can actually use some of these flower beds here spread them out to have much nicer and verdant looking flower beds if we wish to if you don't know why the Farmland is so important and why this is actually an extremely useful thing to have let me know down in the comments I can do a farming guide for you guys but basically it's going to mean that anything that can be farmed we have such ample space for it it's not even funny to get this base up and running if you are the kind of person like me that doesn't necessarily have the mind to build complex looking buildings like this and so you want to tidy them up we're going to go through a few strategies for that now make sure you have at least one block equipped and your build Hammer cuz you're going to be wanting those to start with what I actually recommend doing is just taking off a block so we're going to remove a block here that's going to tell us that this is plant fiber roof block which is kind of Handy cuz that's exactly what we have so we're going to go ahead and we're take a load of this off and we just basically want to get rid of all of these unneat parts so that we can fit in our own roof in a second with it neatened up a little bit it's not perfect but we've got most of the broken parts off we can obviously go into our build menu now get onto the roofs measure it up and get it placed in depending on how you feel about it you can either neaten that up a little bit more like I could maybe take some of these blocks out here if I wanted to to get rid of these sticky out bits but it really doesn't bother me too much on a fiber roof like this to get up onto this side all you'll need to do is make yourself some scaffolding this is pretty easy to do all you'll need to do is come on over to your crafting bench and you'll see that we have scaffolding there a little bit of wooden string and you'll be able to build yourself some platforms so that you can reach the outside roof note that if you want it to be a matching roof you will need to have access to Clay repairing some of this will require that you progress the game a little bit but like I said before the back bedroom has a ready sealed roof on it that is actually probably the only roof that isn't damaged in fact that one also isn't damaged so you could set up in there but I wanted to be in the main house so the back bedroom is already completely sheltered so you don't have to worry about it and you can just improve and change things as you go along one of the things that it's a bit tougher and I haven't unlocked yet is that we don't have refined Stone so I have been replacing the walls with the stuff that been recovering from inside the house and I'll show you how that works now when you first start tidying things up you'll notice that the floor is all rubbly I don't know if this is going to get fixed with patches or not this one hasn't been fixed look there's like a little bit of a artifacted thing going off here and this candle I can't seem to get rid of either there's a few bits that do need fixing or that you might have to disguise but you'll notice that as we pull this up we're going to get the blocks given to us in our inventory which we can then go ahead and reuse the issue with putting them back down is that the rubble seems to come back with them if you just try and return it to the original state so we do need to completely remove this floor and change it with something else I have decided I'm going to replace it with the Shroud wood and there is a way that we can remove a lot of this a lot faster if instead of just placing standard blocks down we decide that we are in instead going to just place in a foundation and remove it that's going to take out entire blocks you can't do it with everything if there happens to be something that argues with it you will need to do it individually but as you can see we can quite quickly take out a load of the floor and then we will want to switch to the roof instead so that we have something a little thinner and now we can place the Shroud wood floor be aware that if you try removing something that you don't have the technology for for example if I remove this bed because I haven't built this this bed myself you can see here this will dismantle the bed I'm going to leave it there for now because I don't want to build a new one whereas the one that I've actually upgraded this will actually allow me to pick it up as you're tidying up make a call as to whether or not it's something that you can replace when you are breaking stuff down because if for example like you come into here and when this first starts out there's like a bath with a skeleton in it and this kind of thing maybe wait until you can actually build your own bathroom so that you don't lose the high Comfort level as you are decorating we can do the exact same thing with the walls as well so I can place the Foundation here remove it and then we have taken away a load of the wall I'll go ahead and I'll just fill this in with the stuff that we was using before because I didn't do it specifically before I had access to this before you start deleting walls make sure you just remove one block because if that doesn't give you the block back you may want to wait until you have access to this plot but it unlocks pretty easily as well if you want to know how to unlock new build materials there are two methods all you do is progress the character quest lines or acquire new materials and that is basically the way that that works so if you have a material yet it's because you haven't progressed the game in so pretty simple to get a hold of these kinds of things just be careful when it comes to removing stuff otherwise you might end up with some holes you'll have to get a little bit creative in replacing if you are the kind of person that can't stand having little gaps and stuff in your house
Channel: Joe Hammer Gaming
Views: 38,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded base building, enshrouded building, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building guide, base building games, enshrouded guide, base building, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips, enshrouded base design, enshrouded building and terraforming, enshrouded review, enshrouded starter base, enshrouded builds, enshrouded building tutorial, enshrouded release date, enshrouded combat, enshrouded building tips, enshrouded base ideas, base building enshrouded
Id: gIXqQgF-lM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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